Require Import Arith ZArith Lia List.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_tac utils_list gcd prime php utils_nat.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
Require Import pos vec.
From Undecidability.H10.ArithLibs
Require Import Zp lagrange.
From Undecidability.H10.Dio
Require Import dio_logic dio_single.
From Undecidability.H10
Require Import H10 H10_undec.
From Undecidability.H10
Require Import H10Z.
From Undecidability.H10.ArithLibs
Require Import Zp lagrange.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Local Definition inj k n := 4 * n + k.
Lemma injection_spec k1 k2 n m : k1 < 4 -> k2 < 4 -> inj k1 n = inj k2 m -> k1 = k2 /\ n = m.
intros. unfold inj in *. lia.
Section pos_injs.
Fixpoint inj0 {n} (p : pos n) : pos (n * 4).
destruct p.
- exact pos0.
- exact (pos_right _ (inj0 _ p)).
Fixpoint inj1 {n} (p : pos n) : pos (n * 4).
destruct p.
- exact pos1.
- exact (pos_right _ (inj1 _ p)).
Fixpoint inj2 {n} (p : pos n) : pos (n * 4).
destruct p.
- exact pos2.
- exact (pos_right _ (inj2 _ p)).
Fixpoint inj3 {n} (p : pos n) : pos (n * 4).
destruct p.
- exact pos3.
- exact (pos_right _ (inj3 _ p)).
End pos_injs.
Arguments dp_cnst {V P}.
Arguments dp_var {V P}.
Arguments dp_par {V P}.
Arguments dp_comp {V P}.
Module dionat := dio_single.
Notation dp_sq a := (dp_comp do_mul a a).
Notation sq a := (a * a)%Z.
Fixpoint to_Z_poly E n (p : dionat.dio_polynomial (pos n) E) : dio_polynomial (pos (n * 4)) E :=
match p with
| dionat.dp_nat n => dp_cnst (Z.of_nat n)
| dionat.dp_var v => dp_add (dp_sq (dp_var (inj3 v))) (dp_add (dp_sq (dp_var (inj2 v))) (dp_add (dp_sq (dp_var (inj1 v))) (dp_sq (dp_var (inj0 v)))))
| dionat.dp_par p => dp_par p
| dionat.dp_comp o p1 p2 => dp_comp o (to_Z_poly p1) (to_Z_poly p2)
Lemma create_sol_correct E (n : nat) (Φ : pos n -> nat) (Φ' : pos (n * 4) -> Z) :
(forall i : pos n, Z.of_nat (Φ i) = sq (Φ' (inj3 i)) + sq (Φ' (inj2 i)) + sq (Φ' (inj1 i)) + sq (Φ' (inj0 i)))%Z ->
forall p : dionat.dio_polynomial (pos n) E, Z.of_nat (dio_single.dp_eval Φ (fun _ : E => 0) p) = dp_eval Φ' (fun _ : E => 0%Z) (to_Z_poly p).
intros H p.
induction p as [ k | v | | [] ]; cbn; auto.
- rewrite H; ring.
- rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add; congruence.
- rewrite Nat2Z.inj_mul; congruence.
Lemma create_sol_exists (n : nat) (Φ : pos n -> nat) : exists (Φ' : pos (n * 4) -> Z),
(forall i : pos n, Z.of_nat (Φ i) = sq (Φ' (inj3 i)) + sq (Φ' (inj2 i)) + sq (Φ' (inj1 i)) + sq (Φ' (inj0 i)))%Z.
induction n as [ | n IHn ].
- exists (fun _ => 0%Z); intros p; invert pos p.
- destruct (IHn (fun j => Φ (pos_nxt j))) as [Φ' H'].
cbn [mult].
destruct (lagrange_theorem_nat (Φ pos0)) as (a & b & c & d & Hl).
exists (fun j : pos (4 + n * 4) =>
match pos_both _ _ j with
| inl pos0 => a
| inl pos1 => b
| inl pos2 => c
| inl _ => d
| inr j => Φ' j
intros p; invert pos p; auto.
rewrite Hl; ring.
Lemma recover_sol_exists (n : nat) (Φ' : pos (n * 4) -> Z) : exists (Φ : pos n -> nat),
(forall i : pos n, Z.of_nat (Φ i) = sq (Φ' (inj3 i)) + sq (Φ' (inj2 i)) + sq (Φ' (inj1 i)) + sq (Φ' (inj0 i)))%Z.
induction n as [ | n IHn ].
- exists (fun _ => 0); intros p; invert pos p.
- destruct (IHn (fun j => Φ' (pos_right 4 j))) as [Φ H].
unshelve eexists.
+ intros p; invert pos p.
* exact (Z.to_nat (sq (Φ' (inj3 pos0)) + sq (Φ' (inj2 pos0)) + sq (Φ' (inj1 pos0)) + sq (Φ' (inj0 pos0)))).
* exact (Φ p).
+ intros p; invert pos p.
* rewrite; auto.
pose proof (Z.square_nonneg (Φ' pos3)).
pose proof (Z.square_nonneg (Φ' pos2)).
pose proof (Z.square_nonneg (Φ' pos1)).
pose proof (Z.square_nonneg (Φ' pos0)).
* apply H.
Lemma create_sol (n : nat) (Φ : pos n -> nat) : exists Φ' : pos (n * 4) -> Z,
forall p : dionat.dio_polynomial (pos n) (pos 0), Z.of_nat (dio_single.dp_eval Φ (fun _ => 0) p) = dp_eval Φ' (fun _ => 0%Z) (to_Z_poly p).
destruct (create_sol_exists Φ) as [Φ'].
exists Φ'; intro; now eapply create_sol_correct.
Lemma recover_sol (n : nat) (Φ' : pos (n * 4) -> Z) : exists Φ : pos n -> nat,
forall p : dionat.dio_polynomial (pos n) (pos 0), Z.of_nat (dio_single.dp_eval Φ (fun _ => 0) p) = dp_eval Φ' (fun _ => 0%Z) (to_Z_poly p).
destruct (recover_sol_exists Φ') as [Φ].
exists Φ; intro; now eapply create_sol_correct.
Opaque Zmult.
Lemma H10_H10Z : H10 ⪯ H10Z.
unshelve eexists.
- intros (n & p & q).
exists (n * 4).
exact (dp_add (to_Z_poly p) (dp_mul (dp_cnst (-1)%Z) (to_Z_poly q))).
- intros (n & p & q).
simpl; split; intros [ Φ H ]; simpl in *.
+ destruct (create_sol Φ) as [Φ' H'].
exists Φ'.
rewrite <- !H'; lia.
+ destruct (recover_sol Φ) as [Φ' H'].
exists Φ'; simpl.
apply Nat2Z.inj; rewrite !H'; lia.
Check H10_H10Z.