Require Import Util CSet SetOperations Lattice SigR CSetPartialOrder Filter.
Require Import IL Annotation Analysis AnalysisBackward Terminating Subterm.
Remove Hints trans_eq_bool.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition liveness_transform
(ZL:list params) (DL:list (set var))
(a:anni (⦃var⦄))
: ⦃var⦄ :=
match st, a with
| stmtLet x e s, anni1 d ⇒
d \ singleton x ∪ (if [x ∈ d ∨ isCall e] then Exp.freeVars e else ∅)
| stmtIf e s t, anni2 ds dt ⇒
if [op2bool e = Some true] then
if [ op2bool e = Some false ] then
Op.freeVars e ∪ (ds) ∪ (dt)
| stmtApp f Y, anni0 ⇒
let lv := nth (counted f) DL ∅ in
let Z := nth (counted f) ZL nil in
lv \ of_list Z ∪
list_union ( Op.freeVars
(filter_by (fun x ⇒ B[x ∈ lv]) Z Y))
| stmtReturn e, anni0 ⇒
Op.freeVars e
| stmtFun F t, anni1 dt ⇒
| _, _ ⇒ ∅
Definition liveness_transform_dep (sT:stmt)
(ZL:list params)
(DL:list ({ X : set var | X ⊆ occurVars sT}))
(s:stmt) (ST:subTerm s sT)
(a:anni ({X : ⦃var⦄ | X ⊆ occurVars sT}))
: {X : ⦃var⦄ | X ⊆ occurVars sT}.
eapply (exist _ (liveness_transform ZL
(@proj1_sig _ _ ⊝ DL) s
(mapAnni (@proj1_sig _ _) a))).
destruct s, a as [|[a ?]|[a ?] [a' ?]|a]; simpl in *;
try now eapply incl_empty.
- cases; [| cset_tac].
cset_tac; eauto; eapply subTerm_occurVars; eauto; simpl; cset_tac.
- repeat cases; eauto. eapply subTerm_occurVars in ST; simpl in ×.
cset_tac. eapply ST; cset_tac.
- eapply union_incl_split.
+ destruct (get_dec DL (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|].
× erewrite get_nth; eauto using map_get_1; simpl in ×.
× rewrite not_get_nth_default;
intros; inv_get; simpl in *; eauto using get. cset_tac.
+ rewrite <- (subTerm_occurVars ST); simpl.
eapply list_union_incl; try eapply H0; eauto with cset.
intros; inv_get. eapply filter_by_get in H; dcr.
cases in H3.
eapply incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1.
- eapply subTerm_occurVars in ST; simpl in ×. eauto.
- eauto.
Lemma liveness_transform_dep_monotone (sT s : stmt) (ST : subTerm s sT)
(ZL : 〔params〕) (AL AL' : 〔{x : ⦃var⦄ | x ⊆ occurVars sT}〕)
: AL ⊑ AL' →
∀ a b : anni ({x : ⦃var⦄ | x ⊆ occurVars sT}),
a ⊑ b
→ liveness_transform_dep ZL AL ST a ⊑ liveness_transform_dep ZL AL' ST b.
time (inv H0; destruct s; simpl in × |- *; try reflexivity;
repeat match goal with
| [ x : { x : set var | x ⊆ occurVars sT } |- _ ] ⇒
destruct x as [? ?]
end; simpl in × |- *; dcr).
- eapply incl_union_lr.
+ destruct (get_dec AL (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|].
× erewrite get_nth; eauto using map_get_1; simpl in ×.
PIR2_inv. destruct x. simpl in *; dcr.
erewrite (@get_nth _ (_ ⊝ AL') ); eauto using map_get_1; simpl in ×.
rewrite H1; eauto.
× rewrite not_get_nth_default; simpl; intros; inv_get; eauto.
+ eapply list_union_incl; eauto with cset.
intros; inv_get. eapply filter_by_get in H1. dcr.
destruct (get_dec AL (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|].
× cases in H5.
erewrite get_nth in COND; eauto; simpl in ×.
PIR2_inv. destruct x1. simpl in ×.
exploit get_filter_by. Focus 4.
eapply incl_list_union. eapply map_get_1.
eapply H7. reflexivity. eauto. eauto.
simpl. cases; eauto.
erewrite get_nth in NOTCOND; [| eauto using map_get_1].
eapply NOTCOND. eapply H1; eauto.
× rewrite not_get_nth_default in H5. simpl in ×.
cases in H5; cset_tac.
intros; inv_get; eauto.
- rewrite H1 at 1. repeat cases; eauto; cset_tac.
exfalso; eauto.
- rewrite H1; reflexivity.
- repeat cases; try (now congruence); eauto.
Lemma liveness_transform_dep_ext (sT s : stmt) (ST : subTerm s sT)
(ZL : 〔params〕) (AL AL' : 〔{x : ⦃var⦄ | x ⊆ occurVars sT}〕)
: AL ≣ AL' →
∀ a b : anni ({x : ⦃var⦄ | x ⊆ occurVars sT}),
a ≣ b
→ liveness_transform_dep ZL AL ST a ≣ liveness_transform_dep ZL AL' ST b.
time (destruct s; eauto with cset; simpl; inv H0; simpl; try reflexivity;
repeat match goal with
| [ x : { x : set var | x ⊆ occurVars sT } |- _ ] ⇒
destruct x as [? ?]
end; simpl in × |- *; dcr).
- rewrite H1 at 1.
repeat cases; try reflexivity.
exfalso. eapply NOTCOND. destruct COND; eauto.
left. rewrite <- H1. eauto.
exfalso. eapply NOTCOND. destruct COND; eauto.
left. rewrite H1. eauto.
- repeat cases; try (now congruence); eauto.
rewrite H1, H2. reflexivity.
- eapply eq_union_lr.
+ destruct (get_dec AL (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|].
× erewrite get_nth; eauto using map_get_1; simpl in ×.
PIR2_inv. destruct x. simpl in *; dcr.
erewrite (@get_nth _ (_ ⊝ AL') ); eauto using map_get_1; simpl in ×.
rewrite H1. reflexivity.
× rewrite not_get_nth_default; simpl; intros; inv_get; eauto.
destruct (get_dec AL' (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|].
exfalso. edestruct PIR2_nth_2; eauto; dcr. eauto.
rewrite (@not_get_nth_default _ (_ ⊝ AL')); simpl; intros; inv_get; eauto.
+ erewrite filter_by_ext; [reflexivity| eauto with len |].
× intros; inv_get. get_functional.
destruct (get_dec AL (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|]; PIR2_inv.
erewrite get_nth; [| eauto using map_get_1].
destruct x. simpl in ×.
erewrite get_nth; [| eauto using map_get_1]. simpl.
repeat cases; eauto; exfalso; rewrite H2 in *; eauto.
repeat erewrite not_get_nth_default; intros; inv_get; eauto.
- eauto.
Definition liveness_analysis :=
makeBackwardAnalysis (fun s ⇒ { x : ⦃var⦄ | x ⊆ occurVars s}) _
(fun s ⇒ (@bunded_set_terminating _ _ (occurVars s))).
Require Import FiniteFixpointIteration.
Definition livenessAnalysis s :=
let a := safeFixpoint (liveness_analysis s) in
mapAnn (@proj1_sig _ _) (proj1_sig (proj1_sig a)).
Require Import IL Annotation Analysis AnalysisBackward Terminating Subterm.
Remove Hints trans_eq_bool.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition liveness_transform
(ZL:list params) (DL:list (set var))
(a:anni (⦃var⦄))
: ⦃var⦄ :=
match st, a with
| stmtLet x e s, anni1 d ⇒
d \ singleton x ∪ (if [x ∈ d ∨ isCall e] then Exp.freeVars e else ∅)
| stmtIf e s t, anni2 ds dt ⇒
if [op2bool e = Some true] then
if [ op2bool e = Some false ] then
Op.freeVars e ∪ (ds) ∪ (dt)
| stmtApp f Y, anni0 ⇒
let lv := nth (counted f) DL ∅ in
let Z := nth (counted f) ZL nil in
lv \ of_list Z ∪
list_union ( Op.freeVars
(filter_by (fun x ⇒ B[x ∈ lv]) Z Y))
| stmtReturn e, anni0 ⇒
Op.freeVars e
| stmtFun F t, anni1 dt ⇒
| _, _ ⇒ ∅
Definition liveness_transform_dep (sT:stmt)
(ZL:list params)
(DL:list ({ X : set var | X ⊆ occurVars sT}))
(s:stmt) (ST:subTerm s sT)
(a:anni ({X : ⦃var⦄ | X ⊆ occurVars sT}))
: {X : ⦃var⦄ | X ⊆ occurVars sT}.
eapply (exist _ (liveness_transform ZL
(@proj1_sig _ _ ⊝ DL) s
(mapAnni (@proj1_sig _ _) a))).
destruct s, a as [|[a ?]|[a ?] [a' ?]|a]; simpl in *;
try now eapply incl_empty.
- cases; [| cset_tac].
cset_tac; eauto; eapply subTerm_occurVars; eauto; simpl; cset_tac.
- repeat cases; eauto. eapply subTerm_occurVars in ST; simpl in ×.
cset_tac. eapply ST; cset_tac.
- eapply union_incl_split.
+ destruct (get_dec DL (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|].
× erewrite get_nth; eauto using map_get_1; simpl in ×.
× rewrite not_get_nth_default;
intros; inv_get; simpl in *; eauto using get. cset_tac.
+ rewrite <- (subTerm_occurVars ST); simpl.
eapply list_union_incl; try eapply H0; eauto with cset.
intros; inv_get. eapply filter_by_get in H; dcr.
cases in H3.
eapply incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1.
- eapply subTerm_occurVars in ST; simpl in ×. eauto.
- eauto.
Lemma liveness_transform_dep_monotone (sT s : stmt) (ST : subTerm s sT)
(ZL : 〔params〕) (AL AL' : 〔{x : ⦃var⦄ | x ⊆ occurVars sT}〕)
: AL ⊑ AL' →
∀ a b : anni ({x : ⦃var⦄ | x ⊆ occurVars sT}),
a ⊑ b
→ liveness_transform_dep ZL AL ST a ⊑ liveness_transform_dep ZL AL' ST b.
time (inv H0; destruct s; simpl in × |- *; try reflexivity;
repeat match goal with
| [ x : { x : set var | x ⊆ occurVars sT } |- _ ] ⇒
destruct x as [? ?]
end; simpl in × |- *; dcr).
- eapply incl_union_lr.
+ destruct (get_dec AL (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|].
× erewrite get_nth; eauto using map_get_1; simpl in ×.
PIR2_inv. destruct x. simpl in *; dcr.
erewrite (@get_nth _ (_ ⊝ AL') ); eauto using map_get_1; simpl in ×.
rewrite H1; eauto.
× rewrite not_get_nth_default; simpl; intros; inv_get; eauto.
+ eapply list_union_incl; eauto with cset.
intros; inv_get. eapply filter_by_get in H1. dcr.
destruct (get_dec AL (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|].
× cases in H5.
erewrite get_nth in COND; eauto; simpl in ×.
PIR2_inv. destruct x1. simpl in ×.
exploit get_filter_by. Focus 4.
eapply incl_list_union. eapply map_get_1.
eapply H7. reflexivity. eauto. eauto.
simpl. cases; eauto.
erewrite get_nth in NOTCOND; [| eauto using map_get_1].
eapply NOTCOND. eapply H1; eauto.
× rewrite not_get_nth_default in H5. simpl in ×.
cases in H5; cset_tac.
intros; inv_get; eauto.
- rewrite H1 at 1. repeat cases; eauto; cset_tac.
exfalso; eauto.
- rewrite H1; reflexivity.
- repeat cases; try (now congruence); eauto.
Lemma liveness_transform_dep_ext (sT s : stmt) (ST : subTerm s sT)
(ZL : 〔params〕) (AL AL' : 〔{x : ⦃var⦄ | x ⊆ occurVars sT}〕)
: AL ≣ AL' →
∀ a b : anni ({x : ⦃var⦄ | x ⊆ occurVars sT}),
a ≣ b
→ liveness_transform_dep ZL AL ST a ≣ liveness_transform_dep ZL AL' ST b.
time (destruct s; eauto with cset; simpl; inv H0; simpl; try reflexivity;
repeat match goal with
| [ x : { x : set var | x ⊆ occurVars sT } |- _ ] ⇒
destruct x as [? ?]
end; simpl in × |- *; dcr).
- rewrite H1 at 1.
repeat cases; try reflexivity.
exfalso. eapply NOTCOND. destruct COND; eauto.
left. rewrite <- H1. eauto.
exfalso. eapply NOTCOND. destruct COND; eauto.
left. rewrite H1. eauto.
- repeat cases; try (now congruence); eauto.
rewrite H1, H2. reflexivity.
- eapply eq_union_lr.
+ destruct (get_dec AL (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|].
× erewrite get_nth; eauto using map_get_1; simpl in ×.
PIR2_inv. destruct x. simpl in *; dcr.
erewrite (@get_nth _ (_ ⊝ AL') ); eauto using map_get_1; simpl in ×.
rewrite H1. reflexivity.
× rewrite not_get_nth_default; simpl; intros; inv_get; eauto.
destruct (get_dec AL' (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|].
exfalso. edestruct PIR2_nth_2; eauto; dcr. eauto.
rewrite (@not_get_nth_default _ (_ ⊝ AL')); simpl; intros; inv_get; eauto.
+ erewrite filter_by_ext; [reflexivity| eauto with len |].
× intros; inv_get. get_functional.
destruct (get_dec AL (counted l)) as [[[D PD] GetDL]|]; PIR2_inv.
erewrite get_nth; [| eauto using map_get_1].
destruct x. simpl in ×.
erewrite get_nth; [| eauto using map_get_1]. simpl.
repeat cases; eauto; exfalso; rewrite H2 in *; eauto.
repeat erewrite not_get_nth_default; intros; inv_get; eauto.
- eauto.
Definition liveness_analysis :=
makeBackwardAnalysis (fun s ⇒ { x : ⦃var⦄ | x ⊆ occurVars s}) _
(fun s ⇒ (@bunded_set_terminating _ _ (occurVars s))).
Require Import FiniteFixpointIteration.
Definition livenessAnalysis s :=
let a := safeFixpoint (liveness_analysis s) in
mapAnn (@proj1_sig _ _) (proj1_sig (proj1_sig a)).