Library STLC1
Simply typed lambda calculus in Curry style
Require Import Framework.
Implicit Types rho : type_context.
Implicit Types x y z : var.
Implicit Types u v : inttype -> Prop.
Simple type syntax
Inductive simpletype : Type :=
| base (x : var) : simpletype
| arr (A B : simpletype) : simpletype.
Implicit Types A B C : simpletype.
STLC uses contexts
The typing rules of STLC
Inductive stlc_ty : stlc_ctx -> term -> simpletype -> Prop :=
| stlctyvar Gamma x : stlc_ty Gamma x (Gamma x)
| stlctyapp Gamma s t A B : stlc_ty Gamma s (arr A B) -> stlc_ty Gamma t A -> stlc_ty Gamma (s t) B
| stlctylam Gamma s A B : stlc_ty (A .: Gamma) s B -> stlc_ty Gamma (Lam s) (arr A B).
| stlctyvar Gamma x : stlc_ty Gamma x (Gamma x)
| stlctyapp Gamma s t A B : stlc_ty Gamma s (arr A B) -> stlc_ty Gamma t A -> stlc_ty Gamma (s t) B
| stlctylam Gamma s A B : stlc_ty (A .: Gamma) s B -> stlc_ty Gamma (Lam s) (arr A B).
We interpret variables according to the valuation, arrows as functional products
Fixpoint int_ty A sigma := match A with
| base x => sigma x
| arr A B => prod (int_ty A sigma) (int_ty B sigma)
Notation "[[ A ]] sigma" := (int_ty A sigma) (at level 1).
| base x => sigma x
| arr A B => prod (int_ty A sigma) (int_ty B sigma)
Notation "[[ A ]] sigma" := (int_ty A sigma) (at level 1).
This trivially preserves realizor predicates
Lemma int_ty_rp : rp_preservation simpletype int_ty.
induction T ; simpl ; auto using prod_realizable.
induction T ; simpl ; auto using prod_realizable.
The type interpretation also easily respects the typing judgement
Lemma in_int_ty : adequacy simpletype int_ty stlc_ty.
induction 1 ; intros rho sigma rho_val sigma_val rho_sigma_val ; simpl in *.
- apply equiv_closed with (rho x) ; eauto using int_ty_rp, filter_equiv_sym, int_x.
- apply equiv_closed with ([s]rho @ [t]rho) ; eauto using int_ty_rp, filter_equiv_sym, int_st.
apply IHstlc_ty1 ; eauto.
- constructor ; auto using int_IF.
intros u Au.
assert (rpA := int_ty_rp A _ sigma_val).
assert (exists C : inttype, u C) by now apply rpA.
apply equiv_closed with ([s] (u .: rho)) ; eauto using int_ty_rp, int_lam, only_filter, valid_up, validates_up.
induction 1 ; intros rho sigma rho_val sigma_val rho_sigma_val ; simpl in *.
- apply equiv_closed with (rho x) ; eauto using int_ty_rp, filter_equiv_sym, int_x.
- apply equiv_closed with ([s]rho @ [t]rho) ; eauto using int_ty_rp, filter_equiv_sym, int_st.
apply IHstlc_ty1 ; eauto.
- constructor ; auto using int_IF.
intros u Au.
assert (rpA := int_ty_rp A _ sigma_val).
assert (exists C : inttype, u C) by now apply rpA.
apply equiv_closed with ([s] (u .: rho)) ; eauto using int_ty_rp, int_lam, only_filter, valid_up, validates_up.
STLC terminates