From Undecidability.Shared Require Import embed_nat Dec.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions EnumerabilityFacts.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FullSyntax Axiomatisations.
From Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics Require Import Signature Robinson NatModel.
From Undecidability.FOL.Incompleteness Require Import utils fol_utils qdec bin_qdec sigma1 epf epf_mu formal_systems abstract_incompleteness ctq.
From Undecidability.FOL.Proofmode Require Import Theories ProofMode.
Require Import Lia String List.
Import ListNotations.
Section fol_fs.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Hypothesis (p : peirce).
Definition fol_fs (T : theory) (Tenum : enumerable T) (Tconsis : ~T ⊢T ⊥) : FS form (fun φ => ¬φ).
apply mkFS with (fprv := fun φ => T ⊢T φ).
- apply enumerable_semi_decidable.
+ apply form_discrete.
+ unshelve eapply tprv_enumerable.
* apply enumerable_PA_funcs.
* apply enumerable_PA_preds.
* assumption.
- intros φ [T1 [HT1 H1]] [T2 [HT2 H2]]. apply Tconsis. exists (T1 ++ T2). split.
+ intros ψ [?|?]%in_app_or; auto.
+ eapply IE.
* eapply Weak; first apply H2.
apply incl_appr, incl_refl.
* eapply Weak; first apply H1.
apply incl_appl, incl_refl.
End fol_fs.
Section fol.
Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.
Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
Section incomplete_strong_repr.
Hypothesis (p : peirce).
Variable theta : nat -> nat -\ bool.
Hypothesis theta_universal : is_universal theta.
Variable T : theory.
Hypothesis Tenum : enumerable T.
Hypothesis Tconsis : ~T ⊢T ⊥.
Variable T' : theory.
Hypothesis T'_T : T' ⊑ T.
Hypothesis T'enum : enumerable T'.
Variable r : nat -> form.
Hypothesis Hrepr :
(forall c, theta c c ▷ true -> T' ⊢T r c) /\
(forall c, theta c c ▷ false -> T' ⊢T ¬r c).
Lemma fol_undecidable_strong_repr : ~decidable (fun s => T ⊢T s).
assert (~T' ⊢T ⊥) as T'consis.
{ contradict Tconsis. now eapply WeakT. }
eapply (insep_essential_undecidability) with (theta := theta) (fs := fol_fs Tenum Tconsis) (fs' := fol_fs T'enum T'consis).
- assumption.
- unfold extension. cbn. intros φ Hφ. now eapply WeakT.
- exact Hrepr.
Lemma fol_incomplete_strong_repr : exists n, ~T ⊢T r n /\ ~T ⊢T ¬r n.
assert (~T' ⊢T ⊥) as T'consis.
{ contradict Tconsis. now eapply WeakT. }
apply (insep_essential_incompleteness) with (theta := theta) (fs := fol_fs Tenum Tconsis) (fs' := fol_fs T'enum T'consis).
- assumption.
- unfold extension. cbn. intros φ Hφ. now eapply WeakT.
- assumption.
End incomplete_strong_repr.
Section Q_incomplete.
Hypothesis (p : peirce).
Hypothesis ctq : @CTQ p.
Variable T : theory.
Hypothesis T_Q : list_theory Qeq ⊑ T.
Hypothesis Tenum : enumerable T.
Hypothesis Tconsis : ~@tprv _ _ _ p T ⊥.
Theorem Q_undecidable : ~decidable (@tprv _ _ _ p T).
assert (exists theta : nat -> nat -\ bool, is_universal theta) as [theta theta_universal].
{ apply epf_nat_bool, ctq_epfn, ctq. }
assert (forall c, theta c c ▷ true -> theta c c ▷ false -> False) as Hdisj.
{ intros c Ht Hf. enough (true = false) by discriminate. eapply part_functional; eassumption. }
edestruct (ctq_strong_sepr ctq Hdisj) as (ψ & Hb & HΣ & Hψ1 & Hψ2).
1-2: apply theta_self_return_semi_decidable.
eapply (@fol_undecidable_strong_repr p theta theta_universal T Tenum Tconsis (list_theory Qeq) T_Q (list_theory_enumerable Qeq)).
instantiate (1 := fun c => ψ[(num c)..]).
split; intros c H.
- exists Qeq. eauto.
- exists Qeq. eauto.
Theorem Q_incomplete : exists φ, bounded 0 φ /\ Σ1 φ /\ ~@tprv _ _ _ p T φ /\ ~@tprv _ _ _ p T (¬φ).
assert (exists theta : nat -> nat -\ bool, is_universal theta) as [theta theta_universal].
{ apply epf_nat_bool, ctq_epfn, ctq. }
assert (forall c, theta c c ▷ true -> theta c c ▷ false -> False) as Hdisj.
{ intros c Ht Hf. enough (true = false) by discriminate. eapply part_functional; eassumption. }
edestruct (ctq_strong_sepr ctq Hdisj) as (ψ & Hb & HΣ & Hψ1 & Hψ2).
1-2: apply theta_self_return_semi_decidable.
edestruct (@fol_incomplete_strong_repr p theta theta_universal T Tenum Tconsis (list_theory Qeq) T_Q (list_theory_enumerable Qeq)).
{ instantiate (1 := fun c => ψ[(num c)..]).
split; intros c H.
- exists Qeq. eauto.
- exists Qeq. eauto. }
cbn in H. exists ψ[(num x)..].
repeat apply conj.
- eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption. intros [|n] Hn; last lia. apply num_bound.
- now apply Σ1_subst.
- apply H.
- apply H.
End Q_incomplete.
End fol.