(* Summarizing the distinctions of reducibility degrees *)
Require Import Cantor_Pairing_Coq Preliminaries_Coq
Definitions_Coq Synthetic_Computability_Theory_Coq
Reduction_Characterization_Coq Simple_Predicates_Coq.
(* There exists a simple predicate *)
Theorem Post_Simple_Predicate:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W) -> exists (S: nat -> Prop), simple S.
intros [W [es [W_SDec W_semidec]]].
destruct (W_full W es) as [c_top c_top_spec].
exists (S' W W_SDec W_semidec c_top c_top_spec).
now eapply S_simple.
(* One-one and many-one reduction do not coincide on the class of semidecidable, but undecidable predicates *)
Corollary one_red_m_red_distinction:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W)
-> exists X Y (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop),
semidec p /\ ~ decidable p /\ semidec q /\ ~ decidable q /\
~ (p <=1 q) /\ (p <=m q).
intros W. destruct (Post_Simple_Predicate W) as [S Simple].
exists (prod nat nat). exists nat. exists (S ** (Top nat)). exists S. repeat split.
- eapply manyone_red_semidec.
+ apply many_one_from_prod.
+ apply Simple.
- intros H. eapply simple_not_dec.
+ exact Simple.
+ eapply oneone_red_dec.
* apply one_one_to_prod.
* exact H.
- apply Simple.
- apply simple_not_dec, Simple.
- intros H % cyl_iff2.
+ apply simple_not_cylinder in Simple. intuition.
+ exists nat2_to_nat. apply nat2_to_nat_bij.
- apply prod_equiv.
(* One-one and many-one degrees do not coincide on the class of semidecidable, but undecidable predicates *)
Corollary one_degree_m_degree_distinction:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W)
-> exists X Y (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop),
semidec p /\ ~ decidable p /\ semidec q /\ ~ decidable q /\
~ (p =1 q) /\ (p =m q).
intros W. destruct (Post_Simple_Predicate W) as [S Simple].
exists nat. exists (prod nat nat). exists S. exists (S ** (Top nat)). repeat split.
- apply Simple.
- apply simple_not_dec, Simple.
- eapply manyone_red_semidec.
+ apply many_one_from_prod.
+ apply Simple.
- intros H. eapply simple_not_dec.
+ exact Simple.
+ eapply oneone_red_dec.
* apply one_one_to_prod.
* exact H.
- intros H % cyl_iff3.
+ apply simple_not_cylinder in Simple. intuition.
+ exists nat2_to_nat. apply nat2_to_nat_bij.
- apply prod_equiv.
- apply prod_equiv.
(* Post's Problem with respect to many-one reductions:
There exists a semidecidable but undecidable predicate, that is not m-complete *)
Corollary Post's_Problem_wrt_Many_One:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W /\ S_M_N' W /\ inhabited (LIST_ID W))
-> exists X (S: X -> Prop), semidec S /\ ~ decidable S /\ ~ m_complete S.
intros (W & es & sdec & smn & [list_id]).
destruct Post_Simple_Predicate as [S Simple].
- now exists W.
- exists nat. exists S; repeat split.
+ apply Simple.
+ apply simple_not_dec, Simple.
+ now apply (simple_not_complete W).
(* M-Completeness and TT-Completeness do not coincide *)
Corollary m_completeness_tt_completeness_distinction:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W /\ S_M_N' W /\ inhabited (LIST_ID W))
-> exists X (S: X -> Prop), ~ m_complete S /\ tt_complete S.
intros (W & es & [W_SDec sdec] & smn & [list_id]).
destruct (W_full W es) as [c_top c_top_spec].
exists nat. exists (S_Star W W_SDec sdec c_top c_top_spec).
- apply (simple_not_complete W); intuition.
+ now exists W_SDec.
+ now apply S_Star_simple.
- apply (tt_complete_trans (fun '(c,x) => W c x)).
+ exact nat2_nat_iso.
+ apply tt_red_W_S_Star.
+ apply m_complete_tt_complete, W_m_complete; intuition. now exists W_SDec.
+ now apply S_Star_simple.
(* Many-one and Truth-Table reductions do not coincide on the class of semidecidable, but undecidable predicates *)
Corollary m_red_tt_red_distinction:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W /\ S_M_N' W /\ inhabited (LIST_ID W))
-> exists X Y (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop),
semidec p /\ ~ decidable p /\ semidec q /\ ~ decidable q /\
~ (p <=m q) /\ (p <=tt q).
intros (W & es & [W_SDec sdec] & smn & [list_id]).
destruct (W_full W es) as [c_top c_top_spec].
exists (prod nat nat). exists nat.
exists (fun '(c,x) => W c x). exists (S_Star W W_SDec sdec c_top c_top_spec).
repeat split.
- now exists W_SDec.
- now apply (W_undec W).
- now apply S_Star_simple.
- now apply simple_not_dec, S_Star_simple.
- intros H % many_complete_trans.
+ eapply (simple_not_complete W); intuition.
* now exists W_SDec.
* now apply S_Star_simple.
* exact H.
+ exact nat2_nat_iso.
+ apply W_m_complete; intuition. now exists W_SDec.
+ now apply S_Star_simple.
- apply tt_red_W_S_Star.
(* Many-one and Truth-Table degrees do not coincide on the class of semidecidable, but undecidable predicates *)
Corollary m_degree_tt_degree_distinction:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W /\ S_M_N' W /\ inhabited (LIST_ID W))
-> exists X Y (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop),
semidec p /\ ~ decidable p /\ semidec q /\ ~ decidable q /\
~ (p =m q) /\ (p =tt q).
intros (W & es & [W_SDec sdec] & smn & [list_id]).
destruct (W_full W es) as [c_top c_top_spec].
exists (prod nat nat). exists nat.
exists (fun '(c,x) => W c x). exists (S_Star W W_SDec sdec c_top c_top_spec).
repeat split.
- now exists W_SDec.
- now apply (W_undec W).
- now apply S_Star_simple.
- now apply simple_not_dec, S_Star_simple.
- intros [H % many_complete_trans _].
+ eapply (simple_not_complete W); intuition.
* now exists W_SDec.
* now apply S_Star_simple.
* exact H.
+ exact nat2_nat_iso.
+ apply W_m_complete; intuition. now exists W_SDec.
+ now apply S_Star_simple.
- apply tt_red_W_S_Star.
- apply W_tt_complete; intuition.
+ now exists W_SDec.
+ exact nat2_nat_iso.
+ exact D_nat.
+ now apply S_Star_simple.
Require Import Cantor_Pairing_Coq Preliminaries_Coq
Definitions_Coq Synthetic_Computability_Theory_Coq
Reduction_Characterization_Coq Simple_Predicates_Coq.
(* There exists a simple predicate *)
Theorem Post_Simple_Predicate:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W) -> exists (S: nat -> Prop), simple S.
intros [W [es [W_SDec W_semidec]]].
destruct (W_full W es) as [c_top c_top_spec].
exists (S' W W_SDec W_semidec c_top c_top_spec).
now eapply S_simple.
(* One-one and many-one reduction do not coincide on the class of semidecidable, but undecidable predicates *)
Corollary one_red_m_red_distinction:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W)
-> exists X Y (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop),
semidec p /\ ~ decidable p /\ semidec q /\ ~ decidable q /\
~ (p <=1 q) /\ (p <=m q).
intros W. destruct (Post_Simple_Predicate W) as [S Simple].
exists (prod nat nat). exists nat. exists (S ** (Top nat)). exists S. repeat split.
- eapply manyone_red_semidec.
+ apply many_one_from_prod.
+ apply Simple.
- intros H. eapply simple_not_dec.
+ exact Simple.
+ eapply oneone_red_dec.
* apply one_one_to_prod.
* exact H.
- apply Simple.
- apply simple_not_dec, Simple.
- intros H % cyl_iff2.
+ apply simple_not_cylinder in Simple. intuition.
+ exists nat2_to_nat. apply nat2_to_nat_bij.
- apply prod_equiv.
(* One-one and many-one degrees do not coincide on the class of semidecidable, but undecidable predicates *)
Corollary one_degree_m_degree_distinction:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W)
-> exists X Y (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop),
semidec p /\ ~ decidable p /\ semidec q /\ ~ decidable q /\
~ (p =1 q) /\ (p =m q).
intros W. destruct (Post_Simple_Predicate W) as [S Simple].
exists nat. exists (prod nat nat). exists S. exists (S ** (Top nat)). repeat split.
- apply Simple.
- apply simple_not_dec, Simple.
- eapply manyone_red_semidec.
+ apply many_one_from_prod.
+ apply Simple.
- intros H. eapply simple_not_dec.
+ exact Simple.
+ eapply oneone_red_dec.
* apply one_one_to_prod.
* exact H.
- intros H % cyl_iff3.
+ apply simple_not_cylinder in Simple. intuition.
+ exists nat2_to_nat. apply nat2_to_nat_bij.
- apply prod_equiv.
- apply prod_equiv.
(* Post's Problem with respect to many-one reductions:
There exists a semidecidable but undecidable predicate, that is not m-complete *)
Corollary Post's_Problem_wrt_Many_One:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W /\ S_M_N' W /\ inhabited (LIST_ID W))
-> exists X (S: X -> Prop), semidec S /\ ~ decidable S /\ ~ m_complete S.
intros (W & es & sdec & smn & [list_id]).
destruct Post_Simple_Predicate as [S Simple].
- now exists W.
- exists nat. exists S; repeat split.
+ apply Simple.
+ apply simple_not_dec, Simple.
+ now apply (simple_not_complete W).
(* M-Completeness and TT-Completeness do not coincide *)
Corollary m_completeness_tt_completeness_distinction:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W /\ S_M_N' W /\ inhabited (LIST_ID W))
-> exists X (S: X -> Prop), ~ m_complete S /\ tt_complete S.
intros (W & es & [W_SDec sdec] & smn & [list_id]).
destruct (W_full W es) as [c_top c_top_spec].
exists nat. exists (S_Star W W_SDec sdec c_top c_top_spec).
- apply (simple_not_complete W); intuition.
+ now exists W_SDec.
+ now apply S_Star_simple.
- apply (tt_complete_trans (fun '(c,x) => W c x)).
+ exact nat2_nat_iso.
+ apply tt_red_W_S_Star.
+ apply m_complete_tt_complete, W_m_complete; intuition. now exists W_SDec.
+ now apply S_Star_simple.
(* Many-one and Truth-Table reductions do not coincide on the class of semidecidable, but undecidable predicates *)
Corollary m_red_tt_red_distinction:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W /\ S_M_N' W /\ inhabited (LIST_ID W))
-> exists X Y (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop),
semidec p /\ ~ decidable p /\ semidec q /\ ~ decidable q /\
~ (p <=m q) /\ (p <=tt q).
intros (W & es & [W_SDec sdec] & smn & [list_id]).
destruct (W_full W es) as [c_top c_top_spec].
exists (prod nat nat). exists nat.
exists (fun '(c,x) => W c x). exists (S_Star W W_SDec sdec c_top c_top_spec).
repeat split.
- now exists W_SDec.
- now apply (W_undec W).
- now apply S_Star_simple.
- now apply simple_not_dec, S_Star_simple.
- intros H % many_complete_trans.
+ eapply (simple_not_complete W); intuition.
* now exists W_SDec.
* now apply S_Star_simple.
* exact H.
+ exact nat2_nat_iso.
+ apply W_m_complete; intuition. now exists W_SDec.
+ now apply S_Star_simple.
- apply tt_red_W_S_Star.
(* Many-one and Truth-Table degrees do not coincide on the class of semidecidable, but undecidable predicates *)
Corollary m_degree_tt_degree_distinction:
(exists W, ES W /\ W_SEMIDEC W /\ S_M_N' W /\ inhabited (LIST_ID W))
-> exists X Y (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop),
semidec p /\ ~ decidable p /\ semidec q /\ ~ decidable q /\
~ (p =m q) /\ (p =tt q).
intros (W & es & [W_SDec sdec] & smn & [list_id]).
destruct (W_full W es) as [c_top c_top_spec].
exists (prod nat nat). exists nat.
exists (fun '(c,x) => W c x). exists (S_Star W W_SDec sdec c_top c_top_spec).
repeat split.
- now exists W_SDec.
- now apply (W_undec W).
- now apply S_Star_simple.
- now apply simple_not_dec, S_Star_simple.
- intros [H % many_complete_trans _].
+ eapply (simple_not_complete W); intuition.
* now exists W_SDec.
* now apply S_Star_simple.
* exact H.
+ exact nat2_nat_iso.
+ apply W_m_complete; intuition. now exists W_SDec.
+ now apply S_Star_simple.
- apply tt_red_W_S_Star.
- apply W_tt_complete; intuition.
+ now exists W_SDec.
+ exact nat2_nat_iso.
+ exact D_nat.
+ now apply S_Star_simple.