Require Import CSet Le ListUpdateAt Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Import Plus Util AllInRel Map Terminating ContextMap.
Require Import Val Var Env IL Annotation AnnotationLattice.
Require Import Infra.Lattice DecSolve LengthEq MoreList Status AllInRel OptionR.
Require Import Keep Subterm Analysis.
Require Import FiniteFixpointIteration.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition forwardF (sT:stmt) (Dom:stmt→Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
(forward: ∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT),
ctxmap (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT))
(F:list (params × stmt))
(ST:∀ n s, get F n s → subTerm (snd s) sT)
(AL:ctxmap (Dom sT)) (anF:list (ann (Dom sT)))
: list (ann (Dom sT)) × ctxmap (Dom sT).
revert AL F anF ST.
fix g 2. intros.
destruct F as [|Zs F'].
- eapply (nil, AL).
- destruct anF as [|a anF'].
+ eapply (nil, AL).
+ pose proof (forward (snd Zs) (ST 0 Zs ltac:(eauto using get)) AL a).
pose proof (g (snd X) F' anF' ltac:(eauto using get)).
eapply (fst X :: fst X0, snd X0).
Arguments forwardF [sT] [Dom] {H} {H0} forward F ST AL anF.
Fixpoint forwardF_length (sT:stmt) (Dom:stmt→Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} forward (F:list (params × stmt))
(ST:∀ n s, get F n s → subTerm (snd s) sT)
AL (anF:list (ann (Dom sT)))
{struct F}
: length (fst (forwardF forward F ST AL anF)) = min (length F) (length anF).
destruct F as [|Zs F'], anF; simpl; eauto.
Smpl Add
match goal with
| [ |- context [ ❬fst (@forwardF ?sT ?Dom ?H ?JSL ?f ?F ?ST ?AL ?anF)❭ ] ] ⇒
rewrite (@forwardF_length sT Dom H JSL f F ST AL anF)
| [ H : context [ ❬fst (@forwardF ?sT ?Dom ?H ?JSL ?f ?F ?ST ?AL ?anF)❭ ] |- _ ] ⇒
rewrite (@forwardF_length sT Dom H JSL f F ST AL anF) in H
end : len.
Lemma forwardF_length_ass (sT:stmt) (Dom:stmt→Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
forward AL F anF ST k
: length F = k
→ length F = length anF
→ length (fst (forwardF forward F ST AL anF)) = k.
intros. rewrite forwardF_length, <- H2.
repeat rewrite Nat.min_idempotent; eauto.
Hint Resolve @forwardF_length_ass : len.
Fixpoint forward (sT:stmt) (Dom: stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
`{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(ftransform :
∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(ZL:ctxmap params)
(st:stmt) (ST:subTerm st sT)
(AL:ctxmap (Dom sT)) (a:ann (Dom sT)) {struct st}
: ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT)
:= match st as st', a return st = st' → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT) with
| stmtLet x e s as st, ann1 d ans ⇒
fun EQ ⇒
let d' := getAnni d (ftransform sT ZL st ST d) in
let (ans', AL) := forward Dom ftransform ZL (subTerm_EQ_Let EQ ST)
AL (setTopAnn ans d') in
(ann1 d ans', AL)
| stmtIf x s t, ann2 d ans ant ⇒
fun EQ ⇒
let an := ftransform sT ZL st ST d in
let d1 := (getAnniLeft d an) in
let d2 := (getAnniRight d an) in
let (ans', AL') := forward Dom ftransform ZL (subTerm_EQ_If1 EQ ST)
AL (setTopAnn ans d1) in
let (ant', AL'') := forward Dom ftransform ZL (subTerm_EQ_If2 EQ ST)
AL' (setTopAnn ant d2) in
(ann2 d ans' ant', AL'')
| stmtApp f Y as st, ann0 d as an ⇒
fun EQ ⇒
let an := ftransform sT ZL st ST d in
(ann0 d, ctxmap_join_at AL (counted f) (getAnni d an))
| stmtReturn x as st, ann0 d as an ⇒
fun EQ ⇒ (ann0 d, AL)
| stmtFun F t as st, annF d anF ant ⇒
fun EQ ⇒
let ZL' := ctxmap_app ( fst F) ZL in
let AL' := ctxmap_extend AL (length F) in
let (ant', ALt) := forward Dom ftransform ZL' (subTerm_EQ_Fun1 EQ ST)
AL' (setTopAnn ant d) in
let (anF', AL'') := forwardF (forward Dom ftransform ZL') F (subTerm_EQ_Fun2 EQ ST)
ALt anF in
(annF d (MoreList.mapi (fun i a ⇒ setTopAnn a (ctxmap_at_def AL'' i)) anF') ant',
ctxmap_drop ❬F❭ AL'')
| _, an ⇒ fun EQ ⇒ (an, AL)
end eq_refl.
Lemma forwardF_monotone' (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
(forward: ∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT),
ctxmap (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT))
(forward_mon: ∀ AL AL', poLe AL AL' → ∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → ∀ (ST:subTerm (snd Zs) sT),
∀ (a b : ann (Dom sT)), a ⊑ b →
forward _ ST AL a ⊑ forward _ ST AL' b)
: ∀ AL AL', poLe AL AL' → ∀ ST,
∀ anF bnF, anF ⊑ bnF →
forwardF forward F ST AL anF ⊑ forwardF forward F ST AL' bnF.
intros. general induction H2; destruct F; simpl; eauto 20 using get.
Lemma snd_forwardF_exp' (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
(forward: ∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT),
ctxmap (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT))
(forward_exp: ∀ AL AL' n Zs, get F n Zs → ∀ (ST:subTerm (snd Zs) sT),
∀ (a : ann (Dom sT)), AL ⊑ AL' → AL ⊑ snd (forward _ ST AL' a))
: ∀ AL AL' ST anF, AL ⊑ AL' → AL ⊑ snd (forwardF forward F ST AL' anF).
intros. general induction anF; destruct F; simpl; eauto using get.
Lemma forwardF_ext' (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
(forward: ∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT),
ctxmap (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT))
(forward_mon: ∀ AL AL', AL ≣ AL' → ∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → ∀ (ST:subTerm (snd Zs) sT),
∀ (a b : ann (Dom sT)), a ≣ b →
forward _ ST AL a ≣ forward _ ST AL' b)
: ∀ AL AL', AL ≣ AL' → ∀ ST,
∀ anF bnF, anF ≣ bnF →
forwardF forward F ST AL anF ≣ forwardF forward F ST AL' bnF.
intros. general induction H2; destruct F; simpl; eauto 20 using get.
Lemma forwardF_ann (sT:stmt) (Dom:stmt→Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
(forward: ∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT),
ctxmap (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT))
(F:list (params × stmt)) (anF:list (ann (Dom sT))) AL
(ST:∀ n s, get F n s → subTerm (snd s) sT) aa n
(GetBW:get (fst (forwardF forward F ST AL anF)) n aa) Zs
(Get: get F n Zs)
(IH: ∀ AL Zs ST a, get F n Zs → get anF n a →
annotation (snd Zs) (fst (forward (snd Zs) ST AL a)))
: annotation (snd Zs) aa.
eapply get_getT in GetBW.
general induction anF; destruct F as [|[Z s] F']; inv GetBW.
- inv_get. simpl. exploit IH; eauto using get.
- eapply IHanF; eauto using get.
Lemma forward_annotation sT (Dom:stmt→Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} s `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
: ∀ AL ZL a (ST:subTerm s sT), annotation s a
→ annotation s (fst (forward Dom f ZL ST AL a)).
induction s using stmt_ind'; intros AL ZL a ST Ann; inv Ann; simpl;
repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; eauto 20 using @annotation, setTopAnn_annotation.
- econstructor; eauto using setTopAnn_annotation.
+ len_simpl; eauto.
+ intros. inv_get.
eapply forwardF_ann in H3; eauto.
× eauto using setTopAnn_annotation, setAnn_annotation.
Lemma forward_getAnn' (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT)) s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL AL an
: getAnn (fst (@forward sT Dom _ _ _ f ZL s ST AL an)) = getAnn an.
intros. destruct s, an; simpl in *; eauto;
repeat let_pair_case_eq; simpl; eauto.
Ltac fold_po :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : context [ @ann_R ?A ?A (@poLe ?A ?I) ] |- _ ] ⇒
change (@ann_R A A (@poLe A I)) with (@poLe (@ann A) _) in H
| [ H : context [ PIR2 poLe ?x ?y ] |- _ ] ⇒
change (PIR2 poLe x y) with (poLe x y) in H
| [ |- context [ ann_R poLe ?x ?y ] ] ⇒
change (ann_R poLe x y) with (poLe x y)
Ltac PI_simpl :=
match goal with
[ H : subTerm ?s ?t, H' : subTerm ?s ?t |- _ ]
⇒ assert (H = H') by eapply subTerm_PI; try subst H'; try subst H
Lemma poLe_mapi D `{PartialOrder D} D' `{PartialOrder D'} (f g:nat → D → D') (L L':list D)
(LEf:∀ i a b, poLe a b → poLe (f i a) (g i b))
(LE: poLe L L') n
: poLe (mapi_impl f n L) (mapi_impl g n L').
general induction LE; simpl; eauto.
Lemma poEq_mapi D `{PartialOrder D} D' `{PartialOrder D'} (f g:nat → D → D') (L L':list D)
(LEf:∀ i a b, poEq a b → poEq (f i a) (g i b))
(LE: poEq L L') n
: poEq (mapi_impl f n L) (mapi_impl g n L').
general induction LE; simpl; eauto.
Lemma forward_monotone (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ⊑ b → f sT ZL s ST a ⊑ f sT ZL s ST b)
: ∀ (s : stmt) (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ AL AL', poLe AL AL' →
∀ (a b : ann (Dom sT)), a ⊑ b →
forward Dom f ZL ST AL a ⊑ forward Dom f ZL ST AL' b.
Proof with eauto using poLe_setTopAnn, poLe_getAnni.
intros s.
induction s using stmt_ind'; intros ST ZL AL AL' ALLE a b LE; simpl forward; inv LE;
simpl forward; repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; eauto.
- eauto 100.
- eauto 100.
- clear_trivial_eqs. eapply PIR2_get in H5; eauto.
eapply poLe_struct; eauto.
+ eapply annF_poLe; eauto.
× eapply poLe_mapi; eauto 20 using forwardF_monotone'.
+ eapply ctxmap_drop_poLe.
eapply forwardF_monotone'; eauto.
Lemma forward_exp (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
: ∀ (s : stmt) (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ AL AL', poLe AL AL' →
∀ a, AL ⊑ snd (forward Dom f ZL ST AL' a).
Proof with eauto using poLe_setTopAnn, poLe_getAnni.
intros s.
induction s using stmt_ind'; intros ST ZL AL AL' ALLE a; destruct a; simpl forward;
simpl forward; repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; eauto.
- simpl. rewrite <- ctxmap_join_at_exp; eauto.
- simpl. etransitivity; eauto.
rewrite <- ctxmap_drop_eta at 1.
eapply ctxmap_drop_poLe.
eapply snd_forwardF_exp'; eauto.
Lemma snd_forwardF_exp (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
f ZL F
: ∀ AL ST anF, AL ⊑ snd (forwardF (@forward sT Dom _ _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF).
intros. eapply snd_forwardF_exp'; eauto.
intros. eapply forward_exp; eauto.
Hint Resolve ann_R_setTopAnn_poEq.
Lemma forwardF_monotone (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{PartialOrder (Dom sT)}
`{@JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT) H} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ⊑ b → f sT ZL s ST a ⊑ f sT ZL s ST b)
: ∀ AL AL', poLe AL AL' → ∀ ST ZL,
∀ anF bnF, anF ⊑ bnF →
forwardF (@forward sT Dom _ _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF
⊑ forwardF (@forward sT Dom _ _ _ f ZL) F ST AL' bnF.
general induction H3; destruct F; simpl; eauto 20 using get, forward_monotone.
Lemma forward_ext (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ≣ b → f sT ZL s ST a ≣ f sT ZL s ST b)
: ∀ (s : stmt) (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ AL AL', poEq AL AL' →
∀ (a b : ann (Dom sT)), a ≣ b →
forward Dom f ZL ST AL a ≣ forward Dom f ZL ST AL' b.
Proof with eauto using poLe_setTopAnn, poLe_getAnni.
intros s.
induction s using stmt_ind'; intros ST ZL AL AL' ALLE a b LE; simpl forward; inv LE;
simpl forward; repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; eauto.
- eauto 100.
- eauto 100.
- clear_trivial_eqs. eapply PIR2_get in H5; eauto.
eapply poEq_struct; eauto.
+ eapply annF_poEq; eauto.
× eapply poEq_mapi; eauto 20 using forwardF_ext'.
+ eapply ctxmap_drop_poEq.
eapply forwardF_ext'; eauto.
Lemma forwardF_ext (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type) `{H:PartialOrder (Dom sT)}
`{@JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT) H} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ≣ b → f sT ZL s ST a ≣ f sT ZL s ST b)
: ∀ ZL AL AL', AL ≣ AL' → ∀ ST,
∀ anF bnF, anF ≣ bnF →
forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF
≣ forwardF (@forward sT Dom _ _ _ f ZL) F ST AL' bnF.
intros. eapply forwardF_ext'; eauto.
intros. eapply forward_ext; eauto.
Instance forwardF_proper (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type) `{H:PartialOrder (Dom sT)}
`{@JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT) H} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ≣ b → f sT ZL s ST a ≣ f sT ZL s ST b) ZL F ST
: Proper (poEq ==> poEq ==> poEq)
(forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST).
unfold Proper, respectful.
intros. eapply forwardF_ext; eauto.
Instance forwardF_proper' (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type) `{H:PartialOrder (Dom sT)}
`{@JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT) H} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ⊑ b → f sT ZL s ST a ⊑ f sT ZL s ST b) ZL F ST
: Proper (poLe ==> poLe ==> poLe)
(forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST).
unfold Proper, respectful.
intros. eapply forwardF_monotone; eauto.
Lemma forward_length (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
`{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
: ∀ (s : stmt) (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL AL
(a : ann (Dom sT)), ctxmap_len (snd (forward Dom f ZL ST AL a)) = ctxmap_len AL.
induction s using stmt_ind'; destruct a; simpl; eauto with len;
repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl in *; eauto.
- setoid_rewrite IHs2.
setoid_rewrite IHs1. reflexivity.
- rewrite <- snd_forwardF_exp'; eauto; try reflexivity.
rewrite IHs.
+ len_simpl. omega.
+ intros. eapply forward_exp; eauto.
Smpl Add
match goal with
| [ |- context [ ctxmap_len (snd (@forward ?sT ?Dom ?H ?JSL ?LB ?f ?ZL ?s ?ST ?AL ?a)) ] ] ⇒
setoid_rewrite (@forward_length sT Dom H JSL LB f s ST ZL AL a)
end : len.
Lemma snd_forwardF_length (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
`{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
: ∀ ZL F ST AL anF,
ctxmap_len (snd (forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF))
= ctxmap_len AL.
general induction F; destruct anF; simpl; eauto.
rewrite IHF. eauto with len.
Smpl Add
match goal with
| [ |- context [ ctxmap_len (snd
(@forwardF ?sT ?Dom ?H ?JSL
(@forward ?sT ?Dom ?H ?JSL ?LB ?f ?ZL)
?F ?ST ?AL ?anF)) ] ] ⇒
setoid_rewrite (@snd_forwardF_length sT Dom H JSL LB f ZL F ST AL anF)
end : len.
Lemma forwardF_get (sT:stmt) (Dom:stmt→Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
`{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(F:list (params × stmt)) (anF:list (ann (Dom sT))) AL
(ST:∀ n s, get F n s → subTerm (snd s) sT) aa n f ZL
(GetBW:get (fst (forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF)) n aa)
{ Zs : params × stmt & {GetF : get F n Zs &
{ a : ann (Dom sT) & { getAnF : get anF n a & { AL' : ctxmap (Dom sT) |
{ ST' : subTerm (snd Zs) sT |
fst (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL (snd Zs) ST' AL' a) = aa
∧ poLe (snd (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL (snd Zs) ST' AL' a))
(snd (forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF))
} } } } } }.
eapply get_getT in GetBW.
general induction anF; destruct F as [|[Z s] F']; inv GetBW.
- ∃ (Z, s). simpl. do 5 (eexists; eauto 20 using get).
split. reflexivity. eapply snd_forwardF_exp.
- edestruct IHanF as [Zs [? [? [? ]]]]; eauto; dcr; subst.
∃ Zs. do 5 (eexists; eauto 20 using get).
Instance makeForwardAnalysis (Dom:stmt → Type)
(PO:∀ s, PartialOrder (Dom s))
(BSL:∀ s, JoinSemiLattice (Dom s))
(LB:∀ s, @LowerBounded (Dom s) (PO s))
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ sT s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ⊑ b → f sT ZL s ST a ⊑ f sT ZL s ST b)
(Trm: ∀ s, Terminating (Dom s) poLt)
: ∀ s (i:Dom s), Iteration { a : ann (Dom s) | annotation s a } :=
step := fun X : {a : ann (Dom s) | annotation s a} ⇒
exist (fun a0 : ann (Dom s) ⇒ annotation s a0)
(fst (forward Dom f (ctxmap_emp _)
(subTerm_refl _) (ctxmap_emp _) (proj1_sig X)))
(forward_annotation Dom f (ctxmap_emp _) (ctxmap_emp _) (subTerm_refl _) _);
initial_value :=
exist (fun a : ann (Dom s) ⇒ annotation s a)
(setTopAnn (setAnn bottom s) i)
(setTopAnn_annotation _ (setAnn_annotation bottom s))
- destruct X; eauto.
- eapply ann_R_setTopAnn_left.
+ simpl. rewrite forward_getAnn'. rewrite getAnn_setTopAnn. reflexivity.
+ eapply ann_bottom.
eapply forward_annotation; eauto.
eapply setTopAnn_annotation.
eapply setAnn_annotation.
- intros [a Ann] [b Bnn] LE; simpl in ×.
eapply (forward_monotone Dom f (fMon s)); eauto.
Require Import Plus Util AllInRel Map Terminating ContextMap.
Require Import Val Var Env IL Annotation AnnotationLattice.
Require Import Infra.Lattice DecSolve LengthEq MoreList Status AllInRel OptionR.
Require Import Keep Subterm Analysis.
Require Import FiniteFixpointIteration.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition forwardF (sT:stmt) (Dom:stmt→Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
(forward: ∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT),
ctxmap (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT))
(F:list (params × stmt))
(ST:∀ n s, get F n s → subTerm (snd s) sT)
(AL:ctxmap (Dom sT)) (anF:list (ann (Dom sT)))
: list (ann (Dom sT)) × ctxmap (Dom sT).
revert AL F anF ST.
fix g 2. intros.
destruct F as [|Zs F'].
- eapply (nil, AL).
- destruct anF as [|a anF'].
+ eapply (nil, AL).
+ pose proof (forward (snd Zs) (ST 0 Zs ltac:(eauto using get)) AL a).
pose proof (g (snd X) F' anF' ltac:(eauto using get)).
eapply (fst X :: fst X0, snd X0).
Arguments forwardF [sT] [Dom] {H} {H0} forward F ST AL anF.
Fixpoint forwardF_length (sT:stmt) (Dom:stmt→Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} forward (F:list (params × stmt))
(ST:∀ n s, get F n s → subTerm (snd s) sT)
AL (anF:list (ann (Dom sT)))
{struct F}
: length (fst (forwardF forward F ST AL anF)) = min (length F) (length anF).
destruct F as [|Zs F'], anF; simpl; eauto.
Smpl Add
match goal with
| [ |- context [ ❬fst (@forwardF ?sT ?Dom ?H ?JSL ?f ?F ?ST ?AL ?anF)❭ ] ] ⇒
rewrite (@forwardF_length sT Dom H JSL f F ST AL anF)
| [ H : context [ ❬fst (@forwardF ?sT ?Dom ?H ?JSL ?f ?F ?ST ?AL ?anF)❭ ] |- _ ] ⇒
rewrite (@forwardF_length sT Dom H JSL f F ST AL anF) in H
end : len.
Lemma forwardF_length_ass (sT:stmt) (Dom:stmt→Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
forward AL F anF ST k
: length F = k
→ length F = length anF
→ length (fst (forwardF forward F ST AL anF)) = k.
intros. rewrite forwardF_length, <- H2.
repeat rewrite Nat.min_idempotent; eauto.
Hint Resolve @forwardF_length_ass : len.
Fixpoint forward (sT:stmt) (Dom: stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
`{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(ftransform :
∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(ZL:ctxmap params)
(st:stmt) (ST:subTerm st sT)
(AL:ctxmap (Dom sT)) (a:ann (Dom sT)) {struct st}
: ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT)
:= match st as st', a return st = st' → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT) with
| stmtLet x e s as st, ann1 d ans ⇒
fun EQ ⇒
let d' := getAnni d (ftransform sT ZL st ST d) in
let (ans', AL) := forward Dom ftransform ZL (subTerm_EQ_Let EQ ST)
AL (setTopAnn ans d') in
(ann1 d ans', AL)
| stmtIf x s t, ann2 d ans ant ⇒
fun EQ ⇒
let an := ftransform sT ZL st ST d in
let d1 := (getAnniLeft d an) in
let d2 := (getAnniRight d an) in
let (ans', AL') := forward Dom ftransform ZL (subTerm_EQ_If1 EQ ST)
AL (setTopAnn ans d1) in
let (ant', AL'') := forward Dom ftransform ZL (subTerm_EQ_If2 EQ ST)
AL' (setTopAnn ant d2) in
(ann2 d ans' ant', AL'')
| stmtApp f Y as st, ann0 d as an ⇒
fun EQ ⇒
let an := ftransform sT ZL st ST d in
(ann0 d, ctxmap_join_at AL (counted f) (getAnni d an))
| stmtReturn x as st, ann0 d as an ⇒
fun EQ ⇒ (ann0 d, AL)
| stmtFun F t as st, annF d anF ant ⇒
fun EQ ⇒
let ZL' := ctxmap_app ( fst F) ZL in
let AL' := ctxmap_extend AL (length F) in
let (ant', ALt) := forward Dom ftransform ZL' (subTerm_EQ_Fun1 EQ ST)
AL' (setTopAnn ant d) in
let (anF', AL'') := forwardF (forward Dom ftransform ZL') F (subTerm_EQ_Fun2 EQ ST)
ALt anF in
(annF d (MoreList.mapi (fun i a ⇒ setTopAnn a (ctxmap_at_def AL'' i)) anF') ant',
ctxmap_drop ❬F❭ AL'')
| _, an ⇒ fun EQ ⇒ (an, AL)
end eq_refl.
Lemma forwardF_monotone' (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
(forward: ∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT),
ctxmap (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT))
(forward_mon: ∀ AL AL', poLe AL AL' → ∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → ∀ (ST:subTerm (snd Zs) sT),
∀ (a b : ann (Dom sT)), a ⊑ b →
forward _ ST AL a ⊑ forward _ ST AL' b)
: ∀ AL AL', poLe AL AL' → ∀ ST,
∀ anF bnF, anF ⊑ bnF →
forwardF forward F ST AL anF ⊑ forwardF forward F ST AL' bnF.
intros. general induction H2; destruct F; simpl; eauto 20 using get.
Lemma snd_forwardF_exp' (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
(forward: ∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT),
ctxmap (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT))
(forward_exp: ∀ AL AL' n Zs, get F n Zs → ∀ (ST:subTerm (snd Zs) sT),
∀ (a : ann (Dom sT)), AL ⊑ AL' → AL ⊑ snd (forward _ ST AL' a))
: ∀ AL AL' ST anF, AL ⊑ AL' → AL ⊑ snd (forwardF forward F ST AL' anF).
intros. general induction anF; destruct F; simpl; eauto using get.
Lemma forwardF_ext' (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
(forward: ∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT),
ctxmap (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT))
(forward_mon: ∀ AL AL', AL ≣ AL' → ∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → ∀ (ST:subTerm (snd Zs) sT),
∀ (a b : ann (Dom sT)), a ≣ b →
forward _ ST AL a ≣ forward _ ST AL' b)
: ∀ AL AL', AL ≣ AL' → ∀ ST,
∀ anF bnF, anF ≣ bnF →
forwardF forward F ST AL anF ≣ forwardF forward F ST AL' bnF.
intros. general induction H2; destruct F; simpl; eauto 20 using get.
Lemma forwardF_ann (sT:stmt) (Dom:stmt→Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
(forward: ∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT),
ctxmap (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) → ann (Dom sT) × ctxmap (Dom sT))
(F:list (params × stmt)) (anF:list (ann (Dom sT))) AL
(ST:∀ n s, get F n s → subTerm (snd s) sT) aa n
(GetBW:get (fst (forwardF forward F ST AL anF)) n aa) Zs
(Get: get F n Zs)
(IH: ∀ AL Zs ST a, get F n Zs → get anF n a →
annotation (snd Zs) (fst (forward (snd Zs) ST AL a)))
: annotation (snd Zs) aa.
eapply get_getT in GetBW.
general induction anF; destruct F as [|[Z s] F']; inv GetBW.
- inv_get. simpl. exploit IH; eauto using get.
- eapply IHanF; eauto using get.
Lemma forward_annotation sT (Dom:stmt→Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} s `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
: ∀ AL ZL a (ST:subTerm s sT), annotation s a
→ annotation s (fst (forward Dom f ZL ST AL a)).
induction s using stmt_ind'; intros AL ZL a ST Ann; inv Ann; simpl;
repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; eauto 20 using @annotation, setTopAnn_annotation.
- econstructor; eauto using setTopAnn_annotation.
+ len_simpl; eauto.
+ intros. inv_get.
eapply forwardF_ann in H3; eauto.
× eauto using setTopAnn_annotation, setAnn_annotation.
Lemma forward_getAnn' (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT)) s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL AL an
: getAnn (fst (@forward sT Dom _ _ _ f ZL s ST AL an)) = getAnn an.
intros. destruct s, an; simpl in *; eauto;
repeat let_pair_case_eq; simpl; eauto.
Ltac fold_po :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : context [ @ann_R ?A ?A (@poLe ?A ?I) ] |- _ ] ⇒
change (@ann_R A A (@poLe A I)) with (@poLe (@ann A) _) in H
| [ H : context [ PIR2 poLe ?x ?y ] |- _ ] ⇒
change (PIR2 poLe x y) with (poLe x y) in H
| [ |- context [ ann_R poLe ?x ?y ] ] ⇒
change (ann_R poLe x y) with (poLe x y)
Ltac PI_simpl :=
match goal with
[ H : subTerm ?s ?t, H' : subTerm ?s ?t |- _ ]
⇒ assert (H = H') by eapply subTerm_PI; try subst H'; try subst H
Lemma poLe_mapi D `{PartialOrder D} D' `{PartialOrder D'} (f g:nat → D → D') (L L':list D)
(LEf:∀ i a b, poLe a b → poLe (f i a) (g i b))
(LE: poLe L L') n
: poLe (mapi_impl f n L) (mapi_impl g n L').
general induction LE; simpl; eauto.
Lemma poEq_mapi D `{PartialOrder D} D' `{PartialOrder D'} (f g:nat → D → D') (L L':list D)
(LEf:∀ i a b, poEq a b → poEq (f i a) (g i b))
(LE: poEq L L') n
: poEq (mapi_impl f n L) (mapi_impl g n L').
general induction LE; simpl; eauto.
Lemma forward_monotone (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ⊑ b → f sT ZL s ST a ⊑ f sT ZL s ST b)
: ∀ (s : stmt) (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ AL AL', poLe AL AL' →
∀ (a b : ann (Dom sT)), a ⊑ b →
forward Dom f ZL ST AL a ⊑ forward Dom f ZL ST AL' b.
Proof with eauto using poLe_setTopAnn, poLe_getAnni.
intros s.
induction s using stmt_ind'; intros ST ZL AL AL' ALLE a b LE; simpl forward; inv LE;
simpl forward; repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; eauto.
- eauto 100.
- eauto 100.
- clear_trivial_eqs. eapply PIR2_get in H5; eauto.
eapply poLe_struct; eauto.
+ eapply annF_poLe; eauto.
× eapply poLe_mapi; eauto 20 using forwardF_monotone'.
+ eapply ctxmap_drop_poLe.
eapply forwardF_monotone'; eauto.
Lemma forward_exp (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
: ∀ (s : stmt) (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ AL AL', poLe AL AL' →
∀ a, AL ⊑ snd (forward Dom f ZL ST AL' a).
Proof with eauto using poLe_setTopAnn, poLe_getAnni.
intros s.
induction s using stmt_ind'; intros ST ZL AL AL' ALLE a; destruct a; simpl forward;
simpl forward; repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; eauto.
- simpl. rewrite <- ctxmap_join_at_exp; eauto.
- simpl. etransitivity; eauto.
rewrite <- ctxmap_drop_eta at 1.
eapply ctxmap_drop_poLe.
eapply snd_forwardF_exp'; eauto.
Lemma snd_forwardF_exp (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
f ZL F
: ∀ AL ST anF, AL ⊑ snd (forwardF (@forward sT Dom _ _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF).
intros. eapply snd_forwardF_exp'; eauto.
intros. eapply forward_exp; eauto.
Hint Resolve ann_R_setTopAnn_poEq.
Lemma forwardF_monotone (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{PartialOrder (Dom sT)}
`{@JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT) H} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ⊑ b → f sT ZL s ST a ⊑ f sT ZL s ST b)
: ∀ AL AL', poLe AL AL' → ∀ ST ZL,
∀ anF bnF, anF ⊑ bnF →
forwardF (@forward sT Dom _ _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF
⊑ forwardF (@forward sT Dom _ _ _ f ZL) F ST AL' bnF.
general induction H3; destruct F; simpl; eauto 20 using get, forward_monotone.
Lemma forward_ext (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type)
`{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ≣ b → f sT ZL s ST a ≣ f sT ZL s ST b)
: ∀ (s : stmt) (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ AL AL', poEq AL AL' →
∀ (a b : ann (Dom sT)), a ≣ b →
forward Dom f ZL ST AL a ≣ forward Dom f ZL ST AL' b.
Proof with eauto using poLe_setTopAnn, poLe_getAnni.
intros s.
induction s using stmt_ind'; intros ST ZL AL AL' ALLE a b LE; simpl forward; inv LE;
simpl forward; repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; eauto.
- eauto 100.
- eauto 100.
- clear_trivial_eqs. eapply PIR2_get in H5; eauto.
eapply poEq_struct; eauto.
+ eapply annF_poEq; eauto.
× eapply poEq_mapi; eauto 20 using forwardF_ext'.
+ eapply ctxmap_drop_poEq.
eapply forwardF_ext'; eauto.
Lemma forwardF_ext (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type) `{H:PartialOrder (Dom sT)}
`{@JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT) H} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ≣ b → f sT ZL s ST a ≣ f sT ZL s ST b)
: ∀ ZL AL AL', AL ≣ AL' → ∀ ST,
∀ anF bnF, anF ≣ bnF →
forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF
≣ forwardF (@forward sT Dom _ _ _ f ZL) F ST AL' bnF.
intros. eapply forwardF_ext'; eauto.
intros. eapply forward_ext; eauto.
Instance forwardF_proper (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type) `{H:PartialOrder (Dom sT)}
`{@JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT) H} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ≣ b → f sT ZL s ST a ≣ f sT ZL s ST b) ZL F ST
: Proper (poEq ==> poEq ==> poEq)
(forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST).
unfold Proper, respectful.
intros. eapply forwardF_ext; eauto.
Instance forwardF_proper' (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type) `{H:PartialOrder (Dom sT)}
`{@JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT) H} `{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ⊑ b → f sT ZL s ST a ⊑ f sT ZL s ST b) ZL F ST
: Proper (poLe ==> poLe ==> poLe)
(forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST).
unfold Proper, respectful.
intros. eapply forwardF_monotone; eauto.
Lemma forward_length (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
`{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
: ∀ (s : stmt) (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL AL
(a : ann (Dom sT)), ctxmap_len (snd (forward Dom f ZL ST AL a)) = ctxmap_len AL.
induction s using stmt_ind'; destruct a; simpl; eauto with len;
repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl in *; eauto.
- setoid_rewrite IHs2.
setoid_rewrite IHs1. reflexivity.
- rewrite <- snd_forwardF_exp'; eauto; try reflexivity.
rewrite IHs.
+ len_simpl. omega.
+ intros. eapply forward_exp; eauto.
Smpl Add
match goal with
| [ |- context [ ctxmap_len (snd (@forward ?sT ?Dom ?H ?JSL ?LB ?f ?ZL ?s ?ST ?AL ?a)) ] ] ⇒
setoid_rewrite (@forward_length sT Dom H JSL LB f s ST ZL AL a)
end : len.
Lemma snd_forwardF_length (sT:stmt) (Dom : stmt → Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
`{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
: ∀ ZL F ST AL anF,
ctxmap_len (snd (forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF))
= ctxmap_len AL.
general induction F; destruct anF; simpl; eauto.
rewrite IHF. eauto with len.
Smpl Add
match goal with
| [ |- context [ ctxmap_len (snd
(@forwardF ?sT ?Dom ?H ?JSL
(@forward ?sT ?Dom ?H ?JSL ?LB ?f ?ZL)
?F ?ST ?AL ?anF)) ] ] ⇒
setoid_rewrite (@snd_forwardF_length sT Dom H JSL LB f ZL F ST AL anF)
end : len.
Lemma forwardF_get (sT:stmt) (Dom:stmt→Type) `{JoinSemiLattice (Dom sT)}
`{@LowerBounded (Dom sT) H}
(F:list (params × stmt)) (anF:list (ann (Dom sT))) AL
(ST:∀ n s, get F n s → subTerm (snd s) sT) aa n f ZL
(GetBW:get (fst (forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF)) n aa)
{ Zs : params × stmt & {GetF : get F n Zs &
{ a : ann (Dom sT) & { getAnF : get anF n a & { AL' : ctxmap (Dom sT) |
{ ST' : subTerm (snd Zs) sT |
fst (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL (snd Zs) ST' AL' a) = aa
∧ poLe (snd (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL (snd Zs) ST' AL' a))
(snd (forwardF (@forward sT Dom H _ _ f ZL) F ST AL anF))
} } } } } }.
eapply get_getT in GetBW.
general induction anF; destruct F as [|[Z s] F']; inv GetBW.
- ∃ (Z, s). simpl. do 5 (eexists; eauto 20 using get).
split. reflexivity. eapply snd_forwardF_exp.
- edestruct IHanF as [Zs [? [? [? ]]]]; eauto; dcr; subst.
∃ Zs. do 5 (eexists; eauto 20 using get).
Instance makeForwardAnalysis (Dom:stmt → Type)
(PO:∀ s, PartialOrder (Dom s))
(BSL:∀ s, JoinSemiLattice (Dom s))
(LB:∀ s, @LowerBounded (Dom s) (PO s))
(f: ∀ sT, ctxmap params →
∀ s, subTerm s sT → Dom sT → anni (Dom sT))
(fMon:∀ sT s (ST:subTerm s sT) ZL,
∀ a b, a ⊑ b → f sT ZL s ST a ⊑ f sT ZL s ST b)
(Trm: ∀ s, Terminating (Dom s) poLt)
: ∀ s (i:Dom s), Iteration { a : ann (Dom s) | annotation s a } :=
step := fun X : {a : ann (Dom s) | annotation s a} ⇒
exist (fun a0 : ann (Dom s) ⇒ annotation s a0)
(fst (forward Dom f (ctxmap_emp _)
(subTerm_refl _) (ctxmap_emp _) (proj1_sig X)))
(forward_annotation Dom f (ctxmap_emp _) (ctxmap_emp _) (subTerm_refl _) _);
initial_value :=
exist (fun a : ann (Dom s) ⇒ annotation s a)
(setTopAnn (setAnn bottom s) i)
(setTopAnn_annotation _ (setAnn_annotation bottom s))
- destruct X; eauto.
- eapply ann_R_setTopAnn_left.
+ simpl. rewrite forward_getAnn'. rewrite getAnn_setTopAnn. reflexivity.
+ eapply ann_bottom.
eapply forward_annotation; eauto.
eapply setTopAnn_annotation.
eapply setAnn_annotation.
- intros [a Ann] [b Bnn] LE; simpl in ×.
eapply (forward_monotone Dom f (fMon s)); eauto.