Require Import List.
Require Import Util Var Val Exp Env Map CSet AutoIndTac IL.
Require Import Sim SimTactics Infra.Status.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Inductive nstmt : Type :=
| nstmtLet (x : var) (e: exp) (s : nstmt)
| nstmtIf (e : op) (s : nstmt) (t : nstmt)
| nstmtApp (l : var) (Y:args)
| nstmtReturn (e : op)
| nstmtFun (F : list (var × params × nstmt)) (t : nstmt).
Instance NStmt_size : Size nstmt. gen_Size. Defined.
Fixpoint freeVars (s:nstmt) : set var :=
match s with
| nstmtLet x e s0 ⇒ (freeVars s0 \ singleton x) ∪ Exp.freeVars e
| nstmtIf e s1 s2 ⇒ freeVars s1 ∪ freeVars s2 ∪ Op.freeVars e
| nstmtApp l Y ⇒ list_union ( Op.freeVars Y)
| nstmtReturn e ⇒ Op.freeVars e
| nstmtFun F s2 ⇒
list_union ( (fun f ⇒ (freeVars (snd f) \ of_list (snd (fst f)))) F)
∪ freeVars s2
Require Import Util Var Val Exp Env Map CSet AutoIndTac IL.
Require Import Sim SimTactics Infra.Status.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Inductive nstmt : Type :=
| nstmtLet (x : var) (e: exp) (s : nstmt)
| nstmtIf (e : op) (s : nstmt) (t : nstmt)
| nstmtApp (l : var) (Y:args)
| nstmtReturn (e : op)
| nstmtFun (F : list (var × params × nstmt)) (t : nstmt).
Instance NStmt_size : Size nstmt. gen_Size. Defined.
Fixpoint freeVars (s:nstmt) : set var :=
match s with
| nstmtLet x e s0 ⇒ (freeVars s0 \ singleton x) ∪ Exp.freeVars e
| nstmtIf e s1 s2 ⇒ freeVars s1 ∪ freeVars s2 ∪ Op.freeVars e
| nstmtApp l Y ⇒ list_union ( Op.freeVars Y)
| nstmtReturn e ⇒ Op.freeVars e
| nstmtFun F s2 ⇒
list_union ( (fun f ⇒ (freeVars (snd f) \ of_list (snd (fst f)))) F)
∪ freeVars s2
Module F.
Inductive block : Type :=
blockI {
block_L : onv block;
block_E : onv val;
block_F : list (var × params × nstmt);
block_f : nat;
block_Z := snd (fst (nth block_f block_F (0, nil, nstmtReturn (Con val_true))))
Definition labenv := onv block.
Definition state : Type := (labenv × onv val × nstmt)%type.
Definition mkBlock L E F f (_:var × params × nstmt) :=
blockI L E F f.
Inductive step : state → event → state → Prop :=
| nstepLet L E x e b v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
: step (L, E, nstmtLet x (Operation e) b) EvtTau (L, E[x<-Some v], b)
| stepExtern L E x f Y s vl v
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
: step (L, E, nstmtLet x (Call f Y) s)
(EvtExtern (ExternI f vl v))
(L, E[x <- Some v], s)
| nstepIfT L E
e b1 b2 v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condTrue: val2bool v = true)
: step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b1)
| nstepIfF L E
e b1 b2 v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condFalse:val2bool v = false)
: step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b2)
| nstepGoto L E l l' Y Z s L' E' F f
(len:length Z = length Y)
(lEQ:l = l')
(Ldef:L l = Some (blockI L' E' F f)) E'' vl
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
(sdef : get F f (l', Z, s))
(updOk:E'[Z <-- Some vl] = E'')
: step (L, E, nstmtApp l Y)
(L'[ (fst ∘ fst) F <-- Some (mapi (mkBlock L' E' F) F)], E'', s)
| stepFun (L:onv block) E F t
: step (L, E, nstmtFun F t) EvtTau (L[ (fst ∘ fst) F <-- Some (mapi (mkBlock L E F) F)], E, t).
Lemma step_internally_deterministic :
internally_deterministic step.
hnf; intros. inv H; inv H0; split; eauto; try congruence.
rewrite Ldef0 in Ldef. inv Ldef. repeat (get_functional; subst); congruence.
Lemma step_dec
: reddec2 step.
hnf; intros. destruct x as [[L V] []].
- destruct e.
+ case_eq (op_eval V e); intros. left. eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
+ case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
left. eexists (EvtExtern (ExternI f l default_val)). eauto using step.
- case_eq (op_eval V e); intros.
left. case_eq (val2bool v); intros; eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
- case_eq (L l); intros.
+ destruct b as [L' E' F' f'].
destruct (get_dec F' f') as [[[[l' Z] s] ?]|].
× decide (l = l'); subst.
decide (length Z = length Y).
case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; [| right; stuck2].
left. eexists EvtTau. econstructor. econstructor; eauto.
orewrite (l' + 0=l'). eauto.
right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. get_functional; subst. congruence.
right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. get_functional; subst. congruence.
× right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. eauto.
+ right. stuck.
- right. stuck.
- left. ∃ EvtTau. eauto using step.
End F.
Inductive block : Type :=
blockI {
block_L : onv block;
block_E : onv val;
block_F : list (var × params × nstmt);
block_f : nat;
block_Z := snd (fst (nth block_f block_F (0, nil, nstmtReturn (Con val_true))))
Definition labenv := onv block.
Definition state : Type := (labenv × onv val × nstmt)%type.
Definition mkBlock L E F f (_:var × params × nstmt) :=
blockI L E F f.
Inductive step : state → event → state → Prop :=
| nstepLet L E x e b v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
: step (L, E, nstmtLet x (Operation e) b) EvtTau (L, E[x<-Some v], b)
| stepExtern L E x f Y s vl v
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
: step (L, E, nstmtLet x (Call f Y) s)
(EvtExtern (ExternI f vl v))
(L, E[x <- Some v], s)
| nstepIfT L E
e b1 b2 v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condTrue: val2bool v = true)
: step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b1)
| nstepIfF L E
e b1 b2 v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condFalse:val2bool v = false)
: step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b2)
| nstepGoto L E l l' Y Z s L' E' F f
(len:length Z = length Y)
(lEQ:l = l')
(Ldef:L l = Some (blockI L' E' F f)) E'' vl
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
(sdef : get F f (l', Z, s))
(updOk:E'[Z <-- Some vl] = E'')
: step (L, E, nstmtApp l Y)
(L'[ (fst ∘ fst) F <-- Some (mapi (mkBlock L' E' F) F)], E'', s)
| stepFun (L:onv block) E F t
: step (L, E, nstmtFun F t) EvtTau (L[ (fst ∘ fst) F <-- Some (mapi (mkBlock L E F) F)], E, t).
Lemma step_internally_deterministic :
internally_deterministic step.
hnf; intros. inv H; inv H0; split; eauto; try congruence.
rewrite Ldef0 in Ldef. inv Ldef. repeat (get_functional; subst); congruence.
Lemma step_dec
: reddec2 step.
hnf; intros. destruct x as [[L V] []].
- destruct e.
+ case_eq (op_eval V e); intros. left. eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
+ case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
left. eexists (EvtExtern (ExternI f l default_val)). eauto using step.
- case_eq (op_eval V e); intros.
left. case_eq (val2bool v); intros; eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
- case_eq (L l); intros.
+ destruct b as [L' E' F' f'].
destruct (get_dec F' f') as [[[[l' Z] s] ?]|].
× decide (l = l'); subst.
decide (length Z = length Y).
case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; [| right; stuck2].
left. eexists EvtTau. econstructor. econstructor; eauto.
orewrite (l' + 0=l'). eauto.
right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. get_functional; subst. congruence.
right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. get_functional; subst. congruence.
× right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. eauto.
+ right. stuck.
- right. stuck.
- left. ∃ EvtTau. eauto using step.
End F.
Module I.
Inductive block : Type :=
blockI {
block_L : onv block;
block_F : list (var × params × nstmt);
block_f : nat;
block_Z := snd (fst (nth block_f block_F (0, nil, nstmtReturn (Con val_true))))
Definition labenv := onv block.
Definition state : Type := (labenv × onv val × nstmt)%type.
Definition labenv_empty : labenv := fun _ ⇒ None.
Definition mkBlock L F f (_:var ×params×nstmt):=
blockI L F f.
Inductive step : state → event → state → Prop :=
| nstepLet L E x e b v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
: step (L, E, nstmtLet x (Operation e) b) EvtTau (L, E[x<-Some v], b)
| stepExtern L E x f Y s vl v
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
: step (L, E, nstmtLet x (Call f Y) s)
(EvtExtern (ExternI f vl v))
(L, E[x <- Some v], s)
| nstepIfT L E e b1 b2 v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condTrue: val2bool v = true)
: step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b1)
| nstepIfF L E e b1 b2 v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condFalse:val2bool v = false)
: step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b2)
| nstepGoto L E l l' Y Z s L' F f
(len:length Z = length Y)
(lEQ:l = l')
(Ldef:L l = Some (blockI L' F f)) E'' vl
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
(sdef : get F f (l', Z, s))
(updOk:E[Z <-- Some vl] = E'')
: step (L, E, nstmtApp l Y)
(L'[ (fst ∘ fst) F <-- Some (mapi (mkBlock L' F) F)], E'', s)
| stepFun L E F t
: step (L, E, nstmtFun F t)
(L[ (fst ∘ fst) F <-- Some (mapi (mkBlock L F) F)], E, t).
Lemma step_internally_deterministic :
internally_deterministic step.
hnf; intros. inv H; inv H0; split; eauto; try congruence.
rewrite Ldef0 in Ldef. inv Ldef. get_functional; subst. congruence.
Lemma step_externally_determined
: externally_determined step.
hnf; intros.
inv H; inv H0; eauto; try get_functional; try congruence.
rewrite Ldef0 in Ldef. inv Ldef. get_functional; subst. congruence.
Lemma step_dec
: reddec2 step.
hnf; intros. destruct x as [[L V] []].
- destruct e.
+ case_eq (op_eval V e); intros. left. eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
+ case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
left. eexists (EvtExtern (ExternI f l default_val)). eauto using step.
- case_eq (op_eval V e); intros.
left. case_eq (val2bool v); intros; eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
- case_eq (L l); intros.
+ destruct b as [L' F' f'].
destruct (get_dec F' f') as [[[[l' Z] s] ?]|].
× decide (l = l').
decide (length Z = length Y).
case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros;[| now (right; stuck2)].
left. eexists EvtTau. econstructor. econstructor; eauto.
right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. get_functional; subst. congruence.
right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. get_functional; subst. congruence.
× right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. eauto.
+ right. stuck.
- right. stuck.
- left. ∃ EvtTau. eauto using step.
End I.
Definition state_result X (s:X×onv val×nstmt) : option val :=
match s with
| (_, E, nstmtReturn e) ⇒ op_eval E e
| _ ⇒ None
Instance statetype_I : StateType I.state := {
step := I.step;
result := (@state_result I.labenv);
step_dec := I.step_dec;
step_internally_deterministic := I.step_internally_deterministic;
step_externally_determined := I.step_externally_determined
Inductive block : Type :=
blockI {
block_L : onv block;
block_F : list (var × params × nstmt);
block_f : nat;
block_Z := snd (fst (nth block_f block_F (0, nil, nstmtReturn (Con val_true))))
Definition labenv := onv block.
Definition state : Type := (labenv × onv val × nstmt)%type.
Definition labenv_empty : labenv := fun _ ⇒ None.
Definition mkBlock L F f (_:var ×params×nstmt):=
blockI L F f.
Inductive step : state → event → state → Prop :=
| nstepLet L E x e b v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
: step (L, E, nstmtLet x (Operation e) b) EvtTau (L, E[x<-Some v], b)
| stepExtern L E x f Y s vl v
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
: step (L, E, nstmtLet x (Call f Y) s)
(EvtExtern (ExternI f vl v))
(L, E[x <- Some v], s)
| nstepIfT L E e b1 b2 v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condTrue: val2bool v = true)
: step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b1)
| nstepIfF L E e b1 b2 v
(def:op_eval E e = Some v)
(condFalse:val2bool v = false)
: step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b2)
| nstepGoto L E l l' Y Z s L' F f
(len:length Z = length Y)
(lEQ:l = l')
(Ldef:L l = Some (blockI L' F f)) E'' vl
(def:omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl)
(sdef : get F f (l', Z, s))
(updOk:E[Z <-- Some vl] = E'')
: step (L, E, nstmtApp l Y)
(L'[ (fst ∘ fst) F <-- Some (mapi (mkBlock L' F) F)], E'', s)
| stepFun L E F t
: step (L, E, nstmtFun F t)
(L[ (fst ∘ fst) F <-- Some (mapi (mkBlock L F) F)], E, t).
Lemma step_internally_deterministic :
internally_deterministic step.
hnf; intros. inv H; inv H0; split; eauto; try congruence.
rewrite Ldef0 in Ldef. inv Ldef. get_functional; subst. congruence.
Lemma step_externally_determined
: externally_determined step.
hnf; intros.
inv H; inv H0; eauto; try get_functional; try congruence.
rewrite Ldef0 in Ldef. inv Ldef. get_functional; subst. congruence.
Lemma step_dec
: reddec2 step.
hnf; intros. destruct x as [[L V] []].
- destruct e.
+ case_eq (op_eval V e); intros. left. eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
+ case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
left. eexists (EvtExtern (ExternI f l default_val)). eauto using step.
- case_eq (op_eval V e); intros.
left. case_eq (val2bool v); intros; eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
right. stuck.
- case_eq (L l); intros.
+ destruct b as [L' F' f'].
destruct (get_dec F' f') as [[[[l' Z] s] ?]|].
× decide (l = l').
decide (length Z = length Y).
case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); intros;[| now (right; stuck2)].
left. eexists EvtTau. econstructor. econstructor; eauto.
right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. get_functional; subst. congruence.
right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. get_functional; subst. congruence.
× right; stuck2. rewrite Ldef in H. inv H. eauto.
+ right. stuck.
- right. stuck.
- left. ∃ EvtTau. eauto using step.
End I.
Definition state_result X (s:X×onv val×nstmt) : option val :=
match s with
| (_, E, nstmtReturn e) ⇒ op_eval E e
| _ ⇒ None
Instance statetype_I : StateType I.state := {
step := I.step;
result := (@state_result I.labenv);
step_dec := I.step_dec;
step_internally_deterministic := I.step_internally_deterministic;
step_externally_determined := I.step_externally_determined