Require Import List.
Require Export Util Get Drop Var Val Op Exp Env Map CSet AutoIndTac MoreList OptionMap.
Require Export Events SizeInduction SmallStepRelations StateType.
Require Import SetOperations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Export Util Get Drop Var Val Op Exp Env Map CSet AutoIndTac MoreList OptionMap.
Require Export Events SizeInduction SmallStepRelations StateType.
Require Import SetOperations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
... while params is the type of the list of formal parameters
Notation "'params'" := (list var) (at level 0).
Inductive stmt : Type :=
| stmtLet (x : var) (e: exp) (s : stmt) : stmt
| stmtIf (e : op) (s : stmt) (t : stmt) : stmt
| stmtApp (l : lab) (Y:args) : stmt
| stmtReturn (e : op) : stmt
| stmtFun (F:list (params × stmt)) (t : stmt) : stmt.
Instance Stmt_size : Size stmt. gen_Size. Defined.
Inductive stmt : Type :=
| stmtLet (x : var) (e: exp) (s : stmt) : stmt
| stmtIf (e : op) (s : stmt) (t : stmt) : stmt
| stmtApp (l : lab) (Y:args) : stmt
| stmtReturn (e : op) : stmt
| stmtFun (F:list (params × stmt)) (t : stmt) : stmt.
Instance Stmt_size : Size stmt. gen_Size. Defined.
Fixpoint freeVars (s:stmt) : set var :=
match s with
| stmtLet x e s0 ⇒ (freeVars s0 \ singleton x) ∪ Exp.freeVars e
| stmtIf e s1 s2 ⇒ freeVars s1 ∪ freeVars s2 ∪ Op.freeVars e
| stmtApp l Y ⇒ list_union ( Op.freeVars Y)
| stmtReturn e ⇒ Op.freeVars e
| stmtFun s t ⇒
list_union ( (fun f ⇒ (freeVars (snd f) \ of_list (fst f))) s) ∪ freeVars t
Fixpoint definedVars (s:stmt) : set var :=
match s with
| stmtLet x e s0 ⇒ {x; definedVars s0}
| stmtIf e s1 s2 ⇒ definedVars s1 ∪ definedVars s2
| stmtApp l Y ⇒ ∅
| stmtReturn e ⇒ ∅
| stmtFun s t ⇒
list_union ( (fun f ⇒ (definedVars (snd f) ∪ of_list (fst f))) s) ∪ definedVars t
Fixpoint occurVars (s:stmt) : set var :=
match s with
| stmtLet x e s0 ⇒ {x; occurVars s0} ∪ Exp.freeVars e
| stmtIf e s1 s2 ⇒ occurVars s1 ∪ occurVars s2 ∪ Op.freeVars e
| stmtApp l Y ⇒ list_union ( Op.freeVars Y)
| stmtReturn e ⇒ Op.freeVars e
| stmtFun s t ⇒
list_union ( (fun f ⇒ (occurVars (snd f) ∪ of_list (fst f))) s) ∪ occurVars t
Lemma freeVars_occurVars s
: freeVars s ⊆ occurVars s.
sind s; destruct s; simpl in × |- *; repeat rewrite IH; eauto.
- cset_tac.
- rewrite list_union_f_incl. reflexivity.
intros. destruct y; simpl.
rewrite IH; cset_tac; intuition; eauto.
Lemma occurVars_freeVars_definedVars s
: occurVars s [=] freeVars s ∪ definedVars s.
sind s; destruct s; simpl in × |- *; eauto with cset.
- rewrite IH; eauto.
clear_all; cset_tac.
decide (x === a); eauto.
- repeat rewrite IH; eauto.
clear_all; cset_tac.
- cset_tac.
- cset_tac.
- rewrite IH; eauto.
repeat setoid_rewrite union_assoc at 1.
setoid_rewrite union_comm at 5.
repeat setoid_rewrite <- union_assoc.
erewrite list_union_f_union.
rewrite list_union_f_eq. cset_tac.
simpl. intros. rewrite IH; eauto.
clear_all; cset_tac. simpl in ×.
decide (a ∈ of_list a0); eauto.
Lemma definedVars_occurVars s
: definedVars s ⊆ occurVars s.
sind s; destruct s; simpl in × |- *; eauto with cset.
- rewrite IH; cset_tac.
- rewrite IH, list_union_f_incl; eauto. reflexivity.
intros. destruct y; simpl. rewrite IH; cset_tac.
Module F.
Inductive block : Type :=
blockI {
block_E : onv val;
block_Z : params;
block_s : stmt;
block_n : nat
Definition labenv := list block.
Definition state : Type := (labenv × onv val × stmt)%type.
Definition mkBlock E n f :=
blockI E (fst f) (snd f) n.
Inductive step : state → event → state → Prop :=
| StepLet L E x e b v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
: step (L, E, stmtLet x (Operation e) b) EvtTau (L, E[x<-Some v], b)
| StepExtern L E x f Y s vl v
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
: step (L, E, stmtLet x (Call f Y) s)
(EvtExtern (ExternI f vl v))
(L, E[x <- Some v], s)
| StepIfT L E
e (b1 b2 : stmt) v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condTrue: val2bool v = true)
: step (L, E, stmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b1)
| StepIfF L E
e (b1 b2:stmt) v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condFalse: val2bool v = false)
: step (L, E, stmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b2)
| StepGoto L E (l:lab) Y blk vl
(Ldef:get L l blk)
(len:length (block_Z blk) = length Y)
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl) E'
(updOk:(block_E blk) [block_Z blk <-- Some vl] = E')
: step (L, E, stmtApp l Y)
(drop (l - block_n blk) L, E', block_s blk)
| StepFun L E
F (t:stmt)
: step (L, E, stmtFun F t) EvtTau ((mapi (mkBlock E) F ++ L)%list, E, t).
Lemma step_internally_deterministic
: internally_deterministic step.
hnf; intros.
inv H; inv H0; split; eauto; try get_functional; try congruence.
Lemma step_externally_determined
: externally_determined step.
hnf; intros.
inv H; inv H0; eauto; try get_functional; try congruence.
Lemma step_dec
: reddec2 step.
hnf; intros. destruct x as [[L V] []].
- destruct e.
+ case_eq (op_eval V e); intros. left. do 2 eexists. eauto 20 using step.
right. stuck.
+ case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
left; eexists (EvtExtern (ExternI f l (default_val))). eexists; eauto using step.
- case_eq (op_eval V e); intros.
left. case_eq (val2bool v); intros; do 2 eexists; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
- destruct (get_dec L l) as [[blk A]|?]; [ | right; stuck2 ].
decide (length (block_Z blk) = length Y); [ | right; stuck2 ].
case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; [ | right; stuck2 ].
left. do 2 eexists. econstructor; eauto.
- right; stuck.
- left. eexists. eauto using step.
Lemma StepGoto_mapi L blk Y E E'' vl (f:lab) F k
(Ldef:get L (f - ❬F❭) blk)
(len:length (F.block_Z blk) = length Y)
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl) E'
(updOk:F.block_E blk [F.block_Z blk <-- Some vl] = E')
(ST:f - block_n blk ≥ ❬mapi (F.mkBlock E'') F❭) (GE: f ≥ ❬F❭) (EQ:k = f - ❬F❭ - block_n blk)
: F.step (mapi (F.mkBlock E'') F ++ L, E, stmtApp f Y) EvtTau
(drop k L,
E', F.block_s blk).
rewrite <- (mapi_length (F.mkBlock E'')).
orewrite (f - ❬mapi (F.mkBlock E'') F❭ - block_n blk
= (f - block_n blk) - ❬mapi (F.mkBlock E'') F❭).
rewrite <- (drop_app_gen _ (mapi (F.mkBlock E'') F)); eauto.
eapply F.StepGoto; eauto.
rewrite get_app_ge. rewrite mapi_length. eauto. omega.
End F.
Inductive block : Type :=
blockI {
block_E : onv val;
block_Z : params;
block_s : stmt;
block_n : nat
Definition labenv := list block.
Definition state : Type := (labenv × onv val × stmt)%type.
Definition mkBlock E n f :=
blockI E (fst f) (snd f) n.
Inductive step : state → event → state → Prop :=
| StepLet L E x e b v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
: step (L, E, stmtLet x (Operation e) b) EvtTau (L, E[x<-Some v], b)
| StepExtern L E x f Y s vl v
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
: step (L, E, stmtLet x (Call f Y) s)
(EvtExtern (ExternI f vl v))
(L, E[x <- Some v], s)
| StepIfT L E
e (b1 b2 : stmt) v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condTrue: val2bool v = true)
: step (L, E, stmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b1)
| StepIfF L E
e (b1 b2:stmt) v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condFalse: val2bool v = false)
: step (L, E, stmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b2)
| StepGoto L E (l:lab) Y blk vl
(Ldef:get L l blk)
(len:length (block_Z blk) = length Y)
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl) E'
(updOk:(block_E blk) [block_Z blk <-- Some vl] = E')
: step (L, E, stmtApp l Y)
(drop (l - block_n blk) L, E', block_s blk)
| StepFun L E
F (t:stmt)
: step (L, E, stmtFun F t) EvtTau ((mapi (mkBlock E) F ++ L)%list, E, t).
Lemma step_internally_deterministic
: internally_deterministic step.
hnf; intros.
inv H; inv H0; split; eauto; try get_functional; try congruence.
Lemma step_externally_determined
: externally_determined step.
hnf; intros.
inv H; inv H0; eauto; try get_functional; try congruence.
Lemma step_dec
: reddec2 step.
hnf; intros. destruct x as [[L V] []].
- destruct e.
+ case_eq (op_eval V e); intros. left. do 2 eexists. eauto 20 using step.
right. stuck.
+ case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
left; eexists (EvtExtern (ExternI f l (default_val))). eexists; eauto using step.
- case_eq (op_eval V e); intros.
left. case_eq (val2bool v); intros; do 2 eexists; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
- destruct (get_dec L l) as [[blk A]|?]; [ | right; stuck2 ].
decide (length (block_Z blk) = length Y); [ | right; stuck2 ].
case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; [ | right; stuck2 ].
left. do 2 eexists. econstructor; eauto.
- right; stuck.
- left. eexists. eauto using step.
Lemma StepGoto_mapi L blk Y E E'' vl (f:lab) F k
(Ldef:get L (f - ❬F❭) blk)
(len:length (F.block_Z blk) = length Y)
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl) E'
(updOk:F.block_E blk [F.block_Z blk <-- Some vl] = E')
(ST:f - block_n blk ≥ ❬mapi (F.mkBlock E'') F❭) (GE: f ≥ ❬F❭) (EQ:k = f - ❬F❭ - block_n blk)
: F.step (mapi (F.mkBlock E'') F ++ L, E, stmtApp f Y) EvtTau
(drop k L,
E', F.block_s blk).
rewrite <- (mapi_length (F.mkBlock E'')).
orewrite (f - ❬mapi (F.mkBlock E'') F❭ - block_n blk
= (f - block_n blk) - ❬mapi (F.mkBlock E'') F❭).
rewrite <- (drop_app_gen _ (mapi (F.mkBlock E'') F)); eauto.
eapply F.StepGoto; eauto.
rewrite get_app_ge. rewrite mapi_length. eauto. omega.
End F.
Module I.
Inductive block : Type :=
blockI {
block_Z : params;
block_s : stmt;
block_n : nat
Definition labenv := list block.
Definition state : Type := (labenv × onv val × stmt)%type.
Definition mkBlock n f := blockI (fst f) (snd f) n.
Inductive step : state → event → state → Prop :=
| StepLet L E x e b v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
: step (L, E, stmtLet x (Operation e) b) EvtTau (L, E[x<-Some v], b)
| StepExtern L E x f Y s vl v
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
: step (L, E, stmtLet x (Call f Y) s)
(EvtExtern (ExternI f vl v))
(L, E[x <- Some v], s)
| StepIfT L E
e (b1 b2 : stmt) v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condTrue: val2bool v = true)
: step (L, E, stmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b1)
| StepIfF L E
e (b1 b2:stmt) v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condFalse: val2bool v = false)
: step (L, E, stmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b2)
| StepGoto L E (l:lab) Y blk vl
(Ldef:get L l blk)
(len:length (block_Z blk) = length Y)
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl) E'
(updOk:E[block_Z blk <-- Some vl] = E')
: step (L, E, stmtApp l Y)
(drop (l - block_n blk) L, E', block_s blk)
| StepFun L E
s (t:stmt)
: step (L, E, stmtFun s t) EvtTau ((mapi mkBlock s ++ L)%list, E, t).
Lemma step_internally_deterministic
: internally_deterministic step.
hnf; intros.
inv H; inv H0; split; eauto; try get_functional; try congruence.
Lemma step_externally_determined
: externally_determined step.
hnf; intros.
inv H; inv H0; eauto; try get_functional; try congruence.
Lemma step_dec
: reddec2 step.
hnf; intros. destruct x as [[L V] []].
- destruct e.
+ case_eq (op_eval V e); intros. left. do 2 eexists. eauto 20 using step.
right. stuck.
+ case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
left; eexists (EvtExtern (ExternI f l default_val)). eexists; eauto using step.
- case_eq (op_eval V e); intros.
left. case_eq (val2bool v); intros; do 2 eexists; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
- destruct (get_dec L l) as [[blk A]|?]; [| right; stuck2].
decide (length (block_Z blk) = length Y); [| right; stuck2].
case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; [| right; stuck2].
left. do 2 eexists. econstructor; eauto.
- right. stuck2.
- left. eexists. eauto using step.
Lemma StepGoto_mapi L blk Y E vl (f:lab) F k
(Ldef:get L (f - ❬F❭) blk)
(len:length (I.block_Z blk) = length Y)
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl) E'
(updOk:E [I.block_Z blk <-- Some vl] = E')
(ST:f - block_n blk ≥ ❬mapi I.mkBlock F❭)
(GE:f ≥ ❬F❭) (EQ:k = f - ❬F❭ - block_n blk)
: I.step (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L, E, stmtApp f Y) EvtTau
(drop k L,
E', I.block_s blk).
rewrite <- (mapi_length I.mkBlock).
orewrite (f - ❬mapi I.mkBlock F❭ - block_n blk
= (f - block_n blk) - ❬mapi I.mkBlock F❭).
rewrite <- (drop_app_gen _ (mapi I.mkBlock F)); eauto.
eapply I.StepGoto; eauto.
rewrite get_app_ge. rewrite mapi_length. eauto. omega.
End I.
Definition state_result X (s:X×onv val×stmt) : option val :=
match s with
| (_, E, stmtReturn e) ⇒ op_eval E e
| _ ⇒ None
Instance statetype_F : StateType F.state := {
step := F.step;
result := (@state_result F.labenv);
step_dec := F.step_dec;
step_internally_deterministic := F.step_internally_deterministic;
step_externally_determined := F.step_externally_determined
Instance statetype_I : StateType I.state := {
step := I.step;
result := (@state_result I.labenv);
step_dec := I.step_dec;
step_internally_deterministic := I.step_internally_deterministic;
step_externally_determined := I.step_externally_determined
Ltac single_step :=
match goal with
| [ H : agree_on _ ?E ?E', I : val2bool (?E ?x) = true |- step (_, ?E', stmtIf ?x _ _) _ ] ⇒
econstructor; eauto; rewrite <- H; eauto; cset_tac; intuition
| [ H : agree_on _ ?E ?E', I : val2bool (?E ?x) = false |- step (_, ?E', stmtIf ?x _ _) _ ] ⇒
econstructor 3; eauto; rewrite <- H; eauto; cset_tac; intuition
| [ H : val2bool _ = false |- _ ] ⇒ econstructor 4; try eassumption; try reflexivity
| [ H : val2bool _ = true |- _ ] ⇒ econstructor 3; try eassumption; try reflexivity
| [ H : step (?L, _ , stmtApp ?l _) _, H': get ?L (counted ?l) _ |- _] ⇒
econstructor; try eapply H'; eauto
| [ H': get ?L (counted ?l) _ |- step (?L, _ , stmtApp ?l _) _] ⇒
econstructor; try eapply H'; eauto
| _ ⇒ econstructor; eauto
Lemma ZL_mapi F L
: I.block_Z ⊝ (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) = fst ⊝ F ++ I.block_Z ⊝ L.
rewrite List.map_app. rewrite map_mapi. unfold mapi.
erewrite <- mapi_map_ext; [ reflexivity | simpl; reflexivity].
Hint Extern 1 ⇒
match goal with
| [ |- context [ I.block_Z ⊝ (mapi I.mkBlock ?F ++ ?L) ] ] ⇒
rewrite (ZL_mapi F L)
| [ |- context [ pair ⊜ (?A ++ ?B) (?C ++ ?D) ] ] ⇒
rewrite (zip_app pair A C B D);
[| eauto with len]
Inductive noFun : stmt→Prop :=
| NoFunLet x e s :
noFun s
→ noFun (stmtLet x (Operation e) s)
| NoFunIf e s t :
noFun s
→ noFun t
→ noFun (stmtIf e s t)
| NoFunCall l Y :
noFun (stmtApp l Y)
| NoFunExp e :
noFun (stmtReturn e).
Inductive notApp : stmt → Prop :=
| NotAppLet x e s : notApp (stmtLet x e s)
| NotAppIf e s t : notApp (stmtIf e s t)
| NotAppReturn e : notApp (stmtReturn e)
| NotFun F t : notApp (stmtFun F t).