
Invariance on correct spillings

Lemma spill_max_kill_ext k ZL Λ R R' M M' s rlv sl :
  R [=] R'
   M [=] M'
   spill_max_kill k ZL Λ (R , M ) s rlv sl
   spill_max_kill k ZL Λ (R', M') s rlv sl
  intros Req Meq spillKill.
  general induction spillKill.
  - econstructor; eauto; [| |eapply IHspillKill| | |];
      try rewrite <-Req; try rewrite <-Meq; eauto; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto; try rewrite <-Req; try rewrite <-Meq; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto; [| | | |eapply IHspillKill1|eapply IHspillKill2];
      try rewrite <-Req; try rewrite <-Meq; eauto; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto; try rewrite <-Req; try rewrite <-Meq; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto; [| | |eapply IHspillKill]; try rewrite <-Req; try rewrite <-Meq; eauto; eauto.

Lemma stretch_rms_inv F rms k lvF :
  length F = length rms
   ( n rm, get rms n rm cardinal (fst rm) k)
   PIR2 Equal (merge rms) lvF
   PIR2 _eq rms (stretch_rms k F rms lvF)
  intros lenF card pir2.
  general induction rms; destruct F; isabsurd; destruct lvF; isabsurd.
  - unfold stretch_rms. eauto.
  - unfold stretch_rms. destruct a as [Rf Mf].
    assert (cardinal (Rf s) k).
      rewrite subset_cardinal.
      - eapply card. econstructor.
      - cbn. clear; cset_tac.
    cbn in pir2. invc pir2. unfold merge in pf. cbn in pf.
    econstructor; [econstructor|].
    + rewrite set_take_eq; eauto. clear - pf.
      symmetry. apply inter_subset_equal. cset_tac.
    + rewrite set_take_eq; eauto.
      clear - pf. rewrite <- pf. apply incl_eq; cset_tac.
    + apply IHrms; eauto. intros. inv_get. exploit card; eauto. instantiate (1:=S n).
      econstructor; eauto.

Lemma PIR2_eq (X:Type) `{OrderedType X} (L L' : list X) :
  PIR2 _eq L L'
   _eq L L'
  intros. general induction H0; eauto.
  econstructor; eauto.

Lemma PIR2_Equal_Subset (X:Type) `{OrderedType X} (L L' : list X) :
  PIR2 Equal L L' PIR2 Subset L L'
  intros pir2. eapply PIR2_get; eauto.
  - intros. apply incl_set_left. eapply get_PIR2; eauto.
  - eapply PIR2_length; eauto.

Lemma repair_spill_inv k ZL Λ Λ' s lv sl R M G ra rlv VD
  : renamedApart s ra
     rlive_min k ZL Λ G s sl rlv
     rlive_sound ZL (fst Λ) s sl rlv
     R M fst (getAnn ra)
     getAnn rlv R
     live_sound Imperative ZL (merge Λ) s lv
     live_min k ZL Λ G s sl lv
     spill_sound k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
     ( Rf Mf n, get Λ n (Rf,Mf) cardinal Rf k)
     ann_R (fun x (y : var × var) ⇒ (list_union (merge snd x)) fst y) sl ra
     spill_live VD sl lv
     PIR2 _eq Λ Λ'

     sl === repair_spill k ZL Λ' R M s rlv lv sl
  intros rena rliveMin rliveSnd rm_ra sub_R liveSnd liveMin spillSnd cardRf sl_ra spillLv Λeq.
  eapply spill_sound_spill_max_kill with (R':=R) (M:=M) in spillSnd; eauto.
  time (general induction rliveSnd; invc liveSnd; invc spillSnd; invc rliveMin; invc rena;
    invc liveMin; invc spillLv; invc sl_ra).   - cbn in sub_R.
    assert (Sp R [=] Sp) as Speq by (apply inter_subset_equal; eauto).
    assert (L (Sp R M) [=] L) as Leq
        by (apply inter_subset_equal in H20; rewrite Speq, H20; eauto).
    set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L (Exp.freeVars e)).
    set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (Exp.freeVars e) (getAnn al)).
    set (Kx':= pick_killx k (R \ K' L') (getAnn al)).
    set (Sp':= (getAnn al0 (K' Kx') \ M (Sp R))).
    assert (L [=] L') as Leq'.
      symmetry. subst L'. eapply pick_load_eq; eauto.
      - clear - H22. cset_tac.
      - clear - H22 H24. rewrite H22, union_assoc, union_idem. eauto.
    assert (K0 [=] K') as Keq.
    { subst K' K0. symmetry. rewrite Leq'. apply pick_kill_eq. rewrite <-Leq'. eauto. }
    assert (Kx [=] Kx') as Kxeq.
      symmetry. subst Kx Kx'. rewrite Keq, Leq'. apply pick_killx_eq. rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'.
      decide (cardinal (R \ K0 L) = k).
      - clear - H24 H25 e0 H7 rm_ra H20 H19.
        assert (x R \ K0 L) as x_nin.
        { cbn in rm_ra. rewrite H20, H19, rm_ra. clear - rm_ra H7. cset_tac. }
        rewrite add_cardinal_2 in H25; [| clear - x_nin; cset_tac]. rewrite e0.
        rewrite cardinal_difference' in H25; [|clear;intros; intro N; cset_tac].
        rewrite e0 in H25. omega.
      - omega.
    assert (Sp [=] Sp') as Speq'.
      subst Sp'. rewrite union_comm. setoid_rewrite Speq at 1. rewrite union_comm.
      symmetry. rewrite union_subset_equal; eauto. rewrite <-Keq.
      apply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H21 as spillSnd.
      eapply live_min_incl_R in H26; eauto; [|clear;cset_tac]. rewrite H26.
      rewrite <-Kxeq.
      assert (K0 Kx [=] (R L) (K0 Kx)) as seteq.
      { symmetry. rewrite meet_comm. apply inter_subset_equal. subst K0 Kx. clear; cset_tac. }
      rewrite seteq.
      assert (x (K0 Kx) \ L) as x_nin.
      { subst K0 Kx. clear - H2. cset_tac. }
      rewrite H20. rewrite H20 in x_nin. clear - x_nin. cset_tac.
    econstructor; [econstructor| ]; eauto; [econstructor | ]; eauto.
    subst K' Kx' L' Sp'.
    eapply IHrliveSnd; eauto;
      set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L (Exp.freeVars e)) in *;
    set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (Exp.freeVars e) (getAnn al)) in *;
    set (Kx':= pick_killx k (R \ K' L') (getAnn al)) in *;
    set (Sp':= (getAnn al0 (K' Kx') \ M (Sp R))) in ×.
    + pe_rewrite. rewrite <-Keq, <-Kxeq, <-Speq', <-Leq'. rewrite H20,H19.
      clear - rm_ra. cset_tac.
    + rewrite <-Kxeq, <-Keq, <-Leq'. subst K0 Kx. rewrite minus_minus. rewrite <-minus_union.
      rewrite minus_minus. setoid_rewrite <-sub_R at 1. clear - H1. cset_tac.
    + eapply spill_max_kill_ext; eauto; [|rewrite Speq';eauto]. rewrite Keq, Kxeq, Leq'. eauto.
  - cbn in sub_R.
    assert (Sp R [=] Sp) as Speq.
    { apply inter_subset_equal. rewrite H19. eauto. }
     assert (L (Sp R M) [=] L) as Leq
        by (apply inter_subset_equal in H23; rewrite Speq, H23; eauto).
    set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L (Op.freeVars e)).
    set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (Op.freeVars e) (getAnn al1 getAnn al2)).
    set (Sp':= (getAnn al0 getAnn al3 K' \ M (Sp R))).
    assert (L [=] L') as Leq'.
      symmetry. subst L'. eapply pick_load_eq; eauto.
      - clear - H24; cset_tac.
      - rewrite H24, union_assoc, union_idem. eauto.
    assert (K [=] K') as Keq.
      symmetry. subst K K'. rewrite pick_kill_eq.
      - rewrite Leq'. clear; cset_tac.
      - rewrite <-Leq'. rewrite <-union_assoc. eauto.
    assert (Sp [=] Sp') as Speq'.
      subst Sp'. rewrite union_comm. setoid_rewrite Speq at 1. rewrite union_comm.
      symmetry. rewrite union_subset_equal; eauto. rewrite <-Keq.
      apply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H26 as spillSnd1.
      apply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H27 as spillSnd2.
      eapply live_min_incl_R in H31; eauto; [|clear;cset_tac]. rewrite H31.
      eapply live_min_incl_R in H37; eauto; [|clear;cset_tac]. rewrite H37.
      assert (K [=] R K) as seteq.
      { symmetry. rewrite meet_comm. apply inter_subset_equal. subst K. clear; cset_tac. }
      rewrite seteq.
      rewrite H23. clear. cset_tac.
    econstructor; [econstructor| |]; eauto; [econstructor | |]; eauto;
      subst L' K' Sp';
      set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L (Op.freeVars e)) in *;
      set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (Op.freeVars e) (getAnn al1 getAnn al2)) in *;
      set (Sp':= (getAnn al0 getAnn al3 K' \ M (Sp R))) in ×.
    + eapply IHrliveSnd1; eauto.
      × rewrite <-Speq', <-Leq', <-Keq. invc H18. cbn in ×. rewrite H21, H23, H19.
        clear - rm_ra. cset_tac.
      × rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'. rewrite <-sub_R. subst K. clear - H1; cset_tac.
      × eapply spill_max_kill_ext; eauto; [|rewrite Speq';eauto].
        rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'. eauto.
    + eapply IHrliveSnd2; eauto.
      × rewrite <-Speq', <-Leq', <-Keq. invc H20. cbn in ×. rewrite H21, H23, H19.
        clear - rm_ra. cset_tac.
      × rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'. rewrite <-sub_R. subst K. clear - H2; cset_tac.
      × eapply spill_max_kill_ext; eauto; [|rewrite Speq';eauto].
        rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'. eauto.
  - cbn in sub_R.
    assert (Sp R [=] Sp) as Speq.
    { apply inter_subset_equal. rewrite H19. eauto. }
     assert (L (Sp R M) [=] L) as Leq
        by (apply inter_subset_equal in H22; rewrite Speq; eauto).
    set (R_f':= fst (nth (counted l) Λ' (,))) in ×.
    set (M_f':= snd (nth (counted l) Λ' (,))) in ×.
    set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L (R_f' \ of_list Z)).
    set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (R_f' \ of_list Z) (list_union (Op.freeVars Y) R')).
    set (R'':= (R' (R \ K' L')) list_union (Op.freeVars Y)).
    set (M'':= (list_union (Op.freeVars Y) \ R'') (M' list_union (Op.freeVars Y))).
    set (Sp':= ((M'' (M_f' \ of_list Z)) (R \ M)) (Sp R)).
    assert (R_f = fst (nth (counted l) Λ ({}, {}))) as Rfeq.
    { erewrite get_nth; eauto; cbn; eauto. }
    assert (M_f = snd (nth (counted l) Λ ({}, {}))) as Mfeq.
    { erewrite get_nth; eauto; cbn; eauto. }
    assert (R_f' [=] R_f) as Rfeq'.
      subst R_f R_f'.
      eapply PIR2_nth in Λeq as Λeq'; eauto.
      destruct Λeq' as [[Rf' Mf'] [get_rmf rmf_eq]]. invc rmf_eq. rewrite H7.
      erewrite get_nth; eauto; cbn; eauto.
    assert (M_f' [=] M_f) as Mfeq'.
      subst M_f M_f'.
      eapply PIR2_nth in Λeq as Λeq'; eauto.
      destruct Λeq' as [[Rf' Mf'] [get_rmf rmf_eq]]. invc rmf_eq. rewrite H16.
      erewrite get_nth; eauto; cbn; eauto.
    assert (L [=] L') as Leq'.
      symmetry. subst L'. eapply pick_load_eq; eauto; rewrite Rfeq'.
      - clear - H26; cset_tac.
      - rewrite subset_cardinal; eauto. clear - H26; cset_tac.
    assert (R' list_union (Op.freeVars Y)) as R'sub by (clear - H28; cset_tac).
    assert (K [=] K') as Keq.
      symmetry. subst K K'. rewrite pick_kill_eq; rewrite Rfeq'.
      - rewrite Leq'. clear - R'sub. cset_tac.
      - rewrite <-Leq'. rewrite subset_cardinal; eauto. clear; cset_tac.
    assert (R' [=] R'') as R'eq.
      subst R''. symmetry. rewrite meet_assoc. apply inter_subset_equal. clear - R'sub H29 Leq' Keq.
    assert (M' list_union (Op.freeVars Y)) as M'sub by (clear - H28; cset_tac).
    assert (M' [=] M'') as M'eq.
      subst M''. symmetry. rewrite H28. rewrite <-R'eq. clear; cset_tac.
    assert (Sp [=] Sp') as Speq'.
      subst Sp'. rewrite union_comm. setoid_rewrite Speq at 1. rewrite union_comm.
      symmetry. rewrite union_subset_equal; eauto. subst M''. rewrite Mfeq', H27.
      rewrite <-R'eq. rewrite H28 at 1. rewrite H30. clear. cset_tac.
    assert (Z = nth (counted l) ZL nil) as Zeq.
    { erewrite get_nth; eauto; cbn; eauto. }
    econstructor; rewrite <-Zeq; subst R_f' M_f';
      set (R_f':= fst (nth (counted l) Λ' (,))) in *;
      set (M_f':= snd (nth (counted l) Λ' (,))) in *;
      econstructor; eauto; [econstructor|];
        [| |econstructor]; eauto; [|reflexivity]; econstructor.
    + erewrite get_nth; eauto. instantiate (1:=(R',M')); eauto.
    + erewrite get_nth; eauto. instantiate (1:=(R',M')); eauto.
  - cbn in sub_R.
    assert (Sp R [=] Sp) as Speq.
    { apply inter_subset_equal. rewrite H; eauto. }
    econstructor; econstructor; [econstructor|]; eauto.
    assert ((L (Sp R M)) [=] L) as Leq.
    { apply inter_subset_equal in H11. rewrite Speq. eauto. }
    rewrite pick_load_eq; eauto.
    + clear - H12. cset_tac.
    + rewrite subset_cardinal; eauto. clear - H12; cset_tac.
  - rename als into rlvF. rename alb into rlv_t. rename als0 into lvF. rename alb0 into lv_t.
    assert (Sp R [=] Sp) as Speq.
    { apply inter_subset_equal. rewrite H24. eauto. }
     assert (L (Sp R M) [=] L) as Leq
        by (apply inter_subset_equal in H25; rewrite Speq, H25; eauto).
    set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L ).
    set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (getAnn rlv_t)).
    set (Sp':= ((getAnn lv_t) K' \ M) (Sp R)).
    assert (L [=] L') as Leq'.
      symmetry. subst L'. eapply pick_load_eq; eauto.
      - clear; cset_tac.
      - rewrite subset_cardinal; eauto. clear; cset_tac.
    assert (K [=] K') as Keq.
      symmetry. subst K K'. rewrite pick_kill_eq.
      - rewrite Leq'. clear; cset_tac.
      - rewrite <-Leq'. rewrite subset_cardinal; eauto. clear; cset_tac.
    assert (Sp [=] Sp') as Speq'.
      subst Sp'. rewrite union_comm. setoid_rewrite Speq at 1. rewrite union_comm.
      symmetry. rewrite union_subset_equal; eauto. rewrite <-Keq.
      apply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H31; eauto.
      eapply live_min_incl_R in H42; eauto; [|clear;cset_tac].
      rewrite H42, H25. clear; cset_tac.
    assert (PIR2 _eq rms (stretch_rms k (fst F) rms (getAnn lvF))) as rms_eq.
      eapply stretch_rms_inv; eauto.
      - eauto with len.
    assert (PIR2 _eq rms (pair (getAnn rlvF) (snd rms))) as pir2_rlvF.
      eapply PIR2_get; [|eauto with len].
      intros. inv_get. rewrite surjective_pairing at 1. econstructor; eauto. apply incl_eq.
      - exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto. destruct x as [xx xy].
        eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H32; eauto.
        eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H6; eauto.
      - exploit H3; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto;
      subst L' Sp' K';
      set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L ) in *;
      set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (getAnn rlv_t)) in *;
      set (Sp':= ((getAnn lv_t) K' \ M) (Sp R)) in *; [econstructor| | |];
        [econstructor| | | |]; eauto.
    + eapply PIR2_eq in rms_eq; eauto.
    + rewrite !zip_length. rewrite stretch_rms_length; eauto with len.
    + intros. inv_get.
      exploit H36; eauto. exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto.
      eapply H2 with (Λ0:=pair (getAnn rlvF) (snd rms) ++ Λ); eauto.
      × eapply rlive_min_ext; eauto. eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
      × rewrite map_app. rewrite fst_zip_pair. reflexivity. eauto with len.
      × edestruct H13; eauto. dcr. rewrite H49. rewrite <-H35. cbn.
        apply incl_union_right. eapply incl_list_union; eauto.
        unfold merge. eapply get_PIR2 in rms_eq; eauto. rewrite rms_eq. reflexivity.
      × destruct x5 as [Rf Mf]. eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H48. cbn.
        eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H32; [|cbn;eauto |eapply H48]; eauto.
        rewrite H32.
        eapply get_PIR2 in rms_eq; eauto. rewrite <-rms_eq; cbn; eauto.
      × exploit H9; eauto. rewrite map_app. eapply live_sound_monotone.
        -- apply H49.
        -- apply PIR2_app; eauto. eapply PIR2_get; eauto; [|eauto with len].
           intros. inv_get. unfold merge. cbn.
           clear H22. exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto.
           destruct x7 as [Rf Mf]. eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H56.
           rewrite rlive_min_incl_R with (R:=Rf); eauto; cbn; eauto.
           eapply get_PIR2; eauto.
           ++ apply PIR2_Equal_Subset; eauto.
           ++ eapply map_get_eq; eauto.
      × eapply live_min_ext; eauto. eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
      × intros. decide (n0 length rms).
        -- eapply cardRf; eauto. eapply get_app_right_ge; [|eapply H49].
           assert (length rms = length (pair (getAnn rlvF) (snd rms))) by eauto with len.
        -- eapply get_app_lt_1 in H49.
           ++ inv_get. exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto. destruct x7 as [x61 x62].
              eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H52.
              eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H52; eauto; cbn; eauto.
              apply subset_cardinal in H52. rewrite H52.
              exploit H29; eauto.
           ++ assert (length rms = length (pair (getAnn rlvF) (snd rms))).
              { clear - H0 H28. eauto with len. }
      × eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
        eapply PIR2_get. intros. inv_get.
        -- exploit H17; eauto.
           eapply get_PIR2 in rms_eq; [|eauto|eauto]. destruct x' as [x'1 x'2].
           split; [| rewrite surjective_pairing in rms_eq at 1; invc rms_eq; eauto].
           apply incl_eq; destruct x2 as [x21 x22].
           ++ invc rms_eq. rewrite <-H60. exploit H3; eauto.
           ++ exploit H30; eauto.
              eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H57.
              eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H57; eauto; cbn; eauto. rewrite H57.
              invc rms_eq. rewrite H61. reflexivity.
        -- rewrite stretch_rms_length; eauto with len.
      × destruct x5 as [x11 x12].
        eapply spill_max_kill_ext' with (Λ:=rms ++ Λ); eauto.
        -- eapply PIR2_app; eauto. apply PIR2_sym; eauto.
        -- eapply spill_max_kill_ext; eauto;
             eapply get_PIR2 in rms_eq; eauto; rewrite <-rms_eq; cbn; eauto.
    + eapply IHrliveSnd with (Λ0:=pair (getAnn rlvF) (snd rms) ++ Λ); eauto.
      × eapply rlive_min_ext; eauto. eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
      × rewrite map_app. rewrite fst_zip_pair. reflexivity. eauto with len.
      × rewrite <-Leq', <-Speq', <-Keq. rewrite H25, H24.
        cbn in rm_ra. pe_rewrite. clear - rm_ra. cset_tac.
      × rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'. clear - H4 sub_R. cbn in sub_R. subst K. cset_tac.
      × rewrite map_app. eapply live_sound_monotone.
        -- apply H7.
        -- apply PIR2_app; eauto. eapply PIR2_get; eauto; [|eauto with len].
           intros. inv_get. unfold merge. cbn.
           clear H22. exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto.
           destruct x1 as [Rf Mf]. eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H32.
           rewrite rlive_min_incl_R with (R:=Rf); eauto; cbn; eauto.
           clear - H6 H5 H34. eapply get_PIR2; eauto.
           ++ apply PIR2_Equal_Subset; eauto.
           ++ eapply map_get_eq; eauto.
      × eapply live_min_ext; eauto. eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
      × intros. decide (n length rms).
        -- eapply cardRf; eauto. eapply get_app_right_ge; [|eapply H5].
           assert (length rms = length (pair (getAnn rlvF) (snd rms))) by eauto with len.
        -- eapply get_app_lt_1 in H5.
           ++ inv_get. exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto. destruct x1 as [x61 x62].
              eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H21.
              eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H21; eauto; cbn; eauto.
              apply subset_cardinal in H21. rewrite H21.
              exploit H29; eauto.
           ++ assert (length rms = length (pair (getAnn rlvF) (snd rms))).
              { clear - H0 H28. eauto with len. }
      × eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
        eapply PIR2_get. intros. inv_get.
        -- exploit H17; eauto.
           eapply get_PIR2 in rms_eq; [|eauto|eauto]. destruct x' as [x'1 x'2].
           split; [| rewrite surjective_pairing in rms_eq at 1; invc rms_eq; eauto].
           apply incl_eq; destruct x as [x21 x22].
           ++ invc rms_eq. rewrite <-H50. exploit H3; eauto.
           ++ exploit H30; eauto.
              eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H47.
              eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H47; eauto; cbn; eauto. rewrite H47.
              invc rms_eq. rewrite H51. reflexivity.
        -- rewrite stretch_rms_length; eauto with len.
      × eapply spill_max_kill_ext'; eauto. eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
        eapply PIR2_sym; eauto. eapply spill_max_kill_ext'; eauto.
        -- instantiate (1:=rms ++ Λ). eapply PIR2_app; eauto. apply PIR2_sym; eauto.
        -- eapply spill_max_kill_ext; [| |apply H31]; clear - Keq Leq' Speq'; cset_tac.