Require Import CSet Le.
Require Import Plus Util AllInRel Map.
Require Import Val Var Env IL Annotation SetOperations MoreList Indexwise PairwiseDisjoint.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Plus Util AllInRel Map.
Require Import Val Var Env IL Annotation SetOperations MoreList Indexwise PairwiseDisjoint.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Renamed-apart (formally)
Every subterm is annotated with two sets D and D' such that D contains all free variables of the subterm and D' is extactly the set of variables that occur in a binding position.Definition defVars (Zs:params × stmt) (a:ann (set var × set var)) := of_list (fst Zs) ∪ snd (getAnn a).
Hint Unfold defVars.
Definition funConstr D Dt (Zs:params × stmt) a :=
fst (getAnn a) [=] of_list (fst Zs) ∪ D
∧ unique (fst Zs)
∧ disj (of_list (fst Zs)) D
∧ disj (of_list (fst Zs) ∪ snd (getAnn a)) Dt.
Inductive renamedApart : stmt → ann (set var × set var) → Prop :=
| renamedApartExp x e s D Ds D' an
: x ∉ D
→ Exp.freeVars e ⊆ D
→ renamedApart s an
→ D' [=] {x; Ds}
→ pe (getAnn an) ({x; D}, Ds)
→ renamedApart (stmtLet x e s) (ann1 (D, D') an)
| renamedApartIf D D' Ds Dt e s t ans ant
: Op.freeVars e ⊆ D
→ disj Ds Dt
→ Ds ∪ Dt [=] D'
→ renamedApart s ans
→ renamedApart t ant
→ pe (getAnn ans) (D, Ds)
→ pe (getAnn ant) (D, Dt)
→ renamedApart (stmtIf e s t) (ann2 (D, D') ans ant)
| renamedApartRet D D' e
: Op.freeVars e ⊆ D
→ D' [=] ∅
→ renamedApart (stmtReturn e) (ann0 (D, D'))
| renamedApartGoto D D' f Y
: list_union ( Op.freeVars Y) ⊆ D
→ D' [=] ∅
→ renamedApart (stmtApp f Y) (ann0 (D, D'))
| renamedApartLet D D' F t Dt ans ant
: length F = length ans
→ (∀ n Zs a, get F n Zs → get ans n a → renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
→ indexwise_R (funConstr D Dt) F ans
→ pairwise_ne disj (zip defVars F ans)
→ renamedApart t ant
→ pe (getAnn ant) (D, Dt)
→ list_union (zip defVars F ans) ∪ Dt [=] D'
→ renamedApart (stmtFun F t) (annF (D,D') ans ant).
Lemma renamedApart_ext s an an'
: ann_R (@pe _ _) an an'
→ renamedApart s an
→ renamedApart s an'.
general induction H0; simpl; invt (ann_R (@pe var _));
invt (@pe var _); eauto using renamedApart.
- econstructor; try srewrite c; try srewrite d; eauto.
rewrite <- (ann_R_get H9). eauto.
- econstructor; try srewrite c; try srewrite d; eauto.
+ rewrite <- (ann_R_get H10); eauto.
+ rewrite <- (ann_R_get H11); eauto.
- econstructor; try srewrite c; try srewrite d; eauto.
- econstructor; try srewrite c; try srewrite d; eauto.
- assert (PIR2 Equal (zip defVars F bns) (zip defVars F ans)).
{ eapply zip_ext_PIR2; eauto; try congruence.
intros. get_functional.
exploit H14; eauto. unfold defVars.
rewrite H13. reflexivity.
econstructor; try srewrite c; try srewrite d; eauto with len.
+ intros. edestruct (get_length_eq _ H13 (eq_sym H12)).
eapply H1; eauto.
+ hnf; intros. edestruct (get_length_eq _ H13 (eq_sym H12)).
exploit H2; eauto. destruct H18. dcr.
exploit H14; eauto. hnf. rewrite <- H10.
instantiate (1:=Dt).
rewrite <- H19; eauto.
+ eapply pairwise_disj_PIR2; eauto. symmetry; eauto.
+ rewrite <- H15; eauto.
+ rewrite H8. eauto.
Instance renamedApart_morphism
: Proper (eq ==> (ann_R (@pe _ _)) ==> iff) renamedApart.
intros x s t A; subst. intros. split; intros.
eapply renamedApart_ext; eauto.
eapply renamedApart_ext; try symmetry; eauto.
Lemma renamedApart_freeVars s an
: renamedApart s an → freeVars s ⊆ fst (getAnn an).
intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto; pe_rewrite.
- rewrite IHrenamedApart, H0.
clear_all; cset_tac; intuition.
- rewrite H, IHrenamedApart1, IHrenamedApart2. cset_tac.
- rewrite IHrenamedApart.
rewrite (@list_union_incl _ _ _ _ D); eauto with cset.
intros ? ? GET. inv_map GET.
edestruct (get_length_eq _ H7 H); eauto.
rewrite H1; eauto.
edestruct H2; eauto; dcr; eauto with cset.
Lemma renamedApart_occurVars s an
: renamedApart s an → definedVars s [=] snd (getAnn an).
general induction H; simpl; eauto;
pe_rewrite; srewrite D'; eauto with cset.
- rewrite IHrenamedApart.
eapply eq_union_lr; eauto.
eapply list_union_eq; eauto with len.
intros. inv_map H7. inv_zip H8. get_functional; subst.
rewrite H1; eauto. unfold defVars. eauto with cset.
Definition pminus (D'':set var) (s:set var × set var) :=
match s with
| pair s s' ⇒ (s \ D'', s')
Instance pminus_morphism
: Proper (Equal ==> (@pe _ _) ==> (@pe _ _) ) pminus.
unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
inv H0; simpl; econstructor. rewrite H1, <- H. reflexivity.
Instance mapAnn_pminus_morphism G'
: Proper (ann_R (@pe _ _) ==> ann_R (@pe _ _)) (mapAnn (pminus G')).
unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
general induction H; simpl; constructor; eauto with len pe.
- intros. inv_map H4. inv_map H5. eauto.
Lemma renamedApart_minus D an an' s
: disj (occurVars s) D
→ renamedApart s an
→ ann_R (@pe _ _) an' (mapAnn (pminus D) an)
→ renamedApart s an'.
intros DISJ RN PE. revert an' PE.
induction RN; indros; try rewrite PE; simpl in × |- ×.
- econstructor; eauto 20 with cset pe ann.
- econstructor; eauto with cset pe ann.
- econstructor; eauto with cset.
- econstructor; eauto with cset.
- econstructor; eauto with cset len.
+ intros ? ? ? GET1 GET2. inv_map GET2. eapply H1; eauto.
eapply disj_1_incl; eauto.
rewrite <- get_list_union_map; eauto. cset_tac.
+ hnf; intros ? ? ? GET1 GET2.
inv_map GET2. edestruct H2; eauto; dcr. instantiate (1:=Dt).
hnf. rewrite getAnn_mapAnn.
destruct (getAnn x); simpl in ×.
assert (disj (of_list (fst a)) D).
eapply disj_1_incl; eauto.
rewrite <- get_list_union_map; eauto. cset_tac; intuition.
split. rewrite H7.
revert H8; unfold disj; clear_all; cset_tac; intuition; eauto.
eauto with cset.
+ eapply pairwise_disj_PIR2; eauto.
eapply zip_ext_PIR2; eauto. rewrite map_length; eauto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? GET1 GET2 GET3 GET4. get_functional; subst.
inv_map GET4.
unfold defVars. rewrite getAnn_mapAnn. destruct (getAnn y); reflexivity.
+ eauto with cset pe ann.
+ rewrite list_union_eq; eauto with len.
intros ? ? ? GET1 GET2. inv_zip GET1. inv_zip GET2. inv_map H7.
get_functional; subst. unfold defVars.
rewrite getAnn_mapAnn. destruct (getAnn x2); simpl. reflexivity.
: renamedApart s an → freeVars s ⊆ fst (getAnn an).
intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto; pe_rewrite.
- rewrite IHrenamedApart, H0.
clear_all; cset_tac; intuition.
- rewrite H, IHrenamedApart1, IHrenamedApart2. cset_tac.
- rewrite IHrenamedApart.
rewrite (@list_union_incl _ _ _ _ D); eauto with cset.
intros ? ? GET. inv_map GET.
edestruct (get_length_eq _ H7 H); eauto.
rewrite H1; eauto.
edestruct H2; eauto; dcr; eauto with cset.
Lemma renamedApart_occurVars s an
: renamedApart s an → definedVars s [=] snd (getAnn an).
general induction H; simpl; eauto;
pe_rewrite; srewrite D'; eauto with cset.
- rewrite IHrenamedApart.
eapply eq_union_lr; eauto.
eapply list_union_eq; eauto with len.
intros. inv_map H7. inv_zip H8. get_functional; subst.
rewrite H1; eauto. unfold defVars. eauto with cset.
Definition pminus (D'':set var) (s:set var × set var) :=
match s with
| pair s s' ⇒ (s \ D'', s')
Instance pminus_morphism
: Proper (Equal ==> (@pe _ _) ==> (@pe _ _) ) pminus.
unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
inv H0; simpl; econstructor. rewrite H1, <- H. reflexivity.
Instance mapAnn_pminus_morphism G'
: Proper (ann_R (@pe _ _) ==> ann_R (@pe _ _)) (mapAnn (pminus G')).
unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
general induction H; simpl; constructor; eauto with len pe.
- intros. inv_map H4. inv_map H5. eauto.
Lemma renamedApart_minus D an an' s
: disj (occurVars s) D
→ renamedApart s an
→ ann_R (@pe _ _) an' (mapAnn (pminus D) an)
→ renamedApart s an'.
intros DISJ RN PE. revert an' PE.
induction RN; indros; try rewrite PE; simpl in × |- ×.
- econstructor; eauto 20 with cset pe ann.
- econstructor; eauto with cset pe ann.
- econstructor; eauto with cset.
- econstructor; eauto with cset.
- econstructor; eauto with cset len.
+ intros ? ? ? GET1 GET2. inv_map GET2. eapply H1; eauto.
eapply disj_1_incl; eauto.
rewrite <- get_list_union_map; eauto. cset_tac.
+ hnf; intros ? ? ? GET1 GET2.
inv_map GET2. edestruct H2; eauto; dcr. instantiate (1:=Dt).
hnf. rewrite getAnn_mapAnn.
destruct (getAnn x); simpl in ×.
assert (disj (of_list (fst a)) D).
eapply disj_1_incl; eauto.
rewrite <- get_list_union_map; eauto. cset_tac; intuition.
split. rewrite H7.
revert H8; unfold disj; clear_all; cset_tac; intuition; eauto.
eauto with cset.
+ eapply pairwise_disj_PIR2; eauto.
eapply zip_ext_PIR2; eauto. rewrite map_length; eauto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? GET1 GET2 GET3 GET4. get_functional; subst.
inv_map GET4.
unfold defVars. rewrite getAnn_mapAnn. destruct (getAnn y); reflexivity.
+ eauto with cset pe ann.
+ rewrite list_union_eq; eauto with len.
intros ? ? ? GET1 GET2. inv_zip GET1. inv_zip GET2. inv_map H7.
get_functional; subst. unfold defVars.
rewrite getAnn_mapAnn. destruct (getAnn x2); simpl. reflexivity.
Lemma renamedApart_disj s G
: renamedApart s G
→ disj (fst (getAnn G)) (snd (getAnn G)).
intros. general induction H; simpl; pe_rewrite; try srewrite D'.
- eauto with cset.
- eauto with cset.
- eauto with cset.
- eauto with cset.
- eapply disj_app; split; eauto.
+ symmetry. rewrite <- list_union_disjunct.
intros ? ? GET. inv_zip GET.
exploit H1; eauto.
unfold defVars.
edestruct H2; eauto; dcr. rewrite H10 in H9.
eapply disj_app; split.
symmetry; eauto.
eauto with cset.