Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.ProgramContexts CBPV.Semantics.
Import CommaNotation.
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.ProgramContexts CBPV.Semantics.
Import CommaNotation.
Reserved Notation "C1 ⇒ C2" (at level 60).
Reserved Notation "V1 ⇒ᵥ V2" (at level 60).
Inductive strong_step {n: nat} : comp n -> comp n -> Prop :=
| strong_reduce m (c1 c2: comp m) (K: cctx false n m):
c1 ≽ c2 -> fillc K c1 ⇒ fillc K c2
where "C1 ⇒ C2" := (strong_step C1 C2).
Inductive strong_step_value {n : nat} : value n -> value n -> Prop :=
| strong_reduce_value k (c1 c2 : comp k) (K : vctx false n k) :
c1 ≽ c2 -> fillv K c1 ⇒ᵥ fillv K c2
where "V1 ⇒ᵥ V2" := (strong_step_value V1 V2).
| strong_reduce m (c1 c2: comp m) (K: cctx false n m):
c1 ≽ c2 -> fillc K c1 ⇒ fillc K c2
where "C1 ⇒ C2" := (strong_step C1 C2).
Inductive strong_step_value {n : nat} : value n -> value n -> Prop :=
| strong_reduce_value k (c1 c2 : comp k) (K : vctx false n k) :
c1 ≽ c2 -> fillv K c1 ⇒ᵥ fillv K c2
where "V1 ⇒ᵥ V2" := (strong_step_value V1 V2).
Reserved Notation "C1 ↪ C2" (at level 60).
Reserved Notation "V1 ↪ᵥ V2" (at level 60).
Inductive sstep {n: nat} : comp n -> comp n -> Prop :=
| sstepForce (v v': value n): v ↪ᵥ v' -> v ! ↪ v' !
| sstepLambda (c c': comp (S n)): c ↪ c' -> lambda c ↪ lambda c'
| sstepAppL (c c': comp n) v: c ↪ c' -> c v ↪ c' v
| sstepAppR (c: comp n) (v v': value n): v ↪ᵥ v' -> c v ↪ c v'
| sstepTupleL (c1 c1': comp n) c2: c1 ↪ c1' -> tuple c1 c2 ↪ tuple c1' c2
| sstepTupleR c1 (c2 c2': comp n): c2 ↪ c2' -> tuple c1 c2 ↪ tuple c1 c2'
| sstepRet (v v': value n): v ↪ᵥ v' -> ret v ↪ ret v'
| sstepLetinL (c1 c1': comp n) c2: c1 ↪ c1' -> letin c1 c2 ↪ letin c1' c2
| sstepLetinR c1 (c2 c2': comp (S n)): c2 ↪ c2' -> letin c1 c2 ↪ letin c1 c2'
| sstepProj (c c': comp n) b: c ↪ c' -> proj b c ↪ proj b c'
| sstepCaseZ (v v': value n): v ↪ᵥ v' -> caseZ v ↪ caseZ v'
| sstepCaseSV (v v': value n) c1 c2: v ↪ᵥ v' -> caseS v c1 c2 ↪ caseS v' c1 c2
| sstepCaseSL (v: value n) c1 c1' c2: c1 ↪ c1' -> caseS v c1 c2 ↪ caseS v c1' c2
| sstepCaseSR (v: value n) c1 c2 c2': c2 ↪ c2' -> caseS v c1 c2 ↪ caseS v c1 c2'
| sstepCasePV (v v': value n) c: v ↪ᵥ v' -> caseP v c ↪ caseP v' c
| sstepCasePC (v: value n) c c': c ↪ c' -> caseP v c ↪ caseP v c'
| sstepPrimitive (c c': comp n) : c ≽ c' -> c ↪ c'
where "C1 ↪ C2" := (@sstep _ C1 C2)
with sstep_value {n: nat} : value n -> value n -> Prop :=
| sstepValuePairL (v1 v1' v2: value n) : v1 ↪ᵥ v1' -> pair v1 v2 ↪ᵥ pair v1' v2
| sstepValuePairR (v1 v2 v2': value n) : v2 ↪ᵥ v2' -> pair v1 v2 ↪ᵥ pair v1 v2'
| sstepValueInj b (v v': value n) : v ↪ᵥ v' -> inj b v ↪ᵥ inj b v'
| sstepValueThunk (c c': comp n) : c ↪ c' -> <{ c }> ↪ᵥ <{ c' }>
where "V1 ↪ᵥ V2" := (@sstep_value _ V1 V2).
Scheme sstep_value_ind_2 := Induction for sstep_value Sort Prop
with sstep_ind_2 := Induction for sstep Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme mutind_sstep from sstep_ind_2, sstep_value_ind_2.
Notation "M ↪* N" := (star sstep M N) (at level 60).
Notation "M ↪ᵥ* N" := (star sstep_value M N) (at level 60).
Hint Constructors strong_step strong_step_value sstep sstep_value.
Reserved Notation "V1 ↪ᵥ V2" (at level 60).
Inductive sstep {n: nat} : comp n -> comp n -> Prop :=
| sstepForce (v v': value n): v ↪ᵥ v' -> v ! ↪ v' !
| sstepLambda (c c': comp (S n)): c ↪ c' -> lambda c ↪ lambda c'
| sstepAppL (c c': comp n) v: c ↪ c' -> c v ↪ c' v
| sstepAppR (c: comp n) (v v': value n): v ↪ᵥ v' -> c v ↪ c v'
| sstepTupleL (c1 c1': comp n) c2: c1 ↪ c1' -> tuple c1 c2 ↪ tuple c1' c2
| sstepTupleR c1 (c2 c2': comp n): c2 ↪ c2' -> tuple c1 c2 ↪ tuple c1 c2'
| sstepRet (v v': value n): v ↪ᵥ v' -> ret v ↪ ret v'
| sstepLetinL (c1 c1': comp n) c2: c1 ↪ c1' -> letin c1 c2 ↪ letin c1' c2
| sstepLetinR c1 (c2 c2': comp (S n)): c2 ↪ c2' -> letin c1 c2 ↪ letin c1 c2'
| sstepProj (c c': comp n) b: c ↪ c' -> proj b c ↪ proj b c'
| sstepCaseZ (v v': value n): v ↪ᵥ v' -> caseZ v ↪ caseZ v'
| sstepCaseSV (v v': value n) c1 c2: v ↪ᵥ v' -> caseS v c1 c2 ↪ caseS v' c1 c2
| sstepCaseSL (v: value n) c1 c1' c2: c1 ↪ c1' -> caseS v c1 c2 ↪ caseS v c1' c2
| sstepCaseSR (v: value n) c1 c2 c2': c2 ↪ c2' -> caseS v c1 c2 ↪ caseS v c1 c2'
| sstepCasePV (v v': value n) c: v ↪ᵥ v' -> caseP v c ↪ caseP v' c
| sstepCasePC (v: value n) c c': c ↪ c' -> caseP v c ↪ caseP v c'
| sstepPrimitive (c c': comp n) : c ≽ c' -> c ↪ c'
where "C1 ↪ C2" := (@sstep _ C1 C2)
with sstep_value {n: nat} : value n -> value n -> Prop :=
| sstepValuePairL (v1 v1' v2: value n) : v1 ↪ᵥ v1' -> pair v1 v2 ↪ᵥ pair v1' v2
| sstepValuePairR (v1 v2 v2': value n) : v2 ↪ᵥ v2' -> pair v1 v2 ↪ᵥ pair v1 v2'
| sstepValueInj b (v v': value n) : v ↪ᵥ v' -> inj b v ↪ᵥ inj b v'
| sstepValueThunk (c c': comp n) : c ↪ c' -> <{ c }> ↪ᵥ <{ c' }>
where "V1 ↪ᵥ V2" := (@sstep_value _ V1 V2).
Scheme sstep_value_ind_2 := Induction for sstep_value Sort Prop
with sstep_ind_2 := Induction for sstep Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme mutind_sstep from sstep_ind_2, sstep_value_ind_2.
Notation "M ↪* N" := (star sstep M N) (at level 60).
Notation "M ↪ᵥ* N" := (star sstep_value M N) (at level 60).
Hint Constructors strong_step strong_step_value sstep sstep_value.
Strong Step Congruence Lemmas
Lemma strong_step_congruence {n m: nat} (K: cctx false m n) (c1 c2: comp n):
c1 ⇒ c2 -> fillc K c1 ⇒ fillc K c2.
intros []; repeat rewrite plug_fill_cctx_comp; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_congruence_value {n m: nat} (K: cctx true m n) (v1 v2: value n):
v1 ⇒ᵥ v2 -> fillc K v1 ⇒ fillc K v2.
intros []; repeat rewrite plug_fill_cctx_value; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_value_congruence {n m: nat} (K: vctx false m n) (c1 c2: comp n):
c1 ⇒ c2 -> fillv K c1 ⇒ᵥ fillv K c2.
intros []; repeat rewrite plug_fill_vctx_comp; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_value_congruence_value {n m: nat} (K: vctx true m n) (v1 v2: value n):
v1 ⇒ᵥ v2 -> fillv K v1 ⇒ᵥ fillv K v2.
intros []; repeat rewrite plug_fill_vctx_value; eauto.
c1 ⇒ c2 -> fillc K c1 ⇒ fillc K c2.
intros []; repeat rewrite plug_fill_cctx_comp; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_congruence_value {n m: nat} (K: cctx true m n) (v1 v2: value n):
v1 ⇒ᵥ v2 -> fillc K v1 ⇒ fillc K v2.
intros []; repeat rewrite plug_fill_cctx_value; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_value_congruence {n m: nat} (K: vctx false m n) (c1 c2: comp n):
c1 ⇒ c2 -> fillv K c1 ⇒ᵥ fillv K c2.
intros []; repeat rewrite plug_fill_vctx_comp; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_value_congruence_value {n m: nat} (K: vctx true m n) (v1 v2: value n):
v1 ⇒ᵥ v2 -> fillv K v1 ⇒ᵥ fillv K v2.
intros []; repeat rewrite plug_fill_vctx_value; eauto.
Strong Step Congruence Lemmas
Fixpoint sstep_congruence {n m: nat} (c1 c2: comp n) (K: cctx false m n):
c1 ↪ c2 -> fillc K c1 ↪ fillc K c2
with sstep_congruence_value {n m: nat} (v1 v2: value n) (K: cctx true m n):
v1 ↪ᵥ v2 -> fillc K v1 ↪ fillc K v2
with sstep_value_congruence {n m: nat} (c1 c2: comp n) (K: vctx false m n) :
c1 ↪ c2 -> fillv K c1 ↪ᵥ fillv K c2
with sstep_value_congruence_value {n m: nat} (v1 v2: value n) (K: vctx true m n):
v1 ↪ᵥ v2 -> fillv K v1 ↪ᵥ fillv K v2.
all: destruct K; intros; cbn; eauto.
all: try solve [destruct y].
Hint Resolve sstep_congruence sstep_congruence_value sstep_value_congruence
Fixpoint sstep_lemma n (c c': comp n) (H: c ↪ c') :
c ⇒ c'
with sstep_value_lemma n (v v': value n) (H: v ↪ᵥ v') :
v ⇒ᵥ v'.
all: destruct H.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxForce •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxLambda •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxAppL •__c _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxAppR _ •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxTupleL •__c _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxTupleR _ •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxRet •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxLetinL •__c _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxLetinR _ •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxProj b •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxCaseZ •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxCaseSV •__v _ _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxCaseSL _ •__c _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxCaseSR _ _ •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxCasePV •__v _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxCasePC _ •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_reduce with (K := •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_value_congruence_value with (K := vctxPairL •__v _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_value_congruence_value with (K := vctxPairR _ •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_value_congruence_value with (K := vctxInj b •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_value_congruence with (K := vctxThunk •__c); eauto.
c1 ↪ c2 -> fillc K c1 ↪ fillc K c2
with sstep_congruence_value {n m: nat} (v1 v2: value n) (K: cctx true m n):
v1 ↪ᵥ v2 -> fillc K v1 ↪ fillc K v2
with sstep_value_congruence {n m: nat} (c1 c2: comp n) (K: vctx false m n) :
c1 ↪ c2 -> fillv K c1 ↪ᵥ fillv K c2
with sstep_value_congruence_value {n m: nat} (v1 v2: value n) (K: vctx true m n):
v1 ↪ᵥ v2 -> fillv K v1 ↪ᵥ fillv K v2.
all: destruct K; intros; cbn; eauto.
all: try solve [destruct y].
Hint Resolve sstep_congruence sstep_congruence_value sstep_value_congruence
Fixpoint sstep_lemma n (c c': comp n) (H: c ↪ c') :
c ⇒ c'
with sstep_value_lemma n (v v': value n) (H: v ↪ᵥ v') :
v ⇒ᵥ v'.
all: destruct H.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxForce •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxLambda •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxAppL •__c _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxAppR _ •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxTupleL •__c _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxTupleR _ •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxRet •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxLetinL •__c _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxLetinR _ •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxProj b •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxCaseZ •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxCaseSV •__v _ _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxCaseSL _ •__c _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxCaseSR _ _ •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence_value with (K := cctxCasePV •__v _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxCasePC _ •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_reduce with (K := •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_value_congruence_value with (K := vctxPairL •__v _); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_value_congruence_value with (K := vctxPairR _ •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_value_congruence_value with (K := vctxInj b •__v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_value_congruence with (K := vctxThunk •__c); eauto.
Lemma sstep_strong_step {n: nat} (c1 c2: comp n):
c1 ↪ c2 <-> c1 ⇒ c2.
- eapply sstep_lemma.
- intros []; eapply sstep_congruence; eauto.
Lemma sstep_strong_step_value {n: nat} (v1 v2: value n):
v1 ↪ᵥ v2 <-> v1 ⇒ᵥ v2.
- eapply sstep_value_lemma.
- intros []; eapply sstep_value_congruence; eauto.
Global Instance subrel_step_sstep {n: nat}: subrelation (@step n) (@sstep n).
intros x y H; induction H; eauto.
c1 ↪ c2 <-> c1 ⇒ c2.
- eapply sstep_lemma.
- intros []; eapply sstep_congruence; eauto.
Lemma sstep_strong_step_value {n: nat} (v1 v2: value n):
v1 ↪ᵥ v2 <-> v1 ⇒ᵥ v2.
- eapply sstep_value_lemma.
- intros []; eapply sstep_value_congruence; eauto.
Global Instance subrel_step_sstep {n: nat}: subrelation (@step n) (@sstep n).
intros x y H; induction H; eauto.
Lemma sstep_progress n:
(forall (v: value n), (exists v', v ↪ᵥ v') \/ Normal sstep_value v) /\
(forall (e: comp n), (exists e', e ↪ e') \/ Normal sstep e).
Proof with intros ? S; inv S; eauto.
revert n; eapply mutind_val_comp; intros; unfold Normal in *.
all: exintuition; eauto.
all: try solve [right; intros ? S; inv S; eauto; inv H || inv H1 ].
- destruct v; [ right.. | left]; eauto; intros ? S;
inv S; inv H || inv H1; eauto.
- destruct c; try solve [left; eauto]; right...
all: inv H0.
- right... inv H0.
- destruct c; try solve [left; eauto]; right...
all: inv H0.
- destruct c; try solve [left; eauto]; right...
all: inv H.
- destruct v; try solve [left; eauto]; right...
all: inv H1.
- destruct v; try solve [left; eauto]; right...
all: inv H0.
(forall (v: value n), (exists v', v ↪ᵥ v') \/ Normal sstep_value v) /\
(forall (e: comp n), (exists e', e ↪ e') \/ Normal sstep e).
Proof with intros ? S; inv S; eauto.
revert n; eapply mutind_val_comp; intros; unfold Normal in *.
all: exintuition; eauto.
all: try solve [right; intros ? S; inv S; eauto; inv H || inv H1 ].
- destruct v; [ right.. | left]; eauto; intros ? S;
inv S; inv H || inv H1; eauto.
- destruct c; try solve [left; eauto]; right...
all: inv H0.
- right... inv H0.
- destruct c; try solve [left; eauto]; right...
all: inv H0.
- destruct c; try solve [left; eauto]; right...
all: inv H.
- destruct v; try solve [left; eauto]; right...
all: inv H1.
- destruct v; try solve [left; eauto]; right...
all: inv H0.
Lemma step_strong {n: nat} (c1 c2: comp n):
c1 > c2 -> c1 ⇒ c2.
induction 1.
- eapply strong_reduce with (K := •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxAppL •__c v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxProj b •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxLetinL •__c c2); eauto.
Lemma strong_step_progress (e: comp 0) (B: comptype) :
null ⊢ e : B -> (exists e', e ⇒ e') \/ nf e.
intros [ [] | H2] % progress; eauto.
left; eexists; eapply step_strong; eauto.
c1 > c2 -> c1 ⇒ c2.
induction 1.
- eapply strong_reduce with (K := •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxAppL •__c v); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxProj b •__c); eauto.
- eapply strong_step_congruence with (K := cctxLetinL •__c c2); eauto.
Lemma strong_step_progress (e: comp 0) (B: comptype) :
null ⊢ e : B -> (exists e', e ⇒ e') \/ nf e.
intros [ [] | H2] % progress; eauto.
left; eexists; eapply step_strong; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_preservation {n: nat} (c1 c2: comp n) (Gamma: ctx n) B:
c1 ⇒ c2 -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c1 : B) -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c2 : B).
intros [] [];
destruct (context_typing_decomposition_cctx_comp _ _ X) as (Delta & B' & H1 & H2);
destruct (primitive_preservation H H2);
constructor; apply (cctx_comp_typing_soundness H1 X0).
Lemma strong_step_value_preservation {n: nat} (v1 v2: value n) (Gamma: ctx n) A:
v1 ⇒ᵥ v2 -> inhab (Gamma ⊩ v1 : A) -> inhab (Gamma ⊩ v2 : A).
intros [] [];
destruct (context_typing_decomposition_vctx_comp _ _ X) as (Delta & B' & H1 & H2);
destruct (primitive_preservation H H2);
constructor; apply (vctx_comp_typing_soundness H1 X0).
Lemma sstep_preservation {n: nat} (c1 c2: comp n) (Gamma: ctx n) B:
c1 ↪ c2 -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c1 : B) -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c2 : B).
intros H % sstep_lemma. now apply strong_step_preservation.
Lemma ssteps_preservation {n: nat} (c1 c2: comp n) (Gamma: ctx n) B:
star sstep c1 c2 -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c1 : B) -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c2 : B).
induction 1; eauto.
intros H1. eapply sstep_preservation in H; eauto.
c1 ⇒ c2 -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c1 : B) -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c2 : B).
intros [] [];
destruct (context_typing_decomposition_cctx_comp _ _ X) as (Delta & B' & H1 & H2);
destruct (primitive_preservation H H2);
constructor; apply (cctx_comp_typing_soundness H1 X0).
Lemma strong_step_value_preservation {n: nat} (v1 v2: value n) (Gamma: ctx n) A:
v1 ⇒ᵥ v2 -> inhab (Gamma ⊩ v1 : A) -> inhab (Gamma ⊩ v2 : A).
intros [] [];
destruct (context_typing_decomposition_vctx_comp _ _ X) as (Delta & B' & H1 & H2);
destruct (primitive_preservation H H2);
constructor; apply (vctx_comp_typing_soundness H1 X0).
Lemma sstep_preservation {n: nat} (c1 c2: comp n) (Gamma: ctx n) B:
c1 ↪ c2 -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c1 : B) -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c2 : B).
intros H % sstep_lemma. now apply strong_step_preservation.
Lemma ssteps_preservation {n: nat} (c1 c2: comp n) (Gamma: ctx n) B:
star sstep c1 c2 -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c1 : B) -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c2 : B).
induction 1; eauto.
intros H1. eapply sstep_preservation in H; eauto.
Fixpoint primitive_step_subst m n k (f : fin m -> value n) (C1 C2 : comp k) (K: cctx false m k):
C1 ≽ C2 -> (fillc K C1)[f] ↪ (fillc K C2)[f]
with primitive_step_subst_value m n k (f : fin m -> value n) (C1 C2 : comp k) (K: vctx false m k):
C1 ≽ C2 -> (fillv K C1)[f] ↪ᵥ (fillv K C2)[f].
all: destruct K; cbn; intros; eauto.
- constructor; eapply pstep_subst; eauto.
- destruct y.
Lemma strong_step_subst m n (f : fin m -> value n) (C1 C2 : comp m) :
C1 ⇒ C2 -> C1[f] ⇒ C2[f].
intros []; rewrite <-sstep_strong_step; eapply primitive_step_subst; assumption.
Lemma strong_step_value_subst m n (f : fin m -> value n) (V1 V2 : value m) :
V1 ⇒ᵥ V2 -> V1[f] ⇒ᵥ V2[f].
intros []; rewrite <-sstep_strong_step_value; eapply primitive_step_subst_value; assumption.
Lemma pstep_anti_renaming m n (f: fin m -> fin n) (c : comp m) (d: comp n) :
c⟨f⟩ ≽ d -> exists2 d', c ≽ d' & d = d'⟨f⟩.
Proof with eexists; eauto; now asimpl.
destruct c; asimpl; intros H; inv H.
- destruct v; try discriminate; cbn in *; injection H1 as ->...
- destruct c; try discriminate; cbn in *; injection H0 as ->.
eexists; eauto. now asimpl.
- destruct c1; try discriminate; cbn in *; injection H0 as ->...
- destruct b, c; try discriminate; cbn in *; injection H2 as ->...
- destruct v; try discriminate; cbn in *; injection H0 as -> ->; destruct b0...
- destruct v; try discriminate; cbn in *. injection H0 as -> ->...
Fixpoint sstep_anti_renaming m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (c : comp m) (d : comp n) :
c⟨f⟩ ↪ d ->
exists2 d', c ↪ d' & d = d'⟨f⟩
with sstep_value_anti_renaming m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (v : value m) (w : value n) :
v⟨f⟩ ↪ᵥ w ->
exists2 w', v ↪ᵥ w' & w = w'⟨f⟩.
1: destruct c.
12: destruct v.
all: cbn; intros H; inv H.
all: try solve [intros; edestruct sstep_anti_renaming; eauto; subst; eexists; eauto].
all: try solve [intros; edestruct sstep_value_anti_renaming; eauto; subst; eexists; eauto].
all: try solve [inv H0].
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f (v !) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f (c v) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f ($ <- c1; c2) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f (proj b c) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f (caseS v c1 c2) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f (caseP v c) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_anti_renaming m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (c : comp m) (d : comp n) :
c⟨f⟩ ⇒ d -> exists2 d', c ⇒ d' & d = d'⟨f⟩.
rewrite <-sstep_strong_step; intros [] % sstep_anti_renaming;
eexists; eauto; rewrite <-sstep_strong_step; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_value_anti_renaming m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (v1 : value m) (v2 : value n) :
v1⟨f⟩⇒ᵥ v2 -> exists2 v2', v1 ⇒ᵥ v2' & v2 = v2'⟨f⟩.
repeat rewrite <-sstep_strong_step_value; intros H.
edestruct sstep_value_anti_renaming; eauto; eexists; rewrite <-?sstep_strong_step_value; eauto.
C1 ≽ C2 -> (fillc K C1)[f] ↪ (fillc K C2)[f]
with primitive_step_subst_value m n k (f : fin m -> value n) (C1 C2 : comp k) (K: vctx false m k):
C1 ≽ C2 -> (fillv K C1)[f] ↪ᵥ (fillv K C2)[f].
all: destruct K; cbn; intros; eauto.
- constructor; eapply pstep_subst; eauto.
- destruct y.
Lemma strong_step_subst m n (f : fin m -> value n) (C1 C2 : comp m) :
C1 ⇒ C2 -> C1[f] ⇒ C2[f].
intros []; rewrite <-sstep_strong_step; eapply primitive_step_subst; assumption.
Lemma strong_step_value_subst m n (f : fin m -> value n) (V1 V2 : value m) :
V1 ⇒ᵥ V2 -> V1[f] ⇒ᵥ V2[f].
intros []; rewrite <-sstep_strong_step_value; eapply primitive_step_subst_value; assumption.
Lemma pstep_anti_renaming m n (f: fin m -> fin n) (c : comp m) (d: comp n) :
c⟨f⟩ ≽ d -> exists2 d', c ≽ d' & d = d'⟨f⟩.
Proof with eexists; eauto; now asimpl.
destruct c; asimpl; intros H; inv H.
- destruct v; try discriminate; cbn in *; injection H1 as ->...
- destruct c; try discriminate; cbn in *; injection H0 as ->.
eexists; eauto. now asimpl.
- destruct c1; try discriminate; cbn in *; injection H0 as ->...
- destruct b, c; try discriminate; cbn in *; injection H2 as ->...
- destruct v; try discriminate; cbn in *; injection H0 as -> ->; destruct b0...
- destruct v; try discriminate; cbn in *. injection H0 as -> ->...
Fixpoint sstep_anti_renaming m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (c : comp m) (d : comp n) :
c⟨f⟩ ↪ d ->
exists2 d', c ↪ d' & d = d'⟨f⟩
with sstep_value_anti_renaming m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (v : value m) (w : value n) :
v⟨f⟩ ↪ᵥ w ->
exists2 w', v ↪ᵥ w' & w = w'⟨f⟩.
1: destruct c.
12: destruct v.
all: cbn; intros H; inv H.
all: try solve [intros; edestruct sstep_anti_renaming; eauto; subst; eexists; eauto].
all: try solve [intros; edestruct sstep_value_anti_renaming; eauto; subst; eexists; eauto].
all: try solve [inv H0].
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f (v !) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f (c v) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f ($ <- c1; c2) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f (proj b c) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f (caseS v c1 c2) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
1: specialize (pstep_anti_renaming f (caseP v c) H0) as []; eexists; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_anti_renaming m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (c : comp m) (d : comp n) :
c⟨f⟩ ⇒ d -> exists2 d', c ⇒ d' & d = d'⟨f⟩.
rewrite <-sstep_strong_step; intros [] % sstep_anti_renaming;
eexists; eauto; rewrite <-sstep_strong_step; eauto.
Lemma strong_step_value_anti_renaming m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (v1 : value m) (v2 : value n) :
v1⟨f⟩⇒ᵥ v2 -> exists2 v2', v1 ⇒ᵥ v2' & v2 = v2'⟨f⟩.
repeat rewrite <-sstep_strong_step_value; intros H.
edestruct sstep_value_anti_renaming; eauto; eexists; rewrite <-?sstep_strong_step_value; eauto.
Definition sn {n : nat} (C : comp n) : Prop :=
SN (@strong_step n) C.
Definition snv {n : nat} (V : value n) : Prop :=
SN (@strong_step_value n) V.
Instance proper_sstep_pairL n : Proper (star sstep_value ==> eq ==> star sstep_value) (@pair n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_pairR n : Proper (eq ==> star sstep_value ==> star sstep_value) (@pair n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_inj n b : Proper (star sstep_value ==> star sstep_value) (@inj n b).
cbv. induction 1; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_thunk n : Proper (star sstep ==> star sstep_value) (@thunk n).
cbv. induction 1; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_force n : Proper (star sstep_value ==> star sstep) (@force n).
cbv. induction 1; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_lambda n : Proper (star sstep ==> star sstep) (@lambda n).
cbv. induction 1; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_appL n : Proper (star sstep ==> eq ==> star sstep) (@app n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_appR n : Proper (eq ==> star sstep_value ==> star sstep) (@app n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_tupleL n : Proper (star sstep ==> eq ==> star sstep) (@tuple n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_tupleR n : Proper (eq ==> star sstep ==> star sstep) (@tuple n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_ret n : Proper (star sstep_value ==> star sstep) (@ret n).
cbv. induction 1; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_letinL n : Proper (star sstep ==> eq ==> star sstep) (@letin n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_letinR n : Proper (eq ==> star sstep ==> star sstep) (@letin n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_proj n b : Proper (star sstep ==> star sstep) (@proj n b).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
(* caseZ *)
Instance proper_sstep_caseZ n : Proper (star sstep_value ==> star sstep) (@caseZ n).
Proof. cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto. Qed.
(* caseS *)
Instance proper_sstep_caseS1 n : Proper (star sstep_value ==> eq ==> eq ==> star sstep) (@caseS n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_caseS2 n : Proper (eq ==> star sstep ==> eq ==> star sstep) (@caseS n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_caseS3 n : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> star sstep ==> star sstep) (@caseS n).
cbv. induction 3; intros; subst; eauto.
(* caseP *)
Instance proper_sstep_caseP1 n : Proper (star sstep_value ==> eq ==> star sstep) (@caseP n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance proper_sstep_caseP2 n : Proper (eq ==> star sstep ==> star sstep) (@caseP n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance star_sstep_preserves n m (sigma : fin m -> value n) :
Proper (star sstep ==> star sstep) (subst_comp sigma).
intros ? ? ?.
induction H; eauto.
econstructor. eapply sstep_strong_step, strong_step_subst, sstep_strong_step; eauto. eassumption.
Instance ren_comp_proper n m (rho: fin n -> fin m) : Proper (star sstep ==> star sstep) (@ren_comp n m rho).
intros ? ? ?. substify. now rewrite H.
Instance star_sstep_preserves_value n m (sigma : fin m -> value n) :
Proper (star sstep_value ==> star sstep_value) (subst_value sigma).
intros ? ? ?.
induction H; eauto.
econstructor. eapply sstep_strong_step_value, strong_step_value_subst, sstep_strong_step_value; eauto. eassumption.
Instance ren_value_proper n m rho : Proper (star sstep_value ==> star sstep_value) (@ren_value n m rho).
intros ? ? ?. substify. now rewrite H.
Lemma proper_subst_comp n :
(forall V, forall m (sigma tau : fin n -> value m), (forall x, star sstep_value (sigma x) (tau x)) ->
star sstep_value (subst_value sigma V) (subst_value tau V)) /\
(forall M, forall m (sigma tau : fin n -> value m), (forall x, star sstep_value (sigma x) (tau x)) ->
star sstep (subst_comp sigma M) (subst_comp tau M)).
revert n. eapply mutind_val_comp; cbn; intros; eauto.
all: try now rewrite H; eauto.
all: try now rewrite H, H0; eauto.
- rewrite H; eauto. intros []; cbn; eauto.
eapply ren_value_proper. eauto.
- rewrite H, H0; eauto. intros []; cbn; eauto.
eapply ren_value_proper. eauto.
- rewrite H, H0, H1; eauto.
all: intros []; cbn; eauto; eapply ren_value_proper; eauto.
- rewrite H, H0; eauto.
intros [ [] | ]; cbn; eauto;
eapply ren_value_proper; eauto.
eapply ren_value_proper; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_pairL n : Proper (plus sstep_value ==> eq ==> plus sstep_value) (@pair n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_pairR n : Proper (eq ==> plus sstep_value ==> plus sstep_value) (@pair n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_inj n b : Proper (plus sstep_value ==> plus sstep_value) (@inj n b).
cbv. induction 1; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_thunk n : Proper (plus sstep ==> plus sstep_value) (@thunk n).
cbv. induction 1; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_force n : Proper (plus sstep_value ==> plus sstep) (@force n).
cbv. induction 1; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_lambda n : Proper (plus sstep ==> plus sstep) (@lambda n).
cbv. induction 1; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_appL n : Proper (plus sstep ==> eq ==> plus sstep) (@app n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_appR n : Proper (eq ==> plus sstep_value ==> plus sstep) (@app n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_tupleL n : Proper (plus sstep ==> eq ==> plus sstep) (@tuple n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_tupleR n : Proper (eq ==> plus sstep ==> plus sstep) (@tuple n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_ret n : Proper (plus sstep_value ==> plus sstep) (@ret n).
cbv. induction 1; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_letinL n : Proper (plus sstep ==> eq ==> plus sstep) (@letin n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_letinR n : Proper (eq ==> plus sstep ==> plus sstep) (@letin n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_proj n b : Proper (plus sstep ==> plus sstep) (@proj n b).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
(* caseS *)
Instance plus_proper_sstep_caseS1 n : Proper (plus sstep_value ==> eq ==> eq ==> plus sstep) (@caseS n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_caseS2 n : Proper (eq ==> plus sstep ==> eq ==> plus sstep) (@caseS n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_caseS3 n : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> plus sstep ==> plus sstep) (@caseS n).
cbv. induction 3; intros; subst; eauto.
(* caseP *)
Instance plus_proper_sstep_caseP1 n : Proper (plus sstep_value ==> eq ==> plus sstep) (@caseP n).
cbv. induction 1; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_proper_sstep_caseP2 n : Proper (eq ==> plus sstep ==> plus sstep) (@caseP n).
cbv. induction 2; intros; subst; eauto.
Instance plus_sstep_preserves n m (sigma : fin m -> value n) :
Proper (plus sstep ==> plus sstep) (subst_comp sigma).
intros ? ? ?.
induction H.
- econstructor. eapply sstep_strong_step, strong_step_subst, sstep_strong_step; eauto.
- econstructor 2. eapply sstep_strong_step, strong_step_subst, sstep_strong_step; eauto. eassumption.
Instance pstep_subrel n : subrelation (@pstep n) (@sstep n).
cbv. intros. eauto.
Lemma stepv_var_inv n (i : fin n) (v : value n) :
~var_value i ⇒ᵥ v.
intros st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; contradiction.
Lemma stepv_u_inv n (v : value n) :
~u ⇒ᵥ v.
intros st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; eauto.
Lemma stepv_pair_inv n (P : value n -> Prop) (v1 v2 : value n) :
(forall v', v1 ⇒ᵥ v' -> P (pair v' v2)) ->
(forall v', v2 ⇒ᵥ v' -> P (pair v1 v')) ->
(forall v', pair v1 v2 ⇒ᵥ v' -> P v').
intros H1 H2 v' st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; try contradiction;
cbn in *; injection H; intros E1 E2; subst; clear H.
now apply H1. now apply H2.
Lemma stepv_inj_inv n (P : value n -> Prop) b (v : value n) :
(forall v', v ⇒ᵥ v' -> P (inj b v')) ->
(forall v', inj b v ⇒ᵥ v' -> P v').
intros H v' st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; try contradiction; cbn in *.
injection H0. intros E1 E2. subst. apply H. constructor. exact H1.
Lemma stepv_thunk_inv n (P : value n -> Prop) (c : comp n) :
(forall c', c ⇒ c' -> P (thunk c')) ->
(forall v', thunk c ⇒ᵥ v' -> P v').
intros H v' st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; try contradiction; cbn in *.
injection H0. intros E. subst. apply H. constructor. assumption.
Lemma step_cu_inv n (c : comp n) :
~cu ⇒ c.
intros st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; try contradiction.
cbn in H. subst. inv H0.
Lemma step_force_inv n (P : comp n -> Prop) (v : value n) :
(forall c, v = thunk c -> P c) ->
(forall v', v ⇒ᵥ v' -> P (force v')) ->
(forall c, force v ⇒ c -> P c).
intros H1 H2 c st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; cbn in *; subst; cbn.
- inv H0. now apply H1.
- injection H. intros; subst. apply H2. constructor. assumption.
Lemma step_lambda_inv n (P : comp n -> Prop) (c : comp (S n)) :
(forall c', c ⇒ c' -> P (lambda c')) ->
(forall c', lambda c ⇒ c' -> P c').
intros H c' st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; cbn in *; subst; cbn.
- now inv H1.
- injection H0. intros; subst. apply H. constructor. assumption.
Lemma step_app_inv n (P : comp n -> Prop) (c : comp n) (v : value n) :
(forall (b : comp (S n)), c = lambda b -> P b[v..]) ->
(forall c', c ⇒ c' -> P (app c' v)) ->
(forall v', v ⇒ᵥ v' -> P (app c v')) ->
(forall c', app c v ⇒ c' -> P c').
intros H1 H2 H3 c' st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; cbn in *; subst; cbn.
- inv H0. now apply H1.
- injection H; intros; subst. apply H2. constructor. assumption.
- injection H; intros; subst. apply H3. constructor. assumption.
Lemma step_tuple_inv n (P : comp n -> Prop) (c1 c2 : comp n) :
(forall c', c1 ⇒ c' -> P (tuple c' c2)) ->
(forall c', c2 ⇒ c' -> P (tuple c1 c')) ->
(forall c', tuple c1 c2 ⇒ c' -> P c').
intros H1 H2 c' st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; cbn in *; subst; cbn.
- now inv H0.
- injection H; intros; subst. apply H1. constructor. assumption.
- injection H; intros; subst. apply H2. constructor. assumption.
Lemma step_ret_inv n (P : comp n -> Prop) (v : value n) :
(forall v', v ⇒ᵥ v' -> P (ret v')) ->
(forall c, ret v ⇒ c -> P c).
intros H c st. inv st; destruct K; try discriminate.
- cbn in *. subst. inv H1.
- cbn in *. injection H0; intros E; subst. apply H. constructor. exact H1.
Lemma step_letin_inv n (P : comp n -> Prop) (c1 : comp n) c2 :
(forall v, c1 = ret v -> P (c2[v..])) ->
(forall c', c1 ⇒ c' -> P ($ <- c'; c2)) ->
(forall c', c2 ⇒ c' -> P ($ <- c1; c')) ->
(forall c', $ <- c1; c2 ⇒ c' -> P c').
intros H1 H2 H3 c' st. inv st; destruct K; try discriminate; cbn in *.
- subst. inv H0. now apply H1.
- injection H. intros E1 E2. subst. apply H2. constructor. assumption.
- injection H. intros E1 E2. subst. apply H3. constructor. assumption.
Lemma step_proj_inv n (P : comp n -> Prop) (b : bool) (c : comp n) :
(forall c1 c2, c = tuple c1 c2 -> P (if b then c1 else c2)) ->
(forall c', c ⇒ c' -> P (proj b c')) ->
(forall c', proj b c ⇒ c' -> P c').
intros H1 H2 c' st. inv st; destruct K; try discriminate; cbn in *.
- subst. inv H0. now apply H1.
- injection H; intros; subst. apply H2. constructor. assumption.
Lemma step_caseZ_inv n (P : comp n -> Prop) (v : value n) :
(forall v', v ⇒ᵥ v' -> P (caseZ v')) ->
(forall c, caseZ v ⇒ c -> P c).
intros H c st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; cbn in *.
- subst. inv H1.
- injection H0. intros E; subst. apply H. constructor. assumption.
Lemma step_caseS_inv n (P : comp n -> Prop) v c1 c2 :
(forall b v', v = inj b v' -> P ((if b then c1 else c2)[v'..])) ->
(forall v', v ⇒ᵥ v' -> P (caseS v' c1 c2)) ->
(forall c', c1 ⇒ c' -> P (caseS v c' c2)) ->
(forall c', c2 ⇒ c' -> P (caseS v c1 c')) ->
(forall d, caseS v c1 c2 ⇒ d -> P d).
intros H1 H2 H3 H4 d st. inv st. destruct K; try discriminate; cbn in *.
- subst. inv H0. now apply H1.
- injection H. intros; subst. apply H2. constructor. assumption.
- injection H. intros; subst. apply H3. constructor. assumption.
- injection H. intros; subst. apply H4. constructor. assumption.
Lemma step_caseP_inv n (P : comp n -> Prop) (v : value n) c :
(forall v1 v2, v = pair v1 v2 -> P (c[v2, v1..])) ->
(forall v', v ⇒ᵥ v' -> P (caseP v' c)) ->
(forall c', c ⇒ c' -> P (caseP v c')) ->
(forall d, caseP v c ⇒ d -> P d).
intros H1 H2 H3 d st. inv st; destruct K; try discriminate; cbn in *; subst.
- inv H0. now apply H1.
- injection H. intros E1 E2; subst. apply H2. constructor. assumption.
- injection H. intros E1 E2; subst. apply H3. constructor. assumption.
Lemma step_ren_comp_inv m :
(forall D C', D ↪ C' -> forall n C (rho : fin n -> fin m), D = C⟨rho⟩ -> exists C'', C ↪ C'' /\ C' = C''⟨rho⟩) /\
(forall V1 V', sstep_value V1 V' -> forall n V (rho : fin n -> fin m), V1 = V⟨rho⟩ -> exists V'', sstep_value V V'' /\ V' = V''⟨rho⟩).
Proof with intros; asimpl; f_equal; fext; now intros [].
revert m. eapply mutind_sstep; cbn; intros.
all: try now (destruct V; inv H0; edestruct H as (? & ? & ->); eauto).
all: try now (destruct C; inv H0; edestruct H as (? & ? & ->); eauto).
subst. inv p.
- destruct C; inv H0; destruct v; inv H1; eauto.
- destruct C; inv H. destruct C; inv H1. eexists; split; eauto.
now asimpl.
- destruct C; inv H. destruct C; inv H2. eexists; split; eauto.
now destruct b0.
- destruct C; inv H. destruct C1; inv H1. eexists; split; eauto.
now asimpl.
- destruct C; inv H. destruct v0; inv H1. eexists; split; eauto.
destruct b0; now asimpl.
- destruct C; inv H. destruct v; inv H1. eexists; split; eauto.
now asimpl.
Lemma ret_star_inv n (V : value n) C :
ret V ↪* C -> exists V', C = ret V' /\ star sstep_value V V'.
remember (ret V) as C'. intros H. revert V HeqC'; induction H; intros; subst.
- eauto.
- inv H.
+ edestruct IHstar as (? & -> &?); eauto.
+ inv H1.
Lemma inj_star_inv n (V : value n) b C :
star sstep_value (inj b V) C -> exists V', C = inj b V' /\ star sstep_value V V'.
remember (inj b V) as C'. intros H. revert V HeqC'; induction H; intros; subst.
- eauto.
- inv H. edestruct IHstar as (? & -> &?); eauto.
Lemma thunk_star_inv n (V : value n) C :
star sstep_value (thunk C) V -> exists C', V = thunk C' /\ star sstep C C'.
remember (thunk C) as V'. intros H. revert C HeqV'; induction H; intros; subst.
- eauto.
- inv H. edestruct IHstar as (? & -> &?); eauto.