(* Characterizations of Reducibility Notions *)
Require Export List Eqdep_dec.
Import ListNotations.
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia.
Require Import Cantor_Pairing_Coq Preliminaries_Coq Preliminaries_Lists_Coq Definitions_Coq
Synthetic_Computability_Theory_Coq Preliminaries_Corresponding_Coq.
(* Many-One Characterization *)
(* Product Predicate *)
Definition product {X Y} p q : X * Y -> Prop
:= fun t => p (fst t) /\ q (snd t).
Notation "p ** q" := (product p q) (at level 94, no associativity).
Lemma product_oneone_r {X Y Z} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop) (r: Z -> Prop):
q <=1 r -> p ** q <=1 p ** r.
intros [f [I H]].
exists (fun '(x,y) => (x, f y)).
- intros [x11 x12] [x21 x22] E.
apply pair_equal_spec in E. apply pair_equal_spec.
- intros [x y].
Lemma one_one_to_prod {X} (p: X -> Prop):
p <=1 p ** Top X.
exists (fun x => (x,x)).
- intros x1 x2 H. apply pair_equal_spec in H. tauto.
- intros x. split; firstorder.
Lemma many_one_from_prod {X Y} (p: X -> Prop):
p ** (Top Y) <=m p.
exists fst.
intros x. split; firstorder.
Corollary prod_equiv {X} (p: X -> Prop):
p =m p ** Top X.
- apply oneone_manyone_inclusion. exact (one_one_to_prod p).
- exact (many_one_from_prod p).
(* Cylinder Predicates *)
Definition cylinder {X} (p:X -> Prop) : Prop
:= exists (q: X -> Prop), p =1 q ** Top X.
Lemma cyl_iff1 {X} (p: X -> Prop) :
(exists I: X * X -> X, injective I)
-> (cylinder p <-> (forall Y (r: Y -> Prop), (exists I: Y -> X, injective I) -> r <=m p -> r <=1 p)).
intros I1. split.
- intros [q HB] Y r [I Inj] H1.
apply (one_one_trans (q ** (Top X))).
+ assert (r <=m q) as [f Hf].
* apply (many_one_trans p); try assumption.
apply (many_one_trans (q ** (Top X))); try apply many_one_from_prod.
apply oneone_manyone_inclusion.
apply HB.
* exists (fun x => (f x, I x)). split.
intros x1 x2 E.
apply pair_equal_spec in E. apply Inj. tauto.
intros x. split; firstorder.
+ apply HB.
- intros H1. exists p. split.
+ apply one_one_to_prod.
+ apply H1; intuition. apply many_one_from_prod.
Corollary cyl_iff2 {X} (p: X -> Prop):
(exists I: X * X -> X, injective I) -> cylinder p <-> (p ** (Top X) <=1 p).
- intros H1. apply (cyl_iff1 p); intuition.
apply many_one_from_prod.
- intros H1. exists p. split; intuition.
apply one_one_to_prod.
Corollary cyl_iff3 {X} (p: X -> Prop):
(exists I: X * X -> X, injective I) -> cylinder p <-> (p =1 p ** (Top X)).
- intros H1 % (cyl_iff2); intuition.
split; intuition.
apply one_one_to_prod.
- intros H1.
exists p.
split; apply H1.
Lemma prod_cyl {X} (p:X -> Prop):
(exists I: X * X -> X, injective I) -> cylinder (p ** Top X).
intros [I H].
exists (p ** Top X). split.
- apply one_one_to_prod.
- exists (fun '((x1, x2), pa) => (x1, (I (x2, I pa)))).
+ intros [[x11 x12] pa1] [[x21 x22] pa2] E.
inversion E. apply H in H2.
inversion H2. apply H in H4. now rewrite H4.
+ intros [[x1 x2] pa]. firstorder.
(* Many-One Reduction characterized in terms of One-One Reductions *)
(* Proof by Cylinder Notion *)
Lemma manyone_oneone_iff_Cylinder {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
(exists (I: X * X -> Y), injective I) -> (exists (I: Y * Y -> Y), injective I)
-> p <=m q <-> (p ** (Top X) <=1 q ** (Top Y)).
intros [I Inj] InjY; split.
- intros [f H]. apply cyl_iff1.
+ destruct InjY as [IY InjY].
exists (fun '(pa1, pa2) => (IY pa1, IY pa2)).
intros [pa11 pa12] [pa21 pa22] H1. apply pair_equal_spec.
split; apply InjY; now inversion H1.
+ apply prod_cyl, InjY.
+ exists (fun pa => (I pa, I pa)).
intros pa1 pa2 H1. apply Inj. now inversion H1.
+ exists (fun '(x1, x2) => (f x1, f x2)).
intros [x1 x2]. firstorder.
- intros H % oneone_manyone_inclusion.
apply (many_one_trans (p ** Top X)).
+ apply oneone_manyone_inclusion, one_one_to_prod.
+ apply (many_one_trans (q ** Top Y)); intuition.
apply many_one_from_prod.
(* Proof by explicit Reduction Construction *)
Lemma manyone_oneone_iff {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
(exists (I: X * X -> Y), injective I) -> p <=m q <-> (p ** (Top X) <=1 q ** (Top Y)).
intros [I H1].
- intros [f H].
exists (fun '(x1,x2) => (f x1, I (x1, x2))); split.
+ intros [x11 x12] [x21 x22] H2.
apply H1. now inversion H2.
+ intros [x1 x2]. split; firstorder.
- intros [f H]. exists (fun x => fst (f (x,x))).
intros x. split; firstorder.
Lemma manyone_oneone_iff_nat (p: nat -> Prop) (q: nat -> Prop):
p <=m q <-> (p ** (Top nat) <=1 q ** (Top nat)).
apply manyone_oneone_iff.
exists nat2_to_nat. apply nat2_to_nat_bij.
(* Characterization transports to computability degree *)
Corollary manyone_oneone_degree_iff {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
(exists (I: X * X -> Y), injective I) -> (exists (I: Y * Y -> X), injective I)
-> p =m q <-> (p ** (Top X) =1 q ** (Top Y)).
intros I1 I2.
split; intros [H1 H2]; split; now apply manyone_oneone_iff.
Corollary manyone_oneone_degree_iff_nat (p: nat -> Prop) (q: nat -> Prop):
p =m q <-> (p ** (Top nat) =1 q ** (Top nat)).
apply manyone_oneone_degree_iff;
exists nat2_to_nat; apply nat2_to_nat_bij.
(* Cylinders are the the maximal 1-degreee within a m-degree *)
Corollary cyl_max {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
(exists (I: Y * Y -> X), injective I) -> p =m q -> p <=1 q -> q <=1 p ** (Top X).
intros I [_ H1] H2.
apply manyone_oneone_iff in H1; intuition.
apply (one_one_trans (q ** (Top Y))); intuition.
exact (one_one_to_prod q).
(* Truth-Table Characterization *)
(* Truth-Table Cylinders *)
Definition tt_cyl {X} (p : X -> Prop): {LX : list X & forall (LB: list bool), length LB = length LX -> bool} -> Prop
:= fun s => match s with existT _ LX alpha => forall LB H, corresponding p LX LB -> alpha LB H = true end.
Lemma stable_cyl {X} (p: X -> Prop):
stable (tt_cyl p).
intros [LX alpha] H LB H0 C.
destruct alpha eqn: E; trivial.
exfalso; apply H. intros H1.
specialize (H1 LB H0 C).
rewrite E in H1; discriminate.
(* Proof Irrelevance for Equality Proofs on Nat *)
Lemma PI_equality_nat {n1 n2: nat}:
forall (H1 H2: n1 = n2), H1 = H2.
apply UIP_dec.
intros x y. destruct (D_nat (x,y)); firstorder.
(* Basic Properties of Truth-Table Cylinders *)
Lemma tt_cyl_one_one {X} (p: X -> Prop):
stable p -> p <=1 tt_cyl p.
intros S.
exists (fun x => existT _ [x] (fun LB _ => match LB with [b] => b | _ => false end)).
- intros x1 x2 H. now inversion H.
- intros x. split.
+ intros px LB H1 H2. inversion H2.
inversion H5. apply H3, px.
+ intros H. cbn in H. apply S. intros npx.
enough (false = true) by discriminate.
specialize (H [false]). intuition.
apply H0. constructor.
* split; intros H; firstorder. discriminate.
* constructor.
Lemma tt_cyl_tt_red {X} (p: X -> Prop):
tt_cyl p <=tt p.
apply tt_agree.
exists (fun s => match s with existT _ LX alpha => LX end).
intros [LX alpha] LB H.
exists (alpha LB H).
intros H1. cbn. split; intros H2.
- firstorder.
- intros LB0 H0 C.
assert (LB = LB0) as <-.
+ apply (corresponding_one_one p LX); intuition.
+ enough (H = H0) as <- by exact H2.
apply PI_equality_nat.
(* Embedding of Truth-Table Cylinders *)
Section tt_embeding.
(* Functional Extensionality for Truth-Table Conditions *)
Lemma FE_condition n:
FE -> forall (f1 f2: forall LB: list bool, length LB = n -> bool), (forall LB H, f1 LB H = f2 LB H) -> f1 = f2.
intros fe f1 f2 H. apply fe.
intros L. now apply fe.
(* Assuming Certain Encodings *)
Context {Y: Type}.
Variable (I2: nat -> Y) (H2: injective I2).
Variable (IY: Y * Y -> Y) (HY: injective IY).
Fixpoint list_el_inj {X} (I1: X -> Y) (L: list X): Y
:= match L with nil => I2 0 | x::L => IY (I1 x, list_el_inj I1 L) end.
Lemma list_el_injective {X} (I1: X -> Y):
injective I1 -> forall L1 L2, length L1 = length L2 -> list_el_inj I1 L1 = list_el_inj I1 L2 -> L1 = L2.
intros H1 L1. induction L1; intros L2.
- destruct L2.
+ trivial.
+ cbn. lia.
- destruct L2.
+ cbn; lia.
+ intros E1 E2. specialize (IHL1 L2).
cbn in E2. apply HY in E2. inversion E2.
apply H1 in H0. rewrite H0.
rewrite IHL1; intuition.
Lemma injection_ex1 {X}:
(exists (I: X -> Y), injective I) -> exists I: list X -> Y, injective I.
intros [I1 H1].
exists (fun L => IY (I2 (length L), list_el_inj I1 L)).
intros L1 L2 E. apply HY in E.
inversion E.
apply H2 in H0. apply (list_el_injective I1); intuition.
Fixpoint bool_list_help n : list (list bool)
:= match n with 0 => [[]] |
S n => let LB := bool_list_help n in
(map (fun L => true::L) LB) ++ (map (fun L => false :: L) LB) end.
Definition listing : Type -> Type
:= fun X => {L | forall (x: X), In x L}.
Lemma proof_S_true {n L}:
length L = n -> length (true::L) = S n.
cbn; now intros ->.
Lemma proof_S_false {n L}:
length L = n -> length (false::L) = S n.
cbn; now intros ->.
Lemma bool_list_listing n: listing {LB: list bool & length LB = n}.
induction n.
- assert (length (nil: list bool) = 0) by trivial.
exists [(existT _ [] H)]. intros [LB H0].
destruct LB.
+ assert (H = H0) by apply PI_equality_nat.
rewrite H1; firstorder.
+ cbn in H0; lia.
- destruct IHn as [L H].
exists ((map (fun s => match s with existT _ LB H => existT _ (true::LB) (proof_S_true H)end )L)
++ (map (fun s => match s with existT _ LB H => existT _ (false::LB) (proof_S_false H)end )L)).
intros [LB H0]. destruct LB; try (cbn in *; discriminate).
assert (length LB = n) by (cbn in *; lia). destruct b.
+ apply in_or_app. left. apply in_map_iff.
exists (existT _ LB H1); split.
* enough (H0 = proof_S_true H1) as -> by trivial.
apply PI_equality_nat.
* apply H.
+ apply in_or_app. right. apply in_map_iff.
exists (existT _ LB H1); split.
* enough (H0 = proof_S_false H1) as -> by trivial.
apply PI_equality_nat.
* apply H.
Definition boolL_to_Y (LB: list bool) : Y
:= list_el_inj (fun (b: bool) => if b then I2 1 else I2 0) LB.
Lemma injection_ex2 {X}:
FE -> exists I: forall (LX: list X), (forall LB : list bool, length LB = length LX -> bool) -> Y,
forall LX, forall alpha1 alpha2, I LX alpha1 = I LX alpha2 -> alpha1 = alpha2 .
intros fe.
exists (fun LX alpha => boolL_to_Y (map (fun s => match s with existT _ LB HB => alpha LB HB end) (proj1_sig (bool_list_listing (length LX))))).
intros LX alpha1 alpha2 E.
apply FE_condition; intuition.
remember (proj2_sig (bool_list_listing (length LX))).
apply list_el_injective in E; intuition.
- rewrite map_ext_in_iff in E.
specialize (E (existT _ LB H)). cbn in *. apply E.
apply (map_inj_elem (fun s : {LB : list bool & length LB = length LX} => let (LB, _) := s in LB)).
+ intros [LB1 HL1] [LB2 HL2] E1.
revert HL1 HL2. rewrite E1. intros HL1 HL2.
enough (HL1 = HL2) as <- by trivial.
apply PI_equality_nat.
+ clear Heqi. specialize (i (existT _ LB H)).
apply in_map_iff. exists (existT _ LB H); intuition.
- intros b1 b2.
destruct b1, b2; intros E1 % H2; firstorder; discriminate.
- now repeat rewrite map_length.
(* Final Embedding *)
Lemma injection_ex {X}:
FE -> (exists (I: X -> Y), injective I)
-> exists I : {LX : list X & forall LB : list bool, length LB = length LX -> bool} -> Y, injective I.
intros fe I1.
remember (injection_ex1 I1).
remember (@injection_ex2 X fe).
clear Heqe Heqe0 I1. destruct e as [IL1 H1]. destruct e0 as [ITT HTT].
exists (fun s => match s with existT _ LX alpha => IY ((IL1 LX), (ITT LX alpha)) end).
intros [L1 alpha1] [L2 alpha2] E. apply HY in E. inversion E.
apply H1 in H0.
revert H3 E. revert alpha1.
rewrite H0.
intros alpha1 H3 E.
apply HTT in H3. now rewrite H3.
End tt_embeding.
(* Characterization on Truth-Table Reductions in terms of One-One Reductions *)
Lemma tt_oneone_iff_help {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
stable p -> (exists I: X -> Y, injective I) -> p <=tt q -> p <=1 tt_cyl q.
intros S [I HI] [f [H0]] % tt_agree.
assert (forall x, forall L : list bool, length L = length (I x :: f x) -> {b : bool | corresponding q (I x :: f x) L -> p x <-> b = true}).
- intros x L H. destruct L; cbn in H.
+ discriminate.
+ destruct (H0 x L).
* lia.
* exists x0. intros C.
apply i. now inversion C.
- exists (fun x => existT _ (I x :: f x) (fun LB H => proj1_sig (X0 x LB H))).
+ intros x1 x2 E. inversion E. now apply HI.
+ intros x. split.
* intros px LB H. destruct (X0 x LB H).
cbn ; firstorder.
* intros H. apply S.
intros npx. apply (corresponding_weak q (I x :: f x)).
intros [LB [C Le]]. apply npx. specialize (H LB Le C).
now apply (proj2_sig (X0 x LB Le) C).
Lemma tt_oneone_iff1 {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
FE -> (exists (I: X -> Y), injective I) -> (exists I: nat -> Y, injective I) -> (exists I: Y * Y -> Y, injective I)
-> p <=tt q -> (tt_cyl p <=1 tt_cyl q).
intros fe I1 [I2 H2] [IY HY] H. assert (tt_cyl p <=tt q).
- eapply tt_trans.
+ apply tt_cyl_tt_red.
+ exact H.
- apply tt_oneone_iff_help.
+ apply stable_cyl.
+ now (apply (injection_ex I2 H2 IY HY)).
+ apply H0.
Lemma tt_oneone_iff2 {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
stable p -> (tt_cyl p <=1 tt_cyl q) -> p <=tt q.
intros S H. apply (tt_trans (tt_cyl q)).
- apply manyone_tt_inclusion, oneone_manyone_inclusion.
apply (one_one_trans (tt_cyl p)).
+ apply tt_cyl_one_one, S.
+ exact H.
- apply tt_cyl_tt_red.
Theorem tt_oneone_iff {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
FE -> stable p
-> (exists (I: X -> Y), injective I) -> (exists I: nat -> Y, injective I) -> (exists I: Y * Y -> Y, injective I)
-> p <=tt q <-> ((tt_cyl p) <=1 (tt_cyl q)).
intros Sp; split.
- now apply tt_oneone_iff1.
- now apply tt_oneone_iff2.
Theorem tt_oneone_iff_nat (p: nat -> Prop) (q: nat -> Prop):
FE -> stable p -> p <=tt q <-> ((tt_cyl p) <=1 (tt_cyl q)).
intros fe S. apply tt_oneone_iff; intuition.
- now exists (fun x => x).
- now exists (fun x => x).
- exists nat2_to_nat. apply nat2_to_nat_bij.
(* Characterization transports to computability degree *)
Corollary tt_oneone_degree_iff {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
FE -> stable p -> stable q
-> (exists (I: X -> Y), injective I) -> (exists I: nat -> Y, injective I) -> (exists I: Y * Y -> Y, injective I)
-> (exists (I: Y -> X), injective I) -> (exists I: nat -> X, injective I) -> (exists I: X * X -> X, injective I)
-> p =tt q <-> ((tt_cyl p) =1 (tt_cyl q)).
intros fe sp sq I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6.
split; intros [H1 H2]; split; now apply tt_oneone_iff.
Corollary tt_oneone_degree_iff_nat (p: nat -> Prop) (q: nat -> Prop):
FE -> stable p -> stable q
-> p =tt q <-> ((tt_cyl p) =1 (tt_cyl q)).
intros fe sp sq.
split; intros [H1 H2]; split; now apply tt_oneone_iff_nat.
(* TT-Cylinders are the the maximal 1-degreee within a tt-degree *)
Corollary tt_cyl_max {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
FE -> stable q ->
(exists (I: Y -> X), injective I) -> (exists I: nat -> X, injective I) -> (exists I: X * X -> X, injective I)
-> p =tt q -> p <=1 q -> q <=1 tt_cyl p.
intros fe S I1 I2 I3 [_ H1] H2.
apply tt_oneone_iff in H1; try assumption.
apply (one_one_trans (tt_cyl q)); intuition.
now apply tt_cyl_one_one.
Require Export List Eqdep_dec.
Import ListNotations.
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia.
Require Import Cantor_Pairing_Coq Preliminaries_Coq Preliminaries_Lists_Coq Definitions_Coq
Synthetic_Computability_Theory_Coq Preliminaries_Corresponding_Coq.
(* Many-One Characterization *)
(* Product Predicate *)
Definition product {X Y} p q : X * Y -> Prop
:= fun t => p (fst t) /\ q (snd t).
Notation "p ** q" := (product p q) (at level 94, no associativity).
Lemma product_oneone_r {X Y Z} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop) (r: Z -> Prop):
q <=1 r -> p ** q <=1 p ** r.
intros [f [I H]].
exists (fun '(x,y) => (x, f y)).
- intros [x11 x12] [x21 x22] E.
apply pair_equal_spec in E. apply pair_equal_spec.
- intros [x y].
Lemma one_one_to_prod {X} (p: X -> Prop):
p <=1 p ** Top X.
exists (fun x => (x,x)).
- intros x1 x2 H. apply pair_equal_spec in H. tauto.
- intros x. split; firstorder.
Lemma many_one_from_prod {X Y} (p: X -> Prop):
p ** (Top Y) <=m p.
exists fst.
intros x. split; firstorder.
Corollary prod_equiv {X} (p: X -> Prop):
p =m p ** Top X.
- apply oneone_manyone_inclusion. exact (one_one_to_prod p).
- exact (many_one_from_prod p).
(* Cylinder Predicates *)
Definition cylinder {X} (p:X -> Prop) : Prop
:= exists (q: X -> Prop), p =1 q ** Top X.
Lemma cyl_iff1 {X} (p: X -> Prop) :
(exists I: X * X -> X, injective I)
-> (cylinder p <-> (forall Y (r: Y -> Prop), (exists I: Y -> X, injective I) -> r <=m p -> r <=1 p)).
intros I1. split.
- intros [q HB] Y r [I Inj] H1.
apply (one_one_trans (q ** (Top X))).
+ assert (r <=m q) as [f Hf].
* apply (many_one_trans p); try assumption.
apply (many_one_trans (q ** (Top X))); try apply many_one_from_prod.
apply oneone_manyone_inclusion.
apply HB.
* exists (fun x => (f x, I x)). split.
intros x1 x2 E.
apply pair_equal_spec in E. apply Inj. tauto.
intros x. split; firstorder.
+ apply HB.
- intros H1. exists p. split.
+ apply one_one_to_prod.
+ apply H1; intuition. apply many_one_from_prod.
Corollary cyl_iff2 {X} (p: X -> Prop):
(exists I: X * X -> X, injective I) -> cylinder p <-> (p ** (Top X) <=1 p).
- intros H1. apply (cyl_iff1 p); intuition.
apply many_one_from_prod.
- intros H1. exists p. split; intuition.
apply one_one_to_prod.
Corollary cyl_iff3 {X} (p: X -> Prop):
(exists I: X * X -> X, injective I) -> cylinder p <-> (p =1 p ** (Top X)).
- intros H1 % (cyl_iff2); intuition.
split; intuition.
apply one_one_to_prod.
- intros H1.
exists p.
split; apply H1.
Lemma prod_cyl {X} (p:X -> Prop):
(exists I: X * X -> X, injective I) -> cylinder (p ** Top X).
intros [I H].
exists (p ** Top X). split.
- apply one_one_to_prod.
- exists (fun '((x1, x2), pa) => (x1, (I (x2, I pa)))).
+ intros [[x11 x12] pa1] [[x21 x22] pa2] E.
inversion E. apply H in H2.
inversion H2. apply H in H4. now rewrite H4.
+ intros [[x1 x2] pa]. firstorder.
(* Many-One Reduction characterized in terms of One-One Reductions *)
(* Proof by Cylinder Notion *)
Lemma manyone_oneone_iff_Cylinder {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
(exists (I: X * X -> Y), injective I) -> (exists (I: Y * Y -> Y), injective I)
-> p <=m q <-> (p ** (Top X) <=1 q ** (Top Y)).
intros [I Inj] InjY; split.
- intros [f H]. apply cyl_iff1.
+ destruct InjY as [IY InjY].
exists (fun '(pa1, pa2) => (IY pa1, IY pa2)).
intros [pa11 pa12] [pa21 pa22] H1. apply pair_equal_spec.
split; apply InjY; now inversion H1.
+ apply prod_cyl, InjY.
+ exists (fun pa => (I pa, I pa)).
intros pa1 pa2 H1. apply Inj. now inversion H1.
+ exists (fun '(x1, x2) => (f x1, f x2)).
intros [x1 x2]. firstorder.
- intros H % oneone_manyone_inclusion.
apply (many_one_trans (p ** Top X)).
+ apply oneone_manyone_inclusion, one_one_to_prod.
+ apply (many_one_trans (q ** Top Y)); intuition.
apply many_one_from_prod.
(* Proof by explicit Reduction Construction *)
Lemma manyone_oneone_iff {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
(exists (I: X * X -> Y), injective I) -> p <=m q <-> (p ** (Top X) <=1 q ** (Top Y)).
intros [I H1].
- intros [f H].
exists (fun '(x1,x2) => (f x1, I (x1, x2))); split.
+ intros [x11 x12] [x21 x22] H2.
apply H1. now inversion H2.
+ intros [x1 x2]. split; firstorder.
- intros [f H]. exists (fun x => fst (f (x,x))).
intros x. split; firstorder.
Lemma manyone_oneone_iff_nat (p: nat -> Prop) (q: nat -> Prop):
p <=m q <-> (p ** (Top nat) <=1 q ** (Top nat)).
apply manyone_oneone_iff.
exists nat2_to_nat. apply nat2_to_nat_bij.
(* Characterization transports to computability degree *)
Corollary manyone_oneone_degree_iff {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
(exists (I: X * X -> Y), injective I) -> (exists (I: Y * Y -> X), injective I)
-> p =m q <-> (p ** (Top X) =1 q ** (Top Y)).
intros I1 I2.
split; intros [H1 H2]; split; now apply manyone_oneone_iff.
Corollary manyone_oneone_degree_iff_nat (p: nat -> Prop) (q: nat -> Prop):
p =m q <-> (p ** (Top nat) =1 q ** (Top nat)).
apply manyone_oneone_degree_iff;
exists nat2_to_nat; apply nat2_to_nat_bij.
(* Cylinders are the the maximal 1-degreee within a m-degree *)
Corollary cyl_max {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
(exists (I: Y * Y -> X), injective I) -> p =m q -> p <=1 q -> q <=1 p ** (Top X).
intros I [_ H1] H2.
apply manyone_oneone_iff in H1; intuition.
apply (one_one_trans (q ** (Top Y))); intuition.
exact (one_one_to_prod q).
(* Truth-Table Characterization *)
(* Truth-Table Cylinders *)
Definition tt_cyl {X} (p : X -> Prop): {LX : list X & forall (LB: list bool), length LB = length LX -> bool} -> Prop
:= fun s => match s with existT _ LX alpha => forall LB H, corresponding p LX LB -> alpha LB H = true end.
Lemma stable_cyl {X} (p: X -> Prop):
stable (tt_cyl p).
intros [LX alpha] H LB H0 C.
destruct alpha eqn: E; trivial.
exfalso; apply H. intros H1.
specialize (H1 LB H0 C).
rewrite E in H1; discriminate.
(* Proof Irrelevance for Equality Proofs on Nat *)
Lemma PI_equality_nat {n1 n2: nat}:
forall (H1 H2: n1 = n2), H1 = H2.
apply UIP_dec.
intros x y. destruct (D_nat (x,y)); firstorder.
(* Basic Properties of Truth-Table Cylinders *)
Lemma tt_cyl_one_one {X} (p: X -> Prop):
stable p -> p <=1 tt_cyl p.
intros S.
exists (fun x => existT _ [x] (fun LB _ => match LB with [b] => b | _ => false end)).
- intros x1 x2 H. now inversion H.
- intros x. split.
+ intros px LB H1 H2. inversion H2.
inversion H5. apply H3, px.
+ intros H. cbn in H. apply S. intros npx.
enough (false = true) by discriminate.
specialize (H [false]). intuition.
apply H0. constructor.
* split; intros H; firstorder. discriminate.
* constructor.
Lemma tt_cyl_tt_red {X} (p: X -> Prop):
tt_cyl p <=tt p.
apply tt_agree.
exists (fun s => match s with existT _ LX alpha => LX end).
intros [LX alpha] LB H.
exists (alpha LB H).
intros H1. cbn. split; intros H2.
- firstorder.
- intros LB0 H0 C.
assert (LB = LB0) as <-.
+ apply (corresponding_one_one p LX); intuition.
+ enough (H = H0) as <- by exact H2.
apply PI_equality_nat.
(* Embedding of Truth-Table Cylinders *)
Section tt_embeding.
(* Functional Extensionality for Truth-Table Conditions *)
Lemma FE_condition n:
FE -> forall (f1 f2: forall LB: list bool, length LB = n -> bool), (forall LB H, f1 LB H = f2 LB H) -> f1 = f2.
intros fe f1 f2 H. apply fe.
intros L. now apply fe.
(* Assuming Certain Encodings *)
Context {Y: Type}.
Variable (I2: nat -> Y) (H2: injective I2).
Variable (IY: Y * Y -> Y) (HY: injective IY).
Fixpoint list_el_inj {X} (I1: X -> Y) (L: list X): Y
:= match L with nil => I2 0 | x::L => IY (I1 x, list_el_inj I1 L) end.
Lemma list_el_injective {X} (I1: X -> Y):
injective I1 -> forall L1 L2, length L1 = length L2 -> list_el_inj I1 L1 = list_el_inj I1 L2 -> L1 = L2.
intros H1 L1. induction L1; intros L2.
- destruct L2.
+ trivial.
+ cbn. lia.
- destruct L2.
+ cbn; lia.
+ intros E1 E2. specialize (IHL1 L2).
cbn in E2. apply HY in E2. inversion E2.
apply H1 in H0. rewrite H0.
rewrite IHL1; intuition.
Lemma injection_ex1 {X}:
(exists (I: X -> Y), injective I) -> exists I: list X -> Y, injective I.
intros [I1 H1].
exists (fun L => IY (I2 (length L), list_el_inj I1 L)).
intros L1 L2 E. apply HY in E.
inversion E.
apply H2 in H0. apply (list_el_injective I1); intuition.
Fixpoint bool_list_help n : list (list bool)
:= match n with 0 => [[]] |
S n => let LB := bool_list_help n in
(map (fun L => true::L) LB) ++ (map (fun L => false :: L) LB) end.
Definition listing : Type -> Type
:= fun X => {L | forall (x: X), In x L}.
Lemma proof_S_true {n L}:
length L = n -> length (true::L) = S n.
cbn; now intros ->.
Lemma proof_S_false {n L}:
length L = n -> length (false::L) = S n.
cbn; now intros ->.
Lemma bool_list_listing n: listing {LB: list bool & length LB = n}.
induction n.
- assert (length (nil: list bool) = 0) by trivial.
exists [(existT _ [] H)]. intros [LB H0].
destruct LB.
+ assert (H = H0) by apply PI_equality_nat.
rewrite H1; firstorder.
+ cbn in H0; lia.
- destruct IHn as [L H].
exists ((map (fun s => match s with existT _ LB H => existT _ (true::LB) (proof_S_true H)end )L)
++ (map (fun s => match s with existT _ LB H => existT _ (false::LB) (proof_S_false H)end )L)).
intros [LB H0]. destruct LB; try (cbn in *; discriminate).
assert (length LB = n) by (cbn in *; lia). destruct b.
+ apply in_or_app. left. apply in_map_iff.
exists (existT _ LB H1); split.
* enough (H0 = proof_S_true H1) as -> by trivial.
apply PI_equality_nat.
* apply H.
+ apply in_or_app. right. apply in_map_iff.
exists (existT _ LB H1); split.
* enough (H0 = proof_S_false H1) as -> by trivial.
apply PI_equality_nat.
* apply H.
Definition boolL_to_Y (LB: list bool) : Y
:= list_el_inj (fun (b: bool) => if b then I2 1 else I2 0) LB.
Lemma injection_ex2 {X}:
FE -> exists I: forall (LX: list X), (forall LB : list bool, length LB = length LX -> bool) -> Y,
forall LX, forall alpha1 alpha2, I LX alpha1 = I LX alpha2 -> alpha1 = alpha2 .
intros fe.
exists (fun LX alpha => boolL_to_Y (map (fun s => match s with existT _ LB HB => alpha LB HB end) (proj1_sig (bool_list_listing (length LX))))).
intros LX alpha1 alpha2 E.
apply FE_condition; intuition.
remember (proj2_sig (bool_list_listing (length LX))).
apply list_el_injective in E; intuition.
- rewrite map_ext_in_iff in E.
specialize (E (existT _ LB H)). cbn in *. apply E.
apply (map_inj_elem (fun s : {LB : list bool & length LB = length LX} => let (LB, _) := s in LB)).
+ intros [LB1 HL1] [LB2 HL2] E1.
revert HL1 HL2. rewrite E1. intros HL1 HL2.
enough (HL1 = HL2) as <- by trivial.
apply PI_equality_nat.
+ clear Heqi. specialize (i (existT _ LB H)).
apply in_map_iff. exists (existT _ LB H); intuition.
- intros b1 b2.
destruct b1, b2; intros E1 % H2; firstorder; discriminate.
- now repeat rewrite map_length.
(* Final Embedding *)
Lemma injection_ex {X}:
FE -> (exists (I: X -> Y), injective I)
-> exists I : {LX : list X & forall LB : list bool, length LB = length LX -> bool} -> Y, injective I.
intros fe I1.
remember (injection_ex1 I1).
remember (@injection_ex2 X fe).
clear Heqe Heqe0 I1. destruct e as [IL1 H1]. destruct e0 as [ITT HTT].
exists (fun s => match s with existT _ LX alpha => IY ((IL1 LX), (ITT LX alpha)) end).
intros [L1 alpha1] [L2 alpha2] E. apply HY in E. inversion E.
apply H1 in H0.
revert H3 E. revert alpha1.
rewrite H0.
intros alpha1 H3 E.
apply HTT in H3. now rewrite H3.
End tt_embeding.
(* Characterization on Truth-Table Reductions in terms of One-One Reductions *)
Lemma tt_oneone_iff_help {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
stable p -> (exists I: X -> Y, injective I) -> p <=tt q -> p <=1 tt_cyl q.
intros S [I HI] [f [H0]] % tt_agree.
assert (forall x, forall L : list bool, length L = length (I x :: f x) -> {b : bool | corresponding q (I x :: f x) L -> p x <-> b = true}).
- intros x L H. destruct L; cbn in H.
+ discriminate.
+ destruct (H0 x L).
* lia.
* exists x0. intros C.
apply i. now inversion C.
- exists (fun x => existT _ (I x :: f x) (fun LB H => proj1_sig (X0 x LB H))).
+ intros x1 x2 E. inversion E. now apply HI.
+ intros x. split.
* intros px LB H. destruct (X0 x LB H).
cbn ; firstorder.
* intros H. apply S.
intros npx. apply (corresponding_weak q (I x :: f x)).
intros [LB [C Le]]. apply npx. specialize (H LB Le C).
now apply (proj2_sig (X0 x LB Le) C).
Lemma tt_oneone_iff1 {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
FE -> (exists (I: X -> Y), injective I) -> (exists I: nat -> Y, injective I) -> (exists I: Y * Y -> Y, injective I)
-> p <=tt q -> (tt_cyl p <=1 tt_cyl q).
intros fe I1 [I2 H2] [IY HY] H. assert (tt_cyl p <=tt q).
- eapply tt_trans.
+ apply tt_cyl_tt_red.
+ exact H.
- apply tt_oneone_iff_help.
+ apply stable_cyl.
+ now (apply (injection_ex I2 H2 IY HY)).
+ apply H0.
Lemma tt_oneone_iff2 {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
stable p -> (tt_cyl p <=1 tt_cyl q) -> p <=tt q.
intros S H. apply (tt_trans (tt_cyl q)).
- apply manyone_tt_inclusion, oneone_manyone_inclusion.
apply (one_one_trans (tt_cyl p)).
+ apply tt_cyl_one_one, S.
+ exact H.
- apply tt_cyl_tt_red.
Theorem tt_oneone_iff {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
FE -> stable p
-> (exists (I: X -> Y), injective I) -> (exists I: nat -> Y, injective I) -> (exists I: Y * Y -> Y, injective I)
-> p <=tt q <-> ((tt_cyl p) <=1 (tt_cyl q)).
intros Sp; split.
- now apply tt_oneone_iff1.
- now apply tt_oneone_iff2.
Theorem tt_oneone_iff_nat (p: nat -> Prop) (q: nat -> Prop):
FE -> stable p -> p <=tt q <-> ((tt_cyl p) <=1 (tt_cyl q)).
intros fe S. apply tt_oneone_iff; intuition.
- now exists (fun x => x).
- now exists (fun x => x).
- exists nat2_to_nat. apply nat2_to_nat_bij.
(* Characterization transports to computability degree *)
Corollary tt_oneone_degree_iff {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
FE -> stable p -> stable q
-> (exists (I: X -> Y), injective I) -> (exists I: nat -> Y, injective I) -> (exists I: Y * Y -> Y, injective I)
-> (exists (I: Y -> X), injective I) -> (exists I: nat -> X, injective I) -> (exists I: X * X -> X, injective I)
-> p =tt q <-> ((tt_cyl p) =1 (tt_cyl q)).
intros fe sp sq I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6.
split; intros [H1 H2]; split; now apply tt_oneone_iff.
Corollary tt_oneone_degree_iff_nat (p: nat -> Prop) (q: nat -> Prop):
FE -> stable p -> stable q
-> p =tt q <-> ((tt_cyl p) =1 (tt_cyl q)).
intros fe sp sq.
split; intros [H1 H2]; split; now apply tt_oneone_iff_nat.
(* TT-Cylinders are the the maximal 1-degreee within a tt-degree *)
Corollary tt_cyl_max {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop):
FE -> stable q ->
(exists (I: Y -> X), injective I) -> (exists I: nat -> X, injective I) -> (exists I: X * X -> X, injective I)
-> p =tt q -> p <=1 q -> q <=1 tt_cyl p.
intros fe S I1 I2 I3 [_ H1] H2.
apply tt_oneone_iff in H1; try assumption.
apply (one_one_trans (tt_cyl q)); intuition.
now apply tt_cyl_one_one.