Library CFG.ElimE
Inductive nullable (G : grammar) (s : symbol) : Prop :=
| Null A u : s = Vs A → R A u el G → (∀ s', s' el u → nullable G s') → nullable G s.
Hint Constructors nullable.
Lemma derE_nullable (G : grammar) (A : var) (u : phrase) :
der G A u → (∀ s, s el u → nullable G s) → nullable G (Vs A).
Proof with (apply U, in_or_app ; (try now left) ; (right ; apply in_or_app ; (try now left) ; try now right)).
intros H U.
induction H as [| u H | A B u w v H IH0 H0 IH1] ; eauto.
apply IH0.
intros s E.
apply in_app_or in E.
destruct E as [E | E].
+ auto...
+ destruct E as [E | E].
× rewrite <- E. apply IH1. intros s' V. auto...
× apply in_app_or in E. destruct E as [E | E] ; firstorder. auto...
Lemma nullable_derE (G : grammar) (s : symbol) :
nullable G s → ∃ A, s = Vs A ∧ der G A [].
induction 1 as [s A u H H0 H1 IH].
∃ A. split ; auto.
clear H H1 s.
apply rDer in H0.
induction u as [|s u IHu] ; auto.
apply IHu ; auto.
assert (H3: s el s::u) by auto.
destruct (IH s H3) as [B [H4 H5]]. rewrite H4 in ×.
replace u with ([] ++ [] ++ u) ; eauto.
Lemma nullable_derE_equi (G : grammar) (s : symbol) :
(∃ A, s = Vs A ∧ der G A []) ↔ nullable G s.
split ; intro H.
- destruct H as [A [H0 H1]].
rewrite H0 in ×.
eapply derE_nullable ; eauto. firstorder.
- now dupapply H nullable_derE H0.
Instance nullable_dec G s : dec (nullable G s).
destruct s as [a | A].
- right. rewrite <- nullable_derE_equi. intros [A [H0 H1]]. inv H0.
- decide (der G A []) ; [left | right] ; rewrite <- nullable_derE_equi.
+ ∃ A. split ; auto.
+ intros [A' [H0 H1]]. inv H0. tauto.
| Null A u : s = Vs A → R A u el G → (∀ s', s' el u → nullable G s') → nullable G s.
Hint Constructors nullable.
Lemma derE_nullable (G : grammar) (A : var) (u : phrase) :
der G A u → (∀ s, s el u → nullable G s) → nullable G (Vs A).
Proof with (apply U, in_or_app ; (try now left) ; (right ; apply in_or_app ; (try now left) ; try now right)).
intros H U.
induction H as [| u H | A B u w v H IH0 H0 IH1] ; eauto.
apply IH0.
intros s E.
apply in_app_or in E.
destruct E as [E | E].
+ auto...
+ destruct E as [E | E].
× rewrite <- E. apply IH1. intros s' V. auto...
× apply in_app_or in E. destruct E as [E | E] ; firstorder. auto...
Lemma nullable_derE (G : grammar) (s : symbol) :
nullable G s → ∃ A, s = Vs A ∧ der G A [].
induction 1 as [s A u H H0 H1 IH].
∃ A. split ; auto.
clear H H1 s.
apply rDer in H0.
induction u as [|s u IHu] ; auto.
apply IHu ; auto.
assert (H3: s el s::u) by auto.
destruct (IH s H3) as [B [H4 H5]]. rewrite H4 in ×.
replace u with ([] ++ [] ++ u) ; eauto.
Lemma nullable_derE_equi (G : grammar) (s : symbol) :
(∃ A, s = Vs A ∧ der G A []) ↔ nullable G s.
split ; intro H.
- destruct H as [A [H0 H1]].
rewrite H0 in ×.
eapply derE_nullable ; eauto. firstorder.
- now dupapply H nullable_derE H0.
Instance nullable_dec G s : dec (nullable G s).
destruct s as [a | A].
- right. rewrite <- nullable_derE_equi. intros [A [H0 H1]]. inv H0.
- decide (der G A []) ; [left | right] ; rewrite <- nullable_derE_equi.
+ ∃ A. split ; auto.
+ intros [A' [H0 H1]]. inv H0. tauto.
Definition efree G := ∀ A u, R A u el G → u ≠ [].
Fixpoint closure (p : symbol → Prop) {pdec : ∀ x, dec (p x)} (G : grammar) :=
match G with
[] ⇒ []
| R A u :: Gr ⇒
u' := slists p u
in let
G' := map (R A) u'
in G' ++ closure Gr
Arguments closure p {pdec} G.
Section EClosure.
Variable G : grammar.
Definition eclosure G:= closure (nullable G) G.
Definition eclosed G := ∀ A u, R A u el G → ∀ v, slist (nullable G) v u → R A v el G.
Lemma closure_slist A v (p : symbol → Prop) {pdec : ∀ s, dec (p s)} :
R A v el closure p G → ∃ u, R A u el G ∧ slist p v u.
intros H.
induction G as [| [B w] Gr IHGr] ; simpl in H ; [tauto|].
apply in_app_or in H.
destruct H as [H | H].
- apply in_map_iff in H.
destruct H as [x [H0 H1]].
inv H0. ∃ w. split ; auto.
now apply slists_slist.
- destruct (IHGr H) as [u [H0 H1]]. ∃ u ; auto.
Lemma slist_closure A v (p : symbol → Prop) {pdec : ∀ s, dec (p s)} :
(∃ u, R A u el G ∧ slist p v u) → R A v el closure p G.
intros [u [H0 H1]].
induction G as [| [B w] Gr IHGr] ; simpl in H0 ; auto.
destruct H0 as [H0 | H0] ; simpl ; apply in_or_app.
- inv H0. left. apply in_map_iff.
∃ v. split ; auto. now apply slists_slist.
- right. auto.
Lemma slist_closure_equiv A v (p : symbol → Prop) {pdec : ∀ s, dec (p s)} :
R A v el closure p G ↔ ∃ u, R A u el G ∧ slist p v u.
split ; [apply closure_slist | apply slist_closure].
Lemma nullable_eclosure s :
nullable (eclosure G) s ↔ nullable G s.
split ; intros H.
- induction H as [? ? ? ? H1 ? ?].
apply slist_closure_equiv in H1.
destruct H1 as [u' [H3 H4]].
esplit ; eauto.
eapply slist_inv ; eauto.
- induction H as [? ? u ? ? ? ?].
esplit ; eauto.
apply slist_closure_equiv.
∃ u. split ; auto. apply slist_id.
Lemma eclosed_eclosure : eclosed (eclosure G).
intros A u H0 v H1.
apply slist_closure_equiv in H0.
apply slist_closure_equiv.
destruct H0 as [u' [H2 H3]].
∃ u'. split ; auto.
eapply (slist_equiv_pred nullable_eclosure) in H1.
eapply slist_trans ; eauto.
nullable (eclosure G) s ↔ nullable G s.
split ; intros H.
- induction H as [? ? ? ? H1 ? ?].
apply slist_closure_equiv in H1.
destruct H1 as [u' [H3 H4]].
esplit ; eauto.
eapply slist_inv ; eauto.
- induction H as [? ? u ? ? ? ?].
esplit ; eauto.
apply slist_closure_equiv.
∃ u. split ; auto. apply slist_id.
Lemma eclosed_eclosure : eclosed (eclosure G).
intros A u H0 v H1.
apply slist_closure_equiv in H0.
apply slist_closure_equiv.
destruct H0 as [u' [H2 H3]].
∃ u'. split ; auto.
eapply (slist_equiv_pred nullable_eclosure) in H1.
eapply slist_trans ; eauto.
Lemma derT_slist u v :
slist (nullable G) v u → derT G u v.
induction 1 as [| ? v u H0 ? ? | s v u ? ?].
- constructor.
- apply nullable_derE_equi in H0.
destruct H0 as [A [H1 H2]].
apply derT_der_equiv in H2.
rewrite H1.
assert (H3 : derT G (Vs A :: u) ([] ++ [Vs A] ++ u)) by constructor.
apply derT_trans with (v := [] ++ [] ++ u) ; eauto.
- replace (s :: u) with ([s] ++ u) by auto.
replace (s :: v) with ([s] ++ v) by auto.
apply derT_concat ; eauto.
Lemma eclosure_der u v :
derT (eclosure G) u v → derT G u v.
intros H.
induction H as [| ? ? H |] ; eauto using derT.
apply slist_closure_equiv in H.
destruct H as [u' [H1 H2]].
apply derTRule in H1.
apply derT_slist in H2.
eapply derT_trans ; eauto.
Lemma der_eclosure_equiv u v :
derT G u v ↔ derT (eclosure G) u v.
- induction 1 as [| A u |] ; eauto using derT.
constructor 2.
apply slist_closure_equiv.
∃ u. split ; auto. apply slist_id.
- apply eclosure_der.
End EClosure.
Section DelE.
Variable G : grammar.
Definition delE G := filter (fun r ⇒ match r with R A u ⇒ u ≠ [] end) G.
Lemma delE_efree : efree (delE G).
intros A u H.
induction G as [| [B v] Gr] ; simpl in H.
- tauto.
- decide (v ≠ []) ; (try destruct H as [H|H]) ; (try now inv H) ; auto.
intros A u H.
induction G as [| [B v] Gr] ; simpl in H.
- tauto.
- decide (v ≠ []) ; (try destruct H as [H|H]) ; (try now inv H) ; auto.
Lemma delE_preserveG A u :
R A u el G → u ≠ [] → R A u el delE G.
intros H1 H2.
induction G as [| [B v] Gr] ; simpl in H1 ; [tauto|].
simpl. destruct H1 as [H1 | H1].
- inv H1. decide (u ≠ []) ; [auto | contradiction].
- decide (v ≠ []) ; [right |] ; auto.
Lemma delE_rules A u :
R A u el (delE G) → R A u el G.
intros H.
induction G as [| [B v] Gr] ; simpl in H ; [tauto|].
decide (v ≠ []) ; try destruct H ; try (inv H ; now left) ; try (right ; auto).
Lemma der_G_delE A u v :
eclosed G → der G A u → slist (nullable G) v u → v ≠ [] → der (delE G) A v.
intros E D Ss U.
apply derL_der_equiv in D.
apply derL_der_equiv.
revert Ss U. revert v.
induction D as [| B u v w H H0 IHD] ; intros v' Ss U.
- assert (H0 : v' = [] ∨ v' = [Vs A]). {
inversion Ss as [| ? ? ? H H0 u' | ? u' ? H0] ; subst ; inv H0 ; auto. }
destruct H0 ; subst ; [ tauto | eauto ].
- apply slist_split with (xs1 := u) (xs2 := v ++ w) in Ss ; auto.
destruct Ss as [u1 [hu [Ss0 [Ss1 Ss2]]]].
apply slist_split with (xs1 := v) (xs2 := w) in Ss1 ; auto.
destruct Ss1 as [v1 [w1 [Ss3 [Ss4 Ss5]]]].
rewrite Ss2, Ss5 in ×.
assert (H1 : R B v1 el G) by eauto.
decide (v1 = []) as [D0 | D0].
+ rewrite D0 in ×.
assert (H2 : nullable G (Vs B)). {
apply nullable_derE_equi.
∃ B. split ; eauto. }
apply IHD ; auto.
repeat apply slist_append ; auto.
+ constructor 2 with (B := B) ; auto using delE_preserveG.
assert (H2 : slist (nullable G) (u1 ++ [Vs B] ++ w1) (u ++ [Vs B] ++ w)). {
repeat apply slist_append ; auto. }
apply IHD ; auto.
intros H3. destruct u1 ; inv H3.
Lemma delE_der_equiv A u :
eclosed G → (der G A u ∧ u ≠ [] ↔ der (delE G) A u).
intros E.
split ; intros H.
- destruct H as [H U].
assert (H0 : slist (nullable G) u u) by apply slist_id.
eapply der_G_delE ; eauto.
- induction H as [| ? ? H | ? ? u v w H IH1 H0 IH2].
+ split ; [constructor | congruence].
+ split.
× constructor 2. now apply delE_rules.
× now apply delE_efree in H.
+ destruct IH1 as [IH11 IH12], IH2 as [IH21 IH22].
split ; eauto.
destruct u, v, w ; simpl ; congruence.
End DelE.
Epsilon elimination is epsilon-free
Epsilon elimination preserves languages (except for epsilon)
Lemma elimE_language G A u :
u ≠ [] → (language G A u ↔ language (elimE G) A u).
intros U. split ; intros [H1 H2] ; split ; auto.
- apply (delE_der_equiv A u (eclosed_eclosure (G := G))).
split ; auto.
apply derT_der_equiv. now apply derT_der_equiv, der_eclosure_equiv in H1.
- apply (delE_der_equiv A u (eclosed_eclosure (G := G))) in H1.
destruct H1 as [H1 H3].
apply derT_der_equiv. now apply derT_der_equiv, der_eclosure_equiv in H1.
u ≠ [] → (language G A u ↔ language (elimE G) A u).
intros U. split ; intros [H1 H2] ; split ; auto.
- apply (delE_der_equiv A u (eclosed_eclosure (G := G))).
split ; auto.
apply derT_der_equiv. now apply derT_der_equiv, der_eclosure_equiv in H1.
- apply (delE_der_equiv A u (eclosed_eclosure (G := G))) in H1.
destruct H1 as [H1 H3].
apply derT_der_equiv. now apply derT_der_equiv, der_eclosure_equiv in H1.