Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms Setoid FinFun Morphisms.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.DenotationalSemantics Confluence
CBPV.StrongReduction CBPV.LogicalEquivalence
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms Setoid FinFun Morphisms.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.DenotationalSemantics Confluence
CBPV.StrongReduction CBPV.LogicalEquivalence
Inductive ectx (m: nat) : nat -> Type :=
| ectxHole : ectx m m
| ectxPairL n: ectx m n -> exp m -> ectx m n
| ectxPairR n : exp m -> ectx m n -> ectx m n
| ectxInj n : bool -> ectx m n -> ectx m n
| ectxLambda n: ectx (S m) n -> ectx m n
| ectxAppL n: ectx m n -> exp m -> ectx m n
| ectxAppR n: exp m -> ectx m n -> ectx m n
| ectxProj n: bool -> ectx m n -> ectx m n
| ectxCaseSV n: ectx m n -> exp (S m) -> exp (S m) -> ectx m n
| ectxCaseSL n: exp m -> ectx (S m) n -> exp (S m) -> ectx m n
| ectxCaseSR n: exp m -> exp (S m) -> ectx (S m) n -> ectx m n.
Notation "•" := (ectxHole _).
Fixpoint fille {m n: nat} (C: ectx m n) : exp n -> exp m :=
match C with
| • => fun e => e
| ectxPairL C e' => fun e => Pair (fille C e) e'
| ectxPairR e' C => fun e => Pair e' (fille C e)
| ectxInj b C => fun e => Inj b (fille C e)
| ectxLambda C => fun e => Lam (fille C e)
| ectxAppL C e' => fun e => App (fille C e) e'
| ectxAppR e' C => fun e => App e' (fille C e)
| ectxProj b C => fun e => Proj b (fille C e)
| ectxCaseSV C e1 e2 => fun e => CaseS (fille C e) e1 e2
| ectxCaseSL e' C e2 => fun e => CaseS e' (fille C e) e2
| ectxCaseSR e' e1 C => fun e => CaseS e' e1 (fille C e)
Reserved Notation "Gamma [[ Delta ]] ⊢n C : B ; T" (at level 53, C at level 99).
Inductive ectxTyping {m: nat} (Gamma: cbn_ctx m) : forall n, cbn_ctx n -> ectx m n -> type -> type -> Type :=
| ectxTypingHole A:
Gamma [[ Gamma ]] ⊢n • : A; A
| ectxTypingPairL n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A A1 A2 v:
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : A1; A ->
Gamma ⊢n v : A2 ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxPairL C v : Cross A1 A2; A
| ectxTypingPairR n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A A1 A2 v:
Gamma ⊢n v : A1 ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : A2; A ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxPairR v C : Cross A1 A2; A
| ectxTypingInj n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A A1 A2 (b: bool):
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : (if b then A1 else A2); A ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxInj b C : Plus A1 A2; A
| ectxTypingLambda n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx (S m) n) A A' B:
(A .: Gamma) [[Delta]] ⊢n C : B; A' ->
Gamma [[Delta]] ⊢n ectxLambda C : Arr A B; A'
| ectxTypingAppL n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A A' B v:
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : Arr A B; A' ->
Gamma ⊢n v : A ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxAppL C v : B; A'
| ectxTypingAppR n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) c (C: ectx m n) A A' B :
Gamma ⊢n c : Arr A B ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : A; A' ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxAppR c C : B; A'
| ectxTypingProj n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A B1 B2 (b: bool):
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : Cross B1 B2; A ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxProj b C : (if b then B1 else B2); A
| ectxTypingCaseSV n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A1 A2 A' B c1 c2:
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : Plus A1 A2; A' ->
A1 .: Gamma ⊢n c1 : B ->
A2 .: Gamma ⊢n c2 : B ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxCaseSV C c1 c2 : B; A'
| ectxTypingCaseSL n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx (S m) n) A1 A2 A' B v c2:
Gamma ⊢n v : Plus A1 A2 ->
(A1 .: Gamma)[[Delta]] ⊢n C : B; A' ->
A2 .: Gamma ⊢n c2 : B ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxCaseSL v C c2 : B; A'
| ectxTypingCaseSR n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx (S m) n) A1 A2 A' B v c1:
Gamma ⊢n v : Plus A1 A2 ->
A1 .: Gamma ⊢n c1 : B ->
(A2 .: Gamma)[[Delta]] ⊢n C : B; A' ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxCaseSR v c1 C : B; A'
where "Gamma [[ Delta ]] ⊢n C : B ; T " := (@ectxTyping _ Gamma _ Delta C B T).
Hint Constructors ectx ectxTyping.
Fixpoint ectx_typing_soundness m Gamma n Delta (C: ectx m n) A A' (H: Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : A; A'):
forall v, Delta ⊢n v : A' -> (Gamma ⊢n fille C v : A).
all: destruct H; intros; cbn; eauto; econstructor; eauto.
| ectxHole : ectx m m
| ectxPairL n: ectx m n -> exp m -> ectx m n
| ectxPairR n : exp m -> ectx m n -> ectx m n
| ectxInj n : bool -> ectx m n -> ectx m n
| ectxLambda n: ectx (S m) n -> ectx m n
| ectxAppL n: ectx m n -> exp m -> ectx m n
| ectxAppR n: exp m -> ectx m n -> ectx m n
| ectxProj n: bool -> ectx m n -> ectx m n
| ectxCaseSV n: ectx m n -> exp (S m) -> exp (S m) -> ectx m n
| ectxCaseSL n: exp m -> ectx (S m) n -> exp (S m) -> ectx m n
| ectxCaseSR n: exp m -> exp (S m) -> ectx (S m) n -> ectx m n.
Notation "•" := (ectxHole _).
Fixpoint fille {m n: nat} (C: ectx m n) : exp n -> exp m :=
match C with
| • => fun e => e
| ectxPairL C e' => fun e => Pair (fille C e) e'
| ectxPairR e' C => fun e => Pair e' (fille C e)
| ectxInj b C => fun e => Inj b (fille C e)
| ectxLambda C => fun e => Lam (fille C e)
| ectxAppL C e' => fun e => App (fille C e) e'
| ectxAppR e' C => fun e => App e' (fille C e)
| ectxProj b C => fun e => Proj b (fille C e)
| ectxCaseSV C e1 e2 => fun e => CaseS (fille C e) e1 e2
| ectxCaseSL e' C e2 => fun e => CaseS e' (fille C e) e2
| ectxCaseSR e' e1 C => fun e => CaseS e' e1 (fille C e)
Reserved Notation "Gamma [[ Delta ]] ⊢n C : B ; T" (at level 53, C at level 99).
Inductive ectxTyping {m: nat} (Gamma: cbn_ctx m) : forall n, cbn_ctx n -> ectx m n -> type -> type -> Type :=
| ectxTypingHole A:
Gamma [[ Gamma ]] ⊢n • : A; A
| ectxTypingPairL n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A A1 A2 v:
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : A1; A ->
Gamma ⊢n v : A2 ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxPairL C v : Cross A1 A2; A
| ectxTypingPairR n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A A1 A2 v:
Gamma ⊢n v : A1 ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : A2; A ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxPairR v C : Cross A1 A2; A
| ectxTypingInj n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A A1 A2 (b: bool):
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : (if b then A1 else A2); A ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxInj b C : Plus A1 A2; A
| ectxTypingLambda n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx (S m) n) A A' B:
(A .: Gamma) [[Delta]] ⊢n C : B; A' ->
Gamma [[Delta]] ⊢n ectxLambda C : Arr A B; A'
| ectxTypingAppL n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A A' B v:
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : Arr A B; A' ->
Gamma ⊢n v : A ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxAppL C v : B; A'
| ectxTypingAppR n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) c (C: ectx m n) A A' B :
Gamma ⊢n c : Arr A B ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : A; A' ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxAppR c C : B; A'
| ectxTypingProj n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A B1 B2 (b: bool):
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : Cross B1 B2; A ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxProj b C : (if b then B1 else B2); A
| ectxTypingCaseSV n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx m n) A1 A2 A' B c1 c2:
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : Plus A1 A2; A' ->
A1 .: Gamma ⊢n c1 : B ->
A2 .: Gamma ⊢n c2 : B ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxCaseSV C c1 c2 : B; A'
| ectxTypingCaseSL n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx (S m) n) A1 A2 A' B v c2:
Gamma ⊢n v : Plus A1 A2 ->
(A1 .: Gamma)[[Delta]] ⊢n C : B; A' ->
A2 .: Gamma ⊢n c2 : B ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxCaseSL v C c2 : B; A'
| ectxTypingCaseSR n (Delta: cbn_ctx n) (C: ectx (S m) n) A1 A2 A' B v c1:
Gamma ⊢n v : Plus A1 A2 ->
A1 .: Gamma ⊢n c1 : B ->
(A2 .: Gamma)[[Delta]] ⊢n C : B; A' ->
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n ectxCaseSR v c1 C : B; A'
where "Gamma [[ Delta ]] ⊢n C : B ; T " := (@ectxTyping _ Gamma _ Delta C B T).
Hint Constructors ectx ectxTyping.
Fixpoint ectx_typing_soundness m Gamma n Delta (C: ectx m n) A A' (H: Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : A; A'):
forall v, Delta ⊢n v : A' -> (Gamma ⊢n fille C v : A).
all: destruct H; intros; cbn; eauto; econstructor; eauto.
Definition caseScott {m: nat} : comp (S m) :=
caseS (var 0) (lambda (lambda ((var 1 !) (var 2)))) (lambda (lambda ((var 0 !) (var 2)))).
Fixpoint eval' {n: nat} (s : exp n) : comp n :=
match s with
| var_exp x => force (var_value x)
| One => ret u
| Lam M => lambda (eval' M)
| App M N => app (eval' M) (thunk (eval' N))
| Pair M N => tuple (eval' M) (eval' N)
| Proj b M => proj b (eval' M)
| Inj b M => ret (inj b (thunk (eval' M)))
| CaseS M N1 N2 =>
(letin (eval' M) caseScott) (<{ lambda (eval' N1) }>) (<{ lambda (eval' N2) }>)
Lemma cbn_type_pres' {n : nat} (s : exp n) A Gamma :
Gamma ⊢n s : A -> eval_ctx Gamma ⊢ eval' s : eval_ty A.
induction 1; cbn in *; eauto.
- econstructor. eapply computation_typing_ext;
eauto. unfold eval_ctx. now asimpl.
- replace (eval_ty (if b then B1 else B2)) with (if b then eval_ty B1 else eval_ty B2) by (now destruct b).
now econstructor.
- destruct b; now repeat econstructor.
- repeat econstructor; eauto.
all: try solve [eapply typeVar'; cbn; eauto].
all: rewrite eval_ctx_cons in IHX2, IHX3; eauto.
Fixpoint eval_ectx {m n: nat} (C : ectx m n) : cctx false m n :=
match C with
| • => •__c
| ectxLambda C => cctxLambda (eval_ectx C)
| ectxAppL C e' => cctxAppL (eval_ectx C) (thunk (eval' e'))
| ectxAppR e' C => cctxAppR (eval' e') (vctxThunk (eval_ectx C))
| ectxPairL C e' => cctxTupleL (eval_ectx C) (eval' e')
| ectxPairR e' C => cctxTupleR (eval' e') (eval_ectx C)
| ectxInj b C => cctxRet (vctxInj b (vctxThunk (eval_ectx C)))
| ectxProj b C => cctxProj b (eval_ectx C)
| ectxCaseSV C e1 e2 =>
cctxAppL (cctxAppL (cctxLetinL (eval_ectx C) caseScott)
(<{ lambda (eval' e1) }>))
(<{ lambda (eval' e2) }>)
| ectxCaseSL e' C e2 =>
cctxAppL (cctxAppR (letin (eval' e') caseScott)
(vctxThunk (cctxLambda (eval_ectx C))))
(<{ lambda (eval' e2) }>)
| ectxCaseSR e' e1 C =>
cctxAppR ((letin (eval' e') caseScott) (<{ lambda (eval' e1) }>))
(vctxThunk (cctxLambda (eval_ectx C)))
Lemma ectx_cctx {m n: nat} (C: ectx m n) (e: exp n) :
eval' (fille C e) = fillc (eval_ectx C) (eval' e).
induction C; cbn; congruence.
Lemma ectx_cctx_typing {m n: nat} Gamma Delta (C: ectx m n) A B:
Gamma [[Delta]] ⊢n C : A; B -> (eval_ctx Gamma) [[eval_ctx Delta]] ⊢ eval_ectx C : eval_ty A; eval_ty B.
induction 1; cbn; intros; repeat econstructor; eauto using cbn_type_pres'.
all: try solve [eapply typeVar'; cbn; reflexivity].
all: try solve [rewrite <-eval_ctx_cons; eauto using cbn_type_pres'].
+ destruct b; econstructor; eauto.
+ exact (cbn_type_pres' c0).
+ replace (eval_ty (if b then B1 else B2))
with (if b then eval_ty B1 else eval_ty B2) by (destruct b; reflexivity); eauto.
+ exact (cbn_type_pres' c).
+ exact (cbn_type_pres' c).
Definition Bool := Plus Unit Unit.
Definition tt {n: nat} := @Inj n true One.
Definition ff {n: nat} := @Inj n false One.
Record CBN {n: nat} (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) (A: type) :=
mkCBN { CBN_e :> exp n; CBN_H :> Gamma ⊢n CBN_e : A }.
caseS (var 0) (lambda (lambda ((var 1 !) (var 2)))) (lambda (lambda ((var 0 !) (var 2)))).
Fixpoint eval' {n: nat} (s : exp n) : comp n :=
match s with
| var_exp x => force (var_value x)
| One => ret u
| Lam M => lambda (eval' M)
| App M N => app (eval' M) (thunk (eval' N))
| Pair M N => tuple (eval' M) (eval' N)
| Proj b M => proj b (eval' M)
| Inj b M => ret (inj b (thunk (eval' M)))
| CaseS M N1 N2 =>
(letin (eval' M) caseScott) (<{ lambda (eval' N1) }>) (<{ lambda (eval' N2) }>)
Lemma cbn_type_pres' {n : nat} (s : exp n) A Gamma :
Gamma ⊢n s : A -> eval_ctx Gamma ⊢ eval' s : eval_ty A.
induction 1; cbn in *; eauto.
- econstructor. eapply computation_typing_ext;
eauto. unfold eval_ctx. now asimpl.
- replace (eval_ty (if b then B1 else B2)) with (if b then eval_ty B1 else eval_ty B2) by (now destruct b).
now econstructor.
- destruct b; now repeat econstructor.
- repeat econstructor; eauto.
all: try solve [eapply typeVar'; cbn; eauto].
all: rewrite eval_ctx_cons in IHX2, IHX3; eauto.
Fixpoint eval_ectx {m n: nat} (C : ectx m n) : cctx false m n :=
match C with
| • => •__c
| ectxLambda C => cctxLambda (eval_ectx C)
| ectxAppL C e' => cctxAppL (eval_ectx C) (thunk (eval' e'))
| ectxAppR e' C => cctxAppR (eval' e') (vctxThunk (eval_ectx C))
| ectxPairL C e' => cctxTupleL (eval_ectx C) (eval' e')
| ectxPairR e' C => cctxTupleR (eval' e') (eval_ectx C)
| ectxInj b C => cctxRet (vctxInj b (vctxThunk (eval_ectx C)))
| ectxProj b C => cctxProj b (eval_ectx C)
| ectxCaseSV C e1 e2 =>
cctxAppL (cctxAppL (cctxLetinL (eval_ectx C) caseScott)
(<{ lambda (eval' e1) }>))
(<{ lambda (eval' e2) }>)
| ectxCaseSL e' C e2 =>
cctxAppL (cctxAppR (letin (eval' e') caseScott)
(vctxThunk (cctxLambda (eval_ectx C))))
(<{ lambda (eval' e2) }>)
| ectxCaseSR e' e1 C =>
cctxAppR ((letin (eval' e') caseScott) (<{ lambda (eval' e1) }>))
(vctxThunk (cctxLambda (eval_ectx C)))
Lemma ectx_cctx {m n: nat} (C: ectx m n) (e: exp n) :
eval' (fille C e) = fillc (eval_ectx C) (eval' e).
induction C; cbn; congruence.
Lemma ectx_cctx_typing {m n: nat} Gamma Delta (C: ectx m n) A B:
Gamma [[Delta]] ⊢n C : A; B -> (eval_ctx Gamma) [[eval_ctx Delta]] ⊢ eval_ectx C : eval_ty A; eval_ty B.
induction 1; cbn; intros; repeat econstructor; eauto using cbn_type_pres'.
all: try solve [eapply typeVar'; cbn; reflexivity].
all: try solve [rewrite <-eval_ctx_cons; eauto using cbn_type_pres'].
+ destruct b; econstructor; eauto.
+ exact (cbn_type_pres' c0).
+ replace (eval_ty (if b then B1 else B2))
with (if b then eval_ty B1 else eval_ty B2) by (destruct b; reflexivity); eauto.
+ exact (cbn_type_pres' c).
+ exact (cbn_type_pres' c).
Definition Bool := Plus Unit Unit.
Definition tt {n: nat} := @Inj n true One.
Definition ff {n: nat} := @Inj n false One.
Record CBN {n: nat} (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) (A: type) :=
mkCBN { CBN_e :> exp n; CBN_H :> Gamma ⊢n CBN_e : A }.
Expression Contextual Equivalence
Notation "s ≫* t" := (star Step s t) (at level 60).
Definition exp_obseq {n: nat} {B: type} {Gamma: cbn_ctx n} (H1 H2: CBN Gamma B) :=
forall (C: ectx 0 n), null [[Gamma]] ⊢n C : Bool; B ->
(CaseS (fille C H1) tt ff ≫* tt) <-> (CaseS (fille C H2) tt ff ≫* tt).
Instance equiv_exp_obseq (n: nat) (B: type) (Gamma: cbn_ctx n):
Equivalence (@exp_obseq n B Gamma).
constructor; [firstorder.. |].
intros X1 X2 X3 H1 H2 C H; etransitivity; eauto.
Notation "C1 '≃n' C2" := (exp_obseq C1 C2) (at level 50).
Definition eval_CBN (n: nat) (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) (A: type) :
CBN Gamma A -> CBPVc (eval_ctx Gamma) (eval_ty A) :=
fun H => @mkCBPVc _ (eval_ctx Gamma) (eval_ty A) (eval H) (cbn_type_pres _ _ _ H).
Lemma eval_eval' {n: nat} (s: exp n) (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) A:
Gamma ⊢n s : A -> eval_ctx Gamma ⊨ eval s ∼ eval' s : eval_ty A.
induction s in Gamma, A |-*; cbn; intros X'.
all: try solve [eapply fundamental_property, trans_preserves; eauto].
1 - 6: inv X'.
- eapply logical_equivalence_congruent_cctx_comp with (C := cctxLambda •__c).
2: eapply IHs; eauto.
rewrite eval_ctx_cons. repeat econstructor.
- intros ? ? ? ?. asimpl.
repeat apply_congruence.
eapply IHs1 with (A := Arr A0 A); eauto.
eapply IHs2; eauto.
- intros ? ? ? ?. asimpl.
repeat apply_congruence.
eapply IHs1; eauto. eapply IHs2; eauto.
- intros ? ? ? ?.
replace (eval_ty _) with (if b then eval_ty B1 else eval_ty B2)
by now destruct b.
asimpl; repeat apply_congruence.
eapply IHs with (A := Cross B1 B2); eauto.
- intros ? ? ? ?. asimpl. destruct b; repeat apply_congruence.
all: eapply IHs; eauto.
- intros ? ? ? ?. asimpl.
rewrite eagerlet_substcomp. asimpl.
eapply closure_under_reduction.
rewrite <-let_to_eagerlet. reflexivity. reflexivity.
eapply bind with
(K1 := ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole _)
(K2 := ectxApp (ectxApp (ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole _) _) _).
eapply IHs1; eauto.
intros c1 c2 (? & ? & ?); intuition; subst; cbn.
eapply closure_under_expansion; try reduce;
try reflexivity.
destruct H3 as (? & ? & [] & ?); intuition; subst;
eapply closure_under_expansion; repeat reduce;
try reflexivity.
all: asimpl; cbn.
all: (eapply IHs2 || eapply IHs3); eauto; rewrite eval_ctx_cons; eauto.
Hint Resolve CBN_H.
Lemma normal_tt n:
Normal (@Step n) tt.
intros y H; inv H.
Hint Resolve normal_tt.
Definition exp_obseq {n: nat} {B: type} {Gamma: cbn_ctx n} (H1 H2: CBN Gamma B) :=
forall (C: ectx 0 n), null [[Gamma]] ⊢n C : Bool; B ->
(CaseS (fille C H1) tt ff ≫* tt) <-> (CaseS (fille C H2) tt ff ≫* tt).
Instance equiv_exp_obseq (n: nat) (B: type) (Gamma: cbn_ctx n):
Equivalence (@exp_obseq n B Gamma).
constructor; [firstorder.. |].
intros X1 X2 X3 H1 H2 C H; etransitivity; eauto.
Notation "C1 '≃n' C2" := (exp_obseq C1 C2) (at level 50).
Definition eval_CBN (n: nat) (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) (A: type) :
CBN Gamma A -> CBPVc (eval_ctx Gamma) (eval_ty A) :=
fun H => @mkCBPVc _ (eval_ctx Gamma) (eval_ty A) (eval H) (cbn_type_pres _ _ _ H).
Lemma eval_eval' {n: nat} (s: exp n) (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) A:
Gamma ⊢n s : A -> eval_ctx Gamma ⊨ eval s ∼ eval' s : eval_ty A.
induction s in Gamma, A |-*; cbn; intros X'.
all: try solve [eapply fundamental_property, trans_preserves; eauto].
1 - 6: inv X'.
- eapply logical_equivalence_congruent_cctx_comp with (C := cctxLambda •__c).
2: eapply IHs; eauto.
rewrite eval_ctx_cons. repeat econstructor.
- intros ? ? ? ?. asimpl.
repeat apply_congruence.
eapply IHs1 with (A := Arr A0 A); eauto.
eapply IHs2; eauto.
- intros ? ? ? ?. asimpl.
repeat apply_congruence.
eapply IHs1; eauto. eapply IHs2; eauto.
- intros ? ? ? ?.
replace (eval_ty _) with (if b then eval_ty B1 else eval_ty B2)
by now destruct b.
asimpl; repeat apply_congruence.
eapply IHs with (A := Cross B1 B2); eauto.
- intros ? ? ? ?. asimpl. destruct b; repeat apply_congruence.
all: eapply IHs; eauto.
- intros ? ? ? ?. asimpl.
rewrite eagerlet_substcomp. asimpl.
eapply closure_under_reduction.
rewrite <-let_to_eagerlet. reflexivity. reflexivity.
eapply bind with
(K1 := ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole _)
(K2 := ectxApp (ectxApp (ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole _) _) _).
eapply IHs1; eauto.
intros c1 c2 (? & ? & ?); intuition; subst; cbn.
eapply closure_under_expansion; try reduce;
try reflexivity.
destruct H3 as (? & ? & [] & ?); intuition; subst;
eapply closure_under_expansion; repeat reduce;
try reflexivity.
all: asimpl; cbn.
all: (eapply IHs2 || eapply IHs3); eauto; rewrite eval_ctx_cons; eauto.
Hint Resolve CBN_H.
Lemma normal_tt n:
Normal (@Step n) tt.
intros y H; inv H.
Hint Resolve normal_tt.
Section ObservationalEquivalenceSoundness.
(* ground returner context, converting booleans to ground returners *)
Local Definition K : cctx false 0 0 :=
cctxLetinL •__c (caseS (var 0)
(ret (inj true u))
(ret (inj false u))).
Local Definition gbool := gsum gone gone.
Lemma K_typed : null[[null]] ⊢ K : F gbool; eval_ty Bool.
unfold Bool; cbn; repeat econstructor; eauto.
1: eapply @cctxTypingHole with (t := false).
all: eapply typeVar'; reflexivity.
Lemma K_filled_typed n (C: ectx 0 n) P:
null ⊢n fille C P : Bool -> null ⊢ fillc K (eval' (fille C P)) : F gbool.
intros; eapply cctx_comp_typing_soundness; eauto using K_typed.
replace null with (eval_ctx null); eauto using cbn_type_pres'.
fext; intros [].
Ltac normal := intros ? ?; repeat (invp @sstep || invp @sstep_value || invp @pstep).
Hint Resolve trans_eval.
Definition eta_if n (s: exp n) := CaseS s tt ff.
Definition eta_if' n m (C: ectx n m) := ectxCaseSV C tt ff.
Lemma eta_if_typed n Gamma (s: exp n):
Gamma ⊢n s : Bool -> Gamma ⊢n eta_if s : Bool.
repeat econstructor; eauto.
Lemma eta_if'_typed n m Gamma Delta (C: ectx n m) A:
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : Bool; A -> Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n eta_if' C : Bool; A.
repeat econstructor; eauto.
Lemma eval_eval'_true b (s: exp 0) :
null ⊢n s : Bool ->
fillc K (eval s) >* ret (inj b u) <-> fillc K (eval' s) >* ret (inj b u).
intros. specialize (eval_eval' X) as H.
eapply logical_equivalence_congruent_cctx_comp with (C := K) in H;
replace (eval_ctx null) with (@null valtype) by (fext; intros []);
[| eapply K_typed].
specialize (H 0 ids ids). mp H; [intros []|].
asimpl in H.
destruct H as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?). destruct H1 as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); subst.
eapply groundtypes_are_simple in H3 as H4; subst.
split; intros H1 % steps_nf_eval; eauto; eapply eval_bigstep in H1.
all: eapply bigstep_soundness.
1: now rewrite <-(bigstep_functional H H1).
1: now rewrite <-(bigstep_functional H0 H1).
Lemma obseq_soundness' n (Gamma : cbn_ctx n) (B : type) (P Q : CBN Gamma B) :
eval_CBN P ≃ eval_CBN Q ->
forall (C: ectx 0 n), null [[Gamma]] ⊢n C : Bool; B ->
(CaseS (fille C P) tt ff ≫* tt) -> (CaseS (fille C Q) tt ff ≫* tt).
intros H.
assert (eval_ctx Gamma ⊢ eval' P : eval_ty B) as T1 by eauto using cbn_type_pres'.
assert (eval_ctx Gamma ⊢ eval' Q : eval_ty B) as T2 by eauto using cbn_type_pres'.
assert (eval_ctx Gamma ⊨ eval P ∼ eval' P: eval_ty B) as S1 by (eapply eval_eval'; eauto).
assert (eval_ctx Gamma ⊨ eval Q ∼ eval' Q: eval_ty B) as S2 by (eapply eval_eval'; eauto).
assert (mkCBPVc T1 ≃ mkCBPVc T2) as H'.
{ transitivity (eval_CBN P). eapply logical_equivalence_obseq; symmetry; eauto.
etransitivity; eauto. eapply logical_equivalence_obseq; eauto.
intros C H1.
intros H2. assert (evaluates Step (eta_if (fille C P)) tt) by (split; eauto).
eapply evaluates_to in H0 as (N & [] & ?); eauto.
assert (N = ret (inj true <{ ret u }>)) as ->.
{ inv X.
2: destruct H0; exfalso; eapply H3; eauto.
eapply eval_evaluates in H0; eauto.
eapply eval_bigstep in H0. cbn in H0.
eapply bigstep_prepend in H0.
2: eapply let_to_eagerlet.
inv H0. asimpl in H7. inv H7.
destruct b; asimpl in H8; [| inv H8].
inv H8. reflexivity.
assert (fillc K (eval (eta_if (fille C P))) >* ret (inj true u)).
cbn; destruct H0. rewrite H0. repeat reduce. reflexivity.
eapply eval_eval'_true in H3.
2: eapply eta_if_typed, ectx_typing_soundness; eauto.
replace (eta_if (fille C P)) with (fille (eta_if' C) P) in * by reflexivity.
rewrite ectx_cctx, plug_fill_cctx_comp in H3.
edestruct H' with (G := gbool). eapply cctx_cctx_plug_typing_soundness.
eapply K_typed. replace null with (eval_ctx null) by (fext; intros []).
eapply ectx_cctx_typing, eta_if'_typed; eauto.
clear H5.
unfold CBPVc_c in H4; mp H4. eapply H3.
rewrite <-plug_fill_cctx_comp, <-ectx_cctx in H4.
eapply eval_eval'_true in H4.
2: eapply eta_if_typed, ectx_typing_soundness; eauto.
eapply backwards.
2 - 3: eauto.
eapply steps_nf_eval in H4; eauto.
eapply eval_bigstep in H4.
cbn. cbn in H4.
inv H4. eapply bigstep_soundness in H7 as H10.
rewrite H10.
cbn in H9; asimpl in H9. inv H9.
destruct b; asimpl in H10.
2: inv H11.
eapply bigstep_prepend in H7.
2: eapply let_to_eagerlet.
inv H7. asimpl in H9. inv H9. destruct b; asimpl in H12.
2: inv H12.
inv H12. reflexivity.
Theorem obseq_soundness n (Gamma : cbn_ctx n) (B : type) (P Q : CBN Gamma B):
eval_CBN P ≃ eval_CBN Q -> P ≃n Q.
intros H; split; [| symmetry in H]; eauto using obseq_soundness'.
End ObservationalEquivalenceSoundness.
(* ground returner context, converting booleans to ground returners *)
Local Definition K : cctx false 0 0 :=
cctxLetinL •__c (caseS (var 0)
(ret (inj true u))
(ret (inj false u))).
Local Definition gbool := gsum gone gone.
Lemma K_typed : null[[null]] ⊢ K : F gbool; eval_ty Bool.
unfold Bool; cbn; repeat econstructor; eauto.
1: eapply @cctxTypingHole with (t := false).
all: eapply typeVar'; reflexivity.
Lemma K_filled_typed n (C: ectx 0 n) P:
null ⊢n fille C P : Bool -> null ⊢ fillc K (eval' (fille C P)) : F gbool.
intros; eapply cctx_comp_typing_soundness; eauto using K_typed.
replace null with (eval_ctx null); eauto using cbn_type_pres'.
fext; intros [].
Ltac normal := intros ? ?; repeat (invp @sstep || invp @sstep_value || invp @pstep).
Hint Resolve trans_eval.
Definition eta_if n (s: exp n) := CaseS s tt ff.
Definition eta_if' n m (C: ectx n m) := ectxCaseSV C tt ff.
Lemma eta_if_typed n Gamma (s: exp n):
Gamma ⊢n s : Bool -> Gamma ⊢n eta_if s : Bool.
repeat econstructor; eauto.
Lemma eta_if'_typed n m Gamma Delta (C: ectx n m) A:
Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n C : Bool; A -> Gamma[[Delta]] ⊢n eta_if' C : Bool; A.
repeat econstructor; eauto.
Lemma eval_eval'_true b (s: exp 0) :
null ⊢n s : Bool ->
fillc K (eval s) >* ret (inj b u) <-> fillc K (eval' s) >* ret (inj b u).
intros. specialize (eval_eval' X) as H.
eapply logical_equivalence_congruent_cctx_comp with (C := K) in H;
replace (eval_ctx null) with (@null valtype) by (fext; intros []);
[| eapply K_typed].
specialize (H 0 ids ids). mp H; [intros []|].
asimpl in H.
destruct H as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?). destruct H1 as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); subst.
eapply groundtypes_are_simple in H3 as H4; subst.
split; intros H1 % steps_nf_eval; eauto; eapply eval_bigstep in H1.
all: eapply bigstep_soundness.
1: now rewrite <-(bigstep_functional H H1).
1: now rewrite <-(bigstep_functional H0 H1).
Lemma obseq_soundness' n (Gamma : cbn_ctx n) (B : type) (P Q : CBN Gamma B) :
eval_CBN P ≃ eval_CBN Q ->
forall (C: ectx 0 n), null [[Gamma]] ⊢n C : Bool; B ->
(CaseS (fille C P) tt ff ≫* tt) -> (CaseS (fille C Q) tt ff ≫* tt).
intros H.
assert (eval_ctx Gamma ⊢ eval' P : eval_ty B) as T1 by eauto using cbn_type_pres'.
assert (eval_ctx Gamma ⊢ eval' Q : eval_ty B) as T2 by eauto using cbn_type_pres'.
assert (eval_ctx Gamma ⊨ eval P ∼ eval' P: eval_ty B) as S1 by (eapply eval_eval'; eauto).
assert (eval_ctx Gamma ⊨ eval Q ∼ eval' Q: eval_ty B) as S2 by (eapply eval_eval'; eauto).
assert (mkCBPVc T1 ≃ mkCBPVc T2) as H'.
{ transitivity (eval_CBN P). eapply logical_equivalence_obseq; symmetry; eauto.
etransitivity; eauto. eapply logical_equivalence_obseq; eauto.
intros C H1.
intros H2. assert (evaluates Step (eta_if (fille C P)) tt) by (split; eauto).
eapply evaluates_to in H0 as (N & [] & ?); eauto.
assert (N = ret (inj true <{ ret u }>)) as ->.
{ inv X.
2: destruct H0; exfalso; eapply H3; eauto.
eapply eval_evaluates in H0; eauto.
eapply eval_bigstep in H0. cbn in H0.
eapply bigstep_prepend in H0.
2: eapply let_to_eagerlet.
inv H0. asimpl in H7. inv H7.
destruct b; asimpl in H8; [| inv H8].
inv H8. reflexivity.
assert (fillc K (eval (eta_if (fille C P))) >* ret (inj true u)).
cbn; destruct H0. rewrite H0. repeat reduce. reflexivity.
eapply eval_eval'_true in H3.
2: eapply eta_if_typed, ectx_typing_soundness; eauto.
replace (eta_if (fille C P)) with (fille (eta_if' C) P) in * by reflexivity.
rewrite ectx_cctx, plug_fill_cctx_comp in H3.
edestruct H' with (G := gbool). eapply cctx_cctx_plug_typing_soundness.
eapply K_typed. replace null with (eval_ctx null) by (fext; intros []).
eapply ectx_cctx_typing, eta_if'_typed; eauto.
clear H5.
unfold CBPVc_c in H4; mp H4. eapply H3.
rewrite <-plug_fill_cctx_comp, <-ectx_cctx in H4.
eapply eval_eval'_true in H4.
2: eapply eta_if_typed, ectx_typing_soundness; eauto.
eapply backwards.
2 - 3: eauto.
eapply steps_nf_eval in H4; eauto.
eapply eval_bigstep in H4.
cbn. cbn in H4.
inv H4. eapply bigstep_soundness in H7 as H10.
rewrite H10.
cbn in H9; asimpl in H9. inv H9.
destruct b; asimpl in H10.
2: inv H11.
eapply bigstep_prepend in H7.
2: eapply let_to_eagerlet.
inv H7. asimpl in H9. inv H9. destruct b; asimpl in H12.
2: inv H12.
inv H12. reflexivity.
Theorem obseq_soundness n (Gamma : cbn_ctx n) (B : type) (P Q : CBN Gamma B):
eval_CBN P ≃ eval_CBN Q -> P ≃n Q.
intros H; split; [| symmetry in H]; eauto using obseq_soundness'.
End ObservationalEquivalenceSoundness.
Section Denotation.
Variable T: Monad.
Variable mono_requirement: forall X, Injective (@mreturn T X).
Definition denote_type (A: type) :=
denote_comptype T (eval_ty A).
Definition denote_exp {n: nat} (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) (A: type) (M: CBN Gamma A) :=
denote_comptyping (cbn_type_pres _ _ _ M).
Definition denote_cbn_ctx {n: nat} (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) :=
denote_context T (eval_ctx Gamma).
Theorem Adequacy n (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) B (P Q: CBN Gamma B):
(forall (gamma: denote_cbn_ctx Gamma), denote_exp P gamma = denote_exp Q gamma) -> P ≃n Q.
intros H.
specialize (adequacy mono_requirement (eval_CBN P) (eval_CBN Q) H).
clear H. eauto using obseq_soundness.
End Denotation.
Variable T: Monad.
Variable mono_requirement: forall X, Injective (@mreturn T X).
Definition denote_type (A: type) :=
denote_comptype T (eval_ty A).
Definition denote_exp {n: nat} (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) (A: type) (M: CBN Gamma A) :=
denote_comptyping (cbn_type_pres _ _ _ M).
Definition denote_cbn_ctx {n: nat} (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) :=
denote_context T (eval_ctx Gamma).
Theorem Adequacy n (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) B (P Q: CBN Gamma B):
(forall (gamma: denote_cbn_ctx Gamma), denote_exp P gamma = denote_exp Q gamma) -> P ≃n Q.
intros H.
specialize (adequacy mono_requirement (eval_CBN P) (eval_CBN Q) H).
clear H. eauto using obseq_soundness.
End Denotation.