We define a semantic typing judgement on values and computations.
Values in VA and computations in CB are safe but not necessarily
syntactically well typed. However they behave like syntactically well typed
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Omega Logic List.
Require Import Classes.Morphisms.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.Semantics CBPV.Terms CBPV.SyntacticTyping CBPV.Base CBPV.StrongReduction.
Import CommaNotation.
Definition active {n} (c : comp n) : Prop :=
match c with
| cu | ret _ | lambda _ | tuple _ _ => True
| _ => False
Definition activev {n} (v : value n) : Prop :=
match v with var_value _ => False | _ => True end.
Inductive close {n} (C : comp n -> Prop) (c : comp n) : Prop :=
| close_step :
(active c -> C c) ->
(forall d, c ⇒ d -> close C d) ->
close C c.
Inductive closev {n} (V : value n -> Prop) : value n -> Prop :=
| closev_var (i : fin n) : closev V (var_value i)
| closev_V v : V v -> closev V v.
Lemma close_sn n (C : comp n -> Prop) (c : comp n) :
close C c -> sn c.
Proof. induction 1; constructor; eauto. Qed.
Lemma close_red n (C : comp n -> Prop) (c d : comp n) :
c ⇒ d -> close C c -> close C d.
Proof. intros ?[]; eauto. Qed.
Lemma close_base n (C : comp n -> Prop) (c : comp n) :
active c -> close C c -> C c.
Proof. intros ?[]; eauto. Qed.
Lemma closev_base n (V : value n -> Prop) (v : value n) :
activev v -> closev V v -> V v.
Proof. intros H1 H2. inv H2. contradiction. assumption. Qed.
Lemma close_ren (C : forall n, comp n -> Prop) :
(forall m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (c : comp m), C m c -> C n c⟨f⟩) ->
(forall m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (c : comp m), close (C m) c -> close (C n) c⟨f⟩).
intros H1 m n f c. induction 1 as [c H2 H3 ih]. constructor.
- intros H4. apply H1. apply H2. destruct c; cbn in *; eauto.
- intros d H4. destruct (strong_step_anti_renaming _ _ H4) as [d' H5 H6]; subst d. now apply ih.
Lemma closev_ren (V : forall n, value n -> Prop) :
(forall m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (v : value m), V m v -> V n (ren_value f v)) ->
(forall m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (v : value m), closev (V m) v -> closev (V n) v⟨f⟩).
intros H1 m n f c H2. inv H2. constructor. constructor. now apply H1.
Fixpoint V {n: nat} (A: valtype) (v: value n) :=
match A with
| zero =>
| one =>
match v with u => True | _ => False end
| U B =>
match v with <{ c }> => close (C B) c | _ => False end
| Sigma A1 A2 =>
match v with inj b v' => closev (V (if b then A1 else A2)) v' | _ => False end
| A1 * A2 =>
match v with pair v1 v2 => closev (V A1) v1 /\ closev (V A2) v2 | _ => False end
with C {n: nat} (B: comptype) (c: comp n) :=
match B with
| cone =>
match c with cu => True | _ => False end
| F A =>
match c with ret v => closev (V A) v | _ => False end
| Pi B1 B2 =>
match c with tuple c1 c2 => close (C B1) c1 /\ close (C B2) c2 | _ => False end
| A → B =>
match c with
| lambda c' => forall k (f : fin n -> fin k) (v : value k),
closev (V A) v -> close (C B) (c'[v, f >> ids])
| _ => False
Notation E B c := (close (C B) c).
Notation VV A v := (closev (V A) v).
Definition G {n m: nat} (Gamma : ctx n) (gamma: fin n -> value m) :=
forall i, VV (Gamma i) (gamma i).
Definition val_semtype {n: nat} (Gamma: ctx n) (v: value n) (A: valtype) :=
forall m (gamma: fin n -> value m), G Gamma gamma -> VV A (subst_value gamma v).
Notation "Gamma ⊫ v ::: A" := (val_semtype Gamma v A) (at level 80).
Definition comp_semtype {n: nat} (Gamma: ctx n) (c: comp n) (B: comptype) :=
forall m (gamma: fin n -> value m), G Gamma gamma -> E B (subst_comp gamma c).
Notation "Gamma ⊨ c ::: B" := (comp_semtype Gamma c B) (at level 80).
Lemma VC_ren :
(forall (A : valtype), forall m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (v : value m),
V A v -> V A v⟨f⟩) /\
(forall (A : comptype), forall m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (c : comp m),
C A c -> C A c⟨f⟩).
apply mutind_valtype_comptype.
- now eauto.
- intros m n f []; now eauto.
- intros A ih m n f []; cbn; eauto. revert m n f c.
apply close_ren. exact ih.
- intros A ihA B ihB m n f []; cbn; eauto. revert m n f v.
apply closev_ren. destruct b. exact ihA. exact ihB.
- intros A ihA B ihB m n f []; cbn; eauto; intros [L R]. split.
+ clear v0 R. revert m n f v L. apply closev_ren. exact ihA.
+ clear v L. revert m n f v0 R. apply closev_ren. exact ihB.
- intros m n f []; cbn; now eauto.
- intros A ih m n f []; cbn; eauto. revert m n f v.
apply closev_ren. exact ih.
- intros A ihA B ihB m n f []; cbn; eauto; intros [L R]. split.
+ clear c0 R. revert m n f c L. apply close_ren. exact ihA.
+ clear c L. revert m n f c0 R. apply close_ren. exact ihB.
- intros A ihA B ihB m n f []; cbn; eauto; intros H k g v Hv.
now apply H.
Lemma VV_ren m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (v : value m) (A : valtype) :
VV A v -> VV A v⟨f⟩.
revert m n f v. apply closev_ren. destruct VC_ren as [H _]. apply H.
Lemma E_ren m n (f : fin m -> fin n) (c : comp m) (A : comptype) :
E A c -> E A c⟨f⟩.
revert m n f c. apply close_ren. destruct VC_ren as [_ H]. apply H.
G is closed under context extension
Lemma VV_var n (A : valtype) (i : fin n) :
VV A (ids i).
Proof. constructor. Qed.
Lemma G_id n (Gamma : ctx n) :
G Gamma var_value.
intros i. apply VV_var.
Lemma G_scons m n (A : valtype) (Gamma : ctx m) (f : fin m -> value n) (v : value n) :
VV A v -> G Gamma f -> G (A, Gamma) (v, f).
intros Vv Gf. hnf. cbn. intros [i|]; cbn. now apply Gf. exact Vv.
Lemma G_ren m n k (Gamma : ctx m) (f : fin m -> value n) (g : fin n -> fin k) :
G Gamma f -> G Gamma (f >> ⟨g⟩).
intros Gf i. apply VV_ren. apply Gf.
Lemma G_ext {m n : nat} (A : valtype) (Gamma : ctx m) (f : fin m -> value n) :
G Gamma f -> G (A, Gamma) (up_value_value f).
intros H. apply G_scons. now apply VV_var. apply G_ren. exact H.
Lemma E_ind n (P : comp n -> Prop) A :
(forall c, E A c -> (forall c', c ⇒ c' -> P c') -> P c) ->
(forall c, E A c -> P c).
intros H c. induction 1. apply H. now constructor. apply H2.
Lemma E_ind2 m n (P : comp m -> comp n -> Prop) A B :
(forall c1 c2,
(forall c', c1 ⇒ c' -> P c' c2) ->
(forall c', c2 ⇒ c' -> P c1 c') ->
E A c1 -> E B c2 -> P c1 c2) ->
(forall c1 c2, E A c1 -> E B c2 -> P c1 c2).
intros H c1 c2 Ec1. revert c1 Ec1 c2.
refine (E_ind _ _ _). intros c1 Ec1 ih1.
refine (E_ind _ _ _). intros c2 Ec2 ih2.
apply H; eauto.
Lemma V_red_to_VV_red n A :
(forall (v1 v2 : value n), v1 ⇒ᵥ v2 -> V A v1 -> V A v2) ->
(forall (v1 v2 : value n), v1 ⇒ᵥ v2 -> VV A v1 -> VV A v2).
intros H v1 v2 st vv. inv vv. destruct (stepv_var_inv st).
constructor. revert H0. now apply H.
Lemma V_red n A (v1 v2 : value n) :
v1 ⇒ᵥ v2 -> V A v1 -> V A v2.
Proof with try now eauto.
revert v1 v2. induction A; cbn; intros...
- destruct v1... destruct (stepv_u_inv H).
- destruct v1... revert v2 H. apply stepv_thunk_inv. intros c1 st. revert H0. now apply close_red.
- destruct v1... revert v2 H. apply stepv_inj_inv. intros v2 st.
revert v1 v2 st H0. apply V_red_to_VV_red. destruct b. exact IHA1. exact IHA2.
- destruct v1... destruct H0. revert v2 H. apply stepv_pair_inv.
+ intros v' st. split... revert v' st H0. apply V_red_to_VV_red. exact IHA1.
+ intros v' st. split... revert v' st H1. apply V_red_to_VV_red. exact IHA2.
Lemma VV_red n A (v1 v2 : value n) :
v1 ⇒ᵥ v2 -> VV A v1 -> VV A v2.
revert v1 v2. apply V_red_to_VV_red. apply V_red.
Lemma V_sn_to_VV_sn n A :
(forall (v : value n), V A v -> snv v) ->
(forall (v : value n), VV A v -> snv v).
intros H v []. constructor. intros v' st. destruct (stepv_var_inv st). now apply H.
Lemma V_sn n A (v : value n) :
V A v -> snv v.
Proof with try contradiction.
revert v. induction A; cbn; intros...
- destruct v... constructor. intros v st. destruct (stepv_u_inv st).
- destruct v... apply close_sn in H. induction H. constructor.
apply stepv_thunk_inv. apply H0.
- destruct v... assert (snv_v : snv v). revert v H. apply V_sn_to_VV_sn. now destruct b.
clear H. induction snv_v. constructor. apply stepv_inj_inv. apply H0.
- destruct v... destruct H.
assert (snv_v1 : snv v1). revert v1 H. now apply V_sn_to_VV_sn.
assert (snv_v2 : snv v2). revert v2 H0. now apply V_sn_to_VV_sn.
clear A1 A2 IHA1 IHA2 H H0. revert v2 snv_v2. induction snv_v1 as [v1 _ ih1].
intros v2 snv_v2. induction snv_v2 as [v2 sn2 ih2]. constructor. apply stepv_pair_inv.
intros. apply ih1; auto. constructor; now eauto. now apply ih2.
Lemma VV_sn n A (v : value n) :
VV A v -> snv v.
apply V_sn_to_VV_sn. intros v'. apply V_sn.
Section CompatibilityLemmas.
Variables (n : nat) (A A1 A2 : valtype) (B B1 B2 : comptype).
Lemma compat_pair_E (v1 v2 : value n) :
VV A1 v1 -> VV A2 v2 -> VV (A1 * A2) (pair v1 v2).
intros H1 H2. constructor. now split.
Lemma compat_sum_E (b : bool) (v : value n) :
VV (if b then A1 else A2) v -> VV (Sigma A1 A2) (inj b v).
intros H. constructor. exact H.
Lemma compat_thunk_E (c : comp n) :
E B c -> VV (U B) <{ c }>.
revert c. apply E_ind. intros c Ec ih. hnf. cbn. constructor. exact Ec.
Lemma compat_lambda_E (c : comp (S n)) :
sn c ->
(forall k (f : fin n -> fin k) (v : value k),
VV A v -> E B (subst_comp (v .: f >> var_value) c)) ->
E (A → B) (lambda c).
induction 1 as [c _ ih]. intros H. constructor.
- cbn. intros _ k f v Vv. apply H. exact Vv.
- apply step_lambda_inv. intros c' st. apply ih. assumption.
intros k f v Vv. specialize (H _ f _ Vv). revert H. apply close_red.
apply strong_step_subst. exact st.
Lemma compat_letin_E (c1 : comp n) c2 :
E (F A) c1 -> sn c2 -> (forall v, VV A v -> E B (c2[v..])) ->
E B ($ <- c1; c2).
intros Ec1. revert c1 Ec1 c2. refine (E_ind _ _ _).
intros c1 Ec1 ih1 c2. induction 1 as [c2 snc2 ih2]. intros H.
constructor. contradiction. apply step_letin_inv.
- intros v E. subst c1. apply H. revert Ec1. now apply close_base.
- intros c' st. apply ih1; auto. constructor. exact snc2.
- intros c' st. apply ih2; auto. intros v Vv. generalize (H v Vv).
apply close_red. apply strong_step_subst. exact st.
Lemma compat_ret_E (v : value n) :
VV A v -> E (F A) (ret v).
intros vv. generalize (VV_sn A vv). intros snv_v. induction snv_v.
constructor. intros _. apply vv. apply step_ret_inv. intros v' st.
apply H0. exact st. now apply (VV_red _ st).
Lemma compat_app_E (c : comp n) v :
E (A → B) c -> VV A v -> E B (app c v).
intros Ec. revert c Ec v. refine (E_ind _ _ _).
intros c Ec ih1 v vv. induction (VV_sn _ vv).
constructor. contradiction. apply step_app_inv.
- intros; subst. apply (close_base (I : active (lambda b)) Ec _ _ x vv).
- intros. now apply ih1.
- intros. apply H0; auto. revert vv. now apply VV_red.
Lemma compat_tuple_E (c1 c2 : comp n) :
E B1 c1 -> E B2 c2 -> E (Pi B1 B2) (tuple c1 c2).
revert c1 c2. refine (E_ind2 _ _ _ _). intros c1 c2 ih1 ih2 e1 e2. constructor.
- cbn. intros _. split. exact e1. exact e2.
- apply step_tuple_inv. exact ih1. exact ih2.
Lemma compat_proj_E (b : bool) (c : comp n) :
E (Pi B1 B2) c -> E (if b then B1 else B2) (proj b c).
revert c. refine (E_ind _ _ _). intros c Ec ih. constructor. contradiction.
apply step_proj_inv.
- intros; subst. apply close_base in Ec; try exact I. destruct Ec as [H1 H2]. now destruct b.
- exact ih.
Lemma compat_force_E (v : value n) :
VV (U B) v -> E B (v !).
intros vv. induction (VV_sn _ vv). constructor. contradiction.
apply step_force_inv.
- intros c E. subst. apply closev_base in vv. assumption. exact I.
- intros. apply H0; auto. revert vv. now apply VV_red.
Lemma compat_caseZ_E (v : value n) :
VV zero v -> E B (caseZ v).
intros vv. induction (VV_sn _ vv). constructor. contradiction.
apply step_caseZ_inv. intros. apply H0; auto. revert vv. now apply VV_red.
Lemma compat_caseS_E (v : value n) c1 c2 :
VV (Sigma A1 A2) v ->
sn c1 -> sn c2 ->
(forall v', VV A1 v' -> E B (c1[v'..])) ->
(forall v', VV A2 v' -> E B (c2[v'..])) ->
E B (caseS v c1 c2).
intros vv. revert c1 c2. induction (VV_sn _ vv) as [v _ ih1].
intros c1 c2 snc1. revert c2. induction snc1 as [c1 snc1 ih2].
intros c2 snc2. induction snc2 as [c2 snc2 ih3]. intros HL HR.
constructor. contradiction. apply step_caseS_inv.
- intros b v' E; subst. apply closev_base in vv. cbn in *.
destruct b. now apply HL. now apply HR. exact I.
- intros v' st. apply ih1; eauto; try now (constructor; eauto).
revert vv. now apply VV_red.
- intros c' st. apply ih2; auto. constructor; assumption.
intros v' Vv'. generalize (HL v' Vv'). apply close_red.
apply strong_step_subst. exact st.
- intros c' st. apply ih3; auto. intros v' Vv'.
generalize (HR v' Vv'). apply close_red.
apply strong_step_subst. exact st.
Lemma compat_caseP_E (v : value n) c :
VV (A1 * A2) v ->
sn c ->
(forall v1 v2, VV A2 v1 -> VV A1 v2 -> E B (c[v1, v2..])) ->
E B (caseP v c).
intros Vv. revert c. induction (VV_sn _ Vv) as [v _ ih1]. intros c snc.
induction snc as [c snc ih2]. intros H. constructor. contradiction.
apply step_caseP_inv.
- intros v1 v2 E; subst. apply closev_base in Vv. destruct Vv as [V1 V2].
apply H. exact V2. exact V1. exact I.
- intros v' st. apply ih1; auto. revert Vv. now apply VV_red. constructor; eauto.
- intros c' st. apply ih2; auto. intros v1 v2 V1 V2. generalize (H v1 v2 V1 V2).
apply close_red. apply strong_step_subst. exact st.
End CompatibilityLemmas.
Variables (n : nat) (A A1 A2 : valtype) (B B1 B2 : comptype).
Lemma compat_pair_E (v1 v2 : value n) :
VV A1 v1 -> VV A2 v2 -> VV (A1 * A2) (pair v1 v2).
intros H1 H2. constructor. now split.
Lemma compat_sum_E (b : bool) (v : value n) :
VV (if b then A1 else A2) v -> VV (Sigma A1 A2) (inj b v).
intros H. constructor. exact H.
Lemma compat_thunk_E (c : comp n) :
E B c -> VV (U B) <{ c }>.
revert c. apply E_ind. intros c Ec ih. hnf. cbn. constructor. exact Ec.
Lemma compat_lambda_E (c : comp (S n)) :
sn c ->
(forall k (f : fin n -> fin k) (v : value k),
VV A v -> E B (subst_comp (v .: f >> var_value) c)) ->
E (A → B) (lambda c).
induction 1 as [c _ ih]. intros H. constructor.
- cbn. intros _ k f v Vv. apply H. exact Vv.
- apply step_lambda_inv. intros c' st. apply ih. assumption.
intros k f v Vv. specialize (H _ f _ Vv). revert H. apply close_red.
apply strong_step_subst. exact st.
Lemma compat_letin_E (c1 : comp n) c2 :
E (F A) c1 -> sn c2 -> (forall v, VV A v -> E B (c2[v..])) ->
E B ($ <- c1; c2).
intros Ec1. revert c1 Ec1 c2. refine (E_ind _ _ _).
intros c1 Ec1 ih1 c2. induction 1 as [c2 snc2 ih2]. intros H.
constructor. contradiction. apply step_letin_inv.
- intros v E. subst c1. apply H. revert Ec1. now apply close_base.
- intros c' st. apply ih1; auto. constructor. exact snc2.
- intros c' st. apply ih2; auto. intros v Vv. generalize (H v Vv).
apply close_red. apply strong_step_subst. exact st.
Lemma compat_ret_E (v : value n) :
VV A v -> E (F A) (ret v).
intros vv. generalize (VV_sn A vv). intros snv_v. induction snv_v.
constructor. intros _. apply vv. apply step_ret_inv. intros v' st.
apply H0. exact st. now apply (VV_red _ st).
Lemma compat_app_E (c : comp n) v :
E (A → B) c -> VV A v -> E B (app c v).
intros Ec. revert c Ec v. refine (E_ind _ _ _).
intros c Ec ih1 v vv. induction (VV_sn _ vv).
constructor. contradiction. apply step_app_inv.
- intros; subst. apply (close_base (I : active (lambda b)) Ec _ _ x vv).
- intros. now apply ih1.
- intros. apply H0; auto. revert vv. now apply VV_red.
Lemma compat_tuple_E (c1 c2 : comp n) :
E B1 c1 -> E B2 c2 -> E (Pi B1 B2) (tuple c1 c2).
revert c1 c2. refine (E_ind2 _ _ _ _). intros c1 c2 ih1 ih2 e1 e2. constructor.
- cbn. intros _. split. exact e1. exact e2.
- apply step_tuple_inv. exact ih1. exact ih2.
Lemma compat_proj_E (b : bool) (c : comp n) :
E (Pi B1 B2) c -> E (if b then B1 else B2) (proj b c).
revert c. refine (E_ind _ _ _). intros c Ec ih. constructor. contradiction.
apply step_proj_inv.
- intros; subst. apply close_base in Ec; try exact I. destruct Ec as [H1 H2]. now destruct b.
- exact ih.
Lemma compat_force_E (v : value n) :
VV (U B) v -> E B (v !).
intros vv. induction (VV_sn _ vv). constructor. contradiction.
apply step_force_inv.
- intros c E. subst. apply closev_base in vv. assumption. exact I.
- intros. apply H0; auto. revert vv. now apply VV_red.
Lemma compat_caseZ_E (v : value n) :
VV zero v -> E B (caseZ v).
intros vv. induction (VV_sn _ vv). constructor. contradiction.
apply step_caseZ_inv. intros. apply H0; auto. revert vv. now apply VV_red.
Lemma compat_caseS_E (v : value n) c1 c2 :
VV (Sigma A1 A2) v ->
sn c1 -> sn c2 ->
(forall v', VV A1 v' -> E B (c1[v'..])) ->
(forall v', VV A2 v' -> E B (c2[v'..])) ->
E B (caseS v c1 c2).
intros vv. revert c1 c2. induction (VV_sn _ vv) as [v _ ih1].
intros c1 c2 snc1. revert c2. induction snc1 as [c1 snc1 ih2].
intros c2 snc2. induction snc2 as [c2 snc2 ih3]. intros HL HR.
constructor. contradiction. apply step_caseS_inv.
- intros b v' E; subst. apply closev_base in vv. cbn in *.
destruct b. now apply HL. now apply HR. exact I.
- intros v' st. apply ih1; eauto; try now (constructor; eauto).
revert vv. now apply VV_red.
- intros c' st. apply ih2; auto. constructor; assumption.
intros v' Vv'. generalize (HL v' Vv'). apply close_red.
apply strong_step_subst. exact st.
- intros c' st. apply ih3; auto. intros v' Vv'.
generalize (HR v' Vv'). apply close_red.
apply strong_step_subst. exact st.
Lemma compat_caseP_E (v : value n) c :
VV (A1 * A2) v ->
sn c ->
(forall v1 v2, VV A2 v1 -> VV A1 v2 -> E B (c[v1, v2..])) ->
E B (caseP v c).
intros Vv. revert c. induction (VV_sn _ Vv) as [v _ ih1]. intros c snc.
induction snc as [c snc ih2]. intros H. constructor. contradiction.
apply step_caseP_inv.
- intros v1 v2 E; subst. apply closev_base in Vv. destruct Vv as [V1 V2].
apply H. exact V2. exact V1. exact I.
- intros v' st. apply ih1; auto. revert Vv. now apply VV_red. constructor; eauto.
- intros c' st. apply ih2; auto. intros v1 v2 V1 V2. generalize (H v1 v2 V1 V2).
apply close_red. apply strong_step_subst. exact st.
End CompatibilityLemmas.
Section TypingLemmas.
Variable (n: nat) (Gamma: ctx n) (A A1 A2: valtype) (B B1 B2: comptype).
Lemma compat_var i : Gamma ⊫ var_value i ::: Gamma i.
Proof. intros k gamma H. now apply H. Qed.
Lemma compat_unit : Gamma ⊫ u ::: one.
intros k f Hf. constructor; cbn; auto; intros v' st.
Lemma compat_pair v1 v2:
Gamma ⊫ v1 ::: A1 -> Gamma ⊫ v2 ::: A2 -> Gamma ⊫ pair v1 v2 ::: cross A1 A2.
intros H1 H2 k gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_pair_E. now apply H1. now apply H2.
Lemma compat_sum (b: bool) v:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: (if b then A1 else A2) -> Gamma ⊫ inj b v ::: Sigma A1 A2.
intros H1 k gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_sum_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_thunk c:
Gamma ⊨ c ::: B -> Gamma ⊫ thunk c ::: U B.
intros H1 k gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_thunk_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_cone : Gamma ⊨ cu ::: cone.
intros m gamma H. constructor. trivial.
cbn. intros d st. destruct (step_cu_inv st).
Lemma compat_lambda c:
A .: Gamma ⊨ c ::: B -> Gamma ⊨ lambda c ::: A → B.
intros H' m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_lambda_E.
- specialize (H' _ _ (G_ext _ H)). apply close_sn in H'.
now asimpl in H'.
- intros k f v Vv. asimpl. apply H'. apply G_scons. exact Vv.
intros i. rewrite <-rinstInst_value. apply G_ren. exact H.
Lemma compat_letin c1 c2:
Gamma ⊨ c1 ::: F A -> A .: Gamma ⊨ c2 ::: B -> Gamma ⊨ $ <- c1; c2 ::: B.
intros H1 H2 m gamma H3. asimpl. apply (compat_letin_E (A := A)).
- now apply H1.
- generalize (H2 _ _ (G_ext A H3)). asimpl. apply close_sn.
- intros v Vv. asimpl. apply H2. apply G_scons. exact Vv. exact H3.
Lemma compat_ret v:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: A -> Gamma ⊨ ret v ::: F A.
intros H1 m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_ret_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_app c v:
Gamma ⊨ c ::: A → B -> Gamma ⊫ v ::: A -> Gamma ⊨ c v ::: B.
intros H1 H2 m gamma H. asimpl. apply (compat_app_E (A := A)).
now apply H1. now apply H2.
Lemma compat_tuple c1 c2:
Gamma ⊨ c1 ::: B1 -> Gamma ⊨ c2 ::: B2 -> Gamma ⊨ tuple c1 c2 ::: Pi B1 B2.
intros H1 H2 m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_tuple_E.
now apply H1. now apply H2.
Lemma compat_proj c b:
Gamma ⊨ c ::: Pi B1 B2 -> Gamma ⊨ proj b c ::: (if b then B1 else B2).
intros H1 m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_proj_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_force v:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: U B -> Gamma ⊨ v! ::: B.
intros H1 m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_force_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_caseZ v:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: zero -> Gamma ⊨ caseZ v ::: B.
intros H1 m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_caseZ_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_caseS v c1 c2:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: Sigma A1 A2 ->
A1 .: Gamma ⊨ c1 ::: B ->
A2 .: Gamma ⊨ c2 ::: B ->
Gamma ⊨ caseS v c1 c2 ::: B.
intros H' H1 H2 m gamma H; specialize (H' m gamma H). asimpl.
apply (compat_caseS_E (A1 := A1) (A2 := A2)).
- assumption.
- specialize (H1 _ _ (G_ext _ H)). asimpl in H1. eapply close_sn, H1.
- specialize (H2 _ _ (G_ext _ H)). asimpl in H2. eapply close_sn, H2.
- intros v' Vv'. asimpl. apply H1. now apply G_scons.
- intros v' Vv'. asimpl. apply H2. now apply G_scons.
Lemma compat_caseP v c:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: A1 * A2 ->
A2 .: (A1 .: Gamma) ⊨ c ::: B ->
Gamma ⊨ caseP v c ::: B.
intros H' H1 m gamma H; specialize (H' m gamma H). asimpl.
apply (compat_caseP_E (A1 := A1) (A2 := A2)).
- exact H'.
- generalize (H1 _ _ (G_ext _ (G_ext _ H))). asimpl. now apply close_sn.
- intros v1 v2 V1 V2. asimpl. apply H1. apply G_scons; auto. now apply G_scons.
End TypingLemmas.
Hint Resolve
compat_var compat_unit compat_pair compat_sum compat_thunk compat_cone
compat_lambda compat_letin compat_ret compat_app compat_tuple compat_proj
compat_force compat_caseZ compat_caseS compat_caseP : compatibility_lemmas.
Variable (n: nat) (Gamma: ctx n) (A A1 A2: valtype) (B B1 B2: comptype).
Lemma compat_var i : Gamma ⊫ var_value i ::: Gamma i.
Proof. intros k gamma H. now apply H. Qed.
Lemma compat_unit : Gamma ⊫ u ::: one.
intros k f Hf. constructor; cbn; auto; intros v' st.
Lemma compat_pair v1 v2:
Gamma ⊫ v1 ::: A1 -> Gamma ⊫ v2 ::: A2 -> Gamma ⊫ pair v1 v2 ::: cross A1 A2.
intros H1 H2 k gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_pair_E. now apply H1. now apply H2.
Lemma compat_sum (b: bool) v:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: (if b then A1 else A2) -> Gamma ⊫ inj b v ::: Sigma A1 A2.
intros H1 k gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_sum_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_thunk c:
Gamma ⊨ c ::: B -> Gamma ⊫ thunk c ::: U B.
intros H1 k gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_thunk_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_cone : Gamma ⊨ cu ::: cone.
intros m gamma H. constructor. trivial.
cbn. intros d st. destruct (step_cu_inv st).
Lemma compat_lambda c:
A .: Gamma ⊨ c ::: B -> Gamma ⊨ lambda c ::: A → B.
intros H' m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_lambda_E.
- specialize (H' _ _ (G_ext _ H)). apply close_sn in H'.
now asimpl in H'.
- intros k f v Vv. asimpl. apply H'. apply G_scons. exact Vv.
intros i. rewrite <-rinstInst_value. apply G_ren. exact H.
Lemma compat_letin c1 c2:
Gamma ⊨ c1 ::: F A -> A .: Gamma ⊨ c2 ::: B -> Gamma ⊨ $ <- c1; c2 ::: B.
intros H1 H2 m gamma H3. asimpl. apply (compat_letin_E (A := A)).
- now apply H1.
- generalize (H2 _ _ (G_ext A H3)). asimpl. apply close_sn.
- intros v Vv. asimpl. apply H2. apply G_scons. exact Vv. exact H3.
Lemma compat_ret v:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: A -> Gamma ⊨ ret v ::: F A.
intros H1 m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_ret_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_app c v:
Gamma ⊨ c ::: A → B -> Gamma ⊫ v ::: A -> Gamma ⊨ c v ::: B.
intros H1 H2 m gamma H. asimpl. apply (compat_app_E (A := A)).
now apply H1. now apply H2.
Lemma compat_tuple c1 c2:
Gamma ⊨ c1 ::: B1 -> Gamma ⊨ c2 ::: B2 -> Gamma ⊨ tuple c1 c2 ::: Pi B1 B2.
intros H1 H2 m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_tuple_E.
now apply H1. now apply H2.
Lemma compat_proj c b:
Gamma ⊨ c ::: Pi B1 B2 -> Gamma ⊨ proj b c ::: (if b then B1 else B2).
intros H1 m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_proj_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_force v:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: U B -> Gamma ⊨ v! ::: B.
intros H1 m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_force_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_caseZ v:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: zero -> Gamma ⊨ caseZ v ::: B.
intros H1 m gamma H. asimpl. apply compat_caseZ_E. now apply H1.
Lemma compat_caseS v c1 c2:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: Sigma A1 A2 ->
A1 .: Gamma ⊨ c1 ::: B ->
A2 .: Gamma ⊨ c2 ::: B ->
Gamma ⊨ caseS v c1 c2 ::: B.
intros H' H1 H2 m gamma H; specialize (H' m gamma H). asimpl.
apply (compat_caseS_E (A1 := A1) (A2 := A2)).
- assumption.
- specialize (H1 _ _ (G_ext _ H)). asimpl in H1. eapply close_sn, H1.
- specialize (H2 _ _ (G_ext _ H)). asimpl in H2. eapply close_sn, H2.
- intros v' Vv'. asimpl. apply H1. now apply G_scons.
- intros v' Vv'. asimpl. apply H2. now apply G_scons.
Lemma compat_caseP v c:
Gamma ⊫ v ::: A1 * A2 ->
A2 .: (A1 .: Gamma) ⊨ c ::: B ->
Gamma ⊨ caseP v c ::: B.
intros H' H1 m gamma H; specialize (H' m gamma H). asimpl.
apply (compat_caseP_E (A1 := A1) (A2 := A2)).
- exact H'.
- generalize (H1 _ _ (G_ext _ (G_ext _ H))). asimpl. now apply close_sn.
- intros v1 v2 V1 V2. asimpl. apply H1. apply G_scons; auto. now apply G_scons.
End TypingLemmas.
Hint Resolve
compat_var compat_unit compat_pair compat_sum compat_thunk compat_cone
compat_lambda compat_letin compat_ret compat_app compat_tuple compat_proj
compat_force compat_caseZ compat_caseS compat_caseP : compatibility_lemmas.
Theorem SemanticSoundness n (Gamma: ctx n):
(forall v A, Gamma ⊩ v : A -> Gamma ⊫ v ::: A) /\ (forall c B, Gamma ⊢ c : B -> Gamma ⊨ c ::: B).
eapply mutind_value_computation_typing; eauto with compatibility_lemmas.
Theorem strong_normalisation n (Gamma : ctx n) (c : comp n) (B : comptype) :
Gamma ⊢ c : B -> sn c.
destruct (SemanticSoundness Gamma) as [_ H]. intros HH. apply H in HH.
specialize (HH _ _ (G_id Gamma)).
apply close_sn in HH. revert HH. asimpl. intros HH. apply HH.
(forall v A, Gamma ⊩ v : A -> Gamma ⊫ v ::: A) /\ (forall c B, Gamma ⊢ c : B -> Gamma ⊨ c ::: B).
eapply mutind_value_computation_typing; eauto with compatibility_lemmas.
Theorem strong_normalisation n (Gamma : ctx n) (c : comp n) (B : comptype) :
Gamma ⊢ c : B -> sn c.
destruct (SemanticSoundness Gamma) as [_ H]. intros HH. apply H in HH.
specialize (HH _ _ (G_id Gamma)).
apply close_sn in HH. revert HH. asimpl. intros HH. apply HH.