From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import DecidabilityFacts EnumerabilityFacts ReducibilityFacts.
From Undecidability.H10 Require Import DPRM dio_single.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import String List.
From Undecidability.L.Reductions Require Import MuRec.
From Undecidability.MuRec Require Import recalg enumerable.
Require Import Undecidability.L.Reductions.MuRec.MuRec_extract.
From Undecidability.H10 Require Import DPRM.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.EnumerabilityFacts.
From Coq.Logic Require Import ConstructiveEpsilon.
From Undecidability.FOL.Incompleteness Require Import utils epf fol_utils qdec sigma1.
Import ListNotations.
Derive Signature for Vector.t.
Definition mu_semi_decidable (P : nat -> Prop) :=
exists f : recalg 1, forall x : nat,
P x <-> (exists y, ra_rel f (Vector.cons nat x 0 (Vector.nil nat)) y).
Section recalg_enum.
Definition nat_recalg' : nat -> option (recalg 1) := projT1 (enumeratorT_recalg 1).
Definition nat_recalg : nat -> recalg 1.
intros c. destruct (nat_recalg' c).
- exact r.
- exact ra_zero.
Definition recalg_nat : recalg 1 -> nat.
intros c. destruct (constructive_indefinite_ground_description_nat_Acc (fun n => nat_recalg n = c)) as [y _].
- intros n. apply recalg_dec.
- destruct (projT2 (enumeratorT_recalg 1) c) as [x H].
exists x. unfold nat_recalg, nat_recalg'. now rewrite H.
- exact y.
Lemma nat_recalg_nat r : nat_recalg (recalg_nat r) = r.
unfold nat_recalg, recalg_nat. now destruct constructive_indefinite_ground_description_nat_Acc.
End recalg_enum.
Lemma erase_ra_rel alg x y :
(exists k, evalfun k (erase alg) [x] = Some y) <->
ra_rel alg (Vector.cons _ x _ (Vector.nil _)) y.
- intros [k Hk].
apply ra_bs_c_correct. exists k.
apply erase_correct. unfold evalfun in Hk.
cbn. now destruct eval as [[]|].
- intros H. apply ra_bs_c_correct in H as [k Hk].
exists k. apply erase_correct in Hk. cbn in Hk.
unfold evalfun. now destruct eval as [[]|].
Definition mu_step : recalg 1 -> nat -\ nat.
intros c x. unshelve eexists.
{ intros k. exact (evalfun k (erase c) [x]). }
unfold core_valid.
intros y1 y2 k1 k2 H1 H2. unfold evalfun in *.
eapply ra_rel_fun.
- apply erase_ra_rel. exists k1. eassumption.
- apply erase_ra_rel. exists k2. eassumption.
Definition theta_mu : nat -> nat -\ nat := fun c => mu_step (nat_recalg c).
Section mu.
Hypothesis mu_universal : is_universal theta_mu.
Lemma mu_semi_decidable_enumerable (P : nat -> Prop) :
enumerable P -> mu_semi_decidable P.
Proof using mu_universal.
intros [f Hf]%enumerable_semi_decidable; last apply discrete_nat.
unfold mu_semi_decidable. unfold semi_decider in Hf.
unshelve edestruct mu_universal as [c Hc].
{ intros x. unshelve eexists.
{ exact (fun k => if f x k then Some 0 else None). }
intros y1 y2 k1 k2 H1 H2.
destruct (f x k1) eqn:Hf1, (f x k2) eqn:Hf2; congruence. }
cbn in Hc.
exists (nat_recalg c). intros x. rewrite Hf. split.
- intros [k Hk]. exists 0.
apply erase_ra_rel.
destruct (Hc x 0) as [[k' Hk'] _].
{ exists k. cbn. now rewrite Hk. }
exists k'. assumption.
- intros [k Hk].
unfold "▷" in Hc. cbn in Hc.
apply erase_ra_rel, Hc in Hk as [k' Hk'].
exists k'. now destruct f.
End mu.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FullSyntax.
From Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics Require Import Signature Robinson NatModel.
Section fol.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Section dprm.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Variable P : nat -> Prop.
Context `{peirc : peirce}.
Fixpoint fin_to_n k (n : Fin.t k) : nat.
destruct n.
- exact 0.
- exact (S (fin_to_n _ n0)).
Lemma fin_to_n_bound k (n : Fin.t k) :
fin_to_n n <= k.
induction n; cbn; lia.
Fixpoint embed_poly n (p : dio_polynomial (Fin.t n) (Fin.t 1)) : term.
destruct p.
- exact (num n0).
- exact $(fin_to_n t).
- exact $n.
- destruct d.
+ exact (embed_poly _ p1 ⊕ embed_poly _ p2).
+ exact (embed_poly _ p1 ⊗ embed_poly _ p2).
Lemma embed_poly_bound n (p : dio_polynomial (Fin.t n) (Fin.t 1)) :
bounded_t (S n) (embed_poly p).
induction p; cbn.
- apply num_bound.
- constructor. pose proof (fin_to_n_bound v). lia.
- solve_bounds.
- destruct d; now solve_bounds.
Fixpoint vec_pos_default {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : Vector.t X n) (d : nat -> X) k : X
:= match v with
| Vector.nil => d k
| Vector.cons x n' v' => match k with
| 0 => x
| S k' => vec_pos_default v' d k'
Lemma vec_pos_default_fin {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : Vector.t X n) (f : Fin.t n) (d : nat -> X) :
vec.vec_pos v f = vec_pos_default v d (fin_to_n f).
induction f; depelim v; now cbn.
Lemma vec_pos_default_default {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : Vector.t X n) (m : nat) (d : nat -> X) :
d m = vec_pos_default v d (m + n).
induction v; cbn.
- f_equal. lia.
- now replace (m + S n) with (S m + n) by lia.
Lemma embed_eval n (p : dio_polynomial (Fin.t n) (Fin.t 1)) :
forall x ρ (v : Vector.t nat n),
dp_eval (vec.vec_pos v) (fun _ => x) p = eval (vec_pos_default v (x .: ρ)) (embed_poly p).
intros x ρ. induction p; intros w; cbn.
- now rewrite nat_eval_num.
- apply vec_pos_default_fin.
- change n with (0 + n).
now rewrite <-vec_pos_default_default with (m := 0).
- destruct d; cbn; now rewrite IHp1, IHp2.
Lemma vec_pos_default_append n m (v : Vector.t nat n) (w : Vector.t nat m) d k :
vec_pos_default (Vector.append v w) d k = vec_pos_default v (vec_pos_default w d) k.
induction v in k |-*; first reflexivity.
cbn. now destruct k.
Lemma vec_append1 n (v : Vector.t nat (n+1)) :
exists k w, v = Vector.append w (Vector.cons k Vector.nil).
induction n as [|n IHn].
- do 2 depelim v. now exists h, Vector.nil.
- cbn in v. depelim v. destruct (IHn v) as (k & w & ->).
now exists k, (Vector.cons h w).
Lemma sat_exist_times n ρ φ : interp_nat; ρ ⊨ exist_times n φ <-> exists w : Vector.t nat n, interp_nat; (vec_pos_default w ρ) ⊨ φ.
induction n as [|n IHn] in ρ |-*; cbn.
- split.
+ intros H. now exists Vector.nil.
+ intros [v H]. now depelim v.
- setoid_rewrite IHn. split.
+ intros (k & w & Hw). replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
exists (Vector.append w (Vector.cons k Vector.nil)).
eapply sat_ext; first apply vec_pos_default_append.
+ replace (S n) with (n+1) by lia.
intros [w Hw].
destruct (vec_append1 w) as (h & w' & ->).
exists h, w'.
eapply sat_ext in Hw.
2: { intros x. symmetry. apply vec_pos_default_append. }
Lemma dprm_definable : dio_rec_single P -> exists φ, Σ1 φ /\ bounded 1 φ /\ forall x ρ, P x <-> interp_nat; (x .: ρ) ⊨ φ.
unfold dio_rec_single.
intros (n & p1 & p2 & H).
exists (exist_times n (embed_poly p1 == embed_poly p2)). repeat apply conj.
- apply exist_times_Σ1. constructor. apply Qdec_eq.
- apply bounded_exist_times.
all: replace (n + 1) with (S n) by lia.
solve_bounds; apply embed_poly_bound.
- intros x ρ. rewrite H. clear H.
setoid_rewrite sat_exist_times.
setoid_rewrite embed_eval. cbn. reflexivity.
Theorem mu_recursive_definable : mu_semi_decidable P -> exists φ, Σ1 φ /\ bounded 1 φ /\ forall x ρ, P x <-> interp_nat; (x .: ρ) ⊨ φ.
intros [r Hr]. apply dprm_definable. do 3 apply DPRM_1. now exists r.
End dprm.
Section Q_weakly_represents.
Context `{pei : peirce}.
Hypothesis mu_universal : is_universal theta_mu.
Variable P : nat -> Prop.
Hypothesis Penum : enumerable P.
Lemma Q_weak_repr : exists φ, bounded 1 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ forall x, P x <-> Qeq ⊢ φ[(num x)..].
destruct mu_recursive_definable with (P := P) as (φ & Hb & HΣ & Hr).
{ now apply mu_semi_decidable_enumerable. }
exists φ. do 2 (split; first assumption).
intros x. erewrite Hr. instantiate (1 := fun _ => 0). split.
- intros H. eapply Σ1_completeness.
+ now apply Σ1_subst.
+ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|n] Hn; last lia. apply num_bound.
+ intros ρ. rewrite sat_single_nat in H.
eapply sat_closed; last eassumption.
eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|k] Hk; apply num_bound + solve_bounds.
- intros H. rewrite sat_single_nat. eapply Σ1_soundness.
+ apply Σ1_subst, Hb.
+ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|k] Hk; apply num_bound + solve_bounds.
+ apply H.
End Q_weakly_represents.
End fol.
From Undecidability.H10 Require Import DPRM dio_single.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import String List.
From Undecidability.L.Reductions Require Import MuRec.
From Undecidability.MuRec Require Import recalg enumerable.
Require Import Undecidability.L.Reductions.MuRec.MuRec_extract.
From Undecidability.H10 Require Import DPRM.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.EnumerabilityFacts.
From Coq.Logic Require Import ConstructiveEpsilon.
From Undecidability.FOL.Incompleteness Require Import utils epf fol_utils qdec sigma1.
Import ListNotations.
Derive Signature for Vector.t.
Definition mu_semi_decidable (P : nat -> Prop) :=
exists f : recalg 1, forall x : nat,
P x <-> (exists y, ra_rel f (Vector.cons nat x 0 (Vector.nil nat)) y).
Section recalg_enum.
Definition nat_recalg' : nat -> option (recalg 1) := projT1 (enumeratorT_recalg 1).
Definition nat_recalg : nat -> recalg 1.
intros c. destruct (nat_recalg' c).
- exact r.
- exact ra_zero.
Definition recalg_nat : recalg 1 -> nat.
intros c. destruct (constructive_indefinite_ground_description_nat_Acc (fun n => nat_recalg n = c)) as [y _].
- intros n. apply recalg_dec.
- destruct (projT2 (enumeratorT_recalg 1) c) as [x H].
exists x. unfold nat_recalg, nat_recalg'. now rewrite H.
- exact y.
Lemma nat_recalg_nat r : nat_recalg (recalg_nat r) = r.
unfold nat_recalg, recalg_nat. now destruct constructive_indefinite_ground_description_nat_Acc.
End recalg_enum.
Lemma erase_ra_rel alg x y :
(exists k, evalfun k (erase alg) [x] = Some y) <->
ra_rel alg (Vector.cons _ x _ (Vector.nil _)) y.
- intros [k Hk].
apply ra_bs_c_correct. exists k.
apply erase_correct. unfold evalfun in Hk.
cbn. now destruct eval as [[]|].
- intros H. apply ra_bs_c_correct in H as [k Hk].
exists k. apply erase_correct in Hk. cbn in Hk.
unfold evalfun. now destruct eval as [[]|].
Definition mu_step : recalg 1 -> nat -\ nat.
intros c x. unshelve eexists.
{ intros k. exact (evalfun k (erase c) [x]). }
unfold core_valid.
intros y1 y2 k1 k2 H1 H2. unfold evalfun in *.
eapply ra_rel_fun.
- apply erase_ra_rel. exists k1. eassumption.
- apply erase_ra_rel. exists k2. eassumption.
Definition theta_mu : nat -> nat -\ nat := fun c => mu_step (nat_recalg c).
Section mu.
Hypothesis mu_universal : is_universal theta_mu.
Lemma mu_semi_decidable_enumerable (P : nat -> Prop) :
enumerable P -> mu_semi_decidable P.
Proof using mu_universal.
intros [f Hf]%enumerable_semi_decidable; last apply discrete_nat.
unfold mu_semi_decidable. unfold semi_decider in Hf.
unshelve edestruct mu_universal as [c Hc].
{ intros x. unshelve eexists.
{ exact (fun k => if f x k then Some 0 else None). }
intros y1 y2 k1 k2 H1 H2.
destruct (f x k1) eqn:Hf1, (f x k2) eqn:Hf2; congruence. }
cbn in Hc.
exists (nat_recalg c). intros x. rewrite Hf. split.
- intros [k Hk]. exists 0.
apply erase_ra_rel.
destruct (Hc x 0) as [[k' Hk'] _].
{ exists k. cbn. now rewrite Hk. }
exists k'. assumption.
- intros [k Hk].
unfold "▷" in Hc. cbn in Hc.
apply erase_ra_rel, Hc in Hk as [k' Hk'].
exists k'. now destruct f.
End mu.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FullSyntax.
From Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics Require Import Signature Robinson NatModel.
Section fol.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Section dprm.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Variable P : nat -> Prop.
Context `{peirc : peirce}.
Fixpoint fin_to_n k (n : Fin.t k) : nat.
destruct n.
- exact 0.
- exact (S (fin_to_n _ n0)).
Lemma fin_to_n_bound k (n : Fin.t k) :
fin_to_n n <= k.
induction n; cbn; lia.
Fixpoint embed_poly n (p : dio_polynomial (Fin.t n) (Fin.t 1)) : term.
destruct p.
- exact (num n0).
- exact $(fin_to_n t).
- exact $n.
- destruct d.
+ exact (embed_poly _ p1 ⊕ embed_poly _ p2).
+ exact (embed_poly _ p1 ⊗ embed_poly _ p2).
Lemma embed_poly_bound n (p : dio_polynomial (Fin.t n) (Fin.t 1)) :
bounded_t (S n) (embed_poly p).
induction p; cbn.
- apply num_bound.
- constructor. pose proof (fin_to_n_bound v). lia.
- solve_bounds.
- destruct d; now solve_bounds.
Fixpoint vec_pos_default {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : Vector.t X n) (d : nat -> X) k : X
:= match v with
| Vector.nil => d k
| Vector.cons x n' v' => match k with
| 0 => x
| S k' => vec_pos_default v' d k'
Lemma vec_pos_default_fin {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : Vector.t X n) (f : Fin.t n) (d : nat -> X) :
vec.vec_pos v f = vec_pos_default v d (fin_to_n f).
induction f; depelim v; now cbn.
Lemma vec_pos_default_default {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : Vector.t X n) (m : nat) (d : nat -> X) :
d m = vec_pos_default v d (m + n).
induction v; cbn.
- f_equal. lia.
- now replace (m + S n) with (S m + n) by lia.
Lemma embed_eval n (p : dio_polynomial (Fin.t n) (Fin.t 1)) :
forall x ρ (v : Vector.t nat n),
dp_eval (vec.vec_pos v) (fun _ => x) p = eval (vec_pos_default v (x .: ρ)) (embed_poly p).
intros x ρ. induction p; intros w; cbn.
- now rewrite nat_eval_num.
- apply vec_pos_default_fin.
- change n with (0 + n).
now rewrite <-vec_pos_default_default with (m := 0).
- destruct d; cbn; now rewrite IHp1, IHp2.
Lemma vec_pos_default_append n m (v : Vector.t nat n) (w : Vector.t nat m) d k :
vec_pos_default (Vector.append v w) d k = vec_pos_default v (vec_pos_default w d) k.
induction v in k |-*; first reflexivity.
cbn. now destruct k.
Lemma vec_append1 n (v : Vector.t nat (n+1)) :
exists k w, v = Vector.append w (Vector.cons k Vector.nil).
induction n as [|n IHn].
- do 2 depelim v. now exists h, Vector.nil.
- cbn in v. depelim v. destruct (IHn v) as (k & w & ->).
now exists k, (Vector.cons h w).
Lemma sat_exist_times n ρ φ : interp_nat; ρ ⊨ exist_times n φ <-> exists w : Vector.t nat n, interp_nat; (vec_pos_default w ρ) ⊨ φ.
induction n as [|n IHn] in ρ |-*; cbn.
- split.
+ intros H. now exists Vector.nil.
+ intros [v H]. now depelim v.
- setoid_rewrite IHn. split.
+ intros (k & w & Hw). replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
exists (Vector.append w (Vector.cons k Vector.nil)).
eapply sat_ext; first apply vec_pos_default_append.
+ replace (S n) with (n+1) by lia.
intros [w Hw].
destruct (vec_append1 w) as (h & w' & ->).
exists h, w'.
eapply sat_ext in Hw.
2: { intros x. symmetry. apply vec_pos_default_append. }
Lemma dprm_definable : dio_rec_single P -> exists φ, Σ1 φ /\ bounded 1 φ /\ forall x ρ, P x <-> interp_nat; (x .: ρ) ⊨ φ.
unfold dio_rec_single.
intros (n & p1 & p2 & H).
exists (exist_times n (embed_poly p1 == embed_poly p2)). repeat apply conj.
- apply exist_times_Σ1. constructor. apply Qdec_eq.
- apply bounded_exist_times.
all: replace (n + 1) with (S n) by lia.
solve_bounds; apply embed_poly_bound.
- intros x ρ. rewrite H. clear H.
setoid_rewrite sat_exist_times.
setoid_rewrite embed_eval. cbn. reflexivity.
Theorem mu_recursive_definable : mu_semi_decidable P -> exists φ, Σ1 φ /\ bounded 1 φ /\ forall x ρ, P x <-> interp_nat; (x .: ρ) ⊨ φ.
intros [r Hr]. apply dprm_definable. do 3 apply DPRM_1. now exists r.
End dprm.
Section Q_weakly_represents.
Context `{pei : peirce}.
Hypothesis mu_universal : is_universal theta_mu.
Variable P : nat -> Prop.
Hypothesis Penum : enumerable P.
Lemma Q_weak_repr : exists φ, bounded 1 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ forall x, P x <-> Qeq ⊢ φ[(num x)..].
destruct mu_recursive_definable with (P := P) as (φ & Hb & HΣ & Hr).
{ now apply mu_semi_decidable_enumerable. }
exists φ. do 2 (split; first assumption).
intros x. erewrite Hr. instantiate (1 := fun _ => 0). split.
- intros H. eapply Σ1_completeness.
+ now apply Σ1_subst.
+ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|n] Hn; last lia. apply num_bound.
+ intros ρ. rewrite sat_single_nat in H.
eapply sat_closed; last eassumption.
eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|k] Hk; apply num_bound + solve_bounds.
- intros H. rewrite sat_single_nat. eapply Σ1_soundness.
+ apply Σ1_subst, Hb.
+ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|k] Hk; apply num_bound + solve_bounds.
+ apply H.
End Q_weakly_represents.
End fol.