Library ProgrammingTuringMachines.TM.Code.ProgrammingTools
Require Export CodeTM Copy ChangeAlphabet WriteValue.
Require Export TMTac.
Require Export Basic.Mono Compound.Multi.
Require Export TMTac.
Require Export Basic.Mono Compound.Multi.
All tools for programming Turing machines
Local Ltac contains_ext' H :=
apply (tape_contains_ext H);
try solve [now rewrite !Encode_map_comp].
Ltac contains_ext :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ H : ?t[@?i] ≃ _ |- ?t[@?i] ≃ _] => contains_ext' H
| [ H : ?t[@?i] ≃(_) _ |- ?t[@?i] ≃ _] => contains_ext' H
| [ H : ?t[@?i] ≃ _ |- ?t[@?i] ≃(_) _] => contains_ext' H
| [ H : ?t[@?i] ≃(_) _ |- ?t[@?i] ≃(_) _] => contains_ext' H
This tactic automatically solves/instantiates premises of a hypothesis. If the hypothesis is a conjunction, it is destructed.
Ltac modpon H :=
lazymatch type of H with
| forall (i : Fin.t _), ?P => idtac
| forall (x : ?X), ?P =>
lazymatch type of X with
| Prop =>
tryif spec_assert H by
solve [ eauto
| contains_ext
then idtac (* "solved premise of type" X *);
modpon H
else (spec_assert H;
[ idtac (* "could not solve premise" X *) (* new goal for the user *)
| modpon H (* continue after the user has proved the premise manually *)
| _ =>
(* instantiate variable x with evar *)
let x' := fresh "x" in
evar (x' : X); specialize (H x'); subst x';
modpon H
| ?X /\ ?Y =>
let H' := fresh H in
destruct H as [H H']; modpon H; modpon H'
| _ => idtac
lazymatch type of H with
| forall (i : Fin.t _), ?P => idtac
| forall (x : ?X), ?P =>
lazymatch type of X with
| Prop =>
tryif spec_assert H by
solve [ eauto
| contains_ext
then idtac (* "solved premise of type" X *);
modpon H
else (spec_assert H;
[ idtac (* "could not solve premise" X *) (* new goal for the user *)
| modpon H (* continue after the user has proved the premise manually *)
| _ =>
(* instantiate variable x with evar *)
let x' := fresh "x" in
evar (x' : X); specialize (H x'); subst x';
modpon H
| ?X /\ ?Y =>
let H' := fresh H in
destruct H as [H H']; modpon H; modpon H'
| _ => idtac
To get rid of all those uggly tape rewriting hypothesises. Be warned that maybe the goal can't be solved after that.
Ltac clear_tape_eqs :=
repeat lazymatch goal with
| [ H: ?t'[@ ?x] = ?t[@ ?x] |- _ ] => clear H
repeat lazymatch goal with
| [ H: ?t'[@ ?x] = ?t[@ ?x] |- _ ] => clear H
Machine Notations
Notation "pM @ ts" := (LiftTapes pM ts) (at level 41, only parsing).
Notation "pM ⇑ R" := (ChangeAlphabet pM R) (at level 40, only parsing).