Require Import CSet LengthEq Option Map OrderedTypeEx Util List Get Computable DecSolve AllInRel.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Abstraction Types.
Fixpoint pos X `{OrderedType X} (l:list X) (x:X) (n:nat) : option nat :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ None
| y::l ⇒ if [ x === y ] then Some n else pos l x (S n)
Lemma pos_add X `{OrderedType X} k' symb (f:X) k i
: pos symb f k = Some i → pos symb f (k' + k) = Some (k' + i).
general induction symb; eauto.
unfold pos in *; fold pos in ×.
cases. congruence.
eapply IHsymb in H0. orewrite (S (k' + k) = k' + S k). eauto.
Lemma pos_sub X `{OrderedType X} k' symb (f:X) k i
: pos symb f (k' + k) = Some (k' + i) → pos symb f k = Some i.
general induction symb; eauto.
unfold pos in *; fold pos in ×.
cases. f_equal. inv H0. omega.
orewrite (S (k' + k) = k' + S k) in H0.
Lemma pos_ge X `{OrderedType X} symb (l:X) i k
: pos symb l k = Some i
→ k ≤ i.
general induction symb. unfold pos in H0; fold pos in H0.
cases in H0. omega.
exploit IHsymb; eauto. omega.
Lemma pos_sub' X `{OrderedType X} k' symb (f:X) k i
: pos symb f k = Some i → k' ≤ k → pos symb f (k - k') = Some (i - k').
eapply pos_sub.
instantiate (1:=k').
orewrite (k' + (k - k') = k).
exploit pos_ge; eauto.
orewrite (k' + (i - k') = i). eauto.
Lemma update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first X `{OrderedType X} B E n
(Z:list X) (Y:list B) z
: length Z = length Y
→ get Z n z
→ (∀ n' z', n' < n → get Z n' z' → z' =/= z)
→ ∃ y, get Y n y ∧ E [Z <-- Y] z === y.
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H0.
general induction H0; simpl in *; isabsurd.
inv H1.
- ∃ y; repeat split; eauto using get. lud. exfalso; eauto.
- edestruct (IHlength_eq _ E n0 z) as [? [? ]]; eauto using get; dcr.
+ intros. eapply (H2 (S n')); eauto using get. omega.
+ ∃ x0. eexists; repeat split; eauto using get.
exploit (H2 0); eauto using get; try omega.
Lemma list_lookup_in_list_first X `{OrderedType X} B E
(Z:list X) (Y:list B) x y
: length Z = length Y
→ (E [Z <-- Y]) x = y
→ x ∈ of_list Z
→ ∃ n y', get Y n y' ∧ y === y' ∧ (∀ n' x', n' < n → get Z n' x' → x' =/= x).
intros. length_equify.
general induction H0; simpl in *; isabsurd. decide (x0 === x).
- ∃ 0, y; repeat split; eauto using get. lud. intros; exfalso; omega.
- cset_tac; intuition.
edestruct (IHlength_eq _ E x0) as [? [? ]]; eauto using get; dcr.
+ ∃ (S x1), x2. repeat split; eauto using get. lud; intuition.
intros. inv H4. intro; intuition. eapply H6; eauto. omega.
Lemma of_list_get_first X `{OrderedType X} (Z:list X) z
: z ∈ of_list Z
→ ∃ n z', get Z n z' ∧ z === z' ∧ (∀ n' z', n' < n → get Z n' z' → z' =/= z).
intros. general induction Z; simpl in ×. cset_tac; intuition.
decide (z === a).
- eexists 0, a; repeat split; eauto using get.
+ intros. exfalso. omega.
- cset_tac; intuition. edestruct IHZ; eauto. dcr.
eexists (S x), x0; repeat split; eauto using get.
+ intros. inv H4; intro; eauto. eapply H5; eauto. omega.
Lemma get_first_pos X `{OrderedType X} n
(Z:list X) z
: get Z n z
→ (∀ n' z', n' < n → get Z n' z' → z' =/= z)
→ pos Z z 0 = Some n.
intros. general induction H0; simpl; cases; eauto.
- exfalso. exploit (H1 0); eauto using get. omega.
- exploit IHget; eauto.
intros; eapply (H1 (S n')); eauto using get. omega.
eapply pos_add with (k':=1) in H2. eauto.
Lemma pos_get X `{OrderedType X} (symb:list X) v x i
: pos symb v i = ⎣x ⎦
→ ∃ v', get symb (x-i) v' ∧ v === v' ∧ x ≥ i.
general induction symb; simpl in × |- *; eauto using get.
cases in H0.
- orewrite (x - x = 0). eexists; split; eauto using get.
- exploit IHsymb; eauto; dcr.
orewrite (x - i = S (x - S i)).
eexists; split. econstructor; eauto. split; eauto; omega.
Lemma pos_none X `{OrderedType X} symb (x:X) k k'
: pos symb x k = None
→ pos symb x k' = None.
general induction symb; eauto; simpl in ×.
cases; try congruence.
rewrite H0; eauto.
Lemma pos_eq X `{OrderedType X} symb y k
: pos symb y k = Some k
→ hd_error symb === Some y.
intros. destruct symb; simpl in *; try cases in H0; simpl; try congruence.
- constructor. rewrite COND. reflexivity.
- exfalso. exploit pos_ge; eauto. omega.
Lemma pos_indep X `{OrderedType X} symb symb' x y k k'
: pos symb x k = pos symb' y k
→ pos symb x k' = pos symb' y k'.
general induction symb.
- general induction symb'; simpl in *; eauto.
cases in H0; try congruence; eauto.
- simpl in ×. cases.
+ symmetry in H0. eapply pos_eq in H0. destruct symb'; simpl in ×.
inv H0.
cases; eauto. inv H0; exfalso; eauto.
+ destruct symb'; simpl in ×. eauto using pos_none.
× exfalso. exploit pos_ge; eauto. omega.
× eauto.
Lemma pos_inc X `{OrderedType X} symb symb' x y k k'
: pos symb x k = pos symb' y k
→ pos symb x (k' + k) = pos symb' y (k' + k).
intros. eapply pos_indep; eauto.
Lemma pos_dec X `{OrderedType X} symb symb' x y k k'
: pos symb x k = pos symb' y k
→ pos symb x (k - k') = pos symb' y (k - k').
intros. eapply pos_indep; eauto.
Lemma pos_app_in X `{OrderedType X} x k L L'
: x ∈ of_list L
→ pos (L ++ L') x k = pos L x k.
general induction L; simpl in × |- *; cset_tac.
- cases; try congruence; exfalso; eauto.
- cases; try congruence; eauto.
Lemma pos_app_not_in X `{OrderedType X} x k L L'
: x ∉ of_list L
→ pos (L ++ L') x k = pos L' x (length L + k).
general induction L; simpl in × |- *; cset_tac.
cases; try congruence; eauto.
- exfalso; eauto.
- rewrite IHL; eauto.
Require Import Drop.
Lemma pos_get_first X `{OrderedType X} (symb:list X) v x i
: pos symb v i = ⎣x ⎦
→ ∃ v', get symb (x-i) v' ∧ v === v' ∧ x ≥ i ∧
∀ z' n, n < x-i → get symb n z' → z' =/= v.
general induction symb; simpl in × |- *; eauto using get.
cases in H0.
- orewrite (x - x = 0). eexists; repeat split; eauto using get.
+ intros. exfalso. omega.
- exploit IHsymb; eauto; dcr.
orewrite (x - i = S (x - S i)).
eexists; split. econstructor; eauto. repeat split; eauto; try omega.
+ intros. inv H5; intro; eauto. eapply H6; eauto. omega.
Instance trivial_pos_instance X `{OrderedType X}
: Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@pos X _).
unfold Proper, respectful. intros; subst. eauto.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Abstraction Types.
Fixpoint pos X `{OrderedType X} (l:list X) (x:X) (n:nat) : option nat :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ None
| y::l ⇒ if [ x === y ] then Some n else pos l x (S n)
Lemma pos_add X `{OrderedType X} k' symb (f:X) k i
: pos symb f k = Some i → pos symb f (k' + k) = Some (k' + i).
general induction symb; eauto.
unfold pos in *; fold pos in ×.
cases. congruence.
eapply IHsymb in H0. orewrite (S (k' + k) = k' + S k). eauto.
Lemma pos_sub X `{OrderedType X} k' symb (f:X) k i
: pos symb f (k' + k) = Some (k' + i) → pos symb f k = Some i.
general induction symb; eauto.
unfold pos in *; fold pos in ×.
cases. f_equal. inv H0. omega.
orewrite (S (k' + k) = k' + S k) in H0.
Lemma pos_ge X `{OrderedType X} symb (l:X) i k
: pos symb l k = Some i
→ k ≤ i.
general induction symb. unfold pos in H0; fold pos in H0.
cases in H0. omega.
exploit IHsymb; eauto. omega.
Lemma pos_sub' X `{OrderedType X} k' symb (f:X) k i
: pos symb f k = Some i → k' ≤ k → pos symb f (k - k') = Some (i - k').
eapply pos_sub.
instantiate (1:=k').
orewrite (k' + (k - k') = k).
exploit pos_ge; eauto.
orewrite (k' + (i - k') = i). eauto.
Lemma update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first X `{OrderedType X} B E n
(Z:list X) (Y:list B) z
: length Z = length Y
→ get Z n z
→ (∀ n' z', n' < n → get Z n' z' → z' =/= z)
→ ∃ y, get Y n y ∧ E [Z <-- Y] z === y.
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H0.
general induction H0; simpl in *; isabsurd.
inv H1.
- ∃ y; repeat split; eauto using get. lud. exfalso; eauto.
- edestruct (IHlength_eq _ E n0 z) as [? [? ]]; eauto using get; dcr.
+ intros. eapply (H2 (S n')); eauto using get. omega.
+ ∃ x0. eexists; repeat split; eauto using get.
exploit (H2 0); eauto using get; try omega.
Lemma list_lookup_in_list_first X `{OrderedType X} B E
(Z:list X) (Y:list B) x y
: length Z = length Y
→ (E [Z <-- Y]) x = y
→ x ∈ of_list Z
→ ∃ n y', get Y n y' ∧ y === y' ∧ (∀ n' x', n' < n → get Z n' x' → x' =/= x).
intros. length_equify.
general induction H0; simpl in *; isabsurd. decide (x0 === x).
- ∃ 0, y; repeat split; eauto using get. lud. intros; exfalso; omega.
- cset_tac; intuition.
edestruct (IHlength_eq _ E x0) as [? [? ]]; eauto using get; dcr.
+ ∃ (S x1), x2. repeat split; eauto using get. lud; intuition.
intros. inv H4. intro; intuition. eapply H6; eauto. omega.
Lemma of_list_get_first X `{OrderedType X} (Z:list X) z
: z ∈ of_list Z
→ ∃ n z', get Z n z' ∧ z === z' ∧ (∀ n' z', n' < n → get Z n' z' → z' =/= z).
intros. general induction Z; simpl in ×. cset_tac; intuition.
decide (z === a).
- eexists 0, a; repeat split; eauto using get.
+ intros. exfalso. omega.
- cset_tac; intuition. edestruct IHZ; eauto. dcr.
eexists (S x), x0; repeat split; eauto using get.
+ intros. inv H4; intro; eauto. eapply H5; eauto. omega.
Lemma get_first_pos X `{OrderedType X} n
(Z:list X) z
: get Z n z
→ (∀ n' z', n' < n → get Z n' z' → z' =/= z)
→ pos Z z 0 = Some n.
intros. general induction H0; simpl; cases; eauto.
- exfalso. exploit (H1 0); eauto using get. omega.
- exploit IHget; eauto.
intros; eapply (H1 (S n')); eauto using get. omega.
eapply pos_add with (k':=1) in H2. eauto.
Lemma pos_get X `{OrderedType X} (symb:list X) v x i
: pos symb v i = ⎣x ⎦
→ ∃ v', get symb (x-i) v' ∧ v === v' ∧ x ≥ i.
general induction symb; simpl in × |- *; eauto using get.
cases in H0.
- orewrite (x - x = 0). eexists; split; eauto using get.
- exploit IHsymb; eauto; dcr.
orewrite (x - i = S (x - S i)).
eexists; split. econstructor; eauto. split; eauto; omega.
Lemma pos_none X `{OrderedType X} symb (x:X) k k'
: pos symb x k = None
→ pos symb x k' = None.
general induction symb; eauto; simpl in ×.
cases; try congruence.
rewrite H0; eauto.
Lemma pos_eq X `{OrderedType X} symb y k
: pos symb y k = Some k
→ hd_error symb === Some y.
intros. destruct symb; simpl in *; try cases in H0; simpl; try congruence.
- constructor. rewrite COND. reflexivity.
- exfalso. exploit pos_ge; eauto. omega.
Lemma pos_indep X `{OrderedType X} symb symb' x y k k'
: pos symb x k = pos symb' y k
→ pos symb x k' = pos symb' y k'.
general induction symb.
- general induction symb'; simpl in *; eauto.
cases in H0; try congruence; eauto.
- simpl in ×. cases.
+ symmetry in H0. eapply pos_eq in H0. destruct symb'; simpl in ×.
inv H0.
cases; eauto. inv H0; exfalso; eauto.
+ destruct symb'; simpl in ×. eauto using pos_none.
× exfalso. exploit pos_ge; eauto. omega.
× eauto.
Lemma pos_inc X `{OrderedType X} symb symb' x y k k'
: pos symb x k = pos symb' y k
→ pos symb x (k' + k) = pos symb' y (k' + k).
intros. eapply pos_indep; eauto.
Lemma pos_dec X `{OrderedType X} symb symb' x y k k'
: pos symb x k = pos symb' y k
→ pos symb x (k - k') = pos symb' y (k - k').
intros. eapply pos_indep; eauto.
Lemma pos_app_in X `{OrderedType X} x k L L'
: x ∈ of_list L
→ pos (L ++ L') x k = pos L x k.
general induction L; simpl in × |- *; cset_tac.
- cases; try congruence; exfalso; eauto.
- cases; try congruence; eauto.
Lemma pos_app_not_in X `{OrderedType X} x k L L'
: x ∉ of_list L
→ pos (L ++ L') x k = pos L' x (length L + k).
general induction L; simpl in × |- *; cset_tac.
cases; try congruence; eauto.
- exfalso; eauto.
- rewrite IHL; eauto.
Require Import Drop.
Lemma pos_get_first X `{OrderedType X} (symb:list X) v x i
: pos symb v i = ⎣x ⎦
→ ∃ v', get symb (x-i) v' ∧ v === v' ∧ x ≥ i ∧
∀ z' n, n < x-i → get symb n z' → z' =/= v.
general induction symb; simpl in × |- *; eauto using get.
cases in H0.
- orewrite (x - x = 0). eexists; repeat split; eauto using get.
+ intros. exfalso. omega.
- exploit IHsymb; eauto; dcr.
orewrite (x - i = S (x - S i)).
eexists; split. econstructor; eauto. repeat split; eauto; try omega.
+ intros. inv H5; intro; eauto. eapply H6; eauto. omega.
Instance trivial_pos_instance X `{OrderedType X}
: Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@pos X _).
unfold Proper, respectful. intros; subst. eauto.