
Require Import List CSet.
Require Import Util AllInRel MapDefined IL Sim Status Annotation VarP.
Require Import Rename RenameApart RenamedApartAnn RenameApart_Liveness RenameApart_VarP.
Require CMap.
Require Liveness.Liveness LivenessValidators ParallelMove ILN ILN_IL.
Require TrueLiveness LivenessAnalysis LivenessAnalysisCorrect.
Require Coherence Invariance.
Require Delocation DelocationAlgo DelocationCorrect DelocationValidator.
Require Coherence.Allocation AllocationAlgo AllocationAlgoCorrect.
Require UCE DVE EAE Alpha.
Require ReachabilityAnalysis ReachabilityAnalysisCorrect.
Require Import DCVE Slot InfinitePartition RegAssign ExpVarsBounded.

Require Import RenameApartToPart FreshGen.

Require String.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section Compiler.

Definition ensure_f P `{Computable P} (s: String.string) {A} (cont:status A) : status A :=
if [P] then cont else Error s.

Arguments ensure_f P [H] s {A} cont.

Notation "'ensure' P s ; cont " := (ensure_f P s cont)
                                    (at level 20, P at level 0, s at level 0,
                                     cont at level 200, left associativity).

Definition toDeBruijn (ilin:ILN.nstmt) : status IL.stmt :=
  ILN_IL.labIndices nil ilin.

Lemma toDeBruijn_correct (ilin:ILN.nstmt) s (E:onv val)
 : toDeBruijn ilin = Success s
    @sim _ ILN.statetype_I _ _ bot3 Bisim
           (ILN.I.labenv_empty, E, ilin)
           (nil:list I.block, E, s).
  intros. unfold toDeBruijn in H. simpl in ×.
  eapply ILN_IL.labIndicesSim_sim.
  econstructor; eauto; isabsurd. econstructor; isabsurd. constructor.

Arguments sim S {H} S' {H0} r t _ _.

Require Import AddParams Spilling.

Print all.

Definition slt (D:set var) (EV:For_all even D)
  : Slot D.
  refine (@Build_Slot _ S _ _).
  - hnf; intros.
    eapply EV in H.
    cset_tac'. eapply EV in H0.
    rewrite even_not_even in H. cset_tac.
  - hnf; intros. cset_tac.

Require Import RegAssign.

Definition fromILF (s:stmt) :=
  let s_eae := EAE.compile s in
  let sra := rename_apart_to_part FGS_even_fast s_eae in
  let dcve := DCVE Liveness.Imperative (fst sra) (snd sra) in
  let fvl := to_list (getAnn (co_lv dcve)) in
  let k := exp_vars_bound (co_s dcve) in
  let spilled := spill k S (co_s dcve) (co_lv dcve) in
  let rdom := (domain_add FG_even_fast (empty_domain FG_even_fast) (getAnn (snd (spilled)))) in
  let ren2 := snd (renameApart FG_even_fast rdom id (fst spilled)) in
  let ras := rassign even_part ren2
                    (snd (renameApart_live FG_even_fast
                                           (fst (spilled))
                                           (snd (spilled)))) in

Opaque LivenessValidators.live_sound_dec.
Opaque DelocationValidator.trs_dec.

Require Import MoreTac Alpha RenameApart_Alpha RenameApart_Liveness
        RenamedApart_Liveness Coherence Invariance.

Definition slotted_vars (s:stmt) :=
  let s_eae := EAE.compile s in
  let sra := rename_apart_to_part FGS_even_fast s_eae in
  let dcve := DCVE Liveness.Imperative (fst sra) (snd sra) in
  let k := exp_vars_bound (co_s dcve) in
  drop k (to_list (getAnn (co_lv dcve))).

Definition fromILF_fvl (s:stmt) :=
           to_list (freeVars (EAE.compile s)).

Definition fromILF_fvl_ren (s:stmt) :=
  (fun m : natm) (fun m : natm + (m + 0)) range 0 to_list (freeVars (EAE.compile s)).

Hint Resolve Liveness.live_sound_overapproximation_I Liveness.live_sound_overapproximation_F.

Lemma length_to_list X `{OrderedType X}
  : x y : X, x [=] y to_list x = to_list y.
  Transparent to_list.
  unfold to_list.
  unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
  rewrite !elements_length.
  rewrite H0. reflexivity.

Opaque to_list.

Opaque to_list.

Lemma fromILF_fvl_ren_EAE X `{OrderedType X} s t
  : s [=] t
     (fun m : natm)
         (fun m : natm + (m + 0)) range 0 to_list s =
      (fun m : natm)
         (fun m : natm + (m + 0)) range 0 to_list t.
  unfold fromILF_fvl_ren. intros.
  f_equal. f_equal. f_equal.
  erewrite length_to_list; eauto.

Lemma rename_apart_to_part_freeVars (s:stmt)
  : fst (getAnn (snd (rename_apart_to_part FGS_even_fast s)))
        [=] of_list ((fun m : natm)
         (fun m : natm + (m + 0)) range 0 to_list (freeVars s)).
  unfold rename_apart_to_part; simpl.
  rewrite fst_renamedApartAnn.

Hint Immediate FGS_even_fast.

Lemma fromILF_correct (s s':stmt) E (PM:LabelsDefined.paramsMatch s nil)
      (OK:fromILF s = Success s')
      (Def:defined_on (freeVars s) E)
  : sim F.state I.state bot3 Sim (nil, E, s)
        (nil, (id [fromILF_fvl_ren s <-- fromILF_fvl s] E)
                 [S slotted_vars s <-- lookup_list (id [fromILF_fvl_ren s <-- fromILF_fvl s] E)
                    (slotted_vars s)], s').
  set (E':= id [fromILF_fvl_ren s <-- fromILF_fvl s] E).
  set (E'':= (id [fromILF_fvl_ren s <-- fromILF_fvl s] E)
              [S slotted_vars s <-- lookup_list (id [fromILF_fvl_ren s <-- fromILF_fvl s] E)
                 (slotted_vars s)]).
  let_unfold' fromILF OK. subst ras.
  eapply sim_trans with (S2:=F.state). {
    eapply EAE.sim_EAE.

  assert (AEF1:AppExpFree.app_expfree s_eae) by eapply EAE.EAE_app_expfree.
  assert (AEF2:AppExpFree.app_expfree (fst sra)). {
    eapply app_expfree_rename_apart; eauto.
  assert (AEF3:AppExpFree.app_expfree (co_s dcve)). {
    eapply DCVE_app_expfree; eauto.

  assert (RA:RenamedApart.renamedApart (fst sra) (snd sra)). {
    eapply rename_apart_to_part_renamedApart.

  assert (EVB:exp_vars_bounded k (co_s dcve)). {
    eapply exp_vars_bound_sound.

  assert (PM1:LabelsDefined.paramsMatch s_eae nil) by
      (eapply EAE.EAE_paramsMatch; eauto).
  assert (PM2:LabelsDefined.paramsMatch (fst sra) nil). {
    eapply labelsDefined_paramsMatch; eauto.
  assert (PM3:LabelsDefined.paramsMatch (co_s dcve) nil). {
    eapply DCVE_paramsMatch; eauto.

  assert (EV:For_all (fun n : nateven n)
                     (fst (getAnn (snd (DCVE Liveness.Imperative (fst sra) (snd sra))))
                           snd (getAnn (snd (DCVE Liveness.Imperative (fst sra) (snd sra)))))). {
    pose proof (rename_to_subset_even s_eae) as HY1.
    rewrite DCVE_ra_fst; eauto.
    rewrite DCVE_ra_snd; eauto.
    subst sra. rewrite rename_apart_to_part_occurVars.
    eapply rename_to_subset_even.
  pose (@slt _ EV) as slt.

  assert (NOC1:LabelsDefined.noUnreachableCode (LabelsDefined.isCalled true) (co_s dcve)). {
    eapply DCVE_noUC; eauto.

  assert (Incl1:getAnn (co_lv dcve)
          fst (getAnn (snd (DCVE Liveness.Imperative (fst sra) (snd sra))))). {
    exploit DCVE_live_incl as INCL; eauto.
    eapply ann_R_get in INCL; eauto.

  assert (PM4:LabelsDefined.paramsMatch (fst spilled) nil). {
    eapply spill_paramsMatch with (slt:=slt);
      eauto using DCVE_live, DCVE_renamedApart, DCVE_live_incl, DCVE_paramsMatch.

  eapply sim_trans with (σ2:=(nil, E', fst sra):F.state). {
    eapply bisim_sim. eapply bisim_sym.
    eapply Alpha.alphaSim_sim. econstructor; eauto using PIR2.
    - eapply rename_apart_alpha'; eauto.
      rewrite update_with_list_lookup_set_incl; eauto with len.
      rewrite <- fresh_list_domain_spec; eauto.
      rewrite fresh_list_len; eauto.
      rewrite of_list_3; eauto.
      instantiate (1:=id[fst (fresh_list FG_even_fast (empty_domain FG_even_fast) (to_list (freeVars s_eae))) <-- to_list (freeVars s_eae)]).
      hnf; intros.
      rewrite <- of_list_3 in H.
      edestruct (of_list_get_first _ H) as [n]; eauto; dcr. hnf in H1. subst x0.
      eapply update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first in H4; dcr.
      rewrite H3.
      edestruct update_with_list_lookup_in_list_first; dcr.
      Focus 4. rewrite H5. hnf. instantiate (1:=n) in H4. get_functional.
      symmetry; eauto. rewrite fresh_list_len; eauto. eauto.
      eapply NoDupA_get_neq'; [ eauto | eauto | | | eapply H4 | eapply H1 ].
      eapply fresh_list_nodup; eauto.
      eauto with len.
      rewrite fresh_list_len; eauto. eauto.
    - hnf; intros.
      decide (y freeVars s_eae).
      + unfold E'. simpl in H, H0.
        unfold fromILF_fvl_ren, fromILF_fvl. subst s_eae.
        unfold comp. rewrite H. reflexivity.
      + simpl in H,H0.
        rewrite lookup_set_update_not_in_Z in H0; [|rewrite of_list_3;eauto].
        unfold id in H0; subst x.
        subst E'.
        unfold fromILF_fvl_ren, fromILF_fvl. unfold comp; simpl.
        erewrite fromILF_fvl_ren_EAE; eauto using EAE.EAE_freeVars.
  eapply sim_trans with (σ2:=(nil, E', fst sra):I.state). {
     eapply bisim_sim. eapply SimCompanion.simc_sim.
     eapply Invariance.srdSim_sim with (AL:=nil) (Lv:=nil); simpl; eauto using PIR2.
     - eapply renamedApart_coherent with (DL:=nil); simpl; eauto.
     - hnf; intros; isabsurd.
     - econstructor.
     - intros. inv H.
     - eapply renamedApart_live; simpl; eauto.
  eapply sim_trans with (σ2:=(nil, E', co_s dcve):I.state). {
    eapply DCVE_correct_I; eauto.

  assert (LS1:Liveness.live_sound Liveness.FunctionalAndImperative nil nil (fst spilled) (snd spilled)). {
    eapply spill_live with (k:=k) (slt:=slt);
      eauto using DCVE_live, DCVE_renamedApart,
      DCVE_live_incl, DCVE_paramsMatch.
  eapply sim_trans with (σ2:=(nil, E'', fst spilled):F.state). {
    assert (VP:var_P (inf_subset_P even_inf_subset) (co_s dcve)). {
      eapply DCVE_var_P; eauto.
      eapply renameApart_var_P.
      - eauto.
      - intros. eapply FG_even_fast_inf_subset.
      - intros. eapply even_fast_list_even; eauto.
      - eapply even_fast_update_even; eauto.
    eapply spill_correct with (k:=k) (slt:=slt);
        eauto using DCVE_live, DCVE_renamedApart, DCVE_live_incl,
    - hnf; intros.
      unfold dcve, sra, s_eae in Incl1.
      rewrite Incl1 in H.
      rewrite DCVE_ra_fst in H; eauto.
      rewrite rename_apart_to_part_freeVars in H.
      edestruct update_with_list_lookup_in_list.
      Focus 3.
      destruct H0 as [? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]].
      unfold comp. rewrite H2.
      unfold fromILF_fvl in H1.
      Transparent to_list.
      eapply get_elements_in in H1.
      Opaque to_list.
      rewrite EAE.EAE_freeVars in H1.
      eapply Def in H1. eauto.
      unfold fromILF_fvl_ren, fromILF_fvl. len_simpl.
      reflexivity. eauto.
  eapply sim_trans with (σ2:=(nil, E'',ren2):F.state). {
    eapply bisim_sim. eapply bisim_sym.
    eapply Alpha.alphaSim_sim. econstructor; eauto using PIR2.
    - eapply rename_apart_alpha'; eauto.
      rewrite lookup_set_on_id; [|reflexivity].
      subst rdom. rewrite <- domain_add_spec; eauto.
      rewrite <- Liveness.freeVars_live; eauto with cset.
      eapply inverse_on_id.
    - eapply envCorr_idOn_refl.
  eapply rassign_correct; eauto.
  - eapply labelsDefined_paramsMatch; eauto.
  - eapply renameApart'_renamedApart.
    + eauto.
    + rewrite lookup_set_on_id; [|reflexivity].
      instantiate (1:=(getAnn (snd spilled))).
      eapply Liveness.freeVars_live; eauto.
    + subst rdom. rewrite <- domain_add_spec; eauto.
  - eapply app_expfree_rename_apart; eauto.
    eapply spill_app_expfree; eauto.
  - unfold rename_apart.
    eapply (@renameApart_live_sound_srd _ _ _ _ _ Liveness.FunctionalAndImperative
                                        nil nil nil nil nil); eauto using PIR2.
    + isabsurd.
    + eapply spill_srd with (k:=k) (slt:=slt);
        eauto using DCVE_live, DCVE_renamedApart,
        DCVE_live_incl, DCVE_paramsMatch.
    + eapply spill_noUnreachableCode with (k:=k) (slt:=slt);
        eauto using DCVE_live, DCVE_renamedApart,
        DCVE_live_incl, DCVE_paramsMatch.
    + rewrite lookup_set_on_id; try reflexivity.
      subst rdom. rewrite <- domain_add_spec; eauto.
  - erewrite getAnn_snd_renameApart_live; eauto.
    rewrite fst_renamedApartAnn.
    exploit (@DCVE_live_incl Liveness.Imperative) as INCL; eauto.
    eapply ann_R_get in INCL; eauto.
    rewrite lookup_set_on_id; [|reflexivity].
    Grab Existential Variables.

End Compiler.