From Loeb Require Import Definitions External_Provability.
From Loeb.util Require Import Util.

From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Equations.Type.DepElim.

Import EqNotations.
Require Import Eqdep_dec.

From FOL Require Import FullSyntax Arithmetics.
From FOL.Proofmode Require Import Theories ProofMode.

From FOL.Incompleteness Require Import Axiomatisations fol_utils qdec sigma1 ctq.
From FOL.Tennenbaum Require Import SyntheticInType MoreDecidabilityFacts.

Require FOL.Proofmode.Hoas.
Require Import String Lia List.

Import ListNotations.
Open Scope string_scope.

Mostowski Modification

Section ExternalMostowski.

    Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
    Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
    Existing Instance full_operators.
    Existing Instance falsity_on.

    Variables pei: peirce.
    Variables göd: goedelisation.

Mostowski Modification for External Provability Predicates

    Instance eqdec_funcs : EqDec PA_funcs_signature.
    Proof. intros x y; decide equality. Qed.

    Instance eqdec_preds : EqDec PA_preds_signature.
    Proof. intros x y. destruct x, y. now left. Qed.

    Lemma encoding_ineq T n:
      (forall φ, In φ Qeq -> T φ) -> n <> g -> T ¬(num n == num (g )).
      intros HT Hφ. eapply WeakT.
      - apply (list_theory_provability Qeq).
        specialize (Qdec_eq (num n) (num (g ))) as HQdec.
        assert (Qeq (num n == num (g ))[fun n => num 0] \/ Qeq ¬(num n == num (g ))[fun n => num 0]) as [Heq|Hneq].
        apply HQdec. intros _. solve_bounds.
        + cbn in Heq. repeat rewrite num_subst in Heq. exfalso. apply Hφ.
          eapply Σ1_soundness in Heq.
          Unshelve. 4: exact (fun _ => 0).
          2: now constructor.
          2: { solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
          cbn in Heq. now repeat rewrite nat_eval_num in Heq.
        + cbn in Hneq. now repeat rewrite num_subst in Hneq.
      - eauto.

    Definition mostowski_mod prov := prov ¬($0 == num (g )).

    Lemma mostowski_consistency_sentence prov T:
        (forall φ, In φ Qeq -> T φ) -> T ¬(mostowski_mod prov)[(num (g ))..].
        intros HT. eapply WeakT.
        - apply (list_theory_provability Qeq). fstart.
          unfold mostowski_mod. cbn. fintros "[Hpr Hineq]".
          rewrite num_subst. fapply "Hineq". fapply ax_refl.
        - eauto.

    Lemma mostowski_weak_repr prov T:
      ~T -> (forall φ, In φ Qeq -> T φ) ->
        (forall φ, T φ <-> T prov[(num (g φ))..]) -> (forall φ, T φ <-> T (mostowski_mod prov)[(num (g φ))..]).
      intros HConsistent HT Hprov φ. split.
      - intros Hφ. unfold mostowski_mod. cbn. apply T_CI; first firstorder.
        rewrite num_subst. apply encoding_ineq; first easy. enough<> ).
        { rewrite inv_fg in H. rewrite (inv_fg ) in H. congruence. }
      - intros HM. unfold mostowski_mod in HM. cbn in HM.
        apply Hprov. now eapply T_CE1.

There exists a sound external provability predciate for which a the consistency sentence is provable
    Lemma ext_prov_modus_ponens_counteraxample (ctq: CTQ) T:
      enumerable T -> Sig1_sound T -> (forall φ, In φ Qeq -> T φ) -> exists prov, sound_prov_pred pei göd T prov /\
        T ¬prov[(quine_quote )..].
      intros HEnum HSound HIncl.
      destruct (ex_prov_T ctq göd HEnum HSound HIncl) as (prov & HΣ1 & Hrepr1 & Hrepr2).
      unfold ext_prov_pred in Hrepr1. destruct Hrepr1 as (HprovB & Hrepr1).
      exists (mostowski_mod prov). repeat split.
      - unfold mostowski_mod. solve_bounds; first assumption. apply num_bound.
      - apply mostowski_weak_repr.
        + now apply Sig1_sound_consistent.
        + assumption.
        + intros φ. unfold quine_quote in Hrepr1, Hrepr2. split; first apply Hrepr1.
          apply Hrepr2.
      - apply mostowski_weak_repr.
        + now apply Sig1_sound_consistent.
        + assumption.
        + intros φ. unfold quine_quote in Hrepr1, Hrepr2. split; first apply Hrepr1.
          apply Hrepr2.
      - now apply mostowski_consistency_sentence.

    Lemma mostowski_strong_sep prov T:
      ~T -> (forall φ, In φ Qeq -> T φ) ->
        (forall φ, T φ -> T prov[(num (g φ))..]) -> (forall φ, (T ¬φ) -> T ¬prov[(num (g φ))..]) ->
        (forall φ, T φ -> T (mostowski_mod prov)[(num (g φ))..]) /\ (forall φ, (T ¬φ) -> T ¬(mostowski_mod prov)[(num (g φ))..]).
      intros HConsistent HT HProv HnegProv. split; intros φ.
      - intros Hφ. unfold mostowski_mod. cbn. apply T_CI; first firstorder.
        rewrite num_subst. apply encoding_ineq; first easy. enough<> ).
        { rewrite inv_fg in H. rewrite (inv_fg ) in H. congruence. }
      - intros Hφ. unfold mostowski_mod. cbn. rewrite num_subst.
        apply T_II. specialize (HnegProv φ Hφ). fapply HnegProv.
        eapply T_CE1. eapply T_Ctx. eapply contains_extend1.

End ExternalMostowski.

Section ProofPredicateMostowski.
    Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
    Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
    Existing Instance full_operators.
    Existing Instance falsity_on.

    Variables pei: peirce.

Mostowski Modification for External Proof Predicates

    Instance eqdec_funcs' : EqDec PA_funcs_signature.
    Proof. intros x y; decide equality. Qed.

    Instance eqdec_preds' : EqDec PA_preds_signature.
    Proof. intros x y. destruct x, y. now left. Qed.

    Definition impl_dec:
        forall φ ψ, {τ & ψ = φ τ} + ({τ & ψ = φ τ} -> False).
        intros φ ψ. destruct ψ.
            - right. introsHτ]. congruence.
            - right. introsHτ]. congruence.
            - destruct b0. 1-2: right; introsHτ]; congruence.
              destruct (dec_form _ _ _ _ φ ψ1).
                + left. exists ψ2. congruence.
                + right. introsHτ]. apply n.
                  destruct b; eapply form_inv in Hτ as []; congruence.
            - right. introsHτ]. congruence.

    Variables göd: goedelisation.

    Variables T: form -> Prop.
    Variables T_enumerator: nat -> option form.
    Variables HEnum: forall φ, T T φ <-> exists n, T_enumerator n = Some φ.

    Definition prf n s := T_enumerator n = Some (f s).
    Definition prov s := exists n, prf n s.

    Definition prf_decider t:
        forall n, {prf n t} + {prf n t -> False}.
        intros n. unfold prf. destruct (T_enumerator n) as [φ |] eqn:E; cbn; last (right; congruence).
        destruct (dec_form _ _ _ _ φ (f t)).
            - left. congruence.
            - right. congruence.

    Definition prf_decider':
        forall n s, (prf n s) + (prf n s -> False).
        intros n s. now destruct (prf_decider s n).

Maps two formulas φ ψ to the Gödel number of φ ψ
    Definition impl:
        forall φ ψ, {n & n = g (φ ψ)}.

Maps the Gödel numbers n, m to the Gödel number of the formula (f n) → (f m)
    Definition impl' n m := projT1 (impl (f n) (f m)).

Given a proof n of the formula (f s) and a proof m of the formula (f s) → (f m), computes a proof of the formula (f m).
    Definition proof_MP:
        forall n m s t, prf n s -> prf m (impl' s t) -> {k & prf k t}.
        intros n m s t Hn Hm. unfold prf in *.
        assert (Hfs: T f s). apply HEnum. easy.
        assert (Himpl: T f (impl' s t)). apply HEnum. easy.
        assert (Hconcl: T f t).
        - unfold impl' in Himpl. destruct (impl (f s) (f t)) as [i Hi]. cbn in Himpl.
              rewrite Hi in Himpl. rewrite <- inv_fg in Himpl.
              now eapply T_IE.
        - specialize (@Witnessing_nat (fun n => prf n t) (prf_decider t)) as Hwitn.
          apply Hwitn. now apply HEnum.

Takes proofs n (of some formula φ) and m (of some formula ψ) and sends it to a proof of τ (provided that ψ is of the form φ → τ). Returns 0 if either n or m are not encodings of proofs. Returns 0 if ψ is not of the required form.
    Definition proof_MP' (n m: nat): nat :=
        match (T_enumerator n), (T_enumerator m) with
            | Some φ, Some ψ => match (impl_dec φ ψ) with
                | inl Sigτ => match (prf_decider' n (g φ)), (prf_decider' m (impl' (g φ) (g (projT1 Sigτ)))) with
                    | inl P, inl Q => projT1 (proof_MP P Q)
                    | _, _ => 0
                | _ => 0
            | _, _ => 0

    Lemma proof_MP'_correct:
        inv g f -> forall n m s t, prf n s -> prf m (impl' s t) -> prf (proof_MP' n m) t.
        intros inv_gf n m s t Hn Hm.
        assert (Hn': T_enumerator n = Some (f s)). easy.
        assert (Hm': T_enumerator m = Some (f (impl' s t))). easy.
        unfold proof_MP'. destruct (T_enumerator n) as [φ |]; last easy.
        destruct (T_enumerator m) as [ψ |]; last easy.
        assert= f s) as -> by congruence.
        assert= f (impl' s t)) as -> by congruence.
        clear Hn' Hm'.
        destruct (impl_dec (f s) (f (impl' s t))) as [[τ Hτ] | HnegImpl].
            - assert= f t) as ->. unfold impl' in Hτ. destruct (impl (f s) (f t)) as [x Hx].
              cbn in Hτ. rewrite Hx in Hτ. rewrite <- inv_fg in Hτ.
              eapply form_inv in Hτ as []. congruence.
              rewrite <- inv_gf. destruct (prf_decider' n s) as [P | nP].
                + cbn. destruct (prf_decider' m (g (f s f (g (f t))))) as [Q | nQ].
                    * destruct (proof_MP P Q). cbn. rewrite <- inv_gf in p. assumption.
                    * rewrite <- inv_fg in nQ. exfalso. apply nQ.
                      unfold impl' in Hm. destruct (impl (f s) (f t)) as [x Hx].
                      rewrite <- Hx. cbn in Hm. assumption.
                + exfalso. apply nP. assumption.
            - destruct (impl (f s) (f t)) as [imp Himp]. exfalso. apply HnegImpl.
              exists (f t). cbn. now rewrite <- inv_fg.

We can represent prf in T
    Variables prf_form: form.
    Variables Hprf_form_bnd: bounded 2 prf_form.
    Variables Hprf_form: forall n m, (prf n m <-> T prf_form[(num n) .: (num m) ..]) /\ (~prf n m -> T ¬prf_form[(num n) .: (num m) ..]).

    Definition prf_form_mostowski := prf_form[$0 .: $1..] ¬($1 == num (g )).

prf_form_mostowski also represents prf
    Lemma prf_form_mostowski_represents_prf:
        ~T T -> (forall φ, In φ Qeq -> T φ) -> forall n m, (prf n m <-> T prf_form_mostowski[(num n) .: (num m) ..]) /\ (~prf n m -> T ¬prf_form_mostowski[(num n) .: (num m) ..]).
        intros Hconsistent Hincl n m. repeat split.
            - intro Hprf.
              unfold prf_form_mostowski. asimpl. replace (prf_form[_]) with (prf_form[(num n) .: (num m)..]).
              2: { apply subst_bound_2. assumption. }
              assert (HmBot: m <> (g )).
              intros HmBot. apply Hconsistent. apply HEnum.
              exists n. unfold prf in Hprf. rewrite Hprf. rewrite HmBot. now rewrite <- inv_fg.
              assert (T ¬ FA.num m == FA.num (g )) as HNeq. now apply encoding_ineq.
              apply T_CI.
              + now apply Hprf_form.
              + cbn. now rewrite num_subst.
            - intros Hmos.
              unfold prf_form_mostowski in Hmos. asimpl in Hmos. replace (prf_form[_]) with (prf_form[(num n) .: (num m)..]) in Hmos.
              2: { apply subst_bound_2. assumption. }
              apply T_CE1 in Hmos. now apply Hprf_form.
            - intros nprf. apply Hprf_form in nprf. unfold prf_form_mostowski. asimpl.
              replace (prf_form[_ .: _ .: _ .: _ ..]) with (prf_form[num n .: (num m)..]).
              2: { apply subst_bound_2. assumption. }
              apply T_II. fapply nprf. eapply T_CE1. eapply T_Ctx. eapply contains_extend1.

The mostowski modification proves the consistency sentence
    Lemma prf_form_mostowski_consistency_sentence:
        (forall φ, In φ Qeq -> T φ) -> T ¬ prf_form_mostowski[$0 .: (num (g ))..].
      eapply WeakT. apply (list_theory_provability Qeq).
      fstart. unfold prf_form_mostowski. asimpl. cbn. rewrite num_subst.
      fintros "[x [Hprf Heq]]". repeat rewrite num_subst. fapply "Heq". fapply ax_refl.

End ProofPredicateMostowski.