From SyntheticComputability Require Import ArithmeticalHierarchySemantic reductions SemiDec TuringJump OracleComputability Definitions.
Require Import SyntheticComputability.Synthetic.DecidabilityFacts.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.FinitenessFacts.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.Pigeonhole.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.ListAutomation.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import partial Dec.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
From stdpp Require Export list.
Import PartialTactics.

Notation "'Σ' x .. y , p" :=
  (sigT (fun x => .. (sigT (fun y => p)) ..))
      (at level 200, x binder, right associativity,
      format "'[' 'Σ' '/ ' x .. y , '/ ' p ']'")
  : type_scope.

Definition inf_forall (P: nat -> Prop) := exists n, forall m, n m P m.
  Notation "'∞∀' x .. y , p" :=
    (inf_forall (fun x => .. (inf_forall (fun y => p)) ..))
        (at level 200, x binder, right associativity,
        format "'[' '∞∀' '/ ' x .. y , '/ ' p ']'")
    : type_scope.

Lemma list_cons_or {X} (A B: list X) a :
    A `prefix_of` B ++ [a] A `prefix_of` B A = B ++ [a].
  induction A in B |-*; intros.
  { left. eapply prefix_nil. }
  destruct B.
  { right. list_simplifier.
  set (H' := H).
  apply prefix_cons_inv_2, prefix_nil_inv in H' as ->.
  by apply prefix_cons_inv_1 in H as ->. }
  set (H' := H).
  apply prefix_cons_inv_2 in H'.
  apply prefix_cons_inv_1 in H as ->.
  destruct (IHA _ H') as [h1 | ->].
  + left. by eapply prefix_cons.
  + by right.

Section Step_Eval.

  Context {Part : partiality}.
  Context {Q A O: Type}.
  Definition tree := (list A) (Q + O).

  Print red_Turing.

  Definition red_Turing' (X Y : Type) (p : X Prop) (q : Y Prop) :=
     r : Functional Y bool X bool, OracleComputable r
       ( (x : X) (b : bool), char_rel p x b -> r (char_rel q) x b).

  Lemma red_Turing_equive (X Y : Type) (p : X Prop) (q : Y Prop):
    definite p red_Turing p q red_Turing' p q.
    intros H. split.
    - intros [r [Hr1 Hr2]]. exists r; split; eauto.
      intros x b Hxb. by apply Hr2.
    - intros [r [Hr1 Hr2]]. exists r; split; eauto.
      intros x b.
      assert (functional (r (char_rel q))).
      apply OracleComputable_functional; eauto.
      apply char_rel_functional.
      specialize (H0 x).
      split. by apply Hr2.
      intros Hr. destruct b.
      destruct (H x); first done.
      specialize (Hr2 x false H1).
      destruct (H x); last done.
      specialize (Hr2 x true H1).

  Notation Ask q := (inl q).
  Notation Output o := (inr o).

  Lemma prefix_lookup_Some {X} (l1 l2: list X)i x :
  l1 !! i = Some x l1 `prefix_of` l2 l2 !! i = Some x.
  Proof. intros ? [k ->]. rewrite lookup_app_l; eauto using lookup_lt_Some. Qed.

  Lemma prefix_length_eq {X} (l1 l2: list X) :
    l1 `prefix_of` l2 length l2 length l1 l1 = l2.
    intros Hprefix Hlen. assert (length l1 = length l2).
    { apply prefix_length in Hprefix. lia. }
    eapply list_eq_same_length with (length l1); [done..|].
    intros i x y _ ??. assert (l2 !! i = Some x) by eauto using prefix_lookup_Some.

  Lemma interrogation_le_eq (q: Q) (a: A) (τ: tree) R use use' ans ans' v :
    functional R
    interrogation τ R use ans τ ans =! Output v
    interrogation τ R use' ans' τ ans' =! Output v
    length use length use'
    use = use'.
    intros funR H1 H1a H2 H2a E.
    specialize (interrogation_det _ _ _ _ _ _ funR H1 H2 E) as [HE1 HE2].
    enough (length use' length use).
    { eapply prefix_length_eq; eauto. }
    enough (¬ length use < length use') by lia. intros H.
    unshelve rewrite (interrogation_quantifiers) in H2; eauto.
    destruct H2 as (H11&H12).
    assert (length ans < length ans') as H'.
    { unshelve rewrite (interrogation_quantifiers) in H1; eauto.
    destruct H1 as [-> _]. lia. } induction HE2 as [sth Hs].
    destruct (H12 _ H') as [H12' _]. rewrite Hs in H12'.
    rewrite take_app in H12'.
    specialize (hasvalue_det H12' H1a). congruence.

  Lemma interrogation_eq (q: Q) (a: A) (τ: tree) R use use' ans ans' v :
    functional R
    interrogation τ R use ans τ ans =! Output v
    interrogation τ R use' ans' τ ans' =! Output v
    use = use'.
    intros funR H1 H1a H2 H2a.
    assert (length use length use' length use' length use) as [E|E] by lia.
    eapply interrogation_le_eq; eauto.
    symmetry. eapply interrogation_le_eq; eauto.

  Fixpoint evalt_comp (τ : tree) (f : Q A) (step depth: nat): option (Q + O) :=
    match (seval (τ []) depth) with
    | Some x =>
      match step, x with
      | 0, Ask q => Some (Ask q)
      | S n, Ask q => evalt_comp (λ l, τ (f q :: l)) f n depth
      | _, Output o => Some (Output o)
    | None => None

  Fact evalt_comp_tail (τ: tree) f m ans v:
    seval (τ (ans ++ [])) m = Some (Output v)
    evalt_comp (λ l' : list A, τ (ans ++ l')) f 0 m = Some (Output v) .
    intros H. cbn; destruct (seval (τ (ans ++ [])) m) eqn: E; last done.
    destruct s; done.

  Lemma evalt_comp_ext (τ τ': tree) f n m:
      ( l n, seval (τ l) n = seval (τ' l) n)
      evalt_comp τ f n m = evalt_comp τ' f n m.
    intro Heq; induction n in τ, τ', Heq |- *; cbn.
    - by rewrite <- Heq.
    - rewrite <- Heq.
      destruct (seval (A:=Q + O) (τ []) m); eauto.
      destruct s; eauto.

  Lemma interrogation_ter (τ: tree) f l lv v:
      interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) l lv τ lv =! v
       m, ans_, ans_ `prefix_of` lv v, seval (τ ans_) m = Some v.
    intros H1 H2.
    induction H1 in H2, v |-*.
    - rewrite seval_hasvalue in H2.
      destruct H2 as [m Hm]. exists m.
      intros ans_ Hans_. exists v.
      apply prefix_nil_inv in Hans_.
      rewrite Hans_. easy.
    - rewrite seval_hasvalue in H2.
      destruct H2 as [m Hm].
      destruct (IHinterrogation (Ask q) H) as [m' Hm'].
      exists (max m m').
      intros ans_ Hans_.
      destruct (list_cons_or Hans_) as [h| ->].
      + destruct (Hm' ans_ h) as [v' Hv'].
      exists v'. eapply seval_mono.
      eauto. lia.
      + exists v. eapply seval_mono; [eauto| lia].

Basic property of evalt_comp

  Lemma evalt_comp_depth_mono (τ: tree) f n m o:
      evalt_comp τ f n m = Some o
       m', m m' evalt_comp τ f n m' = Some o.
    intros H m' Hm'.
    induction n in H, τ, o |-*; cbn in *.
    - destruct (seval (A:=Q + O) (τ []) m) eqn: E; try congruence.
      assert (seval (A:=Q + O) (τ []) m' = (Some s)) as ->.
      eapply seval_mono. exact E. lia. done.
    - destruct (seval (A:=Q + O) (τ []) m) eqn: E; last congruence.
      assert (seval (A:=Q + O) (τ []) m' = Some s) as ->.
      eapply seval_mono. exact E. lia.
      destruct s. by apply IHn. exact H.

  Lemma interrogation_plus_evalt_comp (τ: tree) f n m l lv v2:
      interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) l lv
      ( ans_, ans_ `prefix_of` lv -> v, seval (τ ans_) m = Some v)
      evalt_comp (λ l', τ (lv ++ l')) f n m = Some v2
      evalt_comp τ f (length l + n) m = Some v2.
    intros H H1. split; revert n; dependent induction H; try eauto.
    - intros. cbn -[evalt]. rewrite app_length. cbn -[evalt].
      replace (length qs + 1 + n) with (length qs + (S n)) by lia.
      eapply IHinterrogation. intros; apply H2.
      etransitivity. exact H4. by eapply prefix_app_r.
      cbn. rewrite app_nil_r.
      destruct (H2 ans); first by eapply prefix_app_r.
      assert (exists m, sevalans) m = Some x).
      by exists m. rewrite <- seval_hasvalue in H5.
      assert (x = Ask q). { eapply hasvalue_det; eauto. }
      rewrite H4, H6, H1, <- H3. eapply evalt_comp_ext.
      intros; by list_simplifier.
    - intros. rewrite app_length in H3. cbn in H3.
      replace (length qs + 1 + n) with (length qs + (S n)) in H3 by lia.
      eapply IHinterrogation in H3.
      2: { intros; apply H2. etransitivity. exact H4.
      by eapply prefix_app_r. }
      cbn in H3. rewrite app_nil_r in H3.
      destruct (H2 ans); first by eapply prefix_app_r.
      assert (exists m, sevalans) m = Some x) by by exists m.
      rewrite <- seval_hasvalue in H5.
      assert (x = Ask q). { eapply hasvalue_det; eauto. }
      rewrite H4, H6, H1 in H3.
      rewrite <- H3. eapply evalt_comp_ext.
      intros; by list_simplifier.

  Lemma interrogation_plus_evalt_comp_1 (τ: tree) f n m l lv v:
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) l lv
    evalt_comp τ f (length l + n) m = Some v
    evalt_comp (λ l', τ (lv ++ l')) f n m = Some v.
    intros H. revert n; dependent induction H; try eauto.
    intros. rewrite app_length in H2. cbn in H2.
    replace (length qs + 1 + n) with (length qs + (S n)) in H2 by lia.
    eapply IHinterrogation in H2.
    cbn in H2. rewrite app_nil_r in H2.
    destruct (sevalans) m) eqn: E; last done.
    destruct s.
    2: { exfalso. enough (Output o = Ask q) by done.
    eapply hasvalue_det; eauto.
    eapply seval_hasvalue. by exists m. }
    rewrite <- H2. eapply evalt_comp_ext.
    assert (q = q0) as [=<-].
    { assertans =! Ask q0) by (eapply seval_hasvalue; by exists m).
      by specialize (hasvalue_det H0 H3) as [=<-]. }
    intros l_ n_. rewrite H1.
    by replace ((ans ++ [a]) ++ l_) with (ans ++ a :: l_) by by list_simplifier.

  Lemma evalt_comp_step_mono' τ f n m o:
    evalt_comp τ f n m = Some (Output o)
    evalt_comp τ f (S n) m = Some (Output o) .
    induction n in o, τ |-*.
    - cbn. destruct (seval[]) m); last done.
      by destruct s.
    - intros H. cbn in H.
      cbn. destruct (seval[]) m); last done.
      destruct s; last done.
      apply (IHn _ _ H).

  Lemma evalt_comp_step_mono'' τ f n m o:
    evalt_comp τ f n m = Some (Output o)
     n', n n' evalt_comp τ f n' m = Some (Output o) .
    intros H n' Hn'.
    induction Hn'; first done.
    by eapply evalt_comp_step_mono'.

  Lemma evalt_comp_step_mono (τ: tree) f qs ans o:
      interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) qs ans
      τ ans =! Output o
       depth step, g, interrogation τ (λ x y, g x = y) qs ans
       n', step n' evalt_comp τ g n' depth = Some (Output o).
    intros H1 H2.
    destruct (interrogation_ter H1 H2) as [step Hstep].
    exists step. exists (length qs). intros g Hg n' Hn'.
    assert (exists v, sevalans) step = Some v) as [v Hv].
    { eapply Hstep; naive_solver. }
    assert (v = Output o).
    { eapply hasvalue_det; [|eapply H2]. rewrite seval_hasvalue. eauto. }
    eapply Nat.le_exists_sub in Hn' as [k [-> _]].
    rewrite Nat.add_comm.
    eapply interrogation_plus_evalt_comp; eauto.
    induction k. all: cbn; rewrite app_nil_r; by rewrite Hv, H.

  Lemma evalt_comp_oracle_approx (τ: tree) f l lv v:
      interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) l lv
      τ lv =! v
       step depth, g, interrogation τ (λ x y, g x = y) l lv
      evalt_comp τ g step depth = Some v.
    intros H1 h2.
    destruct (interrogation_ter H1 h2) as [step Hstep].
    exists (length l + 0), step.
    intros. eapply interrogation_plus_evalt_comp; eauto.
    cbn. rewrite app_nil_r.
    destruct (Hstep lv) as [v' Hv']; first done.
    assert ( k, seval (A:=Q + O) (τ lv) k = Some v') by by exists step.
    rewrite <- seval_hasvalue in H0.
    assert (v' = v) by by eapply hasvalue_det.
    rewrite Hv', H2. by destruct v.

  Lemma interrogation_evalt_comp_limit (τ: tree) f l lv v:
      (∞∀ k, interrogation τ (λ x y, f k x = y) l lv)
      τ lv =! Output v
      ∞∀ n, evalt_comp τ (f n) n n = Some (Output v).
    intros [k h1] h2.
    assert (interrogation τ (λ x y, f k x = y) l lv) as H.
    apply h1. lia.
    destruct (evalt_comp_oracle_approx H h2) as (a & b & Hab).
    exists (max b (max a k)).
    intros n Hn. eapply evalt_comp_depth_mono.
    eapply evalt_comp_step_mono''.
    eapply (Hab (f n)); eauto. eapply h1.
    all: lia.

  Lemma evalt_comp_to_interrogation (τ : tree) (f : Q A) o n depth:
      eq_dec O eq_dec Q
      (Σ qs ans, evalt_comp τ f n depth = Some (Output o)
      length qs n interrogation τ (λ q a, f q = a) qs ans τ ans =! Output o)
      (evalt_comp τ f n depth Some (Output o)).
    intros eq_dec_O eq_dec_Q.
    destruct (Dec (evalt_comp τ f n depth = Some (Output o))) as [H|H]; last by right.
    left. induction n in τ, H |- *.
    * cbn in *. destruct (seval[]) depth) eqn: E.
      exists [], []. repeat split; eauto. econstructor.
      destruct s. congruence. rewrite seval_hasvalue.
      by exists depth; injection H as ->. congruence.
    * cbn in *. destruct (seval[]) depth) eqn: E; try congruence.
      destruct s; try congruence.
      - eapply (IHn (λ l, τ (f q :: l))) in H as (qs & ans & H3 & H1 & H2 & H').
        exists (q :: qs), (f q :: ans). split; last split; eauto. cbn; lia. repeat split.
        eapply interrogation_app with (q1 := [q]) (a1 := [f q]).
        eapply Interrogate with (qs := []) (ans := []); eauto. econstructor.
        rewrite seval_hasvalue. by exists depth.
        eauto. eauto.
      - exists [], []. repeat split; try split; cbn. easy. lia. eauto. econstructor.
        rewrite seval_hasvalue.
        by exists depth; injection H as ->.

  (* Lemma evalt_comp_step (τ: tree) f n m v qs ans q:
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) qs ans →
    length qs = n →
    τ ans =! Ask q →
    evalt_comp τ f n m = Some (Ask q) ∧ seval (τ (f q::ans)) m = Some v →
    evalt_comp τ f (S n) m = Some v.
    intros HIn HE Hans H1 H2.
    rewrite <- HE in *.
    replace (length qs) with (length qs + 0) in H1 by lia.
    eapply interrogation_plus_evalt_comp_1 in H1; last done.
    induction HIn.
    - simpl in *. admit.
    - admit.
  Admitted. *)

  Fact sub_tree (τ: tree) f use ans ans_:
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use ans
    ans_ `prefix_of` ans
     use_ : list Q, interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use_ ans_
      length use_ = length ans_.
  intros H1 [Hl].
  dependent induction H1.
  - assert (ans_ = []).
    { eapply prefix_nil_inv; eauto. exists (Hl). done. } subst.
    exists []. split. econstructor. done.
  - destruct Hl. list_simplifier. exists (qs ++ [q] ).
    split. econstructor; eauto. rewrite !app_length.
    cbn. f_equal. eapply interrogation_length. done.
    apply app_eq_inv in H2. destruct H2 as [[k [Hk Hk']]|[k [Hk Hk']]].
    + eapply (IHinterrogation k). done.
    + assert (k = []). destruct k; first done.
      list_simplifier. by eapply app_cons_not_nil in H2.
      list_simplifier. eapply (IHinterrogation []).
      list_simplifier. done.

  Fact sub_tree_2 (τ: tree) f use ans use_:
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use ans
      use_ `prefix_of` use
     ans_ : list A, interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use_ ans_
      length use_ = length ans_.
  intros H1 [Hl].
  dependent induction H1.
  - assert (use_ = []).
    { eapply prefix_nil_inv; eauto. exists (Hl). done. } subst.
    exists []. split. econstructor. done.
  - destruct Hl. list_simplifier. exists (ans ++ [f q] ).
    split. econstructor; eauto. rewrite !app_length.
    cbn. f_equal. eapply interrogation_length. done.
    apply app_eq_inv in H2. destruct H2 as [[k [Hk Hk']]|[k [Hk Hk']]].
    + eapply (IHinterrogation k). done.
    + assert (k = []). destruct k; first done.
      list_simplifier. by eapply app_cons_not_nil in H2.
      list_simplifier. eapply (IHinterrogation []).
      list_simplifier. done.

  Fact sub_tree_3 (τ: tree) f use ans use_:
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use ans
    use_ `prefix_of` use
    length use_ < length use
     ans_ : list A, interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use_ ans_
      length use_ = length ans_
       q, τ ans_ =! Ask q.
  intros H1 [Hl] Hlen.
  dependent induction H1.
  - assert (use_ = []).
    { eapply prefix_nil_inv; eauto. exists (Hl). done. } subst.
    cbn in Hlen. lia.
  - destruct Hl. list_simplifier. lia.
    apply app_eq_inv in H2. destruct H2 as [[k [Hk Hk']]|[k [Hk Hk']]].
    + rewrite Hk in Hlen. destruct k.
      2:{ apply (IHinterrogation (q1::k)). done. list_simplifier.
      rewrite app_length. cbn. lia. }
      list_simplifier. subst. exists ans. split. done.
      split. eapply interrogation_length. done.
      exists q. done.
    + assert (k = []). destruct k; first done.
      list_simplifier. by eapply app_cons_not_nil in H2.
      exists ans. split. done.
      split. eapply interrogation_length. done.
      exists q0. done.

  Fact sub_computation_ter (τ: tree) n m f use ans v :
    length ans n
    evalt_comp τ f n m = Some v
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use ans
     ans_, ans_ `prefix_of` ans
     v : Q + O, seval (τ ans_) m = Some v.
    intros Hn Hcomp Hin ans_ Hans_.
    assert ( k, length ans_ + k = n) as [k Hk].
    { apply prefix_length in Hans_. exists (n - length ans_). lia. }
    rewrite <-Hk in Hcomp.
    specialize (sub_tree Hin Hans_) as (use_ & Huse_ & HEU).
    rewrite <- HEU in Hcomp.
    specialize (interrogation_plus_evalt_comp_1 Huse_ Hcomp) as H.
    { destruct k. cbn in H. destruct (seval (τ (ans_ ++ [])) m) eqn: E; last done.
      list_simplifier. by exists s.
      cbn in H. destruct (seval (τ (ans_ ++ [])) m) eqn: E; last done.
      list_simplifier. by exists s.

  Lemma evalt_comp_roll_back (τ: tree) f n m v qs ans q a:
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) (qs++[q]) (ans++[a])
    length qs = n
    evalt_comp τ f (S n) m = Some v
    evalt_comp τ f n m = Some (Ask q) seval (τ (ans ++ [f q])) m = Some v.
    intro H. inv H.
    { exfalso. by apply app_cons_not_nil in H1. }
    apply app_inj_tail in H0. destruct H0 as [H61 H62].
    apply app_inj_tail in H1. destruct H1 as [H71 H72]. subst.
    intros H. subst. split.
    - intros H.
      assert (evalt_comp τ f (S (length qs)) m = Some v) as Hcopy by eauto.
      replace (S (length qs)) with (length qs + 1) in H by lia.
      eapply interrogation_plus_evalt_comp_1 in H; eauto.
      replace ((length qs)) with (length qs + 0) by lia.
      rewrite <- interrogation_plus_evalt_comp; eauto.
      cbn in *. destruct (seval (τ (ans ++ [])) m) eqn: E; last done.
      destruct s; eauto.

      { f_equal. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto. eapply seval_hasvalue. exists m.
        list_simplifier. done. }
      { f_equal. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto. eapply seval_hasvalue. exists m.
      list_simplifier. done. }
      destruct s; last first.
      { exfalso. list_simplifier. assert (Output o = Ask q).
        eapply hasvalue_det. eapply seval_hasvalue. exists m. done. done. congruence. }
        enough (q = q0) as <-.
        destruct (seval (τ (ans ++ [f q])) m); last done.
        destruct s; eauto.
      { list_simplifier. assertans =! Ask q0). eapply seval_hasvalue; eauto.
        specialize (hasvalue_det H3 H0). intros [=]. eauto. }
      unshelve eapply (sub_computation_ter _ Hcopy); eauto.
      rewrite (interrogation_length H2); lia.

    - intros [He Ho].
      replace (S (length qs)) with (length qs + 1) by lia.
      eapply interrogation_plus_evalt_comp; eauto.
      unshelve eapply (sub_computation_ter _ He); eauto.
      rewrite (interrogation_length H2); lia.
      replace ((length qs)) with (length qs + 0) in He by lia.
      eapply interrogation_plus_evalt_comp_1 in He ; eauto.
      cbn in *. destruct (seval (τ (ans ++ [])) m); last done.
      destruct s; last congruence.
      injection He. intros ->.
      destruct (seval (τ (ans ++ [f q])) m); last done.
      destruct s; last congruence.

  Fact boring_decomposition {X} (qs: list X) n:
    n < length qs
     q other qs_, length qs_ = n qs = qs_ ++ q :: other.
    intros H.
    induction qs in n, H |- *.
    - cbn in *. lia.
    - destruct n.
      + cbn. exists a, qs, []. done.
      + cbn. destruct (IHqs n) as [q [other [qs_ [H1 H2]]]]. cbn in H. lia.
        exists q, other, (a :: qs_); split.
        cbn. lia. list_simplifier. done.

  Lemma evalt_comp_step_length (τ: tree) f n m v qs ans:
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) qs ans
    τ ans =! Output v
    evalt_comp τ f n m = Some (Output v)
    length qs n.
    intros Hin Hans Hev.
    assert (length qs n length qs > n) as [H|H] by lia; first done.
    destruct (@boring_decomposition _ qs n) as (q&other&qs_&Hqs_&Hq). lia.
    assert (qs_ `prefix_of` qs) as Hqs.
    { exists (q :: other). list_simplifier. done. }
    replace n with (length qs_ + 0) in Hev by lia.
    destruct (sub_tree_3 Hin Hqs) as [ans_ [Ha1 [Ha2 [q' Hq']]]]; first lia.
    eapply interrogation_plus_evalt_comp_1 in Hev; eauto.
    cbn in Hev. destruct (seval (τ (ans_ ++ [])))eqn: E; last done.
    destruct s. congruence.
    enough (Output o = Ask q') by congruence.
    { eapply hasvalue_det. eapply seval_hasvalue. exists m. done.
    list_simplifier. apply Hq'. }

  Lemma final_fact_gen (τ: tree) m f g use ans:
  interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use ans
  interrogation τ (λ x y, g x = y) use ans
   v n,
    evalt_comp τ f n m = Some v
    length use = n
    ( u, u use -> f u = g u)
    evalt_comp τ g n m = Some v.
    induction 1; intros.
    { subst. simpl in *. done. }
    assert (interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) (qs ++ [q]) (ans ++ [a])) by
      (econstructor; eauto).

    (* prepare the hypothesis *)
    rewrite last_length in *.
    destruct n; first congruence.
    destruct (evalt_comp_roll_back m v H6 eq_refl) as [Hc1 _].
    destruct (evalt_comp_roll_back m v H2 eq_refl) as [_ Hc2].
    assert (length qs = n) as H' by lia. subst.
    destruct (Hc1 H3) as (Hc&Hcq).

    inv H2.
    (* inverse the second interrogation *)
    { exfalso. by apply app_cons_not_nil in H7. }
    apply app_inj_tail in H1. destruct H1 as [H61 H62].
    apply app_inj_tail in H7. destruct H7 as [H71 H72]. subst.
    specialize (IHinterrogation H8 (Ask q) (length qs) Hc eq_refl).

    (* inverse the goal *)
    apply Hc2. split.
    + eapply IHinterrogation. intros. eapply H5.
      rewrite elem_of_app; by left.
    + enough (g q = f q) as -> by done.
      symmetry. eapply H5.
      rewrite elem_of_app. right.
      by rewrite elem_of_list_singleton.

  Fact there_is_a_computation (τ: tree) n m f use ans v:
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use ans
    τ ans =! Output v
    evalt_comp τ f n m = Some (Output v)
    evalt_comp τ f (length use) m = Some (Output v).
    intros H1 H2 H3.
    specialize (evalt_comp_step_length H1 H2 H3) as Hn.
    assert ( k, length use + k = n) as [k Hk] by (exists (n - length use); lia).
    clear Hn. rewrite <- Hk in H3.
    specialize (interrogation_plus_evalt_comp_1 H1 H3) as H.
    assert (seval ( (λ l', τ (ans ++ l')) []) m = Some (Output v)).
    { destruct k. cbn in H. destruct (seval (τ (ans ++ [])) m) eqn: E; last done.
      destruct s; congruence. cbn in H.
      destruct (seval (τ (ans ++ [])) m) eqn: E; last done. destruct s; eauto.
      list_simplifier .
      assertans =! Ask q). by eapply seval_hasvalue'.
      specialize (hasvalue_det H2 H0). congruence. }
    specialize (evalt_comp_tail f H0) as H'.
    assert (length use = length use + 0) as -> by lia.
    rewrite <- interrogation_plus_evalt_comp; eauto.
    eapply (sub_computation_ter _ H3); eauto.
    Unshelve. rewrite (interrogation_length H1). lia.

  Lemma final_fact' (τ: tree) m f g use ans v:
    evalt_comp τ f (length use) m = Some (Output v)
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use ans
    interrogation τ (λ x y, g x = y) use ans
    τ ans =! Output v
    evalt_comp τ g (length use) m = Some (Output v).
    intros Hf H1 H2 Ho.
    eapply (final_fact_gen H1 H2 Hf); eauto.
    intros u Hu. clear Ho Hf.
    induction H1; first by apply not_elem_of_nil in Hu.
    inv H2; first by apply app_cons_not_nil in H4.
    apply app_inj_tail in H3.
    apply app_inj_tail in H4.
    destruct H3, H4; subst.
    apply elem_of_app in Hu.
    destruct Hu as [Hu1| Hu2%elem_of_list_singleton]; last by rewrite Hu2, H4.
    apply IHinterrogation; eauto.

  Lemma final_fact (τ: tree) n m f g use ans v:
    evalt_comp τ f n m = Some (Output v)
    interrogation τ (λ x y, f x = y) use ans
    interrogation τ (λ x y, g x = y) use ans
    τ ans =! Output v
    evalt_comp τ g n m = Some (Output v).
    intros Hf H1 H2 Ho.
    specialize (evalt_comp_step_length H1 Ho Hf) as Hn.
    apply (there_is_a_computation H1) in Hf; last done.
    eapply evalt_comp_step_mono''.
    eapply final_fact'; eauto. done.

End Step_Eval.

Section Use_Function.

Lemma extract_computation {Q O: Type} (τ: (list bool) (Q + O)) (f: Q bool) n m v:
  eq_dec O eq_dec Q
  evalt_comp τ f n m = Some (inr v)
  Σ use ans,
    τ ans =! inr v
     P, ( q, q use P q f q = true)
    interrogation τ (char_rel P) use ans .
  intros He H_ H_'.
  destruct (evalt_comp_to_interrogation τ f v n m) as [(qs&ans&H3&_&H1&H2)|H]; try done.
  exists qs, ans.
  split; first done.
  intros p Hp.
  eapply interrogation_ext; last exact H1; eauto.
  intros q' [|] Hqa'%elem_of_list_In; cbn; first by rewrite Hp.
  specialize (Hp q' Hqa'). split.
  - intros H. destruct (f q') eqn: E; last done.
    enough (p q') by easy. by rewrite Hp.
  - intros H H'%Hp. congruence.

Lemma use_function' {Q O: Type} (τ: (list bool) (Q + O)) (f: Q bool) n m v:
  eq_dec O eq_dec Q
  (evalt_comp τ f n m = Some (inr v)) + (evalt_comp τ f n m Some (inr v)).
  intros h1 h2.
  destruct (evalt_comp_to_interrogation τ f v n m) as [(qs&ans&H3&_&H1&H2)|H]; intuition done.

(* Lemma evalt_comp_ext_strong (τ τ': tree) f n m:
(∀ l n, seval (τ l) n = seval (τ' l) n) → 
(∀ (q_ : Q) (a0 : A), In q_ q → f q_ a0 ↔ f' q_ a0) →
evalt_comp τ f n m = evalt_comp τ' f n m.
intro Heq; induction n in τ, τ', Heq |- *; cbn.
- by rewrite <- Heq.
- rewrite <- Heq.
  destruct (seval (A:=Q + O) (τ ) m); eauto.
  destruct s; eauto.
Qed. *)

  Lemma use_function {Q O: Type} (τ: (list bool) (Q + O)) (f: Q bool) n m v:
    eq_dec O eq_dec Q
    (Σ use,
    evalt_comp τ f n m = Some (inr v)
     P, ( q, q use P q f q = true)
       ans, interrogation τ (char_rel P) use ans τ ans =! inr v) +
    (evalt_comp τ f n m Some (inr v)).
    intros h1 h2.
    destruct (evalt_comp_to_interrogation τ f v n m) as [(qs&ans&H3&_&H1&H2)|H]; try done.
    left. exists qs. split; first easy. intros P HqP.
    exists ans; split; last done.
    eapply interrogation_ext; [eauto| |apply H1].
    intros q' [|] Hqa'%elem_of_list_In; cbn; first by rewrite HqP.
    specialize (HqP q' Hqa'). split.
    - intros H. destruct (f q') eqn: E; last done.
      enough (P q') by easy. by rewrite HqP.
    - intros H H'%HqP. congruence.
    - right. done.

End Use_Function.

Section Limit_Interrogation.

  Variable Q: Type.
  Variable P: Q Prop.

  Definition stable (f: nat Q bool) :=
     q n m, n m f n q = true f m q = true.

  Fixpoint stabilize_step (f: Q -> nat -> bool) x n :=
    match n with
    | O => false
    | S n => if f x n then true else stabilize_step f x n

  Definition stable_semi_decider (f: nat Q bool) :=
    semi_decider (λ x n, f n x) P stable f.

  Fact semi_decider_to_stable: f, semi_decider f P Σ g, stable_semi_decider g.
    intros f S_P. exists (λ n x, stabilize_step f x n); split.
    - intro x; split; intro h.
      rewrite (S_P x) in h.
      destruct h as [c Hc].
      by exists (S c); cbn; rewrite Hc.
      rewrite (S_P x).
      destruct h as [c Hc].
      induction c; cbn in Hc; [congruence|].
      destruct (f x c) eqn: E; [now exists c|now apply IHc].
    - intros x n m Lenm Hn.
      induction Lenm; [trivial|].
      cbn; destruct (f x m) eqn: E; [trivial|assumption].

  Definition approx_Σ1 O (f: nat Q bool) :=
       (τ: list bool (Q + O)) qs ans,
        interrogation τ (char_rel P) qs ans
        ∞∀ m, interrogation τ (λ q a, f m q = a) qs ans.

  Definition approx_Σ1_rev O (f: nat Q bool) :=
       (τ: list bool (Q + O)) qs ans,
        (∞∀ m, interrogation τ (λ q a, f m q = a) qs ans)
        interrogation τ (char_rel P) qs ans.

  Definition approx_list (f: Q bool) L :=
       i, In i L P i f i = true.

  Definition approx_list_func (f g: Q bool) L :=
       i, In i L f i g i.

  Variable g: nat Q bool.
  Hypothesis S_P: stable_semi_decider g.

  Definition S_approx_Σ1: O, approx_Σ1 O g.
    destruct S_P as [H1 H2]; intros O τ qs ans Hτ.
    induction Hτ.
    - exists 0; intros; econstructor.
    - destruct IHHτ as [w Hw].
      destruct a; cbn in H0.
      + rewrite (H1 q) in H0. destruct H0 as [m Hm].
        exists (S (max w m)). intros m' Hm'.
        econstructor. eapply Hw; first lia.
        assumption. eapply H2; last apply Hm. lia.
      + exists w; intros m Hm.
        econstructor. eapply Hw; first done.
        assumption. destruct (g m q) eqn: E; last done.
        enough (P q) by done. { rewrite (H1 q). by exists m. }

  Lemma approx_Σ1_list: definite P L, ∞∀ c, approx_list (g c) L.
    destruct S_P as [S_p HS].
    intros def_p l. induction l as [|a l [c Hc]].
    - exists 42; firstorder.
    - destruct (def_p a) as [h1| h2].
      + destruct (S_p a) as [H _].
        destruct (H h1) as [N HN].
        exists (max c N); intros c' Hc' e [->| He].
        split; [intros _|easy].
        eapply HS; [|eapply HN]; lia.
        unfold approx_list in Hc.
        rewrite (Hc c'); [trivial|lia | assumption].
      + exists c; intros c' Hc' e [->| He].
        split; [easy| intros h'].
        unfold semi_decider in S_p.
        rewrite S_p. by exists c'.
        unfold approx_list in Hc.
        rewrite Hc; eauto.

  Lemma approx_Σ1_list_rev: ( L, ∞∀ c, approx_list (g c) L) definite P.
    intros H x.
    destruct (H [x]) as [k Hk].
    destruct (Hk k (le_n k) x); first done.
    destruct (g k x) eqn: E.
    left. apply H1. easy.
    right. intro H'.
    by apply H0 in H'.

  Definition S_approx_Σ1_rev: definite P O, approx_Σ1_rev O g.
    intros defp O τ qs ans [w Hw].
    assert (∞∀ k, q, In q qs P q g k q = true) as [k Hk] by by apply approx_Σ1_list.
    assert (interrogation τ (λ q a, g (max w k) q = a) qs ans) as H by (apply Hw; lia).
    clear Hw. induction H; first econstructor.
    econstructor; [|done|].
    eapply IHinterrogation.
    { intros. rewrite Hk; try done. apply in_app_iff. by left. }
    destruct a; cbn; rewrite Hk; try (done||lia).
    rewrite in_app_iff; right; econstructor. done.
    intro H'. enough (g (w`max`k) q = true) by congruence.
    destruct S_P as [H1' H2]. eapply H2; last apply H'. lia.
    rewrite in_app_iff; right; econstructor. done.

End Limit_Interrogation.

Section Step_Eval_Spec.

  Definition Φ_ (f: nat nat bool) (e x n: nat): option () :=
    match evalt_comp (ξ () e x) (f n) n n with
    | Some (inr ()) => Some ()
    | _ => None

  Definition φ (f: nat bool) (e x n: nat) :=
    if use_function (ξ () e x) f n n () unit_eq_dec nat_eq_dec
      is inl H then S (list_max (projT1 H))
      else 0.

  Definition φ' (f: nat bool) (e x n: nat) :=
    if (use_function' (ξ () e x) f n n () unit_eq_dec nat_eq_dec)
      is inl H then S (list_max (projT1 (extract_computation unit_eq_dec nat_eq_dec H)))
      else 0.

  Variable P: nat Prop.
  Variable decider: nat nat bool.
  Hypothesis S_P: stable_semi_decider P decider.

  Fact phi_iff_evalt f e x n :
    Φ_ f e x n = Some () evalt_comp (ξ () e x) (f n) n n = Some (inr ()).
    unfold Φ_. destruct (evalt_comp (ξ () e x) (f n) n n) eqn: E; [destruct s|].
    - split; congruence.
    - destruct u. done.
    - split; congruence.

  Theorem Φ_spec e x:
      Ξ e (char_rel P) x (∞∀ n, Φ_ decider e x n = Some ()).
    unfold Ξ, rel. intros (qs & ans & Ha & Hb).
    specialize (@S_approx_Σ1 _ _ _ S_P () (ξ _ e x) qs ans Ha) as H.
    eapply interrogation_evalt_comp_limit in H; last apply Hb.
    destruct H as [w Hw].
    exists w; intros m Hm. unfold Φ_. specialize (Hw m Hm).
    destruct (evalt_comp (ξ () e x) (decider m) m m).
    destruct s. by injection Hw.
    by destruct u. congruence.

  Notation "A ≡{ k }≡ B" := ( x, x k A x B x) (at level 30).
  Definition to_pred (f: nat bool) x := f x = true.

  Theorem φ_spec e x n p:
    Φ_ decider e x n = Some ()
    p ≡{φ (decider n) e x n}≡ to_pred (decider n)
    Ξ e (char_rel p) x.
    intros H2 H1. rewrite phi_iff_evalt in H2. unfold φ in H1.
    destruct (use_function (ξ () e x) (decider n) n n _ _ _) as [(ans&Hans)|H]; last done.
    exists ans. eapply Hans.
    intros q [i Hq]%elem_of_list_lookup_1. rewrite H1; first done.
    simpl. enough (q list_max (ans)) by lia.
    eapply implementation.list_max_lookup.
    eapply Hq.

  Theorem φ'_spec e x n p:
    Φ_ decider e x n = Some ()
    p ≡{φ' (decider n) e x n}≡ to_pred (decider n)
    Ξ e (char_rel p) x.
    intros H2 H1. rewrite phi_iff_evalt in H2. unfold φ' in H1.
    destruct (use_function' (ξ () e x) (decider n) n n () _ _) as [H'|H]; last done.
    destruct (extract_computation unit_eq_dec nat_eq_dec H') as [qs [ans [Hans1 Hans2]]].
    simpl in H1.
    exists qs, ans; split; eauto.
    eapply Hans2.
    intros q [i Hq]%elem_of_list_lookup_1. rewrite H1; first done.
    simpl. enough (q list_max (qs)) by lia.
    eapply implementation.list_max_lookup.
    eapply Hq.

  Lemma φ_spec0_1 e x n:
    φ (decider n) e x n 0 Φ_ decider e x n = Some ().
    unfold φ, Φ_. intros H.
    destruct (use_function (ξ () e x) (decider n) n n () unit_eq_dec nat_eq_dec).
    - clear H. by destruct s as (_&->&_).
    - congruence.

  Lemma φ_spec0_2 e x n:
    Φ_ decider e x n = Some () φ (decider n) e x n 0.
    unfold φ, Φ_. intros H.
    destruct (use_function (ξ () e x) (decider n) n n () unit_eq_dec nat_eq_dec).
    - lia.
    - destruct (evalt_comp (ξ () e x) (decider n) n n); last eauto.
      destruct s; eauto. destruct u. congruence.

  Theorem φ_spec0 e x n: φ (decider n) e x n 0 Φ_ decider e x n = Some ().
  Proof. split; [apply φ_spec0_1|apply φ_spec0_2]. Qed.

  Theorem φ_spec0' e x n: φ (decider n) e x n = 0 Φ_ decider e x n = None.
    destruct (φ_spec0 e x n) as [H1 H2]. split; intros H.
    - destruct (φ (decider n) e x n); eauto.
      destruct (Φ_ decider e x n); eauto.
      destruct u; eauto. enough (00) by congruence.
      by eapply H2.
    - destruct (Φ_ decider e x n); try congruence.
      destruct (φ (decider n) e x n); eauto.
      enough (None = Some ()) by congruence.
      by eapply H1.

  Fact char_rel_boring n:
     q a, char_rel (decider n) q a (λ x y, decider n x = y) q a.
  Proof. intros. unfold char_rel. destruct a, (decider n q); intuition. Qed.

  Theorem φ_spec1 e x n k :
    φ (decider n) e x n = S k
    to_pred (decider n) ≡{k}≡ to_pred (decider (S n))
    φ (decider (S n)) e x (S n) = S k.
    intros H H2. unfold φ in *.
    destruct (use_function (ξ () e x) (decider n) n n)
      as [(use & Hu1 & Hu2)|]; last congruence. simpl in *.

    assert ( q, q use decider (S n) q decider n q = true) as boring1.
      { intros q Hq. destruct (H2 q). apply elem_of_list_lookup_1 in Hq.
      destruct Hq as [i Hi]. injection H; intros <-.
      by eapply implementation.list_max_lookup.
      unfold to_pred in *. destruct (decider (S n) q); intuition. }

    assert ( q a, In q use char_rel (decider n) q a char_rel (decider (S n)) q a) as boring2.
      { intros q a Hq. destruct (H2 q). rewrite <-elem_of_list_In in Hq.
        apply elem_of_list_lookup_1 in Hq. destruct Hq as [i Hi].
        injection H; intros <-. by eapply implementation.list_max_lookup.
        unfold to_pred, char_rel in *.
        destruct a, (decider (S n) q), (decider n q); intuition. }

    destruct (Hu2 (decider (S n)) boring1) as [ans (Hans & Hans1)].

    destruct (use_function (ξ () e x) (decider (S n)) (S n) (S n)) as [(use' & Hu1' & Hu2')|HSn].
    + destruct (Hu2' (decider (S n))) as [ans' (Hans' & Hans1')].
      { intros; destruct (decider (S n) q); intuition. }
      enough (use = use') as Hanseq.
      { cbn. rewrite <- Hanseq. apply H. }
      assert (functional (char_rel (decider (S n)))) as _H_.
      { intros ?[][]; unfold to_pred, char_rel; eauto. }
      by edestruct (interrogation_eq 42 true _H_ Hans Hans1 Hans' Hans1').
    + exfalso; apply HSn.
      assert (interrogation (ξ () e x) (λ q a, decider n q = a) use ans) as Hansn.
      { eapply interrogation_ext; last apply Hans; first done. intros.
        rewrite <- char_rel_boring. by apply boring2. }
      assert (n S n) as _H_ by lia.
      unshelve eapply (evalt_comp_depth_mono _ _H_).
      eapply (evalt_comp_step_mono').
      assert (interrogation (ξ () e x) (λ q a, decider (S n) q = a) use ans) as HansSn.
      { eapply interrogation_ext; last apply Hans; first done. intros; by rewrite char_rel_boring. }
      clear Hu2 S_P HSn boring1 boring2 H H2 _H_ Hans.
      eapply final_fact; eauto.

  Theorem φ_spec2 e x n k :
    φ (decider n) e x n = S k
    to_pred (decider n) ≡{k}≡ to_pred (decider (S n))
    Φ_ decider e x (S n) = Some ().
    intros H H2. unfold φ in *.
    destruct (use_function (ξ () e x) (decider n) n n)
      as [(use & Hu1 & Hu2)|]; last congruence. simpl in *.

    destruct (evalt_comp (ξ () e x) (decider n) n n) eqn: E1; last congruence.
    destruct s eqn: E2; first congruence.
    destruct u; clear Hu1 E2.
    unfold Φ_; enough (evalt_comp (ξ () e x) (decider (S n)) (S n) (S n) = Some (inr ())) as H'
      by by rewrite H'.
    eapply evalt_comp_step_mono'.
    eapply evalt_comp_depth_mono; last exact (le_S _ _ (le_n n)).

    assert ( q, q use decider (S n) q decider n q = true) as boring1.
    { intros q Hq. destruct (H2 q). apply elem_of_list_lookup_1 in Hq.
    destruct Hq as [i Hi]. injection H; intros <-.
    by eapply implementation.list_max_lookup.
    unfold to_pred in *. destruct (decider (S n) q); intuition. }

    assert ( q a, In q use char_rel (decider n) q a char_rel (decider (S n)) q a) as boring2.
      { intros q a Hq. destruct (H2 q). rewrite <-elem_of_list_In in Hq.
        apply elem_of_list_lookup_1 in Hq. destruct Hq as [i Hi].
        injection H; intros <-. by eapply implementation.list_max_lookup.
        unfold to_pred, char_rel in *.
        destruct a, (decider (S n) q), (decider n q); intuition. }

    destruct (Hu2 (decider (S n)) boring1) as [ans (Hans & Hans1)].
    assert (interrogation (ξ () e x) (λ q a, decider n q = a) use ans) as Hansn.
    { eapply interrogation_ext; last apply Hans; first done. intros.
      rewrite <- char_rel_boring. by apply boring2. }
    assert (n S n) as _H_ by lia.
    assert (interrogation (ξ () e x) (λ q a, decider (S n) q = a) use ans) as HansSn.
    { eapply interrogation_ext; last apply Hans; first done. intros; by rewrite char_rel_boring. }
    eapply final_fact; eauto.

End Step_Eval_Spec.