Library ProgrammingTuringMachines.TM.Code.CaseList
Variable X : Type.
Variable (sigX : finType).
Hypothesis (cX : codable sigX X).
Definition stop (s: (sigList sigX)^+) :=
match s with
| inr (sigList_cons) => true
| inr (sigList_nil) => true
| inl _ => true
| _ => false
Definition Skip_cons : pTM (sigList sigX)^+ unit 1 :=
Move R;;
MoveToSymbol stop id.
Definition M1 : pTM (sigList sigX)^+ unit 2 :=
LiftTapes Skip_cons [|Fin0|];;
LiftTapes (Write (inl STOP)) [|Fin1|];;
MovePar L L;;
CopySymbols_L stop;;
LiftTapes (Write (inl START)) [|Fin1|].
Definition CaseList : pTM (sigList sigX)^+ bool 2 :=
LiftTapes (Move R) [|Fin0|];;
Switch (LiftTapes (ReadChar) [|Fin0|])
(fun s => match s with
| Some (inr sigList_nil) => (* nil *)
Return (LiftTapes (Move L) [|Fin0|]) false
| Some (inr sigList_cons) => (* cons *)
LiftTapes Skip_cons [|Fin0|];;
Return (LiftTapes (Move L;; Write (inl START)) [|Fin0|]) true
| _ => Return Nop default (* invalid input *)
Definition Skip_cons_Rel : pRel (sigList sigX)^+ unit 1 :=
Mk_R_p (
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall ls rs (x : X) (l : list X),
tin = midtape (inl START :: ls) (inr sigList_cons)
(map inr (encode x) ++ map inr (encode l) ++ inl STOP :: rs) ->
match l with
| nil =>
tout = midtape (rev (map inr (encode x)) ++ inr sigList_cons :: inl START :: ls)
(inr sigList_nil) (inl STOP :: rs)
| x'::l' =>
tout = midtape (rev (map inr (encode x)) ++ inr sigList_cons :: inl START :: ls)
(inr sigList_cons) (map inr (encode x') ++ map inr (encode l') ++ inl STOP :: rs)
Lemma stop_lemma x :
forall s : (sigList sigX)^+, s el map inr (map sigList_X (encode x)) -> stop s = false.
rewrite List.map_map. intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma Skip_cons_Realise : Skip_cons ⊨ Skip_cons_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Skip_cons. TM_Correct. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros ls rs x l HTin. TMSimp. clear_trivial_eqs.
destruct l as [ | x' l']; cbn.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_moveright; cbn; auto.
+ now rewrite map_id.
+ apply stop_lemma.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_moveright; cbn; auto.
+ rewrite map_id, map_app, <- app_assoc. reflexivity.
+ apply stop_lemma.
Definition M1_Rel : pRel (sigList sigX)^+ unit 2 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall ls rs (x : X) (l : list X),
isRight tin[@Fin1] ->
tin[@Fin0] = midtape (inl START :: ls) (inr sigList_cons)
(map inr (encode x) ++ map inr (encode l) ++ inl STOP :: rs) ->
tout[@Fin0] = tin[@Fin0] /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃ x).
Lemma M1_Realise : M1 ⊨ M1_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold M1. TM_Correct. eapply Skip_cons_Realise. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros ls rs x l HRight HTin0. TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs.
rename H2 into HCopy.
destruct HRight as (r1&r2&HRight). TMSimp. clear HRight.
specialize H with (1 := eq_refl).
destruct l as [ | x' l']; TMSimp.
- rewrite CopySymbols_L_correct_moveleft in HCopy; cbn; auto.
2: setoid_rewrite <- in_rev; apply stop_lemma.
inv HCopy. TMSimp.
cbn. rewrite !rev_involutive. repeat econstructor. cbn. f_equal. simpl_tape. reflexivity.
- rewrite CopySymbols_L_correct_moveleft in HCopy; cbn; auto.
2: setoid_rewrite <- in_rev; apply stop_lemma.
inv HCopy. TMSimp.
cbn. rewrite !rev_involutive. repeat econstructor.
+ f_equal. rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc. reflexivity.
+ cbn. f_equal. simpl_tape. reflexivity.
Definition CaseList_Rel : pRel (sigList sigX)^+ bool 2 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (l : list X),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ l ->
isRight tin[@Fin1] ->
match yout, l with
| false, nil =>
tout[@Fin0] ≃ nil /\
isRight tout[@Fin1]
| true, x :: l' =>
tout[@Fin0] ≃ l' /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃ x
| _, _ => False
Lemma CaseList_Realise : CaseList ⊨ CaseList_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold CaseList. TM_Correct. eapply M1_Realise. eapply Skip_cons_Realise. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. intros l HEncL HRight.
destruct HEncL as (ls&HEncL). pose proof HRight as (ls'&rs'&HRight'). TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs.
destruct l as [ | x l'] in *; cbn in *; TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs.
{ (* nil *)
split; auto.
- repeat econstructor; cbn; simpl_tape.
{ (* cons *)
rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc in *.
specialize H1 with (1 :=HRight) (2 := eq_refl).
TMSimp. symmetry in H0. specialize H2 with (1 := eq_refl).
destruct l' as [ | x' l'']; TMSimp.
- repeat split; auto. repeat econstructor. f_equal. simpl_tape. cbn. reflexivity.
- repeat split; auto. repeat econstructor. f_equal. simpl_tape. cbn. now rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc.
Local Arguments plus : simpl never. Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
Lemma Skip_cons_Terminates :
projT1 (Skip_cons) ↓
(fun tin k =>
exists ls rs (x : X) (l : list X),
tin[@Fin0] = midtape (inl START :: ls) (inr sigList_cons)
(map inr (encode x) ++ map inr (encode l) ++ inl STOP :: rs) /\
6 + 4 * size cX x <= k).
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Skip_cons. TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (ls&rs&x&l&HTin&Hk). TMSimp. clear HTin.
exists 1, (4 + 4 * size cX x). repeat split. 1-2: omega.
intros tmid () H. TMSimp. clear H.
destruct l as [ | x' l]; cbn.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_moveright; cbn; auto. now rewrite !map_length.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_moveright; cbn; auto. now rewrite !map_length.
Lemma M1_Terminates :
projT1 M1 ↓
(fun tin k =>
exists ls rs (x : X) (l : list X),
tin[@Fin0] = midtape (inl START :: ls) (inr sigList_cons)
(map inr (encode x) ++ map inr (encode l) ++ inl STOP :: rs) /\
23 + 12 * size cX x <= k).
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold M1. TM_Correct. eapply Skip_cons_Realise. eapply Skip_cons_Terminates. }
intros tin k (ls&rs&x&l&HTin&Hk). TMSimp. clear HTin.
exists (6 + 4 * size cX x), (16 + 8 * size cX x). repeat split; try omega. eauto 6.
intros tmid (). intros (H&HInj); TMSimp. specialize H with (1 := eq_refl).
destruct l as [ | x' l']; TMSimp. (* Both cases are identical *)
1-2: exists 1, (14 + 8 * size cX x); repeat split; try omega.
- intros tmid2 (). intros (_&HInj2); TMSimp.
exists 3, (10 + 8 * size cX x). repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid3 (). intros (H3&H3'); TMSimp.
exists (8+8*size cX x), 1. repeat split; cbn; try omega.
+ rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_moveleft; auto.
now rewrite rev_length, !map_length.
+ intros tmid4 () _. omega.
- intros tmid2 (). intros (_&HInj2); TMSimp.
exists 3, (10 + 8 * size cX x). repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid3 (). intros (H3&H3'); TMSimp.
exists (8+8*size cX x), 1. repeat split; cbn; try omega.
+ rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_moveleft; auto.
now rewrite rev_length, !map_length.
+ intros tmid4 () _. omega.
Definition CaseList_steps_cons (x : X) := 42 + 16 * size cX x.
Definition CaseList_steps_nil := 5.
Definition CaseList_steps l :=
match l with
| nil => CaseList_steps_nil
| x::l' => CaseList_steps_cons x
Lemma CaseList_Terminates :
projT1 CaseList ↓
(fun tin k =>
exists l : list X,
tin[@Fin0] ≃ l /\
isRight tin[@Fin1] /\
CaseList_steps l <= k).
unfold CaseList_steps, CaseList_steps_cons, CaseList_steps_nil. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold CaseList. TM_Correct.
- eapply M1_Realise.
- eapply M1_Terminates.
- eapply Skip_cons_Realise.
- eapply Skip_cons_Terminates.
cbn. intros tin k (l&HEncL&HRight&Hk).
destruct HEncL as (ls&HEncL); TMSimp.
destruct l as [ | x l']; cbn.
exists 1, 3. repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid (). intros (H1&HInj1); TMSimp.
exists 1, 1. repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid2 ymid2 ((H2&H2')&HInj2). apply Vector.cons_inj in H2' as (H2'&_). TMSimp.
exists 1, (40 + 16 * size cX x). repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid (). intros (H1&HInj1); TMSimp.
exists 1, (38 + 16 * size cX x). repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid2 ymid2 ((H2&H2')&HInj2). apply Vector.cons_inj in H2' as (H2'&_). TMSimp.
exists (23 + 12 * size cX x), (14 + 4 * size cX x). repeat split; try omega.
{ TMSimp_goal. rewrite List.map_app, <- app_assoc. do 4 eexists; eauto. }
intros tmid3 () H3'.
rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc in H3'. specialize H3' with (1 := HRight) (2 := eq_refl). TMSimp.
exists (6 + 4 * size cX x), 3. repeat split; try omega. eauto 6.
intros tmid4 () (H4&HInj4); TMSimp. specialize H4 with (1 := eq_refl).
destruct l' as [ | x' l'']; TMSimp. (* both cases are equal *)
- exists 1, 1. repeat split; try omega. intros ? _ _. omega.
- exists 1, 1. repeat split; try omega. intros ? _ _. omega.
Definition IsNil : pTM (sigList sigX)^+ bool 1 :=
Move R;;
Switch ReadChar
(fun s =>
match s with
| Some (inr sigList_nil) =>
Return (Move L) true
| _ => Return (Move L) false
Definition IsNil_Rel : pRel (sigList sigX)^+ bool 1 :=
Mk_R_p (
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
forall (xs : list X),
tin ≃ xs ->
match yout, xs with
| true, nil => tout ≃ xs
| false, _ :: _ => tout ≃ xs
| _, _ => False
Definition IsNil_steps := 5.
Lemma IsNil_Sem : IsNil ⊨c(IsNil_steps) IsNil_Rel.
unfold IsNil_steps. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold IsNil. TM_Correct. }
{ Unshelve. 4-11: reflexivity. omega. }
intros tin (yout, tout) H. cbn. intros xs HEncXs.
destruct HEncXs as (ls & HEncXs). TMSimp.
destruct xs as [ | x xs' ]; TMSimp.
- repeat econstructor.
- repeat econstructor.
Definition Constr_nil : pTM (sigList sigX)^+ unit 1 := WriteValue [sigList_nil].
Goal Constr_nil = WriteMove (inl STOP) L;; WriteMove (inr sigList_nil) L;; Write (inl START).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition Constr_nil_Rel : pRel (sigList sigX)^+ unit 1 :=
Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => isRight tin -> tout ≃ nil)).
Definition Constr_nil_steps := 5.
Lemma Constr_nil_Sem : Constr_nil ⊨c(Constr_nil_steps) Constr_nil_Rel.
unfold Constr_nil_steps. eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold Constr_nil. TM_Correct. }
{ reflexivity. }
{ intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn in *. auto. }
Definition Constr_cons : pTM (sigList sigX)^+ unit 2 :=
LiftTapes (MoveRight _;; Move L) [|Fin1|];;
LiftTapes (CopySymbols_L stop) [|Fin1;Fin0|];;
LiftTapes (WriteMove (inr sigList_cons) L;; Write (inl START)) [|Fin0|].
Definition Constr_cons_Rel : pRel (sigList sigX)^+ unit 2 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall l y,
tin[@Fin0] ≃ l ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃ y ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃ y :: l /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃ y
Lemma Constr_cons_Realise : Constr_cons ⊨ Constr_cons_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Constr_cons. TM_Correct. apply MoveRight_Realise with (X := X). }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros l y HEncL HEncY.
TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs.
specialize (H y HEncY) as (ls&H). TMSimp.
destruct HEncL as (ls2&HEncL). TMSimp.
rewrite CopySymbols_L_correct_moveleft in H0; swap 1 2; auto.
{ intros ? (?&<-& (?&<-&?) % in_rev % in_map_iff) % in_map_iff. cbn. reflexivity. }
inv H0. TMSimp.
repeat econstructor.
- cbn. f_equal. simpl_tape. rewrite !map_rev, rev_involutive. f_equal.
now rewrite !List.map_map, map_app, <- app_assoc, List.map_map.
- f_equal. now rewrite !map_rev, rev_involutive.
Definition Constr_cons_steps (x : X) := 23 + 12 * size _ x.
Lemma Constr_cons_Terminates :
projT1 Constr_cons ↓
(fun tin k =>
exists (l: list X) (y: X),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ l /\
tin[@Fin1] ≃ y /\
Constr_cons_steps y <= k).
unfold Constr_cons_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Constr_cons. TM_Correct.
- apply MoveRight_Realise with (X := X).
- apply MoveRight_Realise with (X := X).
- apply MoveRight_Terminates with (X := X).
intros tin k (l&y&HEncL&HEncY&Hk). cbn.
exists (10 + 4 * size _ y), (12 + 8 * size _ y). repeat split; try omega.
- cbn. exists (8 + 4 * size _ y), 1. repeat split; try omega.
+ eexists. split. eauto. unfold MoveRight_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize.
+ now intros _ _ _.
- intros tmid () (H&HInj). TMSimp.
specialize (H _ HEncY) as (ls&HEncY'). TMSimp.
exists (8 + 8 * size _ y), 3. repeat split; try omega.
+ erewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_moveleft; eauto. now rewrite map_length, rev_length, map_length.
+ intros tmid2 (). intros (H2&HInj2). TMSimp.
exists 1, 1. repeat split; try omega. intros ? _ _. omega.
End CaseList.
Arguments CaseList : simpl never.
Arguments IsNil : simpl never.
Arguments Constr_nil : simpl never.
Arguments Constr_cons : simpl never.
Section Steps_comp.
Variable (sig tau: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
Variable (I : Retract sig tau).
Lemma CaseList_steps_cons_comp x :
CaseList_steps_cons (Encode_map cX I) x = CaseList_steps_cons cX x.
Proof. unfold CaseList_steps_cons. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
Lemma CaseList_steps_comp l :
CaseList_steps (Encode_map cX I) l = CaseList_steps cX l.
Proof. unfold CaseList_steps. destruct l; auto. apply CaseList_steps_cons_comp. Qed.
Lemma Constr_cons_steps_comp l :
Constr_cons_steps (Encode_map cX I) l = Constr_cons_steps cX l.
Proof. unfold Constr_cons_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
End Steps_comp.
Ltac smpl_TM_CaseList :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ |- CaseList _ ⊨ _ ] => apply CaseList_Realise
| [ |- projT1 (CaseList _) ↓ _ ] => apply CaseList_Terminates
| [ |- IsNil _ ⊨ _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_Realise; apply IsNil_Sem
| [ |- IsNil _ ⊨c(_) _ ] => apply IsNil_Sem
| [ |- projT1 (IsNil _ ) ↓ _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn; apply IsNil_Sem
| [ |- Constr_nil _ ⊨ _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_Realise; apply Constr_nil_Sem
| [ |- Constr_nil _ ⊨c(_) _ ] => apply Constr_nil_Sem
| [ |- projT1 (Constr_nil _) ↓ _ ] => eapply RealiseIn_TerminatesIn; apply Constr_nil_Sem
| [ |- Constr_cons _ ⊨ _ ] => apply Constr_cons_Realise
| [ |- projT1 (Constr_cons _) ↓ _ ] => apply Constr_cons_Terminates
Smpl Add smpl_TM_CaseList : TM_Correct.