Require Import FOL Tarski Deduction Peano Formulas NumberTheory Synthetic DecidabilityFacts Church Coding.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
Notation "x 'el' A" := (List.In x A) (at level 70).
Notation "A '<<=' B" := (List.incl A B) (at level 70).
Notation "x ∣ y" := (exists k, x * k = y) (at level 50).
Section Model.
Context {Δ0 : Delta0}.
Variable D : Type.
Variable I : interp D.
Notation "⊨ phi" := (forall rho, rho ⊨ phi) (at level 21).
Variable axioms : forall ax, PA ax -> ⊨ ax.
Notation "N⊨ phi" := (forall rho, @sat _ _ nat interp_nat _ rho phi) (at level 40).
Notation "x 'i⧀' y" := (exists d : D, y = iσ (x i⊕ d) ) (at level 40).
Variable ψ : form.
Variable Hψ : binary ψ /\ (forall x, Q ⊢I ∀ ψ[up (num x)..] <--> $0 == num (Irred x) ).
Definition obj_Coding := forall α, binary α -> delta0 α -> PA ⊢TI ∀∀∃∀ $0 ⧀ $3 --> (∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ α) <--> ∃ (ψ ∧ ∃ $1 ⊗ $0 == $3).
Hypothesis coding : obj_Coding.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
Notation "x 'el' A" := (List.In x A) (at level 70).
Notation "A '<<=' B" := (List.incl A B) (at level 70).
Notation "x ∣ y" := (exists k, x * k = y) (at level 50).
Section Model.
Context {Δ0 : Delta0}.
Variable D : Type.
Variable I : interp D.
Notation "⊨ phi" := (forall rho, rho ⊨ phi) (at level 21).
Variable axioms : forall ax, PA ax -> ⊨ ax.
Notation "N⊨ phi" := (forall rho, @sat _ _ nat interp_nat _ rho phi) (at level 40).
Notation "x 'i⧀' y" := (exists d : D, y = iσ (x i⊕ d) ) (at level 40).
Variable ψ : form.
Variable Hψ : binary ψ /\ (forall x, Q ⊢I ∀ ψ[up (num x)..] <--> $0 == num (Irred x) ).
Definition obj_Coding := forall α, binary α -> delta0 α -> PA ⊢TI ∀∀∃∀ $0 ⧀ $3 --> (∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ α) <--> ∃ (ψ ∧ ∃ $1 ⊗ $0 == $3).
Hypothesis coding : obj_Coding.
Definition obj_Insep :=
exists α β,
binary α /\ inhabited(delta0 α) /\ binary β /\ inhabited(delta0 β) /\
( PA ⊢TI ¬ ∃ (∃ α) ∧ (∃ β) ) /\
(forall G,
Dec G -> (forall n, Q ⊢I (∃ α)[(num n)..] -> G n) ->
(forall n, ~ (Q ⊢I (∃ β)[(num n)..] /\ G n)) -> False).
Definition div_num n (d : D) := exists e, inu n i⊗ e = d.
Definition Div_nat (d : D) := fun n => div_num n d.
exists α β,
binary α /\ inhabited(delta0 α) /\ binary β /\ inhabited(delta0 β) /\
( PA ⊢TI ¬ ∃ (∃ α) ∧ (∃ β) ) /\
(forall G,
Dec G -> (forall n, Q ⊢I (∃ α)[(num n)..] -> G n) ->
(forall n, ~ (Q ⊢I (∃ β)[(num n)..] /\ G n)) -> False).
Definition div_num n (d : D) := exists e, inu n i⊗ e = d.
Definition Div_nat (d : D) := fun n => div_num n d.
Theorem Makholm :
obj_Insep -> nonStd D -> exists d, ~ Dec (Div_nat d).
intros (α & β & Ha1 & [Ha0] & Hb1 & [Hb0] & Disj & Insepa).
intros [e Nstd_e].
specialize (coding α Ha1 Ha0).
pose (X n := (inu n .: (fun _ => e)) ⊨ ((∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ α) )).
eapply tsoundness with (rho := (fun _ => e)) in coding.
- cbn in coding.
specialize (coding e e) as [c Hc].
assert (forall n : nat, (X n) <-> (inu n .: (fun _ => c)) ⊨ (∃ (ψ ∧ ∃ $1 ⊗ $0 == $3)) ).
+ intros n. split.
-- specialize (Hc (inu n)) as [H _].
now apply num_lt_nonStd.
intros X_n. destruct H as [d Hd].
++ destruct X_n as [a Ha].
exists a. split. apply Ha.
eapply bound_ext. eauto.
2 : apply Ha.
intros [|[]]; solve_bounds.
++ exists d. cbn. split.
eapply bound_ext. apply Hψ.
2 : apply Hd.
intros [|[]]; solve_bounds.
apply Hd.
-- specialize (Hc (inu n)) as [_ H].
now apply num_lt_nonStd.
intros H_n. destruct H as [d Hd].
++ destruct H_n as [a Ha].
exists a. split.
eapply bound_ext. apply Hψ.
2 : apply Ha.
intros [|[]]; solve_bounds.
apply Ha.
++ exists d. cbn. split. apply Hd.
eapply bound_ext. eauto.
2 : apply Hd.
intros [|[]]; solve_bounds.
+ exists c. intros [Dec_Div_c].
apply (Insepa X).
-- constructor. intros n.
destruct (Dec_Div_c (Irred n)) as [h|h]; auto.
++ left. apply H, ψ_equiv; auto.
++ right. intros nh%H. apply h.
apply ψ_equiv in nh; auto.
-- intros n [m Hm]%Σ1_complete''; auto.
exists (inu m). cbn. split.
now apply num_lt_nonStd.
rewrite <-switch_up_num, <-switch_num.
eapply soundness; eauto.
intros ??; apply axioms. now constructor.
-- intros n [[m Bnm]%Σ1_complete'' X_n]; auto.
eapply tsoundness with (rho := (fun _ => e)) in Disj; auto.
cbn in Disj. apply Disj.
exists (inu n). split.
++ specialize X_n as [d [_ Hd]]; cbn in Hd.
rewrite <-switch_up_num in Hd.
exists d. rewrite <-switch_up_num. apply Hd.
++ apply soundness in Bnm.
specialize (Bnm D I). exists (inu m).
rewrite <-switch_up_num, <-switch_num. apply Bnm.
intros ??. apply axioms. now constructor.
- intros ??. now apply axioms.
End Model.