(* Recursive Mu-Operator and Inverse Functions *)
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia.
Require Export List.
Require Import Preliminaries_Coq Preliminaries_Lists_Coq Definitions_Coq.
(* Recursive Mu-Operator and deduced Witness Operator *)
(* Coded adapted from Gert Smolka, Lecture Notes ICL, 2019 *)
Section Mu_Operator.
(* Operator for Decidable Predicates *)
Definition least (p: nat -> Prop) k n : Prop
:= n <= k /\ p k /\ forall m, n <= m -> p m -> k <= m.
Inductive G (p: nat -> Prop) (n: nat) : Prop :=
| GI : (~ p n -> G p (S n)) -> G p n.
Lemma G_sig {p: nat -> Prop} (n: nat) :
dec_pred p -> G p n -> {k | least p k n}.
intros D. induction 1 as [n _ IH].
destruct (D n).
- exists n. firstorder.
- specialize (IH n0) as [k IH].
exists k. firstorder. lia.
destruct H2.
+ contradiction n0.
+ apply H1; firstorder. lia.
Lemma G_zero {p: nat -> Prop} (n: nat) :
G p n -> G p 0.
induction n as [|n IH].
- intros H. exact H.
- intros H. apply IH. constructor. intros _. exact H.
Lemma G_ex {p: nat -> Prop} :
(exists n, p n) -> exists n, G p n.
intros [n pn].
exists n.
constructor. firstorder.
Definition mu_NN_sig (p : nat -> Prop):
dec_pred p -> ex p -> {n | p n /\ forall m, p m -> n <= m}.
intros D H.
assert {n | least p n 0} as [n L].
- apply (G_sig 0 D). destruct (G_ex H). apply (G_zero x), H0.
- exists n; firstorder. apply H2; firstorder. lia.
Definition mu_NN (p: nat -> Prop) D H : nat
:= proj1_sig (mu_NN_sig p D H).
Definition mu_NN_spec p D H
:= proj2_sig (mu_NN_sig p D H).
Definition wo_NN_sig (p : nat -> Prop):
dec_pred p -> ex p -> {n | p n }.
intros H E.
destruct (mu_NN_sig p H E) as [n [H1 _]].
exists n. exact H1.
Definition wo_T_sig {X} (f: nat -> X) (p: X -> Prop):
surjective f -> dec_pred p -> ex p -> sig p.
intros S D Ex. remember (wo_NN_sig (fun n => p (f n))).
destruct s; firstorder. destruct (S x). exists x0. now rewrite H0.
Lemma constant_mu (p : nat -> Prop):
forall D H1 H2, mu_NN p D H1 = mu_NN p D H2.
intros D H1 H2.
set (W1:= mu_NN_spec p D H1).
set (W2:= mu_NN_spec p D H2).
destruct W1 as [p1 L1], W2 as [p2 L2].
specialize (L2 (mu_NN p D H1)).
specialize (L1 (mu_NN p D H2)).
apply L2 in p1. apply L1 in p2. unfold mu_NN in *. lia.
(* Mu-Operator and deduced Witness Operator for Enumerable Predicates *)
Lemma proof_computation {X} (p : X -> Prop) f:
enumerator p f -> (exists y, p y)
-> exists n y, f n = Some y.
intros E [y [n py] % E].
Definition mu_enum_NN_sig {X} (p : X -> Prop) f:
enumerator p f -> ex p ->
{n | (exists x, f n = Some x) /\
(forall n1, (exists x1, (f n1) = Some x1) -> n <= n1) }.
intros E H.
assert (exists n x, f n = Some x) by exact (proof_computation p f E H).
eapply mu_NN_sig in H0 as (? & ?).
- exists x. exact a.
- intros n. destruct (f n).
+ left. eauto.
+ right. intros []. inversion H1.
Definition mu_enum_NN {X} (p: X -> Prop) f E H : nat
:= proj1_sig (mu_enum_NN_sig p f E H).
Definition mu_enum_NN_spec {X} (p: X -> Prop) f E H
:= proj2_sig (mu_enum_NN_sig p f E H).
Definition mu_enum_sig {X} (p : X -> Prop) f :
forall E H, {x | p x /\ Some x = f (mu_enum_NN p f E H)}.
intros E H.
- destruct (f (mu_enum_NN p f E H)) eqn: H2.
+ exists x.
intuition. apply E. eauto.
+ exfalso. remember (mu_enum_NN_spec p f E H). destruct a as [[x a1] a2].
unfold mu_enum_NN in H2. rewrite a1 in H2. discriminate.
Definition mu_enum {X} (p: X -> Prop) f E H : X
:= proj1_sig (mu_enum_sig p f E H).
Definition mu_enum_spec {X} (p: X -> Prop) f E H
:= proj2_sig (mu_enum_sig p f E H).
Definition wo_enum_sig {X} (p : X -> Prop) f:
enumerator p f -> (exists x, p x) -> {x | p x}.
intros E H. destruct (mu_enum_sig p f E H).
exists x. intuition.
Lemma constant_mu_enum_NN {X} (p : X -> Prop) f E:
forall H1 H2, mu_enum_NN p f E H1 = mu_enum_NN p f E H2.
intros H1 H2.
set (W1:= mu_enum_NN_spec p f E H1).
set (W2:= mu_enum_NN_spec p f E H2).
destruct W1 as [p1 L1], W2 as [p2 L2].
specialize (L2 (mu_enum_NN p f E H1)).
specialize (L1 (mu_enum_NN p f E H2)).
apply L2 in p1. apply L1 in p2.
unfold mu_enum_NN in *. lia.
Lemma mu_enum_agree {X} (p : X -> Prop) f E H:
f (mu_enum_NN p f E H) = Some (mu_enum p f E H).
remember (mu_enum_spec p f E H). cbn in a. destruct a as [a1 a2].
unfold mu_enum. rewrite a2. trivial.
Lemma constant_mu_enum {X} (p : X -> Prop) f E:
forall H1 H2, mu_enum p f E H1 = mu_enum p f E H2.
intros H1 H2.
(Some (mu_enum p f E H1) = Some (mu_enum p f E H2)).
- rewrite <- (mu_enum_agree p f E H1).
rewrite <- (mu_enum_agree p f E H2).
rewrite (constant_mu_enum_NN p f E H1 H2).
- inversion H. trivial.
End Mu_Operator.
(* End of adaption from Gert Smolka *)
(* (Right-) Inverse Function for Bijections (Surjections) with Enumerable Domain and Discrete Co-Domain *)
Section Inverse_Enum_T.
Definition inverse {X Y} (f: X -> Y) g : Prop
:= (forall x, g (f x) = x) /\ (forall y, f (g y) = y).
Context {X Y:Type}.
Variable D: discrete Y.
Variable E_X: nat -> X.
Variable Surj_E_X: surjective E_X.
Implicit Types (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X).
Theorem wo_inverse {f}:
forall y, (exists x, f x = y) -> {x | f x = y}.
intros y H. apply (wo_T_sig E_X); intuition.
intros n. exact (D (f n, y)).
Lemma Right_Inv_sig f:
surjective f -> {g | forall x, f (g x) = x}.
intros E.
assert (forall y, {x | f x = y}) as H.
- intros y. apply wo_inverse. exact (E y).
- exists (fun y => proj1_sig (H y)).
intros y. destruct (H y). trivial.
Definition Right_Inv f Su : Y -> X
:= proj1_sig (Right_Inv_sig f Su).
Definition Right_Inv_spec f Su
:= proj2_sig (Right_Inv_sig f Su).
Lemma Right_Inv_inj f Su:
injective (Right_Inv f Su).
intros x1 x2 H.
remember (Right_Inv_spec f Su). cbn in e. unfold Right_Inv in H.
now rewrite <- (e x1), <- (e x2), H.
Lemma inv_sig f:
bijective f -> {g & inverse f g}.
intros [In Su].
assert (forall x, {n | f n = x}) as H.
- intros x. apply wo_inverse. exact (Su x).
- exists (fun y => proj1_sig (H y)).
+ intros x. destruct (H (f x)). apply In , e.
+ intros y. destruct (H y), e. trivial.
Definition inv f (bijf: bijective f) : Y -> X
:= projT1 (inv_sig f bijf).
Definition inv_spec f bijf
:= projT2 (inv_sig f bijf).
Lemma inv_bij f (bijf: bijective f) :
bijective (inv f bijf).
- intros x1 x2 E. unfold inv in E.
now rewrite <- (proj2 (inv_spec f bijf) x1), <- (proj2 (inv_spec f bijf) x2), E.
- intros n.
exists (f n). exact (proj1 (inv_spec f bijf) n).
End Inverse_Enum_T.
(* Inverse Function on Nat *)
Section Inverse_Nat.
Context {Y:Type}.
Variable D: discrete Y.
Definition E_N := fun (n: nat) => n.
Lemma Surj_E_N: surjective E_N.
intros n; now exists n.
Definition Right_Inv_N f Su : Y -> nat
:= proj1_sig (Right_Inv_sig D E_N Surj_E_N f Su).
Definition Right_Inv_spec_N f Su
:= proj2_sig (Right_Inv_sig D E_N Surj_E_N f Su).
Lemma Right_Inv_inj_N f Su:
injective (Right_Inv_N f Su).
apply Right_Inv_inj.
Definition inv_N f (bijf: bijective f) : Y -> nat
:= projT1 (inv_sig D E_N Surj_E_N f bijf).
Definition inv_spec_N f bijf
:= projT2 (inv_sig D E_N Surj_E_N f bijf).
Lemma inv_bij_N f (bijf: bijective f) :
bijective (inv_N f bijf).
apply inv_bij.
End Inverse_Nat.
(* Corollaries *)
Corollary fstL_in_sig {X Y} (f: nat -> Y) (DXY: discrete (prod X Y)) (x: X) (L: list (X * Y)):
surjective f -> In x (fstL L) -> {y | In (x,y) L}.
intros S H. eapply wo_T_sig.
- exact S.
- intros y. destruct (dec_membership DXY L (x,y)); firstorder.
- apply fstL_in, H.
Corollary datatype_iso_inv {X Y}:
enumerable_T X -> discrete Y-> type_iso X Y -> type_iso Y X.
intros [f H] DY [I H1].
exists (inv DY f H I H1).
exact (inv_bij DY f H I H1).
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia.
Require Export List.
Require Import Preliminaries_Coq Preliminaries_Lists_Coq Definitions_Coq.
(* Recursive Mu-Operator and deduced Witness Operator *)
(* Coded adapted from Gert Smolka, Lecture Notes ICL, 2019 *)
Section Mu_Operator.
(* Operator for Decidable Predicates *)
Definition least (p: nat -> Prop) k n : Prop
:= n <= k /\ p k /\ forall m, n <= m -> p m -> k <= m.
Inductive G (p: nat -> Prop) (n: nat) : Prop :=
| GI : (~ p n -> G p (S n)) -> G p n.
Lemma G_sig {p: nat -> Prop} (n: nat) :
dec_pred p -> G p n -> {k | least p k n}.
intros D. induction 1 as [n _ IH].
destruct (D n).
- exists n. firstorder.
- specialize (IH n0) as [k IH].
exists k. firstorder. lia.
destruct H2.
+ contradiction n0.
+ apply H1; firstorder. lia.
Lemma G_zero {p: nat -> Prop} (n: nat) :
G p n -> G p 0.
induction n as [|n IH].
- intros H. exact H.
- intros H. apply IH. constructor. intros _. exact H.
Lemma G_ex {p: nat -> Prop} :
(exists n, p n) -> exists n, G p n.
intros [n pn].
exists n.
constructor. firstorder.
Definition mu_NN_sig (p : nat -> Prop):
dec_pred p -> ex p -> {n | p n /\ forall m, p m -> n <= m}.
intros D H.
assert {n | least p n 0} as [n L].
- apply (G_sig 0 D). destruct (G_ex H). apply (G_zero x), H0.
- exists n; firstorder. apply H2; firstorder. lia.
Definition mu_NN (p: nat -> Prop) D H : nat
:= proj1_sig (mu_NN_sig p D H).
Definition mu_NN_spec p D H
:= proj2_sig (mu_NN_sig p D H).
Definition wo_NN_sig (p : nat -> Prop):
dec_pred p -> ex p -> {n | p n }.
intros H E.
destruct (mu_NN_sig p H E) as [n [H1 _]].
exists n. exact H1.
Definition wo_T_sig {X} (f: nat -> X) (p: X -> Prop):
surjective f -> dec_pred p -> ex p -> sig p.
intros S D Ex. remember (wo_NN_sig (fun n => p (f n))).
destruct s; firstorder. destruct (S x). exists x0. now rewrite H0.
Lemma constant_mu (p : nat -> Prop):
forall D H1 H2, mu_NN p D H1 = mu_NN p D H2.
intros D H1 H2.
set (W1:= mu_NN_spec p D H1).
set (W2:= mu_NN_spec p D H2).
destruct W1 as [p1 L1], W2 as [p2 L2].
specialize (L2 (mu_NN p D H1)).
specialize (L1 (mu_NN p D H2)).
apply L2 in p1. apply L1 in p2. unfold mu_NN in *. lia.
(* Mu-Operator and deduced Witness Operator for Enumerable Predicates *)
Lemma proof_computation {X} (p : X -> Prop) f:
enumerator p f -> (exists y, p y)
-> exists n y, f n = Some y.
intros E [y [n py] % E].
Definition mu_enum_NN_sig {X} (p : X -> Prop) f:
enumerator p f -> ex p ->
{n | (exists x, f n = Some x) /\
(forall n1, (exists x1, (f n1) = Some x1) -> n <= n1) }.
intros E H.
assert (exists n x, f n = Some x) by exact (proof_computation p f E H).
eapply mu_NN_sig in H0 as (? & ?).
- exists x. exact a.
- intros n. destruct (f n).
+ left. eauto.
+ right. intros []. inversion H1.
Definition mu_enum_NN {X} (p: X -> Prop) f E H : nat
:= proj1_sig (mu_enum_NN_sig p f E H).
Definition mu_enum_NN_spec {X} (p: X -> Prop) f E H
:= proj2_sig (mu_enum_NN_sig p f E H).
Definition mu_enum_sig {X} (p : X -> Prop) f :
forall E H, {x | p x /\ Some x = f (mu_enum_NN p f E H)}.
intros E H.
- destruct (f (mu_enum_NN p f E H)) eqn: H2.
+ exists x.
intuition. apply E. eauto.
+ exfalso. remember (mu_enum_NN_spec p f E H). destruct a as [[x a1] a2].
unfold mu_enum_NN in H2. rewrite a1 in H2. discriminate.
Definition mu_enum {X} (p: X -> Prop) f E H : X
:= proj1_sig (mu_enum_sig p f E H).
Definition mu_enum_spec {X} (p: X -> Prop) f E H
:= proj2_sig (mu_enum_sig p f E H).
Definition wo_enum_sig {X} (p : X -> Prop) f:
enumerator p f -> (exists x, p x) -> {x | p x}.
intros E H. destruct (mu_enum_sig p f E H).
exists x. intuition.
Lemma constant_mu_enum_NN {X} (p : X -> Prop) f E:
forall H1 H2, mu_enum_NN p f E H1 = mu_enum_NN p f E H2.
intros H1 H2.
set (W1:= mu_enum_NN_spec p f E H1).
set (W2:= mu_enum_NN_spec p f E H2).
destruct W1 as [p1 L1], W2 as [p2 L2].
specialize (L2 (mu_enum_NN p f E H1)).
specialize (L1 (mu_enum_NN p f E H2)).
apply L2 in p1. apply L1 in p2.
unfold mu_enum_NN in *. lia.
Lemma mu_enum_agree {X} (p : X -> Prop) f E H:
f (mu_enum_NN p f E H) = Some (mu_enum p f E H).
remember (mu_enum_spec p f E H). cbn in a. destruct a as [a1 a2].
unfold mu_enum. rewrite a2. trivial.
Lemma constant_mu_enum {X} (p : X -> Prop) f E:
forall H1 H2, mu_enum p f E H1 = mu_enum p f E H2.
intros H1 H2.
(Some (mu_enum p f E H1) = Some (mu_enum p f E H2)).
- rewrite <- (mu_enum_agree p f E H1).
rewrite <- (mu_enum_agree p f E H2).
rewrite (constant_mu_enum_NN p f E H1 H2).
- inversion H. trivial.
End Mu_Operator.
(* End of adaption from Gert Smolka *)
(* (Right-) Inverse Function for Bijections (Surjections) with Enumerable Domain and Discrete Co-Domain *)
Section Inverse_Enum_T.
Definition inverse {X Y} (f: X -> Y) g : Prop
:= (forall x, g (f x) = x) /\ (forall y, f (g y) = y).
Context {X Y:Type}.
Variable D: discrete Y.
Variable E_X: nat -> X.
Variable Surj_E_X: surjective E_X.
Implicit Types (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X).
Theorem wo_inverse {f}:
forall y, (exists x, f x = y) -> {x | f x = y}.
intros y H. apply (wo_T_sig E_X); intuition.
intros n. exact (D (f n, y)).
Lemma Right_Inv_sig f:
surjective f -> {g | forall x, f (g x) = x}.
intros E.
assert (forall y, {x | f x = y}) as H.
- intros y. apply wo_inverse. exact (E y).
- exists (fun y => proj1_sig (H y)).
intros y. destruct (H y). trivial.
Definition Right_Inv f Su : Y -> X
:= proj1_sig (Right_Inv_sig f Su).
Definition Right_Inv_spec f Su
:= proj2_sig (Right_Inv_sig f Su).
Lemma Right_Inv_inj f Su:
injective (Right_Inv f Su).
intros x1 x2 H.
remember (Right_Inv_spec f Su). cbn in e. unfold Right_Inv in H.
now rewrite <- (e x1), <- (e x2), H.
Lemma inv_sig f:
bijective f -> {g & inverse f g}.
intros [In Su].
assert (forall x, {n | f n = x}) as H.
- intros x. apply wo_inverse. exact (Su x).
- exists (fun y => proj1_sig (H y)).
+ intros x. destruct (H (f x)). apply In , e.
+ intros y. destruct (H y), e. trivial.
Definition inv f (bijf: bijective f) : Y -> X
:= projT1 (inv_sig f bijf).
Definition inv_spec f bijf
:= projT2 (inv_sig f bijf).
Lemma inv_bij f (bijf: bijective f) :
bijective (inv f bijf).
- intros x1 x2 E. unfold inv in E.
now rewrite <- (proj2 (inv_spec f bijf) x1), <- (proj2 (inv_spec f bijf) x2), E.
- intros n.
exists (f n). exact (proj1 (inv_spec f bijf) n).
End Inverse_Enum_T.
(* Inverse Function on Nat *)
Section Inverse_Nat.
Context {Y:Type}.
Variable D: discrete Y.
Definition E_N := fun (n: nat) => n.
Lemma Surj_E_N: surjective E_N.
intros n; now exists n.
Definition Right_Inv_N f Su : Y -> nat
:= proj1_sig (Right_Inv_sig D E_N Surj_E_N f Su).
Definition Right_Inv_spec_N f Su
:= proj2_sig (Right_Inv_sig D E_N Surj_E_N f Su).
Lemma Right_Inv_inj_N f Su:
injective (Right_Inv_N f Su).
apply Right_Inv_inj.
Definition inv_N f (bijf: bijective f) : Y -> nat
:= projT1 (inv_sig D E_N Surj_E_N f bijf).
Definition inv_spec_N f bijf
:= projT2 (inv_sig D E_N Surj_E_N f bijf).
Lemma inv_bij_N f (bijf: bijective f) :
bijective (inv_N f bijf).
apply inv_bij.
End Inverse_Nat.
(* Corollaries *)
Corollary fstL_in_sig {X Y} (f: nat -> Y) (DXY: discrete (prod X Y)) (x: X) (L: list (X * Y)):
surjective f -> In x (fstL L) -> {y | In (x,y) L}.
intros S H. eapply wo_T_sig.
- exact S.
- intros y. destruct (dec_membership DXY L (x,y)); firstorder.
- apply fstL_in, H.
Corollary datatype_iso_inv {X Y}:
enumerable_T X -> discrete Y-> type_iso X Y -> type_iso Y X.
intros [f H] DY [I H1].
exists (inv DY f H I H1).
exact (inv_bij DY f H I H1).