Library ProgrammingTuringMachines.TM.Code.SumTM
If there are two function f1 : X -> Z and f2 : Y -> Z, then there is only one canonical way to define a function map_sum : X + Y -> Z. This machine operator takes machines M1 and M2 that compute the functions f and g; and defines a machine Map_sum that computes map_sum.
Because this is a machine combinator, we assume that M1 and M2 have the same number of tapes n and the same alphabet sigM. If the numbers of tapes or alphabets don't match, as usual for combinators, the machines have to be lifted, using the Tapes-lift and the Alphabet-Lift.
Section MapSum.
Variable n : nat.
Variable (sigX sigY sigZ : finType).
Variable (X Y Z : Type) (codX : codable sigX X) (codY : codable sigY Y) (codZ : codable sigZ Z).
The alphabets of the machines M1 and M2, and the retracts to the alphabets of the encodings.
Variable (sigM : finType).
Variable (retr_sigX_sigM : Retract sigX sigM) (retr_sigY_sigM : Retract sigY sigM) (retr_sigZ_sigM : Retract sigZ sigM).
Variable (retr_sigX_sigM : Retract sigX sigM) (retr_sigY_sigM : Retract sigY sigM) (retr_sigZ_sigM : Retract sigZ sigM).
The Machines M1 and M2 that compute the functions f1 and f2.
Variable M1 M2 : pTM sigM^+ unit (S (S n)).
Variable f : X -> Z.
Variable g : Y -> Z.
Hypothesis M1_Computes : M1 ⊨ Computes_Rel f.
Hypothesis M2_Computes : M2 ⊨ Computes_Rel g.
Variable f : X -> Z.
Variable g : Y -> Z.
Hypothesis M1_Computes : M1 ⊨ Computes_Rel f.
Hypothesis M2_Computes : M2 ⊨ Computes_Rel g.
The mapped function
We don't know whether the alphabet of M1 and M2 contains sigSum sigX sigY, so we have to extend the alphabet. We do this in the usual way, by assuming a alphabet sigMap, which contains sigSum sigX sigY in addition to the alphabet of M1 and M2.
Variable sigMap : finType.
Variable (retr_sigM_sigMap : Retract sigM sigMap).
Variable (retr_sigSum_sigMap : Retract (sigSum sigX sigY) sigMap).
Variable (retr_sigM_sigMap : Retract sigM sigMap).
Variable (retr_sigSum_sigMap : Retract (sigSum sigX sigY) sigMap).
Now we observe that there a two possible ways how to encode X and Y on sigM, by composing retracts.
Local Definition retr_sigX_sigMap : Retract sigX sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigM_sigMap retr_sigX_sigM.
Local Definition retr_sigX_sigMap' : Retract sigX sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigSum_sigMap (Retract_sigSum_X _ _).
Local Definition retr_sigY_sigMap : Retract sigY sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigM_sigMap retr_sigY_sigM.
Local Definition retr_sigY_sigMap' : Retract sigY sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigSum_sigMap (Retract_sigSum_Y _ _).
Local Definition retr_sigX_sigMap' : Retract sigX sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigSum_sigMap (Retract_sigSum_X _ _).
Local Definition retr_sigY_sigMap : Retract sigY sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigM_sigMap retr_sigY_sigM.
Local Definition retr_sigY_sigMap' : Retract sigY sigMap := ComposeRetract retr_sigSum_sigMap (Retract_sigSum_Y _ _).
I use Id here to prevent TM_Correct to unfold ChangeAlphabet, because we want to apply ChangeAlphabet_Computes instead.
Definition MapSum : pTM sigMap^+ unit (S (S n)) :=
If (CaseSum sigX sigY ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0|])
(Translate retr_sigX_sigMap' retr_sigX_sigMap @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate the value x from the sigSum alphabet to the direct sigX alphabet *)
Id (M1 ⇑ _);; (* Call M1 *)
Translate retr_sigX_sigMap retr_sigX_sigMap' @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate x back to the alphabet sigSum sigX sigY *)
Constr_inl sigX sigY ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0|]) (* Apply the inl constructor again to x, which has been removed by CaseSum *)
(Translate retr_sigY_sigMap' retr_sigY_sigMap @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate the value y from the sigSum alphabet to the direct sigY alphabet *)
Id (M2 ⇑ _);; (* Call M2 *)
Translate retr_sigY_sigMap retr_sigY_sigMap' @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate y back to the alphabet sigSum sigY sigY *)
Constr_inr sigX sigY ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0|]) (* Apply the inr constructor again to y, which has been removed by CaseSum *)
Lemma MapSum_Computes : MapSum ⊨ Computes_Rel map_sum.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MapSum. TM_Correct.
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M1_Computes)).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M2_Computes)).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros s HEncS HOut HInt.
destruct H; TMSimp. (* Both cases of the If are symmetric. *)
{ (* Then case, i.e. s = inl x *)
(* First, give better names... *)
rename H into HCaseSum, H1 into HInject, H0 into HTranslate, H3 into HInject', H2 into HM, H4 into HTranslate', H7 into HInject'', H5 into HConstr, H6 into HInject'''.
(* The simpl_not_in, which instantiates index-quantified tape-rewriting hypothesises like HInject, works better for a fixed number of tapes, so we have to do some manual work here. *)
modpon HCaseSum. destruct s as [ x | y ]; auto; simpl_surject.
modpon HTranslate.
modpon HM.
{ now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. } (* This normally happens automatically *)
{ intros i. now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. }
modpon HTranslate'.
modpon HConstr.
repeat split; auto.
{ cbn. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
{ intros i. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
{ (* Then case, i.e. s = iny y, completely symmetric *)
(* First, give better names... *)
rename H into HCaseSum, H1 into HInject, H0 into HTranslate, H3 into HInject', H2 into HM, H4 into HTranslate', H7 into HInject'', H5 into HConstr, H6 into HInject'''.
(* The simpl_not_in, which instantiates index-quantified tape-rewriting hypothesises like HInject, works better for a fixed number of tapes, so we have to do some manual work here. *)
modpon HCaseSum. destruct s as [ x | y ]; auto; simpl_surject.
modpon HTranslate.
modpon HM.
{ now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. } (* This normally happens automatically *)
{ intros i. now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. }
modpon HTranslate'.
modpon HConstr.
repeat split; auto.
{ cbn. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
{ intros i. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
Variable (M1_steps : X -> nat) (M2_steps : Y -> nat).
Hypothesis (M1_Terminates : projT1 M1 ↓ Computes_T M1_steps) (M2_Terminates : projT1 M2 ↓ Computes_T M2_steps).
Definition MapSum_steps : X + Y -> nat :=
fun s =>
match s with
| inl x => 4 + CaseSum_steps + Translate_steps _ x + M1_steps x + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps
| inr y => 4 + CaseSum_steps + Translate_steps _ y + M2_steps y + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps
If (CaseSum sigX sigY ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0|])
(Translate retr_sigX_sigMap' retr_sigX_sigMap @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate the value x from the sigSum alphabet to the direct sigX alphabet *)
Id (M1 ⇑ _);; (* Call M1 *)
Translate retr_sigX_sigMap retr_sigX_sigMap' @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate x back to the alphabet sigSum sigX sigY *)
Constr_inl sigX sigY ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0|]) (* Apply the inl constructor again to x, which has been removed by CaseSum *)
(Translate retr_sigY_sigMap' retr_sigY_sigMap @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate the value y from the sigSum alphabet to the direct sigY alphabet *)
Id (M2 ⇑ _);; (* Call M2 *)
Translate retr_sigY_sigMap retr_sigY_sigMap' @ [|Fin0|];; (* Translate y back to the alphabet sigSum sigY sigY *)
Constr_inr sigX sigY ⇑ _ @ [|Fin0|]) (* Apply the inr constructor again to y, which has been removed by CaseSum *)
Lemma MapSum_Computes : MapSum ⊨ Computes_Rel map_sum.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MapSum. TM_Correct.
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M1_Computes)).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M2_Computes)).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros s HEncS HOut HInt.
destruct H; TMSimp. (* Both cases of the If are symmetric. *)
{ (* Then case, i.e. s = inl x *)
(* First, give better names... *)
rename H into HCaseSum, H1 into HInject, H0 into HTranslate, H3 into HInject', H2 into HM, H4 into HTranslate', H7 into HInject'', H5 into HConstr, H6 into HInject'''.
(* The simpl_not_in, which instantiates index-quantified tape-rewriting hypothesises like HInject, works better for a fixed number of tapes, so we have to do some manual work here. *)
modpon HCaseSum. destruct s as [ x | y ]; auto; simpl_surject.
modpon HTranslate.
modpon HM.
{ now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. } (* This normally happens automatically *)
{ intros i. now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. }
modpon HTranslate'.
modpon HConstr.
repeat split; auto.
{ cbn. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
{ intros i. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
{ (* Then case, i.e. s = iny y, completely symmetric *)
(* First, give better names... *)
rename H into HCaseSum, H1 into HInject, H0 into HTranslate, H3 into HInject', H2 into HM, H4 into HTranslate', H7 into HInject'', H5 into HConstr, H6 into HInject'''.
(* The simpl_not_in, which instantiates index-quantified tape-rewriting hypothesises like HInject, works better for a fixed number of tapes, so we have to do some manual work here. *)
modpon HCaseSum. destruct s as [ x | y ]; auto; simpl_surject.
modpon HTranslate.
modpon HM.
{ now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. } (* This normally happens automatically *)
{ intros i. now rewrite HInject', HInject by vector_not_in. }
modpon HTranslate'.
modpon HConstr.
repeat split; auto.
{ cbn. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
{ intros i. now rewrite HInject''', HInject'' by vector_not_in. }
Variable (M1_steps : X -> nat) (M2_steps : Y -> nat).
Hypothesis (M1_Terminates : projT1 M1 ↓ Computes_T M1_steps) (M2_Terminates : projT1 M2 ↓ Computes_T M2_steps).
Definition MapSum_steps : X + Y -> nat :=
fun s =>
match s with
| inl x => 4 + CaseSum_steps + Translate_steps _ x + M1_steps x + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps
| inr y => 4 + CaseSum_steps + Translate_steps _ y + M2_steps y + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps
This is useful when we work with running time polynoms
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
Lemma MapSum_Terminates : projT1 MapSum ↓ Computes_T MapSum_steps.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold MapSum. TM_Correct.
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
- apply Translate_Terminates with (X := X).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M1_Computes)).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Terminates (M1_Terminates)).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
- apply Translate_Terminates with (X := X).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
- apply Translate_Terminates with (X := Y).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M2_Computes)).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Terminates (M2_Terminates)).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
- apply Translate_Terminates with (X := Y).
intros tin k (s&HEncS&HRight&HInt&Hk).
destruct s as [x|y]; cbn in *.
{ (* s = inl x *)
exists (CaseSum_steps), (3 + Translate_steps _ x + M1_steps x + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid b (HCaseSum&HCaseSumInj). specialize (HCaseSum (inl x)). modpon HCaseSum. destruct b; auto. simpl_surject.
exists (Translate_steps _ x), (2 + M1_steps x + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf. cbn. exists x. split; auto. contains_ext. }
intros tmid2 () (HTranslate1&HTranslateInj1). modpon HTranslate1.
exists (M1_steps x), (1 + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ exists x. repeat split; auto.
- contains_ext.
- now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
- intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
intros tmid3 () HM1. modpon HM1.
{ now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
{ intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
exists (Translate_steps _ x), (Constr_inl_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf. cbn. exists x. repeat split; eauto. contains_ext. }
intros tmid4 () (HTranslate2&HTranslateInj2). modpon HTranslate2.
{ (* s = inl y, completely symmetric *)
exists (CaseSum_steps), (3 + Translate_steps _ y + M2_steps y + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid b (HCaseSum&HCaseSumInj). specialize (HCaseSum (inr y)). modpon HCaseSum. destruct b; auto. simpl_surject.
exists (Translate_steps _ y), (2 + M2_steps y + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf. cbn. exists y. split; auto. contains_ext. }
intros tmid2 () (HTranslate1&HTranslateInj1). modpon HTranslate1.
exists (M2_steps y), (1 + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ exists y. repeat split; auto.
- contains_ext.
- now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
- intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
intros tmid3 () HM1. modpon HM1.
{ now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
{ intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
exists (Translate_steps _ y), (Constr_inr_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf. cbn. exists y. repeat split; eauto. contains_ext. }
intros tmid4 () (HTranslate2&HTranslateInj2). modpon HTranslate2.
End MapSum.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
Lemma MapSum_Terminates : projT1 MapSum ↓ Computes_T MapSum_steps.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold MapSum. TM_Correct.
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
- apply Translate_Terminates with (X := X).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M1_Computes)).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Terminates (M1_Terminates)).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := X).
- apply Translate_Terminates with (X := X).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
- apply Translate_Terminates with (X := Y).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Computes (M2_Computes)).
- apply (ChangeAlphabet_Terminates (M2_Terminates)).
- apply Translate_Realise with (X := Y).
- apply Translate_Terminates with (X := Y).
intros tin k (s&HEncS&HRight&HInt&Hk).
destruct s as [x|y]; cbn in *.
{ (* s = inl x *)
exists (CaseSum_steps), (3 + Translate_steps _ x + M1_steps x + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid b (HCaseSum&HCaseSumInj). specialize (HCaseSum (inl x)). modpon HCaseSum. destruct b; auto. simpl_surject.
exists (Translate_steps _ x), (2 + M1_steps x + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf. cbn. exists x. split; auto. contains_ext. }
intros tmid2 () (HTranslate1&HTranslateInj1). modpon HTranslate1.
exists (M1_steps x), (1 + Translate_steps _ x + Constr_inl_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ exists x. repeat split; auto.
- contains_ext.
- now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
- intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
intros tmid3 () HM1. modpon HM1.
{ now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
{ intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
exists (Translate_steps _ x), (Constr_inl_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf. cbn. exists x. repeat split; eauto. contains_ext. }
intros tmid4 () (HTranslate2&HTranslateInj2). modpon HTranslate2.
{ (* s = inl y, completely symmetric *)
exists (CaseSum_steps), (3 + Translate_steps _ y + M2_steps y + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
intros tmid b (HCaseSum&HCaseSumInj). specialize (HCaseSum (inr y)). modpon HCaseSum. destruct b; auto. simpl_surject.
exists (Translate_steps _ y), (2 + M2_steps y + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf. cbn. exists y. split; auto. contains_ext. }
intros tmid2 () (HTranslate1&HTranslateInj1). modpon HTranslate1.
exists (M2_steps y), (1 + Translate_steps _ y + Constr_inr_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ exists y. repeat split; auto.
- contains_ext.
- now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
- intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in.
intros tmid3 () HM1. modpon HM1.
{ now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
{ intros i. now rewrite HTranslateInj1, HCaseSumInj by vector_not_in. }
exists (Translate_steps _ y), (Constr_inr_steps).
repeat split; try omega.
{ hnf. cbn. exists y. repeat split; eauto. contains_ext. }
intros tmid4 () (HTranslate2&HTranslateInj2). modpon HTranslate2.
End MapSum.