Require Import CSet Le Arith.Compare_dec Var.
Require Import Plus Util Map Get Take LengthEq SafeFirst .
Require Export StableFresh Fresh Range InfinitePartition.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Inductive FreshGen (V:Type) `{OrderedType V} (Fi : Type) :=
fresh :> Fi → V → V × Fi;
fresh_list : Fi → list V → list V × Fi;
domain : Fi → set V;
domain_add : Fi → set V → Fi;
empty_domain : Fi
Arguments FreshGen V {H} Fi.
Inductive FreshGenSpec V `{OrderedType V} Fi (FG:FreshGen V Fi) : Prop :=
fresh_spec : ∀ i x, fst (fresh FG i x) ∉ domain FG i;
fresh_domain_spec : ∀ i x, {fst (fresh FG i x); (domain FG i)}
⊆ domain FG (snd (fresh FG i x));
fresh_list_disj : ∀ i Z, disj (domain FG i) (of_list (fst (fresh_list FG i Z)));
fresh_list_domain_spec : ∀ i Z, of_list (fst (fresh_list FG i Z)) ∪ domain FG i
⊆ domain FG (snd (fresh_list FG i Z));
fresh_list_nodup : ∀ i Z, NoDupA eq (fst (fresh_list FG i Z));
fresh_list_len : ∀ i Z, ❬fst (fresh_list FG i Z)❭ = ❬Z❭;
domain_add_spec : ∀ i G, G ∪ domain FG i ⊆ domain FG (domain_add FG i G)
Create HintDb fresh discriminated.
Definition FG_fast : FreshGen nat nat :=
@Build_FreshGen nat _ nat
(fun n _ ⇒ (n, S n))
(fun n Z ⇒ (range n ❬Z❭, (n + ❬Z❭)))
(fun n s ⇒ max n (S (fold Init.Nat.max s 0)))
Lemma FGS_fast : FreshGenSpec FG_fast.
econstructor; simpl.
- intros. rewrite <- nats_up_to_in. omega.
- reflexivity.
- intros; hnf; intros.
eapply nats_up_to_in in H.
eapply in_range_x in H0 as [? ?]. omega.
- intros. cset_tac'.
+ rewrite <- nats_up_to_in in ×.
eapply in_range_x in H0. omega.
+ rewrite <- nats_up_to_in in ×. omega.
- intros. eapply range_nodup.
- eauto with len.
- simpl. cset_tac'.
eapply nats_up_to_in.
+ rewrite <- Max.le_max_r.
eapply fresh_spec' in H0. omega.
+ eapply nats_up_to_in in H0.
eapply nats_up_to_in.
rewrite <- Max.le_max_l. eauto.
Definition next_even (n:nat) := if [even n] then n else S n.
Lemma next_even_even n
: even (next_even n).
unfold next_even; cases; eauto.
edestruct (even_or_successor n); eauto.
Lemma even_add x y
: even x
→ even y
→ even (x + y).
revert y. pattern x.
eapply size_induction with (f:=id); intros.
destruct x0; simpl; eauto.
destruct x0; simpl; eauto.
eapply H; eauto. unfold id. omega.
Lemma even_max x y
: even x
→ even y
→ even (max x y).
decide (x < y).
- rewrite max_r; try omega; eauto.
- rewrite max_l; try omega; eauto.
Lemma even_mult2 x
: even (2 × x).
pattern x.
eapply size_induction with (f:=id); intros.
destruct x0; simpl; eauto.
destruct x0; simpl; eauto. rewrite plus_comm. simpl.
rewrite <- plus_assoc. simpl.
exploit (H x0).
- unfold id. omega.
- simpl in H0. setoid_rewrite plus_comm in H0 at 2. simpl in ×. eauto.
Definition FG_even_fast : FreshGen nat {n | even n}.
(@Build_FreshGen nat _ {n | even n}
(fun n _ ⇒ (proj1_sig n, exist _ (S (S (proj1_sig n))) _))
(fun n Z ⇒ let z := 2 × ❬Z❭ in
(plus (proj1_sig n) ⊝ mult 2 ⊝ range 0 ❬Z❭, exist _ (proj1_sig n + z) _))
(fun n ⇒ nats_up_to (proj1_sig n))
(fun n s ⇒
exist _ (max (proj1_sig n) (next_even (S (fold Init.Nat.max s 0)))) _)
(exist _ 0 _)).
- simpl. destruct n. eauto.
- destruct n. subst z.
eapply even_add; eauto.
eapply even_mult2.
- destruct n. eapply even_max; eauto using next_even_even.
- simpl. eauto.
Lemma NoDup_inj A `{OrderedType A} B `{OrderedType B} (L:list A) (f:A → B)
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f}
: NoDupA _eq L
→ injective_on (of_list L) f
→ NoDupA _eq (f ⊝ L).
intros ND INJ.
general induction ND; simpl in *; eauto using NoDupA.
econstructor; eauto using injective_on_incl with cset.
intro. eapply InA_in in H3.
eapply H0. eapply of_list_map in H3; eauto. cset_tac'.
eapply INJ in H4; eauto with cset.
Lemma FGS_even_fast : FreshGenSpec FG_even_fast.
econstructor; simpl.
- intros. rewrite <- nats_up_to_in. omega.
- intros [] _; simpl. cset_tac.
- intros; hnf; intros.
eapply nats_up_to_in in H.
eapply of_list_map in H0; eauto.
eapply of_list_map in H0; eauto.
eapply in_range_x in H0 as [? ?]. omega.
- intros. cset_tac'.
+ eapply of_list_map in H0; eauto. cset_tac'.
eapply of_list_map in H; eauto. cset_tac'.
eapply in_range_x in H as [? ?].
rewrite <- nats_up_to_in in ×. simpl in ×. omega.
+ rewrite <- nats_up_to_in in ×. omega.
- intros. rewrite map_map.
exploit (@NoDup_inj nat _ nat _ (range 0 ❬Z❭)); swap 1 4.
eapply H.
eapply range_nodup.
hnf; intros. invc H1. hnf. omega.
- intros. len_simpl. eauto with len.
- simpl. cset_tac'.
eapply nats_up_to_in.
+ rewrite <- Max.le_max_r. unfold next_even.
simpl in ×.
eapply fresh_spec' in H0.
cases; eauto. omega. omega.
+ eapply nats_up_to_in in H0.
eapply nats_up_to_in.
rewrite <- Max.le_max_l. eauto.
Require Import Plus Util Map Get Take LengthEq SafeFirst .
Require Export StableFresh Fresh Range InfinitePartition.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Inductive FreshGen (V:Type) `{OrderedType V} (Fi : Type) :=
fresh :> Fi → V → V × Fi;
fresh_list : Fi → list V → list V × Fi;
domain : Fi → set V;
domain_add : Fi → set V → Fi;
empty_domain : Fi
Arguments FreshGen V {H} Fi.
Inductive FreshGenSpec V `{OrderedType V} Fi (FG:FreshGen V Fi) : Prop :=
fresh_spec : ∀ i x, fst (fresh FG i x) ∉ domain FG i;
fresh_domain_spec : ∀ i x, {fst (fresh FG i x); (domain FG i)}
⊆ domain FG (snd (fresh FG i x));
fresh_list_disj : ∀ i Z, disj (domain FG i) (of_list (fst (fresh_list FG i Z)));
fresh_list_domain_spec : ∀ i Z, of_list (fst (fresh_list FG i Z)) ∪ domain FG i
⊆ domain FG (snd (fresh_list FG i Z));
fresh_list_nodup : ∀ i Z, NoDupA eq (fst (fresh_list FG i Z));
fresh_list_len : ∀ i Z, ❬fst (fresh_list FG i Z)❭ = ❬Z❭;
domain_add_spec : ∀ i G, G ∪ domain FG i ⊆ domain FG (domain_add FG i G)
Create HintDb fresh discriminated.
Definition FG_fast : FreshGen nat nat :=
@Build_FreshGen nat _ nat
(fun n _ ⇒ (n, S n))
(fun n Z ⇒ (range n ❬Z❭, (n + ❬Z❭)))
(fun n s ⇒ max n (S (fold Init.Nat.max s 0)))
Lemma FGS_fast : FreshGenSpec FG_fast.
econstructor; simpl.
- intros. rewrite <- nats_up_to_in. omega.
- reflexivity.
- intros; hnf; intros.
eapply nats_up_to_in in H.
eapply in_range_x in H0 as [? ?]. omega.
- intros. cset_tac'.
+ rewrite <- nats_up_to_in in ×.
eapply in_range_x in H0. omega.
+ rewrite <- nats_up_to_in in ×. omega.
- intros. eapply range_nodup.
- eauto with len.
- simpl. cset_tac'.
eapply nats_up_to_in.
+ rewrite <- Max.le_max_r.
eapply fresh_spec' in H0. omega.
+ eapply nats_up_to_in in H0.
eapply nats_up_to_in.
rewrite <- Max.le_max_l. eauto.
Definition next_even (n:nat) := if [even n] then n else S n.
Lemma next_even_even n
: even (next_even n).
unfold next_even; cases; eauto.
edestruct (even_or_successor n); eauto.
Lemma even_add x y
: even x
→ even y
→ even (x + y).
revert y. pattern x.
eapply size_induction with (f:=id); intros.
destruct x0; simpl; eauto.
destruct x0; simpl; eauto.
eapply H; eauto. unfold id. omega.
Lemma even_max x y
: even x
→ even y
→ even (max x y).
decide (x < y).
- rewrite max_r; try omega; eauto.
- rewrite max_l; try omega; eauto.
Lemma even_mult2 x
: even (2 × x).
pattern x.
eapply size_induction with (f:=id); intros.
destruct x0; simpl; eauto.
destruct x0; simpl; eauto. rewrite plus_comm. simpl.
rewrite <- plus_assoc. simpl.
exploit (H x0).
- unfold id. omega.
- simpl in H0. setoid_rewrite plus_comm in H0 at 2. simpl in ×. eauto.
Definition FG_even_fast : FreshGen nat {n | even n}.
(@Build_FreshGen nat _ {n | even n}
(fun n _ ⇒ (proj1_sig n, exist _ (S (S (proj1_sig n))) _))
(fun n Z ⇒ let z := 2 × ❬Z❭ in
(plus (proj1_sig n) ⊝ mult 2 ⊝ range 0 ❬Z❭, exist _ (proj1_sig n + z) _))
(fun n ⇒ nats_up_to (proj1_sig n))
(fun n s ⇒
exist _ (max (proj1_sig n) (next_even (S (fold Init.Nat.max s 0)))) _)
(exist _ 0 _)).
- simpl. destruct n. eauto.
- destruct n. subst z.
eapply even_add; eauto.
eapply even_mult2.
- destruct n. eapply even_max; eauto using next_even_even.
- simpl. eauto.
Lemma NoDup_inj A `{OrderedType A} B `{OrderedType B} (L:list A) (f:A → B)
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f}
: NoDupA _eq L
→ injective_on (of_list L) f
→ NoDupA _eq (f ⊝ L).
intros ND INJ.
general induction ND; simpl in *; eauto using NoDupA.
econstructor; eauto using injective_on_incl with cset.
intro. eapply InA_in in H3.
eapply H0. eapply of_list_map in H3; eauto. cset_tac'.
eapply INJ in H4; eauto with cset.
Lemma FGS_even_fast : FreshGenSpec FG_even_fast.
econstructor; simpl.
- intros. rewrite <- nats_up_to_in. omega.
- intros [] _; simpl. cset_tac.
- intros; hnf; intros.
eapply nats_up_to_in in H.
eapply of_list_map in H0; eauto.
eapply of_list_map in H0; eauto.
eapply in_range_x in H0 as [? ?]. omega.
- intros. cset_tac'.
+ eapply of_list_map in H0; eauto. cset_tac'.
eapply of_list_map in H; eauto. cset_tac'.
eapply in_range_x in H as [? ?].
rewrite <- nats_up_to_in in ×. simpl in ×. omega.
+ rewrite <- nats_up_to_in in ×. omega.
- intros. rewrite map_map.
exploit (@NoDup_inj nat _ nat _ (range 0 ❬Z❭)); swap 1 4.
eapply H.
eapply range_nodup.
hnf; intros. invc H1. hnf. omega.
- intros. len_simpl. eauto with len.
- simpl. cset_tac'.
eapply nats_up_to_in.
+ rewrite <- Max.le_max_r. unfold next_even.
simpl in ×.
eapply fresh_spec' in H0.
cases; eauto. omega. omega.
+ eapply nats_up_to_in in H0.
eapply nats_up_to_in.
rewrite <- Max.le_max_l. eauto.