We show confluence of CBPV using the technique of Tait- Martin-Löf, refined by Takahashi.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms Coq.Program.Tactics.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.StrongReduction CBPV.TMT.
Import CommaNotation.
Reserved Notation "A '>>v' B" (at level 60).
Reserved Notation "A '>>c' B" (at level 60).
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms Coq.Program.Tactics.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.StrongReduction CBPV.TMT.
Import CommaNotation.
Reserved Notation "A '>>v' B" (at level 60).
Reserved Notation "A '>>c' B" (at level 60).
Class ParallelReduction (A: Type) := { parstep : A -> A -> Prop }.
Notation "A >> B" := (parstep A B).
Inductive parstepv (n: nat) : value n -> value n -> Prop :=
| parstepvVar (i: fin n): (var_value i) >>v (var_value i)
| parstepvU : (@u n) >>v u
| parstepvPair (v1 : value n) v1' v2 v2': v1 >>v v1' -> v2 >>v v2' -> ⟨ v1; v2 ⟩ >>v ⟨ v1'; v2' ⟩
| parstepvInj b (v: value n) v': v >>v v' -> inj b v >>v inj b v'
| parstepvThunk (c: comp n) c': c >>c c' -> <{ c }> >>v <{ c' }>
where "M >>v N" := (parstepv M N)
with parstepc (n: nat) : comp n -> comp n -> Prop :=
| parstepcCu : @cu n >>c cu
| parstepcForce (v: value n) v': v >>v v' -> v ! >>c v' !
| parstepcForceBeta (c c': comp n): c >>c c' -> <{ c }> ! >>c c'
| parstepcLambda (c c': comp (S n)): c >>c c' -> lambda c >>c lambda c'
| parstepcApp (c: comp n) c' v v': c >>c c' -> v >>v v' -> c v >>c c' v'
| parstepcAppBeta (c c': comp (S n)) v v': c >>c c' -> v >>v v' -> (lambda c) v >>c c'[v'..]
| parstepcTuple (c1 c1' c2 c2': comp n):
c1 >>c c1' -> c2 >>c c2' -> tuple c1 c2 >>c tuple c1' c2'
| parstepcRet (v: value n) v': v >>v v'-> ret v >>c ret v'
| parstepcLetin c1 c1' (c2 c2': comp (S n)) :
c1 >>c c1' -> c2 >>c c2' -> $ <- c1; c2 >>c $ <- c1'; c2'
| parstepcLetinBeta (c c': comp (S n)) v v':
c >>c c' -> v >>v v' -> $ <- ret v; c >>c c'[v'..]
| parstepcProj (c c': comp n) b: c >>c c' -> proj b c >>c proj b c'
| parstepcProjBeta (c1 c1': comp n) (c2 c2': comp n) b:
c1 >>c c1' -> c2 >>c c2' -> proj b (tuple c1 c2) >>c (if b then c1' else c2')
| parstepcCaseZ (v v': value n): v >>v v'-> caseZ v >>c caseZ v'
| parstepcCaseS (v v': value n) c1 c1' c2 c2':
v >>v v'-> c1 >>c c1' -> c2 >>c c2' -> caseS v c1 c2 >>c caseS v' c1' c2'
| parstepcCaseSBeta (v v': value n) c1 c1' c2 c2' b:
v >>v v'-> c1 >>c c1' -> c2 >>c c2' ->
caseS (inj b v) c1 c2 >>c (if b then c1' else c2')[v'..]
| parstepcCaseP (v v': value n) c c':
v >>v v'-> c >>c c' -> caseP v c >>c caseP v' c'
| parstepcCasePBeta (v1 v1': value n) v2 v2' c c':
v1 >>v v1' -> v2 >>v v2' -> c >>c c' ->
caseP (⟨v1; v2⟩) c >>c c'[v2', v1'..]
where "M >>c N" := (@parstepc _ M N).
Scheme parstepv_ind_2 := Induction for parstepv Sort Prop
with parstepc_ind_2 := Induction for parstepc Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme mutind_parstep from parstepv_ind_2, parstepc_ind_2.
Instance parstep_value (n: nat) : ParallelReduction (value n) :=
{ parstep := @parstepv n }.
Instance parstep_comp (n: nat) : ParallelReduction (comp n) :=
{ parstep := @parstepc n }.
Hint Constructors parstepv parstepc.
Hint Unfold parstep parstep_comp parstep_value.
Notation "A >> B" := (parstep A B).
Inductive parstepv (n: nat) : value n -> value n -> Prop :=
| parstepvVar (i: fin n): (var_value i) >>v (var_value i)
| parstepvU : (@u n) >>v u
| parstepvPair (v1 : value n) v1' v2 v2': v1 >>v v1' -> v2 >>v v2' -> ⟨ v1; v2 ⟩ >>v ⟨ v1'; v2' ⟩
| parstepvInj b (v: value n) v': v >>v v' -> inj b v >>v inj b v'
| parstepvThunk (c: comp n) c': c >>c c' -> <{ c }> >>v <{ c' }>
where "M >>v N" := (parstepv M N)
with parstepc (n: nat) : comp n -> comp n -> Prop :=
| parstepcCu : @cu n >>c cu
| parstepcForce (v: value n) v': v >>v v' -> v ! >>c v' !
| parstepcForceBeta (c c': comp n): c >>c c' -> <{ c }> ! >>c c'
| parstepcLambda (c c': comp (S n)): c >>c c' -> lambda c >>c lambda c'
| parstepcApp (c: comp n) c' v v': c >>c c' -> v >>v v' -> c v >>c c' v'
| parstepcAppBeta (c c': comp (S n)) v v': c >>c c' -> v >>v v' -> (lambda c) v >>c c'[v'..]
| parstepcTuple (c1 c1' c2 c2': comp n):
c1 >>c c1' -> c2 >>c c2' -> tuple c1 c2 >>c tuple c1' c2'
| parstepcRet (v: value n) v': v >>v v'-> ret v >>c ret v'
| parstepcLetin c1 c1' (c2 c2': comp (S n)) :
c1 >>c c1' -> c2 >>c c2' -> $ <- c1; c2 >>c $ <- c1'; c2'
| parstepcLetinBeta (c c': comp (S n)) v v':
c >>c c' -> v >>v v' -> $ <- ret v; c >>c c'[v'..]
| parstepcProj (c c': comp n) b: c >>c c' -> proj b c >>c proj b c'
| parstepcProjBeta (c1 c1': comp n) (c2 c2': comp n) b:
c1 >>c c1' -> c2 >>c c2' -> proj b (tuple c1 c2) >>c (if b then c1' else c2')
| parstepcCaseZ (v v': value n): v >>v v'-> caseZ v >>c caseZ v'
| parstepcCaseS (v v': value n) c1 c1' c2 c2':
v >>v v'-> c1 >>c c1' -> c2 >>c c2' -> caseS v c1 c2 >>c caseS v' c1' c2'
| parstepcCaseSBeta (v v': value n) c1 c1' c2 c2' b:
v >>v v'-> c1 >>c c1' -> c2 >>c c2' ->
caseS (inj b v) c1 c2 >>c (if b then c1' else c2')[v'..]
| parstepcCaseP (v v': value n) c c':
v >>v v'-> c >>c c' -> caseP v c >>c caseP v' c'
| parstepcCasePBeta (v1 v1': value n) v2 v2' c c':
v1 >>v v1' -> v2 >>v v2' -> c >>c c' ->
caseP (⟨v1; v2⟩) c >>c c'[v2', v1'..]
where "M >>c N" := (@parstepc _ M N).
Scheme parstepv_ind_2 := Induction for parstepv Sort Prop
with parstepc_ind_2 := Induction for parstepc Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme mutind_parstep from parstepv_ind_2, parstepc_ind_2.
Instance parstep_value (n: nat) : ParallelReduction (value n) :=
{ parstep := @parstepv n }.
Instance parstep_comp (n: nat) : ParallelReduction (comp n) :=
{ parstep := @parstepc n }.
Hint Constructors parstepv parstepc.
Hint Unfold parstep parstep_comp parstep_value.
Fixpoint rhoᵥ (n: nat) (v: value n) :=
match v with
| var_value i => var_value i
| u => u
| pair v1 v2 => pair (rhoᵥ v1) (rhoᵥ v2)
| inj b v => inj b (rhoᵥ v)
| thunk c => thunk (rho c)
with rho (n: nat) (c: comp n) :=
match c with
| cu => cu
| force (thunk c) => rho c
| force v => force (rhoᵥ v)
| lambda c => lambda (rho c)
| app (lambda c) v => (rho c)[(rhoᵥ v)..]
| app c v => app (rho c) (rhoᵥ v)
| tuple c1 c2 => tuple (rho c1) (rho c2)
| ret v => ret (rhoᵥ v)
| letin (ret v) c => (rho c)[(rhoᵥ v)..]
| letin c1 c2 => letin (rho c1) (rho c2)
| proj b (tuple c1 c2) => if b then rho c1 else rho c2
| proj b c => proj b (rho c)
| caseZ v => caseZ (rhoᵥ v)
| caseS (inj b v) c1 c2 => (if b then rho c1 else rho c2)[(rhoᵥ v)..]
| caseS v c1 c2 => caseS (rhoᵥ v) (rho c1) (rho c2)
| caseP (pair v1 v2) c => (rho c)[rhoᵥ v2,(rhoᵥ v1)..]
| caseP v c => caseP (rhoᵥ v) (rho c)
match v with
| var_value i => var_value i
| u => u
| pair v1 v2 => pair (rhoᵥ v1) (rhoᵥ v2)
| inj b v => inj b (rhoᵥ v)
| thunk c => thunk (rho c)
with rho (n: nat) (c: comp n) :=
match c with
| cu => cu
| force (thunk c) => rho c
| force v => force (rhoᵥ v)
| lambda c => lambda (rho c)
| app (lambda c) v => (rho c)[(rhoᵥ v)..]
| app c v => app (rho c) (rhoᵥ v)
| tuple c1 c2 => tuple (rho c1) (rho c2)
| ret v => ret (rhoᵥ v)
| letin (ret v) c => (rho c)[(rhoᵥ v)..]
| letin c1 c2 => letin (rho c1) (rho c2)
| proj b (tuple c1 c2) => if b then rho c1 else rho c2
| proj b c => proj b (rho c)
| caseZ v => caseZ (rhoᵥ v)
| caseS (inj b v) c1 c2 => (if b then rho c1 else rho c2)[(rhoᵥ v)..]
| caseS v c1 c2 => caseS (rhoᵥ v) (rho c1) (rho c2)
| caseP (pair v1 v2) c => (rho c)[rhoᵥ v2,(rhoᵥ v1)..]
| caseP v c => caseP (rhoᵥ v) (rho c)
Lemma parstep_refl:
forall n, (forall (v: value n), v >> v) /\ (forall (c: comp n), c >> c).
eapply mutind_val_comp; autounfold; eauto.
Lemma parstepv_refl n (v: value n): v >>v v. Proof. apply parstep_refl. Qed.
Lemma parstepc_refl n (c: comp n): c >>c c. Proof. apply parstep_refl. Qed.
Hint Resolve parstepv_refl parstepc_refl.
Fixpoint sstep_parstepc n (c1 c2: comp n) (H: c1 ↪ c2) {struct H}: c1 >> c2
with sstep_value_parstepv n (v1 v2: value n) (H: v1 ↪ᵥ v2) {struct H}: v1 >> v2.
all: destruct H; autounfold in *.
17: {
destruct H; subst; econstructor; apply parstep_refl.
all: econstructor; eauto.
Ltac sstep_rewrite :=
match goal with
| [ H: ?X ↪ᵥ* ?Y |- _] => rewrite H
| [ H: ?X ↪* ?Y |- _] => rewrite H
Lemma parstep_star_sstep:
forall n,
(forall (v v' : value n) (p : v >>v v'), v ↪ᵥ* v') /\
(forall (c c' : comp n) (p : c >>c c'), c ↪* c').
eapply mutind_parstep; intros; eauto.
all: try destruct b; eauto.
all: repeat sstep_rewrite.
all: eauto.
Lemma ren_lift n m (s: comp (S n)) (t: value n) (sigma: fin n -> fin m):
(s[t..])⟨sigma⟩ = (s ⟨up_ren sigma⟩) [(t⟨sigma⟩)..].
now asimpl.
Lemma ren₂_lift n m s t1 t2 (sigma: fin n -> fin m):
ren_comp sigma (s[t2, t1..]) = (ren_comp (up_ren (up_ren sigma)) s)[(ren_value sigma t2), (ren_value sigma t1)..].
now asimpl.
Lemma beta_lift n m s t (sigma: fin n -> value m):
subst_comp sigma (s[t..]) = (subst_comp (up_value_value sigma) s) [(subst_value sigma t)..].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma beta₂_lift n m s t1 t2 (sigma: fin n -> value m):
subst_comp sigma ( s [t1, t2..]) =
(subst_comp (up_value_value (up_value_value sigma)) s) [(subst_value sigma t1), (subst_value sigma t2)..].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Fixpoint parstepc_renaming n m (c c': comp n) (H: c >>c c') {struct H}:
forall (f: fin n -> fin m), c⟨f⟩ >>c c'⟨f⟩
with parstepv_renaming n m (v v': value n) (H: v >>v v') {struct H}:
forall (f: fin n -> fin m), v⟨f⟩ >>v v'⟨f⟩.
all: destruct H; asimpl; intros; eauto.
all: rewrite ?ren_lift, ?ren₂_lift.
all: eauto.
- destruct b; [ econstructor 12 with (b := true) | econstructor 12 with (b := false) ]; eauto.
- destruct b; [ econstructor 15 with (b := true) | econstructor 15 with (b := false) ]; eauto.
Hint Resolve parstepv_renaming parstepc_renaming.
Fixpoint parstepc_subst n m (c c': comp n) (H: c >>c c') {struct H}:
forall (f g: fin n -> value m), (forall i, f i >>v g i) -> c[f] >>c c'[g]
with parstepv_subst n m (v v': value n) (H: v >>v v') {struct H}:
forall (f g: fin n -> value m), (forall i, f i >>v g i) -> v[f] >>v v'[g].
Proof with eauto; intros []; cbn; unfold funcomp; eauto.
all: destruct H; intros; cbn; eauto.
- constructor; apply parstepc_subst...
- rewrite beta_lift. constructor; eauto; eapply parstepc_subst...
- constructor; eauto; eapply parstepc_subst...
- rewrite beta_lift. constructor; eauto; eapply parstepc_subst...
- destruct b.
+ eapply parstepcProjBeta with (b := true); eauto.
+ eapply parstepcProjBeta with (b := false); eauto.
- constructor; eauto; eapply parstepc_subst...
- rewrite beta_lift. destruct b.
+ eapply parstepcCaseSBeta with (b := true); eauto.
eapply parstepc_subst...
+ eapply parstepcCaseSBeta with (b := false); eauto.
eapply parstepc_subst...
- constructor; eauto; eapply parstepc_subst; eauto; intros [ []|]; cbn; unfold funcomp; eauto.
- rewrite beta₂_lift.
constructor; eauto.
eapply parstepc_subst. eauto.
intros [ []|]; cbn; eauto.
unfold funcomp. do 2 eapply parstepv_renaming. apply H2.
Fact takahashi :
forall n,
(tak_fun (@parstepv n) (@rhoᵥ n) /\ tak_fun (@parstepc n) (@rho n)).
Proof with eapply parstepc_subst; eauto; auto_case.
eapply mutind_parstep; intros; asimpl; cbn; eauto.
- destruct v; eauto. inv p. inv H. eauto.
- destruct c; eauto. inv p. cbn in H. inv H. constructor; eauto.
- cbn...
- destruct c1; eauto. inv p. cbn in H. inv H. eauto.
- cbn...
- destruct c; eauto. inv p. cbn in H. inv H. eauto.
- destruct b; eauto.
- destruct v; eauto. cbn in H. inv H. eauto.
- destruct b...
- destruct v; eauto. inv p. cbn in H. inv H. eauto.
- cbn...
Theorem confluence n:
confluent (@sstep n) /\ confluent (@sstep_value n).
split; eapply TMT.
- apply sstep_parstepc.
- apply parstep_star_sstep.
- intros c. apply parstepc_refl.
- apply takahashi.
- apply sstep_value_parstepv.
- apply parstep_star_sstep.
- intros c. apply parstepv_refl.
- apply takahashi.
Lemma sstep_confluent n: confluent (@sstep n).
apply confluence.
Lemma sstep_value_confluent n: confluent (@sstep_value n).
apply confluence.
Hint Immediate sstep_confluent sstep_value_confluent.
forall n, (forall (v: value n), v >> v) /\ (forall (c: comp n), c >> c).
eapply mutind_val_comp; autounfold; eauto.
Lemma parstepv_refl n (v: value n): v >>v v. Proof. apply parstep_refl. Qed.
Lemma parstepc_refl n (c: comp n): c >>c c. Proof. apply parstep_refl. Qed.
Hint Resolve parstepv_refl parstepc_refl.
Fixpoint sstep_parstepc n (c1 c2: comp n) (H: c1 ↪ c2) {struct H}: c1 >> c2
with sstep_value_parstepv n (v1 v2: value n) (H: v1 ↪ᵥ v2) {struct H}: v1 >> v2.
all: destruct H; autounfold in *.
17: {
destruct H; subst; econstructor; apply parstep_refl.
all: econstructor; eauto.
Ltac sstep_rewrite :=
match goal with
| [ H: ?X ↪ᵥ* ?Y |- _] => rewrite H
| [ H: ?X ↪* ?Y |- _] => rewrite H
Lemma parstep_star_sstep:
forall n,
(forall (v v' : value n) (p : v >>v v'), v ↪ᵥ* v') /\
(forall (c c' : comp n) (p : c >>c c'), c ↪* c').
eapply mutind_parstep; intros; eauto.
all: try destruct b; eauto.
all: repeat sstep_rewrite.
all: eauto.
Lemma ren_lift n m (s: comp (S n)) (t: value n) (sigma: fin n -> fin m):
(s[t..])⟨sigma⟩ = (s ⟨up_ren sigma⟩) [(t⟨sigma⟩)..].
now asimpl.
Lemma ren₂_lift n m s t1 t2 (sigma: fin n -> fin m):
ren_comp sigma (s[t2, t1..]) = (ren_comp (up_ren (up_ren sigma)) s)[(ren_value sigma t2), (ren_value sigma t1)..].
now asimpl.
Lemma beta_lift n m s t (sigma: fin n -> value m):
subst_comp sigma (s[t..]) = (subst_comp (up_value_value sigma) s) [(subst_value sigma t)..].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Lemma beta₂_lift n m s t1 t2 (sigma: fin n -> value m):
subst_comp sigma ( s [t1, t2..]) =
(subst_comp (up_value_value (up_value_value sigma)) s) [(subst_value sigma t1), (subst_value sigma t2)..].
Proof. now asimpl. Qed.
Fixpoint parstepc_renaming n m (c c': comp n) (H: c >>c c') {struct H}:
forall (f: fin n -> fin m), c⟨f⟩ >>c c'⟨f⟩
with parstepv_renaming n m (v v': value n) (H: v >>v v') {struct H}:
forall (f: fin n -> fin m), v⟨f⟩ >>v v'⟨f⟩.
all: destruct H; asimpl; intros; eauto.
all: rewrite ?ren_lift, ?ren₂_lift.
all: eauto.
- destruct b; [ econstructor 12 with (b := true) | econstructor 12 with (b := false) ]; eauto.
- destruct b; [ econstructor 15 with (b := true) | econstructor 15 with (b := false) ]; eauto.
Hint Resolve parstepv_renaming parstepc_renaming.
Fixpoint parstepc_subst n m (c c': comp n) (H: c >>c c') {struct H}:
forall (f g: fin n -> value m), (forall i, f i >>v g i) -> c[f] >>c c'[g]
with parstepv_subst n m (v v': value n) (H: v >>v v') {struct H}:
forall (f g: fin n -> value m), (forall i, f i >>v g i) -> v[f] >>v v'[g].
Proof with eauto; intros []; cbn; unfold funcomp; eauto.
all: destruct H; intros; cbn; eauto.
- constructor; apply parstepc_subst...
- rewrite beta_lift. constructor; eauto; eapply parstepc_subst...
- constructor; eauto; eapply parstepc_subst...
- rewrite beta_lift. constructor; eauto; eapply parstepc_subst...
- destruct b.
+ eapply parstepcProjBeta with (b := true); eauto.
+ eapply parstepcProjBeta with (b := false); eauto.
- constructor; eauto; eapply parstepc_subst...
- rewrite beta_lift. destruct b.
+ eapply parstepcCaseSBeta with (b := true); eauto.
eapply parstepc_subst...
+ eapply parstepcCaseSBeta with (b := false); eauto.
eapply parstepc_subst...
- constructor; eauto; eapply parstepc_subst; eauto; intros [ []|]; cbn; unfold funcomp; eauto.
- rewrite beta₂_lift.
constructor; eauto.
eapply parstepc_subst. eauto.
intros [ []|]; cbn; eauto.
unfold funcomp. do 2 eapply parstepv_renaming. apply H2.
Fact takahashi :
forall n,
(tak_fun (@parstepv n) (@rhoᵥ n) /\ tak_fun (@parstepc n) (@rho n)).
Proof with eapply parstepc_subst; eauto; auto_case.
eapply mutind_parstep; intros; asimpl; cbn; eauto.
- destruct v; eauto. inv p. inv H. eauto.
- destruct c; eauto. inv p. cbn in H. inv H. constructor; eauto.
- cbn...
- destruct c1; eauto. inv p. cbn in H. inv H. eauto.
- cbn...
- destruct c; eauto. inv p. cbn in H. inv H. eauto.
- destruct b; eauto.
- destruct v; eauto. cbn in H. inv H. eauto.
- destruct b...
- destruct v; eauto. inv p. cbn in H. inv H. eauto.
- cbn...
Theorem confluence n:
confluent (@sstep n) /\ confluent (@sstep_value n).
split; eapply TMT.
- apply sstep_parstepc.
- apply parstep_star_sstep.
- intros c. apply parstepc_refl.
- apply takahashi.
- apply sstep_value_parstepv.
- apply parstep_star_sstep.
- intros c. apply parstepv_refl.
- apply takahashi.
Lemma sstep_confluent n: confluent (@sstep n).
apply confluence.
Lemma sstep_value_confluent n: confluent (@sstep_value n).
apply confluence.
Hint Immediate sstep_confluent sstep_value_confluent.