Require Import AllInRel Util Map Env Exp IL DecSolve MoreList Sublist.
Require Export BlockType.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Inductive tooth {B} `{BlockType B}
: nat → list B → Prop :=
| Tooth_nil n : tooth n nil
| Tooth_cons n b L :
tooth (S n) L
→ n = block_n b
→ tooth n (b::L).
Lemma tooth_index {B} `{BlockType B} (L:list B) n b f
: tooth n L → get L f b → block_n b = (f+n).
intros. general induction H1.
- inv H0; eauto.
- inv H0; eauto. erewrite IHget; eauto. omega.
Inductive sawtooth {B} `{BlockType B}
: list B → Prop :=
| Sawtooth_nil : sawtooth nil
| Sawtooth_app L L' :
sawtooth L'
→ tooth 0 L
→ sawtooth (L++L').
Definition resetting {B} `{BlockType B} (L:list B) :=
(∀ f n b b', get L f b → get L (f - block_n b + n) b' → n ≥ block_n b').
Tactic Notation "get_cases" hyp (H) :=
eapply get_app_cases in H; destruct H as [?|[? ?]]; dcr.
Lemma sawtooth_smaller {B} `{BlockType B} (L:list B)
: sawtooth L → smaller L.
intros. general induction H0.
- isabsurd.
- hnf; intros. get_cases H2.
+ erewrite tooth_index; eauto; omega.
+ pose proof (IHsawtooth _ _ H2). omega.
Lemma sawtooth_resetting {B} `{BlockType B} (L:list B)
: sawtooth L → resetting L.
intros. general induction H0.
- isabsurd.
- hnf; intros. get_cases H2; get_cases H3.
+ erewrite tooth_index; eauto.
erewrite tooth_index; eauto. omega.
+ exploit tooth_index; eauto.
exploit (sawtooth_smaller H0 H3). omega.
+ exploit (sawtooth_smaller H0 H2).
exploit (get_length H3). omega.
+ eapply (IHsawtooth _ _ _ _ H2); eauto.
exploit (sawtooth_smaller H0 H2).
orewrite (f - length L - block_n b + n = f - block_n b + n - length L); eauto.
Lemma sawtooth_drop {B} `{BlockType B} L f b
: sawtooth L
→ get L f b
→ sawtooth (drop (f - block_n b) L).
intros. general induction H0; simpl; isabsurd.
get_cases H2.
- exploit tooth_index; eauto.
rewrite H3. orewrite (f - (f + 0) = 0).
simpl; econstructor; eauto.
- exploit (sawtooth_smaller H0 H2).
specialize (IHsawtooth _ _ H2).
orewrite (f - block_n b
= length L + (f - length L - block_n b)).
rewrite drop_app; eauto.
Lemma sawtooth_drop' {B} `{BlockType B} L f b n
: sawtooth L
→ get L f b
→ n = block_n b
→ sawtooth (drop (f - n) L).
intros; subst. eapply sawtooth_drop; eauto.
Lemma sawtooth_get {B} `{BlockType B} L f b
: sawtooth L
→ get L f b
→ get (drop (f - block_n b) L) (block_n b) b.
intros ST Get.
general induction ST; isabsurd.
get_cases Get.
- exploit tooth_index as Idx; eauto.
rewrite Idx. orewrite (f + 0 = f).
orewrite (f - f = 0); simpl.
eauto using get_app.
- exploit (sawtooth_smaller ST H1).
specialize (IHST _ _ H1).
orewrite (f - block_n b
= length L + (f - length L - block_n b)).
rewrite drop_app; eauto.
Lemma stepGotoI' L E l Y blk vl
(Ldef:get L l blk)
(len:length (I.block_Z blk) = length Y)
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl) E'
(updOk:E [I.block_Z blk <-- Some vl] = E')
(ST:sawtooth L)
: step (drop (l - block_n blk) L, E, stmtApp (LabI (block_n blk)) Y)
(drop (l - block_n blk) L, E', I.block_s blk).
pattern (l - block_n blk) at 2.
orewrite (l - block_n blk = block_n blk - block_n blk + (l - block_n blk)).
rewrite <- drop_drop.
eapply sawtooth_get in Ldef; eauto.
eapply (I.StepGoto E (LabI (block_n blk)) Y Ldef len def); eauto.
Lemma stepGotoF' L E l Y blk vl
(Ldef:get L l blk)
(len:length (F.block_Z blk) = length Y)
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl) E'
(updOk:(F.block_E blk) [F.block_Z blk <-- Some vl] = E')
(ST:sawtooth L)
: step (drop (l - block_n blk) L, E, stmtApp (LabI (block_n blk)) Y)
(drop (l - block_n blk) L, E', F.block_s blk).
pattern (l - block_n blk) at 2.
orewrite (l - block_n blk = block_n blk - block_n blk + (l - block_n blk)).
rewrite <- drop_drop.
eapply sawtooth_get in Ldef; eauto.
eapply (F.StepGoto E (LabI (block_n blk)) Y Ldef len def); eauto.
Lemma tooth_I_mkBlocks n F
: tooth n (mapi_impl I.mkBlock n F).
general induction F; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma sawtooth_I_mkBlocks L F
: sawtooth L
→ sawtooth (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L).
econstructor; eauto using tooth_I_mkBlocks.
Lemma tooth_F_mkBlocks E n F
: tooth n (mapi_impl (F.mkBlock E) n F).
general induction F; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma sawtooth_F_mkBlocks E L F
: sawtooth L
→ sawtooth (mapi (F.mkBlock E) F ++ L).
econstructor; eauto using tooth_F_mkBlocks.
Lemma sawtooth_app B `{BlockType B} L L'
: sawtooth L → sawtooth L' → sawtooth (L ++ L').
intros H1 H2. general induction H1; eauto.
rewrite <- app_assoc. econstructor; eauto.
Hint Resolve sawtooth_drop sawtooth_I_mkBlocks sawtooth_F_mkBlocks.
Hint Extern 10 ⇒
match goal with
[ GET : get ?L ?f ?b, ST: sawtooth ?L |- sawtooth (drop (?f - ?n) ?L) ] ⇒
change (sawtooth (drop (f - (block_n b)) L));
eapply (sawtooth_drop ST GET)
Lemma sawtooth_drop_eq B `{BlockType B} (L:list B) g f b c
(ST:sawtooth L)
(GETf : get L (g - block_n c + f) b)
(GETg : get L g c)
: f - (block_n b) + (g - block_n c) = g - block_n c + f - (block_n b).
exploit (sawtooth_smaller ST); eauto. simpl in ×.
exploit (sawtooth_smaller ST GETf); eauto. simpl in ×.
exploit (sawtooth_resetting ST); eauto. omega.
Smpl Create sawtooth.
Smpl Add
match goal with
| [ |- context [ _ ⊝ drop _ _ ] ] ⇒ rewrite !drop_map
| [ |- context [ drop _ (drop _ _) ] ] ⇒ rewrite drop_drop
end : sawtooth.
Smpl Add
match goal with
[ ST: sawtooth ?L,
GETf : get ?L (?g - ?m + ?f) ?b,
GETg : get ?L ?g ?c
|- context [ ?f - ?n + (?g - ?m) ] ] ⇒
let REQ := fresh "REQ" in
change (n) with (BlockType.block_n b);
change (m) with (BlockType.block_n c);
rewrite (@sawtooth_drop_eq _ _ L g f b c ST GETf GETg);
simpl BlockType.block_n
end : sawtooth.
Ltac sawtooth := repeat smpl sawtooth.
Lemma sawtooth_drop_app B `{BlockType B} f n b (L:list B) C (L' L'':list C)
(ST:sawtooth L)
(GETf: get L (f - n) b)
(Len2: n = ❬L'❭)
(GE: f ≥ n)
: drop (f - block_n b) (L' ++ L'') = drop (f - ❬L'❭ - block_n b) L''.
pose proof (sawtooth_smaller ST GETf) as SMALLER.
rewrite !drop_app_gen; try len_simpl.
f_equal. omega. omega.
Smpl Add
match goal with
[ H : sawtooth ?L, GET : get (?L' ++ ?L) ?f ?b |- _ ] ⇒
let GE := fresh "GE" in
eapply get_app_cases in GET; destruct GET as [GET|[GET GE]];
try len_simpl; inv_get;
simpl BlockType.block_n in *;
simpl I.block_n in *;
simpl F.block_n in *;
try rewrite ZL_mapi
end : sawtooth.
Smpl Add
match goal with
[ |- context [drop (?f - ?f) _ ] ] ⇒ orewrite (f - f = 0); simpl drop
end : sawtooth.
Smpl Add match goal with
[ ST: sawtooth ?L, GETf: get ?L (?f - ?n') ?b, GE : ?f ≥ ?n'
|- context [ drop (?f - ?n) (?A ++ ?B) ] ] ⇒
let EQLen := fresh "EQLen" in
assert (EQLen:❬A❭ = n') by eauto with len;
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
pose proof (@sawtooth_drop_app _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A B ST GETf
ltac:(eauto with len) GE) as EQ;
simpl BlockType.block_n in *;
simpl I.block_n in *;
simpl F.block_n in *;
rewrite !EQ; rewrite EQLen
end : sawtooth.
Require Export BlockType.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Inductive tooth {B} `{BlockType B}
: nat → list B → Prop :=
| Tooth_nil n : tooth n nil
| Tooth_cons n b L :
tooth (S n) L
→ n = block_n b
→ tooth n (b::L).
Lemma tooth_index {B} `{BlockType B} (L:list B) n b f
: tooth n L → get L f b → block_n b = (f+n).
intros. general induction H1.
- inv H0; eauto.
- inv H0; eauto. erewrite IHget; eauto. omega.
Inductive sawtooth {B} `{BlockType B}
: list B → Prop :=
| Sawtooth_nil : sawtooth nil
| Sawtooth_app L L' :
sawtooth L'
→ tooth 0 L
→ sawtooth (L++L').
Definition resetting {B} `{BlockType B} (L:list B) :=
(∀ f n b b', get L f b → get L (f - block_n b + n) b' → n ≥ block_n b').
Tactic Notation "get_cases" hyp (H) :=
eapply get_app_cases in H; destruct H as [?|[? ?]]; dcr.
Lemma sawtooth_smaller {B} `{BlockType B} (L:list B)
: sawtooth L → smaller L.
intros. general induction H0.
- isabsurd.
- hnf; intros. get_cases H2.
+ erewrite tooth_index; eauto; omega.
+ pose proof (IHsawtooth _ _ H2). omega.
Lemma sawtooth_resetting {B} `{BlockType B} (L:list B)
: sawtooth L → resetting L.
intros. general induction H0.
- isabsurd.
- hnf; intros. get_cases H2; get_cases H3.
+ erewrite tooth_index; eauto.
erewrite tooth_index; eauto. omega.
+ exploit tooth_index; eauto.
exploit (sawtooth_smaller H0 H3). omega.
+ exploit (sawtooth_smaller H0 H2).
exploit (get_length H3). omega.
+ eapply (IHsawtooth _ _ _ _ H2); eauto.
exploit (sawtooth_smaller H0 H2).
orewrite (f - length L - block_n b + n = f - block_n b + n - length L); eauto.
Lemma sawtooth_drop {B} `{BlockType B} L f b
: sawtooth L
→ get L f b
→ sawtooth (drop (f - block_n b) L).
intros. general induction H0; simpl; isabsurd.
get_cases H2.
- exploit tooth_index; eauto.
rewrite H3. orewrite (f - (f + 0) = 0).
simpl; econstructor; eauto.
- exploit (sawtooth_smaller H0 H2).
specialize (IHsawtooth _ _ H2).
orewrite (f - block_n b
= length L + (f - length L - block_n b)).
rewrite drop_app; eauto.
Lemma sawtooth_drop' {B} `{BlockType B} L f b n
: sawtooth L
→ get L f b
→ n = block_n b
→ sawtooth (drop (f - n) L).
intros; subst. eapply sawtooth_drop; eauto.
Lemma sawtooth_get {B} `{BlockType B} L f b
: sawtooth L
→ get L f b
→ get (drop (f - block_n b) L) (block_n b) b.
intros ST Get.
general induction ST; isabsurd.
get_cases Get.
- exploit tooth_index as Idx; eauto.
rewrite Idx. orewrite (f + 0 = f).
orewrite (f - f = 0); simpl.
eauto using get_app.
- exploit (sawtooth_smaller ST H1).
specialize (IHST _ _ H1).
orewrite (f - block_n b
= length L + (f - length L - block_n b)).
rewrite drop_app; eauto.
Lemma stepGotoI' L E l Y blk vl
(Ldef:get L l blk)
(len:length (I.block_Z blk) = length Y)
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl) E'
(updOk:E [I.block_Z blk <-- Some vl] = E')
(ST:sawtooth L)
: step (drop (l - block_n blk) L, E, stmtApp (LabI (block_n blk)) Y)
(drop (l - block_n blk) L, E', I.block_s blk).
pattern (l - block_n blk) at 2.
orewrite (l - block_n blk = block_n blk - block_n blk + (l - block_n blk)).
rewrite <- drop_drop.
eapply sawtooth_get in Ldef; eauto.
eapply (I.StepGoto E (LabI (block_n blk)) Y Ldef len def); eauto.
Lemma stepGotoF' L E l Y blk vl
(Ldef:get L l blk)
(len:length (F.block_Z blk) = length Y)
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl) E'
(updOk:(F.block_E blk) [F.block_Z blk <-- Some vl] = E')
(ST:sawtooth L)
: step (drop (l - block_n blk) L, E, stmtApp (LabI (block_n blk)) Y)
(drop (l - block_n blk) L, E', F.block_s blk).
pattern (l - block_n blk) at 2.
orewrite (l - block_n blk = block_n blk - block_n blk + (l - block_n blk)).
rewrite <- drop_drop.
eapply sawtooth_get in Ldef; eauto.
eapply (F.StepGoto E (LabI (block_n blk)) Y Ldef len def); eauto.
Lemma tooth_I_mkBlocks n F
: tooth n (mapi_impl I.mkBlock n F).
general induction F; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma sawtooth_I_mkBlocks L F
: sawtooth L
→ sawtooth (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L).
econstructor; eauto using tooth_I_mkBlocks.
Lemma tooth_F_mkBlocks E n F
: tooth n (mapi_impl (F.mkBlock E) n F).
general induction F; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma sawtooth_F_mkBlocks E L F
: sawtooth L
→ sawtooth (mapi (F.mkBlock E) F ++ L).
econstructor; eauto using tooth_F_mkBlocks.
Lemma sawtooth_app B `{BlockType B} L L'
: sawtooth L → sawtooth L' → sawtooth (L ++ L').
intros H1 H2. general induction H1; eauto.
rewrite <- app_assoc. econstructor; eauto.
Hint Resolve sawtooth_drop sawtooth_I_mkBlocks sawtooth_F_mkBlocks.
Hint Extern 10 ⇒
match goal with
[ GET : get ?L ?f ?b, ST: sawtooth ?L |- sawtooth (drop (?f - ?n) ?L) ] ⇒
change (sawtooth (drop (f - (block_n b)) L));
eapply (sawtooth_drop ST GET)
Lemma sawtooth_drop_eq B `{BlockType B} (L:list B) g f b c
(ST:sawtooth L)
(GETf : get L (g - block_n c + f) b)
(GETg : get L g c)
: f - (block_n b) + (g - block_n c) = g - block_n c + f - (block_n b).
exploit (sawtooth_smaller ST); eauto. simpl in ×.
exploit (sawtooth_smaller ST GETf); eauto. simpl in ×.
exploit (sawtooth_resetting ST); eauto. omega.
Smpl Create sawtooth.
Smpl Add
match goal with
| [ |- context [ _ ⊝ drop _ _ ] ] ⇒ rewrite !drop_map
| [ |- context [ drop _ (drop _ _) ] ] ⇒ rewrite drop_drop
end : sawtooth.
Smpl Add
match goal with
[ ST: sawtooth ?L,
GETf : get ?L (?g - ?m + ?f) ?b,
GETg : get ?L ?g ?c
|- context [ ?f - ?n + (?g - ?m) ] ] ⇒
let REQ := fresh "REQ" in
change (n) with (BlockType.block_n b);
change (m) with (BlockType.block_n c);
rewrite (@sawtooth_drop_eq _ _ L g f b c ST GETf GETg);
simpl BlockType.block_n
end : sawtooth.
Ltac sawtooth := repeat smpl sawtooth.
Lemma sawtooth_drop_app B `{BlockType B} f n b (L:list B) C (L' L'':list C)
(ST:sawtooth L)
(GETf: get L (f - n) b)
(Len2: n = ❬L'❭)
(GE: f ≥ n)
: drop (f - block_n b) (L' ++ L'') = drop (f - ❬L'❭ - block_n b) L''.
pose proof (sawtooth_smaller ST GETf) as SMALLER.
rewrite !drop_app_gen; try len_simpl.
f_equal. omega. omega.
Smpl Add
match goal with
[ H : sawtooth ?L, GET : get (?L' ++ ?L) ?f ?b |- _ ] ⇒
let GE := fresh "GE" in
eapply get_app_cases in GET; destruct GET as [GET|[GET GE]];
try len_simpl; inv_get;
simpl BlockType.block_n in *;
simpl I.block_n in *;
simpl F.block_n in *;
try rewrite ZL_mapi
end : sawtooth.
Smpl Add
match goal with
[ |- context [drop (?f - ?f) _ ] ] ⇒ orewrite (f - f = 0); simpl drop
end : sawtooth.
Smpl Add match goal with
[ ST: sawtooth ?L, GETf: get ?L (?f - ?n') ?b, GE : ?f ≥ ?n'
|- context [ drop (?f - ?n) (?A ++ ?B) ] ] ⇒
let EQLen := fresh "EQLen" in
assert (EQLen:❬A❭ = n') by eauto with len;
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
pose proof (@sawtooth_drop_app _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A B ST GETf
ltac:(eauto with len) GE) as EQ;
simpl BlockType.block_n in *;
simpl I.block_n in *;
simpl F.block_n in *;
rewrite !EQ; rewrite EQLen
end : sawtooth.