From Undecidability.Shared Require Import embed_nat Dec.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions EnumerabilityFacts.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FullSyntax Axiomatisations.
From Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics Require Import Signature Robinson NatModel.
From Undecidability.FOL.Incompleteness Require Import utils fol_utils qdec bin_qdec sigma1 epf epf_mu.
From Undecidability.FOL.Proofmode Require Import Theories ProofMode.
Require Import Lia String List.
Import ListNotations.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions EnumerabilityFacts.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FullSyntax Axiomatisations.
From Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics Require Import Signature Robinson NatModel.
From Undecidability.FOL.Incompleteness Require Import utils fol_utils qdec bin_qdec sigma1 epf epf_mu.
From Undecidability.FOL.Proofmode Require Import Theories ProofMode.
Require Import Lia String List.
Import ListNotations.
Section ctq.
Context {pei : peirce}.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Definition CTQ :=
forall (f : nat -\ nat), exists φ, bounded 2 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ (forall x y, f x ▷ y <-> Qeq ⊢ ∀ φ[num x .: $0 ..] ↔ $0 == num y).
Definition CTQ_total :=
forall (f : nat -> nat), exists φ, bounded 2 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ forall x, Qeq ⊢ ∀ φ[num x .: $0..] ↔ $0 == num (f x).
Definition uCTQ :=
exists φ, bounded 3 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ forall (f : nat -\ nat), exists c, (forall x y, f x ▷ y <-> Qeq ⊢ ∀ φ[num c .: num x .: $0 ..] ↔ $0 == num y).
Lemma uctq_ctq : uCTQ -> CTQ.
intros (φ & Hb & HΣ & Hφ).
intros f. destruct (Hφ f) as [c Hc].
exists (φ[(num c)..]).
{ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|n]]] Hn; solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
{ apply Σ1_subst, HΣ. }
intros x y. specialize (Hc x y).
enough (φ[num c .: num x .: $0 ..] = φ[(num c)..][num x .: $0..]) by congruence.
rewrite subst_comp. apply subst_ext.
intros [|[|[|n]]]; cbn; now rewrite ?num_subst.
Lemma ctq_ctq_total : CTQ -> CTQ_total.
intros ctq f. destruct (ctq (partialise f)) as (φ & Hb & HΣ & Hφ).
exists φ. do 2 (split; first assumption).
intros x. apply Hφ. exists 0. reflexivity.
End ctq.
Section ctq_epf.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Context {pei : peirce}.
Lemma Q_num_inj x y : Qeq ⊢ num x == num y -> x = y.
intros H. apply Σ1_soundness with (rho := fun _ => 0) in H.
- cbn in H. now erewrite !nat_eval_num in H.
- constructor. apply Qdec_eq.
- solve_bounds; apply num_bound.
Lemma prv_enumerable (T : list form) (p' : peirce) :
enumerable (fun phi => T ⊢ phi).
edestruct (@tprv_enumerable PA_funcs_signature PA_preds_signature) with (T := list_theory T) as [f Hf].
- apply enumerable_PA_funcs.
- exact _.
- apply enumerable_PA_preds.
- exact _.
- apply list_theory_enumerable.
- exists f. intros phi. unfold enumerator in Hf.
rewrite <-Hf. split.
+ intros H. exists T. eauto.
+ intros [T' HT']. apply Weak with (A := T'); firstorder.
Lemma ctq_epfn : CTQ -> EPF_N.
unshelve edestruct (@form_enumerable PA_funcs_signature PA_preds_signature enumerable_PA_funcs enumerable_PA_preds) as [f_form Hform].
assert (semi_decidable (fun ψ => Qeq ⊢ ψ)) as [f_prv Hprv].
{ apply enumerable_semi_decidable.
- apply form_discrete.
- apply prv_enumerable. }
intros ctq.
unshelve eexists.
{ intros c.
intros x. unshelve eexists.
{ intros k.
destruct (f_form c) as [φ|]. 2: exact None.
destruct (unembed k) as [l y].
destruct (f_prv (∀ φ[num x .: $0 ..] ↔ $0 == num y) l).
- exact (Some y).
- exact None. }
intros y1 y2 k1 k2. destruct (f_form c) as [φ|] eqn:Hc; cbn.
2: congruence.
destruct (unembed k1) as [l1 y'1].
destruct (unembed k2) as [l2 y'2].
destruct (f_prv _ l1) eqn:H1, (f_prv _ l2) eqn:H2. 2-4: congruence. intros [= <-] [= <-].
assert (Qeq ⊢ ∀ φ[num x .: $0..] ↔ $0 == num y'1) as H1'.
{ apply Hprv. eauto. }
assert (Qeq ⊢ ∀ φ[num x .: $0..] ↔ $0 == num y'2) as H2'.
{ apply Hprv. eauto. }
enough (Qeq ⊢ num y'1 == num y'2).
{ apply Q_num_inj, H. }
fspecialize (H2' (num y'1)). rewrite num_subst in H2'.
fapply H2'.
fspecialize (H1' (num y'1)). rewrite num_subst in H1'.
fapply H1'. fapply ax_refl. }
intros f. destruct (ctq f) as (φ & H1 & H2 & Hφ).
destruct (Hform φ) as [c Hc]. exists c.
intros x y. setoid_rewrite Hφ. cbn. split.
- intros H. apply Hprv in H as [l Hl].
exists (embed (l, y)). cbn.
rewrite Hc. rewrite embedP. rewrite Hl.
- intros [k H3]. cbn in H3.
rewrite Hc in H3. destruct (unembed k) as [l y'].
destruct f_prv eqn:H.
+ apply Hprv. exists l. now injection H3 as ->.
+ congruence.
End ctq_epf.
Section ctq_repr.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Context {p : peirce}.
Lemma ctq_weak_repr (ctq : CTQ_total) (P : nat -> Prop) :
enumerable P -> exists φ,
bounded 1 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ forall x, P x <-> Qeq ⊢ φ[(num x)..].
intros [f Hf].
pose (f' := fun x => match f x with Some y => S y | None => 0 end).
destruct (ctq f') as (φ & Hb & HΣ & Hφ).
exists (∃(φ[$0 .: (σ $1) ..])).
repeat apply conj.
{ constructor. eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|n]] ?; repeat solve_bounds. }
{ constructor. apply Σ1_subst, HΣ. }
intros x. unfold enumerator in Hf. setoid_rewrite Hf.
- intros [k Hk]. cbn.
fexists (num k).
specialize (Hφ k). fspecialize (Hφ (num (f' k))).
rewrite num_subst in Hφ.
replace (φ[_][_][_]) with (φ[num k .: $0 ..][(num (f' k))..]).
{ fapply Hφ. fapply ax_refl. }
rewrite !subst_comp. eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|n]] ?; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst.
+ reflexivity.
+ unfold f'. rewrite Hk. reflexivity.
+ lia.
- cbn. intros [k Hk]%Σ1_witness.
2: { apply Σ1_subst, Σ1_subst, HΣ. }
2: { rewrite subst_comp. eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|n]] ?; cbn.
- constructor. lia.
- repeat (solve_bounds; rewrite ?num_subst); apply num_bound.
- lia. }
exists k.
enough (f' k = S x) as H.
{ unfold f' in H. now destruct (f k). }
apply Q_num_inj.
specialize (Hφ k). fspecialize (Hφ (num (S x))).
rewrite num_subst in Hφ.
fapply ax_sym. fapply Hφ.
replace (φ[_][_][_]) with (φ[num k .: $0 ..][(σ num x)..]) in Hk; first easy.
rewrite !subst_comp. eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|n]] ?; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; easy + lia.
Lemma ctq_strong_sepr (ctq : CTQ) (P Q : nat -> Prop) :
(forall x, P x -> Q x -> False) ->
semi_decidable P -> semi_decidable Q ->
exists φ, bounded 1 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\
(forall x, P x -> Qeq ⊢ φ[(num x)..]) /\
(forall x, Q x -> Qeq ⊢ ¬φ[(num x)..]).
intros Hdisj HP HQ.
destruct (enumerable_separable Hdisj HP HQ) as [f Hf].
destruct (ctq (fun x => comp_part_total (fun b : bool => if b then 1 else 0) (f x))) as (φ & Hb & HΣ & Hφ).
exists (φ[$0 .: (num 1) ..]). repeat split.
{ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|n]] ?; cbn; repeat solve_bounds. }
{ apply Σ1_subst, HΣ. }
- intros x Hx%Hf.
assert (comp_part_total (fun b : bool => if b then 1 else 0) (f x) ▷ 1) as H%Hφ.
{ destruct Hx as [k Hk]. exists k. cbn. now rewrite Hk. }
fspecialize (H (num 1)).
replace (φ[_][_]) with (φ[num x .: $0..][(num 1)..]).
{ fapply H. fapply ax_refl. }
rewrite !subst_comp. eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|n]]?; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; easy + lia.
- intros x Hx%Hf.
assert (comp_part_total (fun b : bool => if b then 1 else 0) (f x) ▷ 0) as H%Hφ.
{ destruct Hx as [k Hk]. exists k. cbn. now rewrite Hk. }
fspecialize (H (num 1)).
replace (φ[_][_]) with (φ[num x .: $0..][(num 1)..]).
{ fstart. fintros "H". fapply H in "H".
clear H Hx x Hφ HΣ Hb φ Hf f HQ HP Hdisj P Q ctq.
fapply (ax_zero_succ zero). fapply ax_sym.
ctx. }
rewrite !subst_comp. eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|n]]?; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; easy + lia.
End ctq_repr.
Section ctq.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Context `{pei : peirce}.
Variable theta : nat -> nat -\ nat.
Variable theta_universal : is_universal theta.
Variable (φ : form).
Hypothesis φ1_qdec : Qdec φ.
Hypothesis φ1_bounded : bounded 4 φ.
Hypothesis wrepr : forall c x y, theta c x ▷ y <-> Qeq ⊢ ∃ φ[$0 .: num c .: num x .: (num y)..].
Local Definition ψ' : form :=
φ ∧ ∀∀ ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= $5 ⊕ $2) → φ[$0.:$3.:$4.:$1..] → $1 == $5.
Local Definition ψ : form := ∃ψ'.
Lemma ψ'_bounded : bounded 4 ψ'.
repeat (solve_bounds; cbn in *).
- assumption.
- eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; now solve_bounds.
Lemma ψ_bounded : bounded 3 ψ.
constructor. apply ψ'_bounded.
Lemma ψ'_Qdec : Qdec ψ'.
apply Qdec_and.
- auto.
- apply (Qdec_bin_bounded_forall ($3 ⊕ $0)).
apply Qdec_impl.
+ now apply Qdec_subst.
+ apply Qdec_eq.
Lemma ψ_Σ1 : Σ1 ψ.
constructor. constructor.
apply ψ'_Qdec.
Lemma ψ_subst c x y : ψ[c.:x.:y..] =
∃ φ[$0 .: c`[↑] .: x`[↑] .: y`[↑]..] ∧ ∀∀ ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= y`[↑]`[↑]`[↑] ⊕ $2) → φ[$0 .: c`[↑]`[↑]`[↑] .: x`[↑]`[↑]`[↑] .: $1..] → $1 == y`[↑]`[↑]`[↑].
cbn. do 2 f_equal.
{ eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; now solve_bounds. }
do 4 f_equal.
rewrite subst_comp.
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; now solve_bounds.
Lemma ψ'_subst k c x y :
ψ'[k .: c .: x .: y ..] = φ[k .: c .: x .: y..] ∧ ∀∀ ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= y`[↑]`[↑] ⊕ k`[↑]`[↑]) → φ[$0 .: c`[↑]`[↑] .: x`[↑]`[↑] .: $1..] → $1 == y`[↑]`[↑].
cbn. f_equal.
do 4 f_equal.
rewrite subst_comp.
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; now solve_bounds.
Lemma ψ_φ s t u :
Qeq ⊢ ψ[s.:t.:u..] → ∃ φ[$0 .: s`[↑] .: t`[↑] .: u`[↑]..].
rewrite ψ_subst. fstart.
fintros "[k [H1 H2]]".
fexists k.
fapply "H1".
Lemma ψ_theta c x y :
Qeq ⊢ ∀ ψ[num c .: num x .: $0 ..] ↔ $0 == num y -> theta c x ▷ y.
intros H. apply wrepr.
rewrite <-(num_subst c ↑), <-(num_subst x ↑), <-(num_subst y ↑).
eapply IE; first apply ψ_φ.
apply AllE with (t := num y) in H.
cbn -[ψ] in H. replace (ψ[_][_]) with ψ[num c .: num x .: (num y)..] in H.
2: { rewrite subst_comp. eapply bounded_subst; first apply ψ_bounded.
intros [|[|[|n]]] Hn; solve_bounds; cbn; try easy; now rewrite num_subst. }
eapply IE.
{ eapply CE2, H. }
rewrite num_subst. fapply ax_refl.
Lemma sat_PAle ρ s t :
interp_nat; ρ ⊨ (s ⧀= t) <-> (eval ρ s) <= (eval ρ t).
- intros [k Hk]. cbn in Hk.
rewrite !eval_up in Hk. lia.
- intros H. cbn. exists (eval ρ t - eval ρ s).
rewrite !eval_up. lia.
Lemma theta_ψ c x y :
theta c x ▷ y -> Qeq ⊢ ψ[num c .: num x .: (num y) ..].
intros H.
apply Σ1_completeness.
{ apply Σ1_subst, ψ_Σ1. }
{ eapply subst_bounded_max; last apply ψ_bounded.
intros [|[|[|n]]] Hn; solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
intros ρ.
pose proof H as [k Hk]%wrepr%Σ1_witness; first apply Σ1_soundness with (rho := ρ) in Hk; first last.
{ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
{ apply Σ1_subst. now constructor. }
{ rewrite subst_comp. eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; solve_bounds; try easy; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; apply num_bound. }
{ do 2 apply Σ1_subst. now constructor. }
exists k. split.
- pattern (φ[up (num c .: num x .: (num y)..)]).
erewrite bounded_subst.
+ apply sat_single_nat, Hk.
+ eassumption.
+ intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; solve_bounds; now try apply num_subst.
- intros y' k' _ H'. cbn.
rewrite !num_subst. rewrite nat_eval_num.
eapply part_functional; last apply H.
apply wrepr, Σ1_completeness.
{ do 2 constructor. now apply Qdec_subst. }
{ constructor. eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; solve_bounds; now try apply num_bound. }
intros ρ'. exists k'.
apply sat_single_nat. do 3 rewrite sat_single_nat in H'.
evar (f : form).
replace φ[_][_] with ?f.
+ eapply sat_closed; last apply H'.
rewrite !subst_comp. eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; apply num_bound + lia.
+ rewrite !subst_comp.
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; congruence + lia.
Lemma ψ_functional c x y y' :
Qeq ⊢ ψ[num c .: num x .: (num y) ..] -> Qeq ⊢ ψ[num c .: num x .: y'..] → y' == num y.
cbn -[ψ'].
intros [k Hk]%Σ1_witness.
2: { apply Σ1_subst. constructor. apply ψ'_Qdec. }
2: { eapply subst_bounded_max; last apply ψ'_bounded.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; solve_bounds; try easy; cbn; rewrite num_subst; apply num_bound. }
asimpl in Hk.
rewrite ψ'_subst in Hk.
fintros "[k' [Hk21 Hk22]]".
assert (bounded_t 0 (num y ⊕ num k)) as Hbyk.
{ solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
pose proof (@Qsdec_le pei (num y ⊕ num k) (y' ⊕ k') Hbyk) as Hyk.
fdestruct Hyk as "[H|H]".
- fspecialize ("Hk22" (num y) (num k)).
cbn. rewrite !num_subst. asimpl.
fapply ax_sym. fapply "Hk22".
+ unfold PAle. cbn. rewrite !num_subst. ctx.
+ replace (φ[_]) with (φ[num k .: num c .: num x .: (num y) ..]).
{ fdestruct Hk. ctx. }
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; easy + lia.
- fdestruct Hk as "[Hk11 Hk12]".
fspecialize ("Hk12" y' k').
cbn. asimpl. rewrite !num_subst.
fapply "Hk12".
+ unfold PAle. cbn. rewrite !num_subst. ctx.
+ replace (φ[_]) with (φ[k' .: num c .: num x .: y' ..]).
{ fdestruct Hk. ctx. }
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; easy + lia.
Lemma epf_n_uctq : uCTQ.
exists ψ.
split; first apply ψ_bounded.
split; first apply ψ_Σ1.
intros f. destruct (theta_universal f) as [c Hc]. exists c.
intros x y.
2: { intros H. apply Hc, ψ_theta, H. }
intros Hf.
Opaque ψ.
fintros y'. fsplit.
- fintros "H".
rewrite num_subst. feapply ψ_functional.
+ apply theta_ψ, Hc, Hf.
+ asimpl. rewrite !num_subst.
evar (ρ : nat -> term).
replace (ψ[_]) with (ψ[?ρ]).
{ fapply "H". }
eapply bounded_subst; first apply ψ_bounded.
intros [|[|[|n]]] Hn; cbn; easy + lia.
- fintros "H".
feapply Q_leibniz.
{ feapply ax_sym. fapply "H". }
asimpl. rewrite !num_subst.
replace (ψ[_]) with (ψ[num c .: num x .: (num y) ..]).
{ fapply theta_ψ. apply Hc, Hf. }
eapply bounded_subst; first apply ψ_bounded.
intros [|[|[|n]]] Hn; cbn; easy + lia.
Transparent ψ.
End ctq.
Section ctq.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Context `{pei : peirce}.
Definition embed' t := embed t * 2.
Definition unembed' c := unembed (Nat.div c 2).
Lemma unembed'_embed' x y : unembed' (embed' (x, y)) = (x, y).
unfold unembed', embed'.
rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.div_mul.
- apply embedP.
- lia.
Lemma gaussian_sum x : 2 * nat_rec (fun _ : nat => nat) 0 (fun i m : nat => S i + m) x =
x * (x + 1).
induction x as [|x IH]; cbn in *; lia.
Lemma embed'_expl x y : embed' (x, y) = y * 2 + (y + x) * (y + x + 1).
unfold embed', embed.
rewrite <-gaussian_sum. lia.
Lemma compress_free φ n : bounded (S n) φ -> exists ρ,
bounded (S (S n)) (φ[ρ]) /\ forall x y, Qeq ⊢ φ[(num (embed' (x, y)))..] ↔ φ[ρ][num x .: (num y)..].
intros Hb.
exists (($1 ⊗ (σ σ zero) ⊕ ($1 ⊕ $0) ⊗ ($1 ⊕ $0 ⊕ σ zero)).:(S >> S >> var)).
{ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|k] H; cbn.
- solve_bounds.
- cbv; solve_bounds. }
intros x y.
assert (Qeq ⊢ num (embed' (x, y)) == num y ⊗ (σ σ zero) ⊕ (num y ⊕ num x) ⊗ (num y ⊕ num x ⊕ σ zero)) as Heq.
{ apply Σ1_completeness.
{ constructor. apply Qdec_eq. }
{ repeat solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
intros ρ. cbn. rewrite !nat_eval_num. apply embed'_expl. }
replace (φ[_][_]) with φ[(num y ⊗ σ (σ zero) ⊕ (num y ⊕ num x) ⊗ (num y ⊕ num x ⊕ σ zero))..].
2: { rewrite subst_comp. apply subst_ext.
intros [|k]; reflexivity. }
- fapply Q_leibniz. apply Heq.
- fapply Q_leibniz. fapply ax_sym. apply Heq.
Lemma compress_free3 φ n : bounded (S n) φ -> exists ρ,
bounded (S (S (S n))) (φ[ρ]) /\ forall x y z, Qeq ⊢ φ[(num (embed' (embed' (x, y), z)))..] ↔ φ[ρ][num x .: num y .: (num z)..].
intros Hb.
destruct (compress_free Hb) as (ρ1 & Hb1 & Hρ1).
destruct (compress_free Hb1) as (ρ2 & Hb2 & Hρ2).
rewrite subst_comp in Hb2.
eexists. split.
{ apply Hb2. }
intros x y z.
rewrite <-subst_comp.
fstart. fsplit.
- fintros "H".
specialize (Hρ2 x y). apply subst_Weak with (xi := (num z)..) in Hρ2.
change (map _ _) with Qeq in Hρ2.
specialize (Hρ1 (embed' (x, y)) z).
asimpl. asimpl in Hρ1. asimpl in Hρ2.
rewrite !num_subst in Hρ2.
fapply Hρ2. fapply Hρ1. ctx.
- fintros "H". fapply Hρ1.
specialize (Hρ2 x y). apply subst_Weak with (xi := (num z)..) in Hρ2.
change (map _ _) with Qeq in Hρ2.
asimpl. asimpl in Hρ2. rewrite !num_subst in Hρ2.
fapply Hρ2. ctx.
Variable theta_mu_universal : is_universal theta_mu.
Lemma embed'_unembed' t x y :
embed' (x, y) = t -> unembed' t = (x, y).
intros <-. apply unembed'_embed'.
Lemma theta_mu_enumerable : enumerable (fun t => let '(t', y) := unembed' t in let '(c, x) := unembed' t' in theta_mu c x ▷ y).
apply semi_decidable_enumerable.
{ exists Some. intros x. eauto. }
unshelve eexists.
{ intros [[c x]%unembed' y]%unembed' k.
destruct ((theta_mu c x).(core) k) as [y'|].
- exact (nat_eq_dec y y').
- exact false. }
intros t.
destruct (unembed' t) as [t' y] eqn:H1, (unembed' t') as [c x] eqn:H2.
- intros [k Hk]. exists k. cbv zeta match beta.
rewrite H2. rewrite Hk. now apply Dec_reflect.
- intros [k Hk]. exists k.
cbv zeta match beta in Hk.
rewrite H2 in Hk.
destruct core.
+ now apply Dec_reflect in Hk.
+ discriminate.
Lemma epf_mu_uctq : uCTQ.
destruct (@Q_weak_repr pei theta_mu_universal (fun t => let '(t', y) := unembed' t in let '(c, x) := unembed' t' in theta_mu c x ▷ y)) as (φ1 & Hb1 & HΣ1 & Hφ1); first apply theta_mu_enumerable.
assert (exists φ, Σ1 φ /\ bounded 3 φ /\ forall c x y, theta_mu c x ▷ y <-> Qeq ⊢ φ[num c .: num x .: (num y)..]) as (φ2 & HΣ2 & Hb2 & Hφ2).
{ destruct (compress_free3 Hb1) as (ρ & Hb & Hρ). exists (φ1[ρ]).
split; first (apply Σ1_subst, HΣ1).
split; first assumption.
intros c x y.
specialize (Hφ1 (embed' (embed' (c, x), y))). rewrite !unembed'_embed' in Hφ1.
setoid_rewrite Hφ1.
split; intros H; fapply Hρ; apply H. }
assert (exists φ, Qdec φ /\ bounded 4 φ /\ forall c x y, theta_mu c x ▷ y <-> Qeq ⊢ ∃ φ[$0 .: num c .: num x .: (num y)..]) as (φ3 & HQ3 & Hb3 & Hφ3).
{ destruct (Σ1_compression Hb2 HΣ2) as (φ & HQ & Hb & Hφ).
exists φ. do 2 (split; first assumption).
intros c x y. rewrite Hφ2.
apply subst_Weak with (xi := num c .: num x .: (num y)..) in Hφ.
change (map _ _) with Qeq in Hφ. cbn in Hφ.
replace (φ[$0 .: _]) with (φ[up (num c .: num x .: (num y)..)]).
{ apply prv_intu_peirce in Hφ. split; intros H; fapply Hφ; apply H. }
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] H; cbn; lia + now rewrite ?num_subst. }
eapply epf_n_uctq with (theta := theta_mu) (φ := φ3).
all: assumption.
Lemma epf_mu_ctq : CTQ.
apply uctq_ctq, epf_mu_uctq.
End ctq.
Context {pei : peirce}.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Definition CTQ :=
forall (f : nat -\ nat), exists φ, bounded 2 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ (forall x y, f x ▷ y <-> Qeq ⊢ ∀ φ[num x .: $0 ..] ↔ $0 == num y).
Definition CTQ_total :=
forall (f : nat -> nat), exists φ, bounded 2 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ forall x, Qeq ⊢ ∀ φ[num x .: $0..] ↔ $0 == num (f x).
Definition uCTQ :=
exists φ, bounded 3 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ forall (f : nat -\ nat), exists c, (forall x y, f x ▷ y <-> Qeq ⊢ ∀ φ[num c .: num x .: $0 ..] ↔ $0 == num y).
Lemma uctq_ctq : uCTQ -> CTQ.
intros (φ & Hb & HΣ & Hφ).
intros f. destruct (Hφ f) as [c Hc].
exists (φ[(num c)..]).
{ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|n]]] Hn; solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
{ apply Σ1_subst, HΣ. }
intros x y. specialize (Hc x y).
enough (φ[num c .: num x .: $0 ..] = φ[(num c)..][num x .: $0..]) by congruence.
rewrite subst_comp. apply subst_ext.
intros [|[|[|n]]]; cbn; now rewrite ?num_subst.
Lemma ctq_ctq_total : CTQ -> CTQ_total.
intros ctq f. destruct (ctq (partialise f)) as (φ & Hb & HΣ & Hφ).
exists φ. do 2 (split; first assumption).
intros x. apply Hφ. exists 0. reflexivity.
End ctq.
Section ctq_epf.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Context {pei : peirce}.
Lemma Q_num_inj x y : Qeq ⊢ num x == num y -> x = y.
intros H. apply Σ1_soundness with (rho := fun _ => 0) in H.
- cbn in H. now erewrite !nat_eval_num in H.
- constructor. apply Qdec_eq.
- solve_bounds; apply num_bound.
Lemma prv_enumerable (T : list form) (p' : peirce) :
enumerable (fun phi => T ⊢ phi).
edestruct (@tprv_enumerable PA_funcs_signature PA_preds_signature) with (T := list_theory T) as [f Hf].
- apply enumerable_PA_funcs.
- exact _.
- apply enumerable_PA_preds.
- exact _.
- apply list_theory_enumerable.
- exists f. intros phi. unfold enumerator in Hf.
rewrite <-Hf. split.
+ intros H. exists T. eauto.
+ intros [T' HT']. apply Weak with (A := T'); firstorder.
Lemma ctq_epfn : CTQ -> EPF_N.
unshelve edestruct (@form_enumerable PA_funcs_signature PA_preds_signature enumerable_PA_funcs enumerable_PA_preds) as [f_form Hform].
assert (semi_decidable (fun ψ => Qeq ⊢ ψ)) as [f_prv Hprv].
{ apply enumerable_semi_decidable.
- apply form_discrete.
- apply prv_enumerable. }
intros ctq.
unshelve eexists.
{ intros c.
intros x. unshelve eexists.
{ intros k.
destruct (f_form c) as [φ|]. 2: exact None.
destruct (unembed k) as [l y].
destruct (f_prv (∀ φ[num x .: $0 ..] ↔ $0 == num y) l).
- exact (Some y).
- exact None. }
intros y1 y2 k1 k2. destruct (f_form c) as [φ|] eqn:Hc; cbn.
2: congruence.
destruct (unembed k1) as [l1 y'1].
destruct (unembed k2) as [l2 y'2].
destruct (f_prv _ l1) eqn:H1, (f_prv _ l2) eqn:H2. 2-4: congruence. intros [= <-] [= <-].
assert (Qeq ⊢ ∀ φ[num x .: $0..] ↔ $0 == num y'1) as H1'.
{ apply Hprv. eauto. }
assert (Qeq ⊢ ∀ φ[num x .: $0..] ↔ $0 == num y'2) as H2'.
{ apply Hprv. eauto. }
enough (Qeq ⊢ num y'1 == num y'2).
{ apply Q_num_inj, H. }
fspecialize (H2' (num y'1)). rewrite num_subst in H2'.
fapply H2'.
fspecialize (H1' (num y'1)). rewrite num_subst in H1'.
fapply H1'. fapply ax_refl. }
intros f. destruct (ctq f) as (φ & H1 & H2 & Hφ).
destruct (Hform φ) as [c Hc]. exists c.
intros x y. setoid_rewrite Hφ. cbn. split.
- intros H. apply Hprv in H as [l Hl].
exists (embed (l, y)). cbn.
rewrite Hc. rewrite embedP. rewrite Hl.
- intros [k H3]. cbn in H3.
rewrite Hc in H3. destruct (unembed k) as [l y'].
destruct f_prv eqn:H.
+ apply Hprv. exists l. now injection H3 as ->.
+ congruence.
End ctq_epf.
Section ctq_repr.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Context {p : peirce}.
Lemma ctq_weak_repr (ctq : CTQ_total) (P : nat -> Prop) :
enumerable P -> exists φ,
bounded 1 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ forall x, P x <-> Qeq ⊢ φ[(num x)..].
intros [f Hf].
pose (f' := fun x => match f x with Some y => S y | None => 0 end).
destruct (ctq f') as (φ & Hb & HΣ & Hφ).
exists (∃(φ[$0 .: (σ $1) ..])).
repeat apply conj.
{ constructor. eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|n]] ?; repeat solve_bounds. }
{ constructor. apply Σ1_subst, HΣ. }
intros x. unfold enumerator in Hf. setoid_rewrite Hf.
- intros [k Hk]. cbn.
fexists (num k).
specialize (Hφ k). fspecialize (Hφ (num (f' k))).
rewrite num_subst in Hφ.
replace (φ[_][_][_]) with (φ[num k .: $0 ..][(num (f' k))..]).
{ fapply Hφ. fapply ax_refl. }
rewrite !subst_comp. eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|n]] ?; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst.
+ reflexivity.
+ unfold f'. rewrite Hk. reflexivity.
+ lia.
- cbn. intros [k Hk]%Σ1_witness.
2: { apply Σ1_subst, Σ1_subst, HΣ. }
2: { rewrite subst_comp. eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|n]] ?; cbn.
- constructor. lia.
- repeat (solve_bounds; rewrite ?num_subst); apply num_bound.
- lia. }
exists k.
enough (f' k = S x) as H.
{ unfold f' in H. now destruct (f k). }
apply Q_num_inj.
specialize (Hφ k). fspecialize (Hφ (num (S x))).
rewrite num_subst in Hφ.
fapply ax_sym. fapply Hφ.
replace (φ[_][_][_]) with (φ[num k .: $0 ..][(σ num x)..]) in Hk; first easy.
rewrite !subst_comp. eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|n]] ?; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; easy + lia.
Lemma ctq_strong_sepr (ctq : CTQ) (P Q : nat -> Prop) :
(forall x, P x -> Q x -> False) ->
semi_decidable P -> semi_decidable Q ->
exists φ, bounded 1 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\
(forall x, P x -> Qeq ⊢ φ[(num x)..]) /\
(forall x, Q x -> Qeq ⊢ ¬φ[(num x)..]).
intros Hdisj HP HQ.
destruct (enumerable_separable Hdisj HP HQ) as [f Hf].
destruct (ctq (fun x => comp_part_total (fun b : bool => if b then 1 else 0) (f x))) as (φ & Hb & HΣ & Hφ).
exists (φ[$0 .: (num 1) ..]). repeat split.
{ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|n]] ?; cbn; repeat solve_bounds. }
{ apply Σ1_subst, HΣ. }
- intros x Hx%Hf.
assert (comp_part_total (fun b : bool => if b then 1 else 0) (f x) ▷ 1) as H%Hφ.
{ destruct Hx as [k Hk]. exists k. cbn. now rewrite Hk. }
fspecialize (H (num 1)).
replace (φ[_][_]) with (φ[num x .: $0..][(num 1)..]).
{ fapply H. fapply ax_refl. }
rewrite !subst_comp. eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|n]]?; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; easy + lia.
- intros x Hx%Hf.
assert (comp_part_total (fun b : bool => if b then 1 else 0) (f x) ▷ 0) as H%Hφ.
{ destruct Hx as [k Hk]. exists k. cbn. now rewrite Hk. }
fspecialize (H (num 1)).
replace (φ[_][_]) with (φ[num x .: $0..][(num 1)..]).
{ fstart. fintros "H". fapply H in "H".
clear H Hx x Hφ HΣ Hb φ Hf f HQ HP Hdisj P Q ctq.
fapply (ax_zero_succ zero). fapply ax_sym.
ctx. }
rewrite !subst_comp. eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|n]]?; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; easy + lia.
End ctq_repr.
Section ctq.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Context `{pei : peirce}.
Variable theta : nat -> nat -\ nat.
Variable theta_universal : is_universal theta.
Variable (φ : form).
Hypothesis φ1_qdec : Qdec φ.
Hypothesis φ1_bounded : bounded 4 φ.
Hypothesis wrepr : forall c x y, theta c x ▷ y <-> Qeq ⊢ ∃ φ[$0 .: num c .: num x .: (num y)..].
Local Definition ψ' : form :=
φ ∧ ∀∀ ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= $5 ⊕ $2) → φ[$0.:$3.:$4.:$1..] → $1 == $5.
Local Definition ψ : form := ∃ψ'.
Lemma ψ'_bounded : bounded 4 ψ'.
repeat (solve_bounds; cbn in *).
- assumption.
- eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; now solve_bounds.
Lemma ψ_bounded : bounded 3 ψ.
constructor. apply ψ'_bounded.
Lemma ψ'_Qdec : Qdec ψ'.
apply Qdec_and.
- auto.
- apply (Qdec_bin_bounded_forall ($3 ⊕ $0)).
apply Qdec_impl.
+ now apply Qdec_subst.
+ apply Qdec_eq.
Lemma ψ_Σ1 : Σ1 ψ.
constructor. constructor.
apply ψ'_Qdec.
Lemma ψ_subst c x y : ψ[c.:x.:y..] =
∃ φ[$0 .: c`[↑] .: x`[↑] .: y`[↑]..] ∧ ∀∀ ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= y`[↑]`[↑]`[↑] ⊕ $2) → φ[$0 .: c`[↑]`[↑]`[↑] .: x`[↑]`[↑]`[↑] .: $1..] → $1 == y`[↑]`[↑]`[↑].
cbn. do 2 f_equal.
{ eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; now solve_bounds. }
do 4 f_equal.
rewrite subst_comp.
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; now solve_bounds.
Lemma ψ'_subst k c x y :
ψ'[k .: c .: x .: y ..] = φ[k .: c .: x .: y..] ∧ ∀∀ ($1 ⊕ $0 ⧀= y`[↑]`[↑] ⊕ k`[↑]`[↑]) → φ[$0 .: c`[↑]`[↑] .: x`[↑]`[↑] .: $1..] → $1 == y`[↑]`[↑].
cbn. f_equal.
do 4 f_equal.
rewrite subst_comp.
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; now solve_bounds.
Lemma ψ_φ s t u :
Qeq ⊢ ψ[s.:t.:u..] → ∃ φ[$0 .: s`[↑] .: t`[↑] .: u`[↑]..].
rewrite ψ_subst. fstart.
fintros "[k [H1 H2]]".
fexists k.
fapply "H1".
Lemma ψ_theta c x y :
Qeq ⊢ ∀ ψ[num c .: num x .: $0 ..] ↔ $0 == num y -> theta c x ▷ y.
intros H. apply wrepr.
rewrite <-(num_subst c ↑), <-(num_subst x ↑), <-(num_subst y ↑).
eapply IE; first apply ψ_φ.
apply AllE with (t := num y) in H.
cbn -[ψ] in H. replace (ψ[_][_]) with ψ[num c .: num x .: (num y)..] in H.
2: { rewrite subst_comp. eapply bounded_subst; first apply ψ_bounded.
intros [|[|[|n]]] Hn; solve_bounds; cbn; try easy; now rewrite num_subst. }
eapply IE.
{ eapply CE2, H. }
rewrite num_subst. fapply ax_refl.
Lemma sat_PAle ρ s t :
interp_nat; ρ ⊨ (s ⧀= t) <-> (eval ρ s) <= (eval ρ t).
- intros [k Hk]. cbn in Hk.
rewrite !eval_up in Hk. lia.
- intros H. cbn. exists (eval ρ t - eval ρ s).
rewrite !eval_up. lia.
Lemma theta_ψ c x y :
theta c x ▷ y -> Qeq ⊢ ψ[num c .: num x .: (num y) ..].
intros H.
apply Σ1_completeness.
{ apply Σ1_subst, ψ_Σ1. }
{ eapply subst_bounded_max; last apply ψ_bounded.
intros [|[|[|n]]] Hn; solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
intros ρ.
pose proof H as [k Hk]%wrepr%Σ1_witness; first apply Σ1_soundness with (rho := ρ) in Hk; first last.
{ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
{ apply Σ1_subst. now constructor. }
{ rewrite subst_comp. eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; solve_bounds; try easy; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; apply num_bound. }
{ do 2 apply Σ1_subst. now constructor. }
exists k. split.
- pattern (φ[up (num c .: num x .: (num y)..)]).
erewrite bounded_subst.
+ apply sat_single_nat, Hk.
+ eassumption.
+ intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; solve_bounds; now try apply num_subst.
- intros y' k' _ H'. cbn.
rewrite !num_subst. rewrite nat_eval_num.
eapply part_functional; last apply H.
apply wrepr, Σ1_completeness.
{ do 2 constructor. now apply Qdec_subst. }
{ constructor. eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; solve_bounds; now try apply num_bound. }
intros ρ'. exists k'.
apply sat_single_nat. do 3 rewrite sat_single_nat in H'.
evar (f : form).
replace φ[_][_] with ?f.
+ eapply sat_closed; last apply H'.
rewrite !subst_comp. eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; apply num_bound + lia.
+ rewrite !subst_comp.
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst; congruence + lia.
Lemma ψ_functional c x y y' :
Qeq ⊢ ψ[num c .: num x .: (num y) ..] -> Qeq ⊢ ψ[num c .: num x .: y'..] → y' == num y.
cbn -[ψ'].
intros [k Hk]%Σ1_witness.
2: { apply Σ1_subst. constructor. apply ψ'_Qdec. }
2: { eapply subst_bounded_max; last apply ψ'_bounded.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; solve_bounds; try easy; cbn; rewrite num_subst; apply num_bound. }
asimpl in Hk.
rewrite ψ'_subst in Hk.
fintros "[k' [Hk21 Hk22]]".
assert (bounded_t 0 (num y ⊕ num k)) as Hbyk.
{ solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
pose proof (@Qsdec_le pei (num y ⊕ num k) (y' ⊕ k') Hbyk) as Hyk.
fdestruct Hyk as "[H|H]".
- fspecialize ("Hk22" (num y) (num k)).
cbn. rewrite !num_subst. asimpl.
fapply ax_sym. fapply "Hk22".
+ unfold PAle. cbn. rewrite !num_subst. ctx.
+ replace (φ[_]) with (φ[num k .: num c .: num x .: (num y) ..]).
{ fdestruct Hk. ctx. }
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; easy + lia.
- fdestruct Hk as "[Hk11 Hk12]".
fspecialize ("Hk12" y' k').
cbn. asimpl. rewrite !num_subst.
fapply "Hk12".
+ unfold PAle. cbn. rewrite !num_subst. ctx.
+ replace (φ[_]) with (φ[k' .: num c .: num x .: y' ..]).
{ fdestruct Hk. ctx. }
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] Hn; cbn; easy + lia.
Lemma epf_n_uctq : uCTQ.
exists ψ.
split; first apply ψ_bounded.
split; first apply ψ_Σ1.
intros f. destruct (theta_universal f) as [c Hc]. exists c.
intros x y.
2: { intros H. apply Hc, ψ_theta, H. }
intros Hf.
Opaque ψ.
fintros y'. fsplit.
- fintros "H".
rewrite num_subst. feapply ψ_functional.
+ apply theta_ψ, Hc, Hf.
+ asimpl. rewrite !num_subst.
evar (ρ : nat -> term).
replace (ψ[_]) with (ψ[?ρ]).
{ fapply "H". }
eapply bounded_subst; first apply ψ_bounded.
intros [|[|[|n]]] Hn; cbn; easy + lia.
- fintros "H".
feapply Q_leibniz.
{ feapply ax_sym. fapply "H". }
asimpl. rewrite !num_subst.
replace (ψ[_]) with (ψ[num c .: num x .: (num y) ..]).
{ fapply theta_ψ. apply Hc, Hf. }
eapply bounded_subst; first apply ψ_bounded.
intros [|[|[|n]]] Hn; cbn; easy + lia.
Transparent ψ.
End ctq.
Section ctq.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance interp_nat.
Context `{pei : peirce}.
Definition embed' t := embed t * 2.
Definition unembed' c := unembed (Nat.div c 2).
Lemma unembed'_embed' x y : unembed' (embed' (x, y)) = (x, y).
unfold unembed', embed'.
rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.div_mul.
- apply embedP.
- lia.
Lemma gaussian_sum x : 2 * nat_rec (fun _ : nat => nat) 0 (fun i m : nat => S i + m) x =
x * (x + 1).
induction x as [|x IH]; cbn in *; lia.
Lemma embed'_expl x y : embed' (x, y) = y * 2 + (y + x) * (y + x + 1).
unfold embed', embed.
rewrite <-gaussian_sum. lia.
Lemma compress_free φ n : bounded (S n) φ -> exists ρ,
bounded (S (S n)) (φ[ρ]) /\ forall x y, Qeq ⊢ φ[(num (embed' (x, y)))..] ↔ φ[ρ][num x .: (num y)..].
intros Hb.
exists (($1 ⊗ (σ σ zero) ⊕ ($1 ⊕ $0) ⊗ ($1 ⊕ $0 ⊕ σ zero)).:(S >> S >> var)).
{ eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
intros [|k] H; cbn.
- solve_bounds.
- cbv; solve_bounds. }
intros x y.
assert (Qeq ⊢ num (embed' (x, y)) == num y ⊗ (σ σ zero) ⊕ (num y ⊕ num x) ⊗ (num y ⊕ num x ⊕ σ zero)) as Heq.
{ apply Σ1_completeness.
{ constructor. apply Qdec_eq. }
{ repeat solve_bounds; apply num_bound. }
intros ρ. cbn. rewrite !nat_eval_num. apply embed'_expl. }
replace (φ[_][_]) with φ[(num y ⊗ σ (σ zero) ⊕ (num y ⊕ num x) ⊗ (num y ⊕ num x ⊕ σ zero))..].
2: { rewrite subst_comp. apply subst_ext.
intros [|k]; reflexivity. }
- fapply Q_leibniz. apply Heq.
- fapply Q_leibniz. fapply ax_sym. apply Heq.
Lemma compress_free3 φ n : bounded (S n) φ -> exists ρ,
bounded (S (S (S n))) (φ[ρ]) /\ forall x y z, Qeq ⊢ φ[(num (embed' (embed' (x, y), z)))..] ↔ φ[ρ][num x .: num y .: (num z)..].
intros Hb.
destruct (compress_free Hb) as (ρ1 & Hb1 & Hρ1).
destruct (compress_free Hb1) as (ρ2 & Hb2 & Hρ2).
rewrite subst_comp in Hb2.
eexists. split.
{ apply Hb2. }
intros x y z.
rewrite <-subst_comp.
fstart. fsplit.
- fintros "H".
specialize (Hρ2 x y). apply subst_Weak with (xi := (num z)..) in Hρ2.
change (map _ _) with Qeq in Hρ2.
specialize (Hρ1 (embed' (x, y)) z).
asimpl. asimpl in Hρ1. asimpl in Hρ2.
rewrite !num_subst in Hρ2.
fapply Hρ2. fapply Hρ1. ctx.
- fintros "H". fapply Hρ1.
specialize (Hρ2 x y). apply subst_Weak with (xi := (num z)..) in Hρ2.
change (map _ _) with Qeq in Hρ2.
asimpl. asimpl in Hρ2. rewrite !num_subst in Hρ2.
fapply Hρ2. ctx.
Variable theta_mu_universal : is_universal theta_mu.
Lemma embed'_unembed' t x y :
embed' (x, y) = t -> unembed' t = (x, y).
intros <-. apply unembed'_embed'.
Lemma theta_mu_enumerable : enumerable (fun t => let '(t', y) := unembed' t in let '(c, x) := unembed' t' in theta_mu c x ▷ y).
apply semi_decidable_enumerable.
{ exists Some. intros x. eauto. }
unshelve eexists.
{ intros [[c x]%unembed' y]%unembed' k.
destruct ((theta_mu c x).(core) k) as [y'|].
- exact (nat_eq_dec y y').
- exact false. }
intros t.
destruct (unembed' t) as [t' y] eqn:H1, (unembed' t') as [c x] eqn:H2.
- intros [k Hk]. exists k. cbv zeta match beta.
rewrite H2. rewrite Hk. now apply Dec_reflect.
- intros [k Hk]. exists k.
cbv zeta match beta in Hk.
rewrite H2 in Hk.
destruct core.
+ now apply Dec_reflect in Hk.
+ discriminate.
Lemma epf_mu_uctq : uCTQ.
destruct (@Q_weak_repr pei theta_mu_universal (fun t => let '(t', y) := unembed' t in let '(c, x) := unembed' t' in theta_mu c x ▷ y)) as (φ1 & Hb1 & HΣ1 & Hφ1); first apply theta_mu_enumerable.
assert (exists φ, Σ1 φ /\ bounded 3 φ /\ forall c x y, theta_mu c x ▷ y <-> Qeq ⊢ φ[num c .: num x .: (num y)..]) as (φ2 & HΣ2 & Hb2 & Hφ2).
{ destruct (compress_free3 Hb1) as (ρ & Hb & Hρ). exists (φ1[ρ]).
split; first (apply Σ1_subst, HΣ1).
split; first assumption.
intros c x y.
specialize (Hφ1 (embed' (embed' (c, x), y))). rewrite !unembed'_embed' in Hφ1.
setoid_rewrite Hφ1.
split; intros H; fapply Hρ; apply H. }
assert (exists φ, Qdec φ /\ bounded 4 φ /\ forall c x y, theta_mu c x ▷ y <-> Qeq ⊢ ∃ φ[$0 .: num c .: num x .: (num y)..]) as (φ3 & HQ3 & Hb3 & Hφ3).
{ destruct (Σ1_compression Hb2 HΣ2) as (φ & HQ & Hb & Hφ).
exists φ. do 2 (split; first assumption).
intros c x y. rewrite Hφ2.
apply subst_Weak with (xi := num c .: num x .: (num y)..) in Hφ.
change (map _ _) with Qeq in Hφ. cbn in Hφ.
replace (φ[$0 .: _]) with (φ[up (num c .: num x .: (num y)..)]).
{ apply prv_intu_peirce in Hφ. split; intros H; fapply Hφ; apply H. }
eapply bounded_subst; first eassumption.
intros [|[|[|[|n]]]] H; cbn; lia + now rewrite ?num_subst. }
eapply epf_n_uctq with (theta := theta_mu) (φ := φ3).
all: assumption.
Lemma epf_mu_ctq : CTQ.
apply uctq_ctq, epf_mu_uctq.
End ctq.