From SyntheticComputability Require Import ArithmeticalHierarchySemantic reductions SemiDec TuringJump OracleComputability Definitions Limit simple.
Require Import SyntheticComputability.Synthetic.DecidabilityFacts.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.FinitenessFacts.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.Pigeonhole.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.ListAutomation.
Require Import Arith Arith.Compare_dec Lia Coq.Program.Equality List.
Require Import SyntheticComputability.PostsProblem.priority_method.
Import SyntheticComputability.Axioms.EA.Assume_EA.
Import ListNotations.
(* ##################################### *)
Require Import SyntheticComputability.Synthetic.DecidabilityFacts.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.FinitenessFacts.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.Pigeonhole.
Require Export SyntheticComputability.Shared.ListAutomation.
Require Import Arith Arith.Compare_dec Lia Coq.Program.Equality List.
Require Import SyntheticComputability.PostsProblem.priority_method.
Import SyntheticComputability.Axioms.EA.Assume_EA.
Import ListNotations.
(* ##################################### *)
(* ##################################### *)
Section ComplToBound.
Definition complToBound L b : list nat
:= filter (fun x => Dec (~ In x L)) (seq 0 (S b)).
Lemma complToBound_Bound L b :
forall x, In x (complToBound L b) -> x <= b.
intros x [H % in_seq ?] % in_filter_iff. lia.
Lemma filter_length {X} f (l : list X) :
length l = length (filter f l) + length (filter (fun x => (negb (f x))) l).
induction l; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct f; cbn; lia.
Lemma filter_NoDup {X} f (l : list X) :
NoDup l -> NoDup (filter f l).
induction 1; cbn.
- econstructor.
- destruct f; eauto. econstructor; auto.
intros ? % in_filter_iff. firstorder.
Lemma complToBound_length L b:
length (complToBound L b) + length L >= S b.
rewrite <- (seq_length (S b) 0).
erewrite filter_length with (l := seq 0 (S b)).
unfold complToBound.
eapply Plus.plus_le_compat_l_stt.
generalize (seq_NoDup (S b) 0).
generalize (seq 0 (S b)). clear.
intros. erewrite filter_ext with (g := fun x => Dec (In x L)).
2:{ intros a. destruct Dec; cbn; destruct Dec; firstorder congruence. }
eapply NoDup_incl_length. now eapply filter_NoDup.
clear. induction l; cbn.
- firstorder.
- destruct Dec; cbn. 2: eauto.
intros ? [-> | ]; eauto.
Lemma complToBound_NoDup L b:
NoDup (complToBound L b).
eapply filter_NoDup, seq_NoDup.
Lemma firstn_In {X} (l : list X) n x : In x (firstn n l) -> In x l.
induction n in x, l |- *; destruct l; cbn; firstorder.
Lemma firstn_NoDup {X} (l : list X) n : NoDup l -> NoDup (firstn n l).
induction 1 in n |- *; destruct n; cbn; try now econstructor.
econstructor; eauto.
now intros ? % firstn_In.
End ComplToBound.
Section Assume_EA.
Definition θ := φ.
Definition EA_spec := ∀ p, semi_decidable p → ∃ e, ∀ x, p x ↔ ∃ n, φ e n = Some x.
Lemma EA: EA_spec.
intros P HP%SyntheticComputability.Axioms.EA.enum_iff.
rewrite W_spec in HP. destruct HP as [c Hc].
exists c. intros x. unfold W in Hc.
eapply Hc.
Definition W_ n e x := φ n e = Some x.
Definition W e x := exists n, W_ e n x.
Lemma W_spec: forall P, semi_decidable P -> exists e, forall x, P x <-> W e x.
Proof. intros P [e He]%EA. exists e; intros x; now rewrite He. Qed.
Notation "'W[' s ']' e" := (fun x => exists n, n <= s /\ W_ e n x) (at level 30).
Section EA_dec.
Lemma W_dec e: forall x n, dec (W_ e n x).
intros x n.
destruct (φ e n) eqn: E.
- destruct (Dec (x = n0)) as [E'|E'].
left. now subst. right. intros H. congruence.
- right. intros H. congruence.
Lemma W_bounded_dec e : forall x s, dec ((W[s] e) x).
intros x s. cbn. eapply exists_bounded_dec.
intro; apply W_dec.
Lemma W_bounded_bounded e s: bounded (W[s] e).
unfold bounded.
induction s.
- destruct (φ e 0) as [w|] eqn: E.
exists (S w). intros x [n [Hn1 Hn2]].
inv Hn1. unfold W_ in Hn2. rewrite E in Hn2.
injection Hn2. lia.
exists 42. intros x [n [Hn1 Hn2]].
inv Hn1. unfold W_ in Hn2.
rewrite E in Hn2. congruence.
- destruct IHs as [N HN].
destruct (φ e (S s)) as [w|] eqn: E.
exists (max (S w) (S N)). intros x [n [Hn1 Hn2]].
inv Hn1. unfold W_ in Hn2.
rewrite E in Hn2. injection Hn2. lia.
eapply Nat.lt_trans. eapply HN. exists n; split; easy. lia.
exists N. intros x [n [Hn1 Hn2]].
inv Hn1. unfold W_ in Hn2.
rewrite E in Hn2. congruence.
eapply HN. exists n. split; eauto.
End EA_dec.
Definition disj_list_pred {X} (A: list X) (B: X -> Prop) := forall x, In x A -> B x -> False.
Definition disj_pred {X} (A B: X -> Prop) := forall x, A x -> B x -> False.
Notation "A # B" := (disj_list_pred A B) (at level 30).
Notation "A #ₚ B" := (disj_pred A B) (at level 30).
Lemma extra_bounded f m: Σ b, forall n, n < m -> f n < b.
induction m.
- exists 42. intros. inv H.
- destruct IHm as [b' Hb'].
exists (S (max b' (f m))).
intros ? H. inv H. lia. specialize (Hb' n H1). lia.
Section Assume_WALL.
Class Wall := wall: nat → list nat → nat → nat.
Variable wall_instance: Wall.
Section Extension.
Section ComplToBound.
Definition complToBound L b : list nat
:= filter (fun x => Dec (~ In x L)) (seq 0 (S b)).
Lemma complToBound_Bound L b :
forall x, In x (complToBound L b) -> x <= b.
intros x [H % in_seq ?] % in_filter_iff. lia.
Lemma filter_length {X} f (l : list X) :
length l = length (filter f l) + length (filter (fun x => (negb (f x))) l).
induction l; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct f; cbn; lia.
Lemma filter_NoDup {X} f (l : list X) :
NoDup l -> NoDup (filter f l).
induction 1; cbn.
- econstructor.
- destruct f; eauto. econstructor; auto.
intros ? % in_filter_iff. firstorder.
Lemma complToBound_length L b:
length (complToBound L b) + length L >= S b.
rewrite <- (seq_length (S b) 0).
erewrite filter_length with (l := seq 0 (S b)).
unfold complToBound.
eapply Plus.plus_le_compat_l_stt.
generalize (seq_NoDup (S b) 0).
generalize (seq 0 (S b)). clear.
intros. erewrite filter_ext with (g := fun x => Dec (In x L)).
2:{ intros a. destruct Dec; cbn; destruct Dec; firstorder congruence. }
eapply NoDup_incl_length. now eapply filter_NoDup.
clear. induction l; cbn.
- firstorder.
- destruct Dec; cbn. 2: eauto.
intros ? [-> | ]; eauto.
Lemma complToBound_NoDup L b:
NoDup (complToBound L b).
eapply filter_NoDup, seq_NoDup.
Lemma firstn_In {X} (l : list X) n x : In x (firstn n l) -> In x l.
induction n in x, l |- *; destruct l; cbn; firstorder.
Lemma firstn_NoDup {X} (l : list X) n : NoDup l -> NoDup (firstn n l).
induction 1 in n |- *; destruct n; cbn; try now econstructor.
econstructor; eauto.
now intros ? % firstn_In.
End ComplToBound.
Section Assume_EA.
Definition θ := φ.
Definition EA_spec := ∀ p, semi_decidable p → ∃ e, ∀ x, p x ↔ ∃ n, φ e n = Some x.
Lemma EA: EA_spec.
intros P HP%SyntheticComputability.Axioms.EA.enum_iff.
rewrite W_spec in HP. destruct HP as [c Hc].
exists c. intros x. unfold W in Hc.
eapply Hc.
Definition W_ n e x := φ n e = Some x.
Definition W e x := exists n, W_ e n x.
Lemma W_spec: forall P, semi_decidable P -> exists e, forall x, P x <-> W e x.
Proof. intros P [e He]%EA. exists e; intros x; now rewrite He. Qed.
Notation "'W[' s ']' e" := (fun x => exists n, n <= s /\ W_ e n x) (at level 30).
Section EA_dec.
Lemma W_dec e: forall x n, dec (W_ e n x).
intros x n.
destruct (φ e n) eqn: E.
- destruct (Dec (x = n0)) as [E'|E'].
left. now subst. right. intros H. congruence.
- right. intros H. congruence.
Lemma W_bounded_dec e : forall x s, dec ((W[s] e) x).
intros x s. cbn. eapply exists_bounded_dec.
intro; apply W_dec.
Lemma W_bounded_bounded e s: bounded (W[s] e).
unfold bounded.
induction s.
- destruct (φ e 0) as [w|] eqn: E.
exists (S w). intros x [n [Hn1 Hn2]].
inv Hn1. unfold W_ in Hn2. rewrite E in Hn2.
injection Hn2. lia.
exists 42. intros x [n [Hn1 Hn2]].
inv Hn1. unfold W_ in Hn2.
rewrite E in Hn2. congruence.
- destruct IHs as [N HN].
destruct (φ e (S s)) as [w|] eqn: E.
exists (max (S w) (S N)). intros x [n [Hn1 Hn2]].
inv Hn1. unfold W_ in Hn2.
rewrite E in Hn2. injection Hn2. lia.
eapply Nat.lt_trans. eapply HN. exists n; split; easy. lia.
exists N. intros x [n [Hn1 Hn2]].
inv Hn1. unfold W_ in Hn2.
rewrite E in Hn2. congruence.
eapply HN. exists n. split; eauto.
End EA_dec.
Definition disj_list_pred {X} (A: list X) (B: X -> Prop) := forall x, In x A -> B x -> False.
Definition disj_pred {X} (A B: X -> Prop) := forall x, A x -> B x -> False.
Notation "A # B" := (disj_list_pred A B) (at level 30).
Notation "A #ₚ B" := (disj_pred A B) (at level 30).
Lemma extra_bounded f m: Σ b, forall n, n < m -> f n < b.
induction m.
- exists 42. intros. inv H.
- destruct IHm as [b' Hb'].
exists (S (max b' (f m))).
intros ? H. inv H. lia. specialize (Hb' n H1). lia.
Section Assume_WALL.
Class Wall := wall: nat → list nat → nat → nat.
Variable wall_instance: Wall.
Section Extension.
Definition ext_intersect_W L n e := L # W[n] e.
Definition ext_has_wit L n e x := (W[n] e) x /\ 2 * e < x /\ forall i, i <= e -> wall i L n < x.
Definition ext_pick L n e := ext_intersect_W L n e /\ exists x, ext_has_wit L n e x.
Definition ext_choice L n e x := e < n /\ least (ext_pick L n) e /\ least (ext_has_wit L n e) x.
Definition ext_least_choice L n x := exists e, ext_choice L n e x.
End Extension.
Section Extension_Facts.
#[export]Instance ext_intersect_W_dec L n e: dec (ext_intersect_W L n e).
apply BaseLists.list_forall_dec.
intro x. eapply dec_neg_dec, exists_bounded_dec; eauto.
#[export] Instance ext_wall L n e x: dec (forall i, i <= e -> wall i L n < x).
Proof. eapply forall_bounded_dec; eauto. Qed.
#[export]Instance ext_has_wit_dec L n e x : dec (ext_has_wit L n e x).
Proof. apply and_dec; first apply exists_bounded_dec; eauto. Qed.
#[export]Instance ext_has_wit_exists_dec L n e : dec (exists x, ext_has_wit L n e x).
unfold ext_has_wit. eapply bounded_dec; last eapply W_bounded_bounded.
intro x; eapply W_bounded_dec; eauto. eauto.
#[export]Instance ext_pick_dec L n e : dec (ext_pick L n e).
eapply and_dec; first apply ext_intersect_W_dec.
unfold ext_has_wit.
eapply bounded_dec; last apply W_bounded_bounded.
intros x. eapply exists_bounded_dec.
intro; apply W_dec. eauto.
#[export]Instance ext_pick_exists_dec L n: dec (exists e, e < n /\ least (ext_pick L n) e).
eapply exists_bounded_dec'. intro x.
eapply least_dec. intros y.
eapply ext_pick_dec.
Fact ext_least_choice_dec L n:
(Σ x : nat, ext_least_choice L n x) + (forall x : nat, ~ ext_least_choice L n x).
unfold ext_least_choice.
destruct (ext_pick_exists_dec L n) as [H|H].
- left. apply ewo_nat; first last.
destruct H as [e (h1 & [(h4 & h2) h3])].
eapply least_ex in h2. destruct h2 as [k h6].
exists k, e. split; first easy; split.
2: { eapply h6. }
split; last apply h3. split; first apply h4.
destruct h6. now exists k.
eapply ext_has_wit_dec.
intro x. unfold ext_choice. eapply exists_bounded_dec'.
intros x'. eapply and_dec.
apply least_dec. eapply ext_pick_dec.
apply least_dec. eapply ext_has_wit_dec.
- right. intros x [e (h1 & h2 & _)]. apply H.
exists e. split; eauto.
Fact ext_least_choice_uni l x: unique (ext_least_choice l x).
intros y1 y2 [? (h1 & h2 & h3)] [? (h1' & h2' & h3')].
assert (x0 = x1) as ->. eapply least_unique; eauto.
eapply least_unique; eauto.
End Extension_Facts.
Section Simple_Extension.
Instance simple_extension: Extension.
unshelve econstructor.
- exact ext_least_choice.
- apply ext_least_choice_dec.
- apply ext_least_choice_uni.
Definition P_ := F_ simple_extension.
Definition P_func := F_func simple_extension.
Definition P := F_with simple_extension.
Definition non_finite e := ~ exhaustible (W e).
Fact In_Pf k y: In y (P_func k) -> P y.
intros H. exists (P_func k), k.
split; [easy| apply F_func_correctness].
Definition lim_to (f: list nat -> nat -> nat) b := (exists n, forall m, n <= m -> f (P_func m) m = b).
End Simple_Extension.
Hypothesis wall_spec: forall e, ~~ exists b, lim_to (wall e) b.
Section Requirements.
Definition R_simple P e := non_finite e -> ~ (W e #ₚ P).
Definition attend e n := e < n /\ least (ext_pick (P_func n) n) e.
Definition act e n := ~ (P_func n) # W[n] e.
Definition pick_el e x := exists k, attend e k /\ ext_least_choice (P_func k) k x.
Definition finish e n := ∀ s, n < s → ¬ attend e s.
#[export]Instance attend_dec e n: dec (attend e n).
unfold attend. apply and_dec; first eauto.
eapply least_dec. intros y.
eapply ext_pick_dec.
End Requirements.
Section Requirements_Facts.
Lemma ext_pick_witness L n e:
ext_pick L n e -> exists x, least (ext_has_wit L n e) x.
intros [H1 H2].
eapply least_ex. intro; eapply ext_has_wit_dec.
Lemma W_incl e n m:
n <= m -> forall x, (W[n] e) x -> (W[m] e) x.
intros H x [y [H1 H2]].
exists y. split; lia + easy.
Lemma intersect_mono {X} (L L': list X) (P P': X -> Prop) :
L' # P' -> incl L L' -> (forall x, P x -> P' x) -> L # P.
intros H h1 h2 x Hx1 Hx2.
eapply (H x). now eapply h1.
now apply h2.
Lemma act_always_act e n: act e n -> forall m, n <= m -> act e m .
intros H m Hm Hx. apply H.
eapply (intersect_mono Hx).
eapply F_mono; try eapply F_func_correctness; easy.
now eapply W_incl.
Lemma attend_act e k: attend e k -> act e (S k).
intros [He H] Hcontr.
edestruct (ext_pick_witness) as [x Hx].
{ destruct H. eapply e0. }
apply (Hcontr x).
assert (P_ (S k) (P_func (S k))) by apply F_func_correctness.
inv H0. cbn in H4. assert (ext_least_choice l k x) as Hwitness.
exists e. assert (P_func k = l) as <-.
eapply F_uni. apply F_func_correctness. apply H3.
split; first easy. split; first easy. easy.
assert (x = a) as ->. eapply (@extend_uni simple_extension); cbn; eauto.
eauto. exfalso. eapply (H3 x). cbn.
exists e. enough ((P_func k) = (P_func (S k))) as <-.
split; first easy. easy.
assert (F_ simple_extension k (P_func k)) by apply F_func_correctness.
eapply F_uni; eauto.
Lemma act_not_attend e k: act e k -> ~ attend e k.
Proof. now intros h2 [_ [[h _] _]]. Qed.
Lemma attend_always_act e k: attend e k -> forall m, k < m -> act e m.
intros. eapply act_always_act.
apply attend_act. apply H. lia.
Lemma attend_always_not_attend e k:
attend e k -> forall m, k < m -> ~ attend e m.
intros H1 m Hm. eapply act_not_attend.
apply (attend_always_act H1 Hm).
Lemma attend_at_most_once e: ~ ~ (exists s', forall s, s' < s -> ~ attend e s).
ccase (exists k, attend e k) as [[w Hw]|H].
- intros H. eapply H. exists w.
now eapply attend_always_not_attend.
- intros Hk. apply Hk. exists 0.
intros k' Hk' Ha.
apply H. now exists k'.
Definition done e s := ∀ s', s < s' → ¬ attend e s'.
Lemma attend_at_most_once_test:
LEM_Σ 1 → ∀ e, ∃ s, done e s.
intros Hlem e.
assert (pdec (exists k, attend e k)) as [[w Hw]|H].
{ eapply assume_Σ_1_lem. apply Hlem. eauto. }
- exists w. unfold done. by eapply attend_always_not_attend.
- exists 0.
intros k' Hk' Ha.
apply H. now exists k'.
Lemma attend_uni e: unique (attend e).
intros k1 k2 H1 H2.
specialize (fun a b => @act_not_attend _ _ (@attend_always_act _ _ H1 a b)) as H1'.
specialize (fun a b => @act_not_attend _ _ (@attend_always_act _ _ H2 a b)) as H2'.
enough (~ k1 < k2 /\ ~ k2 < k1) by lia; split.
intro Hk. eapply H1'. apply Hk. easy.
intro Hk. eapply H2'. apply Hk. easy.
Lemma pick_el_uni e: unique (pick_el e).
intros x1 x2 [k [Ht Hk]] [k' [Ht' Hk']].
assert (k=k') as <-. eapply attend_uni; eauto.
eapply (@extend_uni simple_extension); cbn; eauto.
End Requirements_Facts.
Section Compl_P_non_finite.
Lemma P_meet_spec x n : P x /\ x <= 2*n -> exists e, pick_el e x /\ e < n.
intros [[L [k [Hin Hk]]] Hn].
dependent induction L. inv Hin.
destruct (Dec (a = x)) as [->|].
- clear IHL Hin.
destruct (F_pick Hk) as [k' [Hk' [e He]]].
exists e. split.
exists k'. split; unfold attend.
+ destruct He; intuition eauto. enough (P_func k' = L) as -> by eauto.
eapply F_uni. apply F_func_correctness. easy.
+ exists e. unfold ext_choice.
enough (P_func k' = L) as -> by eauto.
eapply F_uni. apply F_func_correctness.
destruct He; intuition eauto.
+ destruct He. destruct H0. destruct H1. destruct H1.
- destruct (F_pop Hk) as [m' Hm'].
eapply (IHL m'); eauto. firstorder.
Lemma P_extract_spec n L:
(forall x, In x L -> P x /\ x <= 2 * n) ->
forall x, In x L -> exists c, pick_el c x /\ c < n.
intros. induction L. inv H0.
destruct H0 as [-> | Hln]; last apply IHL; eauto.
apply P_meet_spec. now apply H.
Lemma P_pullback_list n L:
NoDup L -> (forall x, In x L -> P x /\ x <= 2 * n) ->
exists (LC: list nat), NoDup LC /\ length LC = length L /\
forall c, In c LC -> exists x, pick_el c x /\ In x L /\ c < n.
intros HL H1.
induction L.
- exists []; intuition.
- remember (@P_extract_spec n (a::L) H1 a).
assert (In a (a::L)) as H0 by intuition.
apply e in H0 as [c0 [H0 E1]].
assert (NoDup L) by (inversion HL; intuition).
apply IHL in H as [LC H].
exists (c0::LC). intuition.
+ constructor; last now exact H2.
intros In. inv HL.
apply H4 in In as [y (Hs & h2 & h3)].
now rewrite (pick_el_uni H0 Hs) in H6.
+ cbn. rewrite H. trivial.
+ destruct H3 as [->|].
* exists a; intuition.
* destruct (H4 c H3) as [y Hy].
exists y; intuition.
+ intros y In1. assert (In y (a::L)) by intuition.
now apply H1 in H2.
Definition PredListTo p : list nat -> nat -> Prop
:= fun L b => forall x, In x L <-> p x /\ x <= b.
Lemma NoDupBoundH {L} b:
NoDup L -> (forall x, In x L -> x <= b) -> forall x, x > b -> NoDup (x::L).
intros ND H x E.
- intros H1 % H. lia.
- exact ND.
Lemma PredNoDupListTo_NNExist p:
forall b, ~~ exists L, PredListTo p L b /\ NoDup L.
destruct (F_computable simple_extension) as [f Hf].
induction b; intros H.
- ccase (p 0) as [H0 | H0]; apply H.
+ exists [0]. split; try split.
* intros [E | E]; (try contradiction E).
rewrite <- E. intuition.
* intros E. assert (x = 0) by lia.
rewrite H1. intuition.
* constructor; intuition; constructor.
+ exists nil. split; try split.
* contradiction.
* intros E. assert (x = 0) by lia.
rewrite H1 in E. firstorder.
* constructor.
- apply IHb. intros [L H1].
ccase (p (1 + b)) as [H0 | H0]; apply H.
+ exists ((1+ b) :: L). split; try split.
* intros [E | E]; try (rewrite <- E; intuition).
apply H1 in E. intuition.
* intros [E1 E2]. assert (x <= b \/ x = 1 + b) as [E | E] by lia.
** right. apply H1. intuition.
** left. lia.
* apply (@NoDupBoundH _ b).
** apply H1.
** intros x H3 % H1. lia.
** lia.
+ exists L. split; try split.
* intros E % H1. intuition.
* intros [E1 E2]. assert (x <= b \/ x = 1 + b) as [E | E] by lia.
** apply H1. intuition.
** rewrite E in E1. firstorder.
* apply H1.
Lemma P_bounded L n:
NoDup L -> (forall x, In x L -> P x /\ x <= 2 * n) -> length L <= n.
intros ND [LC H] % P_pullback_list; intuition.
rewrite <- H.
assert (incl LC (seq 0 n)). unfold incl.
- intros c [e [x Hx]] % H2. apply in_seq. lia.
- apply pigeonhole_length in H1.
+ now rewrite seq_length in H1.
+ intros. decide (x1 = x2); tauto.
+ exact H0.
Lemma P_Listing:
forall n, ~~ exists L, NoDup L /\ length L <= n /\ PredListTo P L (2*n).
intros n H. apply (@PredNoDupListTo_NNExist P (2*n)).
intros [L H1]. apply H. exists L; intuition.
apply P_bounded.
- exact H2.
- apply H0.
Lemma complToBound_compl p L b:
PredListTo p L b -> PredListTo (compl p) (complToBound L b) b.
intros H x. split.
- intros [H1 H1'] % in_filter_iff.
destruct Dec; cbn in H1'; try congruence.
enough (x <= b).
+ firstorder.
+ apply in_seq in H1. lia.
- intros [H1 H2]. eapply in_filter_iff. split.
+ apply in_seq; lia.
+ destruct Dec; cbn; try tauto. exfalso. firstorder.
Lemma compl_P_Listing:
forall (n: nat) , ~~ exists L, length L >= n /\ NoDup L
/\ forall x, In x L -> ~ P x.
intros n H.
apply (@P_Listing n). intros [L H1].
apply H. exists (complToBound L (2*n)). repeat split.
- remember (complToBound_length L (2*n)). lia.
- apply complToBound_NoDup.
- intros x I % (@complToBound_compl P); intuition.
Lemma P_coinfinite : ~ exhaustible (compl P).
eapply weakly_unbounded_non_finite.
intros n H. eapply compl_P_Listing with (n := n).
intros (l & ? & ? & H2).
eapply H.
exists (firstn n l).
repeat split.
- rewrite firstn_length. lia.
- now eapply firstn_NoDup.
- intros ? ? % firstn_In. now eapply H2.
End Compl_P_non_finite.
Section Meet_Requirement.
Lemma wall_of_wall' e: ~~ exists w, forall x, wall e (P_func x) x < w.
intro H_. apply (@wall_spec e). intros [v [k Hk]].
apply H_.
destruct (@extra_bounded (fun k => wall e (P_func k) k) k) as [w Hw].
exists (S (max v w)). intros x.
destruct (Dec (x < k)). apply Hw in l. lia.
assert (wall e (P_func x) x = v). apply Hk. lia. lia.
Lemma wall_of_wall e:
~~ exists w, forall i x, i <= e -> wall i (P_func x) x < w.
intro H_. induction e.
- apply (@wall_of_wall' 0). intros [w Hw]. apply H_. exists w.
intros i x ?. inv H. trivial.
- apply IHe. intros [w IHe_].
apply (@wall_of_wall' (S e)). intros [w' Hw'].
apply H_. exists (S (max w w')). intros i x H.
inv H. specialize (Hw' x). lia.
specialize (IHe_ i x H1). lia.
Lemma attend_at_most_once_bound k:
~ ~ exists s, (forall e, e < k -> forall s', s < s' -> ~ attend e s').
induction k.
- intros H. apply H. exists 42. intros ??. lia.
- intros H. apply IHk. intros [s Hs]; clear IHk.
specialize (@attend_at_most_once k) as Hk.
apply Hk. intros [sk Hsk]; clear Hk.
set (max sk s) as N.
eapply H. exists N. intros e He.
assert (e = k \/ e < k) as [->|Hek] by lia.
intros s' Hs'. eapply Hsk. lia.
intros s' Hs'. eapply Hs; lia.
Lemma attend_at_most_once_bound_test:
LEM_Σ 1 → ∀ k, ∃ s, (∀ e, e < k -> ∀ s', s < s' -> ~ attend e s').
intros Hlem. induction k.
- exists 42. intros ??. lia.
- destruct IHk as [s Hs].
specialize (@attend_at_most_once_test Hlem k) as [sk Hsk].
set (max sk s) as N.
exists N. intros e He.
assert (e = k \/ e < k) as [->|Hek] by lia.
intros s' Hs'. eapply Hsk. lia.
intros s' Hs'. eapply Hs; lia.
Lemma non_finite_not_bounded e:
non_finite e -> ~~ exists k, exists x, (W[k] e) x /\ 2 * e < x /\
(forall n, forall i, i <= e -> wall i (P_func n) n < x).
intro H. unfold non_finite in H.
intros He. rewrite non_finite_nat in H.
apply (@wall_of_wall e). intros [w Hw].
pose (N := max (2*e + 1) w). specialize (H N).
apply H. intros [m [Hm1 [k Hmk]]].
apply He. exists k, m.
repeat split. now exists k.
lia. intros n i Hie. specialize (Hw i n Hie). lia.
Lemma ext_pick_attend N e:
e < N -> ext_pick (P_func N) N e ->
(exists w, w ≤ e /\ attend w N).
intros HeN H1.
assert (exists w, ext_pick (P_func N) N w) by now exists e.
eapply least_ex in H; last eauto.
destruct H as [k Hk]. assert (k <= e).
{ enough (~ k > e) by lia. intro Hkw.
destruct Hk. rewrite safe_char in H0.
specialize (H0 e H1). lia. }
exists k. do 2 (split; first lia). eapply Hk.
Lemma non_finite_attend e:
non_finite e -> ~ ~ (exists k, ~ ext_intersect_W (P_func k) k e \/ attend e k) .
intros H He.
eapply (non_finite_not_bounded H); intros (b & x & (Hx1 & Hx2 & Hx3)).
eapply (@attend_at_most_once_bound e); intros [s Hs].
pose (N := S (max (max b s) e)). apply He.
destruct (Dec (ext_intersect_W (P_func N) N e)) as [He'|He'].
- exists N. right.
assert (ext_pick (P_func N) N e).
{ split; first easy. exists x. split.
eapply W_incl; last apply Hx1. lia.
split; first lia. eapply Hx3.
split. lia. split. easy.
intros w HEw Hw.
eapply ext_pick_attend in Hw.
destruct Hw as [g [HEg Hg]].
eapply Hs; last apply Hg; lia. lia.
- exists N. now left.
Lemma ext_intersect_W_intersect k e:
~ (P_func k # W[k] e) -> W e #ₚ P -> False.
unfold ext_intersect_W.
intros H1 H2. apply H1.
intros y Hy1 [w Hy2].
eapply (H2 y). now exists w.
eapply (In_Pf Hy1).
Lemma P_meet_R_simple : forall e, R_simple P e.
intros e He. intros He'.
eapply (non_finite_attend He).
intros [k [H|H]].
- eapply ext_intersect_W_intersect; eauto.
- eapply attend_act in H.
eapply ext_intersect_W_intersect; eauto.
End Meet_Requirement.
Section Result.
Lemma P_semi_decidable : semi_decidable P.
apply F_with_semi_decidable.
Theorem P_simple : simple P.
unfold simple; repeat split.
- rewrite EA.enum_iff. now apply P_semi_decidable.
- apply P_coinfinite.
- intros [q (Hqenum & Hqinf & Hq)].
rewrite EA.enum_iff in Hqenum.
destruct (W_spec Hqenum) as [c HWq].
apply (@P_meet_R_simple c).
intros [l Hqe]; apply Hqinf.
exists l. intros x Hqx. apply (Hqe x).
now rewrite HWq in Hqx.
intros x HWcx HPx. unfold W in HWcx.
rewrite <- (HWq x) in HWcx. apply (Hq x HWcx HPx).
End Result.
End Assume_WALL.
Section Instance_of_Wall.
Definition low_wall (e: nat) (l: list nat) (n: nat) := 42.
Lemma low_wall_spec: forall e, ~~ exists b, lim_to low_wall (low_wall e) b.
Proof. intro e. intros H_; apply H_. exists 42. exists 0; intuition. Qed.
Definition Pw := P low_wall.
Theorem P_simple_low_wall: simple Pw.
eapply P_simple. apply low_wall_spec.
Definition effectively_simple P :=
simple P /\ exists f,
forall e, (forall x, W e x -> (compl P) x) -> forall x, W e x -> x < (f e).
Lemma attend_pick e k: attend low_wall e k -> exists x, x > 2*e /\ Pw x /\ W e x.
intros He H.
(* edestruct (ext_pick_witness) as x Hx.
{ destruct H. eapply e0. }
assert (P_ (S k) (Pf_ (S k))) by apply F_func_correctness.
inv H0. cbn in H4. assert (ext_least_choice l k x) as Hwitness.
exists e. assert (Pf_ k = l) as <-.
eapply F_uni. apply F_func_correctness. apply H3.
split; first easy. split; first easy. easy.
assert (x = a) as ->. eapply (@extend_uni simple_extendsion); cbn; eauto.
exists a. split. destruct H4, H0, H1, H4, H4.
assert (x=e) as HE.
{ eapply least_unique; last eapply H.
enough (l=(Pf_ k)) as -> by easy. eapply F_uni; eauto. apply F_func_correctness. }
lia. split. exists (Pf_ (S k)), (S k); split; eauto. now rewrite <- H2.
apply F_func_correctness. destruct H4, H0, H1, H4, H4, H4, H4.
assert (x=e) as HE.
{ eapply least_unique; last eapply H.
enough (l=(Pf_ k)) as -> by easy. eapply F_uni; eauto. apply F_func_correctness. }
exists x0; congruence.
exfalso. eapply (H3 x); exists e; do 2 (split; eauto).
enough ((Pf_ k) = (Pf_ (S k))) as <- by easy.
assert (F_ simple_extendsion k (Pf_ k)) by apply F_func_correctness.
eapply F_uni; eauto. *)
Theorem P_effectively_simple: effectively_simple Pw.
split; first apply P_simple. apply low_wall_spec.
exists (fun e => 2 * e + 1).
intros e He x Hex. enough (~ 2 * e < x) by lia.
intros Hex'.
assert (W e ₚ Pw). { intros y Hy1 Hy2. now apply (He y). } (* assert (forall k, (Pf_ low_wall k) Wk e).
{ intros k y Hy1 w [_ Hy2]. eapply (H y). exists w; eauto.
exists (Pf_ k), k; split; eauto. apply F_func_correctness. }
enough (exists k, attend e k) as k Hk.
(* apply H1. intros k Hk. *)
eapply attend_pick in Hk.
destruct Hk as y (Hx1&Hx2&Hx3).
admit. admit. *)
End Instance_of_Wall. *)
End Assume_EA.