Require Import FOL Peano Tarski Deduction CantorPairing NumberTheory Synthetic Formulas DecidabilityFacts Church Coding.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
Notation "x 'el' A" := (List.In x A) (at level 70).
Notation "A '<<=' B" := (List.incl A B) (at level 70).
Notation "x ∣ y" := (exists k, x * k = y) (at level 50).
Section Model.
Context {Δ0 : Delta0}.
Variable D : Type.
Variable I : interp D.
Notation "⊨ phi" := (forall rho, rho ⊨ phi) (at level 21).
Variable axioms : forall ax, PA ax -> ⊨ ax.
Notation "N⊨ phi" := (forall rho, @sat _ _ nat interp_nat _ rho phi) (at level 40).
Notation "x 'i⧀' y" := (exists d : D, y = iσ (x i⊕ d) ) (at level 40).
(* We also assume the existence of a formula which represents the prime number function *)
Variable ψ : form.
Variable Hψ : bounded 2 ψ /\ (forall x, Q ⊢I ∀ ψ[up (num x)..] <--> $0 == num (Irred x) ).
Definition div e d := exists k : D, e i⊗ k = d.
Definition div_num n (d : D) := exists e, inu n i⊗ e = d.
Definition Div_nat (d : D) := fun n => div_num n d.
Definition div_pi n a := (inu n .: (fun _ => a)) ⊨ (∃ (ψ ∧ ∃ $1 ⊗ $0 == $3)).
Variable surj_form_ : { Φ : nat -> form & surj Φ }.
Variable enumerable_Q_prv : forall Φ : nat -> form, enumerable (fun n => Q ⊢I (Φ n)).
Definition Φ := projT1 surj_form_.
Definition surj_form := projT2 (surj_form_).
Definition A n := Q ⊢I ¬(Φ n)[(num n)..].
Definition B n := Q ⊢I (Φ n)[(num n)..].
Lemma Disjoint_AB : forall n, ~(A n /\ B n).
unfold A, B. intros n [A_n B_n].
apply Q_consistent.
eapply IE; eauto.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
Notation "x 'el' A" := (List.In x A) (at level 70).
Notation "A '<<=' B" := (List.incl A B) (at level 70).
Notation "x ∣ y" := (exists k, x * k = y) (at level 50).
Section Model.
Context {Δ0 : Delta0}.
Variable D : Type.
Variable I : interp D.
Notation "⊨ phi" := (forall rho, rho ⊨ phi) (at level 21).
Variable axioms : forall ax, PA ax -> ⊨ ax.
Notation "N⊨ phi" := (forall rho, @sat _ _ nat interp_nat _ rho phi) (at level 40).
Notation "x 'i⧀' y" := (exists d : D, y = iσ (x i⊕ d) ) (at level 40).
(* We also assume the existence of a formula which represents the prime number function *)
Variable ψ : form.
Variable Hψ : bounded 2 ψ /\ (forall x, Q ⊢I ∀ ψ[up (num x)..] <--> $0 == num (Irred x) ).
Definition div e d := exists k : D, e i⊗ k = d.
Definition div_num n (d : D) := exists e, inu n i⊗ e = d.
Definition Div_nat (d : D) := fun n => div_num n d.
Definition div_pi n a := (inu n .: (fun _ => a)) ⊨ (∃ (ψ ∧ ∃ $1 ⊗ $0 == $3)).
Variable surj_form_ : { Φ : nat -> form & surj Φ }.
Variable enumerable_Q_prv : forall Φ : nat -> form, enumerable (fun n => Q ⊢I (Φ n)).
Definition Φ := projT1 surj_form_.
Definition surj_form := projT2 (surj_form_).
Definition A n := Q ⊢I ¬(Φ n)[(num n)..].
Definition B n := Q ⊢I (Φ n)[(num n)..].
Lemma Disjoint_AB : forall n, ~(A n /\ B n).
unfold A, B. intros n [A_n B_n].
apply Q_consistent.
eapply IE; eauto.
Recursively inseparable predicates.
Definition Insep' :=
exists A B : nat -> Prop,
enumerable A /\ enumerable B /\
(forall n, ~ (A n /\ B n) ) /\
(forall D, Dec D ->
(forall n, A n -> D n) ->
(forall n, ~ (B n /\ D n)) -> False).
Definition Insep :=
exists α β,
bounded 3 α /\ inhabited(delta0 α) /\ bounded 3 β /\ inhabited(delta0 β) /\
(forall n, ~ Q ⊢I ((∃∃α) ∧ (∃∃β))[(num n)..] ) /\
(forall G, Dec G -> (forall n, Q ⊢I (∃∃α)[(num n)..] -> G n) ->
(forall n, ~ (Q ⊢I (∃∃β)[(num n)..] /\ G n)) -> False).
Lemma Insep_ :
RT_strong -> Insep'.
intros rt.
exists A, B. repeat split; auto.
1,2 : apply enumerable_Q_prv.
{ apply Disjoint_AB. }
intros G Dec_G.
destruct (rt G Dec_G) as [γ [? [? []]]],
(surj_form (∃ γ)) as [c Hc].
rewrite <-Hc in *.
unfold A, B in *; fold Φ in *.
intros ? ?%(fun h => h c).
enough (~ G c); auto.
Lemma CT_Inseparable :
CT_Q -> Insep.
intros ct.
destruct (Insep_ (CT_RTs ct)) as (A & B & HA & HB & disj & H).
destruct ((CT_RTw ct) A HA) as [α (Ha0 & [Ha1] & Hα)],
((CT_RTw ct) B HB) as [β (Hb0 & [Hb1] & Hβ)].
exists α, β. do 4 (split; auto).
repeat split; auto; unfold weak_repr in *.
- intros n h%soundness. apply (disj n).
rewrite Hα, Hβ.
split; apply Σ1_ternary_complete; auto.
all: intros rho; specialize (h _ interp_nat rho);
apply h; apply Q_std_axioms.
- setoid_rewrite <-Hα.
setoid_rewrite <-Hβ.
apply H.
Lemma WInsep_ :
WRT_strong -> Insep'.
intros wrt.
exists A, B. repeat split; auto.
1,2 : apply enumerable_Q_prv.
{ apply Disjoint_AB. }
intros G Dec_G.
intros H.
apply (DN_remove (wrt G Dec_G)).
intros [γ [? [? []]]].
destruct (surj_form (∃ γ)) as [c Hc].
rewrite <-Hc in *.
unfold A, B in *; fold Φ in *.
intros ?%(fun h => h c).
enough (~ G c); auto.
Lemma WCT_Inseparable :
WCT_Q -> ~~ Insep.
intros wct.
destruct (WInsep_ (WCT_WRTs wct)) as (A & B & HA & HB & disj & H).
apply (DN_chaining ((WCT_WRTw wct) B HB)), (DN_chaining ((WCT_WRTw wct) A HA)), DN.
intros [α (Ha0 & [Ha1] & Hα)] [β (Hb0 & [Hb1] & Hβ)].
exists α, β. do 4 (split; auto).
repeat split; unfold weak_repr in *.
- intros n h%soundness. apply (disj n).
rewrite Hα, Hβ.
split; apply Σ1_ternary_complete; auto.
all: intros rho; specialize (h _ interp_nat rho);
apply h; apply Q_std_axioms.
- setoid_rewrite <-Hα.
setoid_rewrite <-Hβ.
apply H.
Lemma delta0_ternary_definite phi :
delta0 phi -> bounded 3 phi -> ⊨ ∀∀∀ phi ∨ ¬ phi.
intros d0 b3.
intros rho. cbn. intros ???.
specialize (delta0_HA phi d0) as d0'.
refine (let H := tsoundness d0' _ in _).
apply H. intros ??.
now apply axioms.
Lemma LEM_bounded_exist_ternary' phi :
(⊨ ∀∀∀ phi ∨ ¬ phi) -> bounded 3 phi -> ⊨ ∀∀∀ (∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ phi) ∨ ¬ (∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ phi).
intros def b3.
pose (Phi := ∀∀ (∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ phi) ∨ ¬ (∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ phi)).
assert (H : forall d rho, (d.:rho) ⊨ Phi).
apply induction.
- apply axioms.
- repeat solve_bounds.
eapply bounded_up. apply b3. lia.
eapply bounded_up. apply b3. lia.
- intros rho y. cbn. right.
now intros (? & ?%nolessthen_zero & ?).
- intros n IHN rho y x. cbn.
destruct (IHN rho y x) as [IH|IH]; fold sat in *; cbn in IH.
+ left. destruct IH as [d Hd]. exists d. split.
++ destruct Hd as [[k ->] _]. exists (iσ k).
now rewrite add_rec_r.
++ eapply bound_ext. apply b3.
2 : apply Hd.
intros [|[|[]]]; solve_bounds.
+ destruct (def (fun _ => i0) y x n) as [HN|HN]; fold sat in *.
++ left. exists n. split.
exists i0. now rewrite add_zero_r.
eapply bound_ext. apply b3.
2 : apply HN.
intros [|[|[]]]; solve_bounds.
++ right. intros H. apply IH.
destruct H as (k & Hk1%lt_S & Hk2 ).
exists k. split.
destruct Hk1 as [| ->]. assumption.
exfalso. apply HN.
eapply bound_ext. apply b3.
2 : apply Hk2.
intros [|[|[]]]; solve_bounds.
eapply bound_ext. apply b3.
2 : apply Hk2.
intros [|[|[]]]; solve_bounds.
apply axioms.
- intros rho y. apply H.
Lemma LEM_bounded_exist_ternary {phi} sigma :
delta0 phi -> bounded 3 phi -> forall b x, (x .: b .: sigma) ⊨ (∃∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ $1 ⧀ $3 ∧ phi) \/ ~ (x .: b .: sigma) ⊨ (∃∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ $1 ⧀ $3 ∧ phi).
intros d0 b3 b y.
unshelve refine (let D' := LEM_bounded_exist_ternary' (∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ phi) _ _ in _); auto.
- apply LEM_bounded_exist_ternary'; auto.
now apply delta0_ternary_definite.
- repeat solve_bounds. eapply bounded_up; eauto.
- specialize (D' sigma b b y); fold sat in *.
destruct D' as [H|nH].
+ left. cbn in H. destruct H as [x1 [H1 [x2 [H2 H]]]].
exists x1, x2. cbn. repeat split; try tauto.
eapply bound_ext. 3 : apply H. eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; solve_bounds.
+ right; cbn. intros (x1 & x2 & H). apply nH; fold sat; cbn.
exists x1. split; try tauto.
exists x2. split; try tauto.
eapply bound_ext. 3 : apply H. eauto.
intros [|[|[]]]; solve_bounds.
Potential existence of undecidable predicates.
Lemma nonDecDiv :
Insep -> Stable std -> nonStd D -> ~ ~ exists d : D, ~ Dec (fun n => div_pi n d).
intros (α & β & Ha1 & [Ha0] & Hb1 & [Hb0] & Disj & Insepa) Stab [d Hd].
pose (phi := (∀ $0 ⧀ $1 --> ∀ $0 ⧀ $2 --> ∀ $0 ⧀ $3 --> ∀ $0 ⧀ $4 --> ∀ $0 ⧀ $5 --> ¬ (α[$3..][$1..] ∧ β[$5..][$3..]) ) ).
enough (forall n rho, ((inu n).:rho) ⊨ phi ) as H.
eapply Overspill_DN in H; eauto.
- refine (DN_chaining (Coding_nonstd_binary_Definite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (∃∃ $0 ⧀ $3 ∧ $1 ⧀ $3 ∧ α) _ _) _); eauto.
{apply nonStd_notStd. now exists d. }
{ repeat solve_bounds.
eapply bounded_up; eauto; lia. }
{ intros b u.
specialize (LEM_bounded_exist_ternary (fun _ => i0) Ha0 Ha1 b (inu u)) as [h|h].
- left. intros ?. eapply bound_ext with (N := 2).
3 : apply h.
repeat solve_bounds. eapply bounded_up; eauto.
intros [|[]]; try reflexivity; lia.
- right. intros nh. apply h.
eapply bound_ext with (N := 2).
3 : apply nh.
repeat solve_bounds. eapply bounded_up; eauto.
intros [|[]]; try reflexivity; lia.
apply (DN_chaining H).
apply DN. clear H.
intros [e [? He]] [c Hc]%(fun h => h e).
exists c. intros Dec_div_c.
eapply (Insepa _ Dec_div_c).
+ intros n A_n. unfold Div_nat.
specialize (Hc n (fun _ => e)) as [Hc _].
cbn in Hc. destruct Hc as [ d' [H1 H2] ].
* assert (N⊨ (∃∃α)[(num n)..]) as A_n'.
{ intros rho. eapply soundness.
- apply A_n.
- apply Q_std_axioms.
apply Σ1_ternary_complete' in A_n'; auto.
destruct A_n' as (a & b & Hab).
exists (inu a), (inu b). repeat split; [apply num_lt_nonStd; auto|apply num_lt_nonStd; auto| ].
apply soundness in Hab.
specialize (Hab D I (fun _ => i0)). rewrite !sat_comp in Hab.
eapply bound_ext. apply Ha1. 2: apply Hab.
intros [|[|[]]] ?; cbn; try now rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num; try lia.
intros ??. apply axioms. now constructor.
* exists d'. split.
eapply bound_ext. apply Hψ. 2: apply H1.
intros [|[]]; try reflexivity; try lia.
cbn. apply H2.
+ intros n [B_n C_n].
assert (N⊨ (∃∃β)[(num n)..]) as B_n'.
{ intros rho. eapply soundness.
- apply B_n.
- apply Q_std_axioms.
apply Σ1_ternary_complete' in B_n'; auto.
destruct B_n' as (a & b & Hab).
apply soundness in Hab.
assert ((fun _ => e) ⊨ (∃∃ $0 ⧀ $2 ∧ $1 ⧀ $2 ∧ β[up (up (num n)..)] )) as Heβ.
{ cbn. exists (inu a), (inu b). repeat split; [apply num_lt_nonStd; auto|apply num_lt_nonStd; auto| ].
specialize (Hab D I (fun _ => i0)). rewrite !sat_comp in Hab.
rewrite sat_comp.
eapply bound_ext. apply Hb1. 2: apply Hab.
intros [|[|[]]] ?; cbn; try now rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num; try lia.
intros ??. apply axioms. now constructor. }
specialize (Hc n (fun _ => e)) as [_ Hc].
destruct Hc as (k1 & k2 & [Hk2 Hk1] & Hk12); fold sat in *.
* destruct C_n as [d' Hd']. exists d'. split.
eapply bound_ext. apply Hψ. 2 : apply Hd'.
intros [|[]]; solve_bounds.
apply Hd'.
* cbn in Heβ, Hk12, Hk1, Hk2. destruct Heβ as (k3 & k4 & [Hk4 Hk3] & Hk34).
rewrite sat_comp in Hk34.
eapply He; fold sat; cbn.
apply Hk4.
apply Hk3.
apply Hk2.
apply Hk1.
apply num_lt_nonStd with (n:=n); auto.
rewrite !sat_comp.
** eapply bound_ext.
apply Ha1. 2: apply Hk12.
intros [|[|[]]] ?; try reflexivity; try lia.
** eapply bound_ext.
apply Hb1. 2: apply Hk34.
intros [|[|[]]] ?; cbn; try reflexivity; try lia.
now rewrite !num_subst, eval_num.
Unshelve. exact (fun _ => i0).
- repeat solve_bounds.
eapply subst_bound with (N:=4).
eapply subst_bound with (N:=4). eapply bounded_up; eauto.
intros [|[|[|[|[]]]]]; solve_bounds.
intros [|[|[|[|[]]]]]; solve_bounds.
eapply subst_bound with (N:=6).
eapply subst_bound with (N:=6). eapply bounded_up; eauto.
intros [|[|[|[|[|[]]]]]]; solve_bounds.
intros [|[|[|[|[|[]]]]]]; solve_bounds.
- apply nonStd_notStd. now exists d.
- intros n rho. cbn.
intros d4 H4 d3 H3 d2 H2 d1 H1 d0 H0 [H31 H53].
apply lessthen_num in H4; auto.
apply lessthen_num in H3; auto.
apply lessthen_num in H2; auto.
apply lessthen_num in H1; auto.
apply lessthen_num in H0; auto.
destruct H4 as (k4 & H4 & ->).
destruct H3 as (k3 & H3 & ->).
destruct H2 as (k2 & H2 & ->).
destruct H1 as (k1 & H1 & ->).
destruct H0 as (k0 & H0 & ->).
apply (Disj k0).
change (Q ⊢I ((∃∃ α)[(num k0)..] ∧ (∃∃ β)[(num k0)..])).
apply CI.
+ apply Σ1_ternary_complete; auto.
intros sigma. rewrite <-switch_num in H31.
exists k1, k2.
assert ((inu k1 .: inu k2 .: inu k3 .: inu k4 .: inu n .: rho) ⊨ α[up (up (num k0)..)][(num k2)..][(num k1)..]).
eapply bound_ext with (N:=0).
eapply subst_bound with (N:=1).
eapply subst_bound with (N:=2).
eapply subst_bound with (N:=3); auto.
intros [|[|[|[]]]]; cbn; solve_bounds.
rewrite ?num_subst. apply closed_num.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; solve_bounds.
apply closed_num.
intros [|[]]; cbn; solve_bounds.
apply closed_num.
rewrite !sat_comp. rewrite !sat_comp in H31.
eapply bound_ext. apply Ha1. 2 : apply H31.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num; try reflexivity; try lia.
eapply delta0_absolutness' in H.
rewrite !switch_nat_num in H.
apply H.
* eapply subst_bound with (N:=1).
eapply subst_bound with (N:=2).
eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros[|[|[]]]; cbn; solve_bounds.
rewrite !num_subst. apply closed_num.
intros[|[]]; cbn; solve_bounds. apply closed_num.
intros[]; cbn; solve_bounds. apply closed_num.
* rewrite !subst_comp. now apply delta0_subst.
* apply axioms.
* intros ??. now apply PA_std_axioms.
+ apply Σ1_ternary_complete; auto.
intros sigma. rewrite <-switch_num in H53.
exists k3, k4.
assert ((inu k1 .: inu k2 .: inu k3 .: inu k4 .: inu n .: rho) ⊨ β[up (up (num k0)..)][(num k4)..][(num k3)..]).
eapply bound_ext with (N:=0).
eapply subst_bound with (N:=1).
eapply subst_bound with (N:=2).
eapply subst_bound with (N:=3); auto.
intros [|[|[|[]]]]; cbn; solve_bounds.
rewrite ?num_subst. apply closed_num.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; solve_bounds.
apply closed_num.
intros [|[]]; cbn; solve_bounds.
apply closed_num.
rewrite !sat_comp. rewrite !sat_comp in H53.
eapply bound_ext. apply Hb1. 2 : apply H53.
intros [|[|[]]]; cbn; rewrite ?num_subst, ?eval_num; try reflexivity; try lia.
eapply delta0_absolutness' in H.
rewrite !switch_nat_num in H.
apply H.
* eapply subst_bound with (N:=1).
eapply subst_bound with (N:=2).
eapply subst_bound; eauto.
intros[|[|[]]]; cbn; solve_bounds.
rewrite !num_subst. apply closed_num.
intros[|[]]; cbn; solve_bounds. apply closed_num.
intros[]; cbn; solve_bounds. apply closed_num.
* rewrite !subst_comp. now apply delta0_subst.
* apply axioms.
* intros ??. now apply PA_std_axioms.
Unshelve. all: auto.
End Model.