Library F1
Require Import Framework.
Implicit Types rho : type_context.
Implicit Types x y z : var.
Implicit Types u v : inttype -> Prop.
Implicit Types rho : type_context.
Implicit Types x y z : var.
Implicit Types u v : inttype -> Prop.
System F in Lambda-Curry style
Type syntax of System F
Boilerplate for Autosubst
Instance Ids_ftype : Ids Ftype. derive. Defined.
Instance Rename_ftype : Rename Ftype. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_ftype : Subst Ftype. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_ftype : SubstLemmas Ftype. derive. Qed.
Instance Rename_ftype : Rename Ftype. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_ftype : Subst Ftype. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_ftype : SubstLemmas Ftype. derive. Qed.
System F uses contexts
System F typing judgement
Inductive f_ty : f_ctx -> term -> Ftype -> Prop :=
| fvar Gamma x : f_ty Gamma x (Gamma x)
| fapp Gamma s t S T : f_ty Gamma s (arr T S) ->
f_ty Gamma t T ->
f_ty Gamma (s t) S
| flam Gamma s S T : f_ty (S .: Gamma) s T ->
f_ty Gamma (Lam s) (arr S T)
| fgen Gamma s T :
f_ty (fun x => (Gamma x).[ren (+1)]) s T
-> f_ty Gamma s (pi T)
| fspec Gamma s S T :
f_ty Gamma s (pi T)
-> f_ty Gamma s (T.[S/]).
| fvar Gamma x : f_ty Gamma x (Gamma x)
| fapp Gamma s t S T : f_ty Gamma s (arr T S) ->
f_ty Gamma t T ->
f_ty Gamma (s t) S
| flam Gamma s S T : f_ty (S .: Gamma) s T ->
f_ty Gamma (Lam s) (arr S T)
| fgen Gamma s T :
f_ty (fun x => (Gamma x).[ren (+1)]) s T
-> f_ty Gamma s (pi T)
| fspec Gamma s S T :
f_ty Gamma s (pi T)
-> f_ty Gamma s (T.[S/]).
We interpret variables according to the valuation.
For generalized types, we interpret the generalized variable as
any realizor predicate.
We interpret the arrow as the functional product.
Fixpoint int_ty T sigma := match T with
| tvar x => sigma x
| pi T => possible_int (fun X=> int_ty T (X .: sigma))
| arr T1 T2 => prod (int_ty T1 sigma) (int_ty T2 sigma)
Notation "[[ T ]] sigma" := (int_ty T sigma) (at level 1).
This interpretation trivially preserves realizor predicates
Lemma int_ty_rp : rp_preservation Ftype int_ty.
induction T ; intros sigma sigma_val ; simpl ; auto using prod_realizable, possible_int_realizable, valuation_up.
induction T ; intros sigma sigma_val ; simpl ; auto using prod_realizable, possible_int_realizable, valuation_up.
Extensionally equal valuations yield equivalent interpretations
Lemma int_ty_feq_equiv {T} sigma1 sigma2 : (forall x, sigma1 x = sigma2 x) -> [[T]]sigma1 =R= [[T]]sigma2.
revert sigma1 sigma2.
induction T ; intros sigma1 sigma2 feq ; simpl in *.
- now rewrite feq.
- now rewrite IHT1, IHT2.
- apply int_equiv.
intros X pX.
apply IHT.
intros [|x] ; auto.
revert sigma1 sigma2.
induction T ; intros sigma1 sigma2 feq ; simpl in *.
- now rewrite feq.
- now rewrite IHT1, IHT2.
- apply int_equiv.
intros X pX.
apply IHT.
intros [|x] ; auto.
Renamings can be performed in either the type or in the valuation
Lemma int_ty_ren_equiv T sigma (r : var -> var) : [[ T.[ren r] ]]sigma =R= [[T]] (fun x => sigma (r x)).
revert sigma r.
induction T ; simpl ; intros sigma r.
- asimpl. reflexivity.
- now rewrite IHT1, IHT2.
- apply int_equiv.
intros X pX.
rewrite IHT, int_ty_feq_equiv.
+ reflexivity.
+ intros [|x] ; auto.
revert sigma r.
induction T ; simpl ; intros sigma r.
- asimpl. reflexivity.
- now rewrite IHT1, IHT2.
- apply int_equiv.
intros X pX.
rewrite IHT, int_ty_feq_equiv.
+ reflexivity.
+ intros [|x] ; auto.
Variables that are not used can be interpreted any way
Corollary validates_skip rho tGamma sigma : validates Ftype int_ty rho tGamma sigma -> forall X, validates Ftype int_ty rho (fun x => (tGamma x).[ren (+1)]) (X .: sigma).
intros rho_sigma_val X x.
now apply int_ty_ren_equiv.
intros rho_sigma_val X x.
now apply int_ty_ren_equiv.
A substitution translates one valuation to another if they interpret variables equivalently
Extending two valuations equally preserves translations between them,
as long as the substitution does not affect the additional variable
Lemma translates_skip {s sigma1 sigma2} : forall X,
translates s sigma1 sigma2 -> translates (up s) (X .: sigma1) (X .: sigma2).
intros X t [|x] ; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite (t x).
rewrite int_ty_ren_equiv.
now apply int_ty_feq_equiv.
translates s sigma1 sigma2 -> translates (up s) (X .: sigma1) (X .: sigma2).
intros X t [|x] ; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite (t x).
rewrite int_ty_ren_equiv.
now apply int_ty_feq_equiv.
If a substitution translates all variables, it also translates all terms
Lemma int_ty_subst_equiv T : forall s sigma1 sigma2,
translates s sigma1 sigma2 -> [[T]] sigma1 =R= [[ T.[s] ]] sigma2.
induction T ; intros s sigma1 sigma2 t ; eauto ; simpl.
- now rewrite IHT1, IHT2.
- apply int_equiv.
intros X pX.
rewrite IHT ; eauto using translates_skip.
translates s sigma1 sigma2 -> [[T]] sigma1 =R= [[ T.[s] ]] sigma2.
induction T ; intros s sigma1 sigma2 t ; eauto ; simpl.
- now rewrite IHT1, IHT2.
- apply int_equiv.
intros X pX.
rewrite IHT ; eauto using translates_skip.
The type interpretation respects specialization
Lemma int_ty_beta T S sigma u : [[T]]([[S]]sigma .: sigma) u -> [[ T.[S/] ]]sigma u.
apply int_ty_subst_equiv.
intros [|x] ; simpl ; reflexivity.
The type interpretation respects the typing judgement
Lemma in_int_ty : adequacy Ftype int_ty f_ty.
induction 1 ; intros rho sigma rho_val sigma_val rho_sigma_val ; simpl in *.
- apply equiv_closed with (rho x) ; eauto using int_ty_rp, filter_equiv_sym, int_x.
- apply equiv_closed with ([s]rho @ [t]rho) ; eauto using int_ty_rp, filter_equiv_sym, int_st.
apply IHf_ty1 ; eauto.
- constructor ; auto using int_IF.
intros u Au.
assert (rpS := int_ty_rp S _ sigma_val).
assert (exists A : inttype, u A) by now apply rpS.
apply equiv_closed with ([s] (u .: rho)) ; eauto using int_ty_rp, filter_equiv_sym, int_lam, only_filter, valid_up, validates_up.
- intros [X HX] ; simpl. apply IHf_ty ; eauto using valuation_up, possible_int_realizable, validates_skip.
- apply int_ty_beta.
pattern [[S]]sigma, [s]rho.
apply possible_int_specialize ; eauto using int_ty_rp.
System F terminates