Library ProgrammingTuringMachines.TM.Code.SumTM

Require Import ProgrammingTools CaseSum.

If there are two function f1 : X -> Z and f2 : Y -> Z, then there is only one canonical way to define a function map_sum : X + Y -> Z. This machine operator takes machines M1 and M2 that compute the functions f and g; and defines a machine Map_sum that computes map_sum. Because this is a machine combinator, we assume that M1 and M2 have the same number of tapes n and the same alphabet sigM. If the numbers of tapes or alphabets don't match, as usual for combinators, the machines have to be lifted, using the Tapes-lift and the Alphabet-Lift.

Section MapSum.

  Variable n : nat.
  Variable (sigX sigY sigZ : finType).
  Variable (X Y Z : Type) (codX : codable sigX X) (codY : codable sigY Y) (codZ : codable sigZ Z).

The alphabets of the machines M1 and M2, and the retracts to the alphabets of the encodings.
  Variable (sigM : finType).
  Variable (retr_sigX_sigM : Retract sigX sigM) (retr_sigY_sigM : Retract sigY sigM) (retr_sigZ_sigM : Retract sigZ sigM).

The Machines M1 and M2 that compute the functions f1 and f2.
  Variable M1 M2 : pTM sigM^+ unit (S (S n)).

  Variable f : X -> Z.
  Variable g : Y -> Z.

  Hypothesis M1_Computes : M1 Computes_Rel f.
  Hypothesis M2_Computes : M2 Computes_Rel g.

The mapped function
  Definition map_sum : X + Y -> Z :=
    fun s => match s with
          | inl x => f x
          | inr y => g y

We don't know whether the alphabet of M1 and M2 contains sigSum sigX sigY, so we have to extend the alphabet. We do this in the usual way, by assuming a alphabet sigMap, which contains sigSum sigX sigY in addition to the alphabet of M1 and M2.
  Variable sigMap : finType.
  Variable (retr_sigM_sigMap : Retract sigM sigMap).
  Variable (retr_sigSum_sigMap : Retract (sigSum sigX sigY) sigMap).

Now we observe that there a two possible ways how to encode X and Y on sigM, by composing retracts.
  Local Definition retr_sigX_sigMap : Retract sigX sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigM_sigMap retr_sigX_sigM.
  Local Definition retr_sigX_sigMap' : Retract sigX sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigSum_sigMap (Retract_sigSum_X _ _).

  Local Definition retr_sigY_sigMap : Retract sigY sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigM_sigMap retr_sigY_sigM.
  Local Definition retr_sigY_sigMap' : Retract sigY sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigSum_sigMap (Retract_sigSum_Y _ _).

I use Id here to prevent TM_Correct to unfold ChangeAlphabet, because we want to apply ChangeAlphabet_Computes instead.
  Definition MapSum : pTM sigMap^+ unit (S (S n)) :=
    If (CaseSum sigX sigY _ @ [|Fin0|])
       (Translate retr_sigX_sigMap' retr_sigX_sigMap @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate the value x from the sigSum alphabet to the direct sigX alphabet *)
         Id (M1 _);; (* Call M1 *)
         Translate retr_sigX_sigMap retr_sigX_sigMap' @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate x back to the alphabet sigSum sigX sigY *)
        Constr_inl sigX sigY _ @ [|Fin0|]) (* Apply the inl constructor again to x, which has been removed by CaseSum *)
       (Translate retr_sigY_sigMap' retr_sigY_sigMap @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate the value y from the sigSum alphabet to the direct sigY alphabet *)
         Id (M2 _);; (* Call M2 *)
         Translate retr_sigY_sigMap retr_sigY_sigMap' @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate y back to the alphabet sigSum sigY sigY *)
        Constr_inr sigX sigY _ @ [|Fin0|]) (* Apply the inr constructor again to y, which has been removed by CaseSum *)

  Lemma MapSum_Computes : MapSum Computes_Rel map_sum.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold MapSum. TM_Correct.
      - apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
      - apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M1_Computes)).
      - apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
      - apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
      - apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M2_Computes)).
      - apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
      intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros s HEncS HOut HInt.
      destruct H; TMSimp. (* Both cases of the If are symmetric. *)
      { (* Then case, i.e. s = inl x *)
        (* First, give better names... *)
        rename H into HCaseSum, H1 into HInject, H0 into HTranslate, H3 into HInject', H2 into HM, H4 into HTranslate', H7 into HInject'', H5 into HConstr, H6 into HInject'''.
        (* The simpl_not_in, which instantiates index-quantified tape-rewriting hypothesises like HInject, works better for a fixed number of tapes, so we have to do some manual work here. *)

        modpon HCaseSum. destruct s as [ x | y ]; auto; simpl_surject.

        modpon HTranslate.

        modpon HM.
        { now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. } (* This normally happens automatically *)
        { intros i. now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. }

        modpon HTranslate'.

        modpon HConstr.

        repeat split; auto.
        { cbn. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
        { intros i. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
      { (* Then case, i.e. s = iny y, completely symmetric *)
        (* First, give better names... *)
        rename H into HCaseSum, H1 into HInject, H0 into HTranslate, H3 into HInject', H2 into HM, H4 into HTranslate', H7 into HInject'', H5 into HConstr, H6 into HInject'''.
        (* The simpl_not_in, which instantiates index-quantified tape-rewriting hypothesises like HInject, works better for a fixed number of tapes, so we have to do some manual work here. *)

        modpon HCaseSum. destruct s as [ x | y ]; auto; simpl_surject.

        modpon HTranslate.

        modpon HM.
        { now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. } (* This normally happens automatically *)
        { intros i. now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. }

        modpon HTranslate'.

        modpon HConstr.

        repeat split; auto.
        { cbn. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
        { intros i. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }

  Variable (M1_steps : X -> nat) (M2_steps : Y -> nat).
  Hypothesis (M1_Terminates : projT1 M1 Computes_T M1_steps) (M2_Terminates : projT1 M2 Computes_T M2_steps).

  Definition MapSum_steps : X + Y -> nat :=
    fun s =>
      match s with
      | inl x => 4 + CaseSum_steps + Translate_steps _ x + M1_steps x + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps
      | inr y => 4 + CaseSum_steps + Translate_steps _ y + M2_steps y + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps

This is useful when we work with running time polynoms
  Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
  Local Arguments mult : simpl never.

  Lemma MapSum_Terminates : projT1 MapSum Computes_T MapSum_steps.
    eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    { unfold MapSum. TM_Correct.
      - apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
      - apply Translate_Terminates with (X := X).
      - apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M1_Computes)).
      - apply (ChangeAlphabet_Terminates (M1_Terminates)).
      - apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
      - apply Translate_Terminates with (X := X).
      - apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
      - apply Translate_Terminates with (X := Y).
      - apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M2_Computes)).
      - apply (ChangeAlphabet_Terminates (M2_Terminates)).
      - apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
      - apply Translate_Terminates with (X := Y).
      intros tin k (s&HEncS&HRight&HInt&Hk).
      destruct s as [x|y]; cbn in *.
      { (* s = inl x *)
        exists (CaseSum_steps), (3 + Translate_steps _ x + M1_steps x + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps).
        repeat split; try omega.
        intros tmid b (HCaseSum&HCaseSumInj). specialize (HCaseSum (inl x)). modpon HCaseSum. destruct b; auto. simpl_surject.
        exists (Translate_steps _ x), (2 + M1_steps x + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps).
        repeat split; try omega.
        { hnf. cbn. exists x. split; auto. contains_ext. }
        intros tmid2 () (HTranslate1&HTranslateInj1). modpon HTranslate1.
        exists (M1_steps x), (1 + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps).
        repeat split; try omega.
        { exists x. repeat split; auto.
          - contains_ext.
          - now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
          - intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
        intros tmid3 () HM1. modpon HM1.
        { now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
        { intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
        exists (Translate_steps _ x), (Constr_inl_steps).
        repeat split; try omega.
        { hnf. cbn. exists x. repeat split; eauto. contains_ext. }
        intros tmid4 () (HTranslate2&HTranslateInj2). modpon HTranslate2.
      { (* s = inl y, completely symmetric *)
        exists (CaseSum_steps), (3 + Translate_steps _ y + M2_steps y + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps).
        repeat split; try omega.
        intros tmid b (HCaseSum&HCaseSumInj). specialize (HCaseSum (inr y)). modpon HCaseSum. destruct b; auto. simpl_surject.
        exists (Translate_steps _ y), (2 + M2_steps y + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps).
        repeat split; try omega.
        { hnf. cbn. exists y. split; auto. contains_ext. }
        intros tmid2 () (HTranslate1&HTranslateInj1). modpon HTranslate1.
        exists (M2_steps y), (1 + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps).
        repeat split; try omega.
        { exists y. repeat split; auto.
          - contains_ext.
          - now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
          - intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
        intros tmid3 () HM1. modpon HM1.
        { now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
        { intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
        exists (Translate_steps _ y), (Constr_inr_steps).
        repeat split; try omega.
        { hnf. cbn. exists y. repeat split; eauto. contains_ext. }
        intros tmid4 () (HTranslate2&HTranslateInj2). modpon HTranslate2.

End MapSum.