Library Continuum.L

Require Import Basic_Constructions.
Import VectorDef.VectorNotations.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical.

Section L.
Context (S : ZF_Model).


Definition zf_structure_over (A : Class) : ZF_Structure :=
  build_zf_structure A (fun x yx y).

Notation Is_Definable_Over
         A x :=
  ( n (type : Env_Type n),
      (S := zf_structure_over A)
      (fun _ : typex)).

Definition Formula_Over (A : Class) (n : nat) : Type :=
  Formula (S := zf_structure_over A) n.

Program Definition Def (A : S) : S :=
  `{ B A | ϕ : Formula_Over A 1, x : A, eval ϕ [x] x B }.
Next Obligation.

Global Instance Def_is_definable :
  Is_Definable Def.

Program Definition L_stage : ordinals S :=
    (fun previous_stageDef previous_stage)
    (fun previous_stagesbig_union previous_stages).

Definition L_as_class : Class :=
  build_class (fun x α, x L_stage α).

Global Instance L_as_class_is_definable :
  Is_Definable L_as_class.

Definition L :=
  zf_structure_over L_as_class.

Lemma L_is_transitive :
   (x y : S), x L_as_class y x y L_as_class.
  intros A x [α HA] Hx.
  revert α A x HA Hx. refine (ordinal_induction _ _ _).
  - intros α _ A x HA Hx.
    assert (H : A L_stage α). {
      unfold L_stage in HA.
      rewrite ordinal_recursion_on_successor in HA.
      unfold Def in HA.
      rewrite in_separation_iff in HA. destruct HA as [HA _].
      rewrite in_power_set_iff in HA.
      exact HA.
     α. apply H. assumption.
  - intros λ is_limit IH A x A_in_stage_λ x_in_A.
    eassert (A α : λ, L_stage (element α)).
    + unfold L_stage in A_in_stage_λ.
      rewrite (ordinal_recursion_on_limit) in A_in_stage_λ.
      × exact A_in_stage_λ.
      × assumption.
    + rewrite in_indexed_union_iff in H.
      destruct H as [α H].
      apply (IH α A x H x_in_A).

Definition constants_of_term {A} {n} (t : Term (S := zf_structure_over A) n) :=
  match t with
  | const _ x`{x}
  | var _

Fixpoint constants_of {A} {n} (ϕ : Formula_Over A n) : S :=
  match ϕ with
  | exist ϕconstants_of ϕ
  | and ϕ ψ ⇒ constants_of ϕ constants_of ψ
  | not ϕconstants_of ϕ
  | equal t1 t2constants_of_term t1 constants_of_term t2
  | is_element t1 t2constants_of_term t1 constants_of_term t2

Lemma constants_of_term_form_subset
      {A n} (t : Term (S := zf_structure_over A) n) :
  constants_of_term t A.
  destruct t; cbn.
  - intros x Hx. rewrite in_singleton_iff in Hx. subst x. exact _.
  - intros x Hx. apply not_in_empty_set in Hx. contradiction.

Lemma constants_form_subset {A n} (ϕ : Formula_Over A n) :
  constants_of ϕ A.
  induction ϕ; cbn.
  - exact IHϕ.
  - intros x Hx. rewrite in_union_iff in Hx. destruct Hx; auto.
  - exact IHϕ.
  - intros x Hx. rewrite in_union_iff in Hx.
    destruct Hx; eapply (constants_of_term_form_subset); eassumption.
  - intros x Hx. rewrite in_union_iff in Hx.
    destruct Hx; eapply (constants_of_term_form_subset); eassumption.

Program Definition lower_term
        {A K : Class} {n : nat}
        (t : Term (S := zf_structure_over K) n) :
  constants_of_term t A
  Term (S := zf_structure_over A) n :=
  match t with
  | const _ cfun Hconst _ (element c)
  | var xfun Hvar x
Next Obligation. apply H. rewrite in_singleton_iff. reflexivity. Qed.

Program Fixpoint lower_formula
        {A K : Class} {n : nat} (ϕ : Formula_Over K n) :
  constants_of ϕ A
  Formula_Over A n :=
  match ϕ with
  | exist ϕfun Hexist (lower_formula ϕ _)
  | and ϕ ψ ⇒ fun Hand (lower_formula ϕ _) (lower_formula ψ _)
  | not ϕfun Hnot (lower_formula ϕ _)
  | equal t1 t2fun Hequal (lower_term t1 _) (lower_term t2 _)
  | is_element t1 t2fun His_element (lower_term t1 _) (lower_term t2 _)
Next Obligation. apply H. rewrite in_union_iff. left. assumption. Qed.
Next Obligation. apply H. rewrite in_union_iff. right. assumption. Qed.
Next Obligation. apply H. rewrite in_union_iff. left. assumption. Qed.
Next Obligation. apply H. rewrite in_union_iff. right. assumption. Qed.
Next Obligation. apply H. rewrite in_union_iff. left. assumption. Qed.
Next Obligation. apply H. rewrite in_union_iff. right. assumption. Qed.

Definition lift_env {A K : Class} {n} (env : Vector.t A n) `{A K} :
  Vector.t K n := (fun x : Aelement x) env.

Fixpoint eval_over
         {S : ZF_Structure} (A : Class)
         {n: nat} (ϕ : Formula n) (env : Vector.t S n)
  : Prop :=
  match ϕ with
  | exist ϕ x : A, eval_over A ϕ ((x : S) :: env)
  | and ϕ ψ ⇒ eval_over A ϕ env eval_over A ψ env
  | not ϕ¬ eval_over A ϕ env
  | equal t1 t2eval_term t1 env = eval_term t2 env
  | is_element t1 t2eval_term t1 env eval_term t2 env

Check Vector.In.
Fixpoint Vector_In {A} (x : A) {n} : Vector.t A n Prop :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ fun _False
  | n.+1fun vx = Vector.hd v Vector_In x ( v)

Definition Reflects
           (A K : Class) {A_sub_K : A K}
           {n} (ϕ : Formula n) :=
   env : Vector.t A n,
    (eval_over A ϕ ( element_value env)
     eval_over K ϕ ( element_value env)).

Program Definition ordinal_max (α β : ordinals) : ordinals :=
  @ordinal_limit _ `{α, β} _.
Next Obligation.
  rewrite in_unordered_pair_iff in H. destruct H as [-> | ->]; exact _.

Instance left_sub_ordinal_max (α β : ordinals) :
  α ordinal_max α β.

Instance right_sub_ordinal_max (α β : ordinals) :
  β ordinal_max α β.

Lemma subset_of_L_is_subset_of_a_stage (A : S) :
    A L_as_class
     α, A L_stage α.

Lemma L_is_cumulative (α β : ordinals) :
  α β
  L_stage α L_stage β.

Instance stage_sub_L (α : ordinals) :
  L_stage α L_as_class.
  intros x Hx. α. exact Hx.

Lemma eval_term_on_lower_term
      {A K : Class} (H1 : A K)
      {n} (t : Term (S := zf_structure_over K) n)
      (H2 : constants_of_term t A)
      (env : Vector.t A n) :
  (eval_term (lower_term t H2) env : S) = eval_term t (lift_env env).
  destruct t; cbn.
  - reflexivity.
  - symmetry.
    pose (VectorSpec.nth_map (fun x : Aelement x) env t t eq_refl).
    apply element_equality in e.
    exact e.

Definition least (P : ordinals Prop) {H : α, P α} : ordinals.

Lemma least_is_solution P {H} :
  P (least P (H := H)).

Global Instance union_of_ordinals_is_ordinal (α β : S) :
  α ordinals
  β ordinals
  α β ordinals.

Global Instance indexed_union_of_ordinals_is_ordinal
       (I : Set_Like) (F : I S) `{Is_Definable F} :
  ( i, F i ordinals)
  ( i : I, F i) ordinals.

Lemma L_stage_of_union (α β : S) `{α ordinals} `{β ordinals} :
  L_stage (element (α β)) = L_stage (element α) L_stage (element β).

Global Instance L_stage_is_definable :
  Is_Definable L_stage.

Lemma L_stage_of_indexed_union
      (I : Set_Like) (F : I S) `{Is_Definable F} `{ i, F i ordinals} :
  L_stage (element ( i : I, F i)) = i : I, L_stage (element (F i)).

Lemma in_stage_of_indexed_union
      (I : Set_Like) (F : I S) `{Is_Definable F} `{ i, F i ordinals}
      (x : S) :
  x ( i : I, L_stage (element (F i)))
  x L_stage (element ( i : I, F i)).

Lemma L_stage_is_monotone (α β : ordinals) :
  α β
  L_stage α L_stage β.

Lemma strip_element (A : Class) (x : A) (H : x A) :
  build_element x H = x.

Global Instance Encoding_Of_Vector n A :
  Encoding_Of A
  Encoding_Of (Vector.t A n).

Global Instance Encoding_Of_Vector_Is_A_Set n A (enc : Encoding_Of A) :
  Is_A_Set enc
  Is_A_Set (Encoding_Of_Vector n A enc).

Global Instance encoding_of_nat :
  Encoding_Of nat.

Global Instance encoding_of_nat_is_a_set :
  Is_A_Set encoding_of_nat.

Definition elements_of_vector {A : Class} {n} (v : Vector.t A n) : S.

Definition lower_vector {A : Class} {n} (v : Vector.t A n) (B : Class) :
  elements_of_vector v B
  Vector.t B n.

Lemma map_element_value_of_lower_vector
      {A : Class} {n} (v : Vector.t A n) (B : Class)
      (H : elements_of_vector v B) : element_value (lower_vector v B H) = element_value v.

Lemma elements_of_vector_in_countable_union
      (F : nat S) `{Is_Definable F}
      {A : Class} {k} (v : Vector.t A k) :
  ( n, F n F n.+1)
  (A n : nat, F n)
  { n & elements_of_vector v F n }.

Lemma reflection_theorem
      {n} (ϕ : Formula n) :
   α : ordinals,
      β : ordinals |
      α β
      Reflects (L_stage β) L_as_class ϕ

  induction ϕ.
  - unshelve eset (f (α : ordinals) :=
           least (fun β : ordinals
                    α β
                    Reflects (L_stage β) L_as_class ϕ)). {
      destruct (IHϕ α) as [β ]. β. exact .
    unshelve eset (g (α : ordinals) :=
           least (fun β : ordinals
                    α β
                    ( env : Vector.t (L_stage α) n,
                        ( x : L_as_class,
                              ((x : S) :: element_value env))
                        ( x : L_stage β,
                              ((x : S) :: element_value env))))). {
      unshelve eexists (element (
              env : Vector.t (L_stage α) n,
                     least (fun β
                              ( x : L_as_class,
                                    ((x : S) :: element_value env))
                              ( x : L_stage β,
                                    ((x : S) :: element_value env))))
        - exact _.
        - exact _.
        - cbn.
          destruct (classic ( x : L_as_class,
                                  ((x : S) :: element_value env))).
          + destruct H as [[x x_in_L] H].
            unfold L_as_class in x_in_L. destruct x_in_L as [β x_in_stage].
             β. intros _. (element x). exact H.
          + ordinal_zero. intros ?. exfalso. apply H. exact H0.
        - admit.
        - apply union_of_ordinals_is_ordinal.
          + exact _.
          + simple refine (indexed_union_of_ordinals_is_ordinal _ _ _). admit.
        - cbn. split.
          + intros x ?. apply in_union_iff. left. assumption.
          + intros env [x Hx].
            eenough ( x' :
                          (least (fun β
                                    ( x : L_as_class,
                                          ((x : S) :: element_value env))
                                    ( x : L_stage β,
                                          ((x : S) :: element_value env)))),
                   eval_over L_as_class ϕ ((x' : S) :: element_value env)). {
              destruct H as [x' Hx'].
              unshelve eexists (element x'). {
                rewrite L_stage_of_union. apply in_union_iff. right.
                apply in_stage_of_indexed_union.
                apply in_indexed_union_iff. cbn. env.
                rewrite strip_element. exact _.
              exact Hx'.
            apply (least_is_solution (fun β_ x' : L_stage β, _)).
             x. exact Hx.

    set (h α := nat_rect _ α (fun _f g)).
    intros α.
    unshelve eset (β := element ( i : nat, h α i) : ordinals).
    + exact _.
    + exact _.
    + admit.
    + exact _.
    + β.
      × intros x ?. apply in_indexed_union_iff. cbn. 0. assumption.
      × intros env. cbn.
        assert (H1 : Reflects (L_stage β) L_as_class ϕ). admit.
        -- intros [y Hy]. (element y). rewrite <- (H1 (y :: env)). exact Hy.
        -- intros [y Hy].
           assert (k : { k : nat & elements_of_vector env L_stage (h α k)}). {
             unshelve eapply elements_of_vector_in_countable_union.
             - admit.
             - cbn. intros k.
               assert (g (h α k) f (g (h α k))). {
                 epose (least_is_solution (fun βg (h α k) β Reflects (L_stage β) L_as_class ϕ)) as H2.
                 cbn in H2. destruct H2 as [H2 _].
                 exact H2.
               assert (h α k g (h α k)). {
                 epose (least_is_solution
                          (fun β : ordinals
                             h α k β
                             ( env : Vector.t (L_stage (h α k)) n,
                                 ( x : L_as_class,
                                     eval_over L_as_class ϕ
                                               ((x : S) :: element_value env))
                                  x : L_stage β,
                                   eval_over L_as_class ϕ ((x : S) :: element_value env)))) as H2.
                 destruct H2 as [H2 _]. exact H2.
               apply L_stage_is_monotone.
               intros x ?. apply H. apply H0. assumption.

             - unfold β. rewrite L_stage_of_indexed_union. cbn.
               intros x Hx. rewrite in_indexed_union_iff in Hx.
               destruct Hx as [i Hx]. rewrite strip_element in Hx.
               rewrite in_indexed_union_iff. i. exact Hx.
           destruct k as [k Hk].
           assert (H : h α k g (h α k)
                        env : Vector.t (L_stage (h α k)) n,
                         ( x : L_as_class ,
                               ((x : S) :: element_value env))
                         ( x : L_stage (g (h α k)),
                               ((x : S) :: element_value env))). {
             apply least_is_solution.
           assert (z : z : L_stage (g (h α k)),
                      eval_over L_as_class ϕ ((z : S) :: element_value env)). {
             destruct H as [_ H].
             specialize (H (lower_vector env _ Hk)).
             rewrite <- (map_element_value_of_lower_vector _ _ _).
             apply H. y. rewrite map_element_value_of_lower_vector. exact Hy.
           destruct z as [z Hz].
           assert (H2 : L_stage (g (h α k)) L_stage β). {
            (element z).
           specialize (H1 (element z :: env)).
           apply H1.
           exact Hz.


Lemma definable_subset_is_in_L (A : S) :
  A L_as_class
  ( ϕ : Formula_Over L_as_class 1, x : L_as_class, eval ϕ [x] x A)
  A L_as_class.

Lemma definable_subset_is_a_set_in_L
         (P : L Prop) :
  Is_Definable_Over L_as_class P
  Is_A_Set (build_class (fun x : S H : x L_as_class, P (element x)))
  Is_A_Set (build_class (S := L) P).
  intros definability [A HA].
  assert (A L_as_class). {
    apply definable_subset_is_in_L.
    - intros x x_in_A. specialize (HA x). destruct HA as [_ HA].
      specialize (HA x_in_A). destruct HA as [x_in_L _]. exact x_in_L.
    - setoid_rewrite <- HA.
      unfold element_relation; cbn.
   (element A).
  intros x. specialize (HA x). rewrite <- HA.
  - intros Hx. _. replace (element (x : S)) with x.
    + exact Hx.
    + apply element_equality. reflexivity.
  - intros [x_in_L P_x]. replace x with (element (x : S)).
    + exact P_x.
    + apply element_equality. reflexivity.

Program Definition empty_set_in_L : L :=
  class_as_set (build_class (fun _ : LFalse))
               (is_a_set := _).
Next Obligation.
  apply definable_subset_is_a_set_in_L.
  - exact _.
  - .
    + cbn. intros [_ []].
    + intros H. apply not_in_empty_set in H. contradiction.

Program Definition unordered_pair_in_L (x y : L) : L :=
  class_as_set (build_class (fun z : Lz = x z = y))
               (is_a_set := _).
Next Obligation.
  apply definable_subset_is_a_set_in_L.
  - exact _.
  - (`{element_value x, y}).
    setoid_rewrite in_unordered_pair_iff. cbn. intros z.
    unfold element_relation at 1. cbn.
    setoid_rewrite <- element_equality. cbn.
    + intros [_ H]. exact H.
    + intros [-> | ->]; _; auto.

Program Definition power_set_in_L (A : L) : L :=
  class_as_set (build_class (fun B : L x : L, x B x A))
               (is_a_set := _).
Next Obligation.
  change (L : Type) in A.
  apply definable_subset_is_a_set_in_L.
  - intros.
    apply lambda_is_definable; intros.
    simple notypeclasses refine (@forall_statement_is_definable L _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
    + exact _.
    + exact _.
    + change (Element_Of L_as_class) with (L : Type).
      apply lambda_is_definable; intros.
      refine (impl_is_definable (fun env : type'0x0 env x (r0 env))
                                (fun envx0 env A)
                                _ _).
      prove_that_application_is_definable. {
        exact _.
      prove_that_application_is_definable. {
        exact _.
      exact (weakening_on_type_with_encoding _ x r0 _).
  - unshelve eexists (`{B (A : S) | B L_as_class}).
    intros B.
    rewrite in_separation_iff. unfold element_relation at 1. cbn.
    + intros [H1 H2]. split.
      × rewrite in_power_set_iff.
        intros x x_in_B.
        unshelve eapply (H2 (element x)).
        ++ apply (L_is_transitive B); assumption.
        ++ assumption.
      × assumption.
    + intros [B_sub_A B_in_L].
      rewrite in_power_set_iff in B_sub_A.
      intros x. apply B_sub_A.

Program Definition big_union_in_L (A : L) : L :=
  class_as_set (build_class (fun x : L B : A, x B))
               (is_a_set := _).
Next Obligation.

Program Definition infinite_set_in_L : L.

Program Definition relation_replacement_in_L
           (R : L L Prop)
           (definability : Is_Definable_Over L_as_class R)
           (functionality : Is_Functional R)
           (A : L)
  : L :=
  class_as_set (build_class (fun y x : A, R x y))
                (is_a_set := _).
Next Obligation.
  apply definable_subset_is_a_set_in_L.
  - intros.
    apply lambda_is_definable; intros.
    apply ex_statement_is_definable. {
      exact _.
    apply lambda_is_definable; intros.
    prove_that_application_is_definable. {
      exact _.
    exact (weakening_on_type_with_encoding _ x r0 _).
  - unshelve eexists (
                 (fun x y : S Hx : x L_as_class, Hy : y L_as_class,
                        R (element x) (element y))
    + exact _.
    + exact _.
    + intros.
      apply lambda_is_definable; intros.
      apply lambda_is_definable; intros.
    + intros x y y' (Hx & Hy & H) (Hx' & Hy' & H').
      enough (e : element y = element y'). {
        apply element_equality in e. exact e.
      apply (functionality (element x)).
      × replace (build_element x Hx') with (build_element x Hx). {
          exact H.
        apply element_equality. reflexivity.
      × exact H'.
    + intros y. rewrite in_relation_replacement_iff.
      × cbn. split.
        -- intros (y_in_L & x & H).
           unshelve eexists (element ((x : L) : S)). {
             exact (element_property _ x).
           cbn. _. _.
           replace (element ((x : L) : S)) with (x : L). {
             exact H.
           apply element_equality. reflexivity.
        -- intros (x & Hx & Hy & H). _.
           unshelve eexists (element (element x : L)).
           ++ exact Hx.
           ++ exact (element_property _ x).
           ++ cbn. exact H.

Definition zf_operations_on_L : ZF_Operations L :=
    empty_set := empty_set_in_L;
    unordered_pair := unordered_pair_in_L;
    power_set := power_set_in_L;
    big_union := big_union_in_L;
    infinite_set := infinite_set_in_L;
    relation_replacement := relation_replacement_in_L

Program Definition constructible_model : ZF_Model :=
  {| zf_operations := zf_operations_on_L |}.
Next Obligation.
  apply element_equality. apply extensionality.
  - intros Hx.
    unshelve eapply (H (element x)). {
      apply (L_is_transitive A).
      - exact _.
      - assumption.
  - intros Hx.
    unshelve eapply (H (element x)). {
      apply (L_is_transitive B).
      - exact _.
      - assumption.
Next Obligation.
  intros P step x.
  enough ( x, H : x L_as_class, P (element x)). {
    specialize (H x _).
    replace (element ((x : L) : S)) with (x : L) in H.
    - exact H.
    - apply element_equality. reflexivity.
  clear x.
  refine (foundation _ _).
  intros x IH x_in_L.
  apply step. intros [y y_in_L] y_in_x. cbn in ×.
  revert y_in_L.
  apply (IH y y_in_x).
Next Obligation.
  intros H. apply in_class_as_set_iff in H.
Next Obligation.
  unfold unordered_pair_in_L. rewrite in_class_as_set_iff. reflexivity.
Next Obligation.
  unfold power_set_in_L. rewrite in_class_as_set_iff. reflexivity.
Next Obligation.
  unfold big_union_in_L. rewrite in_class_as_set_iff. reflexivity.
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.
  unfold relation_replacement_in_L. rewrite in_class_as_set_iff. reflexivity.

End L.