Require Import List Arith Nat Lia Relations Bool.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac utils_list utils_nat finite.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
  Require Import pos vec.

From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
  Require Import notations decidable gfp fol_ops fo_sig fo_terms fo_logic fo_definable fo_sat.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Notation " e '#>' x " := (vec_pos e x).
Local Notation " e [ v / x ] " := (vec_change e x v).

Section discrete_quotient.

  Variables (Σ : fo_signature) (ls : list (syms Σ)) (lr : list (rels Σ)).

  Definition fo_bisimilar X M x y :=
         forall A φ, incl (fol_syms A) ls
                  -> incl (fol_rels A) lr
                  -> @fol_sem Σ X M x·φ A <-> fol_sem M y·φ A.

  Variables (X : Type)
            (fin : finite_t X)
            (M : fo_model Σ X)
            (dec : fo_model_dec M).

  Implicit Type (R T : X -> X -> Prop).

  Local Definition fom_op1 R x y := forall s, In s ls
                    -> forall (v : vec _ (ar_syms Σ s)) p,
                              R (fom_syms M s (v[x/p])) (fom_syms M s (v[y/p])).

  Local Definition fom_op2 x y := forall s, In s lr
                    -> forall (v : vec _ (ar_rels Σ s)) p,
                              fom_rels M s (v[x/p]) <-> fom_rels M s (v[y/p]).

  Local Definition fom_op R x y := fom_op1 R x y /\ fom_op2 x y.

  Hint Resolve finite_t_pos finite_t_vec : core.

  Local Fact fom_op_mono R T : (forall x y, R x y -> T x y) -> (forall x y, fom_op R x y -> fom_op T x y).
  Proof. unfold fom_op, fom_op1, fom_op2; intros ? ? ? []; split; intros; auto. Qed.

  Local Fact fom_op_id x y : x = y -> fom_op (@eq _) x y.
  Proof. unfold fom_op, fom_op1, fom_op2; intros []; split; auto; tauto. Qed.

  Local Fact fom_op_sym R x y : fom_op R y x -> fom_op (fun x y => R y x) x y.
  Proof. unfold fom_op, fom_op1, fom_op2; intros []; split; intros; auto; symmetry; auto. Qed.

  Local Fact fom_op_trans R x z : (exists y, fom_op R x y /\ fom_op R y z)
                        -> fom_op (fun x z => exists y, R x y /\ R y z) x z.
    unfold fom_op, fom_op1, fom_op2.
    intros (y & H1 & H2); split; intros s Hs v p.
    + exists (fom_syms M s (v[y/p])); split; [ apply H1 | apply H2 ]; auto.
    + transitivity (fom_rels M s (v[y/p])); [ apply H1 | apply H2 ]; auto.

  Local Fact fom_op_continuous : gfp_continuous fom_op.
    intros f Hf x y H; split; intros s Hs v p.
    + intros n.
      generalize (H n); intros (H1 & H2).
      apply H1; auto.
    + apply (H 0); auto.

  Let fom_op1_dec R : (forall x y, { R x y } + { ~ R x y })
                   -> (forall x y, { fom_op1 R x y } + { ~ fom_op1 R x y }).
    unfold fom_op1.
    intros HR x y.
    apply forall_list_sem_dec; intros.
    do 2 (apply (fol_quant_sem_dec fol_fa); auto; intros).

  Let fom_op2_dec : (forall x y, { fom_op2 x y } + { ~ fom_op2 x y }).
    unfold fom_op2.
    intros x y.
    apply forall_list_sem_dec; intros.
    do 2 (apply (fol_quant_sem_dec fol_fa); auto; intros).
    apply (fol_bin_sem_dec fol_conj);
      apply (fol_bin_sem_dec fol_imp); auto.

  Local Fact fom_op_dec R : (forall x y, { R x y } + { ~ R x y })
                  -> (forall x y, { fom_op R x y } + { ~ fom_op R x y }).
  Proof. intros; apply (fol_bin_sem_dec fol_conj); auto. Qed.

  Tactic Notation "solve" "with" "proj" constr(t) :=
    apply fot_def_equiv with (f := fun φ => φ t); fol def; intros; rew vec.

  Let fol_def_fom_op1 R : fol_definable ls lr M (fun ψ => R (ψ 0) (ψ 1))
                       -> fol_definable ls lr M (fun ψ => fom_op1 R (ψ 0) (ψ 1)).
    intros H.
    apply fol_def_list_fa; intros s Hs.
    apply fol_def_vec_fa.
    apply fol_def_finite_fa; auto; intro p.
    apply fol_def_subst2; auto.
    * apply fot_def_comp; auto; intro q.
      destruct (pos_eq_dec p q); subst.
      - solve with proj (ar_syms Σ s).
      - solve with proj (pos2nat q).
    * apply fot_def_comp; auto; intro q.
      destruct (pos_eq_dec p q); subst.
      - solve with proj (ar_syms Σ s+1).
      - solve with proj (pos2nat q).

  Let fol_def_fom_op2 : fol_definable ls lr M (fun ψ => fom_op2 (ψ 0) (ψ 1)).
    apply fol_def_list_fa; intros r Hr.
    apply fol_def_vec_fa.
    apply fol_def_finite_fa; auto; intro p.
    apply fol_def_iff.
    * apply fol_def_atom; auto; intro q.
      destruct (pos_eq_dec p q); subst.
      - solve with proj (ar_rels Σ r).
      - solve with proj (pos2nat q).
    * apply fol_def_atom; auto; intro q.
      destruct (pos_eq_dec p q); subst.
      - solve with proj (ar_rels Σ r+1).
      - solve with proj (pos2nat q).

  Let fol_def_fom_op R : fol_definable ls lr M (fun ψ => R (ψ 0) (ψ 1))
                      -> fol_definable ls lr M (fun ψ => fom_op R (ψ 0) (ψ 1)).
  Proof. intro; apply fol_def_conj; auto. Qed.

  Reserved Notation "x ≡ y" (at level 70, no associativity).

  Definition fom_eq := gfp fom_op.

  Infix "≡" := fom_eq.

  Hint Resolve fom_op_mono fom_op_id fom_op_sym fom_op_trans
               fom_op_continuous fom_op_dec : core.

  Let fom_eq_equiv : equiv _ fom_eq.
  Proof. apply gfp_equiv; eauto. Qed.

  Fact fom_eq_fix x y : fom_op fom_eq x y <-> x y.
  Proof. apply gfp_fix; eauto. Qed.

  Fact fom_eq_incl R : (forall x y, R x y -> fom_op R x y)
                    -> (forall x y, R x y -> x y).
  Proof. apply gfp_greatest; eauto. Qed.

  Fact fom_eq_refl x : x x.
  Proof. apply (proj1 fom_eq_equiv). Qed.

  Fact fom_eq_sym x y : x y -> y x.
  Proof. apply fom_eq_equiv. Qed.

  Fact fom_eq_trans x y z : x y -> y z -> x z.
  Proof. apply fom_eq_equiv. Qed.

  Fact fom_eq_syms x y s v p : In s ls -> x y -> fom_syms M s (v[x/p]) fom_syms M s (v[y/p]).
  Proof. intros; apply fom_eq_fix; auto. Qed.

  Fact fom_eq_rels x y s v p : In s lr -> x y -> fom_rels M s (v[x/p]) <-> fom_rels M s (v[y/p]).
  Proof. intros; apply fom_eq_fix; auto. Qed.

  Hint Resolve fom_eq_refl fom_eq_sym fom_eq_trans fom_eq_syms fom_eq_rels : core.

  Theorem fom_eq_syms_full s v w : In s ls -> (forall p, v#>p w#>p) -> fom_syms M s v fom_syms M s w.
  Proof. intro; apply map_vec_pos_equiv; eauto. Qed.

  Theorem fom_eq_rels_full s v w : In s lr -> (forall p, v#>p w#>p) -> fom_rels M s v <-> fom_rels M s w.
  Proof. intro; apply map_vec_pos_equiv; eauto; tauto. Qed.

  Section fol_characterization.

    Hint Resolve fom_eq_syms_full fom_eq_rels_full : core.

    Let f : fo_simulation ls lr M M.
    Proof. exists fom_eq; auto; intros a; exists a; auto. Defined.

    Let fom_eq_fol_charac1 A phi psi :
            (forall n, In n (fol_vars A) -> phi n psi n)
         -> incl (fol_syms A) ls
         -> incl (fol_rels A) lr
         -> fol_sem M phi A <-> fol_sem M psi A.
    Proof. intros; apply fo_model_simulation with (R := f); auto. Qed.

    Local Fact fom_eq_fo_bisimilar x y : x y -> fo_bisimilar M x y.
      intros H A phi.
      apply fom_eq_fol_charac1.
      intros [ | n ] _; simpl; auto.

    Local Fact fo_bisimilar_fom_eq x y : fo_bisimilar M x y -> x y.
      revert x y; apply gfp_greatest; eauto.
      intros x y H; split.
      * intros s Hs v p A phi H1 H2.
        destruct (fot_vec_env Σ p) as (w & Hw1 & Hw2).
        set (B := fol_subst (fun n =>
               match n with
                 | 0 => in_fot s w
                 | S n => £ (S n + ar_syms Σ s)
               end) A).
        assert (HB : forall z, fol_sem M (z·(env_vlift phi v)) B
                           <-> fol_sem M (fom_syms M s (v[z/p])phi A).
        { intros z; unfold B; rewrite fol_sem_subst; apply fol_sem_ext.
          intros [ | n] _; rew fot; simpl; f_equal.
          * apply vec_pos_ext; intros q; rewrite vec_pos_map; apply Hw1.
          * rewrite env_vlift_fix1; auto. }
        rewrite <- !HB; apply H.
        - red; apply Forall_forall, fol_syms_subst.
          intros [ | n ]; rew fot.
          + intros _; apply Forall_forall.
            intros s' [ <- | Hs' ]; auto; apply H1; revert Hs'.
            rewrite in_flat_map; intros (z & H3 & H4).
            apply vec_list_inv in H3; destruct H3 as (q & ->).
            rewrite Hw2 in H4; destruct H4.
          + constructor.
          + apply Forall_forall, H1.
        - unfold B; rewrite fol_rels_subst; auto.
      * intros r Hr v p; red in H.
        destruct (fot_vec_env Σ p) as (w & Hw1 & Hw2).
        set (B := fol_atom r w).
        assert (HB : forall z, fol_sem M (z·(env_vlift (fun _ => x) v)) B
                           <-> fom_rels M r (v[z/p])).
        { intros z; unfold B; simpl; apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
          apply vec_pos_ext; intros q; rewrite vec_pos_map; apply Hw1. }
        rewrite <- !HB; apply H.
        - unfold B; simpl; intros z; rewrite in_flat_map.
          intros (t & H3 & H4).
          apply vec_list_inv in H3.
          destruct H3 as (q & ->).
          rewrite Hw2 in H4; destruct H4.
        - unfold B; simpl; intros ? [ <- | [] ]; auto.

    Theorem fom_eq_fol_characterization x y :
            x y <-> fo_bisimilar M x y.
      + apply fom_eq_fo_bisimilar.
      + apply fo_bisimilar_fom_eq.

  End fol_characterization.

  Fact fom_eq_dec : forall x y, { x y } + { ~ x y }.
  Proof. apply gfp_decidable; eauto. Qed.

  Definition fo_congruence_upto R :=
                 ( (equivalence _ R)
                 * (forall s v w, In s ls -> (forall p, R (v#>p) (w#>p)) -> R (fom_syms M s v) (fom_syms M s w))
                 * (forall r v w, In r lr -> (forall p, R (v#>p) (w#>p)) -> fom_rels M r v <-> fom_rels M r w) )%type.

  Theorem fo_bisimilar_dec_congr : fo_congruence_upto (@fo_bisimilar X M)
                                 * (forall x y, decidable (fo_bisimilar M x y)).
    split; [ split; [ split | ] | ].
    + split; red; [ intros ? | intros ? ? ? | intros ? ?]; rewrite <- !fom_eq_fol_characterization; auto.
      apply fom_eq_trans.
    + intros ? ? ? ? ?; apply fom_eq_fol_characterization, fom_eq_syms_full; auto.
      intro; apply fom_eq_fol_characterization; auto.
    + intros ? ? ? ? ?; apply fom_eq_rels_full; auto.
      intro; apply fom_eq_fol_characterization; auto.
    + intros x y.
      destruct (fom_eq_dec x y); [ left | right ]; rewrite <- fom_eq_fol_characterization; auto.

  Theorem fom_eq_finite : { n | forall x y, x y <-> iter fom_op (fun _ _ => True) n x y }.
  Proof. apply gfp_finite_t; eauto. Qed.

  Theorem fom_eq_fol_def : fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => φ 0 φ 1).
    destruct fom_eq_finite as (n & Hn).
    apply fol_def_equiv with (R := fun φ => iter fom_op (fun _ _ : X => True) n (φ 0) (φ 1)).
    + intro; rewrite <- Hn; tauto.
    + clear Hn; induction n as [ | n IHn ].
      * simpl; fol def.
      * rewrite iter_S; auto.

  Section fom_eq_form.

    Let A := proj1_sig fom_eq_fol_def.

    Definition fom_eq_form := fol_subst (fun n => match n with 0 => £1 | _ => £0 end) A.

    Fact fom_eq_form_sem φ x y : fol_sem M y·x·φ fom_eq_form <-> x y.
      unfold fom_eq_form; rewrite fol_sem_subst.
      apply (proj2_sig fom_eq_fol_def).

    Fact fom_eq_form_vars : incl (fol_vars fom_eq_form) (0::1::nil).
      unfold fom_eq_form; rewrite fol_vars_subst.
      intros n; rewrite in_flat_map; intros (? & _ & H).
      revert x H; intros [ | [] ]; simpl; tauto.

    Fact fom_eq_form_syms : incl (fol_syms fom_eq_form) ls.
      unfold fom_eq_form; red.
      apply Forall_forall, fol_syms_subst.
      + intros [ | []]; rew fot; auto.
      + apply Forall_forall, (proj2_sig fom_eq_fol_def).

    Fact fom_eq_form_rels : incl (fol_rels fom_eq_form) lr.
      unfold fom_eq_form; rewrite fol_rels_subst.
      apply (proj2_sig fom_eq_fol_def).

  End fom_eq_form.

  Hint Resolve fom_eq_form_vars fom_eq_form_syms fom_eq_form_rels fom_eq_dec : core.

  Section build_the_model.

    Let l := proj1_sig fin.
    Let Hl : forall x, In x l := proj2_sig fin.

    Let Q : fin_quotient fom_eq.
    Proof. apply decidable_EQUIV_fin_quotient with (l := l); eauto. Qed.

    Let n := fq_size Q.
    Let cls := fq_class Q.
    Let repr := fq_repr Q.
    Let E1 p : cls (repr p) = p. Proof. apply fq_surj. Qed.
    Let E2 x y : x y <-> cls x = cls y. Proof. apply fq_equiv. Qed.

    Let Md : fo_model Σ (pos n).
      + intros s v; apply cls, (fom_syms M s), (vec_map repr v).
      + intros s v; apply (fom_rels M s), (vec_map repr v).

    Let H1 s v : In s ls -> cls (fom_syms M s v) = fom_syms Md s (vec_map cls v).
      intros Hs; simpl.
      apply E2.
      apply fom_eq_syms_full; auto.
      intros p; rewrite vec_map_map, vec_pos_map.
      apply E2; rewrite E1; auto.

    Let H2 s v : In s lr -> fom_rels M s v <-> fom_rels Md s (vec_map cls v).
      intros Hs; simpl.
      apply fom_eq_rels_full; auto.
      intros p; rewrite vec_map_map, vec_pos_map.
      apply E2; rewrite E1; auto.

    Let f : fo_projection ls lr M Md.
    Proof. exists cls repr; auto. Defined.

    Let H3 A phi : incl (fol_syms A) ls
                -> incl (fol_rels A) lr
                -> fol_sem M phi A
               <-> fol_sem Md (fun n => cls (phi n)) A.
    Proof. intros; apply fo_model_projection with (p := f); auto. Qed.

    Let H4 p q : fo_bisimilar Md p q <-> p = q.
      + intros H.
        rewrite <- (E1 q), <- (E1 p).
        apply E2, fom_eq_fol_characterization.
        intros A phi Hs Hr.
        specialize (H A (fun p => cls (phi p)) Hs Hr).
        revert H; apply fol_equiv_impl.
        all: rewrite H3; auto; apply fol_sem_ext; intros []; now simpl.
      + intros []; red; tauto.

    Theorem fo_fin_model_discretize :
        { n : nat &
        { Md : fo_model Σ (pos n) &
        { _ : fo_model_dec Md &
        { _ : fo_projection ls lr M Md &
          (forall p q, fo_bisimilar Md p q <-> p = q) } } } }.
      exists n, Md.
      exists; eauto.
      intros x y; simpl; apply dec.

  End build_the_model.

End discrete_quotient.

Section counter_model_to_class_FO_definability.

  Let Σ := Σrel 2.

  Let M : fo_model Σ bool.
    + intros [].
    + intros []; simpl.
      exact (rel2_on_vec eq).

  Let M_dec : fo_model_dec M.
  Proof. intros [] ?; apply bool_dec. Qed.

  Let f : @fo_projection Σ nil (tt::nil) _ M _ M.
    exists negb negb.
    + intros []; auto.
    + intros [].
    + intros [] v _; simpl.
      vec split v with x; vec split v with y; vec nil v; simpl.
      revert x y; now intros [] [].

  Notation "⟪ A ⟫" := (fun φ => fol_sem M φ A).

  Let homeomorphism (A : fol_form Σ) phi :
        A phi <-> A (fun x=> negb (phi x)).
    apply fo_model_projection with (p := f); auto.
    all: intros []; simpl; auto.

  Infix "≡" := (fom_eq (Σ := Σ) nil (tt::nil) M) (at level 70, no associativity).

  Hint Resolve finite_t_bool : core.

  Let true_is_not_false : ~ true false.
    intros H.
    apply fom_eq_fol_characterization in H; auto.
    specialize (H (@fol_atom Σ tt (£0##£1##ø)) (fun n => match n with 0 => true | _ => false end)).
    revert H; unfold M; simpl; rew fot; simpl.
    intros [H _]; cbv; auto.
    specialize (H eq_refl); discriminate.

  Let no_disctinct A phi : (forall n, In n (fol_vars A) -> n = 0)
                        -> A true·phi <-> A false·phi.
    intros H.
    set (psi n := negb (phi n)).
    rewrite homeomorphism with (phi := false·phi) at 1.
    apply fol_sem_ext.
    intros n Hn; apply H in Hn; subst; auto.

  Theorem FO_does_not_characterize_classes :
     exists (M : fo_model Σ bool) (_ : fo_model_dec M) (x y : bool),
            ~ fom_eq (Σ := Σ) nil (tt::nil) M x y
         /\ forall A φ, (forall n, In n (fol_vars A) -> n = 0)
                     -> fol_sem M x·φ A <-> fol_sem M y·φ A.
  Proof. exists M, M_dec, true, false; auto. Qed.

End counter_model_to_class_FO_definability.