
Require Import Util IL Sawtooth RenamedApart LabelsDefined OptionR.
Require Import Annotation Liveness.Liveness Restrict SetOperations Coherence.
Require Import Sim SimTactics SimCompanion.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

Definition of invariance

Definition invariant (s:stmt) :=
   (E:onv val), sim bot3 Bisim (nil:list F.block,E,s) (nil:list I.block,E,s).

Agreement Invariant

Definition rd_agree (DL:list (option (set var)))
           L (E:onv val)
  := n blk G', get L n blk get DL n (Some G')
                      agree_on eq G' E (F.block_E blk).

Lemma rd_agree_update DL L E G x v
 (RA:rd_agree DL L E)
  : rd_agree (restr (G \ singleton x) DL) L (E [x <- v]).
  intros. hnf; intros; inv_get.
  eapply agree_on_update_dead.
  rewrite H1. cset_tac.
  eapply RA; eauto.

Lemma rd_agree_update_list DL L E E' (G:set var) Z n vl
 (RA:rd_agree DL L E)
 (ZD:of_list Z G [=] )
 (LEQ:length Z = length vl)
 (AG:agree_on eq G E E')
: rd_agree (restr G (drop n DL)) (drop n L) (E'[Z <-- vl]).
  hnf; intros.
  assert (G' G). {
    eapply bounded_get; eauto. eapply bounded_restrict; reflexivity.
  assert (G' [=] G' \ of_list Z) by (split; cset_tac; intuition eauto).
  rewrite H2. eapply update_with_list_agree_minus; eauto.
  hnf in RA.
  etransitivity; try eapply RA; eauto.
  symmetry. eauto using agree_on_incl.

Main Theorem about Coherence

strip removes the environment from a closure

Definition strip (b:F.block) : I.block :=
  I.blockI (F.block_Z b) (F.block_s b) (F.block_n b).

Lemma sawtooth_strip L
  : sawtooth L sawtooth (strip L).
  intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto using @sawtooth.
  - rewrite map_app. econstructor; eauto.
    revert H0; clear_all. generalize 0.
    general induction H0; simpl; eauto using @tooth.

Hint Resolve sawtooth_strip.

Lemma block_Z_strip L
  : I.block_Z strip L = F.block_Z L.
  intros. general induction L; simpl; eauto.
  f_equal; eauto.

Lemma mkBlock_strip F L E
  : mapi I.mkBlock F ++ strip L = strip (mapi (F.mkBlock E) F ++ L).
  unfold mapi. generalize 0.
  general induction F; simpl; eauto.
  f_equal. erewrite IHF; eauto.

The Bisimulation candidate.

Hint Extern 5 ⇒
match goal with
| [ H : ?m ?k, H' : ?k = ?n |- context [ ?n + (?m - ?n) ] ] ⇒
  let H := fresh "H" in
  assert (H:n + (m - n) = m) by omega;
    rewrite H;
    clear H
| [ H : ?m ?k, H' : ?k = ?n |- context [ ?n + (?m - ?k) ] ] ⇒
  let H := fresh "H" in
  assert (H:n + (m - k) = m) by omega;
    rewrite H;
    clear H

Lemma rd_agree_extend F als AL L E
: length F = length als
   rd_agree AL L E
   rd_agree (Some (getAnn als) \\ (fst F) ++ AL) (mapi (F.mkBlock E) F ++ L) E.
  intros. hnf; intros.
  eapply get_app_cases in H1; eauto. destruct H1; inv_get.
  - reflexivity.
  - dcr.
    eapply H0; eauto.
    assert (mapi (F.mkBlock E) F = Some (getAnn als) \\ (fst F)) by eauto 20 with len.
    eapply shift_get; eauto. instantiate (1:=Some (getAnn als) \\ (fst F)).

The bisimulation is indeed a bisimulation

Ltac cone_step := eapply SimSilent; [ eapply plus2O; single_step
                          | eapply plus2O; single_step
                          | ].

Ltac cno_step := eapply SimTerm;
          [ | eapply star2_refl | eapply star2_refl | | ];
          [ repeat get_functional; try reflexivity
          | repeat get_functional; stuck2
          | repeat get_functional; stuck2 ].

Ltac cextern_step :=
  let STEP := fresh "STEP" in
  eapply SimExtern;
  [ eapply star2_refl
  | eapply star2_refl
  | try step_activated
  | try step_activated
  | intros ? ? STEP; inv STEP; eexists; split; [econstructor; eauto | ]
  | intros ? ? STEP; inv STEP; eexists; split; [econstructor; eauto | ]

Require Import LivenessCorrect.

Lemma ZL_mapi_F F L E
  : F.block_Z (mapi (F.mkBlock E) F ++ L) = fst F ++ F.block_Z L.
  unfold mapi. generalize 0.
  general induction F; simpl; f_equal; eauto.

Context coherence for IL/F contexts: approxF

Stability under restriction

Inductive approx Lv AL L f blv o b : Prop :=
| ApproxI lv
  : live_sound Imperative
               (drop (f - block_n b) (block_Z L))
               (drop (f - block_n b) Lv) (F.block_s b) lv
     getAnn lv [=] blv
     ( G, o = Some G of_list (block_Z b) G [=]
                          getAnn lv [=] (G of_list (block_Z b))
                           srd (restr G (drop (f - block_n b) AL)) (F.block_s b) lv)
     approx Lv AL L f blv o b.

Lemma approx_restrict G Lv AL L f blv o b
  : approx Lv AL L f blv o b
     approx Lv (restr G AL) L f blv (restr G o) b.
  intros. invc H. econstructor; eauto with len.
  intros. eapply restr_iff in H; dcr; subst.
  specialize (H2 G0 eq_refl); eauto; dcr.
  rewrite drop_map in ×. rewrite restrict_idem; eauto.

Lemma approx_drop Lv AL L blv s g f fb gb
      (ST:sawtooth L) (Getg:get L f fb) (Getf:get L (f - F.block_n fb + g) gb)
  : approx Lv AL L (f - F.block_n fb + g) blv s gb
     approx (drop (f - F.block_n fb) Lv)
             (drop (f - F.block_n fb) AL)
             (drop (f - F.block_n fb) L) g blv s gb.
  intros. invc H.
  econstructor; eauto.
  sawtooth; eauto.
  intros. specialize (H2 _ H). dcr; subst.
  split; eauto. split; eauto.
  sawtooth. rewrite <- drop_map. eauto.

Lemma approx_extend Lv AL L f E F o b blv AL' Lv'
      (ST:sawtooth L) (GETf: get L (f - F) b)
      (GE: f F)
      (Len1:F = AL')
      (Len2:F = Lv')
  : approx Lv AL L (f - F) blv o b
     approx (Lv' ++ Lv) (AL' ++ AL)
             (mapi (F.mkBlock E) F ++ L) f blv o b.
  intros. invc H. econstructor; eauto.
  rewrite ZL_mapi_F.
  sawtooth. eauto.
  intros; subst. specialize (H2 _ eq_refl); dcr.
  split; eauto. split; eauto.
  sawtooth. rewrite map_app.
  sawtooth. rewrite drop_map in ×. eauto.

Lemma srdSim_sim AL Lv L
      (E:onv val) s lv
  (SRD:srd AL s lv)
  (RA:rd_agree AL L E)
  (ST:sawtooth L)
  (LA: f b blv o, get L f b
                  get Lv f blv
                  get AL f o
                  approx Lv AL L f blv o b)
  (LV:live_sound Imperative (block_Z L) Lv s lv)
  (ER:PIR2 (ifFstR Equal) AL (Lv \\ (block_Z L)))
  (Len: Lv = AL)
  : simc bot3 Bisim (L, E, s) (strip L, E, s).
  unfold simc.
  revert_all. eapply Tower3.tower_ind3.
  hnf; intros. hnf; intros. eauto.
  inv SRD; inv LV; simpl in ×.
  - invt live_exp_sound.
    + case_eq (op_eval E e0); intros.
      × cone_step.
        eapply H; eauto using rd_agree_update.
        -- intros. inv_get. eapply approx_restrict; eauto.
        -- eauto using restrict_ifFstR.
      × cno_step.
    + case_eq (omap (op_eval E) Y); intros.
      × cextern_step; assert (vl = l) by congruence; subst; eauto.
        -- eapply H; eauto using rd_agree_update, PIR2_length, restrict_ifFstR.
           ++ intros; inv_get. eapply approx_restrict; eauto.
        -- eapply H; eauto using rd_agree_update, PIR2_length, restrict_ifFstR.
           ++ intros; inv_get. eapply approx_restrict; eauto.
      × cno_step.
  - case_eq (op_eval E e); intros.
    + case_eq (val2bool v); intros;
      cone_step; eauto using agree_on_incl.
    + cno_step.
  - cno_step.
  - decide (length Z = length Y).
    case_eq (omap (op_eval E) Y); intros.
    + inv_get. exploit LA; eauto. invc H2. simpl in ×.
      specialize (H7 G' eq_refl). dcr. rewrite <- drop_map in ×.
      cone_step; simpl. eauto with len.
      exploit RA; eauto; simpl in ×.
      eapply simc_trans_r_left; swap 1 2.
      × eapply H; eauto with len.
        -- eapply rd_agree_update_list; eauto with len.
        -- intros. inv_get. eapply approx_restrict.
           exploit LA; try eapply H11; eauto using approx_drop.
        -- setoid_rewrite drop_map at 2.
           rewrite <- drop_zip.
           eapply restrict_ifFstR; eauto.
           eapply PIR2_drop; eauto.
      × eapply sim_lock_simc.
        rewrite drop_map in ×.
        eapply liveSimI_sim; try rewrite !drop_map; try rewrite block_Z_strip; eauto.
        -- eapply (sawtooth_drop'); eauto.
        -- intros; inv_get. sawtooth.
           exploit LA; eauto. invc H16. eauto.
        -- rewrite H12. eapply update_with_list_agree; eauto with len.
           symmetry. eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
           clear_all. cset_tac.
    + cno_step.
    + cno_step.
  - cone_step. erewrite mkBlock_strip.
    eapply H; try rewrite ZL_mapi; try rewrite ZL_mapi_F;
      eauto using agree_on_incl, PIR2_app, rd_agree_extend.
    × intros; inv_get. sawtooth.
      -- econstructor; simpl; eauto; try rewrite ZL_mapi_F; try reflexivity.
         sawtooth. eauto. intros. invc H4.
         split. clear_all; cset_tac; intuition.
         exploit H13; eauto; dcr; simpl in *; eauto with cset.
         exploit H1; eauto. sawtooth. eauto.
      -- eapply get_app_ge in H5; eauto; len_simpl; try omega.
         rewrite <- H0 in ×. inv_get.
         exploit LA; eauto.
         eapply approx_extend; eauto with len.
    × rewrite zip_app; eauto with len.
      eapply PIR2_app; eauto using PIR2_ifFstR_refl.
    × eauto with len.

Coherence implies invariance

Lemma srd_implies_invariance s a
: live_sound Imperative nil nil s a srd nil s a invariant s.
  intros. hnf; intros.
  eapply simc_sim.
  eapply srdSim_sim with (L:=nil); eauto.
  isabsurd. econstructor. isabsurd. econstructor.