From SyntheticComputability Require Import partial Dec.
From stdpp Require Import list.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Import PartialTactics.
Lemma list_find_repeat_not {Y} P D x n :
~ P x ->
@list_find Y P D (repeat x n) = None.
induction n; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- intros. destruct (decide (P x)); try tauto. now rewrite IHn.
Lemma ex_iff_forall {X} (P1 P2 : X -> Prop) :
(forall x, P1 x <-> P2 x) ->
(exists x, P1 x) <-> (exists x, P2 x).
firstorder; do 2 eexists; eapply H; eauto.
Section part.
Context {Part : partiality}.
From stdpp Require Import list.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Import PartialTactics.
Lemma list_find_repeat_not {Y} P D x n :
~ P x ->
@list_find Y P D (repeat x n) = None.
induction n; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- intros. destruct (decide (P x)); try tauto. now rewrite IHn.
Lemma ex_iff_forall {X} (P1 P2 : X -> Prop) :
(forall x, P1 x <-> P2 x) ->
(exists x, P1 x) <-> (exists x, P2 x).
firstorder; do 2 eexists; eapply H; eauto.
Section part.
Context {Part : partiality}.
Definition tree (Q A O : Type) := (list A) ↛ (Q + O).
Notation Ask q := (inl q).
Notation Output o := (inr o).
Inductive interrogation {Q A O} (τ : (list A) ↛ (Q + O)) (f : Q -> A -> Prop) : list Q -> list A -> Prop :=
| NoQuestions : interrogation τ f [] []
| Interrogate qs ans q a : interrogation τ f qs ans ->
τ ans =! inl q ->
f q a ->
interrogation τ f (qs ++ [q]) (ans ++ [a]).
Definition FunRel := True.
Definition Rel A B := A -> B -> Prop.
Definition Functional Q A I O := (Q -> A -> Prop) -> (I -> O -> Prop).
Definition OracleComputable {Q A I O} (r : (Q -> A -> Prop) -> I -> O -> Prop) :=
exists τ : I -> tree Q A O, forall R x o, r R x o <-> exists qs ans, interrogation (τ x) R qs ans /\ τ x ans =! Output o.
Definition char_rel {X} (p : X -> Prop) : Rel X bool :=
fun x b => if (b : bool) then p x else ~ p x.
Lemma char_rel_functional {X} (p : X -> Prop) :
functional (char_rel p).
intros ? [] [] ? ?; firstorder congruence.
Definition red_Turing {X Y} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :=
exists r : Functional Y bool X bool, OracleComputable r /\ forall x b, char_rel p x b <-> r (char_rel q) x b.
Lemma interrogation_length {Q A O : Type} {tau f qs ans} :
@interrogation Q A O tau f qs ans -> length qs = length ans.
induction 1; try reflexivity. now rewrite !app_length, IHinterrogation.
Lemma interrogation_app_iff {Q A O} q1 q2 a1 a2 (τ : tree Q A O) f :
(interrogation τ f q1 a1 /\ interrogation (fun l => τ (a1 ++ l)) f q2 a2) <->
length q2 = length a2 /\ interrogation τ f (q1 ++ q2) (a1 ++ a2).
induction q2 in a1, q1, a2, τ |- * using rev_ind; cbn; split.
- intros [H1 H2]. inversion H2; subst.
+ rewrite !app_nil_r. split; eauto.
+ destruct qs; cbn in *; congruence.
- intros [Hlen H]. destruct a2; cbn in *; try lia.
split. rewrite !app_nil_r in *; eauto. econstructor.
- intros [H1 H2]. inversion H2. { destruct q2; cbn in *; congruence. }
subst. eapply app_inj_2 in H. 2: cbn; lia.
destruct H. subst. inversion H5. subst. clear H5.
split. { rewrite !app_length. eapply interrogation_length in H0. cbn; lia. }
rewrite !app_assoc. econstructor; eauto.
edestruct IHq2 as [IH _].
apply IH. split; eauto.
- rewrite app_length. intros [Hlen H].
destruct a2 using rev_ind.
+ cbn in *; lia.
+ clear IHa2. rewrite app_length in *. cbn in *.
rewrite app_assoc in *. inversion H.
* destruct q1, q2; cbn in *; congruence.
* eapply app_inj_2 in H0. 2: cbn; lia.
rewrite app_assoc in H1.
eapply app_inj_2 in H1. 2: cbn; lia.
destruct H0, H1. subst. inversion H5; subst; clear H5.
inversion H6; subst; clear H6.
edestruct IHq2 as [_ IH].
unshelve epose proof (IH _).
2:{ split. eapply H0. econstructor. eapply H0. all: eauto. }
split. lia. eauto.
Lemma interrogation_ext {Q A O} τ τ' (f f' : Rel Q A) q a :
(forall l v, τ l =! v <-> τ' l =! v) ->
(forall q_ a, In q_ q -> f q_ a <-> f' q_ a) ->
interrogation τ f q a <-> @interrogation Q A O τ' f' q a.
enough (forall τ τ' (f f' : Rel Q A) q a,
(forall l v, τ l =! v <-> τ' l =! v) ->
(forall q_ a, In q_ q -> f q_ a <-> f' q_ a) ->
interrogation τ f q a -> @interrogation Q A O τ' f' q a).
{ split; eapply H; firstorder. }
clear. intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Heq ?.
induction 1; econstructor; eauto.
- eapply IHinterrogation. intros. eapply H. rewrite in_app_iff. firstorder.
- eapply Heq; eauto.
- eapply H. rewrite in_app_iff; firstorder. firstorder.
Lemma interrogation_quantifiers {Q A O} (τ : (list A) ↛ (Q + O)) (R : Q -> A -> Prop) qs ans q0 a0 :
interrogation τ R qs ans <-> length ans = length qs /\ forall n, n < length ans -> τ (take n ans) =! inl (nth n qs q0)
/\ R (nth n qs q0) (nth n ans a0).
- induction 1; cbn; intros. split; lia.
destruct IHinterrogation as [IH1 IH2].
rewrite !app_length in *. cbn in *. split; try lia.
assert (n = length ans \/ n < length ans) as [-> | Hlt] by lia.
+ rewrite take_app. rewrite nth_middle.
rewrite IH1.
rewrite !nth_middle. firstorder.
+ rewrite take_app_le. 2: lia.
rewrite !app_nth1; try lia.
- intros [H1 H2]. induction ans in qs, H1, H2 |- * using rev_ind.
+ destruct qs; cbn in *; try lia.
+ destruct qs using rev_ind; cbn in *.
* rewrite app_length in *. cbn in *. lia.
* rewrite !app_length in *. cbn in *.
destruct (H2 (length ans)) as [HH1 HH2].
assert (length ans = length qs) as E by lia.
rewrite take_app, E, nth_middle in HH1.
rewrite E, nth_middle, <- E, nth_middle in HH2.
econstructor; eauto. eapply IHans.
intros. clear HH1 HH2.
destruct (H2 n) as [HH1 HH2].
rewrite take_app_le in HH1. 2: lia.
rewrite !app_nth1 in *; try lia.
Lemma interrogation_det {A Q O} qs1 ans1 qs2 ans2 τ f :
functional f ->
@interrogation Q A O τ f qs1 ans1 ->
interrogation τ f qs2 ans2 ->
length qs1 <= length qs2 ->
prefix qs1 qs2 /\ prefix ans1 ans2.
intros Hfun.
revert τ ans1 qs2 ans2. induction qs1; intros τ ans1 qs2 ans2 Hi1 Hi2 Hlen.
- inversion Hi1; subst.
split; eapply prefix_nil.
destruct qs; cbn in *; congruence.
- destruct ans1.
+ inversion Hi1. destruct ans; cbn in *; congruence.
+ epose proof (interrogation_app_iff [a] qs1 [a0] ans1).
cbn in H. edestruct H as [_ [H1 H2]]. clear H.
* split; eauto. eapply interrogation_length in Hi1; cbn in *; lia.
* inversion H1; subst. assert (qs = nil /\ ans = nil) as [-> ->]. { eapply (f_equal length) in H0, H3. rewrite app_length in *; cbn in *. destruct qs, ans; cbn in *; try lia. eauto. }
cbn in *. inversion H0; subst. inversion H3; subst.
destruct qs2.
-- inversion Hi2; cbn in *; lia.
-- destruct ans2. inversion Hi2; cbn in *; try congruence. destruct ans; cbn in *; congruence.
clear H.
epose proof (interrogation_app_iff [q] qs2 [a1] ans2) as H.
cbn in H. edestruct H as [_ [H1' H2']]. clear H.
++ split; eauto. eapply interrogation_length in Hi2; cbn in *; lia.
++ inversion H1'; subst. assert (qs = nil /\ ans = nil) as [-> ->]. { eapply (f_equal length) in H7, H8. rewrite app_length in *; cbn in *. destruct qs, ans; cbn in *; try lia. eauto. }
cbn in *. inversion H7; subst. inversion H8; subst.
assert (inl (B := O) a = inl q) as [= ->]. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto.
assert (a1 = a0) as ->. eapply Hfun; eauto.
split; eapply prefix_cons; eapply IHqs1; eauto.
lia. lia.
Lemma interrogation_app_inv {Q A O} q1 q2 a1 a2 (τ : tree Q A O) f :
interrogation τ f (q1 ++ q2) (a1 ++ a2) ->
length q2 = length a2 ->
interrogation τ f q1 a1 /\ interrogation (fun l => τ (a1 ++ l)) f q2 a2.
eapply interrogation_app_iff; firstorder.
Lemma interrogation_output_det_le :
∀ A O (X Y : Type) (τ : X → tree Y A O) (R : Y -> A -> Prop) (x : X) (y1 y2 : O) (qs1 : list Y) (ans1 : list A),
functional R ->
interrogation (τ x) R qs1 ans1
→ τ x (ans1) =! Output y1
→ ∀ (qs2 : list Y) (ans2 : list A), interrogation (τ x) R qs2 ans2 → τ x (ans2) =! Output y2 → length qs1 ≤ length qs2 → y1 = y2.
intros A O X Y τ R x y1 y2 qs1 ans1 Hfun H1 H2 qs2 ans2 H1' H2' l.
eapply interrogation_det in l; eauto.
destruct l as [[qs3 ->] [ans3 ->]].
eapply interrogation_app_inv in H1' as [].
+ destruct qs3.
-- inversion H0; subst.
rewrite !app_nil_r in *.
eapply hasvalue_det in H2. 2:{ eassumption. } congruence.
destruct qs; cbn in *; congruence.
-- destruct ans3.
inversion H0; subst.
destruct ans; cbn in *; congruence.
eapply (interrogation_app_inv [y] qs3 [a] ans3) in H0 as [].
2:{ eapply interrogation_length in H0. cbn in *; lia. }
cbn in *. inversion H0.
assert (qs = nil /\ ans = nil) as [-> ->]. { eapply (f_equal length) in H4, H5. rewrite app_length in *; cbn in *. destruct qs, ans; cbn in *; try lia. eauto. }
cbn in *. inversion H4. inversion H5. subst.
rewrite app_nil_r in *.
eapply hasvalue_det in H2. 2: eauto. congruence.
+ eapply interrogation_length in H1, H1'. rewrite !app_length in *. lia.
Lemma interrogation_output_det :
∀ A O (X Y : Type) (τ : X → tree Y A O) (R : Y -> A -> Prop) (x : X) (y1 y2 : O) (qs1 : list Y) (ans1 : list A),
functional R ->
interrogation (τ x) R qs1 ans1
→ τ x (ans1) =! Output y1
→ ∀ (qs2 : list Y) (ans2 : list A), interrogation (τ x) R qs2 ans2 → τ x (ans2) =! Output y2 → y1 = y2.
assert (length qs1 <= length qs2 \/ length qs2 <= length qs1) as [Hlen | Hlen] by lia.
- eapply interrogation_output_det_le. eauto. exact H0. eauto. exact H2. eauto. lia.
- symmetry. eapply interrogation_output_det_le. eauto. exact H2. eauto. exact H0. eauto. lia.
Lemma OracleComputable_ext Q A I O F F' :
@OracleComputable Q A I O F ->
(forall R i o, F R i o <-> F' R i o) ->
@OracleComputable Q A I O F'.
intros [tau H] He. exists tau.
intros. now rewrite <- H, He.
Lemma OracleComputable_extensional {Q A I O F} {R R' : Rel Q A} :
@OracleComputable Q A I O F ->
(forall q a, R q a <-> R' q a) ->
forall i o, F R i o <-> F R' i o.
intros [tau H] He.
intros. rewrite !H.
eapply ex_iff_forall. intros qs. eapply ex_iff_forall. intros ans.
erewrite interrogation_ext. reflexivity. reflexivity. firstorder.
Lemma OracleComputable_functional {Q A I O F} {R : Rel Q A} :
@OracleComputable Q A I O F ->
functional R -> functional (F R).
intros [tau H] Hfun i o1 o2 (qs1 & ans1 & Hint1 & Hend1) % H (qs2 & ans2 & Hint2 & Hend2) % H.
eapply interrogation_output_det.
3,5: eauto. all: eauto.
Definition modulus_continuous {Q A I O} (F : Rel Q A -> Rel I O) :=
forall (R : Rel Q A) (i : I) (o : O), F R i o -> exists L, (forall i', In i' L -> exists o', R i' o') /\ (forall R' : Rel Q A, (forall i' o' , In i' L -> R i' o' -> R' i' o') -> F R' i o).
Lemma cont_to_cont {P : partiality} {Q A I O} (F : Rel Q A -> Rel I O) :
OracleComputable F -> modulus_continuous F.
intros [τ H] R i v Hv.
eapply H in Hv.
setoid_rewrite H. clear - Hv.
destruct Hv as (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
exists qs. split.
- clear - H1. induction H1; cbn; intros.
+ tauto.
+ rewrite in_app_iff in H2.
destruct H2; firstorder.
subst. eauto.
- intros. exists qs, ans. split; eauto.
clear - H1 H. induction H1; econstructor; firstorder.
all: setoid_rewrite in_app_iff in H.
all: firstorder.
Lemma counterex :
modulus_continuous (fun (R : nat -> bool -> Prop) (i o : nat) => exists q, R q true) /\
~ OracleComputable (fun (R : nat -> bool -> Prop) (i o : nat) => exists q, R q true).
- intros R _ _ [q Hq]. exists [q]. firstorder subst. eauto.
- intros [tau H].
destruct (H (fun _ _ => True) 0 0) as [H1 _].
unshelve epose proof (H1 _). now exists 0.
clear H1. destruct H0 as (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
destruct qs.
+ inversion H1. subst.
destruct (H (fun _ _ => False) 0 0) as [_ Hf].
unshelve epose proof (Hf _). exists [], [].
split. econstructor. eauto. firstorder.
eapply (f_equal length) in H0. rewrite app_length in H0. cbn in *. lia.
+ destruct ans.
inversion H1.
eapply (f_equal length) in H3. rewrite app_length in H3. cbn in *. lia.
eapply interrogation_app_inv with (q1 := [n]) (a1 := [b]) in H1 as [].
2:{ eapply interrogation_length in H1. cbn in *. lia. }
inversion H0.
eapply (f_equal length) in H3. rewrite app_length in H3. cbn in *.
eapply (f_equal length) in H4. rewrite app_length in H4. cbn in *.
destruct qs0, ans0; cbn in *; try lia.
rename q into q0.
destruct (H (fun q _ => if nat_eq_dec q q0 then False else True) 0 0) as [(? & ? & ? & ?) _].
{ exists (S q0). destruct nat_eq_dec; eauto. lia. }
destruct x0.
* enough (inl q0 = inr 0) by congruence.
eapply hasvalue_det; eauto.
* destruct x.
inversion H8.
eapply (f_equal length) in H10. rewrite app_length in H10. cbn in *. lia.
eapply interrogation_app_inv with (q1 := [n0]) (a1 := [b0]) in H8 as [].
2:{ eapply interrogation_length in H8. cbn in *. lia. }
inversion H8.
eapply (f_equal length) in H11. rewrite app_length in H11. cbn in *.
eapply (f_equal length) in H12. rewrite app_length in H12. cbn in *.
destruct qs0, ans0; cbn in *; try lia.
eapply hasvalue_det in H6. 2: eapply H14.
assert (q = q0) by congruence.
subst. destruct nat_eq_dec; eauto.
Definition etree E Q A O := E -> list A ↛ (E * Q + O).
Inductive einterrogation {E Q A O} (τ : etree E Q A O) (f : Q -> A -> Prop) : list Q -> list A -> E -> E -> Prop :=
| eNoQuestions e : einterrogation τ f [] [] e e
| einterrogate qs ans q a e1 e1' e2 : einterrogation τ f qs ans e1 e1' ->
τ e1' ans =! inl (e2, q) ->
f q a ->
einterrogation τ f (qs ++ [q]) (ans ++ [a]) e1 e2.
Definition eOracleComputable {Q A I O} (r : Rel Q A -> I -> O -> Prop) :=
exists E, exists e : E, exists τ : I -> etree E Q A O, forall R x o, r R x o <-> exists qs ans e', einterrogation (τ x) R qs ans e e' /\ τ x e' ans =! Output o.
Fixpoint alles {E Q A O} (τ : etree E Q A O) e (acc : list A) (l : list A) : part (E * Q + O) :=
match l with
[] => τ e acc
| a :: l => bind (τ e acc) (fun q => match q with inl (e'', q) => alles τ e'' (acc ++ [a]) l | inr o => ret (inr o) end)
Lemma unzip_nil_e_ {E A Q O} (tau : etree E A Q O) acc (es : list E) ans x e e' :
(forall k e e' a, nth_error es k = Some e ->
nth_error es (S k) = Some e' ->
nth_error (acc ++ ans) k = Some a ->
exists q, tau e (take k (acc ++ ans)) =! (inl (e', q))) ->
length es = 1 + length acc + length ans ->
nth_error es (length acc) = Some e ->
nth_error es (length acc + length ans) = Some e' ->
alles tau e acc ans =! x <-> tau e' (acc ++ ans) =! x.
intros Hacc Hlen Hbeg Hend.
induction ans in acc, Hacc, Hlen, Hbeg, Hend, e, e' |- *; cbn.
- rewrite app_nil_r. cbn in *.
rewrite <- plus_n_O in Hend. firstorder congruence.
- replace (acc ++ a :: ans) with ((acc ++ [a]) ++ ans).
2:{ now rewrite <- !app_assoc. }
assert (exists e', nth_error es (S (length acc)) = Some e') as (eend & Heend).
{ destruct (nth_error es (S (length acc))) eqn:Eq; eauto.
eapply nth_error_None in Eq.
pose proof (nth_error_Some es (length acc + length (a :: ans))) as [HH _].
unshelve epose proof (HH _). rewrite Hend. congruence.
cbn in H. lia.
rewrite <- IHans.
3:{ cbn in *. rewrite !app_length in *. cbn in *. lia. }
+ epose proof (Hacc (length acc) e _ a) as (q & HH).
rewrite bind_hasvalue_given.
2: rewrite take_app in HH.
2: eapply HH. cbn. reflexivity. }
2:{ rewrite nth_error_app2. 2: lia.
now rewrite minus_diag. }
+ intros. cbn in Hacc.
rewrite <- app_assoc in H1 |- *. cbn. eapply Hacc; eauto.
+ rewrite app_length. cbn. rewrite <- Heend. f_equal. lia.
+ rewrite app_length in *; cbn in *. rewrite <- Hend. f_equal. lia.
Lemma unzip_nil_e {E Q A O} (tau : etree E Q A O) f qs ans e e' x :
einterrogation tau f qs ans e e' ->
alles tau e [] ans =! x <-> tau e' ans =! x.
intros; cbn.
enough (exists es,
(∀ (k : nat) (e0 e'0 : E) (a : A),
nth_error es k = Some e0 → nth_error es (S k) = Some e'0 → nth_error ans k = Some a → ∃ q : Q, tau e0 (take k ([] ++ ans)) =! inl (e'0, q)) /\
length es = 1 + length ans
nth_error es 0 = Some e /\
nth_error es (length ans) = Some e'
) as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?).
{ eapply unzip_nil_e_; eauto. }
induction H.
- exists [e]; cbn; firstorder. all: destruct k; cbn in *; congruence.
- destruct IHeinterrogation as (es & IH1 & IH2 & IH3 & IH4).
exists (es ++ [e2]). repeat split.
3:{ rewrite nth_error_app1; eauto. destruct es; cbn in *; lia. }
2:{ rewrite !app_length. cbn. lia. }
2:{ rewrite nth_error_app2; rewrite app_length; cbn; try lia.
rewrite IH2.
replace (length ans + 1 - (1 + length ans)) with 0 by lia.
reflexivity. }
intros. cbn.
assert (S k < length es \/ S k = length es) as [Hl | Hl].
{ pose proof (nth_error_Some (es ++ [e2]) (S k)) as [HH _].
rewrite H3 in HH. unshelve epose proof (HH _). congruence.
rewrite app_length in H5. cbn in *. lia. }
* rewrite nth_error_app1 in H3. 2: lia.
rewrite nth_error_app1 in H2. 2: lia.
rewrite nth_error_app1 in H4. 2: lia.
eapply IH1 in H3; eauto.
rewrite take_app_le. 2: lia. eauto.
* rewrite Hl in H3.
rewrite nth_error_app2 in H3. 2: lia.
rewrite minus_diag in H3. cbn in H3. inversion H3; subst; clear H3.
assert (k = length ans) by lia. subst.
rewrite take_app.
rewrite nth_error_app2 in H4. 2: lia.
rewrite nth_error_app1 in H2. 2: lia.
rewrite minus_diag in H4. inversion H4; subst; clear H4.
rewrite H2 in IH4. inversion IH4; subst. eauto.
Lemma einterrogation_equiv:
∀ (Q A I O E : Type) (e : E) (tau : I → etree E Q A O),
∃ τ : I → (list A) ↛ (Q + O),
∀ (R : Rel Q A) (x : I) (o : O),
(∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A) (e' : E), einterrogation (tau x) R qs ans e e' ∧ tau x e' ans =! Output o)
↔ (∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A), interrogation (τ x) R qs ans ∧ τ x ans =! Output o).
intros Q A I O E e tau.
exists (fun i l => bind (alles (tau i) e [] l) (fun x => match x with inl (_, q) => ret (inl q) | inr o => ret (inr o) end)).
intros f i o.
apply ex_iff_forall. intros qs. apply ex_iff_forall. intros ans. symmetry. split.
+ intros [H1 H2].
assert (∃ e' : E, einterrogation (tau i) f qs ans e e').
{ clear H2. induction H1.
- eexists. econstructor.
- psimpl. destruct x as [ [] | ]; psimpl.
destruct IHinterrogation. eexists. econstructor; eauto. eapply unzip_nil_e; eauto.
destruct H as (e' & H). exists e'. split; eauto.
psimpl. destruct x as [ [] | ]; psimpl. eapply unzip_nil_e; eauto.
+ intros (e' & H1 & H2). split.
* clear H2. induction H1; constructor; trivial. eapply unzip_nil_e in H; eauto.
* psimpl. eapply unzip_nil_e; eauto. cbn. psimpl.
Lemma eOracleComputable_equiv {Q A I O} R :
eOracleComputable R <-> @OracleComputable Q A I O R.
- intros (E & e & tau & Ht).
red. setoid_rewrite Ht. clear Ht.
eapply einterrogation_equiv.
- intros [tau Ht]. exists unit, tt, (fun i e l => bind (tau i l) (fun x => match x with inl q => ret (inl (tt, q)) | inr o => ret (inr o) end)). intros f i o.
rewrite Ht. apply ex_iff_forall. intros qs. apply ex_iff_forall. intros ans. firstorder.
+ exists tt. split.
* clear - H. induction H; econstructor; eauto.
* psimpl.
+ clear - H. induction H; econstructor; eauto.
psimpl. destruct x; psimpl.
+ psimpl; destruct x0; psimpl.
Hint Constructors interrogation.
Definition stree E Q A O := E -> list A ↛ (E * option Q + O).
Inductive sinterrogation {E Q A O} (τ : stree E Q A O) (f : Q -> A -> Prop) : list Q -> list A -> E -> E -> Prop :=
| sNoQuestions e : sinterrogation τ f [] [] e e
| stall qs ans e1 e1' e2 : sinterrogation τ f qs ans e1 e1' ->
τ e1' ans =! inl (e2, None) ->
sinterrogation τ f qs ans e1 e2
| sinterrogate qs ans q a e1 e1' e2 : sinterrogation τ f qs ans e1 e1' ->
τ e1' ans =! inl (e2, Some q) ->
f q a ->
sinterrogation τ f (qs ++ [q]) (ans ++ [a]) e1 e2.
Lemma sinterrogation_ext {E Q A O} τ τ' (f : Q -> A -> Prop) q a (e1 e2 : E) :
(forall e l v, τ e l =! v <-> τ' e l =! v) ->
sinterrogation τ f q a e1 e2 <-> @sinterrogation E Q A O τ' f q a e1 e2 .
enough (forall τ τ' f q a,
(forall e l v, τ e l =! v <-> τ' e l =! v) ->
sinterrogation τ f q a e1 e2 -> @sinterrogation E Q A O τ' f q a e1 e2).
{ split; eapply H; firstorder. }
clear. intros ? ? ? ? ? Heq.
induction 1.
- econstructor 1; eauto.
- econstructor 2; eauto. firstorder.
- econstructor 3; eauto. firstorder.
Lemma sinterrogation_length {E Q A O} {tau f qs ans} {e e' : E} :
@sinterrogation E Q A O tau f qs ans e e' -> length qs = length ans.
induction 1; try reflexivity. eauto.
now rewrite !app_length, IHsinterrogation.
Lemma sinterrogation_cons {E Q A O} q1 q2 a1 a2 (τ : stree E Q A O) (f : Q -> A -> Prop) e1 e2 e3 :
τ e1 [] =! inl (e2, Some q1) ->
f q1 a1 ->
sinterrogation (fun e l => τ e (a1 :: l)) f q2 a2 e2 e3 ->
sinterrogation τ f (q1 :: q2) (a1 :: a2) e1 e3.
intros H1 H2 H. induction H.
- eapply sinterrogate with (qs := []) (ans := []). econstructor. eauto. eauto.
- econstructor 2; eauto.
- replace (q1 :: qs ++ [q]) with ((q1 :: qs) ++ [q]) by reflexivity.
replace (a1 :: ans ++ [a]) with ((a1 :: ans) ++ [a]) by reflexivity.
econstructor 3; eauto.
Fixpoint iterate {E Q O} (τ : E -> part (E * option Q + O)) (n : nat) (e : E) : part (option (E * option Q + O)) :=
match n with
| 0 => ret None
| S n => bind (τ e) (fun res => match res with
| inl (e, None) => iterate τ n e
| x => ret (Some x)
Lemma sinterrogation_scons {E Q A O} q a (τ : stree E Q A O) f e1 e2 e3 :
τ e1 [] =! inl (e2, None) ->
sinterrogation τ f q a e2 e3 ->
sinterrogation τ f q a e1 e3.
intros H1 H.
induction H.
- econstructor 2; eauto. econstructor.
- econstructor 2; eauto.
- econstructor 3; eauto.
Lemma sinterrogation_app {E Q A O} q1 q2 a1 a2 (τ : stree E Q A O) f e1 e2 e3 :
sinterrogation τ f q1 a1 e1 e2 ->
sinterrogation (fun e l => τ e (a1 ++ l)) f q2 a2 e2 e3 ->
sinterrogation τ f (q1 ++ q2) (a1 ++ a2) e1 e3.
induction 1 in q2, a2, e3 |- *; cbn.
- eauto.
- intros. eapply IHsinterrogation.
eapply sinterrogation_scons; eauto.
rewrite app_nil_r. eauto.
- intros. rewrite <- !app_assoc.
eapply IHsinterrogation.
eapply sinterrogation_cons.
+ rewrite app_nil_r. exact H0.
+ eauto.
+ eapply sinterrogation_ext; eauto. intros. cbn. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
Definition sOracleComputable {Q A I O} (r : Rel Q A -> I -> O -> Prop) :=
exists E, exists e : E, exists τ : I -> stree E Q A O, forall R x o, r R x o <-> exists qs ans e', sinterrogation (τ x) R qs ans e e' /\ τ x e' ans =! Output o.
Lemma sinterrogation_equiv:
∀ (Q A I O E : Type) (e : E) (tau : I → stree E Q A O),
∃ τ : I → etree E Q A O,
∀ (R : Rel Q A) (x : I) (o : O),
(∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A) (e' : E), sinterrogation (tau x) R qs ans e e' ∧ tau x e' ans =! Output o)
↔ (∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A) (e' : E), einterrogation (τ x) R qs ans e e' ∧ τ x e' ans =! Output o).
intros Q A I O E e tau.
pose (t := fun i e l => bind (mu (fun n => bind (iterate (fun e => tau i e l) n e) (fun x => match x with Some _ => ret true | _ => ret false end)))
(fun n => bind (iterate (fun e => tau i e l) n e)
(fun x => match x with Some (inl (e, Some q)) => ret (inl (e, q))
| Some (inr o) => ret (inr o)
| _ => undef
exists t.
intros f i o.
do 2 (eapply ex_iff_forall; intros). rename x into qs, x0 into ans.
symmetry. split.
- subst t. intros (e' & H1 & H2). psimpl. destruct x0; psimpl. destruct s; psimpl.
destruct p; psimpl. destruct o0; psimpl. rename x into n.
enough (sinterrogation (tau i) f qs ans e e') as HH.
enough (exists e'', sinterrogation (fun e l => tau i e (ans ++ l)) f [] [] e' e'' /\ tau i e'' ans =! inr o).
{ destruct H2 as (e'' & H2 & ?). exists e''.
split; eauto.
rewrite <- (app_nil_r qs).
rewrite <- (app_nil_r ans).
eapply sinterrogation_app; eauto.
clear - H0. revert H0. generalize ( @inr (E * option Q) O o). intros res H0.
induction n in res, H0, e' |- *; cbn in *; psimpl.
destruct x as [[? []]|]; psimpl.
+ exists e'. split. econstructor. eauto.
+ edestruct IHn as (e'' & IH1 & IH2). eauto.
eexists. split; eauto.
eapply (sinterrogation_app [] [] [] []). 2: eauto.
econstructor. econstructor.
rewrite app_nil_r. eauto.
+ exists e'. split. econstructor. eauto.
clear - H1. induction H1.
+ econstructor.
+ psimpl. destruct x0; psimpl.
destruct s; psimpl.
destruct p; psimpl.
destruct o; psimpl.
eapply sinterrogation_app. eapply IHeinterrogation. rename x into n.
* clear - H2 H0. induction n in H2, e1' |- *; cbn in *; psimpl.
destruct x as [ [? []] |]; psimpl.
-- eapply (sinterrogate _ _ [] []); eauto.
rewrite app_nil_r; eauto.
-- eapply IHn in H1.
eapply (sinterrogation_app [] [q] [] [a]).
2: eauto.
econstructor 2.
econstructor. now rewrite app_nil_r.
- intros (e' & H1 & H2).
assert (t i e' ans =! inr o).
unfold t. psimpl.
instantiate (1 := 1).
eapply mu_hasvalue. split.
psimpl. cbn. psimpl.
cbn. psimpl.
intros. destruct m; try lia.
psimpl. cbn. psimpl.
cbn. psimpl. cbn. psimpl.
clear H2.
revert H. generalize (inr (A := E * Q) o).
induction H1.
+ intros. eexists. split. econstructor. eauto.
+ intros.
unfold t in H0.
eapply mu_hasvalue in H0 as [].
psimpl. destruct x0; psimpl.
destruct x1; psimpl.
destruct s0; psimpl.
destruct p; psimpl.
destruct o0; psimpl.
* edestruct IHsinterrogation as (e' & IH1 & IH2).
2:{ exists e'. split. eauto.
eauto. }
subst t. cbn. psimpl.
2:{ instantiate (2 := S x).
clear H0.
cbn. psimpl. }
2: cbn; psimpl.
eapply mu_hasvalue. split.
psimpl. cbn. psimpl.
intros. destruct m; psimpl.
-- assert (m < x) by lia. eapply H4 in H6.
psimpl. destruct x0; psimpl.
-- psimpl.
* edestruct IHsinterrogation as (e' & IH1 & IH2).
2:{ exists e'. split. eauto.
eauto. }
subst t. cbn. psimpl.
2:{ instantiate (2 := S x).
clear H0.
cbn. psimpl. }
2: cbn; psimpl.
eapply mu_hasvalue. split.
psimpl. cbn. psimpl.
intros. destruct m; psimpl.
-- assert (m < x) by lia. eapply H4 in H6.
psimpl. destruct x0; psimpl.
-- psimpl.
+ intros. edestruct IHsinterrogation as (e' & IH1 & IH2).
subst t. cbn. psimpl.
instantiate (1 := 1).
eapply mu_hasvalue. split.
psimpl. cbn. psimpl.
cbn. psimpl.
intros. destruct m; try lia.
psimpl. cbn. psimpl.
cbn. psimpl. cbn. psimpl.
eexists. split.
econstructor; eauto.
Lemma sOracleComputable_equiv Q A I O F :
sOracleComputable F -> @eOracleComputable Q A I O F.
intros (E & e & tau & Ht). exists E. exists e.
setoid_rewrite Ht. clear Ht.
eapply sinterrogation_equiv.
Fixpoint evalt {Q A O} (τ : list A ↛ (Q + O)) (f : Q ↛ A) (n : nat) : part (Q + O) :=
bind (τ []) (fun x =>
match n, x with
| 0, inl q => ret (inl q)
| S n, inl q => bind (f q) (fun a => evalt (fun l => τ (a :: l)) f n)
| _, inr o => ret (inr o)
Lemma evalt_ext {Q A O} τ τ' f n v :
(forall l v, τ l =! v <-> τ' l =! v) ->
evalt τ f n =! v <-> @evalt Q A O τ' f n =! v.
enough (forall τ τ' f n v,
(forall l v, τ l =! v <-> τ' l =! v) ->
evalt τ f n =! v -> @evalt Q A O τ' f n =! v).
{ split; eapply H; firstorder. }
clear. intros ? ? ? ? ? Heq.
induction n in τ, τ', Heq |- *.
- cbn. intros. psimpl. eapply Heq; eauto.
- cbn. intros. psimpl; destruct x; psimpl.
* eapply Heq; eauto.
* eapply Heq; eauto.
* psimpl. firstorder.
* psimpl.
Lemma interrogation_plus {Q A O} τ f n l lv v2 :
@interrogation Q A O τ (fun x y => f x =! y) l lv ->
evalt (fun l' => τ (lv ++ l')) f n =! v2 ->
evalt τ f (length l + n) =! v2.
intros H. induction H in n |- *.
- cbn. eauto.
- intros. cbn in H2.
cbn -[evalt]. rewrite app_length. cbn -[evalt].
replace (length qs + 1 + n) with (length qs + (S n)) by lia.
eapply IHinterrogation.
cbn. psimpl. rewrite app_nil_r. eassumption.
cbn. psimpl. eapply evalt_ext; eauto.
cbn. intros. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
Lemma interrogation_cons {Q A O} q1 q2 a1 a2 τ (f : Q -> A -> Prop) :
τ [] =! inl q1 ->
f q1 a1 ->
@interrogation Q A O (fun l => τ (a1 :: l)) f q2 a2 ->
interrogation τ f (q1 :: q2) (a1 :: a2).
intros H1 H2.
induction q2 in a1, a2, H1, H2 |- * using rev_ind.
- inversion 1; subst.
+ eapply Interrogate with (qs := []) (ans := []). econstructor. eauto. eauto.
+ destruct qs; cbn in *; congruence.
- inversion 1.
+ destruct q2; cbn in *; congruence.
+ subst. assert (qs = q2 /\ q = x) as [<- <-].
{ eapply app_inj_2 in H0. 2: reflexivity. firstorder congruence. }
replace (q1 :: qs ++ [q]) with ((q1 :: qs) ++ [q]) by reflexivity.
replace (a1 :: ans ++ [a]) with ((a1 :: ans) ++ [a]) by reflexivity.
econstructor. eapply IHq2; eauto. eauto. eauto.
Lemma interrogation_app {Q A O} q1 q2 a1 a2 τ f :
@interrogation Q A O τ f q1 a1 ->
interrogation (fun l => τ (a1 ++ l)) f q2 a2 ->
interrogation τ f (q1 ++ q2) (a1 ++ a2).
induction 1 in q2, a2 |- *; cbn.
- eauto.
- intros. rewrite <- !app_assoc.
eapply IHinterrogation.
eapply interrogation_cons.
+ now rewrite app_nil_r.
+ eauto.
+ eapply interrogation_ext; eauto. cbn. intros. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
Lemma evalt_to_interrogation:
∀ (Q A I O : Type) (τ : I → (list A) ↛ (Q + O)) (f : Q ↛ A) (i : I) (o : O) (n : nat),
evalt (τ i) f n =! Output o → ∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A), length qs <= n /\ interrogation (τ i) (λ (x : Q) (y : A), f x =! y) qs ans ∧ τ i ans =! Output o.
intros Q A I O τ f i o n H.
induction n in τ, H |- *.
* cbn in *. psimpl. destruct x; psimpl.
exists [], []. repeat split. eauto. econstructor. eauto.
* cbn in *. psimpl. destruct x; psimpl.
-- eapply (IHn (fun i l => τ i (x :: l))) in H1 as (qs & ans & H3 & H1 & H2).
exists (q :: qs), (x :: ans). split; eauto. cbn; lia. repeat split.
eapply interrogation_app with (q1 := [q]) (a1 := [x]).
eapply Interrogate with (qs := []) (ans := []); eauto.
eauto. eauto.
-- exists [], []. repeat split. cbn. lia. eauto. eauto.
Lemma interrogation_equiv_evalt Q A I O :
forall (τ : I -> list A ↛ (Q + O)) (f : Q ↛ A) (i : I) (o : O),
(exists (qs : list Q) (ans : list A),
interrogation (τ i) (fun x y => f x =! y) qs ans /\ τ i ans =! inr o) <->
(exists n : nat, evalt (τ i) f n =! inr o).
intros τ f i o. split.
+ intros (qs & ans & Hi & Hout).
exists (length qs + 1). eapply interrogation_plus; eauto.
cbn. rewrite app_nil_r. psimpl.
+ intros [n H]. eapply evalt_to_interrogation in H as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); eauto.
bind (τ []) (fun x =>
match n, x with
| 0, inl q => ret (inl q)
| S n, inl q => bind (f q) (fun a => evalt (fun l => τ (a :: l)) f n)
| _, inr o => ret (inr o)
Lemma evalt_ext {Q A O} τ τ' f n v :
(forall l v, τ l =! v <-> τ' l =! v) ->
evalt τ f n =! v <-> @evalt Q A O τ' f n =! v.
enough (forall τ τ' f n v,
(forall l v, τ l =! v <-> τ' l =! v) ->
evalt τ f n =! v -> @evalt Q A O τ' f n =! v).
{ split; eapply H; firstorder. }
clear. intros ? ? ? ? ? Heq.
induction n in τ, τ', Heq |- *.
- cbn. intros. psimpl. eapply Heq; eauto.
- cbn. intros. psimpl; destruct x; psimpl.
* eapply Heq; eauto.
* eapply Heq; eauto.
* psimpl. firstorder.
* psimpl.
Lemma interrogation_plus {Q A O} τ f n l lv v2 :
@interrogation Q A O τ (fun x y => f x =! y) l lv ->
evalt (fun l' => τ (lv ++ l')) f n =! v2 ->
evalt τ f (length l + n) =! v2.
intros H. induction H in n |- *.
- cbn. eauto.
- intros. cbn in H2.
cbn -[evalt]. rewrite app_length. cbn -[evalt].
replace (length qs + 1 + n) with (length qs + (S n)) by lia.
eapply IHinterrogation.
cbn. psimpl. rewrite app_nil_r. eassumption.
cbn. psimpl. eapply evalt_ext; eauto.
cbn. intros. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
Lemma interrogation_cons {Q A O} q1 q2 a1 a2 τ (f : Q -> A -> Prop) :
τ [] =! inl q1 ->
f q1 a1 ->
@interrogation Q A O (fun l => τ (a1 :: l)) f q2 a2 ->
interrogation τ f (q1 :: q2) (a1 :: a2).
intros H1 H2.
induction q2 in a1, a2, H1, H2 |- * using rev_ind.
- inversion 1; subst.
+ eapply Interrogate with (qs := []) (ans := []). econstructor. eauto. eauto.
+ destruct qs; cbn in *; congruence.
- inversion 1.
+ destruct q2; cbn in *; congruence.
+ subst. assert (qs = q2 /\ q = x) as [<- <-].
{ eapply app_inj_2 in H0. 2: reflexivity. firstorder congruence. }
replace (q1 :: qs ++ [q]) with ((q1 :: qs) ++ [q]) by reflexivity.
replace (a1 :: ans ++ [a]) with ((a1 :: ans) ++ [a]) by reflexivity.
econstructor. eapply IHq2; eauto. eauto. eauto.
Lemma interrogation_app {Q A O} q1 q2 a1 a2 τ f :
@interrogation Q A O τ f q1 a1 ->
interrogation (fun l => τ (a1 ++ l)) f q2 a2 ->
interrogation τ f (q1 ++ q2) (a1 ++ a2).
induction 1 in q2, a2 |- *; cbn.
- eauto.
- intros. rewrite <- !app_assoc.
eapply IHinterrogation.
eapply interrogation_cons.
+ now rewrite app_nil_r.
+ eauto.
+ eapply interrogation_ext; eauto. cbn. intros. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
Lemma evalt_to_interrogation:
∀ (Q A I O : Type) (τ : I → (list A) ↛ (Q + O)) (f : Q ↛ A) (i : I) (o : O) (n : nat),
evalt (τ i) f n =! Output o → ∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A), length qs <= n /\ interrogation (τ i) (λ (x : Q) (y : A), f x =! y) qs ans ∧ τ i ans =! Output o.
intros Q A I O τ f i o n H.
induction n in τ, H |- *.
* cbn in *. psimpl. destruct x; psimpl.
exists [], []. repeat split. eauto. econstructor. eauto.
* cbn in *. psimpl. destruct x; psimpl.
-- eapply (IHn (fun i l => τ i (x :: l))) in H1 as (qs & ans & H3 & H1 & H2).
exists (q :: qs), (x :: ans). split; eauto. cbn; lia. repeat split.
eapply interrogation_app with (q1 := [q]) (a1 := [x]).
eapply Interrogate with (qs := []) (ans := []); eauto.
eauto. eauto.
-- exists [], []. repeat split. cbn. lia. eauto. eauto.
Lemma interrogation_equiv_evalt Q A I O :
forall (τ : I -> list A ↛ (Q + O)) (f : Q ↛ A) (i : I) (o : O),
(exists (qs : list Q) (ans : list A),
interrogation (τ i) (fun x y => f x =! y) qs ans /\ τ i ans =! inr o) <->
(exists n : nat, evalt (τ i) f n =! inr o).
intros τ f i o. split.
+ intros (qs & ans & Hi & Hout).
exists (length qs + 1). eapply interrogation_plus; eauto.
cbn. rewrite app_nil_r. psimpl.
+ intros [n H]. eapply evalt_to_interrogation in H as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); eauto.
A total computable version of evalt
Fixpoint evalt_comp {Q A O} (tau : list A ↛ (Q + O))
(f : Q -> A) (step : nat) (depth: nat): option (Q + O) :=
match (seval (tau []) depth) with
| Some x => match step, x with
| 0, inl q => Some (inl q)
| S n, inl q => evalt_comp (fun l => tau (f q :: l)) f n depth
| _, inr o => Some (inr o) end
| None => None end.
Lemma evalt_comp_ext {Q A O} τ τ' f n m:
(forall l n, seval (τ l) n = seval (τ' l) n) ->
evalt_comp τ f n m = @evalt_comp Q A O τ' f n m.
intro Heq; induction n in τ, τ', Heq |- *.
- cbn. now rewrite <- Heq.
- cbn. rewrite <- Heq.
destruct (seval (A:=Q + O) (τ []) m); cbn.
destruct s; eauto. easy.
Lemma list_cons_or {X} (l l1: list X) a :
l `prefix_of` l1 ++ [a] ->
l `prefix_of` l1 \/ l = l1 ++ [a].
induction l in l1 |-*; intros.
- left. eapply prefix_nil.
- destruct l1.
+ right. list_simplifier.
set (H' := H).
apply prefix_cons_inv_2, prefix_nil_inv in H' as ->.
apply prefix_cons_inv_1 in H as ->.
+ list_simplifier.
set (H' := H).
apply prefix_cons_inv_2 in H'.
apply prefix_cons_inv_1 in H as ->.
destruct (IHl _ H') as [h1 | ->].
++ left. by eapply prefix_cons.
++ now right.
Lemma interrogation_ter {Q A O} tau f l lv v:
@interrogation Q A O tau (fun x y => f x = y) l lv ->
tau lv =! v ->
exists m, forall ans_, prefix ans_ lv -> exists v, seval (tau ans_) m = Some v.
intros H1 H2.
induction H1 in H2, v |-*.
- rewrite seval_hasvalue in H2.
destruct H2 as [m Hm]. exists m.
intros ans_ Hans_. exists v.
apply prefix_nil_inv in Hans_.
rewrite Hans_. easy.
- rewrite seval_hasvalue in H2.
destruct H2 as [m Hm].
destruct (IHinterrogation (Ask q) H) as [m' Hm'].
exists (max m m').
intros ans_ Hans_.
destruct (list_cons_or _ _ _ Hans_) as [h| ->].
+ destruct (Hm' ans_ h) as [v' Hv'].
exists v'. eapply seval_mono.
eauto. lia.
+ exists v. eapply seval_mono; [eauto| lia].
Basic property of evalt_comp
Lemma evalt_comp_depth_mono {Q A O} (tau: (list A) ↛ (Q + O)) f n m o :
evalt_comp tau f n m = Some o ->
forall m', m' >= m -> evalt_comp tau f n m' = Some o.
intros H m' Hm'.
induction n in H, tau, o |-*.
- cbn in *.
destruct (seval (A:=Q + O) (tau []) m) eqn: E; try congruence.
assert (seval (A:=Q + O) (tau []) m' = (Some s)) as ->.
eapply seval_mono. exact E. lia.
- cbn in *.
destruct (seval (A:=Q + O) (tau []) m) eqn: E.
+ assert (seval (A:=Q + O) (tau []) m' = Some s) as ->.
eapply seval_mono. exact E. lia.
destruct s.
now apply IHn.
exact H.
+ congruence.
Lemma interrogation_plus_evalt_comp {Q A O} tau f n m l lv v2:
@interrogation Q A O tau (fun x y => f x = y) l lv ->
(forall ans_, prefix ans_ lv -> exists v, seval (tau ans_) m = Some v) ->
evalt_comp (fun l' => tau (lv ++ l')) f n m = Some v2 <->
evalt_comp tau f (length l + n) m = Some v2.
intros H H1. split; revert n; dependent induction H.
- cbn. eauto.
- intros.
cbn -[evalt]. rewrite app_length. cbn -[evalt].
replace (length qs + 1 + n) with (length qs + (S n)) by lia.
eapply IHinterrogation. intros; apply H2.
etransitivity. exact H4.
now eapply prefix_app_r.
cbn. rewrite app_nil_r.
destruct (H2 ans).
now eapply prefix_app_r.
assert (exists m, seval (tau ans) m = Some x).
now exists m.
rewrite <- seval_hasvalue in H5.
assert (x = Ask q).
eapply hasvalue_det; eauto.
rewrite H4, H6, H1.
rewrite <- H3. eapply evalt_comp_ext.
intros; now list_simplifier.
- cbn. eauto.
- intros.
rewrite app_length in H3. cbn in H3.
replace (length qs + 1 + n) with (length qs + (S n)) in H3 by lia.
eapply IHinterrogation in H3.
2: {
intros; apply H2.
etransitivity. exact H4.
now eapply prefix_app_r.
cbn in H3.
rewrite app_nil_r in H3.
destruct (H2 ans).
now eapply prefix_app_r.
assert (exists m, seval (tau ans) m = Some x).
now exists m.
rewrite <- seval_hasvalue in H5.
assert (x = Ask q).
eapply hasvalue_det; eauto.
rewrite H4, H6, H1 in H3.
rewrite <- H3. eapply evalt_comp_ext.
intros; now list_simplifier.
Lemma evalt_comp_step_mono {Q A O} (tau: (list A) ↛ (Q + O)) f qs ans o:
@interrogation Q A O tau (fun x y => f x = y) qs ans ->
tau ans =! Output o ->
exists depth step,
forall g, @interrogation Q A O tau (fun x y => g x = y) qs ans ->
forall n', step <= n' -> evalt_comp tau g n' depth = Some (Output o).
intros H1 H2.
destruct (interrogation_ter _ _ _ _ _ H1 H2) as [step Hstep].
exists step. exists (length qs). intros g Hg n' Hn'.
assert (exists v, seval (tau ans) step = Some v) as [v Hv].
{ eapply Hstep; naive_solver. }
assert (v = Output o).
{ eapply hasvalue_det; [|eapply H2]. rewrite seval_hasvalue. eauto. }
eapply Nat.le_exists_sub in Hn' as [k [-> _]].
rewrite Nat.add_comm.
eapply interrogation_plus_evalt_comp; eauto.
induction k.
all: cbn; rewrite app_nil_r; by rewrite Hv, H.
Lemma evalt_comp_oracle_approx {Q A O} tau f l lv v:
@interrogation Q A O tau (fun x y => f x = y) l lv ->
tau lv =! v ->
exists step depth,
forall g, @interrogation Q A O tau (fun x y => g x = y) l lv ->
evalt_comp tau g step depth = Some v.
intros H1 h2.
destruct (interrogation_ter _ _ _ _ _ H1 h2) as [step Hstep].
exists (length l + 0).
exists step.
eapply interrogation_plus_evalt_comp; eauto.
cbn. rewrite app_nil_r.
destruct (Hstep lv) as [v' Hv'].
assert (exists k, seval (A:=Q + O) (tau lv) k = Some v').
exists step. easy.
rewrite <- seval_hasvalue in H0.
assert (v' = v).
eapply hasvalue_det; eauto.
rewrite Hv', H2.
destruct v; done.
Lemma interrogation_evalt_comp_limit {Q A O} tau f l lv v:
(exists K, forall k, k >= K ->
@interrogation Q A O tau (fun x y => (f k) x = y) l lv) ->
tau lv =! Output v ->
exists N, forall n, n >= N -> evalt_comp tau (f n) n n = Some (Output v).
intros [k h1] h2.
assert (interrogation tau (fun x y => f k x = y) l lv) as H.
apply h1. lia.
destruct (evalt_comp_step_mono _ _ _ _ _ H h2) as (a' & b' & Hs).
destruct (evalt_comp_oracle_approx _ _ _ _ _ H h2) as (a & b & Hab).
exists (max b'(max a' (max (max a b) k))).
intros n Hn.
eapply evalt_comp_depth_mono.
eapply (Hs (f n)); eauto.
eapply h1.
all: lia.
Lemma evalt_comp_to_interrogation:
∀ {Q A I O : Type} (tau : I → (list A) ↛ (Q + O)) (f : Q -> A) (i : I) (o : O) (n depth: nat),
evalt_comp (tau i) f n depth = Some (Output o) →
∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A),
length qs <= n /\ interrogation (tau i) (λ (x : Q) (y : A), f x = y) qs ans ∧
tau i ans =! Output o.
intros Q A I O tau f i o n depth H.
induction n in tau, H |- *.
* cbn in *. destruct (seval (tau i []) depth) eqn: E.
exists [], []. repeat split. eauto. econstructor.
destruct s. congruence. rewrite seval_hasvalue.
by exists depth; injection H as ->. congruence.
* cbn in *. destruct (seval (tau i []) depth) eqn: E; try congruence.
destruct s; try congruence.
-- eapply (IHn (fun i l => tau i (f q :: l))) in H as (qs & ans & H3 & H1 & H2).
exists (q :: qs), (f q :: ans). split; eauto. cbn; lia. repeat split.
eapply interrogation_app with (q1 := [q]) (a1 := [f q]).
eapply Interrogate with (qs := []) (ans := []); eauto.
rewrite seval_hasvalue. by exists depth.
eauto. eauto.
-- exists [], []. repeat split. cbn. lia. eauto.
rewrite seval_hasvalue.
by exists depth; injection H as ->.
Lemma computable_precompose A Q I O I' F g :
@OracleComputable A Q I O F ->
@OracleComputable A Q I' O (fun r x => F r (g x)).
Proof using.
intros [tau H].
exists (fun i l => tau (g i) l). intros. eapply H.
@OracleComputable A Q I O F ->
@OracleComputable A Q I' O (fun r x => F r (g x)).
Proof using.
intros [tau H].
exists (fun i l => tau (g i) l). intros. eapply H.
Computability of any partial function
Lemma computable_partial_function {Q A I O : Type} (f : I ↛ O) :
OracleComputable (λ (_ : Rel Q A) (i : I) (o : O), f i =! o).
exists (fun x l => bind (f x) (fun o => ret (inr o))).
intros. psimpl.
intros (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?). psimpl.
OracleComputable (λ (_ : Rel Q A) (i : I) (o : O), f i =! o).
exists (fun x l => bind (f x) (fun o => ret (inr o))).
intros. psimpl.
intros (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?). psimpl.
Computability of the empty relation
Lemma computable_nothing {Q A I O} :
@OracleComputable Q A I O (fun R i o => False).
eapply OracleComputable_ext.
eapply (computable_partial_function (fun _ => undef)).
cbn. intros. split. intros. psimpl.
@OracleComputable Q A I O (fun R i o => False).
eapply OracleComputable_ext.
eapply (computable_partial_function (fun _ => undef)).
cbn. intros. split. intros. psimpl.
Computability of any total function
Lemma computable_function {Q A I O} f :
@OracleComputable Q A I O (fun R i o => f i = o).
eapply OracleComputable_ext.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := f).
eapply (computable_partial_function (@ret _ _)).
cbn. firstorder subst; psimpl.
Lemma computable_ret A Q I O v :
@OracleComputable Q A I O (fun f i o => o = v).
eapply OracleComputable_ext.
eapply (computable_function (fun _ => v)).
@OracleComputable Q A I O (fun R i o => f i = o).
eapply OracleComputable_ext.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := f).
eapply (computable_partial_function (@ret _ _)).
cbn. firstorder subst; psimpl.
Lemma computable_ret A Q I O v :
@OracleComputable Q A I O (fun f i o => o = v).
eapply OracleComputable_ext.
eapply (computable_function (fun _ => v)).
Computability of the identity
Lemma computable_id {X Y} :
OracleComputable (fun R : Rel X Y => R).
exists (fun i l => match l with [] => ret (inl i) | b :: _ => ret (inr b) end).
intros. split.
- intros H. exists [x], [o]. split. 2: psimpl.
eapply (Interrogate _ _ [] []); eauto.
- intros (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
inversion H1; subst.
+ cbn in *. psimpl.
+ assert (length qs0 = length ans0) by (eapply interrogation_length; eauto).
destruct qs0, ans0; cbn in *; try congruence; psimpl.
Goal OracleComputable (fun R (i : nat) o => exists a : nat, R i a /\ R a o).
exists (fun i ans => match ans with
| [] => ret (inl i)
| [a] => ret (inl a)
| _ :: o :: _ => ret (inr o)
intros R i o. split.
- intros (a & H1 & H2).
exists (i :: a :: nil). exists (a :: o :: nil).
split. 2: psimpl.
eapply interrogation_cons; psimpl.
eapply interrogation_cons; psimpl.
- intros (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
inversion H1; subst; clear H1; psimpl.
inversion H; subst; clear H; psimpl.
destruct ans as [ | ? [] ]; cbn in *; psimpl.
Goal OracleComputable (fun R i o => o = true /\ forall x, x < i -> R x true).
exists (fun i ans => if in_dec bool_eq_dec false ans then
undef else
if lt_dec (length ans) i then
ret (inl (length ans)) else
ret (inr true)).
intros R i o. split.
- intros [H1 H2]. subst.
exists (seq 0 i). exists (repeat true i).
rewrite !repeat_length. split.
2:{ destruct in_dec; psimpl.
+ eapply repeat_spec in i0; congruence.
+ destruct lt_dec; try lia. psimpl.
generalize (le_refl i).
generalize i at 1 6 7.
induction i0 in i, H2 |- *.
+ cbn. econstructor.
+ rewrite seq_S. replace (S i0) with (i0 + 1) by lia.
rewrite repeat_app. cbn. econstructor.
* eapply IHi0. firstorder. lia.
* destruct in_dec.
-- eapply repeat_spec in i1; congruence.
-- rewrite repeat_length. destruct lt_dec; try lia.
* eapply H2. lia.
- intros (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
destruct in_dec; psimpl.
destruct lt_dec; psimpl. split. eauto.
assert (i <= length ans) as Hlen by lia. clear n0.
assert (x < length ans) by lia. clear Hlen H.
induction H1.
+ intros; cbn in *. lia.
+ intros; cbn in *.
destruct in_dec; psimpl.
destruct lt_dec; psimpl.
rewrite app_length in *. cbn in *.
assert (x = length ans \/ x < length ans) as [H3 | H3] by lia.
* subst.
destruct a; eauto.
destruct n. eapply in_app_iff; cbn; eauto.
* eapply IHinterrogation; eauto.
OracleComputable (fun R : Rel X Y => R).
exists (fun i l => match l with [] => ret (inl i) | b :: _ => ret (inr b) end).
intros. split.
- intros H. exists [x], [o]. split. 2: psimpl.
eapply (Interrogate _ _ [] []); eauto.
- intros (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
inversion H1; subst.
+ cbn in *. psimpl.
+ assert (length qs0 = length ans0) by (eapply interrogation_length; eauto).
destruct qs0, ans0; cbn in *; try congruence; psimpl.
Goal OracleComputable (fun R (i : nat) o => exists a : nat, R i a /\ R a o).
exists (fun i ans => match ans with
| [] => ret (inl i)
| [a] => ret (inl a)
| _ :: o :: _ => ret (inr o)
intros R i o. split.
- intros (a & H1 & H2).
exists (i :: a :: nil). exists (a :: o :: nil).
split. 2: psimpl.
eapply interrogation_cons; psimpl.
eapply interrogation_cons; psimpl.
- intros (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
inversion H1; subst; clear H1; psimpl.
inversion H; subst; clear H; psimpl.
destruct ans as [ | ? [] ]; cbn in *; psimpl.
Goal OracleComputable (fun R i o => o = true /\ forall x, x < i -> R x true).
exists (fun i ans => if in_dec bool_eq_dec false ans then
undef else
if lt_dec (length ans) i then
ret (inl (length ans)) else
ret (inr true)).
intros R i o. split.
- intros [H1 H2]. subst.
exists (seq 0 i). exists (repeat true i).
rewrite !repeat_length. split.
2:{ destruct in_dec; psimpl.
+ eapply repeat_spec in i0; congruence.
+ destruct lt_dec; try lia. psimpl.
generalize (le_refl i).
generalize i at 1 6 7.
induction i0 in i, H2 |- *.
+ cbn. econstructor.
+ rewrite seq_S. replace (S i0) with (i0 + 1) by lia.
rewrite repeat_app. cbn. econstructor.
* eapply IHi0. firstorder. lia.
* destruct in_dec.
-- eapply repeat_spec in i1; congruence.
-- rewrite repeat_length. destruct lt_dec; try lia.
* eapply H2. lia.
- intros (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
destruct in_dec; psimpl.
destruct lt_dec; psimpl. split. eauto.
assert (i <= length ans) as Hlen by lia. clear n0.
assert (x < length ans) by lia. clear Hlen H.
induction H1.
+ intros; cbn in *. lia.
+ intros; cbn in *.
destruct in_dec; psimpl.
destruct lt_dec; psimpl.
rewrite app_length in *. cbn in *.
assert (x = length ans \/ x < length ans) as [H3 | H3] by lia.
* subst.
destruct a; eauto.
destruct n. eapply in_app_iff; cbn; eauto.
* eapply IHinterrogation; eauto.
Computability of unbounded search -- note that R has to return false and cannot be undefined before finding n
Lemma computable_search I :
OracleComputable (fun R (i : I) n => R (i, n) true /\ forall m, m < n -> R (i, m) false).
exists (fun i l => ret (match list_find (fun b => b = true) l with Some (i, _) => inr i | _ => inl (i, length l) end)).
intros f i v. symmetry. split.
- intros (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
destruct list_find as [ [] | ] eqn:E; next.
inversion H1; subst.
+ cbn in E. congruence.
+ destruct (list_find (λ b : bool, b = true) ans0) as [ [] | ] eqn:E_; next.
rewrite list_find_app_r in E; eauto.
cbn in E. destruct (decide (a = true)); cbn in *; inversion E; subst; clear E.
split; eauto.
clear H1 H2.
set (n := length ans0).
assert (qs0 = map (pair i) (seq 0 n) /\ ans0 = repeat false n).
{ induction H.
- split; reflexivity.
- subst n. rewrite !app_length, repeat_app, seq_app, map_app.
cbn. eapply list_find_app_None in E_ as [E1 E2].
rewrite E1 in H0. next. cbn in E2. destruct (decide (a = true)); inversion E2.
destruct a; try congruence.
destruct IHinterrogation as [IH1 IH2]; eauto.
split; congruence.
subst n.
destruct H0 as [-> ->].
induction H.
* cbn. intros. lia.
* rewrite app_length. cbn.
rewrite repeat_length.
assert (m = length ans \/ m < length ans) as [-> | HH] by lia.
-- eapply list_find_app_None in E_ as [E1 E2].
rewrite E1 in H0. next. cbn in E2. destruct a; cbv in E2; inversion E2.
-- eapply IHinterrogation. eapply list_find_app_None in E_. firstorder.
now rewrite repeat_length.
- intros (Hv & Hl).
exists (map (pair i) (seq 0 (v + 1))), (repeat false v ++ [true]).
+ rewrite seq_app, map_app. econstructor.
* clear Hv.
induction v.
-- econstructor.
-- replace (S v) with (v + 1) by lia. rewrite seq_app, repeat_app, map_app.
cbn. econstructor; eauto.
rewrite list_find_repeat_not; try congruence.
rewrite repeat_length. psimpl.
* rewrite list_find_repeat_not; try congruence.
rewrite repeat_length. psimpl.
* eauto.
+ rewrite list_find_app_r.
2:{ rewrite list_find_repeat_not; try congruence. }
cbn. unfold decide, decide_rel. cbn. rewrite repeat_length. psimpl.
OracleComputable (fun R (i : I) n => R (i, n) true /\ forall m, m < n -> R (i, m) false).
exists (fun i l => ret (match list_find (fun b => b = true) l with Some (i, _) => inr i | _ => inl (i, length l) end)).
intros f i v. symmetry. split.
- intros (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
destruct list_find as [ [] | ] eqn:E; next.
inversion H1; subst.
+ cbn in E. congruence.
+ destruct (list_find (λ b : bool, b = true) ans0) as [ [] | ] eqn:E_; next.
rewrite list_find_app_r in E; eauto.
cbn in E. destruct (decide (a = true)); cbn in *; inversion E; subst; clear E.
split; eauto.
clear H1 H2.
set (n := length ans0).
assert (qs0 = map (pair i) (seq 0 n) /\ ans0 = repeat false n).
{ induction H.
- split; reflexivity.
- subst n. rewrite !app_length, repeat_app, seq_app, map_app.
cbn. eapply list_find_app_None in E_ as [E1 E2].
rewrite E1 in H0. next. cbn in E2. destruct (decide (a = true)); inversion E2.
destruct a; try congruence.
destruct IHinterrogation as [IH1 IH2]; eauto.
split; congruence.
subst n.
destruct H0 as [-> ->].
induction H.
* cbn. intros. lia.
* rewrite app_length. cbn.
rewrite repeat_length.
assert (m = length ans \/ m < length ans) as [-> | HH] by lia.
-- eapply list_find_app_None in E_ as [E1 E2].
rewrite E1 in H0. next. cbn in E2. destruct a; cbv in E2; inversion E2.
-- eapply IHinterrogation. eapply list_find_app_None in E_. firstorder.
now rewrite repeat_length.
- intros (Hv & Hl).
exists (map (pair i) (seq 0 (v + 1))), (repeat false v ++ [true]).
+ rewrite seq_app, map_app. econstructor.
* clear Hv.
induction v.
-- econstructor.
-- replace (S v) with (v + 1) by lia. rewrite seq_app, repeat_app, map_app.
cbn. econstructor; eauto.
rewrite list_find_repeat_not; try congruence.
rewrite repeat_length. psimpl.
* rewrite list_find_repeat_not; try congruence.
rewrite repeat_length. psimpl.
* eauto.
+ rewrite list_find_app_r.
2:{ rewrite list_find_repeat_not; try congruence. }
cbn. unfold decide, decide_rel. cbn. rewrite repeat_length. psimpl.
Computability of sequential execution (bind)
Lemma computable_bind A Q O' O I (F1: Rel Q A -> I -> O' -> Prop) F2 :
OracleComputable (I := I) F1 ->
OracleComputable (O := O) F2 ->
OracleComputable (fun f x z => exists y : O', F1 f x y /\ F2 f (x, y) z).
Proof using.
intros [tau1 H1] [tau2 H2].
eapply eOracleComputable_equiv.
eapply sOracleComputable_equiv.
exists (option (O' * nat)), None.
unshelve eexists.
{ intros r b l.
refine (match b with Some (y, n) => bind (tau2 (r, y) (drop n l)) (fun res => match res with inl q => ret (inl (Some (y, n), Some q)) | inr o => ret (inr o) end)
| None => bind (tau1 r l) (fun res => match res with inl q => ret (inl (None, Some q)) | inr y => ret (inl (Some (y, length l), None)) end) end).
} cbn.
setoid_rewrite H1. setoid_rewrite H2. clear. symmetry. split.
- intros (qs & ans & info & H1 & H2).
destruct info as [ [y n] | ]; simpl_assms.
all: destruct x0; simpl_assms.
exists y. rename R into f. rename x into i.
enough (n <= length ans /\ interrogation (tau1 i) f (take n qs) (take n ans) ∧ tau1 i (take n ans) =! inr y /\ interrogation (tau2 (i, y)) f (drop n qs) (drop n ans))
by firstorder. clear H.
generalize (eq_refl (@None (prod O' nat))).
revert H1. generalize (@None (prod O' nat)) at 2 3. intros none H1 Heqnone.
change (match Some (y,n) with Some (y, n) =>
n ≤ length ans ∧
interrogation (tau1 i) f (take n qs) (take n ans) ∧ tau1 i (take n ans) =! inr y /\ interrogation (tau2 (i, y)) f (drop n qs) (drop n ans)
| None =>
interrogation (tau1 i) f qs ans
revert H1. (generalize (Some (y, n))). intros.
induction H1 in Heqnone |- *.
+ subst. econstructor.
+ destruct e1' as [ [] | ]. psimpl. destruct x; psimpl.
psimpl. destruct x; psimpl. repeat split.
all: assert (length qs = length ans) as Hlen by (eapply sinterrogation_length; eauto).
* eauto.
* rewrite firstn_all. rewrite <- Hlen. rewrite firstn_all. eauto.
* rewrite firstn_all. eauto.
* rewrite !drop_all. rewrite <- Hlen. rewrite drop_all. econstructor.
+ destruct e1' as [ [] | ].
* simpl_assms. destruct x; simpl_assms. destruct IHsinterrogation as (IH1 & IH2 & IH3 & IH4). reflexivity.
assert (length qs = length ans) as Hlen by (eapply sinterrogation_length; eauto).
repeat split.
-- rewrite app_length; cbn. lia.
-- rewrite !take_app_le; try lia. eauto.
-- rewrite !take_app_le; try lia. eauto.
-- rewrite !drop_app_le; try lia. econstructor; eauto.
* simpl_assms. destruct x; simpl_assms.
- intros (y & (qs1 & ans1 & H1 & H1') & (qs2 & ans2 & H2 & H2')).
exists (qs1 ++ qs2).
exists (ans1 ++ ans2).
exists (Some (y, length qs1)). split.
2:{ assert (length qs1 = length ans1) as Hlen by (eapply interrogation_length; eauto).
psimpl. rewrite Hlen. rewrite drop_app. eauto. cbn. psimpl. }
eapply sinterrogation_app. instantiate (1 := None).
+ clear - H1.
induction H1.
* econstructor.
* econstructor 3; eauto. cbn. psimpl.
+ eapply sinterrogation_scons. psimpl. rewrite app_nil_r. eauto. cbn.
rewrite app_nil_r. cbn. psimpl.
assert (length qs1 = length ans1) as -> by (eapply interrogation_length; eauto).
clear - H2.
induction H2.
* econstructor.
* econstructor 3; eauto.
cbn. psimpl. rewrite drop_app. eauto. cbn. psimpl.
OracleComputable (I := I) F1 ->
OracleComputable (O := O) F2 ->
OracleComputable (fun f x z => exists y : O', F1 f x y /\ F2 f (x, y) z).
Proof using.
intros [tau1 H1] [tau2 H2].
eapply eOracleComputable_equiv.
eapply sOracleComputable_equiv.
exists (option (O' * nat)), None.
unshelve eexists.
{ intros r b l.
refine (match b with Some (y, n) => bind (tau2 (r, y) (drop n l)) (fun res => match res with inl q => ret (inl (Some (y, n), Some q)) | inr o => ret (inr o) end)
| None => bind (tau1 r l) (fun res => match res with inl q => ret (inl (None, Some q)) | inr y => ret (inl (Some (y, length l), None)) end) end).
} cbn.
setoid_rewrite H1. setoid_rewrite H2. clear. symmetry. split.
- intros (qs & ans & info & H1 & H2).
destruct info as [ [y n] | ]; simpl_assms.
all: destruct x0; simpl_assms.
exists y. rename R into f. rename x into i.
enough (n <= length ans /\ interrogation (tau1 i) f (take n qs) (take n ans) ∧ tau1 i (take n ans) =! inr y /\ interrogation (tau2 (i, y)) f (drop n qs) (drop n ans))
by firstorder. clear H.
generalize (eq_refl (@None (prod O' nat))).
revert H1. generalize (@None (prod O' nat)) at 2 3. intros none H1 Heqnone.
change (match Some (y,n) with Some (y, n) =>
n ≤ length ans ∧
interrogation (tau1 i) f (take n qs) (take n ans) ∧ tau1 i (take n ans) =! inr y /\ interrogation (tau2 (i, y)) f (drop n qs) (drop n ans)
| None =>
interrogation (tau1 i) f qs ans
revert H1. (generalize (Some (y, n))). intros.
induction H1 in Heqnone |- *.
+ subst. econstructor.
+ destruct e1' as [ [] | ]. psimpl. destruct x; psimpl.
psimpl. destruct x; psimpl. repeat split.
all: assert (length qs = length ans) as Hlen by (eapply sinterrogation_length; eauto).
* eauto.
* rewrite firstn_all. rewrite <- Hlen. rewrite firstn_all. eauto.
* rewrite firstn_all. eauto.
* rewrite !drop_all. rewrite <- Hlen. rewrite drop_all. econstructor.
+ destruct e1' as [ [] | ].
* simpl_assms. destruct x; simpl_assms. destruct IHsinterrogation as (IH1 & IH2 & IH3 & IH4). reflexivity.
assert (length qs = length ans) as Hlen by (eapply sinterrogation_length; eauto).
repeat split.
-- rewrite app_length; cbn. lia.
-- rewrite !take_app_le; try lia. eauto.
-- rewrite !take_app_le; try lia. eauto.
-- rewrite !drop_app_le; try lia. econstructor; eauto.
* simpl_assms. destruct x; simpl_assms.
- intros (y & (qs1 & ans1 & H1 & H1') & (qs2 & ans2 & H2 & H2')).
exists (qs1 ++ qs2).
exists (ans1 ++ ans2).
exists (Some (y, length qs1)). split.
2:{ assert (length qs1 = length ans1) as Hlen by (eapply interrogation_length; eauto).
psimpl. rewrite Hlen. rewrite drop_app. eauto. cbn. psimpl. }
eapply sinterrogation_app. instantiate (1 := None).
+ clear - H1.
induction H1.
* econstructor.
* econstructor 3; eauto. cbn. psimpl.
+ eapply sinterrogation_scons. psimpl. rewrite app_nil_r. eauto. cbn.
rewrite app_nil_r. cbn. psimpl.
assert (length qs1 = length ans1) as -> by (eapply interrogation_length; eauto).
clear - H2.
induction H2.
* econstructor.
* econstructor 3; eauto.
cbn. psimpl. rewrite drop_app. eauto. cbn. psimpl.
Computability of case analysis
Lemma computable_if A Q I O (F1: (Rel Q A) -> _ -> _ -> Prop) F2 test :
@OracleComputable Q A I O F1 ->
@OracleComputable Q A I O F2 ->
@OracleComputable _ _ _ _ (fun f (x : I) => if test x : bool then F1 f x else F2 f x).
Proof using.
intros [tau1 H1] [tau2 H2].
unshelve eexists. intros i.
destruct (test i). exact (tau1 i).
exact (tau2 i). intros. cbn. destruct test; cbn; eauto.
@OracleComputable Q A I O F1 ->
@OracleComputable Q A I O F2 ->
@OracleComputable _ _ _ _ (fun f (x : I) => if test x : bool then F1 f x else F2 f x).
Proof using.
intros [tau1 H1] [tau2 H2].
unshelve eexists. intros i.
destruct (test i). exact (tau1 i).
exact (tau2 i). intros. cbn. destruct test; cbn; eauto.
Computability of the identity
Lemma computable_ident Q A O :
@OracleComputable Q A O O (fun R x o => x = o).
eapply (computable_function (fun i => i)).
@OracleComputable Q A O O (fun R x o => x = o).
eapply (computable_function (fun i => i)).
Definition lastn {T} n (l : list T) :=
(skipn (length l - n) l).
Lemma lastn_S {T} n (l : list T) x :
lastn (S n) (l ++ [x]) = lastn n l ++ [x].
unfold lastn.
rewrite app_length. cbn.
replace (length l + 1 - S n) with (length l - n) by lia.
rewrite drop_app_le; eauto. lia.
Closure under composition
Lemma computable_comp A X Q Y I O (F1 : Rel Q A -> Rel X Y) (F2 : Rel X Y -> I -> O -> Prop) :
OracleComputable F1
-> OracleComputable F2
-> OracleComputable (fun r x => F2 (F1 r) x).
intros [t1 H1] [t2 H2].
eapply eOracleComputable_equiv.
eapply sOracleComputable_equiv.
eexists (list (X * Y) * option (X * nat))%type.
exists ([], None).
pose (t := fun i '(trace_F1_r, last_x_requested) ans_of_r =>
match last_x_requested with
| Some (x, n) => bind (t1 x (lastn n ans_of_r))
(λ res : Q + Y, match res with
| inl q => ret (inl (trace_F1_r, Some (x, S n), Some q))
| inr y => ret (inl (trace_F1_r ++ [(x, y)], None, None))
| None => bind (t2 i (map snd trace_F1_r))
(λ res : X + O, match res with
| inl x => ret (inl (trace_F1_r, Some (x, 0), None))
| inr o => ret (inr o)
exists t.
intros. setoid_rewrite H2. clear F2 H2. symmetry. split.
- intros (qs & ans & [ans' qs'] & Hint & Hend).
destruct qs' as [ [ ] | ]; unfold t in Hend; simpl_assms. destruct x1; simpl_assms.
destruct x0; simpl_assms.
rename R into f. rename x into i.
enough (interrogation (t2 i) (F1 f) (map fst ans') (map snd ans')).
firstorder. clear H.
enough (forall h, sinterrogation (t i) f qs ans ([], None) h ->
(interrogation (t2 i) (F1 f) (map fst (fst h))) (map snd (fst h)) /\
match snd h with
None => True
| Some (x, n) => t2 i (map snd (fst h)) =! inl x /\ interrogation (t1 x) f (lastn n qs) (lastn n ans)
{ eapply H in Hint. cbn in Hint. eapply Hint. }
clear - H1. intros h H.
remember ([], None) as e0.
revert Heqe0.
induction H; intros Heqe0.
+ subst. cbn. split; econstructor.
+ destruct IHsinterrogation as [IH1 IH2]; eauto.
destruct e1' as (qs_ans & [ (x & n) | ]); cbn in *.
* simpl_assms. destruct x0; simpl_assms. destruct IH2 as [IH2 IH3]. cbn.
split; eauto. rewrite !map_app. cbn.
econstructor; eauto.
eapply H1. eauto.
* psimpl. destruct x; simpl_assms.
unfold lastn. cbn.
repeat split; eauto.
rewrite !Nat.sub_0_r, !drop_all.
+ destruct IHsinterrogation as [IH1 IH2]; eauto.
destruct e1' as (qs_ans & [ (x & n) | ]); cbn in *.
* psimpl. destruct x0; psimpl.
rewrite !lastn_S.
* psimpl. destruct x; psimpl.
- intros (xs & ys & Hint & Hend).
rename x into i. rename R into f.
enough (∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A), sinterrogation (t i) f qs ans ([], None) (zip xs ys, None)).
{ firstorder. exists x, x0. eexists. split. eauto. cbn. psimpl.
rewrite snd_zip. eauto. eapply interrogation_length in Hint. lia.
cbn. psimpl. }
clear Hend. induction Hint; cbn.
+ exists [], []. econstructor.
+ rename qs into xs. rename ans into ys.
destruct IHHint as (qs & ans & IH).
rewrite zip_with_app. 2: eapply interrogation_length; eauto.
eapply H1 in H0 as (qs' & ans' & Hint' & Hend'). cbn.
exists (qs ++ qs'), (ans ++ ans').
assert (sinterrogation (t i) f qs ans ([], None) (zip xs ys, Some (q, 0))).
{ econstructor 2. eauto. cbn. psimpl. rewrite snd_zip. eauto.
eapply interrogation_length in Hint; lia. cbn.
eapply sinterrogation_app. eauto.
econstructor 2.
instantiate (1 := (zip xs ys, Some (q, length ans'))).
2:{ cbn. psimpl.
unfold lastn. rewrite app_length.
replace ((length ans + length ans' - length ans')) with (length ans) by lia.
rewrite drop_app. eauto.
cbn. psimpl.
clear - Hint'.
induction Hint'.
* econstructor.
* econstructor 3; eauto.
cbn. psimpl.
unfold lastn. rewrite app_length.
replace ((length ans + length ans0 - length ans0)) with (length ans) by lia.
rewrite drop_app. eauto.
cbn. eapply ret_hasvalue_iff. repeat f_equal.
rewrite app_length. cbn. lia.
OracleComputable F1
-> OracleComputable F2
-> OracleComputable (fun r x => F2 (F1 r) x).
intros [t1 H1] [t2 H2].
eapply eOracleComputable_equiv.
eapply sOracleComputable_equiv.
eexists (list (X * Y) * option (X * nat))%type.
exists ([], None).
pose (t := fun i '(trace_F1_r, last_x_requested) ans_of_r =>
match last_x_requested with
| Some (x, n) => bind (t1 x (lastn n ans_of_r))
(λ res : Q + Y, match res with
| inl q => ret (inl (trace_F1_r, Some (x, S n), Some q))
| inr y => ret (inl (trace_F1_r ++ [(x, y)], None, None))
| None => bind (t2 i (map snd trace_F1_r))
(λ res : X + O, match res with
| inl x => ret (inl (trace_F1_r, Some (x, 0), None))
| inr o => ret (inr o)
exists t.
intros. setoid_rewrite H2. clear F2 H2. symmetry. split.
- intros (qs & ans & [ans' qs'] & Hint & Hend).
destruct qs' as [ [ ] | ]; unfold t in Hend; simpl_assms. destruct x1; simpl_assms.
destruct x0; simpl_assms.
rename R into f. rename x into i.
enough (interrogation (t2 i) (F1 f) (map fst ans') (map snd ans')).
firstorder. clear H.
enough (forall h, sinterrogation (t i) f qs ans ([], None) h ->
(interrogation (t2 i) (F1 f) (map fst (fst h))) (map snd (fst h)) /\
match snd h with
None => True
| Some (x, n) => t2 i (map snd (fst h)) =! inl x /\ interrogation (t1 x) f (lastn n qs) (lastn n ans)
{ eapply H in Hint. cbn in Hint. eapply Hint. }
clear - H1. intros h H.
remember ([], None) as e0.
revert Heqe0.
induction H; intros Heqe0.
+ subst. cbn. split; econstructor.
+ destruct IHsinterrogation as [IH1 IH2]; eauto.
destruct e1' as (qs_ans & [ (x & n) | ]); cbn in *.
* simpl_assms. destruct x0; simpl_assms. destruct IH2 as [IH2 IH3]. cbn.
split; eauto. rewrite !map_app. cbn.
econstructor; eauto.
eapply H1. eauto.
* psimpl. destruct x; simpl_assms.
unfold lastn. cbn.
repeat split; eauto.
rewrite !Nat.sub_0_r, !drop_all.
+ destruct IHsinterrogation as [IH1 IH2]; eauto.
destruct e1' as (qs_ans & [ (x & n) | ]); cbn in *.
* psimpl. destruct x0; psimpl.
rewrite !lastn_S.
* psimpl. destruct x; psimpl.
- intros (xs & ys & Hint & Hend).
rename x into i. rename R into f.
enough (∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A), sinterrogation (t i) f qs ans ([], None) (zip xs ys, None)).
{ firstorder. exists x, x0. eexists. split. eauto. cbn. psimpl.
rewrite snd_zip. eauto. eapply interrogation_length in Hint. lia.
cbn. psimpl. }
clear Hend. induction Hint; cbn.
+ exists [], []. econstructor.
+ rename qs into xs. rename ans into ys.
destruct IHHint as (qs & ans & IH).
rewrite zip_with_app. 2: eapply interrogation_length; eauto.
eapply H1 in H0 as (qs' & ans' & Hint' & Hend'). cbn.
exists (qs ++ qs'), (ans ++ ans').
assert (sinterrogation (t i) f qs ans ([], None) (zip xs ys, Some (q, 0))).
{ econstructor 2. eauto. cbn. psimpl. rewrite snd_zip. eauto.
eapply interrogation_length in Hint; lia. cbn.
eapply sinterrogation_app. eauto.
econstructor 2.
instantiate (1 := (zip xs ys, Some (q, length ans'))).
2:{ cbn. psimpl.
unfold lastn. rewrite app_length.
replace ((length ans + length ans' - length ans')) with (length ans) by lia.
rewrite drop_app. eauto.
cbn. psimpl.
clear - Hint'.
induction Hint'.
* econstructor.
* econstructor 3; eauto.
cbn. psimpl.
unfold lastn. rewrite app_length.
replace ((length ans + length ans0 - length ans0)) with (length ans) by lia.
rewrite drop_app. eauto.
cbn. eapply ret_hasvalue_iff. repeat f_equal.
rewrite app_length. cbn. lia.
The relational layer can be dropped
Lemma Turing_reducible_without_rel X Y (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :
p ⪯ᴛ q <-> exists τ, forall x b, char_rel p x b ↔ (∃ qs ans, interrogation (τ x) (char_rel q) qs ans ∧ τ x (ans) =! Output b).
- intros [R [[τ Ht] HR]].
exists τ. intros. rewrite HR, Ht. reflexivity.
- intros [τ Ht].
exists (fun R x o => ∃ (qs : list Y) (ans : list bool), interrogation (τ x) R qs ans ∧ τ x (ans) =! Output o).
cbn. split.
+ exists τ. reflexivity.
+ eapply Ht.
Lemma Turing_refl {X} (p : X -> Prop) :
p ⪯ᴛ p.
exists (fun R => R). split. eapply computable_id.
Lemma Turing_transitive {X Y Z} {p : X -> Prop} (q : Y -> Prop) (r : Z -> Prop) :
p ⪯ᴛ q -> q ⪯ᴛ r -> p ⪯ᴛ r.
intros (r1 & Hr1 & H1) (r2 & Hr2 & H2).
exists (fun R => r1 (r2 R)). split.
- eapply computable_comp with (F2 := r1). eapply Hr2. eapply Hr1.
- intros. rewrite H1.
eapply (OracleComputable_extensional Hr1).
Definition join {X Y} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) xy :=
match xy with
| inl x => p x
| inr y => q y
Lemma Turing_upper_semi_lattice {X Y Z} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) (r : Z -> Prop) :
p ⪯ᴛ join p q /\ q ⪯ᴛ join p q /\ (p ⪯ᴛ r -> q ⪯ᴛ r -> join p q ⪯ᴛ r).
repeat split.
- eexists. split; cbn.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := inl).
eapply computable_id. reflexivity.
- eexists. split; cbn.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := inr).
eapply computable_id. reflexivity.
- intros (F1 & [tau1 Htau1] & H1') (F2 & [tau2 Htau2] & H2').
exists (fun R xy b => match xy with inl x => F1 R x b | inr y => F2 R y b end). split.
+ exists (fun xy l => match xy with inl x => tau1 x l | inr y => tau2 y l end). intros R [] o; cbn.
eapply Htau1.
eapply Htau2.
+ intros []; cbn; firstorder.
p ⪯ᴛ q <-> exists τ, forall x b, char_rel p x b ↔ (∃ qs ans, interrogation (τ x) (char_rel q) qs ans ∧ τ x (ans) =! Output b).
- intros [R [[τ Ht] HR]].
exists τ. intros. rewrite HR, Ht. reflexivity.
- intros [τ Ht].
exists (fun R x o => ∃ (qs : list Y) (ans : list bool), interrogation (τ x) R qs ans ∧ τ x (ans) =! Output o).
cbn. split.
+ exists τ. reflexivity.
+ eapply Ht.
Lemma Turing_refl {X} (p : X -> Prop) :
p ⪯ᴛ p.
exists (fun R => R). split. eapply computable_id.
Lemma Turing_transitive {X Y Z} {p : X -> Prop} (q : Y -> Prop) (r : Z -> Prop) :
p ⪯ᴛ q -> q ⪯ᴛ r -> p ⪯ᴛ r.
intros (r1 & Hr1 & H1) (r2 & Hr2 & H2).
exists (fun R => r1 (r2 R)). split.
- eapply computable_comp with (F2 := r1). eapply Hr2. eapply Hr1.
- intros. rewrite H1.
eapply (OracleComputable_extensional Hr1).
Definition join {X Y} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) xy :=
match xy with
| inl x => p x
| inr y => q y
Lemma Turing_upper_semi_lattice {X Y Z} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) (r : Z -> Prop) :
p ⪯ᴛ join p q /\ q ⪯ᴛ join p q /\ (p ⪯ᴛ r -> q ⪯ᴛ r -> join p q ⪯ᴛ r).
repeat split.
- eexists. split; cbn.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := inl).
eapply computable_id. reflexivity.
- eexists. split; cbn.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := inr).
eapply computable_id. reflexivity.
- intros (F1 & [tau1 Htau1] & H1') (F2 & [tau2 Htau2] & H2').
exists (fun R xy b => match xy with inl x => F1 R x b | inr y => F2 R y b end). split.
+ exists (fun xy l => match xy with inl x => tau1 x l | inr y => tau2 y l end). intros R [] o; cbn.
eapply Htau1.
eapply Htau2.
+ intros []; cbn; firstorder.
Turing reduction transports partial computability - relying on the evalt function from above
Lemma Turing_transports_computable_strong {Q A I O} F tau :
(∀ (R : Q → A → Prop) (x : I) (o : O), F R x o ↔ (∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A), interrogation (tau x) R qs ans ∧ tau x ans =! Output o)) ->
{F' | forall f R, pcomputes f R -> pcomputes (F' f) (F R)}.
intros H.
exists (fun f i => bind (mu (fun n => bind (evalt (tau i) f n) (fun res => match res with inl _ => ret false | inr _ => ret true end))) (fun n => bind (evalt (tau i) f n) (fun res => match res with inl _ => undef | inr o => ret o end))).
intros f R HfR. unfold pcomputes in *. intros.
rewrite H.
setoid_rewrite interrogation_ext.
2: reflexivity. 2:{ intros. split. intros hf % HfR. eapply hf. firstorder. }
setoid_rewrite interrogation_equiv_evalt.
rewrite !bind_hasvalue. split.
- intros (? & ? & ?). simpl_assms. destruct x1; simpl_assms.
- intros (n & Hn).
edestruct mu_ter.
2:{ exists x0. split. eauto.
eapply mu_hasvalue in H0 as [].
simpl_assms. destruct x1; psimpl.
eapply ret_hasvalue_iff.
assert (exists n, evalt (tau x) f n =! Output y) by eauto.
assert (exists n, evalt (tau x) f n =! Output o) by eauto.
eapply interrogation_equiv_evalt in H2, H3.
destruct H2 as (? & ? & H2 & ?).
destruct H3 as (? & ? & H3 & ?).
eapply interrogation_output_det with (τ := tau).
2: eapply H3. 3: eapply H2. all: eauto.
intros ?; intros. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto.
exists n. split. psimpl. intros.
unfold ter.
setoid_rewrite bind_hasvalue.
enough (∃ (a0 : Q + O), evalt (tau x) f x0 =! a0) as []. {
destruct x1; repeat eexists; psimpl.
clear H0.
eapply evalt_to_interrogation in Hn as (qs & ans & H1 & H2 & H3).
assert (x0 < length qs \/ length qs <= x0) as [|] by lia.
+ eapply interrogation_length in H2 as Hlen.
rewrite <- (take_drop x0 qs) in H2.
rewrite <- (take_drop x0 ans) in H2.
eapply interrogation_app_inv in H2 as [].
replace x0 with (length (take x0 qs) + 0). 2:{ rewrite firstn_length. lia. }
2:{ rewrite !skipn_length. lia. }
destruct (drop x0 qs) eqn:E.
{ eapply (f_equal length) in E. cbn in E. rewrite skipn_length in E. lia. }
destruct (drop x0 ans) eqn:E'.
{ eapply (f_equal length) in E'. cbn in E'. rewrite skipn_length in E'. lia. }
eapply (interrogation_app_inv [q] _ [a]) in H4 as [].
inversion H4.
assert (qs0 = nil /\ ans0 = nil) as [-> ->]. { eapply (f_equal length) in H6, H7. rewrite app_length in *; cbn in *. destruct qs0, ans0; cbn in *; try lia. eauto. }
inversion H6. inversion H7. subst.
eexists. eapply interrogation_plus. eauto.
cbn. psimpl.
eapply (f_equal length) in E, E'. rewrite !skipn_length in E, E'. cbn in *. lia.
+ eapply Nat.le_sum in H0 as (k & ->).
eexists. eapply interrogation_plus. eauto.
destruct k; cbn. psimpl. rewrite app_nil_r. eauto.
cbn. psimpl. psimpl.
rewrite app_nil_r. psimpl. cbn. psimpl.
Lemma Turing_transports_computable {Q A I O} F :
@OracleComputable Q A I O F ->
exists F', forall f R, pcomputes f R -> pcomputes (F' f) (F R).
intros [tau H].
destruct (Turing_transports_computable_strong F tau) as [F' ]; eauto.
(∀ (R : Q → A → Prop) (x : I) (o : O), F R x o ↔ (∃ (qs : list Q) (ans : list A), interrogation (tau x) R qs ans ∧ tau x ans =! Output o)) ->
{F' | forall f R, pcomputes f R -> pcomputes (F' f) (F R)}.
intros H.
exists (fun f i => bind (mu (fun n => bind (evalt (tau i) f n) (fun res => match res with inl _ => ret false | inr _ => ret true end))) (fun n => bind (evalt (tau i) f n) (fun res => match res with inl _ => undef | inr o => ret o end))).
intros f R HfR. unfold pcomputes in *. intros.
rewrite H.
setoid_rewrite interrogation_ext.
2: reflexivity. 2:{ intros. split. intros hf % HfR. eapply hf. firstorder. }
setoid_rewrite interrogation_equiv_evalt.
rewrite !bind_hasvalue. split.
- intros (? & ? & ?). simpl_assms. destruct x1; simpl_assms.
- intros (n & Hn).
edestruct mu_ter.
2:{ exists x0. split. eauto.
eapply mu_hasvalue in H0 as [].
simpl_assms. destruct x1; psimpl.
eapply ret_hasvalue_iff.
assert (exists n, evalt (tau x) f n =! Output y) by eauto.
assert (exists n, evalt (tau x) f n =! Output o) by eauto.
eapply interrogation_equiv_evalt in H2, H3.
destruct H2 as (? & ? & H2 & ?).
destruct H3 as (? & ? & H3 & ?).
eapply interrogation_output_det with (τ := tau).
2: eapply H3. 3: eapply H2. all: eauto.
intros ?; intros. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto.
exists n. split. psimpl. intros.
unfold ter.
setoid_rewrite bind_hasvalue.
enough (∃ (a0 : Q + O), evalt (tau x) f x0 =! a0) as []. {
destruct x1; repeat eexists; psimpl.
clear H0.
eapply evalt_to_interrogation in Hn as (qs & ans & H1 & H2 & H3).
assert (x0 < length qs \/ length qs <= x0) as [|] by lia.
+ eapply interrogation_length in H2 as Hlen.
rewrite <- (take_drop x0 qs) in H2.
rewrite <- (take_drop x0 ans) in H2.
eapply interrogation_app_inv in H2 as [].
replace x0 with (length (take x0 qs) + 0). 2:{ rewrite firstn_length. lia. }
2:{ rewrite !skipn_length. lia. }
destruct (drop x0 qs) eqn:E.
{ eapply (f_equal length) in E. cbn in E. rewrite skipn_length in E. lia. }
destruct (drop x0 ans) eqn:E'.
{ eapply (f_equal length) in E'. cbn in E'. rewrite skipn_length in E'. lia. }
eapply (interrogation_app_inv [q] _ [a]) in H4 as [].
inversion H4.
assert (qs0 = nil /\ ans0 = nil) as [-> ->]. { eapply (f_equal length) in H6, H7. rewrite app_length in *; cbn in *. destruct qs0, ans0; cbn in *; try lia. eauto. }
inversion H6. inversion H7. subst.
eexists. eapply interrogation_plus. eauto.
cbn. psimpl.
eapply (f_equal length) in E, E'. rewrite !skipn_length in E, E'. cbn in *. lia.
+ eapply Nat.le_sum in H0 as (k & ->).
eexists. eapply interrogation_plus. eauto.
destruct k; cbn. psimpl. rewrite app_nil_r. eauto.
cbn. psimpl. psimpl.
rewrite app_nil_r. psimpl. cbn. psimpl.
Lemma Turing_transports_computable {Q A I O} F :
@OracleComputable Q A I O F ->
exists F', forall f R, pcomputes f R -> pcomputes (F' f) (F R).
intros [tau H].
destruct (Turing_transports_computable_strong F tau) as [F' ]; eauto.
Transport of decidability -- which is equivalent to Markov's principle
Definition char_rel_fun {X Y} (f : X -> Y) := (fun x b => f x = b).
Lemma char_rel_fun_functional {X Y} (f : X -> Y) :
functional (char_rel_fun f).
firstorder congruence.
Lemma partial_total X Y (f : X ↛ Y) :
(forall x, (ter (f x))) -> { g : X -> Y | forall x, f x =! g x}.
intros H. unshelve eexists.
- intros x. specialize (H x). exact (eval H).
- intros x. cbn. eapply eval_hasvalue.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import DecidabilityFacts.
Lemma partial_decidable {X} (p : X -> Prop) (f : X ↛ bool) :
(forall x, ter (f x)) -> (forall x, f x =! true <-> p x) -> decidable p.
intros Hter He.
destruct (partial_total _ _ _ Hter) as [g Hg].
exists g. intros x. red. rewrite <- He. specialize (Hg x).
destruct (g x); firstorder. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto. congruence.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import principles Pigeonhole.
Lemma transport_decidable : forall X Y (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop),
MP ->
p ⪯ᴛ q -> decidable q -> decidable p.
intros X Y p q mp [F [Hc H]] [f Hf].
eapply Turing_transports_computable in Hc as [F' HF'].
specialize (HF' (fun x => ret (f x)) (char_rel q)).
cbn in *.
eapply (@Proper_decidable X) with (y := fun x => F (char_rel q) x true).
intros x. eapply (H x true).
unshelve epose proof (HF' _) as hF'.
+ intros x b. rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
specialize (Hf x). clear - Hf. destruct b, (f x); firstorder congruence.
+ eapply partial_decidable. 2:{ intros x. apply hF'. }
intros. eapply (MP_to_MP_partial mp). intros Hx.
ccase (p x) as [Hp | Hp].
-- eapply Hx. exists true. eapply hF'. now eapply (H _ true).
-- eapply Hx. exists false. eapply hF'. now eapply (H _ false).
Lemma bisemidecidable_Turing {X Y} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :
eq_dec X ->
semi_decidable p -> semi_decidable (fun x => ~ p x) ->
p ⪯ᴛ q.
intros HX [f Hf] [g Hg].
exists (fun R => char_rel p). split. 2: reflexivity.
exists (fun x _ =>
bind (mu_tot (fun n => f x n || g x n))
(fun n => ret (inr (f x n)))).
- intros H. exists [], []. split. econstructor.
destruct o.
+ eapply Hf in H as [n].
destruct (mu_tot_ter (f := fun n => f x n || g x n) (n := n)) as [m Hm]. 1: now rewrite H.
psimpl. eapply mu_tot_hasvalue in Hm as [Hm _].
destruct (f x m); try now psimpl.
cbn in *. exfalso. eapply Hg; eauto. eapply Hf; eauto.
+ eapply Hg in H as [n].
destruct (mu_tot_ter (f := fun n => f x n || g x n) (n := n)) as [m Hm]. 1: rewrite H;
rewrite orb_true_iff; eauto.
psimpl. eapply mu_tot_hasvalue in Hm as [Hm _].
destruct (f x m) eqn:E; try now psimpl.
cbn in *. exfalso. eapply Hg; eauto. eapply Hf; eauto.
- intros (_ & _ & _ & HH). psimpl. destruct (f x x0) eqn:E; psimpl.
+ eapply Hf. eauto.
+ eapply Hg. eapply mu_tot_hasvalue in H as [Hm _].
rewrite E in Hm. eauto.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import reductions.
Lemma red_m_impl_red_T {X Y} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :
p ⪯ₘ q -> p ⪯ᴛ q.
intros [f Hf].
exists (fun R x b => R (f x) b). split.
- eapply computable_precompose with (g := f).
eapply computable_id.
- cbn. intros ? []; firstorder.
Lemma decidable_Turing_MP :
(forall (p : nat -> Prop) (q : nat -> Prop), p ⪯ᴛ q -> decidable q -> decidable p) ->
intros H. eapply (Post_nempty_to_MP 0).
intros p ? ?.
eapply H with (q := fun x => True).
eapply bisemidecidable_Turing; eauto.
exists (fun _ => true). cbv. firstorder.
Definition stable {X} (p : X -> Prop) := forall x, ~~ p x -> p x.
Notation compl p := (fun x => ~ p x).
Lemma Turing_red_compl {X} (P : X -> Prop):
stable P -> P ⪯ᴛ compl P.
intros DN.
exists (fun R x b => R x (negb b)).
- eapply OracleComputable_ext. eapply computable_bind.
eapply computable_id.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := snd).
eapply computable_function with (f := negb).
cbn. firstorder subst. now destruct x; cbn in *.
exists (negb o). now destruct o; cbn in *.
- intros ? []; cbn; firstorder congruence.
Lemma compl_Turing_red {X} (P : X -> Prop):
stable P -> (compl P) ⪯ᴛ P.
intros DN.
exists (fun R x b => R x (negb b)).
- eapply OracleComputable_ext. eapply computable_bind.
eapply computable_id.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := snd).
eapply computable_function with (f := negb).
cbn. firstorder subst. now destruct x; cbn in *.
exists (negb o). now destruct o; cbn in *.
- intros ? []; cbn; firstorder congruence.
Lemma rev X (x0 : X) :
MP -> (forall P : X -> Prop, P ⪯ᴛ compl P) -> DNE.
intros mp H P HP.
specialize (H (fun _ => P)).
apply transport_decidable in H as [f Hf].
- specialize (Hf x0). cbn in Hf. clear mp. destruct (f x0); firstorder congruence.
- auto.
- exists (fun _ => false). clear - HP. firstorder congruence.
Lemma char_rel_fun_functional {X Y} (f : X -> Y) :
functional (char_rel_fun f).
firstorder congruence.
Lemma partial_total X Y (f : X ↛ Y) :
(forall x, (ter (f x))) -> { g : X -> Y | forall x, f x =! g x}.
intros H. unshelve eexists.
- intros x. specialize (H x). exact (eval H).
- intros x. cbn. eapply eval_hasvalue.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import DecidabilityFacts.
Lemma partial_decidable {X} (p : X -> Prop) (f : X ↛ bool) :
(forall x, ter (f x)) -> (forall x, f x =! true <-> p x) -> decidable p.
intros Hter He.
destruct (partial_total _ _ _ Hter) as [g Hg].
exists g. intros x. red. rewrite <- He. specialize (Hg x).
destruct (g x); firstorder. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto. congruence.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import principles Pigeonhole.
Lemma transport_decidable : forall X Y (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop),
MP ->
p ⪯ᴛ q -> decidable q -> decidable p.
intros X Y p q mp [F [Hc H]] [f Hf].
eapply Turing_transports_computable in Hc as [F' HF'].
specialize (HF' (fun x => ret (f x)) (char_rel q)).
cbn in *.
eapply (@Proper_decidable X) with (y := fun x => F (char_rel q) x true).
intros x. eapply (H x true).
unshelve epose proof (HF' _) as hF'.
+ intros x b. rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
specialize (Hf x). clear - Hf. destruct b, (f x); firstorder congruence.
+ eapply partial_decidable. 2:{ intros x. apply hF'. }
intros. eapply (MP_to_MP_partial mp). intros Hx.
ccase (p x) as [Hp | Hp].
-- eapply Hx. exists true. eapply hF'. now eapply (H _ true).
-- eapply Hx. exists false. eapply hF'. now eapply (H _ false).
Lemma bisemidecidable_Turing {X Y} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :
eq_dec X ->
semi_decidable p -> semi_decidable (fun x => ~ p x) ->
p ⪯ᴛ q.
intros HX [f Hf] [g Hg].
exists (fun R => char_rel p). split. 2: reflexivity.
exists (fun x _ =>
bind (mu_tot (fun n => f x n || g x n))
(fun n => ret (inr (f x n)))).
- intros H. exists [], []. split. econstructor.
destruct o.
+ eapply Hf in H as [n].
destruct (mu_tot_ter (f := fun n => f x n || g x n) (n := n)) as [m Hm]. 1: now rewrite H.
psimpl. eapply mu_tot_hasvalue in Hm as [Hm _].
destruct (f x m); try now psimpl.
cbn in *. exfalso. eapply Hg; eauto. eapply Hf; eauto.
+ eapply Hg in H as [n].
destruct (mu_tot_ter (f := fun n => f x n || g x n) (n := n)) as [m Hm]. 1: rewrite H;
rewrite orb_true_iff; eauto.
psimpl. eapply mu_tot_hasvalue in Hm as [Hm _].
destruct (f x m) eqn:E; try now psimpl.
cbn in *. exfalso. eapply Hg; eauto. eapply Hf; eauto.
- intros (_ & _ & _ & HH). psimpl. destruct (f x x0) eqn:E; psimpl.
+ eapply Hf. eauto.
+ eapply Hg. eapply mu_tot_hasvalue in H as [Hm _].
rewrite E in Hm. eauto.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import reductions.
Lemma red_m_impl_red_T {X Y} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) :
p ⪯ₘ q -> p ⪯ᴛ q.
intros [f Hf].
exists (fun R x b => R (f x) b). split.
- eapply computable_precompose with (g := f).
eapply computable_id.
- cbn. intros ? []; firstorder.
Lemma decidable_Turing_MP :
(forall (p : nat -> Prop) (q : nat -> Prop), p ⪯ᴛ q -> decidable q -> decidable p) ->
intros H. eapply (Post_nempty_to_MP 0).
intros p ? ?.
eapply H with (q := fun x => True).
eapply bisemidecidable_Turing; eauto.
exists (fun _ => true). cbv. firstorder.
Definition stable {X} (p : X -> Prop) := forall x, ~~ p x -> p x.
Notation compl p := (fun x => ~ p x).
Lemma Turing_red_compl {X} (P : X -> Prop):
stable P -> P ⪯ᴛ compl P.
intros DN.
exists (fun R x b => R x (negb b)).
- eapply OracleComputable_ext. eapply computable_bind.
eapply computable_id.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := snd).
eapply computable_function with (f := negb).
cbn. firstorder subst. now destruct x; cbn in *.
exists (negb o). now destruct o; cbn in *.
- intros ? []; cbn; firstorder congruence.
Lemma compl_Turing_red {X} (P : X -> Prop):
stable P -> (compl P) ⪯ᴛ P.
intros DN.
exists (fun R x b => R x (negb b)).
- eapply OracleComputable_ext. eapply computable_bind.
eapply computable_id.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := snd).
eapply computable_function with (f := negb).
cbn. firstorder subst. now destruct x; cbn in *.
exists (negb o). now destruct o; cbn in *.
- intros ? []; cbn; firstorder congruence.
Lemma rev X (x0 : X) :
MP -> (forall P : X -> Prop, P ⪯ᴛ compl P) -> DNE.
intros mp H P HP.
specialize (H (fun _ => P)).
apply transport_decidable in H as [f Hf].
- specialize (Hf x0). cbn in Hf. clear mp. destruct (f x0); firstorder congruence.
- auto.
- exists (fun _ => false). clear - HP. firstorder congruence.
Truth-table reducibility is included in Turing reducibility
Lemma truthtable_Turing {X Y} (p : X -> Prop) (q : Y -> Prop) : (forall y, q y \/ ¬ q y) ->
reductions.red_tt p q -> p ⪯ᴛ q.
intros dq [f Hf]. red in Hf.
exists (fun R x b => exists L : list bool, List.Forall2 R (projT1 (f x)) L /\
(truthtables.eval_tt (projT2 (f x)) L = b)).
- clear dq. cbn.
exists (fun x l => match nth_error (projT1 (f x)) (length l) with
| Some a => ret (Ask a)
| None => ret (inr (truthtables.eval_tt (projT2 (f x)) (l)))
intros R x o. split.
+ intros (L & H1 & <-). exists (projT1 (f x)). exists L. split.
2:{ eapply Forall2_length in H1.
rewrite <- H1.
edestruct nth_error_None as [_ H].
rewrite H. 2: lia.
eapply ret_hasvalue.
assert (prefix (projT1 (f x)) (projT1 (f x))) by eauto.
revert H.
revert H1. generalize (projT1 (f x)) at 1 2 5.
induction L using rev_ind; intros.
* inversion H1. econstructor.
* destruct l using rev_ind. eapply Forall2_length in H1. rewrite app_length in H1.
cbn in H1. lia. clear IHl.
eapply Forall2_app_inv in H1 as [].
2:{ eapply Forall2_length in H1; rewrite !app_length in H1. cbn in *. lia. }
inversion H1; subst.
{ eapply IHL; eauto. destruct H as [ll]. exists (x1 :: ll).
rewrite H. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
destruct H as [ll ->].
eapply Forall2_length in H0. rewrite <- H0.
rewrite nth_error_app1. 2: rewrite app_length; cbn; lia.
rewrite nth_error_app2. 2: lia. rewrite minus_diag. cbn. psimpl.
+ intros (qs & ans & H1 & H2).
eapply interrogation_length in H1 as Hlen. rewrite <- Hlen in H2.
destruct nth_error eqn:E; psimpl.
exists ans. split; eauto.
eapply nth_error_None in E.
enough (Forall2 R (take (length qs) (projT1 (f x))) ans). { rewrite firstn_all2 in H. eauto. eauto. }
clear - H1. induction H1.
* econstructor.
* rewrite app_length. cbn.
destruct nth_error eqn:E; psimpl.
eapply interrogation_length in H1 as Hlen.
rewrite <- Hlen in E.
rewrite <- (firstn_skipn (length qs) (projT1 (f x))).
rewrite firstn_app.
rewrite take_length.
assert (length qs < length (projT1 (f x))). eapply nth_error_Some. rewrite E. congruence.
rewrite Nat.min_l. 2: lia.
rewrite firstn_all2.
2:{ rewrite take_length. lia. }
enough (take (length qs + 1 - length qs) (drop (length qs) (projT1 (f x))) = [q]) as ->.
eapply Forall2_app; eauto.
replace (length qs + 1 - length qs) with 1 by lia.
rewrite <- (firstn_skipn (length qs) (projT1 (f x)) ) in E.
rewrite nth_error_app2 in E.
2: rewrite take_length; lia.
rewrite take_length in E. rewrite Nat.min_l in E. 2: lia.
rewrite minus_diag in E.
destruct drop; cbn in *; try congruence.
inversion E. subst. rewrite take_0. reflexivity.
- cbn. intros x b. split.
+ intros.
enough (exists L, Forall2 reflects L (map q (projT1 (f x)))) as [L HL].
{ exists L. split.
- revert HL. generalize (projT1 (f x)). induction L; cbn in *; intros.
+ destruct l; cbn in *; inversion HL. econstructor.
+ destruct l; cbn in *; inversion HL. subst. econstructor.
eapply reflects_iff; eauto.
- eapply Hf in HL.
unfold reflects in *.
destruct b; try firstorder congruence.
cbn in *.
rewrite HL in H.
destruct truthtables.eval_tt; firstorder congruence.
clear - dq.
induction (projT1 (f x)).
* exists []. econstructor.
* destruct IHl as [L IH].
destruct (dq a) as [Ha | Ha].
-- exists (true :: L). econstructor; eauto.
firstorder congruence.
-- exists (false :: L). econstructor; eauto.
firstorder congruence.
+ clear dq. intros (L & IL & HL).
eapply reflects_iff. unfold reflects. unfold reflects in *.
rewrite Hf, <- HL.
eapply Forall2_fmap_r, Forall2_flip, Forall2_impl. 2: eauto.
intros. cbn in *. eapply reflects_iff. eauto.
The halting problem is Turing reducible to its (hypersimple) index set, distinguishing Turing reducibility from truth-table reducibility
From SyntheticComputability Require Import hypersimple_construction.
Lemma non_finite_to {p : nat -> Prop} (f : nat -> nat) :
Inj (=) (=) f ->
~ exhaustible p ->
forall z, ~~ exists x, p x /\ f x >= z.
intros Hf Hp. intros z.
assert (~~ exists L, forall x, In x L <-> f x < z). {
clear - Hf.
induction z.
- cprove exists []. firstorder lia.
- cunwrap. destruct IHz as (L & HL).
ccase (exists x, f x = z) as [[x H] | H].
+ cprove exists (x :: L). cbn. intros y. rewrite HL.
firstorder subst. lia. lia.
ccase (f y < f x) as [H | H].
eauto. left. eapply Hf. lia.
+ cprove exists L. intros y. rewrite HL.
split. intros. lia.
intros. assert (f y = z \/ f y < z) as [ | ] by lia.
firstorder. lia.
cunwrap. destruct H as (L & HL).
intros H. apply Hp. exists L.
intros x Hx. eapply HL.
cstart. intros Hfx.
apply H. exists x. split. eauto. lia.
Lemma size_ind {X : Type} (f : X -> nat) (P : X -> Prop) :
(forall x, (forall y, f y < f x -> P y) -> P x) -> forall x, P x.
intros H x. apply H.
induction (f x).
- intros y. lia.
- intros y. intros [] % le_lt_or_eq.
+ apply IHn; lia.
+ apply H. injection H0. now intros ->.
Lemma neg_neg_least {X} p (f : X -> nat) :
(~~ exists x, p x (f x)) -> ~~ exists x, p x (f x) /\ forall y, p y (f y) -> f x <= f y.
intros H. cunwrap. destruct H as (x & Hx).
revert Hx. pattern x. eapply size_ind with (f := f). clear. intros x IH H.
destruct (f x) eqn:E.
- cprove exists x. split. congruence. intros. rewrite E. lia.
- ccase (exists y, f y <= n /\ p y (f y)) as [Hf | Hf].
+ destruct Hf as (y & H1 & H2).
eapply IH in H2. 2: lia. cunwrap.
destruct H2 as (x' & Hx' & Hx'').
cprove exists x'. split. eauto. firstorder.
+ cprove exists x. split. rewrite E. eauto. intros.
cstart. intros Hx. apply Hf. exists y. split; eauto. lia.
Unshelve. eapply Nat.le_dec.
Lemma non_finite_to_least {p : nat -> Prop} (f : nat -> nat) :
Inj (=) (=) f ->
~ exhaustible p ->
forall z, ~~ exists x, p x /\ f x >= z /\ forall y, p y /\ f y >= z -> f x <= f y.
intros Hf Hp. intros z.
assert (~~ exists L, forall x, In x L <-> f x < z). {
clear - Hf.
induction z.
- cprove exists []. firstorder lia.
- cunwrap. destruct IHz as (L & HL).
ccase (exists x, f x = z) as [[x H] | H].
+ cprove exists (x :: L). cbn. intros y. rewrite HL.
firstorder subst. lia. lia.
ccase (f y < f x) as [H | H].
eauto. left. eapply Hf. lia.
+ cprove exists L. intros y. rewrite HL.
split. intros. lia.
intros. assert (f y = z \/ f y < z) as [ | ] by lia.
firstorder. lia.
cunwrap. destruct H as (L & HL).
intros H. apply Hp. exists L.
intros x Hx. eapply HL.
cstart. intros Hfx. eapply neg_neg_least with (p := fun x fx => p x /\ f x >= z). cprove exists x. split. eauto. lia.
intros (x' & [] & Hx''). apply H. exists x'. split. eauto. split. eauto.
intros ? []. eapply Hx''. firstorder.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import reductions ReducibilityFacts EnumerabilityFacts.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import ListAutomation.
Lemma computable_Dec Q A I (P : I -> Prop) :
(forall i, dec (P i)) -> OracleComputable (fun (R : Rel Q A) i o => reflects o (P i)).
intros D.
eapply OracleComputable_ext. eapply computable_if with (test := fun i => D i).
eapply computable_ret with (v := true). eapply computable_ret with (v := false). cbn.
intros. destruct (D i), o; cbn; firstorder congruence.
Section HS.
Import Coq.Init.Nat.
Variable I : nat -> Prop.
Variable E_I: nat -> nat.
Variable E_I_injective: injective E_I.
Variable E_I_enum: strong_enumerator E_I I.
Variable I_undec: ~ decidable I.
Lemma I_iff:
∀ z x : nat, ¬ HS E_I x → E_I x > z → I z ↔ In z (map E_I (seq 0 (x + 1))).
intros z x Hcx Hxz.
* intros [n Hn] % E_I_enum. eapply in_map_iff. eexists. split. eauto.
eapply in_seq. split. lia. cstart. intros HH. apply Hcx. exists n. split.
lia. lia.
* intros (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff. subst. eapply E_I_enum. eauto.
Lemma red : DNE -> I ⪯ᴛ HS E_I.
intros dne.
exists (fun R z b => exists x, R x false /\ E_I x > z /\ (forall x', x' < x -> (R x' true \/ R x' false /\ E_I x' <= z)) /\ reflects b (In z (map E_I (seq 0 (x + 1))))).
cbn. split.
2:{ intros z b. cbn.
+ intros Hz. eapply dne.
pose proof (non_finite_to_least E_I_injective (@HS_co_infinite I E_I I_undec) (z := S z)).
cunwrap. destruct H as (x & Hcx & Hzx & Hleast). cprove exists x.
split. eauto. split. lia. split.
{ intros. eapply dne. ccase (HS E_I x') as [Hx' | Hx']. eauto. cprove right.
split. eauto. assert (E_I x' >= S z \/ E_I x' <= z) as [] by lia; try lia.
exfalso. unshelve epose proof (Hleast x' _). eauto.
assert (E_I x < E_I x' \/ E_I x = E_I x') as [] by lia.
2: eapply E_I_injective in H2; lia.
eapply Hx'. exists x. eauto.
eapply reflects_iff in Hz. unfold reflects in *.
rewrite <- I_iff; eauto.
+ intros.
destruct H as (x & Hcx & Hxz & Hle & Hb).
setoid_rewrite reflects_iff. unfold reflects in *.
rewrite I_iff; eauto.
eapply OracleComputable_ext.
eapply computable_bind with (O' := nat).
refine (computable_comp _ (nat * nat) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
2: eapply computable_search. 3: cbn.
eapply computable_bind.
eapply computable_precompose with (g := snd).
eapply computable_id. 3: cbn.
eapply computable_Dec with (P := fun '(i, b) => (b = false /\ E_I (snd i) > ((fst i)))).
intros []. exact _.
eapply computable_Dec with (P := fun i => (@In nat (fst i) (@map nat nat E_I (seq 0 (snd i + 1))))).
intros. exact _. cbn. intros.
- intros H. decompose [ex and] H. subst.
eapply reflects_iff in H4 as []. subst.
eexists. split. 2: split. 3: split.
all: eauto. intros ? ? % H3.
decompose [ex and] H1. eapply reflects_iff in H7. destruct x0; eauto.
right. split. eauto. lia.
- intros. decompose [ex and] H. eexists. split. split. eexists. split. 2: eapply reflects_iff. 2: split.
all: eauto.
intros. eapply H2 in H3. destruct H3 as [ | []].
+ exists true. split. eauto. eapply reflects_false. clear. firstorder congruence.
+ exists false. split; eauto. eapply reflects_false. lia.
End HS.
End part.
Notation "P ⪯ᴛ Q" := (red_Turing P Q) (at level 50).
Search evalt.