Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import RelationClasses Morphisms List
Omega Init.Nat Setoid std calculus pcp.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import RelationClasses Morphisms List
Omega Init.Nat Setoid std calculus pcp.
Import ListNotations.
Encoding of symbols
Encoding of words
Encoding of words
Section Typing.
Lemma encb_typing (Gamma: ctx) b:
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X u : alpha → alpha) ->
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X v : alpha → alpha) ->
Gamma ⊢(3) encb b : (alpha → alpha).
intros H1 H2. destruct b; eauto.
Lemma enc_typing (Gamma: ctx) w:
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X u : alpha → alpha) ->
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X v : alpha → alpha) ->
Gamma ⊢(3) enc w : alpha → alpha.
econstructor; eauto. inv H; inv H0.
eapply AppL_ordertyping_repeated;eauto.
eapply orderlisttyping_preservation_under_renaming.
eapply repeated_ordertyping; simplify.
intros; mapinj. eapply encb_typing. all: eauto.
intros ??; cbn; eauto.
Lemma Enc_typing (Gamma: ctx) W:
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X u : alpha → alpha) ->
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X v : alpha → alpha) ->
Gamma ⊢₊(3) Enc W : repeat (alpha → alpha) (length W).
intros. eapply repeated_ordertyping; simplify; eauto.
intros; mapinj. eapply enc_typing; eauto.
End Typing.
Lemma encb_typing (Gamma: ctx) b:
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X u : alpha → alpha) ->
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X v : alpha → alpha) ->
Gamma ⊢(3) encb b : (alpha → alpha).
intros H1 H2. destruct b; eauto.
Lemma enc_typing (Gamma: ctx) w:
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X u : alpha → alpha) ->
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X v : alpha → alpha) ->
Gamma ⊢(3) enc w : alpha → alpha.
econstructor; eauto. inv H; inv H0.
eapply AppL_ordertyping_repeated;eauto.
eapply orderlisttyping_preservation_under_renaming.
eapply repeated_ordertyping; simplify.
intros; mapinj. eapply encb_typing. all: eauto.
intros ??; cbn; eauto.
Lemma Enc_typing (Gamma: ctx) W:
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X u : alpha → alpha) ->
(Gamma ⊢(3) @var X v : alpha → alpha) ->
Gamma ⊢₊(3) Enc W : repeat (alpha → alpha) (length W).
intros. eapply repeated_ordertyping; simplify; eauto.
intros; mapinj. eapply enc_typing; eauto.
End Typing.
Section Reduction.
Lemma enc_nil s: enc [] s ≡ s.
unfold enc; cbn.
rewrite stepBeta; asimpl; cbn; eauto.
Lemma enc_cons b w s: enc (b :: w) s ≡ encb b (enc w s).
unfold enc. eapply equiv_join; rewrite stepBeta; asimpl; eauto.
rewrite map_map, map_id_list. rewrite map_map, map_id_list. eauto.
all: intros; now asimpl.
Hint Rewrite enc_nil enc_cons : simplify.
Lemma enc_app w1 w2 s:
enc (w1 ++ w2) s ≡ enc w1 (enc w2 s).
induction w1; cbn; simplify; eauto.
now rewrite IHw1.
Hint Rewrite enc_app : simplify.
Lemma enc_concat W s:
AppL (Enc W) s ≡ enc (concat W) s.
induction W; cbn; simplify; eauto.
now rewrite IHW.
End Reduction.
Hint Rewrite enc_nil enc_cons enc_app : simplify.
Lemma enc_nil s: enc [] s ≡ s.
unfold enc; cbn.
rewrite stepBeta; asimpl; cbn; eauto.
Lemma enc_cons b w s: enc (b :: w) s ≡ encb b (enc w s).
unfold enc. eapply equiv_join; rewrite stepBeta; asimpl; eauto.
rewrite map_map, map_id_list. rewrite map_map, map_id_list. eauto.
all: intros; now asimpl.
Hint Rewrite enc_nil enc_cons : simplify.
Lemma enc_app w1 w2 s:
enc (w1 ++ w2) s ≡ enc w1 (enc w2 s).
induction w1; cbn; simplify; eauto.
now rewrite IHw1.
Hint Rewrite enc_app : simplify.
Lemma enc_concat W s:
AppL (Enc W) s ≡ enc (concat W) s.
induction W; cbn; simplify; eauto.
now rewrite IHW.
End Reduction.
Hint Rewrite enc_nil enc_cons enc_app : simplify.
Section Substitution.
Lemma encb_subst_id a (sigma: fin -> exp X):
sigma u = var u -> sigma v = var v -> sigma • encb a = encb a.
intros; unfold encb; cbn; destruct a; eauto.
Lemma enc_subst_id (sigma: fin -> exp X) w:
sigma u = var u -> sigma v = var v -> sigma • (enc w) = enc w.
unfold enc.
intros H1 H2. cbn. f_equal.
asimpl. f_equal. rewrite map_id_list; eauto.
intros x ?; mapinj; mapinj. asimpl.
rewrite <-compComp_exp, encb_subst_id; eauto.
Lemma Enc_subst_id (sigma: fin -> exp X) W:
sigma u = var u -> sigma v = var v -> sigma •₊ Enc W = Enc W.
intros. eapply map_id_list.
intros; mapinj;eapply enc_subst_id; eauto.
End Substitution.
Lemma encb_subst_id a (sigma: fin -> exp X):
sigma u = var u -> sigma v = var v -> sigma • encb a = encb a.
intros; unfold encb; cbn; destruct a; eauto.
Lemma enc_subst_id (sigma: fin -> exp X) w:
sigma u = var u -> sigma v = var v -> sigma • (enc w) = enc w.
unfold enc.
intros H1 H2. cbn. f_equal.
asimpl. f_equal. rewrite map_id_list; eauto.
intros x ?; mapinj; mapinj. asimpl.
rewrite <-compComp_exp, encb_subst_id; eauto.
Lemma Enc_subst_id (sigma: fin -> exp X) W:
sigma u = var u -> sigma v = var v -> sigma •₊ Enc W = Enc W.
intros. eapply map_id_list.
intros; mapinj;eapply enc_subst_id; eauto.
End Substitution.
Section Injectivity.
Lemma encb_eq a b:
encb a ≡ encb b -> a = b.
intros H % equiv_head_equal; cbn in *; eauto.
injection H; destruct a, b; intros; eauto; exfalso; eapply u_neq_v; eauto.
Lemma enc_eq w1 w2 s t:
enc w1 s ≡ enc w2 t ->
(forall s', ~ s ≡ var u s') -> (forall s', ~ s ≡ var v s') ->
(forall t', ~ t ≡ var u t') -> (forall t', ~ t ≡ var v t') ->
w1 = w2.
simplify. intros. induction w1 in w2, H |-*; destruct w2; cbn in *; eauto.
- simplify in H. destruct b; firstorder.
- simplify in H; symmetry in H; destruct a; firstorder.
- simplify in H; Injection H.
now rewrite IHw1 with (w2 := w2), encb_eq with (a := a) (b := b).
End Injectivity.
End Encoding.
Hint Rewrite @enc_app @enc_nil: simplify.
Notation Enc u v := (map (enc u v)).
Section ReductionEncodings.
Context {X: Const}.
Definition finst I n := Lambda n (AppL (map var I) (@var X n)).
Lemma finst_typing I n :
I ⊆ nats n ->
[alpha] ⊢(3) finst I n : Arr (repeat (alpha → alpha) n) alpha.
intros H; eapply Lambda_ordertyping; simplify; eauto.
eapply AppL_ordertyping_repeated.
eapply repeated_ordertyping; simplify; eauto.
intros; mapinj.
econstructor; simplify; cbn; eauto.
rewrite nth_error_app1; simplify; eauto.
eapply nth_error_repeated; eauto.
1 - 2: eapply nats_lt, H, H2.
econstructor; simplify; eauto.
rewrite nth_error_app2; simplify; eauto.
Lemma finst_equivalence u v I W delta:
I ⊆ nats (length W) ->
AppR (ren delta (finst I (length W))) (Enc u v W) ≡ enc u v (concat (select I W)) (var (delta 0)).
intros. unfold finst. rewrite !Lambda_ren, !AppL_ren.
rewrite !map_id_list.
2: intros ? ?; mapinj; cbn; eapply H, nats_lt in H2; now rewrite it_up_ren_lt.
cbn; rewrite it_up_ren_ge; eauto; simplify.
rewrite !AppR_Lambda'; simplify; eauto. asimpl.
rewrite !sapp_ge_in; simplify; eauto.
rewrite !select_variables_subst; [|simplify; eauto..].
now rewrite <-!select_map, enc_concat.
End ReductionEncodings.
Section EquivalenceInversion.
Variables (X: Const) (s t: exp X) (x: nat) (sigma: fin -> exp X) (S: list (exp X)).
Hypothesis (H1: forall y, isVar (sigma y) /\ sigma y <> var x).
Hypothesis (N: normal s).
Hypothesis (EQ: S .+ sigma • s ≡ (var x) t).
Lemma end_head_var:
exists (h: nat) T s', s = AppR (var h) T /\ nth S h = Some s'.
eapply normal_nf in N as N'. inv N'. destruct k; cbn in *; eauto; [|Discriminate].
destruct (s0); cbn in H; intuition; clear H.
- assert(f < |S| \/ f >= |S|) as [] by omega; eauto.
eapply nth_error_lt_Some in H as H2; destruct H2; eauto.
asimpl in EQ; rewrite sapp_ge_in in EQ; eauto.
specialize (H1 (f - |S|)). intuition.
eapply equiv_head_equal in EQ; cbn; simplify; eauto. simplify in EQ; cbn in EQ; eauto.
destruct (sigma (f - (|S|))); cbn in *; intuition.
- eauto. asimpl in EQ.
eapply equiv_head_equal in EQ; cbn; simplify in *; eauto.
cbn in EQ; discriminate.
Lemma end_is_var_typed Gamma A u v C:
S = Enc u v C ->
(repeat (alpha → alpha) (|S|) ++ Gamma ⊢(3) s : A) ->
exists i e, i < |S| /\ s = var i e.
intros H2 H4; destruct end_head_var as (h' & T & s' & H5); intuition; subst.
destruct T as [| t1 [| t2 T]].
+ cbn in EQ. erewrite nth_error_sapp in EQ; eauto.
rewrite nth_error_map_option in H0; destruct nth; try discriminate.
cbn in H0; injection H0 as <-.
unfold enc in EQ; Discriminate.
+ exists h'. exists t1. intuition. now eapply nth_error_Some_lt in H0.
+ eapply AppR_ordertyping_inv in H4.
destruct H4 as [L]; intuition.
inv H3. rewrite nth_error_app1, nth_error_repeated in H5; simplify in *; eauto.
inv H2. inv H8. cbn in H5; injection H5 as ?.
rewrite !Arr_app in H; cbn in H. eapply (f_equal arity) in H.
rewrite arity_Arr in H; cbn in H. omega.
all: eapply nth_error_Some_lt in H0; simplify in H0; eauto.
End EquivalenceInversion.
Lemma encb_eq a b:
encb a ≡ encb b -> a = b.
intros H % equiv_head_equal; cbn in *; eauto.
injection H; destruct a, b; intros; eauto; exfalso; eapply u_neq_v; eauto.
Lemma enc_eq w1 w2 s t:
enc w1 s ≡ enc w2 t ->
(forall s', ~ s ≡ var u s') -> (forall s', ~ s ≡ var v s') ->
(forall t', ~ t ≡ var u t') -> (forall t', ~ t ≡ var v t') ->
w1 = w2.
simplify. intros. induction w1 in w2, H |-*; destruct w2; cbn in *; eauto.
- simplify in H. destruct b; firstorder.
- simplify in H; symmetry in H; destruct a; firstorder.
- simplify in H; Injection H.
now rewrite IHw1 with (w2 := w2), encb_eq with (a := a) (b := b).
End Injectivity.
End Encoding.
Hint Rewrite @enc_app @enc_nil: simplify.
Notation Enc u v := (map (enc u v)).
Section ReductionEncodings.
Context {X: Const}.
Definition finst I n := Lambda n (AppL (map var I) (@var X n)).
Lemma finst_typing I n :
I ⊆ nats n ->
[alpha] ⊢(3) finst I n : Arr (repeat (alpha → alpha) n) alpha.
intros H; eapply Lambda_ordertyping; simplify; eauto.
eapply AppL_ordertyping_repeated.
eapply repeated_ordertyping; simplify; eauto.
intros; mapinj.
econstructor; simplify; cbn; eauto.
rewrite nth_error_app1; simplify; eauto.
eapply nth_error_repeated; eauto.
1 - 2: eapply nats_lt, H, H2.
econstructor; simplify; eauto.
rewrite nth_error_app2; simplify; eauto.
Lemma finst_equivalence u v I W delta:
I ⊆ nats (length W) ->
AppR (ren delta (finst I (length W))) (Enc u v W) ≡ enc u v (concat (select I W)) (var (delta 0)).
intros. unfold finst. rewrite !Lambda_ren, !AppL_ren.
rewrite !map_id_list.
2: intros ? ?; mapinj; cbn; eapply H, nats_lt in H2; now rewrite it_up_ren_lt.
cbn; rewrite it_up_ren_ge; eauto; simplify.
rewrite !AppR_Lambda'; simplify; eauto. asimpl.
rewrite !sapp_ge_in; simplify; eauto.
rewrite !select_variables_subst; [|simplify; eauto..].
now rewrite <-!select_map, enc_concat.
End ReductionEncodings.
Section EquivalenceInversion.
Variables (X: Const) (s t: exp X) (x: nat) (sigma: fin -> exp X) (S: list (exp X)).
Hypothesis (H1: forall y, isVar (sigma y) /\ sigma y <> var x).
Hypothesis (N: normal s).
Hypothesis (EQ: S .+ sigma • s ≡ (var x) t).
Lemma end_head_var:
exists (h: nat) T s', s = AppR (var h) T /\ nth S h = Some s'.
eapply normal_nf in N as N'. inv N'. destruct k; cbn in *; eauto; [|Discriminate].
destruct (s0); cbn in H; intuition; clear H.
- assert(f < |S| \/ f >= |S|) as [] by omega; eauto.
eapply nth_error_lt_Some in H as H2; destruct H2; eauto.
asimpl in EQ; rewrite sapp_ge_in in EQ; eauto.
specialize (H1 (f - |S|)). intuition.
eapply equiv_head_equal in EQ; cbn; simplify; eauto. simplify in EQ; cbn in EQ; eauto.
destruct (sigma (f - (|S|))); cbn in *; intuition.
- eauto. asimpl in EQ.
eapply equiv_head_equal in EQ; cbn; simplify in *; eauto.
cbn in EQ; discriminate.
Lemma end_is_var_typed Gamma A u v C:
S = Enc u v C ->
(repeat (alpha → alpha) (|S|) ++ Gamma ⊢(3) s : A) ->
exists i e, i < |S| /\ s = var i e.
intros H2 H4; destruct end_head_var as (h' & T & s' & H5); intuition; subst.
destruct T as [| t1 [| t2 T]].
+ cbn in EQ. erewrite nth_error_sapp in EQ; eauto.
rewrite nth_error_map_option in H0; destruct nth; try discriminate.
cbn in H0; injection H0 as <-.
unfold enc in EQ; Discriminate.
+ exists h'. exists t1. intuition. now eapply nth_error_Some_lt in H0.
+ eapply AppR_ordertyping_inv in H4.
destruct H4 as [L]; intuition.
inv H3. rewrite nth_error_app1, nth_error_repeated in H5; simplify in *; eauto.
inv H2. inv H8. cbn in H5; injection H5 as ?.
rewrite !Arr_app in H; cbn in H. eapply (f_equal arity) in H.
rewrite arity_Arr in H; cbn in H. omega.
all: eapply nth_error_Some_lt in H0; simplify in H0; eauto.
End EquivalenceInversion.