Require Import FOL Peano Tarski Deduction CantorPairing NumberTheory Synthetic Formulas DecidabilityFacts Church.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.

Import Vector.VectorNotations.

Notation "x 'el' A" := (List.In x A) (at level 70).
Notation "A '<<=' B" := (List.incl A B) (at level 70).
Notation "x ∣ y" := (exists k, x * k = y) (at level 50).

Definition unary alpha := bounded 1 alpha.
Definition binary alpha := bounded 2 alpha.

Section Model.

  Context {Δ0 : Delta0}.

  Variable D : Type.
  Variable I : interp D.
  Notation "⊨ phi" := (forall rho, rho phi) (at level 21).
  Variable axioms : forall ax, PA ax -> ax.

  Notation "N⊨ phi" := (forall rho, @sat _ _ nat interp_nat _ rho phi) (at level 40).
  Notation "x 'i⧀' y" := (exists d : D, y = iσ (x i d) ) (at level 40).

  Variable ψ : form.
  Variable Hψ : binary ψ /\ (forall x, Q I ψ[up (num x)..] <--> $0 == num (Irred x) ).

  Definition div e d := exists k : D, e i k = d.
  Definition div_num n (d : D) := exists e, inu n i e = d.
  Definition Div_nat (d : D) := fun n => div_num n d.
  Definition div_pi n a := (inu n .: (fun _ => a)) ( (ψ $1 $0 == $3)).

  Lemma ψ_repr x d rho :
    (d .: inu x .: rho) ψ <-> d = inu (Irred x).
    destruct Hψ as (_ & H).
    specialize (H x).
    apply soundness in H.
    specialize (H D I). cbn -[Q] in H.
    setoid_rewrite eval_num in H.
    rewrite <-switch_up_num.
    apply H.
    intros ax Hax. apply axioms. now constructor.

  Lemma ψ_equiv n a : div_pi n a <-> div_num (Irred n) a.
    unfold div_pi. cbn. split.
    - intros [d [->%ψ_repr H]]. apply H.
    - intros. exists (inu (Irred n)). rewrite ψ_repr. now split.

Section Facts.

Lemma std_add x y :
  std (x i y) -> std x /\ std y.
  intros [n Hn].
  revert Hn. revert x y.
  induction n.
  - intros ?? H. symmetry in H. apply sum_is_zero in H as [-> ->].
    split; exists 0; auto. apply axioms.
  - intros. destruct (@zero_or_succ D I axioms x) as [-> | [e ->]].
    + rewrite add_zero in Hn. rewrite <-Hn. split.
      exists 0; auto. exists (S n); auto. apply axioms.
    + cbn in *. rewrite add_rec in Hn. apply succ_inj in Hn.
      assert (std e /\ std y) as []. now apply IHn.
      split; auto.
      destruct H as [k <-]. exists (S k); auto.
      all: apply axioms.

Lemma std_mult x y m :
  (iσ x) i y = inu m -> std y.
  cbn. rewrite mult_rec. intros E.
  assert (std (y i x i y)) as H%std_add.
  exists m; auto. tauto.
  apply axioms.

Lemma std_mult' x y m :
  x i y = inu (S m) -> std x /\ std y.
  destruct (@zero_or_succ D I axioms x) as [-> | [e ->]],
    (@zero_or_succ D I axioms y) as [-> | [d ->]].
  + intros _. split; now exists 0.
  + rewrite mult_zero; auto.
    intros []%zero_succ; auto.
  + rewrite mult_zero_r; auto.
    intros []%zero_succ; auto.
  + intros E. split.
    * eapply std_mult.
      rewrite mult_comm; auto.
      apply E.
    * eapply std_mult, E.

Lemma lt_equiv x y :
  x < y <-> inu x i inu y.
  assert (x < y <-> exists k, S x + k = y) as H.
  - induction y in x |-*; [lia|].
    destruct x; intros; [exists y; lia|].
    destruct (IHy x) as [k <-]; [lia|].
    exists k; lia.
  - intros []. lia.
  - split.
    + intros [k <-]%H. exists (inu k); cbn.
      now rewrite inu_add_hom.
    + intros [k Hk].
      assert (std (inu (S x) i k)) as [_ [l Hl]]%std_add.
      * exists y. cbn. now rewrite add_rec.
      * rewrite <-Hl in *.
        apply H. exists l.
        rewrite <-inu_inj, inu_add_hom; cbn;
        [now rewrite add_rec, Hk | apply axioms | apply axioms].

Lemma num_lt_nonStd n d :
  ~ std d -> inu n i d.
  intros nonStd.
  destruct (@trichotomy D I axioms (inu n) d) as [H|[<-|H]]; auto.
  all : contradiction nonStd.
  - exists n; auto.
  - apply lessthen_num in H.
    destruct H as [k [? ->]].
    exists k; auto.
    apply axioms.

End Facts.

Lemma stdModel_equiv :
  stdModel D <-> exists phi, unary phi /\ (forall e, std e <-> forall ρ, (e .: ρ) phi).
  - intros H.
    pose (phi := $0 == $0).
    exists phi. split.
    repeat solve_bounds.
    intros e; split; intros ?; [reflexivity|apply H].
  - intros [phi Hphi] e.
    apply Hphi, induction.
    + apply axioms.
    + apply Hphi.
    + apply Hphi. exists 0. reflexivity.
    + intros d [x <-]%Hphi. apply Hphi.
      exists (S x). reflexivity.


Section Overspill.

  Variable alpha : form.
  Hypothesis Halpha : unary alpha.

  Variable nStd : ~ stdModel D.
  Variable stable_std : forall x, stable (std x).

  Corollary Overspill :
    (forall e, std e -> (forall rho, (e.:rho) alpha) ) -> ~ (forall e, (forall rho, (e.:rho) alpha) -> std e ).
    intros ??. apply nStd, stdModel_equiv. exists alpha. split.
    - apply Halpha.
    - split; auto.

  Lemma Overspill_DN' :
    (forall e, std e -> (forall rho, (e.:rho) alpha) ) -> ~ ~ exists e, ~ std e /\ (forall rho, (e.:rho) alpha).
    intros H1 H2. apply Overspill in H1. apply H1. intros e.
    intros H. apply stable_std. intros He. apply H2. now exists e.

  Lemma on_std_equiv :
    (forall n rho, ((inu n).:rho) alpha) <-> (forall e, std e -> (forall rho, (e.:rho) alpha)).
    split; intros H.
    - intros e [n <-]. apply H.
    - intros n. apply H. exists n; reflexivity.

  Lemma Overspill_DN :
    (forall n rho, ((inu n).:rho) alpha) -> ~ ~ exists e, ~ std e /\ (forall rho, (e.:rho) alpha).
    setoid_rewrite on_std_equiv.
    apply Overspill_DN'.

End Overspill.

Coding Lemmas

Section Coding.

In the standard model, up to some bound.
  Lemma Coding_nat A n :
    ~ ~ exists c, forall u, (u < n -> A u <-> Mod (Irred u) c = 0) /\ (Mod (Irred u) c = 0 -> u < n).
    induction n.
    - apply DN. exists 1. intros u. split. lia.
      intros [k ]%Mod_divides.
      assert (Irred u > 1). apply irred_Irred.
      destruct k; lia.
    - assert (~ ~ (A n \/ ~ A n)) as Dec_An by tauto.
      apply (DN_chaining Dec_An), (DN_chaining IHn), DN.
      clear IHn Dec_An.
      intros [a Ha] [A_n | NA_n].
      + exists (a * Irred n). intros u.
        assert (u < S n <-> u < n \/ u = n) as -> by lia.
        ++ intros [| ->]. split.
           +++ intros A_u%Ha.
               rewrite Mod_mult_hom, A_u.
               now rewrite Mod0_is_0.
               apply H.
           +++ intros [|H']%irred_integral_domain.
               apply Ha; assumption.
               apply irred_Mod_eq, inj_Irred in H'. lia.
               all: apply irred_Irred.
           +++ intuition. apply Mod_divides.
               now exists a.
        ++ intros [H |H]%irred_integral_domain.
           apply Ha in H. auto.
           apply irred_Mod_eq, inj_Irred in H. lia.
           all: apply irred_Irred.
      + exists a. intros u.
        assert (u < S n <-> u < n \/ u = n) as -> by lia.
        ++ intros Hu. destruct Hu as [| ->].
           now apply Ha.
           split. now intros ?%NA_n.
           intros H%Ha. lia.
        ++ intros H%Ha. tauto.

  Lemma Coding_nat_Definite A n :
    Definite A -> exists c, forall u, (u < n -> A u <-> Mod (Irred u) c = 0) /\ (Mod (Irred u) c = 0 -> u < n).
    intros Def_A.
    induction n.
    - exists 1. intros u. split. lia.
      intros [k ]%Mod_divides.
      assert (Irred u > 1). apply irred_Irred.
      destruct k; lia.
    - destruct IHn as [a Ha], (Def_A n) as [A_n | NA_n].
      + exists (a * Irred n). intros u.
        assert (u < S n <-> u < n \/ u = n) as -> by lia.
        ++ intros [| ->]. split.
           +++ intros A_u%Ha.
               rewrite Mod_mult_hom, A_u.
               now rewrite Mod0_is_0.
               apply H.
           +++ intros [|H']%irred_integral_domain.
               apply Ha; assumption.
               apply irred_Mod_eq, inj_Irred in H'. lia.
               all: apply irred_Irred.
           +++ intuition. apply Mod_divides.
               now exists a.
        ++ intros [H |H]%irred_integral_domain.
           apply Ha in H. auto.
           apply irred_Mod_eq, inj_Irred in H. lia.
           all: apply irred_Irred.
      + exists a. intros u.
        assert (u < S n <-> u < n \/ u = n) as -> by lia.
        ++ intros Hu. destruct Hu as [| ->].
           now apply Ha.
           split. now intros ?%NA_n.
           intros H%Ha. lia.
        ++ intros H%Ha. tauto.

  Lemma Divides_num x y :
    div_num x (inu y) <-> Mod x y = 0.
    - intros [k Hk]. destruct x.
      + cbn in Hk. rewrite mult_zero in Hk.
        change i0 with (inu 0) in Hk.
        cbn. now apply inu_inj in Hk.
        apply axioms.
      + cbn in *. destruct (std_mult _ _ _ Hk) as [l <-].
        apply Mod_divides. exists l.
        change (iσ inu x) with (inu (S x)) in Hk.
        rewrite <-inu_mult_hom, inu_inj in Hk. lia.
        all: apply axioms.
    - intros [k Hk]%Mod_divides.
      exists (inu k).
      rewrite <-inu_mult_hom, inu_inj. lia.
      all: apply axioms.

In an arbitrary model, up to some bound.
  Lemma Coding_model_unary alpha :
    unary alpha ->
    forall n rho, rho ¬ ¬ $0 (num n) --> alpha <--> (ψ $1 $0 == $3).
    intros unary_alpha n rho. cbn.
    apply (DN_chaining (Coding_nat (fun n => forall rho, rho alpha[(num n)..] ) n)), DN.
    intros [a Ha].
    exists (inu a).
    intros u' Hu. cbn in Hu.
    rewrite num_subst in Hu.
    setoid_rewrite eval_num in Hu.
    apply lessthen_num in Hu. 2: apply axioms.
    destruct Hu as [u [Hu ->]]. split.
    + intros alpha_u.
      exists (inu (Irred u)).
      split; [now apply ψ_repr| ].
      apply Divides_num.
      apply Ha; [apply Hu|].
      intros ?. rewrite switch_num.
      eapply bound_ext; [apply unary_alpha| |apply alpha_u].
      intros []; try lia; reflexivity.
    + intros [d [->%ψ_repr H]].
      eapply Divides_num, (proj1 (Ha u)) in H; auto.
      rewrite <-switch_num. apply H.

  Lemma Coding_model_binary alpha :
    binary alpha ->
    forall n rho, rho ¬ ¬ $0 (num n) --> alpha[up $1..] <--> (ψ $1 $0 == $3).
    intros binary_alpha n rho b. cbn.
    apply (DN_chaining (Coding_nat (fun n => forall rho, (b .: rho) alpha[(num n)..] ) n)), DN.
    intros [a Ha].
    exists (inu a).
    intros u' Hu. cbn in Hu.
    rewrite num_subst in Hu.
    setoid_rewrite eval_num in Hu.
    apply lessthen_num in Hu. 2: apply axioms.
    destruct Hu as [u [Hu ->]]. split.
    + intros alpha_u.
      exists (inu (Irred u)).
      split; [now apply ψ_repr| ].
      apply Divides_num.
      apply Ha; [apply Hu|].
      intros ?. rewrite switch_num.
      rewrite sat_comp in alpha_u.
      eapply bound_ext. eauto.
      2 : apply alpha_u.
      intros [|[]]; now cbn; try lia.
    + intros [d [->%ψ_repr H]].
      eapply Divides_num, (proj1 (Ha u)) in H; auto.
      rewrite switch_num in H. rewrite sat_comp.
      eapply bound_ext. eauto.
      2 : apply H.
      intros [|[]]; now cbn; try lia.
    Unshelve. intros _. exact i0.

  Lemma Coding_model_binary_Definite alpha :
    binary alpha -> (forall b u, definite (forall rho, (inu u .: b .: rho) alpha )) ->
    forall n rho, rho $0 (num n) --> alpha[up $1..] <--> (ψ $1 $0 == $3).
    intros binary_alpha Def_alpha n rho b.
    refine (
      let Ha := Coding_nat_Definite (fun u => forall rho, (b .: rho) alpha[(num u)..] ) n _
      in _).
    destruct Ha as [a Ha].
    exists (inu a).
    intros u' Hu. cbn in Hu.
    rewrite num_subst in Hu.
    setoid_rewrite eval_num in Hu.
    apply lessthen_num in Hu. 2: apply axioms.
    destruct Hu as [u [Hu ->]]. split.
    + intros alpha_u.
      exists (inu (Irred u)).
      split; [now apply ψ_repr| ].
      apply Divides_num.
      apply Ha; [apply Hu|].
      intros ?. rewrite switch_num.
      rewrite sat_comp in alpha_u.
      eapply bound_ext. eauto.
      2 : apply alpha_u.
      intros [|[]]; now cbn; try lia.
    + intros [d [->%ψ_repr H]].
      eapply Divides_num, (proj1 (Ha u)) in H; auto.
      rewrite switch_num in H. rewrite sat_comp.
      eapply bound_ext. eauto.
      2 : apply H.
      intros [|[]]; now cbn; try lia.
    - intros u. destruct (Def_alpha b u) as [h|h].
      * left. now setoid_rewrite switch_num.
      * right. now setoid_rewrite switch_num.
    - intros _. exact i0.

Section notStd.

In a non-standard model.

  Variable notStd : ~ stdModel D.
  Variable stable_std : forall x, stable (std x).

  Theorem Coding_nonStd_unary alpha :
    unary alpha -> ~ ~ exists c, forall u rho, (inu u .: c .: rho) (alpha <--> (ψ $1 $0 == $3)).
    intros unary_alpha.
    specialize (Coding_model_unary _ unary_alpha) as H.
    assert (forall n rho, (inu n .: rho) ¬ ¬ $0 $2 --> alpha <--> (ψ $1 $0 == $3) ) as H'.
    intros n rho.
    rewrite <-switch_num. cbn -[sat].
    specialize (H n rho).
    rewrite !num_subst in *.
    assert (ψ[var] = ψ[up (up (up (num n)..))] ) as <-.
    { eapply bounded_subst. apply Hψ.
    intros [|[]]; try now intros. lia. }
    assert (alpha[var] = alpha[up (up (num n)..)] ) as E.
    { eapply bounded_subst. apply unary_alpha.
    intros []; try now intros. lia. }
    setoid_rewrite <-E. rewrite !subst_var.
    rewrite unfold_sless, !num_subst in *.
    apply H.
    apply Overspill_DN in H'; auto.
    2 : { repeat solve_bounds.
          all: eapply bounded_up; try apply binary_alpha; try apply Hψ.
          all: eauto; lia. }
    rewrite <-NNN_N.
    apply (DN_chaining H'), DN. clear H' H.
      intros (e & He1 & He2).
      specialize (He2 (fun _ => i0)).
      cbn in He2. apply (DN_chaining He2), DN.
      intros [a Ha].
      exists a. intros n rho.
      assert (inu n i e) as Hne; [now apply num_lt_nonStd|].
      specialize (Ha _ Hne) as [Ha1 Ha2].
      split; cbn.
    + intros H. destruct Ha1 as [d Hd].
      eapply bound_ext. apply unary_alpha. 2: apply H.
      intros []; try now intros. lia.
      exists d. split.
      eapply bound_ext. apply Hψ. 2: apply Hd.
      intros [|[]]; try now intros. lia.
      apply Hd.
    + intros [k Hk].
      eapply bound_ext. apply unary_alpha. 2: apply Ha2.
      intros []; try now intros. lia.
      exists k. split.
      eapply bound_ext. apply Hψ. 2: apply Hk.
      intros [|[]]; try now intros. lia.
      apply Hk.

  Theorem Coding_nonstd_binary_Definite alpha :
    binary alpha -> (forall b u, definite (forall rho, (inu u .: b .: rho) alpha ) ) ->
     ~ ~ forall b, exists a, forall u rho, (inu u .: b .: a .: rho) (alpha <--> (ψ $1 $0 == $4)).
    intros binary_alpha Def_A.
    specialize (Coding_model_binary_Definite _ binary_alpha Def_A) as H.
    assert (forall n rho, (inu n .: rho) $0 $3 --> alpha[up $1..] <--> (ψ $1 $0 == $3) ) as H'.
    intros n rho.
    rewrite <-switch_num. cbn -[sat]. rewrite !num_subst.
    assert (ψ[var] = ψ[up (up (up (up (num n)..)))] ) as <-.
    eapply bounded_subst. apply Hψ.
    intros [|[]]; try now intros. lia.
    assert (alpha[up $1..][var] = alpha[up $1..][up (up (up (num n)..))] ) as E.
    rewrite !subst_comp.
    eapply bounded_subst. apply binary_alpha.
    intros [|[]]; cbn; try reflexivity; lia.
    setoid_rewrite <-E. rewrite !subst_var.
    specialize (H n).
    rewrite unfold_sless, !num_subst in H.
    apply H.
    apply Overspill_DN in H'; auto.
    2 : { solve_bounds.
          all: repeat solve_bounds.
          2, 3: try eapply bounded_up; try apply binary_alpha; try apply Hψ; lia.
          all: eapply subst_bound; eauto.
          all: intros [|[]]; solve_bounds. }
    apply (DN_chaining H'), DN. clear H' H.
      intros (e & He1 & He2). intros b.
      cbn in He2. specialize (He2 (fun _ => i0) b) as [a Ha].
      exists a. intros n rho.
      assert (inu n i e) as Hne; [now apply num_lt_nonStd|].
      specialize (Ha _ Hne) as [Ha1 Ha2].
      split; cbn.
    + intros H. destruct Ha1 as [d Hd].
      rewrite sat_comp.
      eapply bound_ext. apply binary_alpha. 2: apply H.
      intros [|[]]; try now intros. lia.
      exists d. split.
      eapply bound_ext. apply Hψ. 2: apply Hd.
      intros [|[]]; try now intros. lia.
      apply Hd.
    + intros [k Hk].
      rewrite sat_comp in Ha2.
      eapply bound_ext. apply binary_alpha. 2: apply Ha2.
      intros [|[]]; try now intros. lia.
      exists k. split.
      eapply bound_ext. apply Hψ. 2: apply Hk.
      intros [|[]]; try now intros. lia.
      apply Hk.

End notStd.
End Coding.
End Model.