Class heap PA :=
Heap : Type;
HA : Set;
HC := (PA * HA) % type;
HE := option (HC * HA);
get : Heap -> HA -> option HE;
put : Heap -> HC -> HA -> Heap*HA;
extended H H' := forall a, get H a <> None -> get H a = get H' a;
HR1: forall H g a H' b, put H g a = (H', b) -> get H' b = Some (Some (g,a));
HR2: forall H g a H' b, put H g a = (H', b) -> extended H H';
Coercion get : Heap >-> Funclass.
Section heap.
Variable codeImpl : code.
Variable C : Code.
Variable heapImpl : heap PA.
Implicit Type H : Heap.
Reserved Notation "a ≫E_ H E" (at level 70, H at level 0, format "a '≫E_' H E").
Inductive representsEnv H : HA -> list Clo -> Prop :=
| representsEnvNil a:
H a = Some None ->
a ≫E_H []
| representsEnvCons a b c p P F E:
H a = Some(Some ((p,b),c)) ->
p ≫p_C P ->
b ≫E_H F ->
c ≫E_H E ->
a ≫E_H (P/F)::E
where "a ≫E_ H E" := (representsEnv H a E).
Hint Constructors representsEnv.
Lemma representsEnv_functional H:
functional (representsEnv H).
intros a E E' H1. induction H1 in E'|-*; inversion 1;try congruence;repeat f_equal. all:rewrite H0 in H3;inv H3. all:now try eapply representsPro_functional;eauto.
Lemma representsEnv_extend H H' a E :
extended H H' -> a ≫E_H E -> a ≫E_H' E.
intros ext. induction 1 as [? eq|? ? ? ? ? ? ? eq].
-econstructor. erewrite ext in eq. eauto. congruence.
-econstructor. 2-4:now eauto.
erewrite ext in eq. eauto. congruence.
Reserved Notation "g ≫C_ H e" (at level 70,H at level 0, format "g '≫C_' H e").
Inductive representsClos H : HC -> Clo -> Prop :=
representsClos_C p a P E : p ≫p_C P -> a ≫E_H E -> (p,a) ≫C_H P/E
where "g ≫C_ H e" := (representsClos H g e).
Hint Constructors representsClos.
Notation "(≫C( H ) )" := (representsClos H) (at level 0, format "'(≫C(' H ')' ')'").
(* workaround to prefere "x ≻ y" over "(≻) x y"*) Notation "g ≫C_ H e" := 0.
Notation "g ≫C_ H e" := (representsClos H g e).
Lemma representsClos_extend H H' g e :
extended H H' -> g ≫C_H e -> g ≫C_H' e.
intros ext. inversion 1. all:eauto using representsEnv_extend.
Fixpoint lookup H a n : option HC:=
match H a with
Some (Some (g,a')) =>
match n with
0 => Some g
| S n=> lookup H a' n
| _ => None
Notation "H .[ a , n ]" := (lookup H a n) (at level 1, format "H '.[' a ',' n ]").
Lemma nth_error_unlinedEnv H a E n e :
a ≫E_H E -> E.[n] = Some e -> exists g, H.[a,n] = Some g /\ g ≫C_H e.
induction n in e,a,E|-*;cbn;intros uE eq.
-inv uE. congruence. inv eq. rewrite H0. eauto.
-inv uE. congruence. rewrite H0. eapply IHn. all:eauto.
Lemma lookup_unlinedEnv H a E n g :
a ≫E_H E -> H.[a,n] = Some g -> exists e, E.[n] = Some e /\ g ≫C_H e.
induction n in g,a,E|-*;cbn;intros uE eq.
-inv uE;rewrite H0 in *. all:inv eq. eauto.
-inv uE;rewrite H0 in *. congruence. now eauto.
End heap.
Notation "H .[ a , n ]" := (lookup H a n) (at level 1, format "H '.[' a ',' n ]").
Hint Constructors representsClos representsEnv.
Instance heapImpl PA: heap PA :=
Heap:=list ((PA*nat)*nat);
HA := nat;
put H g a:=(H++[(g,a)],S (length H));
get H a := match a with
| 0 => Some None
| S a =>
match H.[a] with
| Some (g,b) => Some (Some (g,b))
| None => None
-intros ? ? ? ? ? [= <- <-]. rewrite nth_error_app2. now rewrite <- minus_n_n. reflexivity.
-intros ? ? ? ? ? [= <- <-] [|] neq. easy. destruct nth_error as [[? ?]|] eqn:eq. 2:easy.
rewrite nth_error_app1;eauto using nth_error_Some_lt. now rewrite eq.
Heap : Type;
HA : Set;
HC := (PA * HA) % type;
HE := option (HC * HA);
get : Heap -> HA -> option HE;
put : Heap -> HC -> HA -> Heap*HA;
extended H H' := forall a, get H a <> None -> get H a = get H' a;
HR1: forall H g a H' b, put H g a = (H', b) -> get H' b = Some (Some (g,a));
HR2: forall H g a H' b, put H g a = (H', b) -> extended H H';
Coercion get : Heap >-> Funclass.
Section heap.
Variable codeImpl : code.
Variable C : Code.
Variable heapImpl : heap PA.
Implicit Type H : Heap.
Reserved Notation "a ≫E_ H E" (at level 70, H at level 0, format "a '≫E_' H E").
Inductive representsEnv H : HA -> list Clo -> Prop :=
| representsEnvNil a:
H a = Some None ->
a ≫E_H []
| representsEnvCons a b c p P F E:
H a = Some(Some ((p,b),c)) ->
p ≫p_C P ->
b ≫E_H F ->
c ≫E_H E ->
a ≫E_H (P/F)::E
where "a ≫E_ H E" := (representsEnv H a E).
Hint Constructors representsEnv.
Lemma representsEnv_functional H:
functional (representsEnv H).
intros a E E' H1. induction H1 in E'|-*; inversion 1;try congruence;repeat f_equal. all:rewrite H0 in H3;inv H3. all:now try eapply representsPro_functional;eauto.
Lemma representsEnv_extend H H' a E :
extended H H' -> a ≫E_H E -> a ≫E_H' E.
intros ext. induction 1 as [? eq|? ? ? ? ? ? ? eq].
-econstructor. erewrite ext in eq. eauto. congruence.
-econstructor. 2-4:now eauto.
erewrite ext in eq. eauto. congruence.
Reserved Notation "g ≫C_ H e" (at level 70,H at level 0, format "g '≫C_' H e").
Inductive representsClos H : HC -> Clo -> Prop :=
representsClos_C p a P E : p ≫p_C P -> a ≫E_H E -> (p,a) ≫C_H P/E
where "g ≫C_ H e" := (representsClos H g e).
Hint Constructors representsClos.
Notation "(≫C( H ) )" := (representsClos H) (at level 0, format "'(≫C(' H ')' ')'").
(* workaround to prefere "x ≻ y" over "(≻) x y"*) Notation "g ≫C_ H e" := 0.
Notation "g ≫C_ H e" := (representsClos H g e).
Lemma representsClos_extend H H' g e :
extended H H' -> g ≫C_H e -> g ≫C_H' e.
intros ext. inversion 1. all:eauto using representsEnv_extend.
Fixpoint lookup H a n : option HC:=
match H a with
Some (Some (g,a')) =>
match n with
0 => Some g
| S n=> lookup H a' n
| _ => None
Notation "H .[ a , n ]" := (lookup H a n) (at level 1, format "H '.[' a ',' n ]").
Lemma nth_error_unlinedEnv H a E n e :
a ≫E_H E -> E.[n] = Some e -> exists g, H.[a,n] = Some g /\ g ≫C_H e.
induction n in e,a,E|-*;cbn;intros uE eq.
-inv uE. congruence. inv eq. rewrite H0. eauto.
-inv uE. congruence. rewrite H0. eapply IHn. all:eauto.
Lemma lookup_unlinedEnv H a E n g :
a ≫E_H E -> H.[a,n] = Some g -> exists e, E.[n] = Some e /\ g ≫C_H e.
induction n in g,a,E|-*;cbn;intros uE eq.
-inv uE;rewrite H0 in *. all:inv eq. eauto.
-inv uE;rewrite H0 in *. congruence. now eauto.
End heap.
Notation "H .[ a , n ]" := (lookup H a n) (at level 1, format "H '.[' a ',' n ]").
Hint Constructors representsClos representsEnv.
Instance heapImpl PA: heap PA :=
Heap:=list ((PA*nat)*nat);
HA := nat;
put H g a:=(H++[(g,a)],S (length H));
get H a := match a with
| 0 => Some None
| S a =>
match H.[a] with
| Some (g,b) => Some (Some (g,b))
| None => None
-intros ? ? ? ? ? [= <- <-]. rewrite nth_error_app2. now rewrite <- minus_n_n. reflexivity.
-intros ? ? ? ? ? [= <- <-] [|] neq. easy. destruct nth_error as [[? ?]|] eqn:eq. 2:easy.
rewrite nth_error_app1;eauto using nth_error_Some_lt. now rewrite eq.