From SyntheticComputability Require Import ArithmeticalHierarchySemantic reductions SemiDec TuringJump OracleComputability Definitions Limit simple.
From stdpp Require Export list.
Require Import SyntheticComputability.Synthetic.DecidabilityFacts.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.FinitenessFacts.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.Pigeonhole.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.ListAutomation.
Require Import Arith Arith.Compare_dec Lia Coq.Program.Equality List.
Import ListNotations.
(* ##################################### *)
From stdpp Require Export list.
Require Import SyntheticComputability.Synthetic.DecidabilityFacts.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.FinitenessFacts.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.Pigeonhole.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.ListAutomation.
Require Import Arith Arith.Compare_dec Lia Coq.Program.Equality List.
Import ListNotations.
(* ##################################### *)
(* ##################################### *)
Notation "'Σ' x .. y , p" :=
(sigT (fun x => .. (sigT (fun y => p)) ..))
(at level 200, x binder, right associativity,
format "'[' 'Σ' '/ ' x .. y , '/ ' p ']'")
: type_scope.
Notation unique p := (forall x x', p x -> p x' -> x = x').
Class Extension :=
extendP: list nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop;
extend_dec: forall l x, (Σ y, extendP l x y) + (forall y, ~ extendP l x y);
extend_uni: forall l x, unique (extendP l x)
Inductive F_ (E: Extension) : nat -> list nat -> Prop :=
| Base : F_ E O []
| ExtendS n l a : F_ E n l -> extendP l n a -> F_ E (S n) (a::l)
| ExtendN n l : F_ E n l -> (forall a, ~ extendP l n a) -> F_ E (S n) l.
Section Construction.
Notation "'Σ' x .. y , p" :=
(sigT (fun x => .. (sigT (fun y => p)) ..))
(at level 200, x binder, right associativity,
format "'[' 'Σ' '/ ' x .. y , '/ ' p ']'")
: type_scope.
Notation unique p := (forall x x', p x -> p x' -> x = x').
Class Extension :=
extendP: list nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop;
extend_dec: forall l x, (Σ y, extendP l x y) + (forall y, ~ extendP l x y);
extend_uni: forall l x, unique (extendP l x)
Inductive F_ (E: Extension) : nat -> list nat -> Prop :=
| Base : F_ E O []
| ExtendS n l a : F_ E n l -> extendP l n a -> F_ E (S n) (a::l)
| ExtendN n l : F_ E n l -> (forall a, ~ extendP l n a) -> F_ E (S n) l.
Section Construction.
Variable E: Extension.
Lemma F_uni n: unique (F_ E n).
intros l1 l2.
dependent induction n.
- intros H1 H2. inv H1. now inv H2.
- intros H1 H2. inv H1; inv H2.
assert(l = l0) as -> by now apply IHn.
f_equal. apply (extend_uni H3 H4).
assert (l = l2) as -> by now apply IHn.
exfalso. apply (H4 a H3).
assert (l = l1) as -> by now apply IHn.
exfalso. apply (H3 a H4).
now apply IHn.
Lemma F_mono n m l1 l2: F_ E n l1 -> F_ E m l2 -> n <= m -> incl l1 l2.
intros H1 H2 HE.
revert H1 H2; induction HE in l2 |-*; intros H1 H2.
- now assert (l1 = l2) as -> by (eapply F_uni; eauto).
- inv H2; last now apply IHHE.
specialize (IHHE l H1 H0). eauto.
Lemma F_pop n x l: F_ E n (x::l) -> exists m, F_ E m l.
intros H. dependent induction H.
- now exists n.
- eapply IHF_. eauto.
Lemma F_pick n x l: F_ E n (x::l) -> exists m, F_ E m l /\ extendP l m x.
intros H. dependent induction H.
- exists n; eauto.
- eapply IHF_; eauto.
Lemma F_pick' n x l: F_ E n (x::l) -> exists m, m < n ∧ F_ E m l ∧ extendP l m x.
intros H. dependent induction H.
- exists n; eauto.
- destruct (IHF_ x l eq_refl) as [m (Hm1&Hm2&Hm3)].
exists m; eauto.
Lemma F_computable : Σ f: nat -> list nat,
forall n, F_ E n (f n) /\ length (f n) <= n.
set (F := fix f x :=
match x with
| O => []
| S x => match extend_dec (f x) x with
| inr _ => f x
| inl aH => (projT1 aH) :: (f x)
exists F. induction n; simpl.
- split. constructor. easy.
- destruct (extend_dec (F n) n); split.
+ eapply ExtendS; first apply IHn. now destruct s.
+ cbn. destruct IHn. lia.
+ now eapply ExtendN.
+ destruct IHn. lia.
Definition F_func := projT1 F_computable.
Lemma F_func_correctness: forall n, F_ E n (F_func n).
intros n; unfold F_func.
destruct F_computable as [f H].
now destruct (H n).
Lemma F_func_correctness': forall n, length (F_func n) <= n.
intros n; unfold F_func.
destruct F_computable as [f H].
now destruct (H n).
Definition F_with x := exists l n, In x l /\ (F_ E n l).
Lemma F_func_F_with x: F_with x ↔ ∃ n, In x (F_func n).
split. intros (l&n&H1&H2).
exists n. assert (l = F_func n) as ->.
{ eapply F_uni. apply H2. apply F_func_correctness. }
done. intros [n Hn]. exists (F_func n), n; split; first done.
apply F_func_correctness.
Lemma F_with_semi_decidable: semi_decidable F_with.
unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider.
destruct F_computable as [f Hf ].
exists (fun x n => (Dec (In x (f n)))).
intros x. split.
- intros (l & n & Hxl & Hl).
exists n. rewrite Dec_auto; first easy.
destruct (Hf n) as [Hf' _].
now rewrite (F_uni Hf' Hl).
- intros (n & Hn%Dec_true).
exists (f n), n; split; eauto.
apply Hf.
Lemma F_with_top x: F_with x <-> exists l n, (F_ E n l) /\ (F_ E (S n) (x::l)) /\ extendP l n x.
split; last first.
{ intros (l&n&H1&H2&H3). exists (x::l), (S n). eauto. }
intros [l [n [Hln Hn]]].
induction Hn. inversion Hln.
- destruct (Dec (x=a)) as [->|Ex].
exists l, n; split; first easy. split.
econstructor; easy. easy.
eapply IHHn. destruct Hln; congruence.
- now eapply IHHn.
Lemma F_with_semi_decider: Σ f, semi_decider f F_with.
destruct F_computable as [f Hf ].
exists (fun x n => (Dec (In x (f n)))).
intros x. split.
- intros (l & n & Hxl & Hl).
exists n. rewrite Dec_auto; first easy.
destruct (Hf n) as [Hf' _].
now rewrite (F_uni Hf' Hl).
- intros (n & Hn%Dec_true).
exists (f n), n; split; eauto.
apply Hf.
Definition χ n x: bool := Dec (In x (F_func n)).
Definition stable {Q} (f: nat → Q → bool) :=
∀ q n m, n ≤ m → f n q = true → f m q = true.
Definition stable_semi_decider {Q} P (f: nat → Q → bool) :=
semi_decider (λ x n, f n x) P ∧ stable f.
Lemma F_with_χ : stable_semi_decider F_with χ.
split. split.
- intros [n Hn]%F_func_F_with. by exists n; apply Dec_auto.
- intros [n Hn%Dec_true]. rewrite F_func_F_with. by exists n.
- intros x n m Hn Hm%Dec_true.
apply Dec_auto. enough (incl (F_func n) (F_func m)). eauto.
eapply F_mono; last exact Hn; apply F_func_correctness.
End Construction.
Section StrongInduction.
Definition strong_induction (p: nat -> Type) :
(forall x, (forall y, y < x -> p y) -> p x) -> forall x, p x.
intros H x; apply H.
induction x; [intros; lia| ].
intros; apply H; intros; apply IHx; lia.
End StrongInduction.
Tactic Notation "strong" "induction" ident(n) := induction n using strong_induction.
Section EWO.
Variable p: nat -> Prop.
Inductive T | (n: nat) : Prop := C (phi: ~p n -> T (S n)).
Definition T_elim (q: nat -> Type)
: (forall n, (~p n -> q (S n)) -> q n) ->
forall n, T n -> q n
:= fun e => fix f n a :=
let (phi) := a in
e n (fun h => f (S n) (phi h)).
(*** EWO for Numbers *)
Lemma TI n :
p n -> T n.
intros H. constructor. intros H1. destruct (H1 H).
Lemma TD n :
T (S n) -> T n.
intros H. constructor. intros _. exact H.
Variable p_dec: forall n, dec (p n).
Definition TE (q: nat -> Type)
: (forall n, p n -> q n) ->
(forall n, ~p n -> q (S n) -> q n) ->
forall n, T n -> q n.
intros e1 e2.
apply T_elim. intros n IH.
destruct (p_dec n); auto.
From now on T will only be used through TI, TD, and TE
Lemma T_zero n :
T n -> T 0.
induction n as [|n IH].
- auto.
- intros H. apply IH. apply TD, H.
Definition ewo_nat :
ex p -> Σ x, p x.
intros H.
refine (@TE (fun _ => Σ x, p x) _ _ 0 _).
- eauto.
- easy.
- destruct H as [n H]. apply (@T_zero n), TI, H.
End EWO.
Section LeastWitness.
Definition safe p n := forall k, k < n -> ~ p k.
Definition least p n := p n /\ safe p n.
Fact least_unique p : unique (least p).
intros n n' [H1 H2] [H1' H2'].
enough (~(n < n') /\ ~(n' < n)) by lia.
split; intros H.
- eapply H2'; eassumption.
- eapply H2; eassumption.
Fact safe_O p :
safe p 0.
hnf. lia.
Fact safe_S p n :
safe p n -> ~p n -> safe p (S n).
intros H1 H2 k H3. unfold safe in *.
assert (k < n \/ k = n) as [H|H] by lia.
- auto.
- congruence.
Fact safe_char p n :
safe p n <-> forall k, p k -> k >= n.
- intros H k H1.
enough (k < n -> False) by lia.
intros H2. apply H in H2. auto.
- intros H k H1 H2. apply H in H2. lia.
Fact safe_char_S p n :
safe p (S n) <-> safe p n /\ ~p n.
- intros H. split.
+ intros k H1. apply H. lia.
+ apply H. lia.
- intros [H1 H2]. apply safe_S; assumption.
Fact safe_eq p n k :
safe p n -> k <= n -> p k -> k = n.
intros H1 H2 H3. unfold safe in *.
enough (~(k < n)) by lia.
specialize (H1 k). tauto.
Fact E14 x y z :
x - y = z <-> least (fun k => x <= y + k) z.
assert (H: least (fun k => x <= y + k) (x - y)).
{ split; unfold safe; lia. }
split. congruence.
eapply least_unique, H.
(*** Certifying LWOs *)
Section LWO.
Variable p : nat -> Prop.
Variable p_dec : forall x, dec (p x).
Definition lwo :
forall n, (Σ k, k < n /\ least p k) + safe p n.
induction n as [|n IH].
- right. apply safe_O.
- destruct IH as [[k H1]|H1].
+ left. exists k. destruct H1 as [H1 H2]. split. lia. exact H2.
+ destruct (p_dec n).
* left. exists n. split. lia. easy.
* right. apply safe_S; assumption.
Definition lwo' :
forall n, (Σ k, k <= n /\ least p k) + safe p (S n).
intros n.
destruct (lwo (S n)) as [(k&H1&H2)|H].
- left. exists k. split. lia. exact H2.
- right. exact H.
Definition least_sig :
(Σ x, p x) -> Σ x, (least p) x.
intros [n H].
destruct (lwo (S n)) as [(k&H1&H2)|H1].
- exists k. exact H2.
- exfalso. apply (H1 n). lia. exact H.
Definition least_ex :
ex p -> ex (least p).
intros [n H].
destruct (lwo (S n)) as [(k&H1&H2)|H1].
- exists k. exact H2.
- exfalso. apply (H1 n). lia. exact H.
Definition safe_dec n :
dec (safe p n).
destruct (lwo n) as [[k H1]|H1].
- right. intros H. exfalso.
destruct H1 as [H1 H2]. apply (H k). exact H1. apply H2.
- left. exact H1.
Definition least_dec n :
dec (least p n).
unfold least.
destruct (p_dec n) as [H|H].
2:{ right. tauto. }
destruct (safe_dec n) as [H1|H1].
- left. easy.
- right. tauto.
End LWO.
Lemma exists_bounded_dec' P:
(forall x, dec (P x)) -> forall k, dec (exists n, n < k /\ P n).
intros Hp k.
induction k. right; intros [? [? _]]; lia.
destruct IHk as [Hw|Hw].
- left. destruct Hw as [x [Hx1 Hx2]]. exists x; split; eauto; lia.
- destruct (Hp k). left. exists k; split; eauto; lia.
right. intros [x [Hx1 Hx2]].
assert (x = k \/ x < k) as [->|Hk] by lia; firstorder.
Lemma exists_bounded_dec P:
(forall x, dec (P x)) -> forall k, dec (exists n, n <= k /\ P n).
intros Hp k.
induction k. destruct (Hp 0). left. exists 0. eauto.
right. intros [x [Hx Hx']]. now assert (x=0) as -> by lia.
destruct IHk as [Hw|Hw].
- left. destruct Hw as [x [Hx1 Hx2]]. exists x; split; eauto; lia.
- destruct (Hp (S k)). left. exists (S k); split; eauto; lia.
right. intros [x [Hx1 Hx2]].
assert (x = S k \/ x <= k) as [->|Hk] by lia; firstorder.
Definition bounded (P: nat -> Prop) := Σ N, forall x, P x -> x < N.
Fact bouned_le (P Q: nat -> Prop) N :
(forall x, P x -> x < N) ->
(exists x, P x /\ Q x) <-> exists x, x < N /\ P x /\ Q x.
intros Hn; split.
- intros [x Hx]. exists x; intuition eauto.
- intros (x&c&Hc). exists x; intuition eauto.
Lemma bounded_dec (P Q: nat -> Prop):
(forall x, dec (P x)) -> (forall x, dec (Q x)) ->
bounded P -> dec (exists n, P n /\ Q n).
intros H1 H2 [N HN].
assert (dec (exists n, n < N /\ P n /\ Q n)) as [H|H].
- eapply exists_bounded_dec'. intro; eapply and_dec; eauto.
- left. rewrite bouned_le; eauto.
- right. intros H'%(@bouned_le _ _ N); easy.
Lemma dec_neg_dec P: dec P -> dec (~ P).
Proof. intros [H|H]. right; eauto. now left. Qed.
Lemma forall_bounded_dec P e:
(forall x, dec (P x)) -> dec(forall i, i <= e -> P i).
intros H.
induction e. destruct (H 0); [left|right]; intros.
now inv H0. intros H'. apply n, H'. lia.
destruct IHe as [H1|H1].
destruct (H (S e)); [left|right]; intros.
inv H0; first easy. now apply H1.
intros H0. apply n. apply H0. easy.
right. intro H'. apply H1. intros. apply H'. lia.
End LeastWitness.
Section logic.
Definition pdec p := p ∨ ¬ p.
Definition Π_1_lem := ∀ p : nat -> Prop,
(∀ x, dec (p x)) -> pdec (∀ x, p x).
Definition Σ_1_dne := ∀ p : nat -> Prop,
(∀ x, dec (p x)) -> (¬¬ ∃ x, p x) → ∃ x, p x.
Definition Σ_1_lem := ∀ p: nat → Prop,
(∀ x, dec (p x)) -> pdec (∃ x, p x).
Hypothesis LEM1: LEM_Σ 1.
Fact assume_Σ_1_lem: Σ_1_lem .
intros p Hp.
destruct level1 as (_&H2&_).
assert principles.LPO as H by by rewrite <- H2.
destruct (H Hp) as [[k Hk]|H1].
- left. exists k. destruct (Hp k); eauto.
cbn in Hk. congruence.
- right. intros [k Hk]. apply H1.
exists k. destruct (Hp k); eauto.
Fact assume_Σ_1_dne: Σ_1_dne.
intros p Hp H.
destruct (assume_Σ_1_lem Hp) as [H1|H1]; eauto.
exfalso. by apply H.
Fact assume_Π_1_lem: Π_1_lem.
intros p Hp.
destruct level1 as (_&H2&_).
assert principles.LPO as H by by rewrite <- H2.
apply principles.LPO_to_WLPO in H.
assert (∀ x : nat, dec (¬ p x)) as Hp' by eauto.
destruct (H Hp') as [H1|H1].
- left. intro x.
specialize (H1 x).
apply Dec_false in H1.
destruct (Hp x); firstorder.
- right. intros H3. apply H1. intros n.
specialize (H3 n). destruct (Hp' n); firstorder.
End logic.