Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Export ObservationalEquivalence AbstractReductionSystems
CBN.strongStory CBV.strongStory
Require Export ObservationalEquivalence AbstractReductionSystems
CBN.strongStory CBV.strongStory
Definition Equiv {n: nat} := equiv (@sstep n).
Definition Equivᵥ {n: nat} := equiv (@sstep_value n).
Definition EquivCBN {n: nat} := equiv (@CBN.strongStory.Step n).
Definition EquivCBV {n: nat} := equiv (@CBV.strongStory.Step n).
Definition EquivCBVᵥ {n: nat} := equiv (@CBV.strongStory.StepVal n).
Lemma logical_equivalence_Equiv n (Gamma: ctx n) c c' B:
Equiv c c' -> Gamma ⊢ c : B -> Gamma ⊢ c' : B -> Gamma ⊨ c ∼ c' : B.
intros [v [H1 H2] ] % church_rosser H3 H4; eauto; transitivity v; [|symmetry].
all: eapply logical_equivalence_strong_reduction_steps; eauto.
Lemma logical_equivalence_Equivᵥ n (Gamma: ctx n) v v' A:
Equivᵥ v v' -> Gamma ⊩ v : A -> Gamma ⊩ v' : A -> Gamma ⊫ v ∼ v' : A.
intros [v'' [H1 H2] ] % church_rosser H3 H4; eauto; transitivity v''; [| symmetry].
all: eapply logical_equivalence_strong_reduction_value_steps; eauto.
Lemma equiv_translation_CBN n (s t: CBN.exp n):
EquivCBN s t -> Equiv (CBN_CBPV.eval s) (CBN_CBPV.eval t).
unfold EquivCBN, Equiv; induction 1; eauto.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <-IHstar.
destruct H; [|symmetry].
all: apply subrel_star_equiv, subrel_star, CBN.strongStory.Step_preserved, H.
Lemma equiv_translation_CBV n (s t: CBV.Exp n):
EquivCBV s t -> Equiv (CBV_CBPV.eval_exp s) (CBV_CBPV.eval_exp t).
unfold EquivCBN, Equiv; induction 1; eauto.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <-IHstar.
destruct H; [|symmetry].
all: apply subrel_star_equiv, subrel_star, CBV.strongStory.Step_preserved, H.
Lemma equiv_translation_CBVᵥ n (s t: CBV.Value n):
EquivCBVᵥ s t -> Equivᵥ (CBV_CBPV.eval_val s) (CBV_CBPV.eval_val t).
unfold EquivCBN, Equiv; induction 1; eauto.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <-IHstar.
destruct H; [|symmetry].
all: apply subrel_star_equiv, subrel_star, CBV.strongStory.StepVal_preserved, H.
Require Import CBN.DenotationalSemantics CBV.DenotationalSemantics.
Theorem equiv_soundness_CBPV n (Gamma: ctx n) A (M N: CBPVc Gamma A):
Equiv M N -> M ≃ N.
intros; eapply logical_equivalence_obseq, logical_equivalence_Equiv; eauto.
Theorem equiv_soundness_CBPVᵥ n (Gamma: ctx n) A (V W: CBPVv Gamma A):
Equivᵥ V W -> V ≈ W.
intros; eapply logical_equivalence_obseq, logical_equivalence_Equivᵥ; eauto.
Theorem equiv_soundness_CBN n (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) A (s t: CBN Gamma A):
EquivCBN s t -> s ≃n t.
now apply CBN.DenotationalSemantics.obseq_soundness, equiv_soundness_CBPV, equiv_translation_CBN.
Theorem equiv_soundness_CBV n (Gamma: ctx_cbv n) A (s t: CBV Gamma A):
EquivCBV s t -> s ≃v t.
now apply CBV.DenotationalSemantics.obseq_soundness, equiv_soundness_CBPV, equiv_translation_CBV.
Theorem equiv_soundness_CBVᵥ n (Gamma: ctx_cbv n) A (s t: CBVᵥ Gamma A):
EquivCBVᵥ s t -> s ≈v t.
now apply CBV.DenotationalSemantics.obseq_soundnessᵥ, equiv_soundness_CBPVᵥ, equiv_translation_CBVᵥ.
Definition Equivᵥ {n: nat} := equiv (@sstep_value n).
Definition EquivCBN {n: nat} := equiv (@CBN.strongStory.Step n).
Definition EquivCBV {n: nat} := equiv (@CBV.strongStory.Step n).
Definition EquivCBVᵥ {n: nat} := equiv (@CBV.strongStory.StepVal n).
Lemma logical_equivalence_Equiv n (Gamma: ctx n) c c' B:
Equiv c c' -> Gamma ⊢ c : B -> Gamma ⊢ c' : B -> Gamma ⊨ c ∼ c' : B.
intros [v [H1 H2] ] % church_rosser H3 H4; eauto; transitivity v; [|symmetry].
all: eapply logical_equivalence_strong_reduction_steps; eauto.
Lemma logical_equivalence_Equivᵥ n (Gamma: ctx n) v v' A:
Equivᵥ v v' -> Gamma ⊩ v : A -> Gamma ⊩ v' : A -> Gamma ⊫ v ∼ v' : A.
intros [v'' [H1 H2] ] % church_rosser H3 H4; eauto; transitivity v''; [| symmetry].
all: eapply logical_equivalence_strong_reduction_value_steps; eauto.
Lemma equiv_translation_CBN n (s t: CBN.exp n):
EquivCBN s t -> Equiv (CBN_CBPV.eval s) (CBN_CBPV.eval t).
unfold EquivCBN, Equiv; induction 1; eauto.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <-IHstar.
destruct H; [|symmetry].
all: apply subrel_star_equiv, subrel_star, CBN.strongStory.Step_preserved, H.
Lemma equiv_translation_CBV n (s t: CBV.Exp n):
EquivCBV s t -> Equiv (CBV_CBPV.eval_exp s) (CBV_CBPV.eval_exp t).
unfold EquivCBN, Equiv; induction 1; eauto.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <-IHstar.
destruct H; [|symmetry].
all: apply subrel_star_equiv, subrel_star, CBV.strongStory.Step_preserved, H.
Lemma equiv_translation_CBVᵥ n (s t: CBV.Value n):
EquivCBVᵥ s t -> Equivᵥ (CBV_CBPV.eval_val s) (CBV_CBPV.eval_val t).
unfold EquivCBN, Equiv; induction 1; eauto.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <-IHstar.
destruct H; [|symmetry].
all: apply subrel_star_equiv, subrel_star, CBV.strongStory.StepVal_preserved, H.
Require Import CBN.DenotationalSemantics CBV.DenotationalSemantics.
Theorem equiv_soundness_CBPV n (Gamma: ctx n) A (M N: CBPVc Gamma A):
Equiv M N -> M ≃ N.
intros; eapply logical_equivalence_obseq, logical_equivalence_Equiv; eauto.
Theorem equiv_soundness_CBPVᵥ n (Gamma: ctx n) A (V W: CBPVv Gamma A):
Equivᵥ V W -> V ≈ W.
intros; eapply logical_equivalence_obseq, logical_equivalence_Equivᵥ; eauto.
Theorem equiv_soundness_CBN n (Gamma: cbn_ctx n) A (s t: CBN Gamma A):
EquivCBN s t -> s ≃n t.
now apply CBN.DenotationalSemantics.obseq_soundness, equiv_soundness_CBPV, equiv_translation_CBN.
Theorem equiv_soundness_CBV n (Gamma: ctx_cbv n) A (s t: CBV Gamma A):
EquivCBV s t -> s ≃v t.
now apply CBV.DenotationalSemantics.obseq_soundness, equiv_soundness_CBPV, equiv_translation_CBV.
Theorem equiv_soundness_CBVᵥ n (Gamma: ctx_cbv n) A (s t: CBVᵥ Gamma A):
EquivCBVᵥ s t -> s ≈v t.
now apply CBV.DenotationalSemantics.obseq_soundnessᵥ, equiv_soundness_CBPVᵥ, equiv_translation_CBVᵥ.
Definition zero {n: nat} : value (S n) := var_value var_zero: value (S n).
Definition one {n: nat} : value (S (S n)) :=
var_value (shift var_zero): value (S (S n)).
Definition sub n (v: value (S n)) : fin (S n) -> value (S n) :=
scons v (shift >> var_value).
Definition sub₂ n (v: value (S (S n))) : fin (S n) -> value (S (S n)) :=
v .: shift >> shift >> var_value.
Definition swap {n}: fin (S (S n)) -> value (S (S n)) :=
(var 1 .: (var 0 .: (↑ >> (↑ >> ids)))).
Lemma eta_thunk n (v: value n) Gamma A:
Gamma ⊩ v : U A -> Gamma ⊫ v ∼ <{ v !}> : U A.
intros. intros ? ? ? ?.
destruct (fundamental_property_value X H); exintuition.
rewrite H1, H0. do 2 eexists; intuition.
expand; repeat reduce; eauto.
Lemma eta_let n (M: comp n) Gamma A:
Gamma ⊢ M : F A -> Gamma ⊨ M ∼ $ <- M; ret (var 0) : F A.
intros. intros ? ? ? ?.
eapply bind with (K1 := Semantics.ectxHole)
(K2 := ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole (ret (var 0))).
eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
intros ? ? []; exintuition; subst.
expand. cbn. reflexivity. cbn. reduce. reflexivity.
eapply subrel_C_E. do 2 eexists. intuition.
(* uses weak normalisation *)
Lemma eta_lambda n (M: comp (S n)) Gamma A B:
Gamma ⊢ M : A → B -> Gamma ⊨ M ∼ lambda (M⟨↑⟩ (var 0)) : A → B.
intros H ????. specialize (fundamental_property_comp H H0) as H1.
unfold var; cbn [nat_to_fin]; asimpl.
destruct H1; exintuition.
do 2 eexists; intuition; eauto.
destruct H4; exintuition; subst.
do 2 eexists; intuition; eauto.
asimpl. eapply bigstep_soundness in H1.
eapply closure_under_expansion. reflexivity.
rewrite H1. reduce. reflexivity.
now eapply H6.
(* uses weak normalisation *)
Lemma eta_pair n (M: comp n) Gamma A1 A2:
Gamma ⊢ M : Pi A1 A2 -> Gamma ⊨ M ∼ tuple (proj true M) (proj false M) : Pi A1 A2.
intros H ????. specialize (fundamental_property_comp H H0) as H1.
asimpl. destruct H1; exintuition.
destruct H4; exintuition; subst.
do 2 eexists. intuition; eauto.
do 4 eexists; intuition; eauto.
all: eapply closure_under_expansion.
1, 4: reflexivity.
1, 3: eapply bigstep_soundness in H1; rewrite H1; reduce; reflexivity.
all: eauto.
Lemma eta_caseS n (V: value n) (M: comp (S n)) Gamma A1 A2 C:
Gamma ⊩ V : Sigma A1 A2 ->
Sigma A1 A2 .: Gamma ⊢ M : C ->
Gamma ⊨ M[V..] ∼ caseS V (M[sub (inj true zero)]) (M[sub (inj false zero)]) : C.
intros X Y.
intros ? ? ? ?.
specialize (fundamental_property_value X H) as [].
exintuition; subst. rewrite H1, H0.
destruct x1.
all: asimpl.
all: eapply closure_under_expansion.
1, 4: reflexivity.
1, 3: reduce; unfold sub, zero; asimpl; reflexivity.
all: eapply fundamental_property_comp.
all: eauto; eapply G_cons; eauto; cbn; do 3 eexists; intuition.
Lemma eta_caseP n (V: value n) (M: comp (S n)) Gamma A1 A2 C:
Gamma ⊩ V : A1 * A2 ->
A1 * A2 .: Gamma ⊢ M : C ->
Gamma ⊨ M[V..] ∼ caseP V (M[sub₂ (pair one zero)]) : C.
intros X Y.
intros ? ? ? ?.
specialize (fundamental_property_value X H) as [].
exintuition; subst. rewrite H1, H0.
eapply closure_under_expansion.
reflexivity. reduce. unfold sub₂, one, zero. asimpl. reflexivity.
eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
eapply G_cons; eauto.
do 4 eexists; intuition; eauto.
Gamma ⊩ v : U A -> Gamma ⊫ v ∼ <{ v !}> : U A.
intros. intros ? ? ? ?.
destruct (fundamental_property_value X H); exintuition.
rewrite H1, H0. do 2 eexists; intuition.
expand; repeat reduce; eauto.
Lemma eta_let n (M: comp n) Gamma A:
Gamma ⊢ M : F A -> Gamma ⊨ M ∼ $ <- M; ret (var 0) : F A.
intros. intros ? ? ? ?.
eapply bind with (K1 := Semantics.ectxHole)
(K2 := ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole (ret (var 0))).
eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
intros ? ? []; exintuition; subst.
expand. cbn. reflexivity. cbn. reduce. reflexivity.
eapply subrel_C_E. do 2 eexists. intuition.
(* uses weak normalisation *)
Lemma eta_lambda n (M: comp (S n)) Gamma A B:
Gamma ⊢ M : A → B -> Gamma ⊨ M ∼ lambda (M⟨↑⟩ (var 0)) : A → B.
intros H ????. specialize (fundamental_property_comp H H0) as H1.
unfold var; cbn [nat_to_fin]; asimpl.
destruct H1; exintuition.
do 2 eexists; intuition; eauto.
destruct H4; exintuition; subst.
do 2 eexists; intuition; eauto.
asimpl. eapply bigstep_soundness in H1.
eapply closure_under_expansion. reflexivity.
rewrite H1. reduce. reflexivity.
now eapply H6.
(* uses weak normalisation *)
Lemma eta_pair n (M: comp n) Gamma A1 A2:
Gamma ⊢ M : Pi A1 A2 -> Gamma ⊨ M ∼ tuple (proj true M) (proj false M) : Pi A1 A2.
intros H ????. specialize (fundamental_property_comp H H0) as H1.
asimpl. destruct H1; exintuition.
destruct H4; exintuition; subst.
do 2 eexists. intuition; eauto.
do 4 eexists; intuition; eauto.
all: eapply closure_under_expansion.
1, 4: reflexivity.
1, 3: eapply bigstep_soundness in H1; rewrite H1; reduce; reflexivity.
all: eauto.
Lemma eta_caseS n (V: value n) (M: comp (S n)) Gamma A1 A2 C:
Gamma ⊩ V : Sigma A1 A2 ->
Sigma A1 A2 .: Gamma ⊢ M : C ->
Gamma ⊨ M[V..] ∼ caseS V (M[sub (inj true zero)]) (M[sub (inj false zero)]) : C.
intros X Y.
intros ? ? ? ?.
specialize (fundamental_property_value X H) as [].
exintuition; subst. rewrite H1, H0.
destruct x1.
all: asimpl.
all: eapply closure_under_expansion.
1, 4: reflexivity.
1, 3: reduce; unfold sub, zero; asimpl; reflexivity.
all: eapply fundamental_property_comp.
all: eauto; eapply G_cons; eauto; cbn; do 3 eexists; intuition.
Lemma eta_caseP n (V: value n) (M: comp (S n)) Gamma A1 A2 C:
Gamma ⊩ V : A1 * A2 ->
A1 * A2 .: Gamma ⊢ M : C ->
Gamma ⊨ M[V..] ∼ caseP V (M[sub₂ (pair one zero)]) : C.
intros X Y.
intros ? ? ? ?.
specialize (fundamental_property_value X H) as [].
exintuition; subst. rewrite H1, H0.
eapply closure_under_expansion.
reflexivity. reduce. unfold sub₂, one, zero. asimpl. reflexivity.
eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
eapply G_cons; eauto.
do 4 eexists; intuition; eauto.
Lemma commute_let_let n (M1: comp n) (M2 M3: comp (S n)) Gamma C:
Gamma ⊢ $ <- ($ <- M1; M2); M3 : C ->
Gamma ⊨ $ <- ($ <- M1; M2); M3 ∼ $ <- M1; ($ <- M2; M3[var 0 .: (↑ >> (↑ >> ids))]) : C.
intros H. inv H. inv X.
unfold var; cbn.
intros ????. asimpl.
eapply bind with (K1 := ectxLetin (ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole _) _)
(K2 := ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole _).
eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
intros ??[]; exintuition; subst.
cbn. eapply closure_under_expansion.
1 - 2: reduce; asimpl; reflexivity.
eapply bind with (K1 := ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole _)
(K2 := ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole _).
eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
intros ??[]; exintuition; subst; cbn.
eapply closure_under_expansion.
1 - 2: reduce; asimpl; reflexivity.
eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
uses weak normalisation
Lemma commute_let_lam n (M: comp n) (N: comp (S (S n))) Gamma A B:
Gamma ⊢ $ <- M; lambda N : A → B ->
Gamma ⊨ $ <- M; lambda N ∼ lambda ($ <- M⟨↑⟩; N[swap]) : A → B.
intros H. inv H. inv X0.
unfold swap, var; cbn.
intros ????. asimpl.
eapply fundamental_property_comp in X; eauto.
destruct X; exintuition.
destruct H3; exintuition; subst.
eapply bigstep_soundness in H1.
eapply closure_under_expansion.
rewrite H1. reduce. asimpl. reflexivity. reflexivity.
eapply subrel_C_E.
do 2 eexists; intuition; eauto.
asimpl. eapply bigstep_soundness in H0.
eapply closure_under_expansion. reflexivity.
rewrite H0. reduce. asimpl. reflexivity.
eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
Gamma ⊢ $ <- M; lambda N : A → B ->
Gamma ⊨ $ <- M; lambda N ∼ lambda ($ <- M⟨↑⟩; N[swap]) : A → B.
intros H. inv H. inv X0.
unfold swap, var; cbn.
intros ????. asimpl.
eapply fundamental_property_comp in X; eauto.
destruct X; exintuition.
destruct H3; exintuition; subst.
eapply bigstep_soundness in H1.
eapply closure_under_expansion.
rewrite H1. reduce. asimpl. reflexivity. reflexivity.
eapply subrel_C_E.
do 2 eexists; intuition; eauto.
asimpl. eapply bigstep_soundness in H0.
eapply closure_under_expansion. reflexivity.
rewrite H0. reduce. asimpl. reflexivity.
eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
uses weak normalisation
Lemma commute_let_tuple n (M: comp n) (N1 N2: comp (S n)) Gamma C1 C2:
Gamma ⊢ $ <- M; tuple N1 N2 : Pi C1 C2 ->
Gamma ⊨ $ <- M; tuple N1 N2 ∼ tuple ($ <- M; N1) ($ <- M; N2) : Pi C1 C2.
intros H. inv H. inv X0.
intros ????. asimpl.
eapply fundamental_property_comp in X; eauto.
destruct X; exintuition.
destruct H3; exintuition; subst.
eapply bigstep_soundness in H1.
eapply closure_under_expansion.
rewrite H1. reduce. asimpl. reflexivity. reflexivity.
eapply subrel_C_E.
do 4 eexists; intuition; eauto.
all: asimpl; eapply bigstep_soundness in H0.
all: eapply closure_under_expansion.
1, 4: reflexivity.
1, 3: rewrite H0; reduce; asimpl; reflexivity.
all: eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
Gamma ⊢ $ <- M; tuple N1 N2 : Pi C1 C2 ->
Gamma ⊨ $ <- M; tuple N1 N2 ∼ tuple ($ <- M; N1) ($ <- M; N2) : Pi C1 C2.
intros H. inv H. inv X0.
intros ????. asimpl.
eapply fundamental_property_comp in X; eauto.
destruct X; exintuition.
destruct H3; exintuition; subst.
eapply bigstep_soundness in H1.
eapply closure_under_expansion.
rewrite H1. reduce. asimpl. reflexivity. reflexivity.
eapply subrel_C_E.
do 4 eexists; intuition; eauto.
all: asimpl; eapply bigstep_soundness in H0.
all: eapply closure_under_expansion.
1, 4: reflexivity.
1, 3: rewrite H0; reduce; asimpl; reflexivity.
all: eapply fundamental_property_comp; eauto.
Lemma commute_let_app B n Gamma c1 (c2: comp (S n)) v:
Gamma ⊢ (($ <- c1; c2) v) : B ->
Gamma ⊨ (($ <- c1; c2) v) ∼ ($ <- c1; c2 v⟨↑⟩) : B.
intros ? ? ? ? ?. inv X. inv X0. asimpl.
eapply bind with (K1 := ectxApp (ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole _) _)
(K2 := ectxLetin Semantics.ectxHole _); eauto.
intros ? ? (? & ? & ?); intuition; subst.
cbn; eapply closure_under_expansion; try reduce; try reflexivity.
asimpl. apply_congruence; eauto.
Lemma commute_caseS_lambda A B n Gamma c1 (c2: comp (S (S n))) v:
Gamma ⊢ caseS v (lambda c1) (lambda c2) : A → B ->
Gamma ⊨ caseS v (lambda c1) (lambda c2) ∼
lambda (caseS v⟨↑⟩ c1[swap] c2[swap])
: A → B.
intros H ? ? ? ?. inv H.
inv X0. inv X1. asimpl.
eapply fundamental_property_value in X; eauto.
destruct X; exintuition; subst.
rewrite H1; destruct x1;
eapply closure_under_expansion.
1, 4: reduce; reflexivity.
1, 3: reflexivity.
all: eapply subrel_C_E; do 2 eexists; intuition; asimpl.
all: rewrite H; eapply closure_under_expansion; try reduce; try reflexivity;
all: eapply fundamental_property; eauto.
all: intros [ [|] |]; cbn; intuition; subst; eauto.