Require Import RepairSpill RLiveMin RLiveSound LiveMin SpillMaxKill.
Require Import SpillSound Annotation Liveness.Liveness RenamedApart.
Require Import List Map IL Take TakeSet OneOrEmpty AllInRel PickLK.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import SpillSound Annotation Liveness.Liveness RenamedApart.
Require Import List Map IL Take TakeSet OneOrEmpty AllInRel PickLK.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Lemma spill_max_kill_ext k ZL Λ R R' M M' s rlv sl :
R [=] R'
→ M [=] M'
→ spill_max_kill k ZL Λ (R , M ) s rlv sl
→ spill_max_kill k ZL Λ (R', M') s rlv sl
intros Req Meq spillKill.
general induction spillKill.
- econstructor; eauto; [| |eapply IHspillKill| | |];
try rewrite <-Req; try rewrite <-Meq; eauto; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto; try rewrite <-Req; try rewrite <-Meq; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto; [| | | |eapply IHspillKill1|eapply IHspillKill2];
try rewrite <-Req; try rewrite <-Meq; eauto; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto; try rewrite <-Req; try rewrite <-Meq; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto; [| | |eapply IHspillKill]; try rewrite <-Req; try rewrite <-Meq; eauto; eauto.
Lemma stretch_rms_inv F rms k lvF :
length F = length rms
→ (∀ n rm, get rms n rm → cardinal (fst rm) ≤ k)
→ PIR2 Equal (merge ⊝ rms) lvF
→ PIR2 _eq rms (stretch_rms k F rms lvF)
intros lenF card pir2.
general induction rms; destruct F; isabsurd; destruct lvF; isabsurd.
- unfold stretch_rms. eauto.
- unfold stretch_rms. destruct a as [Rf Mf].
assert (cardinal (Rf ∩ s) ≤ k).
rewrite subset_cardinal.
- eapply card. econstructor.
- cbn. clear; cset_tac.
cbn in pir2. invc pir2. unfold merge in pf. cbn in pf.
econstructor; [econstructor|].
+ rewrite set_take_eq; eauto. clear - pf.
symmetry. apply inter_subset_equal. cset_tac.
+ rewrite set_take_eq; eauto.
clear - pf. rewrite <- pf. apply incl_eq; cset_tac.
+ apply IHrms; eauto. intros. inv_get. exploit card; eauto. instantiate (1:=S n).
econstructor; eauto.
Lemma PIR2_eq (X:Type) `{OrderedType X} (L L' : list X) :
PIR2 _eq L L'
→ _eq L L'
intros. general induction H0; eauto.
econstructor; eauto.
Lemma PIR2_Equal_Subset (X:Type) `{OrderedType X} (L L' : list ⦃X⦄) :
PIR2 Equal L L' → PIR2 Subset L L'
intros pir2. eapply PIR2_get; eauto.
- intros. apply incl_set_left. eapply get_PIR2; eauto.
- eapply PIR2_length; eauto.
Lemma repair_spill_inv k ZL Λ Λ' s lv sl R M G ra rlv VD
: renamedApart s ra
→ rlive_min k ZL Λ G s sl rlv
→ rlive_sound ZL (fst ⊝ Λ) s sl rlv
→ R ∪ M ⊆ fst (getAnn ra)
→ getAnn rlv ⊆ R
→ live_sound Imperative ZL (merge ⊝ Λ) s lv
→ live_min k ZL Λ G s sl lv
→ spill_sound k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
→ (∀ Rf Mf n, get Λ n (Rf,Mf) → cardinal Rf ≤ k)
→ ann_R (fun x (y : ⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄) ⇒ (list_union (merge ⊝ snd x)) ⊆ fst y) sl ra
→ spill_live VD sl lv
→ PIR2 _eq Λ Λ'
→ sl === repair_spill k ZL Λ' R M s rlv lv sl
intros rena rliveMin rliveSnd rm_ra sub_R liveSnd liveMin spillSnd cardRf sl_ra spillLv Λeq.
eapply spill_sound_spill_max_kill with (R':=R) (M:=M) in spillSnd; eauto.
time (general induction rliveSnd; invc liveSnd; invc spillSnd; invc rliveMin; invc rena;
invc liveMin; invc spillLv; invc sl_ra). - cbn in sub_R.
assert (Sp ∩ R [=] Sp) as Speq by (apply inter_subset_equal; eauto).
assert (L ∩ (Sp ∩ R ∪ M) [=] L) as Leq
by (apply inter_subset_equal in H20; rewrite Speq, H20; eauto).
set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L (Exp.freeVars e)).
set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (Exp.freeVars e) (getAnn al)).
set (Kx':= pick_killx k (R \ K' ∪ L') (getAnn al)).
set (Sp':= (getAnn al0 ∩ (K' ∪ Kx') \ M ∪ (Sp ∩ R))).
assert (L [=] L') as Leq'.
symmetry. subst L'. eapply pick_load_eq; eauto.
- clear - H22. cset_tac.
- clear - H22 H24. rewrite H22, union_assoc, union_idem. eauto.
assert (K0 [=] K') as Keq.
{ subst K' K0. symmetry. rewrite Leq'. apply pick_kill_eq. rewrite <-Leq'. eauto. }
assert (Kx [=] Kx') as Kxeq.
symmetry. subst Kx Kx'. rewrite Keq, Leq'. apply pick_killx_eq. rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'.
decide (cardinal (R \ K0 ∪ L) = k).
- clear - H24 H25 e0 H7 rm_ra H20 H19.
assert (x ∉ R \ K0 ∪ L) as x_nin.
{ cbn in rm_ra. rewrite H20, H19, rm_ra. clear - rm_ra H7. cset_tac. }
rewrite add_cardinal_2 in H25; [| clear - x_nin; cset_tac]. rewrite e0.
rewrite cardinal_difference' in H25; [|clear;intros; intro N; cset_tac].
rewrite e0 in H25. omega.
- omega.
assert (Sp [=] Sp') as Speq'.
subst Sp'. rewrite union_comm. setoid_rewrite Speq at 1. rewrite union_comm.
symmetry. rewrite union_subset_equal; eauto. rewrite <-Keq.
apply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H21 as spillSnd.
eapply live_min_incl_R in H26; eauto; [|clear;cset_tac]. rewrite H26.
rewrite <-Kxeq.
assert (K0 ∪ Kx [=] (R ∪ L) ∩ (K0 ∪ Kx)) as seteq.
{ symmetry. rewrite meet_comm. apply inter_subset_equal. subst K0 Kx. clear; cset_tac. }
rewrite seteq.
assert (x ∉ (K0 ∪ Kx) \ L) as x_nin.
{ subst K0 Kx. clear - H2. cset_tac. }
rewrite H20. rewrite H20 in x_nin. clear - x_nin. cset_tac.
econstructor; [econstructor| ]; eauto; [econstructor | ]; eauto.
subst K' Kx' L' Sp'.
eapply IHrliveSnd; eauto;
set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L (Exp.freeVars e)) in *;
set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (Exp.freeVars e) (getAnn al)) in *;
set (Kx':= pick_killx k (R \ K' ∪ L') (getAnn al)) in *;
set (Sp':= (getAnn al0 ∩ (K' ∪ Kx') \ M ∪ (Sp ∩ R))) in ×.
+ pe_rewrite. rewrite <-Keq, <-Kxeq, <-Speq', <-Leq'. rewrite H20,H19.
clear - rm_ra. cset_tac.
+ rewrite <-Kxeq, <-Keq, <-Leq'. subst K0 Kx. rewrite minus_minus. rewrite <-minus_union.
rewrite minus_minus. setoid_rewrite <-sub_R at 1. clear - H1. cset_tac.
+ eapply spill_max_kill_ext; eauto; [|rewrite Speq';eauto]. rewrite Keq, Kxeq, Leq'. eauto.
- cbn in sub_R.
assert (Sp ∩ R [=] Sp) as Speq.
{ apply inter_subset_equal. rewrite H19. eauto. }
assert (L ∩ (Sp ∩ R ∪ M) [=] L) as Leq
by (apply inter_subset_equal in H23; rewrite Speq, H23; eauto).
set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L (Op.freeVars e)).
set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (Op.freeVars e) (getAnn al1 ∪ getAnn al2)).
set (Sp':= (getAnn al0 ∪ getAnn al3 ∩ K' \ M ∪ (Sp ∩ R))).
assert (L [=] L') as Leq'.
symmetry. subst L'. eapply pick_load_eq; eauto.
- clear - H24; cset_tac.
- rewrite H24, union_assoc, union_idem. eauto.
assert (K [=] K') as Keq.
symmetry. subst K K'. rewrite pick_kill_eq.
- rewrite Leq'. clear; cset_tac.
- rewrite <-Leq'. rewrite <-union_assoc. eauto.
assert (Sp [=] Sp') as Speq'.
subst Sp'. rewrite union_comm. setoid_rewrite Speq at 1. rewrite union_comm.
symmetry. rewrite union_subset_equal; eauto. rewrite <-Keq.
apply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H26 as spillSnd1.
apply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H27 as spillSnd2.
eapply live_min_incl_R in H31; eauto; [|clear;cset_tac]. rewrite H31.
eapply live_min_incl_R in H37; eauto; [|clear;cset_tac]. rewrite H37.
assert (K [=] R ∩ K) as seteq.
{ symmetry. rewrite meet_comm. apply inter_subset_equal. subst K. clear; cset_tac. }
rewrite seteq.
rewrite H23. clear. cset_tac.
econstructor; [econstructor| |]; eauto; [econstructor | |]; eauto;
subst L' K' Sp';
set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L (Op.freeVars e)) in *;
set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (Op.freeVars e) (getAnn al1 ∪ getAnn al2)) in *;
set (Sp':= (getAnn al0 ∪ getAnn al3 ∩ K' \ M ∪ (Sp ∩ R))) in ×.
+ eapply IHrliveSnd1; eauto.
× rewrite <-Speq', <-Leq', <-Keq. invc H18. cbn in ×. rewrite H21, H23, H19.
clear - rm_ra. cset_tac.
× rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'. rewrite <-sub_R. subst K. clear - H1; cset_tac.
× eapply spill_max_kill_ext; eauto; [|rewrite Speq';eauto].
rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'. eauto.
+ eapply IHrliveSnd2; eauto.
× rewrite <-Speq', <-Leq', <-Keq. invc H20. cbn in ×. rewrite H21, H23, H19.
clear - rm_ra. cset_tac.
× rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'. rewrite <-sub_R. subst K. clear - H2; cset_tac.
× eapply spill_max_kill_ext; eauto; [|rewrite Speq';eauto].
rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'. eauto.
- cbn in sub_R.
assert (Sp ∩ R [=] Sp) as Speq.
{ apply inter_subset_equal. rewrite H19. eauto. }
assert (L ∩ (Sp ∩ R ∪ M) [=] L) as Leq
by (apply inter_subset_equal in H22; rewrite Speq; eauto).
set (R_f':= fst (nth (counted l) Λ' (∅,∅))) in ×.
set (M_f':= snd (nth (counted l) Λ' (∅,∅))) in ×.
set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L (R_f' \ of_list Z)).
set (K' := pick_kill k R L' (R_f' \ of_list Z) (list_union (Op.freeVars ⊝ Y) ∩ R')).
set (R'':= (R' ∩ (R \ K' ∪ L')) ∩ list_union (Op.freeVars ⊝ Y)).
set (M'':= (list_union (Op.freeVars ⊝ Y) \ R'') ∪ (M' ∩ list_union (Op.freeVars ⊝ Y))).
set (Sp':= ((M'' ∪ (M_f' \ of_list Z)) ∩ (R \ M)) ∪ (Sp ∩ R)).
assert (R_f = fst (nth (counted l) Λ ({}, {}))) as Rfeq.
{ erewrite get_nth; eauto; cbn; eauto. }
assert (M_f = snd (nth (counted l) Λ ({}, {}))) as Mfeq.
{ erewrite get_nth; eauto; cbn; eauto. }
assert (R_f' [=] R_f) as Rfeq'.
subst R_f R_f'.
eapply PIR2_nth in Λeq as Λeq'; eauto.
destruct Λeq' as [[Rf' Mf'] [get_rmf rmf_eq]]. invc rmf_eq. rewrite H7.
erewrite get_nth; eauto; cbn; eauto.
assert (M_f' [=] M_f) as Mfeq'.
subst M_f M_f'.
eapply PIR2_nth in Λeq as Λeq'; eauto.
destruct Λeq' as [[Rf' Mf'] [get_rmf rmf_eq]]. invc rmf_eq. rewrite H16.
erewrite get_nth; eauto; cbn; eauto.
assert (L [=] L') as Leq'.
symmetry. subst L'. eapply pick_load_eq; eauto; rewrite Rfeq'.
- clear - H26; cset_tac.
- rewrite subset_cardinal; eauto. clear - H26; cset_tac.
assert (R' ⊆ list_union (Op.freeVars ⊝ Y)) as R'sub by (clear - H28; cset_tac).
assert (K [=] K') as Keq.
symmetry. subst K K'. rewrite pick_kill_eq; rewrite Rfeq'.
- rewrite Leq'. clear - R'sub. cset_tac.
- rewrite <-Leq'. rewrite subset_cardinal; eauto. clear; cset_tac.
assert (R' [=] R'') as R'eq.
subst R''. symmetry. rewrite meet_assoc. apply inter_subset_equal. clear - R'sub H29 Leq' Keq.
assert (M' ⊆ list_union (Op.freeVars ⊝ Y)) as M'sub by (clear - H28; cset_tac).
assert (M' [=] M'') as M'eq.
subst M''. symmetry. rewrite H28. rewrite <-R'eq. clear; cset_tac.
assert (Sp [=] Sp') as Speq'.
subst Sp'. rewrite union_comm. setoid_rewrite Speq at 1. rewrite union_comm.
symmetry. rewrite union_subset_equal; eauto. subst M''. rewrite Mfeq', H27.
rewrite <-R'eq. rewrite H28 at 1. rewrite H30. clear. cset_tac.
assert (Z = nth (counted l) ZL nil) as Zeq.
{ erewrite get_nth; eauto; cbn; eauto. }
econstructor; rewrite <-Zeq; subst R_f' M_f';
set (R_f':= fst (nth (counted l) Λ' (∅,∅))) in *;
set (M_f':= snd (nth (counted l) Λ' (∅,∅))) in *;
econstructor; eauto; [econstructor|];
[| |econstructor]; eauto; [|reflexivity]; econstructor.
+ erewrite get_nth; eauto. instantiate (1:=(R',M')); eauto.
+ erewrite get_nth; eauto. instantiate (1:=(R',M')); eauto.
- cbn in sub_R.
assert (Sp ∩ R [=] Sp) as Speq.
{ apply inter_subset_equal. rewrite H; eauto. }
econstructor; econstructor; [econstructor|]; eauto.
assert ((L ∩ (Sp ∩ R ∪ M)) [=] L) as Leq.
{ apply inter_subset_equal in H11. rewrite Speq. eauto. }
rewrite pick_load_eq; eauto.
+ clear - H12. cset_tac.
+ rewrite subset_cardinal; eauto. clear - H12; cset_tac.
- rename als into rlvF. rename alb into rlv_t. rename als0 into lvF. rename alb0 into lv_t.
assert (Sp ∩ R [=] Sp) as Speq.
{ apply inter_subset_equal. rewrite H24. eauto. }
assert (L ∩ (Sp ∩ R ∪ M) [=] L) as Leq
by (apply inter_subset_equal in H25; rewrite Speq, H25; eauto).
set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L ∅).
set (K' := pick_kill k R L' ∅ (getAnn rlv_t)).
set (Sp':= ((getAnn lv_t) ∩ K' \ M) ∪ (Sp ∩ R)).
assert (L [=] L') as Leq'.
symmetry. subst L'. eapply pick_load_eq; eauto.
- clear; cset_tac.
- rewrite subset_cardinal; eauto. clear; cset_tac.
assert (K [=] K') as Keq.
symmetry. subst K K'. rewrite pick_kill_eq.
- rewrite Leq'. clear; cset_tac.
- rewrite <-Leq'. rewrite subset_cardinal; eauto. clear; cset_tac.
assert (Sp [=] Sp') as Speq'.
subst Sp'. rewrite union_comm. setoid_rewrite Speq at 1. rewrite union_comm.
symmetry. rewrite union_subset_equal; eauto. rewrite <-Keq.
apply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H31; eauto.
eapply live_min_incl_R in H42; eauto; [|clear;cset_tac].
rewrite H42, H25. clear; cset_tac.
assert (PIR2 _eq rms (stretch_rms k (fst ⊝ F) rms (getAnn ⊝ lvF))) as rms_eq.
eapply stretch_rms_inv; eauto.
- eauto with len.
assert (PIR2 _eq rms (pair ⊜ (getAnn ⊝ rlvF) (snd ⊝ rms))) as pir2_rlvF.
eapply PIR2_get; [|eauto with len].
intros. inv_get. rewrite surjective_pairing at 1. econstructor; eauto. apply incl_eq.
- exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto. destruct x as [xx xy].
eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H32; eauto.
eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H6; eauto.
- exploit H3; eauto.
econstructor; eauto;
subst L' Sp' K';
set (L' := pick_load k R M Sp L ∅) in *;
set (K' := pick_kill k R L' ∅ (getAnn rlv_t)) in *;
set (Sp':= ((getAnn lv_t) ∩ K' \ M) ∪ (Sp ∩ R)) in *; [econstructor| | |];
[econstructor| | | |]; eauto.
+ eapply PIR2_eq in rms_eq; eauto.
+ rewrite !zip_length. rewrite stretch_rms_length; eauto with len.
+ intros. inv_get.
exploit H36; eauto. exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto.
eapply H2 with (Λ0:=pair ⊜ (getAnn ⊝ rlvF) (snd ⊝ rms) ++ Λ); eauto.
× eapply rlive_min_ext; eauto. eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
× rewrite map_app. rewrite fst_zip_pair. reflexivity. eauto with len.
× edestruct H13; eauto. dcr. rewrite H49. rewrite <-H35. cbn.
apply incl_union_right. eapply incl_list_union; eauto.
unfold merge. eapply get_PIR2 in rms_eq; eauto. rewrite rms_eq. reflexivity.
× destruct x5 as [Rf Mf]. eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H48. cbn.
eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H32; [|cbn;eauto |eapply H48]; eauto.
rewrite H32.
eapply get_PIR2 in rms_eq; eauto. rewrite <-rms_eq; cbn; eauto.
× exploit H9; eauto. rewrite map_app. eapply live_sound_monotone.
-- apply H49.
-- apply PIR2_app; eauto. eapply PIR2_get; eauto; [|eauto with len].
intros. inv_get. unfold merge. cbn.
clear H22. exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto.
destruct x7 as [Rf Mf]. eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H56.
rewrite rlive_min_incl_R with (R:=Rf); eauto; cbn; eauto.
eapply get_PIR2; eauto.
++ apply PIR2_Equal_Subset; eauto.
++ eapply map_get_eq; eauto.
× eapply live_min_ext; eauto. eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
× intros. decide (n0 ≥ length rms).
-- eapply cardRf; eauto. eapply get_app_right_ge; [|eapply H49].
assert (length rms = length (pair ⊜ (getAnn ⊝ rlvF) (snd ⊝ rms))) by eauto with len.
-- eapply get_app_lt_1 in H49.
++ inv_get. exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto. destruct x7 as [x61 x62].
eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H52.
eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H52; eauto; cbn; eauto.
apply subset_cardinal in H52. rewrite H52.
exploit H29; eauto.
++ assert (length rms = length (pair ⊜ (getAnn ⊝ rlvF) (snd ⊝ rms))).
{ clear - H0 H28. eauto with len. }
× eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
eapply PIR2_get. intros. inv_get.
-- exploit H17; eauto.
eapply get_PIR2 in rms_eq; [|eauto|eauto]. destruct x' as [x'1 x'2].
split; [| rewrite surjective_pairing in rms_eq at 1; invc rms_eq; eauto].
apply incl_eq; destruct x2 as [x21 x22].
++ invc rms_eq. rewrite <-H60. exploit H3; eauto.
++ exploit H30; eauto.
eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H57.
eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H57; eauto; cbn; eauto. rewrite H57.
invc rms_eq. rewrite H61. reflexivity.
-- rewrite stretch_rms_length; eauto with len.
× destruct x5 as [x11 x12].
eapply spill_max_kill_ext' with (Λ:=rms ++ Λ); eauto.
-- eapply PIR2_app; eauto. apply PIR2_sym; eauto.
-- eapply spill_max_kill_ext; eauto;
eapply get_PIR2 in rms_eq; eauto; rewrite <-rms_eq; cbn; eauto.
+ eapply IHrliveSnd with (Λ0:=pair ⊜ (getAnn ⊝ rlvF) (snd ⊝ rms) ++ Λ); eauto.
× eapply rlive_min_ext; eauto. eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
× rewrite map_app. rewrite fst_zip_pair. reflexivity. eauto with len.
× rewrite <-Leq', <-Speq', <-Keq. rewrite H25, H24.
cbn in rm_ra. pe_rewrite. clear - rm_ra. cset_tac.
× rewrite <-Keq, <-Leq'. clear - H4 sub_R. cbn in sub_R. subst K. cset_tac.
× rewrite map_app. eapply live_sound_monotone.
-- apply H7.
-- apply PIR2_app; eauto. eapply PIR2_get; eauto; [|eauto with len].
intros. inv_get. unfold merge. cbn.
clear H22. exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto.
destruct x1 as [Rf Mf]. eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H32.
rewrite rlive_min_incl_R with (R:=Rf); eauto; cbn; eauto.
clear - H6 H5 H34. eapply get_PIR2; eauto.
++ apply PIR2_Equal_Subset; eauto.
++ eapply map_get_eq; eauto.
× eapply live_min_ext; eauto. eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
× intros. decide (n ≥ length rms).
-- eapply cardRf; eauto. eapply get_app_right_ge; [|eapply H5].
assert (length rms = length (pair ⊜ (getAnn ⊝ rlvF) (snd ⊝ rms))) by eauto with len.
-- eapply get_app_lt_1 in H5.
++ inv_get. exploit H17; eauto. exploit H30; eauto. destruct x1 as [x61 x62].
eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H21.
eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H21; eauto; cbn; eauto.
apply subset_cardinal in H21. rewrite H21.
exploit H29; eauto.
++ assert (length rms = length (pair ⊜ (getAnn ⊝ rlvF) (snd ⊝ rms))).
{ clear - H0 H28. eauto with len. }
× eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
eapply PIR2_get. intros. inv_get.
-- exploit H17; eauto.
eapply get_PIR2 in rms_eq; [|eauto|eauto]. destruct x' as [x'1 x'2].
split; [| rewrite surjective_pairing in rms_eq at 1; invc rms_eq; eauto].
apply incl_eq; destruct x as [x21 x22].
++ invc rms_eq. rewrite <-H50. exploit H3; eauto.
++ exploit H30; eauto.
eapply spill_max_kill_spill_sound in H47.
eapply rlive_min_incl_R in H47; eauto; cbn; eauto. rewrite H47.
invc rms_eq. rewrite H51. reflexivity.
-- rewrite stretch_rms_length; eauto with len.
× eapply spill_max_kill_ext'; eauto. eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
eapply PIR2_sym; eauto. eapply spill_max_kill_ext'; eauto.
-- instantiate (1:=rms ++ Λ). eapply PIR2_app; eauto. apply PIR2_sym; eauto.
-- eapply spill_max_kill_ext; [| |apply H31]; clear - Keq Leq' Speq'; cset_tac.