Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List Omega Morphisms FinFun.
Import ListNotations.
From HOU.calculus Require Export semantics typing.
Require Import calculus.order.

Terms Extension

Notation "sigma •₊ A" := (map (subst_exp sigma) A) (at level 69).
Notation renL delta A := (map (ren delta) A).
Notation Vars := (flat_map vars).

Lemma tab_subst {X} sigma (f: nat -> exp X) n:
  sigma •₊ tab f n = tab (f >> subst_exp sigma) n.
  induction n; cbn; simplify; cbn; rewrite ?IHn; reflexivity.

Section TermsExtension.

  Context {X: Const}.
  Implicit Types (s t: exp X) (n m: nat) (Gamma Delta: ctx) (A B: type)
           (sigma tau: fin -> exp X) (delta xi: fin -> fin)
           (S T: list (exp X)) (L: list type).


  Reserved Notation "Gamma ⊢₊ A : L" (at level 80, A at level 99).

  Inductive listtyping Gamma : list (exp X) -> list type -> Prop :=
  | listtyping_nil: Gamma ⊢₊ nil : nil
  | listtyping_cons s S A L:
      Gamma s : A -> Gamma ⊢₊ S : L -> Gamma ⊢₊ s :: S : A :: L
  where "Gamma ⊢₊ A : L" := (listtyping Gamma A L).

  Hint Constructors listtyping.

  Reserved Notation "Gamma ⊢₊( n ) A : L" (at level 80, A at level 99).

  Inductive orderlisttyping n Gamma: list (exp X) -> list type -> Prop :=
  | orderlisttyping_nil: Gamma ⊢₊(n) nil : nil
  | orderlisttyping_cons s S A L:
      Gamma ⊢(n) s : A -> Gamma ⊢₊(n) S : L -> Gamma ⊢₊(n) s :: S : A :: L
  where "Gamma ⊢₊( n ) A : L" := (orderlisttyping n Gamma A L).

  Hint Constructors orderlisttyping.

  Section ListTypingProperties.
    Lemma listtyping_app Gamma S1 S2 L1 L2:
      Gamma ⊢₊ S1 : L1 -> Gamma ⊢₊ S2 : L2 -> Gamma ⊢₊ S1 ++ S2 : L1 ++ L2.
      induction 1; cbn; eauto.

    Lemma orderlisttyping_app n Gamma S1 S2 L1 L2:
      Gamma ⊢₊(n) S1 : L1 -> Gamma ⊢₊(n) S2 : L2 -> Gamma ⊢₊(n) S1 ++ S2 : L1 ++ L2.
      induction 1; cbn; eauto.

    Lemma Vars_listtyping x Gamma S L:
      Gamma ⊢₊ S : L -> x Vars S -> x dom Gamma.
      induction 1; cbn; simplify; intuition eauto using typing_variables.

    Lemma Vars_listordertyping x n Gamma S L:
      Gamma ⊢₊(n) S : L -> x Vars S -> exists A, nth Gamma x = Some A /\ ord A <= n.
      induction 1; cbn; simplify; intuition eauto using vars_ordertyping.

    Lemma repeated_typing Gamma S A:
      (forall s, s S -> Gamma s : A) ->
      forall n, n = length S -> Gamma ⊢₊ S : repeat A n.
      induction S; cbn; intros; subst; cbn;eauto.

    Lemma repeated_ordertyping n Gamma S A:
      (forall s, s S -> Gamma ⊢(n) s : A) ->
      forall m, m = length S -> Gamma ⊢₊(n) S : repeat A m.
      induction S; cbn; intros; subst; cbn; eauto.

    Lemma map_var_typing n Gamma N L:
      N dom Gamma -> select N Gamma = L ->
      ord' L <= n -> Gamma ⊢₊(n) map var N : L.
      induction N in L |-*; cbn; intuition.
      - destruct L; try discriminate; intuition.
      - specialize (H a) as H'; mp H'; intuition; domin H'.
        rewrite H' in H0. subst. econstructor.
        all: cbn in H1; simplify in H1; intuition.
        eapply IHN; eauto; lauto.

    Lemma var_typing n Gamma:
      ord' Gamma <= n -> Gamma ⊩(n) @var X : Gamma.
      intros ????; econstructor; eauto;
        eapply ord'_elements; eauto using nth_error_In.

    Lemma const_ordertyping_list Gamma n Cs:
      ord' (map (ctype X) Cs) <= S n ->
      Gamma ⊢₊(n) map const Cs : map (ctype X) Cs.
      induction Cs; cbn; eauto.
      intros H; simplify in H; intuition; econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma listtyping_preservation_under_renaming delta Gamma Delta S L:
      Gamma ⊢₊ S : L -> Delta delta : Gamma -> Delta ⊢₊ renL delta S : L.
      intros H1 H2; induction H1; cbn; eauto.

    Lemma orderlisttyping_preservation_under_renaming n delta Gamma Delta S L:
      Gamma ⊢₊(n) S : L -> Delta delta : Gamma -> Delta ⊢₊(n) renL delta S : L.
      intros H1 H2; induction H1; cbn; eauto.

    Lemma orderlisttyping_preservation_under_substitution Gamma n S L Delta sigma:
      Gamma ⊢₊(n) S : L -> Delta ⊩(n) sigma : Gamma -> Delta ⊢₊(n) sigma •₊ S : L.
      induction 1; cbn; eauto.

    Lemma orderlisttyping_element Gamma n S L:
      Gamma ⊢₊(n) S : L -> forall s, s S -> exists A, Gamma ⊢(n) s : A /\ A L.
      induction 1; cbn; intros; intuition; subst.
      eexists; intuition; eauto.
      edestruct IHorderlisttyping; eauto; intuition;
        eexists; split; eauto.

  End ListTypingProperties.


  Notation "S >₊ T" := (lstep step S T) (at level 60).
  Notation "S >₊* T" := (star (lstep step) S T) (at level 60).
  Notation "S ≡₊ T" := (equiv (lstep step) S T) (at level 60).

  Section ListSemanticProperties.
    Lemma list_equiv_ren delta S T:
      S ≡₊ T -> renL delta S ≡₊ renL delta T.
      intros; pattern S, T; eapply list_equiv_ind; eauto.
      intros s t S' T' H1 H2 IH; cbn; now rewrite H1, IH.

    Lemma list_equiv_subst sigma S T:
      S ≡₊ T -> (sigma •₊ S) ≡₊ (sigma •₊ T).
      intros; pattern S, T; eapply list_equiv_ind; eauto.
      intros s t S' T' H1 H2 IH; cbn; now rewrite H1, IH.

    Lemma list_equiv_anti_ren delta (S T: list (exp X)):
      Injective delta -> renL delta S ≡₊ renL delta T -> S ≡₊ T.
      intros In. remember (renL delta S) as S'. remember (renL delta T) as T'.
      intros H; revert S T HeqS' HeqT'; pattern S', T'.
      eapply list_equiv_ind; eauto.
      all: intros.
      - destruct S, T; try discriminate. reflexivity.
      - destruct S0, T0; try discriminate.
        injection HeqS' as ??; injection HeqT' as ??; subst.
        eapply equiv_lstep_cons_proper; eauto.
        eapply equiv_anti_ren; eauto.

    Global Instance list_ren_proper delta:
      Proper (equiv (lstep step) ++> equiv (lstep (@step X))) (map (ren delta)).
      intros ??; now eapply list_equiv_ren.

    Global Instance list_subst_proper sigma:
      Proper (equiv (lstep step) ++> equiv (lstep (@step X))) (map (subst_exp sigma)).
      intros ??; now eapply list_equiv_subst.

  End ListSemanticProperties.

Big Arrow

  Section ArrowProperties.

    Fixpoint Arr (B: list type) (A: type) :=
      match B with
      | nil => A
      | A' :: B => A' (Arr B A)

    Lemma Arr_app L1 L2 A:
      Arr (L1 ++ L2) A = Arr L1 (Arr L2 A).
      induction L1; cbn; congruence.

    Lemma arity_Arr L A: arity (Arr L A) = length L + arity A.
    Proof. induction L; cbn; congruence. Qed.

    Lemma Arr_inversion L1 L2 A1 A2:
      length L1 <= length L2 ->
      Arr L1 A1 = Arr L2 A2 -> exists L, L2 = L1 ++ L /\ A1 = Arr L A2.
      induction L1 in L2, A1, A2 |-*; cbn.
      - intros _. exists L2. intuition.
      - destruct L2. inversion 1.
        intros H H1. cbn in H. eapply le_S_n in H.
        injection H1 as ??. subst. edestruct IHL1; eauto.
        intuition. exists x; intuition. f_equal; eauto.

    Lemma type_decompose:
      forall A, exists L beta, A = Arr L (typevar beta).
      induction A; cbn.
      - exists nil; exists n. reflexivity.
      - destruct IHA2 as (L & beta & H). subst.
        exists (A1 :: L); exists beta. reflexivity.

    Lemma target_ord A: ord (target A) = 1.
      induction A; cbn; congruence.

    Lemma arity_decomposed L beta:
      arity (Arr L (typevar beta)) = length L.
      induction L; cbn; congruence.

    Lemma Arr_left_injective L1 L2 A:
      Arr L1 A = Arr L2 A -> L1 = L2.
      destruct (le_ge_dec (length L1) (length L2)); intros H; [|symmetry in H].
      all: eapply Arr_inversion in H as [L3]; eauto; intuition.
      all: destruct L3; simplify in *; eauto.
      all: eapply (f_equal arity) in H1; cbn in H1; rewrite arity_Arr in H1.
      all: omega.

    Lemma ord_Arr L A: ord (Arr L A) = max (1 + ord' L) (ord A).
      induction L; cbn -[max].
      symmetry; eapply Nat.max_r. eapply ord_1.
      rewrite IHL, Nat.max_assoc.
      cbn [plus]. reflexivity.

    Lemma target_Arr L A: target (Arr L A) = target A.
      induction L; cbn; congruence.

    Lemma ord_repeated n A: ord' (repeat A n) <= ord A.
      induction n; cbn; eauto.

  End ArrowProperties.

  Hint Rewrite ord'_app ord_Arr ord_repeated : simplify.

  Hint Rewrite ord_Arr target_Arr target_ord : simplify.

List Abstraction and Application

  Fixpoint Lambda (n: nat) (s: exp X) :=
    match n with
    | 0 => s
    | S n => lambda (Lambda n s)

  Fixpoint AppR (e: exp X) (A: list (exp X)) :=
    match A with
    | nil => e
    | e' :: A => AppR e A e'

  Fixpoint AppL (A: list (exp X)) (e: exp X) :=
    match A with
    | nil => e
    | e' :: A => e' (AppL A e)

  Lemma Lambda_plus (n m: nat) s:
    Lambda n (Lambda m s) = Lambda (n + m) s.
    induction n; cbn; congruence.

  Lemma Lambda_injective n (s t: exp X):
    Lambda n s = Lambda n t -> s = t.
    induction n; cbn; intuition; eapply IHn; congruence.

  Lemma AppL_app S1 S2 t:
    AppL (S1 ++ S2) t = AppL S1 (AppL S2 t).
    revert S2 t; induction S1; cbn; congruence.

  Lemma AppR_app T1 T2 s:
    AppR s (T1 ++ T2) = AppR (AppR s T2) T1.
    revert T2 s; induction T1; cbn; congruence.

  Lemma AppR_vars s T:
    vars (AppR s T) === vars s ++ Vars T.
    induction T; cbn; simplify; lauto.
    rewrite IHT, <-app_assoc; eapply proper_app_seteq; lauto.
    eauto using app_comm.

  Lemma AppR_head s T: head (AppR s T) = head s.
    induction T in s |-*; cbn ; eauto; now rewrite IHA.

  Hint Rewrite AppR_head : simplify.

Substitutions and Renaming

  Section ListOperatorsSubstitutionRenaming.

    Lemma Lambda_ren delta n s:
      ren delta (Lambda n s) = Lambda n (ren (it n up_ren delta) s).
      induction n in delta |-*; cbn; eauto.
      rewrite IHn. do 3 f_equal.
      symmetry. eapply it_commute.

    Lemma Lambda_subst sigma n s:
      sigma (Lambda n s) = Lambda n (it n up sigma s).
      induction n in sigma |-*; cbn; eauto.
      rewrite IHn; do 3 f_equal.
      symmetry. eapply it_commute.

    Lemma AppL_ren delta S t:
      ren delta (AppL S t) = AppL (renL delta S) (ren delta t).
      induction S; cbn; congruence.

    Lemma AppL_subst sigma S t:
      sigma AppL S t = AppL (sigma •₊ S) (sigma t).
      induction S; cbn; congruence.

    Lemma AppR_ren delta s T:
      ren delta (AppR s T) = AppR (ren delta s) (renL delta T) .
      induction T; cbn; congruence.

    Lemma AppR_subst sigma s T:
      sigma AppR s T = AppR (sigma s) (sigma •₊ T).
      induction T; cbn; congruence.

  End ListOperatorsSubstitutionRenaming.

Compatibility Properties

  Section ListOperatorsCompatibilityProperties.

    Global Instance Lambda_step_proper k:
      Proper (step ++> step) (Lambda k).
      induction k; cbn; intros ??; eauto.

    Global Instance AppR_step_proper:
      Proper (step ++> eq ++> step) AppR.
      intros s t ? ? A ->.
      induction A in s, t, H |-*; cbn; eauto.

    Global Instance AppR_lstep_proper:
      Proper (eq ++> lstep step ++> step) AppR.
      intros ? ? -> ? ? H.
      induction H in y |-*; cbn; eauto.

    Global Instance AppL_step_proper:
      Proper (eq ++> step ++> step) AppL.
      intros ? A -> s t H.
      induction A in s, t, H |-*; cbn; eauto.

    Global Instance AppL_lstep_proper:
      Proper (lstep step ++> eq ++> step) AppL.
      intros ? ? H ? t ->.
      induction H in t |-*; cbn; eauto.

    Global Instance Lambda_steps_proper k:
      Proper (star step ++> star step) (Lambda k).
      induction 1; eauto; now rewrite H.

    Global Instance AppL_proper:
      Proper (star (lstep step) ++> star step ++> star step) AppL.
      intros ? ?. induction 1.
      - intros ? ? ?. induction H; cbn; eauto.
        rewrite <-IHstar.
        econstructor 2; eauto; eapply AppL_step_proper; eauto.
      - intros ? ? ?. rewrite H. specialize (IHstar _ _ H1).
        now rewrite IHstar.

    Global Instance AppR_proper:
      Proper (star step ++> star (lstep step) ++> star step) AppR.
      intros ? ?. induction 1.
      - intros ? ? ?. induction H; cbn; eauto.
        rewrite <-IHstar.
        econstructor 2; eauto; eapply AppR_lstep_proper; eauto.
      - intros ? ? ?. rewrite H. specialize (IHstar _ _ H1).
        now rewrite IHstar.

    Global Instance Lambda_equiv_proper n:
      Proper (equiv step ++> equiv step) (Lambda n).
      intros ? ? ?; induction n; cbn; eauto.
      now rewrite IHn.

    Global Instance equiv_AppL_proper:
      Proper (equiv (lstep step) ++> equiv step ++> equiv step) AppL.
      intros ? ? (? & H1 & H2) % church_rosser ? ? (? & H3 & H4) % church_rosser;
      now rewrite H1, H2, H3, H4.

    Global Instance equiv_AppR_proper:
      Proper (equiv step ++> equiv (lstep step) ++> equiv step) AppR.
      intros ? ? (? & H1 & H2) % church_rosser ? ? (? & H3 & H4) % church_rosser; eauto.
      now rewrite H1, H2, H3, H4.

  End ListOperatorsCompatibilityProperties.

  Lemma AppR_Lambda T s n sigma:
    AppR (sigma Lambda (length T + n) s) T >* T .+ sigma Lambda n s.
    revert s n sigma; induction T; intros; cbn [AppR length]; eauto.
    replace (S (length T) + n) with (length T + S n) by omega.
    rewrite IHT; cbn; econstructor 2; eauto; now asimpl.

  Lemma AppR_Lambda' T s m:
    m = length T -> AppR (Lambda m s) T >* T .+ var s.
    intros ?; replace (Lambda m s) with (var Lambda m s) by now asimpl.
    replace m with (length T + 0) by omega.
    eapply AppR_Lambda with (n := 0).

Equivalence Inversions

  Section EquivalenceInversions.

    Lemma equiv_Lambda_elim k s t:
      Lambda k s Lambda k t -> s t.
      induction k; cbn; eauto using equiv_lam_elim.

    Lemma equiv_AppR_elim s1 s2 T1 T2:
      AppR s1 T1 AppR s2 T2 ->
      isAtom s1 ->
      isAtom s2 ->
      T1 ≡₊ T2 /\ s1 = s2.
      intros; assert (isAtom (head (AppR s1 T1))); simplify; eauto.
      intros; assert (isAtom (head (AppR s2 T2))); simplify; eauto.

      revert T2 H H2 H3; induction T1 as [|a A IH]; intros [| b B]; cbn; intros.
      + intuition.
        destruct s1, s2; cbn in *; intuition; try Discriminate.
        all: Injection H; now subst.
      + destruct s1; cbn in *; try now intuition; Discriminate.
      + destruct s2; cbn in *; try now intuition; Discriminate.
      + Injection H. intuition; edestruct IH; eauto.
        now rewrite H5, H.

    Lemma equiv_AppL_elim S1 S2 t1 t2:
      AppL S1 t1 AppL S2 t2 ->
      (forall s, s S1 -> isAtom (head s)) ->
      (forall s, s S2 -> isAtom (head s)) ->
      length S1 = length S2 ->
      S1 ≡₊ S2 /\ t1 t2.
      revert S2; induction S1 as [|s1 S1 IH]; intros [| s2 S2];
        cbn; intros;
        try discriminate.
      + intuition.
      + apply equiv_app_elim in H as ?; rewrite ?AppR_head; eauto.
        intuition; edestruct IH; eauto.
        now rewrite H3, H4.

  End EquivalenceInversions.


  Section Normality.

    Lemma normal_Lambda k s:
      normal (Lambda k s) -> normal s.
      induction k; cbn; eauto using normal_lam_elim.

    Lemma normal_AppL_left S t:
      normal (AppL S t) -> Normal (lstep step) S.
      induction S; cbn; intros H ? H1; inv H1.
      - eapply H; eauto.
      - eapply IHS; eauto using normal_app_r.

    Lemma normal_AppL_right S t:
      normal (AppL S t) -> normal t.
      induction S in t |-*; cbn; eauto using normal_app_r.

    Lemma normal_AppR_right s T:
      normal (AppR s T) -> Normal (lstep step) T.
      induction T; cbn; intros H ? H1; inv H1.
      - eapply H. eauto.
      - eapply IHT; eauto using normal_app_l.

    Lemma normal_AppR_left s T:
      normal (AppR s T) -> normal s.
      induction T in s |-*; cbn; eauto using normal_app_l.

  End Normality.

  Hint Resolve
       normal_Lambda normal_AppR_left normal_AppR_right.

List Operators Typing

  Section ListOperatorsTyping.

    Lemma Lambda_typing Gamma L B k s:
      length L = k ->
      rev L ++ Gamma s : B ->
                      Gamma (Lambda k s) : Arr L B.
      induction k in L, Gamma, s |-*.
      - destruct L; try discriminate.
        intros _; cbn; eauto.
      - destruct L; try discriminate.
        intros H; injection H as H.
        cbn; intros; econstructor.
        eapply IHk; eauto.
        now rewrite <-app_assoc in H0.

    Lemma Lambda_ordertyping n Gamma L B k s:
      length L = k ->
      rev L ++ Gamma ⊢(n) s : B ->
                        Gamma ⊢(n) (Lambda k s) : Arr L B.
      induction k in L, Gamma, s |-*.
      - destruct L; try discriminate.
        intros _; cbn; eauto.
      - destruct L; try discriminate.
        intros H; injection H as H.
        cbn; intros; econstructor.
        eapply IHk; eauto.
        now rewrite <-app_assoc in H0.

    Lemma AppL_typing_repeated Gamma s T n A:
      Gamma ⊢₊ T: repeat (A A) n -> Gamma s : A -> Gamma AppL T s : A.
      induction T in n |-*; eauto; cbn.
      intros; inv H; intuition.
      destruct n; try discriminate.
      cbn in H3; injection H3 as ??; subst.
      econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma AppL_ordertyping_repeated k Gamma s T n A:
      Gamma ⊢₊(n) T: repeat (A A) k -> Gamma ⊢(n) s : A -> Gamma ⊢(n) AppL T s : A.
      induction T in k |-*; eauto; cbn.
      intros; inv H; intuition.
      destruct k; try discriminate.
      cbn in H3; injection H3 as ??; subst.
      econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma AppR_typing Gamma L s T B:
      Gamma ⊢₊ T : L -> Gamma s : Arr (rev L) B -> Gamma AppR s T : B.
      induction 1 in s, B |-*; cbn; eauto; rewrite Arr_app; cbn; eauto.

    Lemma AppR_ordertyping n Gamma T s L B:
      Gamma ⊢₊(n) T : L -> Gamma ⊢(n) s : Arr (rev L) B -> Gamma ⊢(n) AppR s T : B.
      induction 1 in s, B |-*; cbn; eauto; rewrite Arr_app; cbn; eauto.

    Lemma Lambda_typing_inv Gamma s k B:
      Gamma Lambda k s : B ->
          exists L A, rev L ++ Gamma s : A /\
          B = Arr L A /\ length L = k.
      induction k in Gamma, B |-*; cbn.
      - exists nil. exists B. intuition.
      - intros H; inv H.
        edestruct IHk as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
        intuition. exists (A :: x). exists x0.
        intuition; cbn; try congruence.
        now rewrite <-app_assoc.

    Lemma Lambda_ordertyping_inv n Gamma s k B:
      Gamma ⊢(n) Lambda k s : B ->
      exists L A, rev L ++ Gamma ⊢(n) s : A /\
        B = Arr L A /\ length L = k.
      induction k in Gamma, B |-*; cbn.
      - exists nil. exists B. cbn in *; intuition.
      - intros H; inv H.
        edestruct IHk as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
        intuition. exists (A :: x). exists x0.
        intuition; cbn; try congruence.
        now rewrite <-app_assoc.

    Lemma AppL_typing_inv Gamma T B t:
      Gamma AppL T t : B -> exists L A, Gamma ⊢₊ T : L /\ Gamma t : A.
      induction T in B |-*; cbn.
      - exists nil. exists B. intuition.
      - intros H; inv H.
        edestruct IHT as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
        do 2 eexists; intuition; eauto.

    Lemma AppL_ordertyping_inv n Gamma T B t:
      Gamma ⊢(n) AppL T t : B -> exists L A, Gamma ⊢₊(n) T : L /\ Gamma ⊢(n) t : A.
      induction T in B |-*; cbn.
      - exists nil. exists B. intuition.
      - intros H; inv H.
        edestruct IHT as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
        do 2 eexists; intuition; eauto.

    Lemma AppR_typing_inv Gamma T B t:
      Gamma AppR t T : B -> exists L, Gamma ⊢₊ T : L /\ Gamma t : Arr (rev L) B.
      induction T in Gamma, B, t |-*; cbn; intros.
      - exists nil; intuition.
      - inv H. destruct (IHT _ _ _ H2) as [L]; intuition.
        exists (A :: L). intuition; cbn; rewrite Arr_app; eauto.

    Lemma AppR_ordertyping_inv n Gamma T B t:
      Gamma ⊢(n) AppR t T : B -> exists L, Gamma ⊢₊(n) T : L /\ Gamma ⊢(n) t : Arr (rev L) B.
      induction T in Gamma, B, t |-*; cbn; intros.
      - exists nil; intuition.
      - inv H. destruct (IHT _ _ _ H2) as [L]; intuition.
        exists (A :: L). intuition; cbn; rewrite Arr_app; eauto.

  End ListOperatorsTyping.


  Section Utilities.

    Inductive nf: exp X -> Type :=
      nfc k s t T:
      (forall t, t T -> nf t) ->
      isAtom s ->
      t = Lambda k (AppR s T) ->
      nf t.

    Lemma normal_nf s:
      normal s -> nf s.
      induction s.
      + intros. exists 0 (var f) nil; cbn; intuition.
      + intros. exists 0 (const c) nil; cbn; intuition.
      + intros H; mp IHs; eauto using normal_lam_elim;
          destruct IHs as [k s' t' T H1].
        exists (S k) s' T; eauto; cbn; congruence.
      + intros H; eapply normal_app_r in H as Ns1;
        eapply normal_app_l in H as Ns2.
        mp IHs1; eauto; mp IHs2; eauto.
        destruct IHs1. subst t.
        destruct k; [|exfalso; eapply H; cbn; eauto].
        exists 0 s (s2 :: T); eauto; cbn; simplify.
        intros t. destruct (s2 == t); subst; intuition.
        destruct (t el T); intuition.
        exfalso; intuition.

    Lemma AppL_largest (P: exp X -> Prop) (s: exp X):
      Dec1 P ->
      { S & { t | (forall s, s S -> P s) /\
                  s = AppL S t /\
                  forall (u v: exp X), t = u v -> ~ P u}}.
      intros D. induction s.
      - exists nil. exists (var f). cbn; intuition; discriminate.
      - exists nil. exists (const c). cbn; intuition; discriminate.
      - exists nil. exists (lambda s). cbn; intuition; discriminate.
      - destruct IHs2 as (S & t & ? & -> & ?).
        destruct (D s1).
        + exists (s1 :: S). exists t; cbn; intuition; subst; eauto.
        + exists nil. exists (s1 (AppL S t)). cbn; intuition.
          injection H1 as ??;subst; intuition.

    Lemma head_decompose s: exists T, s = AppR (head s) T.
      induction s; try solve [exists nil; eauto].
      destruct IHs1 as [T]; cbn.
      exists (s2 :: T); cbn. congruence.

  End Utilities.

End TermsExtension.

Hint Constructors listtyping.
Hint Constructors orderlisttyping.
Hint Rewrite ord'_app ord_Arr ord_repeated : simplify.
Hint Rewrite ord_Arr : simplify.
Hint Resolve
     normal_Lambda normal_AppR_left normal_AppR_right.
Hint Rewrite @Lambda_ren @Lambda_subst @AppL_ren @AppL_subst @AppR_ren @AppR_subst : asimpl.

Hint Rewrite @AppR_head : simplify.

Hint Rewrite target_Arr target_ord: simplify.
Hint Rewrite arity_Arr : simplify.

Notation "S >₊ T" := (lstep step S T) (at level 60).
Notation "S >₊* T" := (star (lstep step) S T) (at level 60).
Notation "S ≡₊ T" := (equiv (lstep step) S T) (at level 60).
Notation "Gamma ⊢₊ A : L" := (listtyping Gamma A L) (at level 80, A at level 99).
Notation "Gamma ⊢₊( n ) A : L" := (orderlisttyping n Gamma A L) (at level 80, A at level 99).