(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* Yannick Forster + *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* + Affiliation Saarland Univ. *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* Direct reductions from Halting of 1-TM to binary PCP *)
Require Import List.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
Require Import utils.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Undecidability.
Require Import Undecidability.TM.TM.
From Undecidability.TM
Require Import TM SBTM Reductions.HaltTM_1_to_HaltSBTM Reductions.HaltSBTM_to_HaltSBTMu.
From Undecidability.StringRewriting
Require Import SR HaltSBTMu_to_SRH SRH_to_SR.
From Undecidability.PCP
Require Import PCP.
From Undecidability.PCP.Reductions
Require Import SR_to_MPCP MPCP_to_PCP PCP_to_PCPb PCPb_iff_iPCPb.
Import ReductionChainNotations UndecidabilityNotations.
Lemma HaltTM_1_chain_iPCPb :
⎩ HaltTM 1 ⪯ₘ HaltSBTM ⪯ₘ HaltSBTMu ⪯ₘ SRH ⪯ₘ SR ⪯ₘ MPCP ⪯ₘ PCP ⪯ₘ PCPb ⪯ₘ iPCPb ⎭.
msplit 7.
+ apply HaltTM_1_to_HaltSBTM.reduction.
+ apply HaltSBTM_to_HaltSBTMu.reduction.
+ apply HaltSBTMu_to_SRH.reduction.
+ apply SRH_to_SR.reduction.
+ apply SR_to_MPCP.reduction.
+ apply MPCP_to_PCP.reduction.
+ apply PCP_to_PCPb.reduction.
+ apply PCPb_iff_iPCPb.reductionLR.
Lemma HaltTM_1_to_PCP : HaltTM 1 ⪯ PCP. Proof. reduce with chain HaltTM_1_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
Lemma HaltTM_1_to_PCPb : HaltTM 1 ⪯ PCPb. Proof. reduce with chain HaltTM_1_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
Lemma HaltTM_1_to_iPCPb : HaltTM 1 ⪯ iPCPb. Proof. reduce with chain HaltTM_1_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
Lemma PCP_chain_iPCPb : ⎩PCP ⪯ₘ PCPb ⪯ₘ iPCPb⎭. Proof. split; apply HaltTM_1_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
Lemma PCP_chain_PCPb : ⎩PCP ⪯ₘ PCPb⎭. Proof. apply PCP_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
Lemma PCPb_chain_iPCPb : ⎩PCPb ⪯ₘiPCPb⎭. Proof. apply PCP_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* Yannick Forster + *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* + Affiliation Saarland Univ. *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* Direct reductions from Halting of 1-TM to binary PCP *)
Require Import List.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
Require Import utils.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Undecidability.
Require Import Undecidability.TM.TM.
From Undecidability.TM
Require Import TM SBTM Reductions.HaltTM_1_to_HaltSBTM Reductions.HaltSBTM_to_HaltSBTMu.
From Undecidability.StringRewriting
Require Import SR HaltSBTMu_to_SRH SRH_to_SR.
From Undecidability.PCP
Require Import PCP.
From Undecidability.PCP.Reductions
Require Import SR_to_MPCP MPCP_to_PCP PCP_to_PCPb PCPb_iff_iPCPb.
Import ReductionChainNotations UndecidabilityNotations.
Lemma HaltTM_1_chain_iPCPb :
⎩ HaltTM 1 ⪯ₘ HaltSBTM ⪯ₘ HaltSBTMu ⪯ₘ SRH ⪯ₘ SR ⪯ₘ MPCP ⪯ₘ PCP ⪯ₘ PCPb ⪯ₘ iPCPb ⎭.
msplit 7.
+ apply HaltTM_1_to_HaltSBTM.reduction.
+ apply HaltSBTM_to_HaltSBTMu.reduction.
+ apply HaltSBTMu_to_SRH.reduction.
+ apply SRH_to_SR.reduction.
+ apply SR_to_MPCP.reduction.
+ apply MPCP_to_PCP.reduction.
+ apply PCP_to_PCPb.reduction.
+ apply PCPb_iff_iPCPb.reductionLR.
Lemma HaltTM_1_to_PCP : HaltTM 1 ⪯ PCP. Proof. reduce with chain HaltTM_1_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
Lemma HaltTM_1_to_PCPb : HaltTM 1 ⪯ PCPb. Proof. reduce with chain HaltTM_1_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
Lemma HaltTM_1_to_iPCPb : HaltTM 1 ⪯ iPCPb. Proof. reduce with chain HaltTM_1_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
Lemma PCP_chain_iPCPb : ⎩PCP ⪯ₘ PCPb ⪯ₘ iPCPb⎭. Proof. split; apply HaltTM_1_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
Lemma PCP_chain_PCPb : ⎩PCP ⪯ₘ PCPb⎭. Proof. apply PCP_chain_iPCPb. Qed.
Lemma PCPb_chain_iPCPb : ⎩PCPb ⪯ₘiPCPb⎭. Proof. apply PCP_chain_iPCPb. Qed.