Require Import FOL Tarski Deduction Peano Formulas NumberTheory Synthetic DecidabilityFacts.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
Notation "x 'el' A" := (List.In x A) (at level 70).
Notation "A '<<=' B" := (List.incl A B) (at level 70).
Notation "x ∣ y" := (exists k, x * k = y) (at level 50).
Definition unary α := bounded 1 α.
Definition binary α := bounded 2 α.
Section ChurchThesis.
Instance ff : falsity_flag := falsity_on.
Context {Δ0 : Delta0}.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
Notation "x 'el' A" := (List.In x A) (at level 70).
Notation "A '<<=' B" := (List.incl A B) (at level 70).
Notation "x ∣ y" := (exists k, x * k = y) (at level 50).
Definition unary α := bounded 1 α.
Definition binary α := bounded 2 α.
Section ChurchThesis.
Instance ff : falsity_flag := falsity_on.
Context {Δ0 : Delta0}.
Definition represents ϕ f := forall x, Q ⊢I ∀ ϕ[up (num x)..] <--> $0 == num (f x).
Definition CT_Q := forall f : nat -> nat, exists ϕ, bounded 3 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta0 ϕ) /\ represents (∃ ϕ) f.
(* Weaker Version of CT_Q *)
Definition WCT_Q := forall f : nat -> nat, ~ ~ exists ϕ, bounded 3 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta0 ϕ) /\ represents (∃ ϕ) f.
Strong Representability
Definition strong_repr ϕ (p : nat -> Prop) := (forall x, p x -> Q ⊢I ϕ[(num x)..]) /\ (forall x, ~ p x -> Q ⊢I ¬ϕ[(num x)..]).
Definition RT_strong := forall p : nat -> Prop, Dec p -> exists ϕ, bounded 2 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta0 ϕ) /\ strong_repr (∃ ϕ) p.
Definition WRT_strong := forall p : nat -> Prop, Dec p -> ~ ~ exists ϕ, bounded 2 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta0 ϕ) /\ strong_repr (∃ ϕ) p.
Weak Representability
Definition weak_repr ϕ (p : nat -> Prop) := (forall x, p x <-> Q ⊢I ϕ[(num x)..]).
Definition RT_weak := forall p : nat -> Prop, enumerable p -> exists ϕ, bounded 3 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta0 ϕ) /\ weak_repr (∃∃ ϕ) p.
Definition WRT_weak := forall p : nat -> Prop, enumerable p -> ~ ~ exists ϕ, bounded 3 ϕ /\ inhabited(delta0 ϕ) /\ weak_repr (∃∃ ϕ) p.
Definition RT := RT_strong /\ RT_weak.
Lemma prv_split {p : peirce} α β Gamma :
Gamma ⊢ α <--> β <-> Gamma ⊢ (α --> β) /\ Gamma ⊢ (β --> α).
split; intros H.
- split.
+ eapply CE1. apply H.
+ eapply CE2. apply H.
- now constructor.
Lemma up_switch ϕ s t :
ϕ[up (num s)..][up (num t)..] = ϕ[up (up (num t)..)][up (num s)..].
rewrite !subst_comp. apply subst_ext.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; now rewrite ?num_subst.
Lemma CT_RTs :
CT_Q -> RT_strong.
intros ct p Dec_p.
destruct (Dec_decider_nat _ Dec_p) as [f Hf].
destruct (ct f) as [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (num 0)..]).
exists Φ. split; unfold Φ.
{ eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn. 1,2,3: try solve_bounds. lia. }
{ constructor. now apply delta0_subst. }
repeat split.
all: intros x; specialize (H x).
all: eapply AllE with (t := num 0) in H; cbn -[Q] in H.
all: apply prv_split in H; destruct H as [H1 H2].
- intros px%Hf. symmetry in px.
eapply num_eq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in px; [|firstorder].
eapply IE. cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch.
apply H2. now rewrite num_subst.
- intros npx. assert (0 <> f x) as E by firstorder.
apply num_neq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in E; [|firstorder].
apply II. eapply IE.
{eapply Weak; [apply E|now right]. }
eapply IE; [|apply Ctx; now left].
rewrite num_subst in H1. eapply Weak.
+ cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch. apply H1.
+ now right.
Lemma WCT_WRTs :
WCT_Q -> WRT_strong.
intros wct p Dec_p.
destruct (Dec_decider_nat _ Dec_p) as [f Hf].
apply (DN_chaining (wct f)), DN. intros [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (num 0)..]).
exists Φ. split; unfold Φ.
{ eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn. 1,2,3: try solve_bounds. lia. }
{ constructor. now apply delta0_subst. }
repeat split.
all: intros x; specialize (H x).
all: eapply AllE with (t := num 0) in H; cbn -[Q] in H.
all: apply prv_split in H; destruct H as [H1 H2].
- intros px%Hf. symmetry in px.
eapply num_eq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in px; [|firstorder].
eapply IE. cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch.
apply H2. now rewrite num_subst.
- intros npx. assert (0 <> f x) as E by firstorder.
apply num_neq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in E; [|firstorder].
apply II. eapply IE.
{eapply Weak; [apply E|now right]. }
eapply IE; [|apply Ctx; now left].
rewrite num_subst in H1. eapply Weak.
+ cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch. apply H1.
+ now right.
CT_Q -> RT_strong.
intros ct p Dec_p.
destruct (Dec_decider_nat _ Dec_p) as [f Hf].
destruct (ct f) as [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (num 0)..]).
exists Φ. split; unfold Φ.
{ eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn. 1,2,3: try solve_bounds. lia. }
{ constructor. now apply delta0_subst. }
repeat split.
all: intros x; specialize (H x).
all: eapply AllE with (t := num 0) in H; cbn -[Q] in H.
all: apply prv_split in H; destruct H as [H1 H2].
- intros px%Hf. symmetry in px.
eapply num_eq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in px; [|firstorder].
eapply IE. cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch.
apply H2. now rewrite num_subst.
- intros npx. assert (0 <> f x) as E by firstorder.
apply num_neq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in E; [|firstorder].
apply II. eapply IE.
{eapply Weak; [apply E|now right]. }
eapply IE; [|apply Ctx; now left].
rewrite num_subst in H1. eapply Weak.
+ cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch. apply H1.
+ now right.
Lemma WCT_WRTs :
WCT_Q -> WRT_strong.
intros wct p Dec_p.
destruct (Dec_decider_nat _ Dec_p) as [f Hf].
apply (DN_chaining (wct f)), DN. intros [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (num 0)..]).
exists Φ. split; unfold Φ.
{ eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn. 1,2,3: try solve_bounds. lia. }
{ constructor. now apply delta0_subst. }
repeat split.
all: intros x; specialize (H x).
all: eapply AllE with (t := num 0) in H; cbn -[Q] in H.
all: apply prv_split in H; destruct H as [H1 H2].
- intros px%Hf. symmetry in px.
eapply num_eq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in px; [|firstorder].
eapply IE. cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch.
apply H2. now rewrite num_subst.
- intros npx. assert (0 <> f x) as E by firstorder.
apply num_neq with (Gamma := Q)(p := intu) in E; [|firstorder].
apply II. eapply IE.
{eapply Weak; [apply E|now right]. }
eapply IE; [|apply Ctx; now left].
rewrite num_subst in H1. eapply Weak.
+ cbn -[Q num]. rewrite up_switch. apply H1.
+ now right.
Lemma CT_RTw :
CT_Q -> RT_weak.
intros ct p [f Hf]%enumerable_nat.
destruct (ct f) as [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (σ $1)..] ).
exists Φ; split. 2: split.
- unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds.
- constructor. now apply delta0_subst.
- intros x. rewrite Hf. split.
+ intros [n Hn]. symmetry in Hn.
apply Σ1_ternary_complete.
{ unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds. }
{unfold Φ. now apply delta0_subst. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [_ H2].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
apply H2 in Hn. destruct Hn as [d Hd].
exists d.
unfold Φ. rewrite !sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext with (N:=3).
apply b2. 2: apply Hd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.
+ intros HQ%soundness. specialize (HQ nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)).
destruct HQ as [n [d Hnd]].
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
apply Q_std_axioms.
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [H1 _].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
symmetry. apply H1. exists d.
rewrite !sat_comp in Hnd.
unfold Φ in Hnd. rewrite sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext.
apply b2. 2: apply Hnd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.
Lemma WCT_WRTw :
WCT_Q -> WRT_weak.
intros wct p [f Hf]%enumerable_nat.
apply (DN_chaining (wct f)), DN.
intros [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (σ $1)..] ).
exists Φ; split. 2: split.
- unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds.
- constructor. now apply delta0_subst.
- intros x. rewrite Hf. split.
+ intros [n Hn]. symmetry in Hn.
apply Σ1_ternary_complete.
{ unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds. }
{unfold Φ. now apply delta0_subst. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [_ H2].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
apply H2 in Hn. destruct Hn as [d Hd].
exists d.
unfold Φ. rewrite !sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext with (N:=3).
apply b2. 2: apply Hd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.
+ intros HQ%soundness. specialize (HQ nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)).
destruct HQ as [n [d Hnd]].
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
apply Q_std_axioms.
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [H1 _].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
symmetry. apply H1. exists d.
rewrite !sat_comp in Hnd.
unfold Φ in Hnd. rewrite sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext.
apply b2. 2: apply Hnd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.
End ChurchThesis.
CT_Q -> RT_weak.
intros ct p [f Hf]%enumerable_nat.
destruct (ct f) as [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (σ $1)..] ).
exists Φ; split. 2: split.
- unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds.
- constructor. now apply delta0_subst.
- intros x. rewrite Hf. split.
+ intros [n Hn]. symmetry in Hn.
apply Σ1_ternary_complete.
{ unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds. }
{unfold Φ. now apply delta0_subst. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [_ H2].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
apply H2 in Hn. destruct Hn as [d Hd].
exists d.
unfold Φ. rewrite !sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext with (N:=3).
apply b2. 2: apply Hd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.
+ intros HQ%soundness. specialize (HQ nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)).
destruct HQ as [n [d Hnd]].
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
apply Q_std_axioms.
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [H1 _].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
symmetry. apply H1. exists d.
rewrite !sat_comp in Hnd.
unfold Φ in Hnd. rewrite sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext.
apply b2. 2: apply Hnd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.
Lemma WCT_WRTw :
WCT_Q -> WRT_weak.
intros wct p [f Hf]%enumerable_nat.
apply (DN_chaining (wct f)), DN.
intros [ϕ [b2 [[s1] H]]].
pose (Φ := ϕ[up (σ $1)..] ).
exists Φ; split. 2: split.
- unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds.
- constructor. now apply delta0_subst.
- intros x. rewrite Hf. split.
+ intros [n Hn]. symmetry in Hn.
apply Σ1_ternary_complete.
{ unfold Φ. eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds. }
{unfold Φ. now apply delta0_subst. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [_ H2].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
apply H2 in Hn. destruct Hn as [d Hd].
exists d.
unfold Φ. rewrite !sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext with (N:=3).
apply b2. 2: apply Hd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.
+ intros HQ%soundness. specialize (HQ nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)).
destruct HQ as [n [d Hnd]].
{apply Q_std_axioms. }
exists n. specialize (H n).
apply soundness in H.
unshelve refine (let H := (H nat interp_nat (fun _ => 0)) _ in _ ).
apply Q_std_axioms.
cbn in H. specialize (H (S x)) as [H1 _].
rewrite eval_num, inu_nat_id in *.
symmetry. apply H1. exists d.
rewrite !sat_comp in Hnd.
unfold Φ in Hnd. rewrite sat_comp in *.
eapply bound_ext.
apply b2. 2: apply Hnd.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num, ?inu_nat_id in *.
all: try lia; reflexivity.
End ChurchThesis.