Library P
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq choice fintype finset.
Require Import tactics base.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Require Import tactics base.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Definition var := nat.
Inductive form :=
Var : var -> form
| NegVar : var -> form
| And : form -> form -> form
| Or : form -> form -> form
Lemma eq_form_dec : forall s t : form , { s = t } + { s <> t}.
Definition form_eqMixin := EqMixin (compareP eq_form_dec).
Canonical Structure form_eqType := Eval hnf in @EqType form form_eqMixin.
We need to construct a countType instance for form. We do this by by
providing an injectiton (and its inverse) into finitely branching trees. This is
required to construct finite types from sequences of formulas
Fixpoint pickle t :=
match t with
| Var n => Node (0,n) [::]
| NegVar n => Node (1,n) [::]
| And s t => Node (2,2) [:: pickle s ; pickle t]
| Or s t => Node (3,3) [:: pickle s ; pickle t]
Fixpoint unpickle t :=
match t with
| Node (O,n) [::] => Some (Var n)
| Node (1,n) [::] => Some (NegVar n)
| Node (2,2) [:: s' ; t'] =>
if unpickle s' is Some s then
if unpickle t' is Some t then Some (And s t)
else None else None
| Node (3,3) [:: s' ; t'] =>
if unpickle s' is Some s then
if unpickle t' is Some t then Some (Or s t)
else None else None
| _ => None
Lemma inv : pcancel pickle unpickle.
Definition form_countMixin := PcanCountMixin inv.
Definition form_choiceMixin := CountChoiceMixin form_countMixin.
Canonical Structure form_ChoiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType form form_choiceMixin.
Canonical Structure form_CountType := Eval hnf in CountType form form_countMixin.
Definition model := var -> bool.
Reserved Notation "M |= s" (at level 35).
Fixpoint eval M s : bool :=
match s with
| Var x => M x
| NegVar x => ~~ M x
| And s t => M |= s && M |= t
| Or s t => M |= s || M |= t
where "M |= s" := (eval M s).
Definition valid s := forall M , M |= s.
Definition sat s := exists M , M |= s.
Definition equiv s t := forall M , M |= s = M |= t.
Fixpoint Neg (s : form) :=
match s with
| Var n => NegVar n
| NegVar n => Var n
| And s t => Or (Neg s) (Neg t)
| Or s t => And (Neg s) (Neg t)
Proposition 4.1
Propositon 2.1
Lemma valid_unsat s : valid s <-> ~ sat (Neg s).
Lemma equiv_valid s t : equiv s t <-> valid (Or (And s t) (And (Neg s) (Neg t))).
Lemma equiv_sat_valid s t : equiv s t -> (sat s <-> sat t) /\ (valid s <-> valid t).
Lemma dec_sat2valid : decidable sat -> decidable valid.
Lemma dec_valid2equiv : decidable valid -> decidable2 equiv.
Syntactic Closuse
Fixpoint synclos s :=
s :: match s with
| Var n => [::]
| NegVar s => [::]
| And s t => synclos s ++ synclos t
| Or s t => synclos s ++ synclos t
Lemma synclos_refl s : s \in synclos s.
Lemma synclos_trans s t u : s \in synclos t -> t \in synclos u -> s \in synclos u.
Ltac synclos := apply : synclos_trans => // ; by rewrite /= in_cons mem_cat synclos_refl.
Implicit Arguments SeqSub [T s].
Notation "[ss s ; H ]" := (SeqSub s H) (at level 0).
Section FormulaUniverse.
Variable s : form.
Definition F := seq_sub (synclos s).
Definition Hcond (t : F) (H : {set F}) :=
match val t with
| NegVar v => ~~ (Var v \in' H)
| And u v => u \in' H && v \in' H
| Or u v => u \in' H || v \in' H
| _ => true
Definition hintikka (H : {set F}) : bool := forallb t , (t \in H) ==> Hcond t H.
Proposition 2.4
Lemma model_existence (t : F) : (existsb H, hintikka H && (t \in H)) -> sat (val t).
Lemma small_models (t : F) : sat (val t) -> existsb H , hintikka H && (t \in H).
Theorem decidability t : sat (val t) <-> existsb H, hintikka H && (t \in H).
End FormulaUniverse.
Corollary sat_dec : decidable sat.
Corollary valid_dec : decidable valid.
Corollary equic_dec : decidable2 equiv.
Lemma small_models (t : F) : sat (val t) -> existsb H , hintikka H && (t \in H).
Theorem decidability t : sat (val t) <-> existsb H, hintikka H && (t \in H).
End FormulaUniverse.
Corollary sat_dec : decidable sat.
Corollary valid_dec : decidable valid.
Corollary equic_dec : decidable2 equiv.