Require Import CSet Le Arith.Compare_dec.
Require Import Plus Util Map CMap Status Take.
Require Import Val Var Env IL Annotation Liveness Fresh MoreList SetOperations PairwiseDisjoint.
Require Import Coherence Allocation RenamedApart.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Plus Util Map CMap Status Take.
Require Import Val Var Env IL Annotation Liveness Fresh MoreList SetOperations PairwiseDisjoint.
Require Import Coherence Allocation RenamedApart.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition regAssignF
(regAssign : stmt → ann (set var) → Map [var, var] → status (Map [var, var]))
:= fix regAssignF
(ϱ:Map [var, var]) (F:list (list var × stmt)) (ans: list (ann (set var)))
: status (Map [var, var]) :=
match F, ans with
| Zs::F, a::ans ⇒
let Z := fst Zs in let s := snd Zs in
let Z' := fresh_list least_fresh ( (findt ϱ 0) (getAnn a\of_list Z)) (length Z) in
sdo ϱ' <- regAssign s a (ϱ[- Z <-- Z'-]);
regAssignF ϱ' F ans
| nil, nil ⇒ Success ϱ
| _, _ ⇒ Error "regAssignF: function annotation mismatch"
Fixpoint regAssign (st:stmt) (an: ann (set var)) (ϱ:Map [var, var])
: status (Map [var, var]) :=
match st, an with
| stmtLet x e s, ann1 lv ans ⇒
let xv := least_fresh ( (findt ϱ 0) (getAnn ans\ singleton x)) in
regAssign s ans (ϱ[- x <- xv -])
| stmtIf _ s t, ann2 lv ans ant ⇒
sdo ϱ' <- regAssign s ans ϱ;
regAssign t ant ϱ'
| stmtApp _ _, ann0 _ ⇒ Success ϱ
| stmtReturn _, ann0 _ ⇒ Success ϱ
| stmtFun F t, annF _ ans ant ⇒
sdo ϱ' <- regAssignF regAssign ϱ F ans;
regAssign t ant ϱ'
| _, _ ⇒ Error "regAssign: Annotation mismatch"
The algorithm only changes bound variables in the mapping ϱ
Lemma regAssign_renamedApart_agreeF G F ans als ϱ ϱ'
(allocOK:regAssignF regAssign ϱ F als = Success ϱ')
(REN:∀ (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (set var × set var)),
get F n Zs → get ans n a → renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
(LEN1:length F = length als)
(LEN2:length F = length ans)
(IH:(∀ (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (set var)),
get F n Zs →
get als n a →
∀ (al : ann (set var × set var)) (ϱ0 ϱ'0 : Map [var, var])
(G0 : set var),
renamedApart (snd Zs) al →
regAssign (snd Zs) a ϱ0 = Success ϱ'0 →
agree_on eq (G0 \ snd (getAnn al)) (findt ϱ0 0) (findt ϱ'0 0)))
: ∀ G' : set var,
list_union zip defVars F ans[<=]G' →
agree_on eq (G \ G') (findt ϱ 0) (findt ϱ' 0).
intros G' INCL.
length_equify. general induction LEN1; inv LEN2; simpl in × |- *; try monadS_inv allocOK; eauto.
exploit IHLEN1; eauto using get.
etransitivity; try eapply INCL.
norm_lunion. eauto with cset.
exploit IH; eauto using get.
(rewrite <- map_update_list_update_agree in H0; eauto).
etransitivity; try eapply H.
eapply agree_on_incl.
eapply update_with_list_agree_inv; try eapply X; eauto.
instantiate (1:=G). rewrite minus_union.
eapply incl_minus_lr; eauto.
erewrite <- INCL. norm_lunion. unfold defVars. eauto with cset.
Lemma regAssign_renamedApart_agree' i s al ϱ ϱ' ZL Lv alv G
(allocOK:regAssign s alv ϱ = Success ϱ')
(sd:renamedApart s al)
(LS:live_sound i ZL Lv s alv)
: agree_on eq (G \ snd (getAnn al)) (findt ϱ 0) (findt ϱ' 0).
general induction LS; inv sd; simpl in × |- *; try monadS_inv allocOK; eauto.
- exploit IHLS; eauto.
rewrite <- map_update_update_agree in H2.
eapply agree_on_incl.
eapply agree_on_update_inv.
eapply H2.
instantiate (1:=G). rewrite H10, H9. simpl.
revert H5; clear_all; cset_tac; intuition; eauto.
- exploit IHLS1; eauto.
exploit IHLS2; eauto.
rewrite H11 in H2. rewrite H12 in H3. simpl in ×.
etransitivity; eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
instantiate (1:=G). rewrite <- H7. clear_all; intro; cset_tac; intuition.
instantiate (1:=G). rewrite <- H7. clear_all; intro; cset_tac; intuition.
- exploit IHLS; eauto. instantiate (1:=G) in H4.
etransitivity; [| eapply agree_on_incl; try eapply H4].
eapply agree_on_incl.
eapply regAssign_renamedApart_agreeF with (G':=D'); try eassumption; eauto.
rewrite <- H13. cset_tac; intuition. reflexivity.
eapply incl_minus_lr; try reflexivity. rewrite <- H13. eauto with cset.
Lemma regAssign_renamedApart_agree i s al ϱ ϱ' ZL Lv alv
(sd:renamedApart s al)
(LS:live_sound i ZL Lv s alv)
(allocOK:regAssign s alv ϱ = Success ϱ')
: agree_on eq (fst (getAnn al)) (findt ϱ 0) (findt ϱ' 0).
eapply agree_on_incl.
eapply regAssign_renamedApart_agree'; eauto.
instantiate (1:=fst (getAnn al)).
exploit renamedApart_disj; eauto.
revert H. unfold disj.
clear_all; cset_tac; intuition; eauto.
Lemma regAssignF_get G F ans alv n Zs a ϱ ϱ' an ZL Lv i D Dt lv
: regAssignF regAssign ϱ F alv = Success ϱ'
→ (∀ n Zs a, get F n Zs → get ans n a → renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
→ (∀ n Zs a, get F n Zs →
get alv n a →
live_sound i ZL Lv (snd Zs) a)
→ (∀ (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (set var)),
get F n Zs →
get alv n a →
of_list (fst Zs)[<=]getAnn a ∧ getAnn a \ of_list (fst Zs)[<=]lv)
→ (∀ n Zs a, get F n Zs → get ans n a → disj D (defVars Zs a))
→ Indexwise.indexwise_R (funConstr D Dt) F ans
→ pairwise_ne disj (zip defVars F ans)
→ get F n Zs
→ get alv n a
→ get ans n an
→ lv ⊆ D
→ ∃ ϱ1 ϱ2, regAssign (snd Zs) a ϱ1 = Success ϱ2
∧ regAssignF regAssign ϱ2 (drop (S n) F) (drop (S n) alv) = Success ϱ'
∧ agree_on eq (G \ list_union (zip defVars (take n F) (take n ans)))
(findt (ϱ[-fst Zs <-- fresh_list least_fresh
( (findt ϱ 0) (getAnn a \ of_list (fst Zs)))
(length (fst Zs))-]) 0)
(findt ϱ1 0).
general induction GET1; inv GET2; inv GET3; simpl in × |- *; monadS_inv EQ; eauto.
- do 2 eexists; split; eauto. split. rewrite EQ0. reflexivity. reflexivity.
- exploit (IHGET1 G); hnf; intros; eauto using get; dcr.
do 2 eexists; split; eauto. split; eauto.
rewrite EQ0. simpl. rewrite EQ1; eauto.
etransitivity; eapply agree_on_incl; [ | reflexivity | eassumption | eauto ].
+ repeat rewrite <- map_update_list_update_agree; eauto.
erewrite least_fresh_list_ext; eauto.
× eapply update_with_list_agree; eauto.
eapply regAssign_renamedApart_agree' in EQ0; eauto using get.
rewrite <- map_update_list_update_agree in EQ0; eauto.
eapply update_with_list_agree_inv in EQ0; eauto.
eapply agree_on_incl. eauto.
instantiate (1:=G \ list_union zip defVars (take n xl) (take n xl1)).
norm_lunion. unfold defVars at 1. clear_all; cset_tac; intuition.
× eapply lookup_set_agree; eauto.
eapply regAssign_renamedApart_agree' in EQ0; eauto using get.
rewrite <- map_update_list_update_agree in EQ0; eauto.
eapply update_with_list_agree_inv in EQ0; eauto.
eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
instantiate (1:=getAnn a \ of_list (fst x)).
setoid_rewrite minus_union at 1.
assert (disj (getAnn a \ of_list (fst x)) (snd (getAnn x'1)
∪ of_list (fst x'))).
exploit PWDISJ;
[| eauto using get| econstructor 2; eapply zip_get; eauto|].
omega. unfold defVars in H.
exploit (LVINC (S n)); eauto using get; dcr.
rewrite H7. rewrite incl. rewrite union_comm.
eapply DDISJ; eauto using get.
setoid_rewrite disj_minus_eq at 2; eauto.
+ norm_lunion. clear_all; cset_tac; intuition.
Lemma defVars_take_disj F ans n Zs a
: pairwise_ne disj (zip defVars F ans)
→ get F n Zs
→ get ans n a
→ disj (defVars Zs a) (list_union zip defVars (take n F) (take n ans)).
symmetry. rewrite <- list_union_disjunct; intros; inv_get.
eapply (H n0 n); eauto using zip_get. omega.
Lemma defVars_drop_disj F ans n Zs a
: pairwise_ne disj (zip defVars F ans)
→ get F n Zs
→ get ans n a
→ disj (defVars Zs a) (list_union zip defVars (drop (S n) F) (drop (S n) ans)).
symmetry. rewrite <- list_union_disjunct; intros; inv_get.
eapply (H (S n + n0) n); eauto using zip_get. omega.
Lemma defVars_disj_D F ans D Dt D'
(D'def:list_union zip defVars F ans ∪ Dt[=]D')
(Ddisj: disj D D')
: ∀ n DD' Zs, get F n Zs → get ans n DD' →
disj D (defVars Zs DD').
eapply disj_2_incl; eauto. rewrite <- D'def.
eapply incl_union_left. eapply incl_list_union; eauto using zip_get.