Require Import Util Option Get LengthEq.
Section ParametricOptionMapIndex.
Variables X Y : Type.
Hypothesis f : nat → X → option Y : Type.
Fixpoint omapi_impl (n:nat) (L:list X) : option (list Y) :=
match L with
| x::L ⇒
mdo v <- f n x;
mdo vl <- omapi_impl (S n) L;
Some (v::vl)
| _ ⇒ Some nil
Definition omapi := omapi_impl 0.
End ParametricOptionMapIndex.
Arguments omapi [X] [Y] f L.
Section ParametricOptionMap.
Variables X Y : Type.
Hypothesis f : X → option Y : Type.
Fixpoint omap (L:list X) : option (list Y) :=
match L with
| x::L ⇒
mdo v <- f x;
mdo vl <- omap L;
Some (v::vl)
| _ ⇒ Some nil
Lemma omap_inversion (L:list X) (L':list Y)
: omap L = Some L'
→ ∀ n x, get L n x → { y : Y | get L' n y ∧ f x = Some y }.
intros. general induction L.
- isabsurd.
- simpl in H. monad_inv H.
eapply get_getT in H0. inv H0.
+ eauto using get.
+ edestruct IHL; eauto using getT_get; dcr.
eauto using get.
End ParametricOptionMap.
Arguments omap [X] [Y] f L.
Lemma omap_agree X Y (f g: X → option Y) L
: (∀ n x, get L n x → f x = g x)
→ omap f L = omap g L.
general induction L; simpl; eauto.
erewrite <- H; eauto using get. erewrite IHL; eauto using get.
Lemma omap_agree_2 X X' Y (f: X → option Y) (g: X' → option Y) L L'
: (∀ n x y, get L n x → get L' n y → f x = g y)
→ length L = length L'
→ omap f L = omap g L'.
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H0.
general induction H0; simpl; eauto.
erewrite <- H; eauto using get. erewrite IHlength_eq; eauto using get.
Lemma omap_length X Y L' (f: X → option Y) L
: omap f L = Some L'
→ length L = length L'.
general induction L; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
monad_inv H; simpl; eauto.
Lemma omap_app X Y (f:X→option Y) L L'
: omap f (L ++ L') =
mdo v <- omap f L;
mdo v' <- omap f L';
Some (v ++ v').
general induction L; simpl in × |- ×.
- destruct (omap f L'); eauto.
- destruct (f a); simpl; eauto.
rewrite IHL; eauto.
destruct (omap f L); simpl; eauto.
destruct (omap f L'); simpl; eauto.
Hint Extern 5 ⇒
match goal with
| [ EQ : ❬?Y❭ = ❬?x❭, OMAP: omap _ ?Y = Some ?l |- ❬?x❭ = ❬?l❭ ] ⇒
rewrite <- EQ; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)
| [ EQ : ❬?Y❭ = ❬?x❭, OMAP: omap _ ?Y = Some ?l |- ❬?l❭ = ❬?x❭ ] ⇒
rewrite <- EQ; symmetry; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)
| [ EQ : ❬?x❭ = ❬?Y❭, OMAP: omap _ ?Y = Some ?l |- ❬?x❭ = ❬?l❭ ] ⇒
rewrite EQ; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)
| [ OMAP: omap _ _ = Some ?l |- ❬?l❭ = ❬?B❭ ] ⇒
etransitivity; [ symmetry; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)|]
| [ EQ : ❬?l❭ = ❬?x❭, OMAP: omap _ ?Y = Some ?l |- ❬?x❭ = ❬?Y❭ ] ⇒
rewrite <- EQ; symmetry; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)
| [ EQ : ❬?x❭ = ❬?l❭, OMAP: omap _ ?Y = Some ?l |- ❬?x❭ = ❬?Y❭ ] ⇒
rewrite EQ; symmetry; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)
end : len.
Section ParametricOptionMapIndex.
Variables X Y : Type.
Hypothesis f : nat → X → option Y : Type.
Fixpoint omapi_impl (n:nat) (L:list X) : option (list Y) :=
match L with
| x::L ⇒
mdo v <- f n x;
mdo vl <- omapi_impl (S n) L;
Some (v::vl)
| _ ⇒ Some nil
Definition omapi := omapi_impl 0.
End ParametricOptionMapIndex.
Arguments omapi [X] [Y] f L.
Section ParametricOptionMap.
Variables X Y : Type.
Hypothesis f : X → option Y : Type.
Fixpoint omap (L:list X) : option (list Y) :=
match L with
| x::L ⇒
mdo v <- f x;
mdo vl <- omap L;
Some (v::vl)
| _ ⇒ Some nil
Lemma omap_inversion (L:list X) (L':list Y)
: omap L = Some L'
→ ∀ n x, get L n x → { y : Y | get L' n y ∧ f x = Some y }.
intros. general induction L.
- isabsurd.
- simpl in H. monad_inv H.
eapply get_getT in H0. inv H0.
+ eauto using get.
+ edestruct IHL; eauto using getT_get; dcr.
eauto using get.
End ParametricOptionMap.
Arguments omap [X] [Y] f L.
Lemma omap_agree X Y (f g: X → option Y) L
: (∀ n x, get L n x → f x = g x)
→ omap f L = omap g L.
general induction L; simpl; eauto.
erewrite <- H; eauto using get. erewrite IHL; eauto using get.
Lemma omap_agree_2 X X' Y (f: X → option Y) (g: X' → option Y) L L'
: (∀ n x y, get L n x → get L' n y → f x = g y)
→ length L = length L'
→ omap f L = omap g L'.
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H0.
general induction H0; simpl; eauto.
erewrite <- H; eauto using get. erewrite IHlength_eq; eauto using get.
Lemma omap_length X Y L' (f: X → option Y) L
: omap f L = Some L'
→ length L = length L'.
general induction L; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
monad_inv H; simpl; eauto.
Lemma omap_app X Y (f:X→option Y) L L'
: omap f (L ++ L') =
mdo v <- omap f L;
mdo v' <- omap f L';
Some (v ++ v').
general induction L; simpl in × |- ×.
- destruct (omap f L'); eauto.
- destruct (f a); simpl; eauto.
rewrite IHL; eauto.
destruct (omap f L); simpl; eauto.
destruct (omap f L'); simpl; eauto.
Hint Extern 5 ⇒
match goal with
| [ EQ : ❬?Y❭ = ❬?x❭, OMAP: omap _ ?Y = Some ?l |- ❬?x❭ = ❬?l❭ ] ⇒
rewrite <- EQ; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)
| [ EQ : ❬?Y❭ = ❬?x❭, OMAP: omap _ ?Y = Some ?l |- ❬?l❭ = ❬?x❭ ] ⇒
rewrite <- EQ; symmetry; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)
| [ EQ : ❬?x❭ = ❬?Y❭, OMAP: omap _ ?Y = Some ?l |- ❬?x❭ = ❬?l❭ ] ⇒
rewrite EQ; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)
| [ OMAP: omap _ _ = Some ?l |- ❬?l❭ = ❬?B❭ ] ⇒
etransitivity; [ symmetry; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)|]
| [ EQ : ❬?l❭ = ❬?x❭, OMAP: omap _ ?Y = Some ?l |- ❬?x❭ = ❬?Y❭ ] ⇒
rewrite <- EQ; symmetry; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)
| [ EQ : ❬?x❭ = ❬?l❭, OMAP: omap _ ?Y = Some ?l |- ❬?x❭ = ❬?Y❭ ] ⇒
rewrite EQ; symmetry; eapply (omap_length _ _ _ _ _ OMAP)
end : len.