Require Import List paco2.
Require Import Util IL.
Require Export SmallStepRelations StateType Sim.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Require Import Util IL.
Require Export SmallStepRelations StateType Sim.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Non-parametric Definitions of Simulation and Bisimulation
A characterization of bisimulation equivalence on states; works only for internally deterministic semantics.CoInductive bisim {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} : S → S' → Prop :=
| BisimSilent (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2 σ2':S') :
plus2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ plus2 step σ2 nil σ2'
→ bisim σ1' σ2'
→ bisim σ1 σ2
| BisimExtern (pσ1 σ1:S) (pσ2 σ2:S') :
star2 step pσ1 nil σ1
→ star2 step pσ2 nil σ2
→ activated σ1
→ activated σ2
→ (∀ evt σ1', step σ1 evt σ1' → ∃ σ2', step σ2 evt σ2' ∧ bisim σ1' σ2')
→ (∀ evt σ2', step σ2 evt σ2' → ∃ σ1', step σ1 evt σ1' ∧ bisim σ1' σ2')
→ bisim pσ1 pσ2
| BisimTerm (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2 σ2':S')
: result σ1' = result σ2'
→ star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
→ normal2 step σ1'
→ normal2 step σ2'
→ bisim σ1 σ2.
Arguments bisim [S] {H} [S'] {H0} _ _.
Lemma bisim_refl {S} `{StateType S} (σ:S)
: bisim σ σ.
revert σ. cofix.
intros. destruct (step_dec σ) as [[[] []]|].
- eapply BisimExtern; intros; eauto using star2_refl; eexists; eauto.
- eapply BisimSilent; eauto using plus2O.
- eapply BisimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.
Lemma bisim_sym {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ:S) (σ':S')
: bisim σ σ' → bisim σ' σ.
revert σ σ'. cofix; intros.
inv H1.
- eapply BisimSilent; eauto.
- eapply BisimExtern; eauto; intros.
edestruct H7; eauto; dcr. eexists; eauto.
edestruct H6; eauto; dcr. eexists; eauto.
- eapply BisimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.
: bisim σ σ.
revert σ. cofix.
intros. destruct (step_dec σ) as [[[] []]|].
- eapply BisimExtern; intros; eauto using star2_refl; eexists; eauto.
- eapply BisimSilent; eauto using plus2O.
- eapply BisimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.
Lemma bisim_sym {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ:S) (σ':S')
: bisim σ σ' → bisim σ' σ.
revert σ σ'. cofix; intros.
inv H1.
- eapply BisimSilent; eauto.
- eapply BisimExtern; eauto; intros.
edestruct H7; eauto; dcr. eexists; eauto.
edestruct H6; eauto; dcr. eexists; eauto.
- eapply BisimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.
Lemma bisim_simp t {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'}
: ∀ (σ:S) (σ':S'), bisim σ σ' → sim bot3 t σ σ'.
pcofix CIH; intros. invt bisim; pfold; eauto using sim_gen.
- econstructor 2; eauto.
+ intros. edestruct H6; eauto; dcr; eauto.
+ intros. edestruct H7; eauto; dcr; eauto.
Lemma simp_bisim {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'}
: ∀ (σ:S) (σ':S'), sim bot3 Bisim σ σ' → bisim σ σ'.
cofix CIH; intros.
assert (sim_gen (paco3 (sim_gen (S:=S) (S':=S')) bot3 \3/ bot3) Bisim σ σ').
punfold H1.
inv H2; pclearbot.
- econstructor 1; eauto.
- econstructor 2; eauto.
+ intros. edestruct H7; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto.
+ intros. edestruct H8; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto.
- econstructor 3; eauto.
Lemma bisim_trans {S1} `{StateType S1}
(σ1:S1) {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) {S3} `{StateType S3} (σ3:S3)
: bisim σ1 σ2
→ bisim σ2 σ3
→ bisim σ1 σ3.
intros. eapply simp_bisim.
eapply bisim_simp in H2.
eapply bisim_simp in H3.
eapply (Sim.sim_trans H2 H3).
CoInductive sim {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} : S → S' → Prop :=
| SimSilent (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2 σ2':S') :
plus2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ plus2 step σ2 nil σ2'
→ sim σ1' σ2'
→ sim σ1 σ2
| SimExtern (pσ1 σ1:S) (pσ2 σ2:S') :
star2 step pσ1 nil σ1
→ star2 step pσ2 nil σ2
→ activated σ1
→ activated σ2
→ (∀ evt σ1', step σ1 evt σ1' → ∃ σ2', step σ2 evt σ2' ∧ sim σ1' σ2')
→ (∀ evt σ2', step σ2 evt σ2' → ∃ σ1', step σ1 evt σ1' ∧ sim σ1' σ2')
→ sim pσ1 pσ2
| SimTerm (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2 σ2':S')
: result σ1' = result σ2'
→ star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
→ normal2 step σ1'
→ normal2 step σ2'
→ sim σ1 σ2
| SimErr (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2:S')
: result σ1' = None
→ star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ normal2 step σ1'
→ sim σ1 σ2.
Arguments bisim [S] {H} [S'] {H0} _ _.
Lemma sim_refl {S} `{StateType S} (σ:S)
: sim σ σ.
revert σ. cofix.
intros. destruct (step_dec σ) as [[[] []]|].
- eapply SimExtern; intros; eauto using star2_refl; eexists; eauto.
- eapply SimSilent; eauto using plus2O.
- eapply SimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.
Lemma sim_simp {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'}
: ∀ (σ:S) (σ':S'), sim σ σ' → Sim.sim bot3 Sim σ σ'.
pcofix CIH; intros. inv H2; pfold; eauto using sim_gen.
- econstructor 2; eauto.
+ intros. edestruct H6; eauto; dcr; eauto.
+ intros. edestruct H7; eauto; dcr; eauto.
Lemma simp_sim t {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'}
: ∀ (σ:S) (σ':S'), Sim.sim bot3 t σ σ' → sim σ σ'.
cofix CIH; intros.
assert (sim_gen (paco3 (sim_gen (S:=S) (S':=S')) bot3 \3/ bot3) t σ σ').
punfold H1.
inversion H2; pclearbot.
- econstructor 1; eauto.
- econstructor 2; eauto.
+ intros. edestruct H7; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto.
+ intros. edestruct H8; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto.
- econstructor 4; eauto.
- econstructor 3; eauto.
Lemma sim_trans {S1} `{StateType S1}
(σ1:S1) {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) {S3} `{StateType S3} (σ3:S3)
: sim σ1 σ2
→ sim σ2 σ3
→ sim σ1 σ3.
intros. eapply simp_sim.
eapply sim_simp in H2.
eapply sim_simp in H3.
eapply (Sim.sim_trans H2 H3).
Arguments sim_trans [S1] {H} σ1 [S2] {H0} σ2 [S3] {H1} σ3 _ _.
Receptive and determinate according to CompCertTSO (Sevcík 2013)
Definition same_call (e e':extern) := extern_fnc e = extern_fnc e' ∧ extern_args e = extern_args e'.
Definition receptive S `{StateType S} :=
∀ σ σ' ext, step σ (EvtExtern ext) σ'
→ ∀ ext', same_call ext ext' → ∃ σ'', step σ (EvtExtern ext') σ''.
Arguments receptive S [H].
Definition determinate S `{StateType S} :=
∀ σ σ' σ'' ext ext', step σ (EvtExtern ext) σ'
→ step σ (EvtExtern ext') σ'' → same_call ext ext'.
Arguments determinate S [H].
Lemma bisimExternDet {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} (pσ1:S) (pσ2:S') (σ1:S) (σ2:S')
(RCPT:receptive S) (DET:determinate S')
: star2 step pσ1 nil σ1
→ star2 step pσ2 nil σ2
→ activated σ1
→ (∀ evt σ1', step σ1 evt σ1' → ∃ σ2', step σ2 evt σ2' ∧ bisim σ1' σ2')
→ bisim pσ1 pσ2.
econstructor 2; eauto.
- inv H3. dcr. edestruct H4; eauto. firstorder.
- intros. inv H3. dcr. exploit H4; eauto; dcr.
destruct evt.
+ exploit DET. eauto. eapply H5.
exploit RCPT; eauto. dcr.
exploit H4. eapply H11. dcr.
eexists; split. eapply H11.
exploit step_externally_determined. Focus 3.
instantiate (2:=σ2') in H8. rewrite H8. eapply H14.
eauto. eauto.
+ exfalso. exploit step_internally_deterministic; eauto; dcr. congruence.